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1. What are the merits and demerits of Okumaras model?

2. What is the necessity of Link budget?

3. List the applications of channel models.
4. Write the advantages of MSK over QPSK.
5. Define M-ary transmission system?
6. Define the term Bandwidth efficiency
7. What is linear modulation?
8. What are the types of digital modulation technique?
9. What is the need of Gaussian filter?
10. Mention some merits of MSK

11. a .Brief notes about link calculations for various applications (16)
b. What are Narrow band models, explain the significance of each model. (16)

12. a. Discuss on wide band models (16)
b. Draw and explain the structure of wireless communication link (16)

13. a .Explain the generation, detection and bit error probability of QPSK technique.
b. What are the salient features of offset QPSK?

14. a. Explain the principle and operation of differential QPSK transmission and
reception. (16)
b. What is BFSK? Derive the bit error probability of BFSK and also explain the
diagram of it. (16)

15. a. Explain the generation, detection and constellation diagram of MSK scheme.
b. Enumerate on Gaussian MSK. Why we prefer it for wireless communication?

1. What is propagation model?
2. List the advantages and disadvantage of Hata model?
3. What are the methods used in channel models?
4. Define QPSK and QAM?
5. What is quadrature modulation?
6. Mention any 2 criteria for choosing a modulation technique for a specific wireless application
7. . Define non linear modulation?
8. List the salient features of MSK scheme.
9. Define constellation diagram?
10. What is mean by signal space diagram?

11. a .Brief notes about link calculations for various applications (16)
b. What are Wide band models, explain the significance of each model (16)
12. a. Discuss about the error performance of various modulation techniques in fading channels. (16)
b. Describe in detail about the Digital modulation schemes DPSK and QPSK (16)

13. a. Why GMSK is preferred for wireless communication .Explain with block diagram. (16)
b. Explain OQPSK transmitter and receiver with neat block diagram. (16)

14. a. Draw the constellation diagram of MSK scheme and explain the generation and degeneration (16)

b. Discuss in detail about narrowband models and wideband models.

15. Explain the principle and operation of differential QPSK transmission and reception. (16)
What is BFSK? Derive the bit error probability of BFSK and also explain the constellation diagram of it.

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