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New Makeup Method

for API Connec tions ,

J ames B. Day, SPE, Exxon Co. U. S.A., and Mar k C. Moyer , SPE,, and Ak i n J . Wrshberg, * SPE,
and Exxon Production Research Co.
5(27 ) 8(o~-1
Summary. A new method of connection makeup was developed to provide a leak-free seal up to rated working pressure ad tension
for AH 8-round casing and tubing threads. For many years, industry has nsed various torque-otiy and turque-tum techniques to make
up these threads. Cument industry needs and regulatory test requirements are raising the pressur-sealing needs and tensile-load re-
quirements for drifling and production tubulars. This new me$od, torque-position, accounts for variances irit@d tolerances, coupling
coating or plating, and thread compound. Advanced fmite+lement computer modeking helps to establish key makeup parameters. This
paper discusses the problems with current makeup methods and evaluates the new method, incIuding its field application fur casing
and tubing.
Introduc tion
The. API 8-round ibreadl is one of the most widely used casing
and tobing threads in the oil and gas industry. Its ease of Oueadmg
and low production costs make it readily available for many appli-
c$ions. Because of potential leak problems, however, it is often
limited to working-pressure applidatiuns below 5,000 psi t34 MPa],
especially where a gas-tight cmmeetion is required. Even at
pressures below 5,001 psi [34 MPa], leaks can occur dur@g various
production modes if proper inspection, handling, and makeup
; procedures are not observed.
Field Leaks
Torqne.Onfy Metfmd. Connection lesks were encountered when
heavy-wall, 7-in. [178-Imn] -OD, 41-lbm/ft [61-kg/m], Grade P-
110, 8-round production casing was run in the bottom section of
a casing string. The pktimend casing was threaded, the threads were
gauged to, API specifications, coupliigs were bucked on to spec-
ified torque values, and the casing was run in two welfs. Both wells
developed leaks during completion and subsequent production. To
solve the pmbkns, 5-in. [127.a@ -OD liners were cemented
across the 7-in. [178-m] J3D, heavy-wall casing, m cover mti-
tiple leaks.
An analysis of the casing-thread inspdion and gauging did not
reveal any problems. An anakysis of. the coupliigs used in both
strings, however, revealed that time were phosphate-cuated and
some were tin-plated. Even though the specified torque values had
bemused ftieachtype of tigdmingmakeup, subsequent tesdng
revmked @at much higher torque than specified was requited for
the phosphate-cuated couplings to provide a I@-free connection.
A review of the turque makeup tapes provided by the casing-tung
service company. showed very high torqfie values where tie
phosphate-coated couplings had been run in the casing string and
that the confection 1* occurred in those intervals.
Two recent tubing lesks in offshore wells were attributedto im-
proper thread engagement when Oradc N-SO pup joints were made
up into a Grade P-110 packer materiaf and intu a Grade P-110 gas-
lift mandref. Even though both had been pressure tested for a few
seconds while being run in the hole, both leaked during later pro-
duction and stimulation. Anaky+es of both leaks showed that the
N-SO pio had not been made up far enough into the P-110 box ma-
terial. The comections had leaked, the thmsds eventually washed
out, and the com,ections parted. BcJth wells required workovers to
replace the assemblies. 3n both ca+es, torque values higher than
those normally required for C+rade N-SO were needed m obtain ade-
quate thread engagement to prevent leak.
Tor que-Tam Method. Seve@ comection leaks were akso expe-
rienced in 7%-in. [194-mm] -OD, 39-lbmffi [58-kgfm], P-1 10, long-
@cad-and-coupIing (LTC) casing with @-plated couplings. These
leaks occurred during pressure testing and shortly after the casing
was pressure tested to 4,S00 psi [31 MPa] with drioing mud inside
the casing. Remedial work m stop the leaks was time-consuming
Now al Ex?o Co, 1!1.
WPYdsht 1990 %clew of Pelmwn Englnms
SPE DrUiJJg Engineetig, S@ember 1990
and costiy. The fust welI to experience this problem had threaded
and coupled pipe flum the supplier, with the field-end makeup being
torque-turned while the casing was run. About 15% of the miU-
end cormecdomi made up tluther as the field end was made up by
torque-turn. This indicated that the mill end was undertorquet a
check of mill-end makeup procedures could not determine the
makeup torque value used. AM, the Omad compound used at the
mill could not be positively identititd for analysis.
If casing is bought threaded and coupk+d, the madeup pin and
mupling cannot be thread gauged or even visually inspected. PJso,
the Ouesding tolerances of each pin end and opposite coupling en+
are not the same because of the threading sequence. Therefore,
thread gauging the pin and open end of the coupling wilk not in-
dicste the thread mlerances of the threaded and coupled comwtion.
This condition allows problems to go undetected with respect to
thread lead, height, taper, pitch diameter, and ovality.
Dkcussion. These 1* poblems csn be related to improper makeup
result@g from use of either the turque-0nly2 or the mrque-mrn$
makeup method. The torque+rdy methcd, commonly us@ for miU-
end makeup of casing and, robing, uses API torque values and a
check of tie coupling face with respect to the last thread scratch
m the pin. ,Tbis torque value is sometimes adjusted to obtain rec-
ommended engagement (within two thread turns) on several joints
(usmffy 10 to 20 joints for an order of casing or tubing) and to
use an average torque value for the remainder of the order without
a check of the actual makeup position.
With torque-turn, a method used successfully for many years,
the smoother ftish of current machining techniques and various
thread tolerances caused problems with the turn count. The turn
count starts once a reference mrque is reached during makeup. This
reference torque varies from 50 to 300 lbf-ft [68 to 407 N. m] for
various tubing sizes and matedul grades to 10% of the minimum
makeup torque values for msing. Because of the low reference
mrque values, the turn counter may stat recurd~ Nms at differeIU
positions of pin and coupling engagement. while this method has
served indushy welf, the. changes in the thiead-surface bictich
c.xilcient, tbrmd manufacmring methcds, and thread compound
differences and the vadatious in the coating or plating friction coeffi-
cient have given erratic results at times. Also, as mentioned earlier,
if the mill end of threaded and coupled pipe has not been torque-
iumed, the mill end of !he coupling can turn during field makeup.
This can then introduce a potential leak path when the Owead com-
pvund is disturbed, especially if the pipe has been on the rack for
a long time.
Problems Affesting Makeup
The API S-round tubing and casing tbresd is a vw forgiving thread
when made up with appropriate torque vakues and with the proper
coating or plating on the couplings. 3f excessive torque v@es are
used and if the coating or plating (zinc, phosphate, or tin) is not
properly applied, however, galling and lesks can be a problem.
High-pressure applications (> 5,000 psi [>34 Mpa]) will quickly
leak after makeup if the thrmd engagement is inadequate. A basic
I--D1-I :
Fig. IPlacement of torque-position window on pln end of pipe.
I neriiG.
Fig 2 Torque- posi ti on whi ms visible on 27&ln. EUE con.
quality-assurance check is to perform thread gauging to verifj
whetler the pin md coupling threads were machined to the proper
tolemmxs. A check of lead, thread height, taper, pitch diameter,
and ovality will usually reveaf the reason for improper engagement
during makeup or for tie resutdng leaks. fmproper threading is SW
a problem for the oil and gas industry. A 5 to 10% rejection rate
for out-of-tolerance threads is not uncommon. Any string of casing
or tubing to be placed in a high-pressure service for oil or gas shotdd
be thread gauged upon receipt to determine the thread status.
~e couplings must receive the same inspection as the pin ends.
The coupfiigs should also be checked for the proper coating or
plating to reduce gafling and to provide a surface with the proper
friction coefficient. The pipe should be stored with a coating on threads to prevent rusting. Normally, 8-round casing
and tubing couplings are coated with zinc or phosphate. Tin plating
is usually a special order for Grade P-110 material or for buttress
connections. The phosphate coating is usually <1 mil [C 25.4 pm]
thick, the zinc plating is ~ically 1 to 2 ndls [25.4 to 50.8 ~]
thick, while the tin plating can be 1 to 6 roils ~:4 to 152.4 #m]
thick. One should take care to speci~ ti+ desired tin-plating when ordering. Also, uniformity of tin thickness around
.fhe fD must be caretWly controlled. Nonuniformity can cause er-
ratic makeup, gafling, and potential leak paths.
Makeup problems with several strings of 7~- and 9~-ti. [194-
and 244-mm] -OD, heavy-wall, Grade P-1 10 pipe and couplings
were @rectfy attributable to nonuniformity of tir.plating thickness.
VariaiIces of c 1 to >3 roils [<25.4 to >76.2 pm] weremwwred.
The variation in makeup torque for tin- vs. phosphate-coated wu-
pliig threads can be si@cant. For7-ixi [178-Imn] -OD, 41-lbm/ft
[61-kg/m], Grade P-11O, LTC casing, the dn-plmed couplings made
up with an optimum torque of 9,100 lbf-tl [12 340 N. m], wbiie
12,500 lbf-ft [16 900 N .m] was required for phosphate+gated cou-
plings. The mixing of dfierent coupling c0ating2 in a single string
~ prevent proper engagement of cOnne.3i0n2 if tOque.d~ Or
torque-mm is used without a change in mkeup specitlcatiOns,
Only API modified thread compounded with the proper grease
base and metaf content should be used,, unless a sifllcant amount
of Ml-scale laboratory testing is completed to verify the influence
and performance of alternative compounds. A Laboratory analysis
should be made to verify component percentages for a particukr
batch of thread compound. Some iiicdon-reducing compounds with
inadequate metal content will give low torque vafues and improper
head engagernem and will not provide a proper thread seal. l%bufar
material differences (J-55, N-SO, P-1 10, and 9-cbmme) can also
cause significant change in makeup torque requirements.
This chauge was found during makeup of special dmvnbcd+ as-
semblies, e.g., N-gO pup joints into packer mandrels, safely valves,
gas-lift mandrels, landing nipples, and flow couplings. Hds speciaf
downhole equipment is usually Grade P-I1O material. Use of Grade
9-chrome materials for corrosion resistance requires much higher
torque values for tubing (as much as 50% more.) and is $a.sily galled.
The 9-cbmme materiaf is not phosphate<oated but is usually gk?ss-
bead peened and coated with molybdenum disultide. Care must be
taken not to bvertorqne these a.ssemMies to prevent galling., Use
of the toque-pesition method and appropriate torque values has
eliminated leaks and gafling..
Torque-PositIon Mak$$up
With casing and tubing leaks resulting tlom insufficient thread en-
gagement and with so many factors affecting makeup, a new
method, torque-position, was develcped to impmve connection in-
tegri~. The torqu-position method was developed by advanced
tinite-dement computer modelingand full-scale testing to W2blish
key makeup parameters of minimum and maximum torque and a
position window for proper thread engagement..
The basic concept is relatively easy to implement. A position
window is painted on the pin end of the pipe at a prescribed dis-
tance from the pin nose (Fig. 1). A minimum and maximum torque
~ge i.$ ~~sh~ fOr the coMecdon. Iffhe coupling face advaaces
mto the window within the prescribed toque range, then the con-
nection is accepted. If the coupling face falls short of the window
at maximum torque, the connection is rejected. Rejection is typi-
cally caused by galling, cross threading, or engagement of an over-
sized pin with an undersized coupling. If the coupling face
progresses through the window b+low miniium toque, the con-
nection is rejected because the comection perfoimancc would be
compromised. This typically occurs when the pin is undersized
wdlor the coupling is oversizid. The net remdt of exceeding M,
,,. ....
Fig. 3-FEA model.
window position at low torque can be inadequate thread interference
andlor interference with tie opposing pin or rknout threads. The
method CM eaxily be veritied by field supe~isors became the po-
sition window is visible (Fig. 2) tid a tOrCpJe record .is USdY
Although application Qf the. .mctbod is quite easy, development
of the torque range xnd the position window (and its placemept)
is relatively complex. Advanced nonliiexr tinhe+ement analysis
(FEA) combined with W-scale testing is essential i. the accurate
development of torque-position values.
Nonlinexr FEA techniques were developed for tbreaded-
cotiection analysis with a development version of a general-purpose
tinite-element program. 5 The accuracy of these models was
veritkd mrtbe basis of compmisons betw%n model predictions and
weU-instrumented, tldl-scxle physical tests. ~g. 3 shows atypical
mcdel for tJds work. This mcdel contains about 1,700 quadrik+erd
constitutive elements (second-order, rsduced-integration), 5,800
nodes, and 26 second-order slide-line elements. Ref. 6 provid=
a detailed discussion of the PEA techniques used for the analytica!
Experience has shown that analysis of accurate thread-flanl
betig pressures provides a very useful and .meaningfil metb!d
for assessing the pressure integrity of API g-round threaded con-
nections. Tbis can be seen in Fig. 4, a plot of contact pressures
along the flxnks of the threads for an API EUE O+bing comecticm.
l%is is amexample of a 1$+-tight assembly. Through our mcdeling,
lab.xato~, and field work, we developed the capabtity to classify
Fi!J 4Thread-flank contact pressures.
any given API g-round connection (under given makeup and ex.
temalloading conditions) into oneoftiee categoriec ka!-dght,
leak-prone, and leak. Using our models, we found &at differeix
makeup practices can eliminate leak or leak-prone tendencies for
a given comection and load conditions.
In the Ieal-tight condition, the thread bearing pressures are great
enough to prevent any sigtdfbxmt penet+?tion of pressure into the
thread helix. We have not experienced any laboratory or field leaks
with connections that were made up to this condition. Ii tie leak-
prone category, the model prechcts that pressure is able to penetrate
partway through the thread helix before it stops. Ambient-
temperature laboratory tests have not shown leaks under these con-
ditions, but some bigh-temperamre tests have. Intbe field, we
attained only marginal sealability from cotiections in this category
because of random statistical effects. Because a typical c.&g or
,!ubmg string has. many hundreds of these potenti~ le~ Paths, a
makeup condition that allows pressure penetration is Iiiely to ex-
perience Iexkage pmble~. In the leak category, the mo~el pre-
djcts complete pressure penetration through the entire thread helix.
J.&mratory tests undsrtbese conditions consistdy show comwtion
leakage under gas pressure. Connections in this category obviously
are very likely to experience leaks in the field.
The torque range is bxsic+ly established Orough experimentation
with i representative samplmg of a given connection size, weight,
@de, plating, and thread fomi. Torque values are measured that
correspond to the analpdcally determined axi~ position values de-
scribed previously (i.e., D ~ and D2). The FEA model is compared
with these sample tests to establish friction factors that can be used
to predict torque ranges. Because the friction factors are reasonably
simiku for a given lubricant and surface trwment over a rekitively
wide range of sizes, weights, xnd grades, the amount of experimen-
tation can be mhdndzed by the use of FEA mdel predictions for
the torque range. Empirical friction-factor corr&tions account for
different platings and lubricants.
In the torque experiments, the correction is xlways broken out
and reinspected for damage. Pitch-diameter meaxuremens are ex-
tremely usetid in this work. This information is importxnt to es-

Fig. 5High-capacity universal load frame.
Fig. 6-Control and monitor system for load frame.
Fig. 8Rig-floor operation running casing by torque.
position method.

Fig. EUE connection being loaded into test frame.

Fig. 9+g-floor makeup of liner by torque-position
.~ .
Fig. 105,in. liner casing with torque-position window.
tablish a maximum torque value that wilf not induce @ling or ex-
cessive permanent (plastic) deformation of the pin or coupling. -
Esisdng casing md tubing tongs can be used to makeup a con-
nection with the torque-position method. Load cells must be
cahbmted, and the proper tong-line angle is requi~. Vtious
torque, torque-turn, and torque-time recorders can be used to
monitor makeup toque and to record the data for future use or stud%
however, counting turns is no longer necessiq. The tong operator
can easily monitor the position makeup while running the casing
or tubing using the minimum and maximum torque values to achieve
proper pin and coupliig engagement. Makeup speed is important
because high speeds can cause improper makeup torque re-
quirements resulting from wobble of the upper end of the pipe or
excessive heat generation between the mating threads. Also, if the
pipe starts out cross-threaded because of misalignment, galling can
occur early in the connection makeup. A low makeup speed 0f5
to 10 revhnin is recommended to start connections. High speed (15
to 25 revhnin) can be used once the t@eads we started, bit low
speed should be used for fikd makeup (e.g., when the tong reaction
line becomes taut). A prejob discussion should be held with the
tong operator to discuss makeup speed and to work with the stabber
to keep the pipe from moving back and forth in the derrick.
The methcd was tested rigorously in the laboratow mid field to
allow use of many API 8-round casing and tubing connections to
full pressure and tension capability. The position window can easily
be painted on tbe pin ends of the pipe, and the coupling face cm
be made up into the window. The couplings can be floated on
at the rig (double-end makeup), or the mill end can be made up
in the yard before shipment to the rig. To save rig time, the mill
end is normally made up in the yard with the position window
painted on the field end. The new method is readily adapted to fixed
and fmtable buck-on equipment, and several service compsnies
were used to @ke up couplings and dowmhole assemblies.
Laboratory Testing. Tests ~e currently being conducted on API
connections in various sizes, weights, grades, and plating types to
ve~ md adjust the torque position values established by thw-
retical, empiriti, and ftite-element methcds. Fig. 5 illustrates a
high-capacity load frame rated .at 2.2 million Ibf [9.8X 106 NI,
30,@30-psi [207-MPa] specimen pressure, and 75,000-lbf-ft
[1OOX 103-N.m] bending moment. The load frame is controlkd
remotely with an automated servo-conkol system @g. 6). videO
monitors are used to detect Ieakage in ambient-temperature testing,
and a helium mass spectrometer is used for Peak dete+on iu
elevated-temperahue testing.
The connection application dictates the severity of testing
however, all tests are conducted with gas pressure. Production
tubing is tested to the most severe conditions of thermal cycling
(typically at 3C0F [149C]) under 80% of API teniife rafig7 and
80% of API pressure radng7; production casing is tyjiczdly tested
at static elevated temperature under 80% tensle/80% pressure-ratig
conditions;. and protective and surface casing ark typicafly tested
at ambient temperature and 80% tensife/80% pressure-rating con-
ditions. Ma comection leaks, it is made UP again tO a higher level
of torque andlor position until an effective seal ii achieved. These
data are then used for recomputations in the ftite-element model
to improve or fme tune the mcdels seatabtity prediction featmes.
Fig. 7 shows a Z%-in. U3-mm] -OD, API, EUJ3 comection being
prepared for testing.
Several important factors were discovered during the testing and
analyses of the API connedions. Previously published torque.values
(both API and torque-mm) are ofien not high enough to ensnre a
pressure-tight gas seal under combined high tension and elevated
temperature. The technique of burying tie thread or makeup
to the last scratch is not reliible because of the API thread tolerance
range and does not prcduce a leak-prcef connection. AISO, generally
accepted torque friction-factor corrections resulting from platin~
and lubricants are. often incorrect..
Field Applfcatitms. Before the development of tbe torque-position
mefiod, several deep, high-pressure gas wells in the Poplarville
field in south Mississippi developed thread leaks after casing in-
stallation and drillout. Torque-psition was frost used on 7%-in. [194-
nml -OD, 39-lbdft [58-kg/m], Oracle P-110, 8-round LTC pro-
tectionlproduction casing in the Poplamille field in Oct. 1987. The
technique was tieti applied in several wells in M region with no
resulting leaks. fn each well, tie casing strings were tested to 4,500
psi [31 MPa] after installation. Standard-size-OD tin-plated cou-
plings were used. l%e torque range was 8,800 to 11,200 lbf-ft[11
900 to 15200 N. m], and the position range was 4.22 to 4.5 in.
[107 to 114 mm]. Each casing string was set at about 14,200 ft
[4330 m] with atmut 350 joints of casing in each shing. Fig. 8 shows
the rig-site operation.
fhe torque-position t.dmique was used on a deep, high-pressure
gas We~ in Jim HOSS County, TX, in Dec. 1987. A production-
casing Iiner string was to be set from 12,800 to 15,500 ft [3900
to 4720 m]. The liner string was 5-in. c127-mm] -OD, 20.8-lbm/ft
[31-kg/m], Grade P-1 10 casing. The connections were API LTC
with oversized, tin-plated couplings. The coupling OD was 5.d44
Moyer Hirshberg
J ames B. Day, drilling adviser at Sxxo.n Co. U.S.A. in New
Orleans, has worked with Exxon Co. U.S.A. in various engi.
neering assignments since 1964 and In drilling since 1970. His
current assignment includes the design, use, and makeup of
all types of drilling and completion tubular, goods and con.
nections. Day holds SS and MS degrees in mechanical engi.
neering frpm the U. of Mississippi. Mark C. Moyer Is group
leader of the Well Design Section at Exxon Production Re-
search Co., where he has worked since 1977. He designed
Exxons Tubular Goods Testing Facll[fy In Houston ad has
background in quality assurance and nondestructive testing
of oilfield tubulars. Moyer holds a SS degree from Pennsyl.
vania State U. and an MS degree from the U. of Houston, both
in mechanical engineering. Alan J . filrshberg is a staff en.
gineer in the Upstream Plannlng & Susiness Analysis Dept.
at, Exxon Co. Intl. in Florham Park, NJ, where he is involved
in the financial analysis of exploration ventures. He previously
directed the development of the threaded.connection analysis
methods now used by Exxon. Hbshberg holds SS and MS
degrees in mechanical engineering from Rice U. in Houston.
in. [143 m], which was selected to minimke circumferential stress
rewfting from maleup and pressu~. The torque range was 4,500
to 7,400Ibf-ft[6100 to 1O 000 N. m], and the position iahge was
3.438 to 3.625 in. [87 to WI@. Jn alJ, 68 joints of casing were
run. Figs. 9 and 10 show @e rig-site operation.
In addition to the torq.e-pmiticm method, a helium leak desector
was used to test each connection after makeup ~d before it was
run into the weU, Each coMedion was= prassure tested with a
hehrnhitmge~ gas mixture from the inside.
A shroud was wrapped around each side of the coupling, and
vacuum lines were comected from the shroud to a helium mass
spectrometer operated by an experienced service company. Ffg.
11 shows the configuration on @e rig floor. Each connection was
tested to 10,OOO psi [69 MPa] for 15 seconds. A few random con-
nections were held for 5 minutes to verify lint no transient effect
existed. None of the torque;position comecdons leaked. The entire
liner string wa.i .tien hydrostati,@Jy pressure tested after cementing,
and successddly held the &sign pressure. Note that this Jitter was
rotated during cementing andtbat the connection integdy V&Z main-
tained. The duration of tie: ca.sfmg running operation, including
pre$sore testing, was 7 hours. The.casing makeup crew fo~d the
torque-position method relatively easy to use.
The torque-position tedmique wai dso successfully used on a
10,OLHMI [3048-m]stig 0f2%-in. H3-mm] -OD, API, EUB, 6.5-
lbm/tt [9.7-kg/m], N-SO tubing in Kenedy County, TX, in Oct.
1988. Of318 conhectionsmade up at the rig site, 5 failed to meet
the torque-position values. These connections were short of the PO-
sition window. JU3pection of these five connections after breakout
showed that each had: si@tbtnJy galled threads. All comections
were pressure tasted at the rig floor to 6,500 psi [45 MPa] with
a heliundnhrogen gas mixture (similar to that described earlier) to
verify sealabfity. M connections that met the torque-position re-
quicament$ passed this gas test. By the fourth quarkr of 1988, more
than 30 strings of casing and tubing and numerous tubing assem-
blies had been successfdly run and tested with the torque-position
Bysolving the casing leakage problems mentioned earlier, this new
makeup method has already saved a substantial amount of money
in new pipi kmtdlations and by reducing trouble and workover costs.
The metbcd is relatively easy to implement and was readily amepted
by field personnel. The API 8-round tubukws used in high-press~
oil and gas wells where critical service conditions of stimulation,
gas lift, and long-term production tie r.eqdmd have replaced kx-
pem.ive akematives. This service was extended to heavywa13, 8-
round tubulars with excdlent success. The leak-free connections
elindnatqi workovers for tubtia Ieals on various completions,
preventing trouble costs &d 10SS of oil and gas production. Ropaly
implemented, this methcd cin impmve weJlbore integrity at *
incrementz(, cost.
Ac knowledgments
We thank he managements of Exxon Co. U.S.A. and Exxon Pro-
duction Research Co. for their permission to publish this paper.
In addition, we recognize the conhibutiom of Eugene C@+.J and
John IppoJito of Exxon Co. U.S.A. and Bqm Hilbert, Ssuhan Hou,
Issa XaM, qd Dennis Petcie of Exxon Production Reswfch Co.
Ml were instiumentai in the successful application of this tech-
Referenc es
1. Std. 5B, Spmiimdonfir Threading, Gaging, and Thread [nspection of
Cl&, 3hbing, and Line Pipe Z7vewds, 13th edition, API, Dallas (Tv@
Annual Meeting, Drill
4. Bull. 5A2, T/ vend Con
edition, API, pa.
5. A6AQUS US.,? h
Pmviden$e, Rf (,
6. Xirshhere, A.]., 1
2. RP 5CI, .&mmmemit.d tic. for c%. and Use ofc%sing and Tting,
13th q5itio!z API, Dallas (Nov. 1984).
3. Weinm,P.D. and Sewe!l, F.D.: New TeAmology for Jmpmwd Tubular
Comeciiou Performame, paper 8PE 1601 presented at the 1966 SPE
as, Oct. 2-5.
?pounak for Gzring, Tubinx, and Line Pipe, fti
UMS (April 1972).
Manual, Version 4.7, Hibbitt, KarlssQn, & Sorensen,
(Aug. 1987).
Moyer, M.C., and Rickenbich, RM.: %hrface-Casii
Sir@ C@ci$ for North Slope. Operadom,>, SPEDE (Sept. 198a)
7. Bull. ,5C2, Pe.@mn.e Pmpemes of Casing, Tubing, md Drill Pipe,
207h edition, API, Dallas (May 1987).
S[ Mskric Conversion Fac tors
fi X 3.048* E01 = m
in. X 2.54* E+-oo = cm
kipS X 4.448222 E+03 = N
Ibm x 4.535924 E01 Y kg
., ....=,.,. psi x 6.894757 E+CO = kpa
Kanvmlon facw 1. exact SPEDE
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