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About Ultrasonic Portable Milkanalyzers

LACTOSCAN is a trade name of measuring instruments for the Dairy Industry. LACTOSCAN offers series of
portable ultrasonic milk analyzers for quick analyses of fat, solids-non-fat (SN!, proteins, lactose, added "ater,
temperature, freezing point, p#, solids, conducti$ity as "ell as density of one and the same milk sample directly after
milking, at collection and during processing. %lso, it offers &hermostatic de$ices for %ntibiotics and Inhibitors tests,
and the Somatic cells counter based on the luorescence microscopy technique for cells counting.
How an where can ! use LACTOSCAN "ilk analyzers?
LACTOSCAN changes milk collection ' the milk analyses pass from milk laboratories to"ards milk collecting
centers, farms, and small dairy farms. (ith )* + adapters, milk analysis can be mo$ed on the milk collection trucks.
,ossessing high accuracy and speed, minimal po"er consumption and lack of consumables make LACTOSCAN milk
analyzer attracti$e for the Dairy industry. -asy to "ork "ith, lo" cost maintenance and lo" price make LACTOSCAN
milk analyzer suitable for dairy farms, milk collection centers, dairy enterprises, milk selection centers and
laboratories. LACTOSCAN milk analyzers can be used in small dairy plants for quality assurance and control of
important economic parameters as fat and protein "here fast and accurate results enable quick ad.ustments in the
production for optimal production economy. LACTOSCAN milk analyzers can also be used for pioneering quality-
based payment schemes in places "here payment analysis is decentralized and require a smaller number of daily
tests. &he fast and accurate results enable offering immediate and fair payment to the milk producers. LACTOSCAN
milk analyzers is a solution for milk composition analysis used "ithin/ milk payment analysis to ensure a fair payment
to the dairy farmers, milk standardization to impro$e the quality, process control and economy in dairies, Dairy #erd
Impro$ement to optimize feeding and breeding practices.
What are the a#anta$es o% the Ultrasonic "etho co"&are to the !n%rare technolo$y?
&he 0ltrasound technology o$ercomes some of the basic disad$antages of the infrared technology. Due to the
ultrasound technology/
LACTOSCAN milk analyzers measure directly cold milk samples starting at 123.
&here is no need of LACTOSCAN milk analyzers4 periodical calibration.
&he measurement accuracy of LACTOSCAN milk analyzers is not dependent on milk4s acidity.
%nalyzing any kind of milk.
What are the a#anta$es o% LACTOSCAN "ilk analyzers when co"&are to the rest o% the
ultrasonic "ilk analyzers?
5ilk sample temperature from 1 to 6723 5ilk sample temperature only from )1 to 8723
%& measuring range 7 9 *1: %& measuring range only 7,1 9 ;:
%mbient temperature range 1 9 8123 %mbient temperature range only )1 9 8723
3alibration, possible to be done in e$ery laboratory 3an be calibrated only from the producing company
What are the a#anta$es o% LACTOSCAN "ilk analyzers when co"&are to the ,raitional
che"ical "ethos?
%nalysis time %ppro<. ;7, =7, 87 sec. > )* minutes
,arameters %&, ,rotein, ?actose, Solids-non-fat, reezing point
depression, %dded "ater, 5ilk temperature,Solids,
at only
@peration @perator independentA
or non-skilled users.
+ery operator dependentA
or skilled laboratory personnel.
5easurement %utomatic 5anual
Stability Simple and robust construction and no human errors. Includes many accessories in testing and human
%ccuracy *: 3+ B *.1: 3+
Sample handling No sample treatment - analysis of cold samples 3entrifuging, "ater bath, chemicals
Ceagents No reagents #azardous chemicals 9 e.g.sulphuric acid
&echnology 0ltrasonic technology %ppro$ed reference method
Safety @ffers operator safety Not safe to use
+alue of o"nership ?o" cost per analysis and quick ad.ustment in
production for optimal production economy. or 3ost
per 5ilk Sample 3omparison.
3osts for glass bottles, butyrometers, centrifuge,
chemicals, labor and long testing time D> delay in
production ad.ustment.
What are the "ost %re/uent %alsi%ications in "ilk an in what way LACTOSCAN "ilk analyzers
hel& &re#entin$ the"?
alsifications - aiming increasing the $olume of the milk ' added "ater, fat detraction, double falsification
(simultaneously added "ater and fat detraction!, adding "hey, or other liquids.
alsifications, "hen unusual substances are added. &he aim of this is to co$er another kind of falsification or
to stop turning the milk fo<y. or this purpose are used flour or farina "hen there is added "ater to the milk, and
soda bicarbonate "hen the milk is "ith increased acidity and different aseptic substances.
5i<ing different kinds of milk and offering it as more $aluable kind. 5i<ing goat and sheepEs milk and offering
it as a sheepFs, ha$e skimmed co" milk "ith "hole buffalo for "hole sheepEs etc.
What has to be one in case ! nee to &rint out the "easure"ent results?
In order to print out the results connect the printer to"ards the analyzer $ia t"o cables/ interface cable and
po"er cable )*+ and s"itch on the printer.
&he "ay of connecting is sho"n on the scheme in the @peration manual. If you prepare cables yoursel$es or
"ant to connect another printer, they ha$e to correspond to those, pointed out in the manual.
Which is the ata necessary to be tol to the ser#ice s&ecialist in case that in the &rocess o%
e0&loitation there is a nee to ask /uestion re$arin$ the analyzer?
Due to the big $ariety of the analyzers as a result of their continuous impro$ement you ha$e to send the data,
"ritten on the display during the belo" described initialization procedure i.e. the analyzerFs identity. Cecei$ing the
identity of the analyzer/
S"itch @n the G,o"erG Hutton, "hich starts the identification procedure. or a short time the display sho"s
the number of identity, for e<ample/
?actoscan S% 17
+ers/ 1; *8-7*-)*
Ser.N 1=7I
Jou must send us the serial number of the analyzer, engra$ed at the rear panel together "ith the follo"ing
3ontact person, name of the company youF$e bought the analyzer from.
(hen "as the analyzer boughtK
#o" long it "as "orking correctlyK
Did you use another analyzer produced by us till no"K If yes, ho" long and ho" many analyzers you ha$e
a$ailable at you at the momentK
Did you calibrate the analyzer or you are "orking "ith factory calibrationsK
Did you set, correct, calibrate or repair the analyzerK
,lease, describe the problem of the analyzer in details. If "e ha$e no detailed information it "ill be difficult to
help you quickly, because "eFll need to ask additional information.
Measurin$ water sa"&les
! recei#e the "ilk analyzer %ro" the su&&lier an ecie to try it ri$ht away1 As there wasn2t
any "ilk in the o%%ice !2#e &oure water an starte "easure"ent1 The results see"e to "e
*0a"&le %or se#eral conse/uent "easure"ents3
-at 4 51567
-at 4 51587
-at 4 51597
The results %or the rest o% the &ara"eters were analo$ous: e#en the results %or -reezin$ Point an
Ae Water were not shown1 ;ut when !2#e chan$e the water with "ilk on the %ollowin$ ay !
was &leasantly sur&rise: as the results were stable an e#en with s"aller e#iations co"&are to
the water sa"&les1
<uestion3 What is the reason?
&hese are de$iations in results, out of the measurement range. (e recommend making e$aluation only "ith
real milk samples. (ater measurements are used only during personnelFs training "ithout results interpretation.
(hen "ater is measured (instead of milk!, at results are near to zero, then the results for reezing point and
%dded (ater are totally "rong, thatFs "hy they are not displayed.
!=#e seen on the site that both "oels LACTOSCAN S an LACTOSCAN SA look in one an the
sa"e way1 What is the i%%erence between the 8 "oels?
&he biggest difference bet"een the t"o models ?%3&@S3%N S and ?%3&@S3%N S% is the cleaning system.
?%3&@S3%N S is "ith one peristaltic pump for the measuring system, "hile ?%3&@S3%N S% is "ith t"o peristaltic
pumps ' one dealing "ith the measuring system and the second one for the cleaning, "hich allo"s S% to be
automatically cleaned "ithout the operatorEs interference.
What is the nor"al &ower su&&ly %or the analyzer?
In normal mode, the analyzer is po"ered by a S"itching %dapter "ith output $oltage )*+. If the de$ice is
po"ered by another source, for e<ample car battery, a $oltage, suitable for the adapter has to be ensured. In case of
doubts about the correct "ork of the analyzer, measure "ith a multimeter the $alue of the $oltage. It can be done
"ithout dismounting the analyzer, but using the coupling for connection of the outer printer. It is ne<t to the po"er
supply couplingA in fact they are * parallel couplings.
A%ter the analyzer is &owere: there is no in%or"ation on the is&lay1 How can ! check the
correctness o% work %or the se&arate "oules?
If after s"itching on the analyzer there is no information on the display, possible reasons for this could be/
&here is no po"er supply for the analyzer (may be checked "ithout opening the bo< of the analyzer!.
Hroken ?3D module or no connection "ith ?3D ,3H (in the $ersion of the analyzers "ith such ,3H! or "ith the
5ain,3H (in the L?ightM $ersions of the analyzers. In this case/ check the cables and their connections bet"een the
?3D module and its control ,3Hs and ad.ustment of the couplings bet"een them. &his procedure is done "ith
disconnected po"er supply and open bo< of the de$ice.
Hroken module 5ain ,3H. %fter s"itching on the po"er supply, in normal state the 5ain ,3H s"itches on the
pump in order to suck out e$entually left from the sample residues. ,ay attention "hether this happens (you ha$e to
hear the noise from the "orking pump!. ,ossible reason for this can be problem in the 5ain ,3H or in the pump. &his
may be checked "ithout opening. If this step is successfully fulfilled, ne<t information for the state of the analyzer is
the sound signal, "hich is heard simultaneously "ith sho"ing on the display the message L%nalyzer CeadyM. If the
analyzer has such a signal, it means that the 5ain ,3H is "orking and then you ha$e to check its connection "ith the
?3D ,3H or "ith the ?3D module for the L?ightM $ersion. If this sound signal is not heNrd, then you ha$e to open the
analyzer and then to s"itch on the po"er supply. 3heck the * ?-Ds and if one of them lights constantly for more than
*-8 seconds, "ithout ob$iously changing its light intensity, the analyzer has to be s"itched off and send to the
nearest ser$ice center for repair. If these tests are successful, the reason for not "orking de$ice is in the ?3D ,3H.
Hroken module ?3D ,3H. %s there are not outer indicators for the state of this ,3H, you ha$e to check cables
and couplings, connecting this ,3H "ith the rest of the modules.
A%ter switchin$ on the &ower su&&ly is&lay shows only >lc #ers 00? an sto&s1 What
coul be the &ossible reason?
&he possible reason for this is that thereEs no connection bet"een the t"o basic modules of the analyser ' 5ain ,3H and
?3D ,3H. ,ossible problem "ith the 5ain ,3H module (check it according the instruction abo$e!. If you are sure that the 5ain ,3H is
"orking correctly, open the analyzer and check the cables and couplings bet"een both ,3Hs.
What kin o% in%or"ation is necessary to sen to the ser#ice center in case o% e#entual
&roble" with the analyzer?
&o recei$e quick ans"er from the ser$ice center you ha$e to add the follo"ing information/
3ontact personOcompany youE$e bought the analyzer from. #o" long did you use the analyser ' please,
describe "hat models you are using.
Serial number of the analyzer.
Description of the problem. ,lease, describe "hen and ho" it occurs/
right after transportation and deli$ery to you i.e. problem appeared "ith s"itching on the analyzer for the first
%nalyzer "orked for a definite time KKKKK (mention the term! and then the problem appeared.
Jour opinion about the state of the separate modules in case of described abo$e indications.
We ha#e a &roble" when connectin$ LACTOSCAN "ilk analyzer to a PC @ what is the reason?
In the process of production connection bet"een ?actoscan and computer type IH5 ,3 on CS*8*
is a must, i.e. it is not possible the de$ice to be produced "ithout "orking CS *8* communication. &he
possible reasons for occurring problems in communication are as follo"s/
&he analyzer is "ith Net Number different from 7. In order to speed up the communication "ith the computer,
on principle, all soft"are tools for "ork "ith the computer are de$eloped "ith Net Number 7. &he operator has to
check the number of the analyzer and to set it to 7 using the current program or using the procedure, described in
the analyzerEs @peration 5anual.
&he cable, used for connection is "ith diagram, different of the described in the operation manual. &he
operator has to use either original cable, production of the company-producer or to make it using this diagram. &his
cable has to be connected to"ards port "ith inscription CS*8* at the back panel of the analyzer.
&he 3@5 port of the analyzer, "here the cable "as connected, "as not correctly chosen. &he Des top type
computers are "ith embedded * ports ' numbered ) and *. &he possibility is cable to be connected to"ards one port
and the other to be pointed out in the program. If the ports are not numbered on the computer, change the coupling
or point out another number in the program.
Incorrect installation of 0SH to CS*8* con$erter, "hen used computer type ?aptop, "ith out embedded serial
ports. %fter completion of such installation, using StartD>SettingsD>3ontrol ,anel the operator must check "hether
the con$erter is correctly installed as 3@5) or 3@5*, in other case the port "ill not "ork. ,ossible reason for this can
be incorrect installation or incompatibility of the computerEs chipset and con$erter. In such case more information
from the con$erterEs producer is needed.
%$ailable another, constantly "orking program (or $irus!, "hich occupies the chosen communication port.
,lease, ask your system administrator to determine the "orking capacity of the communication ports of your ,3 using
system tools like establishing communication bet"een t"o computers $ia 3@5 ports. @nly after you are con$inced
that the ports of your computer function problem free you may pass to the concrete test of the connection "ith the
analyzer using the current program.
?oosen connections on the cableOcoupling connecting the rear panel of the analyzer "ith the main ,3H,
situated in the de$ice ' you may check it only "ith analyzer opened. ,ossible reasons for this may be $ibrations
during transportation of de$ice to the customer.
When analyzin$ a re%erence sa"&le without ae water: the analyzer "easures all
&ara"eters correctly: but shows 97 ae water1 How is it &ossible to correct the ae
water to 57?
)-st "ay/
,lease, read carefully %ppendi< = of the @peration 5anual. &he readings of added "ater depend on the correct
determination of milkEs reezing point and Hasic reezing point.
-or basic %reezin$ &oint A-rPointBbaseC one has to enter the "easure %reezin$ &oint o% the control
"ilk sa"&le1
In order to change the $alue of the added "ater the basic freezing point needs to be changed (r,ointPbase!.
-nter mode/ Set0p ' Settings ' -ditr,oint ' r,oint)
actory set r,ointPbase D -7,1*7
&o decrease the $alue of the added "ater one has to increase the basic freezing point (for e<ample from
-7,1*7 to -7,177!.
&o increase the $alue of the added "ater, the basic freezing point has to be decreased (for e<ample from
-7,1*7 to -7,167!.
*-nd "ay/
In order to change the readings for the added "ater/
Set0p ' 3orrections ' 3alibration) ' (ater ' (QO-!:
(Q! increases, (-! decreases the correction in the $alue of the added "ater.

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