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SlNo. S!"#$% T#&$'()*
E,&l&%(o) S$'#+# To%&l
L T P T'#o-0 P-&$%($&l
E)1 E2&+ I)%#-)&l A//#/+#)% E)1
Cl&// T#/% A//(*)+#)%
T'1 M&)3&$%-()* T#$'.-
4 1 0 50 16 6 100
T'2 I)1/%-(&l
4 1 0 50 16 6 100
TH7 R#3.& &(-
4 1 0 50 16 6 100
T'4 M#$'&)($&l E)**.
4 1 0 50 16 6 100
T'6 I)/8#$%(o) & 9&l(%0
4 1 0 50 16 6 100
P-.1 M#$'&)($&l E)**.
0 0 : 60 26 ;6
P-.2 I)/8#$%(o) & 9&l(%0
Co)%-ol L&!
0 0 : 60 26 ;6
P-.7 P-o"#$% S#+()&- 0 0 2 60 60 100
G-&)1 To%&l 20 6 14 400 ;6 26 160 100 ;60
P#-(o1/ > W##.: 4?1 E2&+()&%(o) : 7H-/
To%&l 8#-(o1 : :0 E)1 #2&+/ TH : 50 +&-./
I.A. : 20 +&-./
Topic wise distribution of Periods
Sl. No. Topics Periods
1 Press Tools 12
2 Jigs and Fixture 12
3 Installation and testing of macine tools 12
4 Special !asting and Powder "etallurg# 12
$ Non con%entional macining Process 12
Total &' Periods
1.' Press tools
1.1 List various types of die and punch
1.2 Explain simple, Compound & Progressive dies
1.3 escri!e the various advantages & disadvantages of a!ove dies.
2.' Jigs and fixtures
2.1 efine "igs and fixtures
2.2 #tate advantages of using "igs and fixtures
2.3 #tate the principle of locations
2.$ escri!e the methods of location %ith respect to 3&2&1 point location of
rectangular "ig
2.' escri!e various types of fixtures li(e scre%, flat and %edge
2.) escri!e various "igs li(e plate, template, diameter and !ox types.
3.' Installation ( testing of macine tools
3.1 Explain the installation procedure of ne% machine tool
3.2 escri!e the testing for geometric accuracy of lathe machine tool
3.3 escri!e the testing for geometric accuracy of milling machine tool
3.$ escri!e the testing for geometric accuracy of drilling machine tool.
).' Special castings and Powder metallurg#
$.1 Explain die casting method %ith relative advantages, disadvantages and
field of application
$.2 escri!e investment casting method %ith relative advantages,
disadvantages and field of application
$.3 Explain centrifugal casting such as true centrifugal casting, centrifuging
%ith advantages, limitation and area of application
$.$ efine po%der metallurgy process
$.' #tate advantages of po%der metallurgy technology techni*ue
$.) escri!e the methods of producing components !y po%der metallurgy
$.+ Explain sintering.
$.' Non con%entional macining process
'.1 escri!e the %or(ing principle and application of various non conventional
machining process %ith line diagram
'.1.1 Electro chemical
'.1.2 Electro discharge
'.1.3 Plasma arc
'.1.$ Laser !eam
'.1.' ,!rasive "et
'.1.) Electron !eam.
'.1.+ -ltrasonic
*ecommended boo+s,
Text -oo+,
1. .or(shop /echnology !y 0a1ra Choudhury 2ol.&3,33
2. 4anufacturing /echnology 5y P. 6. 7ao 2ol. &3, 33
3. Production Engg. , !y P. C. #harma
7eference 5oo(8
1. Production /echnology 0and !oo(
2. 4aterials & Processes in manufacturing & e 9armo :P03;
P#-(o1/ > W##.: 4?1 E2&+()&%(o): 7H-/
To%&l 8#-(o1 : :0 E)1 #2&+/ TH: 50 +&-./
I.A.: 20 +&-./
Topic wise distribution of periods
Sl.No. Topic Periods
'1 "otion ( Time Stud# '.
'2 /perations *esearc '&
'3 P0*T and !P" 1'
') Plant 1ocation and 1a#out '&
'$ In%entor# !ontrol '$
'& 0stimating and !osting '&
'2 Plant "aintenance '2
'. Production Planning ( !ontrol '.
'3 T4" and IS/ 3'''51)''' ')
Total Period &'
4ain o!"ective of 4echanical and ,utomo!ile Engineering & /echnology is to produce
goods and services for !enefit to man(ind. #uch productions are done utili1ing various
resources li(e 4en, 4aterials, machines and 4oney. 3ndustrial engineering is the
su!"ect %hich allo%s optimi1ed use of such resources and hence very important for a
mechanical engineering.
!/7*S0 !/NT0NT,
1. "otion and Time Stud#.
1.1 .or( #tudy
1.1.1 efinition, necessity, advantages .or( #tudy 4otion #tudy
1.1.2 Explain different types of process chart %ith sym!ols
1.1.3 <lo% process chart =utline process chart <lo% diagram
1.2 /ime #tudy
1.2.1 Explain time study
1.2.2 Explain the methods of time study #top%atch time study .or( sampling
1.2.3 Explain performance rating
1.2.$ escri!e different types of allo%ances
2. /perations *esearc
2.1 Linear Programming
2.1.1 <ormulating of linear programming
2.1.2 #olution of L.P.P. !y graphical method.
3. P0*T ( !P"
3.1 ifferentiate !et%een CP4 and PE7/
3.2 efine event
3.3 efine activity
3.$ efine critical activity
3.' efine dummy activity
3.) efine and explain critical path
3.+ efine E#/
3.> efine L#/
3.? efine E</
3.1@ efine L</
3.11 Explain float and slac(
3.12 etermine pro"ect completion time
3.13 <ind out Pro!a!ility of meeting scheduled date.
). Plant location and 1a#out
$.1 escri!e the features governing plant location
$.2 efine plant layout
$.2.1 escri!e the o!"ective and principles of plant layout
$.2.2 Explain process layout
$.2.3 Explain product layout
$.2.$ Explain com!ination layout
$.2.' Explain the storage space re*uirements
$.2.) Procedure of plant layout.
$. In%entor# !ontrol
'.1 Classification of inventory
'.2 =!"ective of inventory control
'.3 escri!e the functions of inventories
'.$ Explain economic order *uantity & solve pro!lems
'.' efine and Explain ,5C analysis.
& 0stimating and !osting
).1 /ypes of cost
).1.1 Explain fixed cost
).1.2 Explain varia!le cost
).1.3 Explain semi&varia!le cost
).2 escri!e elements of cost
).3 Classify the overheads
).3.1 <actory overhead
).3.2 ,dministrative overhead
).3.3 #elling overhead
).3.$ istri!ution overhead
).$ Prepare simple cost sheet
).' Estimate cost of production and selling of products.
2 Plant maintenance
+.1 escri!e the o!"ectives of plant maintenance
+.2 escri!e the duties, functions and responsi!ilities of plant maintenance
+.3 escri!e the types of maintenance
+.3.1 P7E2E6/32E maintenance
+.3.2 5rea(do%n 4aintenance
+.3.$ #cheduled 4aintenance
+.3.' Predictive 4aintenance
+.$ #ome recent developments in plant maintenance.
. Production planning ( control
>.1 Concept of process planning
>.2 Process planning procedure
>.2.1 #election of process
>.2.2 #election of material
>.2.3 #election of "igs and fixtures
>.2.$ #election tools and gauges
>.3 Concept of scheduling
>.3.1 #cheduling techni*ue
>.3.2 4aster #cheduling
>.3.3 Perpetual #cheduling
>.3.3.1 Load analysis
>.$ Concept and procedure for
>.$.1 espatching
>.$.2 7outing
>.$.3 Progress Control.
3 T4" ( IS/ 3'''51)'''.
?.1 =verall idea a!out total *uality management
?.2 3dea a!out 3#= ?@@@A1$@@@.
7EC=44E6E 5==B#8
1. 3ndustrial Engineering & 4anagement !y =.P.Bhanna, hanpat 7ai & #ons.
2. 3ndustrial Engg & Production 4anagement 8 /elsang, #. Chand &Co
3. 3ndustrial Engineering & 4anagement !y C.6.4 7eddy, 6e% ,ge 3nternational
*efrigeration and 6ir !onditioning
P#-(o1/ > W##.: 4?1 E2&+()&%(o): 7H-/
To%&l 8#-(o1 : :0 E)1 #2&+/ TH: 50 +&-./
I.A.: 20 +&-./

Topic wise distribution of periods
Sl.No. Topic Periods
@1 3ntroduction to 7efrigeration & air
Conditioning & its application @3
@2 ,ir refrigeration system @+
@3 2apour Compression, 7efrigeration
#ystem & 3ts components & control 12
@$ 7efrigerants. @3
@' 2apour a!sorption refrigeration system @>
@) Psychrometry @>
@+ Physiological <actors @3
@> Cooling Load Calculation @?
@? ,ir Conditioning #ystem @+
Total Period &'
7efrigeration is the process of cooling !elo% surrounding temp. ,ir Conditioning means
distri!ution of air after controlling its temp, humidity for human comfort.
!/7*S0 !/NT0NT8
1. 8e%elopment of refrigeration
1.1 efinition, purpose & applications of refrigeration & air conditioning
1.2 0eat pump, refrigerator, heat engine
1.3 C.=.P, unit of refrigerating effect.
2. 6ir refrigeration s#stem
2.1 Carnot cycle reversed Carnot cycle
2.2 5rayton cycle
2.2.1 Closed #ystem
2.2.2 =pen #ystem
2.3 /ypical pro!lems.
3. 9apour compression refrigeration s#stem: its components ( control
3.1 /heoretical vapour compression cycle
3.1.1 Effect of su! cooling & super heating
3.1.2 Effect of evaporator & condenser pressure
3.1.3 eviation of actual cycle from theoretical cycle
3.2 Calculation of C.=.P using refrigeration ta!les & charts
3.3 Calculation of volumetric efficiency of reciprocating refrigerant compressor
3.$ <unctions, types, specification, constructional details & selection of
components & controls such as compressor, condenser, expansion valves,
capillary tu!e, evaporator
3.' #eparator, accumulator, spray pond & cooling to%ers
3.) Control devices, such as solenoid valve, thermostat, lo% pressure & high
pressure cut out, oil safety s%itch, condensing %ater control.
). *efrigerants
$.1 efinition & type of refrigerants commonly used
$.2 escri!e properties
$.3 6omenclature
$.$ Properties of 603, air, %ater, C=2, 711, 722 & their application.
$. 9apour absorption refrigeration s#stem
'.1 #imple vapour a!sorption system
'.2 Practical a!sorption system
'.3 7efrigerant a!sorption com!inations
'.$ Large a!sorption system for %ater chilling
'.' Comparison !et%een vapour a!sorption & vapour compression system
'.) Electrolux system.
&. Ps#crometr#
).1 Properties of air&vapour mixture
).2 ry !ul!, %et !ul!, thermodynamic %et !ul!, adia!etic saturation and de%
point temperatures
).3 0umidity ratio, relative humidity
).$ egree of saturation, enthalpy of moist air
).' #ling and aspiration psychrometers
).) Psychrometric process analysis
).).1 Cooling and dehumidification
).).2 0eating and humidification
).).3 4ixing of t%o air streams
).).$ #ensi!le heating and cooling.
2. P#siological Factors
+.1 <actors affecting human !ody
+.2 4eta!olism of human !ody
+.3 Comfort Chart
+.$ Effective temperatures.
.. !ooling load calculations
>.1 /ypes of loads
>.1.1 #ensi!le heat, latent heat, total heat
>.1.2 Calculation of loads due to different sources of solar, human !eings,
applications, in filtration
>.1.3 #ensi!le heat factor, latent heat factor, total heat factor
>.1.$ 5ypass factor, apparatus due point
>.1.' <resh supply and recirculated air *uantities.
3. 6ir conditioning s#stem
?.1 escri!e and specification of room air conditioner and commercial
conditioning system
?.2 Principle of evaporative cooling
?.2.1 ,ir cooler and desert cooler
?.3 ,ir distri!ution systems and ducting
?.3.1 ,ir filters, dampers, fans, !lo%er, diffusers.
7EC=44E6E 5==B#8
/ext 5oo(8
1 7efrigeration and air conditioning !y #.C. om(und%ara and ,rora
2 7efrigeration and air conditioning !y C.P ,rora, /40.
3 7efrigeration and air conditioning !y 7.#. Bhurmi.
7eference 5oo(
$ 7efrigeration and air conditioning !y P.L 5allany, Bhanna pu!.
' 7efrigeration and air conditioning !y 4. Prasad, 6e% ,ge 3nternational.
"ecanical 0ngineering 8esign
P#-(o1/ > W##.: 4?1 E2&+()&%(o): 7H-/
To%&l 8#-(o1 : :0 E)1 #2&+/ TH: 50 +&-./
I.A.: 20 +&-./
Topic wise distribution of periods
Sl.No. Topic Periods
@1 3ntroduction @>
@2 esign of fastening elements 1'
@3 esign of shafts (eys & couplings 1@
@$ esign of levers @)
@' esign of !elt drives & pulleys 1@
@) esign of scre% "ac( @'
@+ esign of closed coil helical spring @)
Total Period &'
4achine design is the art of planning or devising ne% or improved machines to
accomplish specific purposes. 3dea of design is helpful in visuali1ing, specifying and
selection of parts and components %hich constitute a machine. 0ence all mechanical
engineers should !e conversant %ith the su!"ect.
!/7*S0 !/NT0NTS ;in terms of specific ob<ecti%es=,
1. Introduction
1.1 #tate the factors governing the design of machine elements
1.2 #tate types of loads
1.3 efine %or(ing stress, yield stress, ultimate stress & factor of safety
1.$ #tate mechanical properties of the material of the product
1.' Preliminary idea of failure of material due to fatigue & creep.
1.) escri!e design procedure
2. 8esign of fastening elements
2.1 #tate nomenclatures, form of threads & specifications
2.2 escri!e nature of loads and failure of !olt su!"ected to initial stresses due to
scre%ing up, stresses due external forces, stresses due to com!ined force
and stresses due to shear load
2.3 etermine dimensions of !olt and nut !y using empirical formula:0exagonal
& #*uare nut;
2.$ esign eye !olt for a given load !y empirical relation
2.' #tate types of %elded "oints
2.) #tate advantages of %elded "oints over other "oints
2.+ etermine strength of %elded "oints for eccentric loads
2.> #tate types of riveted "oints
2.? escri!e failure of riveted "oints
2.1@ etermine strength & efficiency of riveted "oints
2.11 esign riveted "oints for pressure vessel
2.12 esign cotter "oint.
3. 8esign of safts: >e#s ( !ouplings
3.1 #tate function of shafts
3.2 #tate materials for shafts
3.3 esign solid & hollo% shafts to transmit a given po%er at given rpm !ased
a; #trength
i; #hear stress
ii; Com!ined !ending & tension
!; 7igidity
i; ,ngle of t%ist
ii; eflection
iii; 4odulus of rigidity
3.$ #tate standard si1e of shaft as per 3.#.
3.' #tate function of (eys, types of (eys & material of (eys
3.) escri!e failure of (ey, effect of (ey %ay
3.+ esign rectangular sun( (ey considering its failure against shear & crushing
3.> esign rectangular sun( (ey !y using empirical relation for given diameter
of shaft
3.? #tate specification of parallel (ey, gi!&head (ey, taper (ey as per 3.#.
3.1@ #tate function of coupling and types of couplings
3.11 etermine the dimension for a C.3 flange coupling and coupling !olts for a
given tor*ue !y using empirical relations.
). 8esign of le%ers
$.1 #tate types of levers and their function.
$.2 esign hand lever foot lever & !ell cran( lever.
$. 8esign of belt dri%ers and pulle#s8
'.1 #tate types of !elt drives & pulleys.
'.2 #tate formula for length of open and crossed !elt, ratio of driving and driven
side tension, centrifugal tension and relation !et%een centrifugal tension and
tension on tight side for maximum po%er transmission.
'.3 etermine !elt thic(ness and %idth for given permissi!le stress for open and
crossed !elt considering centrifugal tension.
'.$ Explain types of pulleys for flat !elts8
'.$.1 Cast iron pulley.
'.$.2 #teel pulley.
'.$.3 <ast and loose pulley.
'.' esign a cast iron pulleys using empirical formula only.
'.'.1 imensions of pulley.
'.'.2 imensions and num!er of arms.
'.'.3 imension of hu!.
'.'.$ Pro!lems.
&. 8esign a screw <ac+ using empirical formula.
).1 Pro!lem.
2. 8esign a closed coil elical spring of round rod.
+.1 4aterials used for helical spring.
+.2 #tandard si1e spring %ire. :#.9;
+.3 /erms used in compression spring.
+.$ #tress in helical spring of a circular %ire.
+.' End connection for helical tension spring.
+.) eflection of helical spring of circular %ire.
+.+ Eccentric loading of spring.
+.> 5uc(ling of compression spring.
+.? #urge in spring.
+.1@ Pro!lems.
7EC=44E6E 5==B#8
/ext 5oo(8
1. 4achine esign !y 7.#.Bhurmi and 9upta, Eurasia pu!lishing 0ouse.
2. , /ext !oo( of 4achine esign !y #harma and ,gar%ala, #.B.Bataria & #ons.
3. esign of 4achine elements !y B 9anesh 5a!u, B #rithar, /40
7eference 5oo(8
$. 4achine esign 5y 7.5.9upta, #atya Pra(ashan.
'. Elements of 4achine esign !y Panday and #hah, Charotar Pu!lishing 0ousing.
). 4achine esign !y P. Bannaiah , #C3/EC0 Pu!lisher
Inspection ( 4ualit# !ontrol
P#-(o1/ > W##.: 4?1 E2&+()&%(o): 7H-/
To%&l 8#-(o1 : :0 E)1 #2&+/ TH: 50 +&-./
I.A.: 20 +&-./
Topic wise distribution of periods
Sl.No. Topic Periods
@1 3nspection 12
@2 4easurement & 9auging 12
@3 #tatistical Cuality Control 12
@$ #tandards & Codes 12
@' 3nstrumentation 12
Total Period &'
iploma holders in this course re*uired to measure and inspect for ensuring *uality of
product. <or this purpose, (no%ledge & s(ills a!out standards of measurement, limits,
fits & tolerances, types of inspection & various measuring instruments, #CC & *uality
standards are necessary.
!ourse !ontents8
1.' Inspection
1.1 3ntroduction, units of measurements, standards for measurement and inter
1.2 3nternational, national & company standard, line & %avelength
1.3 Limits, fits & tolerances8 study of natural varia!ility of process. 3ndian
standards on limits, fits and tolerance, transition & interference. Positional
tolerances8 maximum material condition usage of standards for deciding
1.$ Planning of inspection8 %hat to inspectD .hen to inspectD .ho should
inspectD .here to inspectD
1.' /ypes of inspection8 remedial, preventive & operative inspection, incoming in
process & final inspection
1.) #tudy of factors influencing the *uality of manufacture.
2.' "easurement ( ?auging
2.1 5asic principles used in measurement & gauging, mechanical, optical,
electrical & electronic
2.2 #tudy of various measuring instruments li(e8 Calipers, micrometers, dial
indicators, surface plate, straight edge, try s*uare, protectors, sine !ar and
clinometers, comparators&mechanical, electrical & pneumatic. #lip gauges,
tool room microscope & profile pro"ector. /alysurf . Limit gauges8 plug ring,
snap, taper, thread, height, depth, form, %ire & their applications for linear,
angular, surface, thread & gear measurements, tolerances. 9eometrical
parameters & errors
2.3 Errors & their effect on *uality, concept of errors, measurement of geometrical
parameter such as straightness, flatness & parallelism
2.$ #tudy of procedure for alignment test on lathes, rilling & milling machines
2.' /esting & maintenance of measuring instruments.
3.' Statistical @ualit# !ontrol
3.1 5asic statistical concepts, empirical distri!ution and histograms, fre*uency,
mean, mode, standard deviation, normal distri!ution, !inomial & Poisson :6o
mathematical derivations;
3.2 3ntroduction to control charts, namely E, 7, P & C Charts & their applications.
3.3 #ampling plans, #election of sample si1e, method of ta(ing samples,
fre*uency of samples
3.$ 3nspection plan format & test report
3.' Concept of total *uality management :/C4;.
).' Standards ( !odes
$.1 6ational & 3nternational Codes
$.2 3#=&?@@@, concept & its evolution & implications.
$.' Instrumentation
'.1 4easurement of mechanical *uantities such as displacement, vi!ration,
fre*uency, pressure, temperature, humidity !y electro mechanical
transducers of resistance, capacitance & inductance type.
7EC=44E6E 5==B#8
1. #tatistical *uality Control !y 4.4aha"an.
2. Engineering 4etrology !y 7.B.Fain.
3. Engineering 4etrology !y 7.B.7a"put.
4. Production Planning Control & 4anagement B.C.Fain & ,gr%al.
PR.1.M#$'&)($&l E)*()##-()* L&!.-III
P#-(o1/ > W##.: 0: E2&+()&%(o): 4H-/
To%&l 8#-(o1 : @0 E)1 #2&+/ P- : 60 +&-./
S#//(o)&l : 26 +&-./
1. Teor# of "5! 1ab8&
1.1 etermination of centrifugal force of a governor. :0artnell A .attAPorter;
1.2 #tudy & demonstration of static !alancing apparatus.
1.3 #tudy & demonstration of "ournal !earing apparatus.
1.$ #tudy & demonstration of C,4 analysis apparatus.
2. *efrigeration ( 6ir !onditioning 1ab.
2.1 /o #tudy the Construction features of
i; omestic refrigerator
ii; .ater cooler
iii; .indo% ,.C.
iv; #plit ,.C.
2.2 Performance analysis of a refrigeration tutor.
2.3 Performance analysis of ,.C. tutor.
P*.2. Inspection ( 4ualit# !ontrol 1ab.
P#-(o1/ > W##.: 0: E2&+()&%(o): 4H-/
To%&l 8#-(o1 : @0 E)1 #2&+/ P- : 60 +&-./
S#//(o)&l : 26 +&-./
I. 1inear measurements.
1. etermination of the thic(ness of 4# flat to an accuracy of @.@2 mm using
2ernier Caliper.
2. etermination of the inside diameter of a !ush component to an accuracy
of @.@2 using 2ernier caliper.
3. etermination of diameter of a cylindrical component to an accuracy of
@.@1mm using micrometer & chec( the result %ith digital micrometer.
$. etermine the heights of gauge !loc(s or parallel !ars to accuracy of
@.@2mm using vernier height gauge & chec( the result %ith digital 2ernier
height gauge.
'. etermine the thic(ness of 4# plates using slip gauges.
II. 6ngular measurement8
1. etermination of angel of 4achined surfaces of components using sine
!ar %ith slip gauges.
2. 4easurement of 2&thread dimensions.
3. 4easurement of spur gear tooth dimensions.
PR.7.- P-o"#$% S#+()&-
P#-(o1/ > W##.: 02 To%&l : 100
To%&l 8#-(o1 : E)1 #2&+. P- : 60 +&-./
S#//(o)&l : 60 +&-./

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