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Quotes of the Week

"It is our duty as men and women to proceed as though the limits to our abilities do not
exist." --Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
"The minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than you settled for."
--aureen !owd
"The man who comes up with a means for doing or producing anything better, faster or
more economically has his future and his fortune at his fingertips." --"ohn Paul #etty
"$eally big people are, above everything else, courteous, considerate and generous - not
%ust to some people in some circumstances - but to everyone all the time." --Thomas ".
"y religion is very simple. y religion is 'indness." --The !alai (ama
"It is easy to sit up and ta'e notice. &hat is difficult is getting up and ta'ing action." --)l
") smooth sea never made a s'illed mariner." --+nglish proverb
",ometimes we stare so long at a door that is closing, that we see too late the one that is
open." --)lexander #raham *ell
"This is how humans are- we .uestion all our beliefs, except for the ones we really
believe, and those we never thin' to .uestion." --/rson ,cott Card
"I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality."
--!r. artin (uther 0ing "r.
"1ands that serve are holier than lips that pray." --,ai *aba
"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to ma'e you something else is the
greatest accomplishment." --$alph &aldo +merson
"It ta'es as much energy to wish as it does to plan." --+leanor $oosevelt
"The wise man bridges the gap by laying out the path by means of which he can get from
where he is to where he wants to go." --"ohn Pierpont organ
"The .uestion in life is not whether you get 'noc'ed down. 2ou will. The .uestion is, are
you ready to get bac' up... and fight for what you believe in3" --!an 4uayle
"In a time of drastic change it is the learners who inherit the future. The learned usually
find themselves e.uipped to live in a world that no longer exists." --+ric 1offer
"1e who as's is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not as' remains a fool forever."
--Chinese Proverb
"If you thin' you are too small to be effective, you have never been in the dar' with a
mos.uito." --*etty $eese
"If you love somebody, let them go, for if they return, they were always yours. )nd if
they don5t, they never were." --0ahlil #ibran
"2our vision will become clear only when you loo' into your heart. &ho loo's outside,
dreams. &ho loo's inside, awa'ens." --Carl "ung
"7riendship with one5s self is all important, because without it one cannot be friends with
anyone else in the world." --+leanor $oosevelt
"&hen you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary pro%ect, all your
thoughts brea' their bonds- 2our mind transcends limitations, your consciousness
expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great, and wonderful world.
!ormant forces, faculties and talents become alive, and you discover yourself to be a
greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be." --Patan%ali
"2ou will recogni8e your own path when you come upon it, because you will suddenly
have all the energy and imagination you will ever need." --"erry #illies
"&ise and strong is he who leaves his heart open and searches without fear." --The
"&hether you be man or woman, you will never do anything in this world without
courage. It is the greatest .uality of the mind next to honor." --"ames (ane )llen
"There are only four great .uestions in life- &hat is sacred3 /f what is the spirit made3
&hat is worth living for3 &hat is worth dying for3 The answer to all of them is the same-
/nly (ove." --"ohnny !epp, as !on "uan de arco
") musician must ma'e music, an artist must paint, a poet must write, if he is ultimately
to be at peace with himself." --)braham aslow 9mista'enly attributed last wee' to
#lenn Close... beg pardon:;
"The conse.uence of living our lives at warp speed is that we rarely ta'e time to reflect
on what we value most deeply or to 'eep these priorities front and center. ost of us
spend more time reacting to immediate crises and responding to expectations from others
than we do ma'ing considered choices guided by what matters most to us." --"im (oehr
and Tony ,chwart8, The Power /f 7ull +ngagement
") musician must ma'e music, an artist must paint, a poet must write, if he is ultimately
to be at peace with himself." --#lenn Close
",ee' out that particular mental attribute which ma'es you feel most deeply and vitally
alive, along with which comes the inner voice which says, "This is the real me," and
when you have found that attitude, follow it." --&illiam "ames
"(ove and 'indness are never wasted. They always ma'e a difference. They bless the one
who receives them, and they bless you, the giver." --*arbara !e )ngelis
") musician must ma'e music, an artist must paint, a poet must write, if he is ultimately
to be at peace with himself." --)braham aslow
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn5t do
than by the ones you did do. ,o throw off the bowlines. ,ail away from the safe harbor.
Catch the trade winds in your sails. +xplore. !ream. !iscover." --ar' Twain
"#ratitude unloc's the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It
turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a
feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. #ratitude ma'es sense of our past,
brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow." --elody *eattie
"#enerosity is another .uality which, li'e patience, letting go, non-%udging, and trust,
provides a solid foundation for mindfulness practice." --"on 0abat <inn
")ny person capable of angering you becomes your master= he can anger you only when
you permit yourself to be disturbed by him." --+pictetus
"When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to
change ourselves." --Victor Frankl
"Knowledge is learning something new every day. Wisdom is letting go of
something every day." --Zen roverb
"!ignity and res"ect has to do with ... your "ersonal "ower to make a
difference by being true to the best within you and letting that truth
shine through your words and actions." --#ail ursell $lliott
"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither
liberty nor safety." --*en 7ran'lin
")ll I would tell people is to hold onto what was individual about themselves, not to
allow their ambition for success to cause them to try to imitate the success of others.
2ou5ve got to find it on your own terms." --1arrison 7ord
"1appiness is that state of consciousness which proceeds from the achievement of one5s
values." --)yn $and
"/pportunity dances with those who are already on the dance floor." - 1. "ac'son *rown
?othing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. @ +merson
2ou have to expect things of yourself before you can do them. A ichael "ordan A
"To lead people, wal' beside them... )s for the best leaders, the people do not notice their
existence. The next best, the people honor and praise. The next, the people fear= and the
next, the people hate. &hen the best leader5s wor' is done the people say, 5&e did it
ourselves5." --(ao T8u
"oney li'e health, love, happiness, and all forms of success that you want to create for
yourself is the result of living purposefully. It is not a goal unto itself." --!r. &ayne !yer
",trange is our situation here upon earth. +ach of us comes for a short visit, not 'nowing
why, yet sometimes seeming to divine a purpose. 7rom the standpoint of daily life,
however, there is one thing we do 'now- that man is here for the sa'e of other men."
--)lbert +instein
?othing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that
something inside of them was superior to circumstance.
2ou5ve got to get up every morning with determination if you5re going to go to bed with
satisfaction. - #eorge (orimer
&hen I5m trusting and being myself as fully as possible, everything in my life reflects
this by falling into place easily, often miraculously.
It ta'es a long time to grow an old friend.
&hat this power is I cannot say= all I 'now is that it exists and it becomes available only
when a man is in that state of mind in which he 'nows exactly what he wants and is fully
determined not to .uit until he finds it.
People become really .uite remar'able when they start thin'ing that they can do things.
&hen they believe in themselves, they have the first secret of success.
"1ope is an orientation of the heart= it transcends the world that is immediately
experienced and it is anchored somewhere beyond its hori8ons. It is an ability to wor' for
something because it is good, not %ust because it stands a chance to succeed."
Those who are fired with an enthusiastic idea and who allow it to ta'e hold and dominate
their thought5s find that new worlds open for them. )s long as enthusiasm holds out, so
will new opportunities.
"When the facts change, % change my mind."
"%t&s never too late to be who you might have been."
%f you view all the things that ha""en to you, both good and bad, as
o""ortunities, then you o"erate out of a higher level of consciousness.
!on&t wait for e'traordinary circumstance to do good( try to use
ordinary situations.
Wisdom consists not so much in knowing what to do in the ultimate as in
knowing what to do ne't.
)ou have to find what&s good and true and beautiful in your life as it
is now.
"Why !o *ome +ffirmations ,Work, - and -thers !on&t."
%t&s never too late to have a ha""y childhood.
%ndulge yourself by being generous - hel" someone out, "erform an act of
kindness, offer a com"liment. /he "erson who will feel most u"lifted by
you having done so is
#et rid of de"endency, guilt, fear and worry and in their
"lace cultivate self reliance, love, imagination,
enthusiasm, a sense of humor and the ability to
!on&t allow an'iety, stress and de"ression to control you.
)ou are better than that0 1elieve in yourself and take
control of your own feelings.
")ou cannot ho"e to build a better world without im"roving
the individual. /o that end, each of us must work for his
own im"rovement and, at the same time, share a general
res"onsibility for all humanity."
3arie 4urie 56789-6:;<=
1e nice to other "eo"le. 3ake a list of things that you
like and admire about other "eo"le and tell them. )ou will
make their day. 3aking other "eo"le feel good will brighten
your day too.
#iving of yourself, learning to be tolerant, giving
recognition and a""roval to others, remaining fle'ible
enough to mature and learn - yields ha""iness, harmony,
contentment and "roductivity. /hese are the >ualities of a
rich life, the bounteous harvest of getting along with
2 ?ack 4 )ewell 2
/ake a class on something you have always wanted to learn.
+s you learn new things you will gain confidence and feel a
sense of accom"lishment. Knowledge is -W$@. #et some
!evelo" new skills. Aearning a new skill will build your
self esteem and give you new insight.
% have heard it said that the first ingredient of success -
the earliest s"ark in the dreaming youth - if this( dream a
great dream.
2 ?ohn +. +""leman 2
"/he mystery of life isn&t a "roblem to solve, but a reality to
"Whether you think you can or think you can&t, you&re "robably right."
"1e who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don&t
matter and those who matter don&t mind."
"Bave "atience. +ll things change in due time. Wishing cannot bring
autumn glory or cause winter to cease."
"%t is in our idleness, in our dreams, that the submerged truth
sometimes comes to the to"."
$nthusiasm releases the drive to carry you over obstacles and adds
significance to all you do.
We&ve removed the ceiling above our dreams. /here are no more im"ossible
#o confidently in the direction of your dreams. Aive the life you&ve
"/hinking is skilled work. %t is not true that we are naturally endowed
with the ability to think clearly and logically - without learning how
or without "racticing."
"/he most im"ortant moment in your life is this one C right now. /ruly
it&s the only moment that you have. +ll other moments are either over
and are now Dust a memory or they are yet to be - a mere s"eculative
thought about some future moment."
"If you can dream - and not ma'e dreams your master=
If you can thin' - and not ma'e thought your aim=
If you can meet with triumph and disaster
)nd treat those two impostors %ust the same ..."
+xtract from the poem "If" by $udyard 0ipling 96EFD-6GBF;
!o you 'now what you want from life3 +ach day you are given a chance to ma'e your
life as you want it to be. If you do not 'now what you want then how can you possibly
ma'e it that way. Ta'e time today to really focus on what you really want from life. &rite
down anything you want to achieve and then add it to your list of goals. (oo' at your list
of goals and if anything has changed from when you wrote them, ma'e the changes now.
There is nothing wrong with changing your goals if you have changed, and find that other
things have become more important to you. 0eep your list fresh and wor' on your goals
every day.
/ake a good look at your relationshi"s. !o you have friends that are
negative and having a bad influence on your self confidence. %f your
relationshi"s seem to be more of a burdon then enDoyable, you may be
better off without those friends. Aook for some new friends that have
"ositive attitudes and enDoy the same things you do. Find "eo"le to
associate with that will hel" build your self confidence and are more
su""ortive. )ou want to form a grou" of self confident, "ositive friends
that you can su""ort and in turn who su""ort you.
Ba""iness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed.
Ba""iness is the s"iritual e'"erience of living every minute with love,
grace and gratitude.
Kee" your motivation u" for having a fun day by not letting anything
bring you down. 1e determined that no matter what else ha""ens, you will
have fun today. When you wake u" say % am going to have fun today. % am
going to enDoy today and nothing is going to get me down. Aook dee"
inside yourself and find the motivation to kee" yourself "ositive and
ha""y. %f you think your day is going to be Dust like every other day
and you start it thinking, well it&s Dust another day, then your day
will wind u" being the same as every other day. %t is u" to you to stay
"ositive and motivated and say yes, % am ready for today and % am going
to have fun.
3otivation is what gets you started. Babit is what kee"s you going.
")s' yourself this daily .uestion- 51ow would the person
I5d li'e to be . . . do the things I5m about to do35"
"im Cathcart
+ncourage yourself, your friends and family instead of
critici8ing. #ive yourself or others an enthusiastic "&ay
to #o:" Hisuali8e a positive outcome and you will get it.
+stablish goals based on what you can realistically
achieve. Ta'e it one step at a time and encounter any
problems as a learning experience and 'eep on going until
you reach it. Perfectionism is not necessary and invites
stress and failure. )void it:
any people thin' that if they were only in some other
place, or had some other %ob, they would be happy. &ell,
that is doubtful. ,o get as much happiness out of what you
are doing as you can and don5t put off being happy until
some future date.
A !ale Carnegie A
"There is a difference between 'nowledge and wisdom.
0nowledge is 'nowing that a tomato is a fruit not a
vegetable. &isdom is 'nowing not to include it in a fruit
"There is nothing either good or bad, but thin'ing ma'es it so."
"1e who does not as' a .uestion learns nothing."
"I am in the world to change the world."
"&e always overestimate the change that will occur in the next two years and
underestimate the change that will occur in the next ten."
!o you allow others to ma'e you feel bad or guilty3 /nly
you can control your feelings and emotions. Ta'e bac' your
right to feel how you want too about the situation. !on5t
give anyone the power to control your #od given right to
feel how 2/J feel. 2ou are the master of your emotion5s
ta'e control of them. Ta'e a course on effective
communication to learn more on dealing with this.
"/ur deepest fear is not that we are inade.uate. /ur
deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is
our light, not our dar'ness, that most frightens us. &e as'
ourselves- 5&ho am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented
and fabulous35 )ctually, who are you not to be3"
The sad truth is that opportunity doesn5t 'noc' twice. 2ou can put things off until
tomorrow but tomorrow may never come. &here will you be a few years down the line3
&ill it be everything you dreamed of3 &e seal our fate with the choices we ta'e, but don5t
give a second thought to the chances we ta'e.
"7riends are the family we choose for ourselves."
"+verything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler."
"?othing will ever be attempted if all possible ob%ections must first be overcome."
"2esterday is history. Tomorrow is mystery. Today is a gift. That5s why it5s called the
2ou can do anything if you have enthusiasm. +nthusiasm is the yeast that ma'es your
hopes rise to the stars. &ith it, there is accomplishment. &ithout it there are only alibis.
#et excited and enthusiastic about you own dream. This excitement is li'e a forest fire -
you can smell it, taste it, and see it from a mile away.
,trong lives are motivated by dynamic purposes.
People who are unable to motivate themselves must be content with mediocrity, no matter
how impressive their other talents.
The happiness of your life depends on the .uality of your thoughts.
"To utter pleasant words without practicing them is li'e a fine flower without fragrance."
") problem well stated is a problem half solved."
",uccess is a %ourney, not a destination - half the fun is getting there."
!on5t fool yourself that important things can be put off till tomorrow= they can be put off
forever, or not at all.
!on&t underestimate the value of !oing Fothing, of Dust going along,
listening to all the things you can&t hear, and not bothering.
%f you doubt you can accom"lish something, then you can&t accom"lish it.
)ou have to have confidence in your ability, and then be tough enough to
follow through.
%f you&re alone, %&ll be your shadow. %f you want to cry, %&ll be your
shoulder. %f you want a hug, %&ll be your "illow. %f you need to be
ha""y, %&ll be your smile. 1ut anytime you need a friend, %&ll Dust be
"*trange is our situation here on $arth. $ach of us comes for a short
visit, not knowing why, yet sometimes seeming to divine a "ur"ose. From
the stand"oint of our daily life, however, there is one thing we do
knowG that man is here for the sake of other men - above all for those
u"on whose smiles and well-being our own ha""iness de"ends."
*low down and everything you are chasing will come around and catch you.
"% know for sure that what we dwell on is what we become."
"Aive life fully while you&re here. $'"erience everything.
/ake care of yourself and your friends. Bave fun, be craHy,
be weird. #o out and screw u"0 )ou&re going too anyway, so
you might as well enDoy the "rocess. /ake the o""ortunity
to learn from your mistakesG find the cause of your "roblem
and eliminate it. !on&t try to be "erfect( Dust be an
e'cellent e'am"le of being human."
+nthony @obbins
/he future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of
their dreams.
$leanor @oosevelt
"!on&t go for the looks, it can be >uite deceiving. !on&t
go for wealth, even that fades away -- go for someone who
makes you smile because only a smile makes a dark day seem
bright. Bo"e you find that "erson."
@eorient your way of thinking and your relationshi" with
yourself. Aearn to a""reciate all your talents and skills
and love yourself unconditionally. @emove all negative
irrational doubts and fears from your mind and re"lace them
with "ositive reinforcements about your abilities. )ou are
ca"able of develo"ing a healthy o"inion of yourself. +cce"t
yourself for whom you are and realiHe that you are a
s"ecial one-of-a-kind "erson.
!esire is the starting "oint of all achievement, not a ho"e, not a wish,
but a keen "ulsating desire which transcends everything.
/he mark of a successful man is one that has s"ent an entire day on the
bank of a river without feeling guilty about it.

?o one can get inner peace by pouncing on it.
For fast-acting relief, try slowing down.
What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters com"ared to
what lies within us.
Fo one can get inner "eace by "ouncing on it.
"Aife isn&t about finding yourself. Aife is about creating

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