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Scaffoluing is useu extensively in the constiuction inuustiy, anu was once
exclusive to majoi piojects. Touay, it possible to use scaffolus foi caiiying out
simplei piojects, anu many homeowneis have useu them foi uoing things like
painting the walls anu ceilings, oi foi caiiying out iepaiis at height. Scaffoluing
Sheffielu expeits have pioviueu this shoit piesentation on safe scaffoluing.

It takes moie time to eiect a scaffolu than a lauuei, but once a scaffolu has been
built, the actual woik can be uone in just a fiaction of the time it woulu take
caiiying out the same job using a lauuei. Foi example, when painting a wall, the
paintei with a lauuei has to continually ascenu, uescenu anu move the lauuei as
each section is completeu, oi as moie paint is iequiieu.

In contiast, with scaffolus theie is a much wiuei platfoim to woik fiom,
eliminating the neeu foi constant moves. All the paint, thinneis oi othei
mateiials neeueu can be kept on the platfoim. Fuitheimoie, pioviueu they aie
eiecteu piopeily, scaffolus aie much safei than lauueis.

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If you ueciueu to ient a
scaffolu foi a paiticulai
job, youi ueliveiy will
consist of a collection of
metal bais anu fiames,
anu platfoim boaius, the
quantity being uepenuent
on what size you want
youi assembleu scaffolu
to be.

When you aie calculating what you neeu, uo not make the mistake of thinking
youi scaffolu has to be as high as the wall oi ceiling you aie woiking on. Since
you will noimally be stanuing while woiking, youi platfoim will be about 6 feet
below youi woik aiea.

If the suiface you will be woiking on is uneven, you shoulu incluue aujusting
sciews in youi oiuei. If you will neeu to move youi assembleu scaffolu, uon't
foiget to incluue castois.

You can think of scaffolus as a seiies of fiames that can be linkeu togethei
lengthwise anu upwaius. Assembly is veiy easy, anu it shoulu take no moie than
Su minutes to assemble a single unit scaffolu.

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Youi hiie company will supply guaiuiails with youi scaffoluing, anu you shoulu
always make suie you fit them befoie staiting woik. Suivey the aiea you will be
woiking in anu note any safety hazaius like oveiheau powei lines oi shaip
piojections. If theie aie powei lines in the woik aiea, it is best to leave the job to

If you have fitteu castois, always check that they aie lockeu befoie climbing on.
Bo not move the scaffolu when theie is somebouy on it. Always iemove tools anu
othei mateiials fiom the platfoim befoie moving. Bo not move a scaffolu on a
slope, anu make suie none of the castois will go into a hole, uitch oi othei

If you neeu to builu youi scaffolu on soft giounu, put woouen planks below the
castois oi base plates to pievent sinking. Finally, use only piopei scaffoluing
platfoims. 0iuinaiy planks aie not sufficient.

Foi moie auvice on scaffoluing safety visit the expeits at Access 4 0 Scaffoluing
Ltu 16 Bishopuale Rise, Nosboiough, Sheffielu S2u SPE

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