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Human Body- The well installed Power House

Brain Power

The brain is considered the most complex structure in the universe; complex enough to
coordinate the fingers of a guitarist or to create a 3D landscape from a light that falls on a 2D
Almost all the tasks that seem hard or difficult for human beings but that the present generation
of computers can easily perform are associated with processing in parts of the Brain. Conversely,
tasks that humans normally find easy but that are difficult for computers, have a much longer
evolutionary history. Although playing chess, solving combined mathematic problems and
trouble-shooting electronic circuits may seem intellectually challenging, current computers can
cope these very straightforwardly. However, a high tech modern computer is typically very poor
at such simple tasks as sensing its environment or coordinating movements. A simple operation
like recognizing someone's face, which we find rather straightforward, is a formidable problem
for a computer to perform on its own.
Thus, the human brain, which is a part of the central nervous system and is coordinated by
millions of neurons, is known to be the Spark of human life. Advances in science and
technology have facilitated the study of brain relationships in humans and have stimulated an
enormous amount of scientific and medical interest in recent years.
Research projects with ambitious initiatives are aiming to simulate a
complete human brain in a supercomputer, in the hopes of bringing about a
better understanding of the human brain. Researchers have found that the
brain storage capacity to be astounding with a maximal number of nerve
impulses of a group of 64 people to be equal to the number of instructions
all our computational devices combined can compute and this is said to be
equal to one human brain. The next finding is that the inner layer of blood
vessels, the vascular endothelium, plays a critical role in propagating and
shaping, an increase blood flow response to local neuronal activity. Scientists have also
demonstrated that brains must consume energy to function, such as deduction, and that these
requirements are sufficiently demanding, such as to search out new relationships with correlation
from various sources, limits our performance. Such energy demands mean there is a limit to the
information we can process. Scientists claim that the neuronal linkages would need vast
amounts of energy to become more efficient. Increasing the power of the brain would take a
disproportionate increase in energy consumption causing a likelihood of risk to the distant future
with a tight constraint on intelligence But this idea has also been counteracted by reviews that
state, just like reprogramming most biological systems is possible using an amazing technique
called training, there are many of ways of training different parts of your brain, with various
capacity levels such as meditation, consumption of balanced nutrition, engage in proper and
adequate mental, physical and spiritual activities.

Right Usage would enable Reusage of Brain Power over a long Life Span. Save your installed

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