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M o o g f e s L 2 0 1 4 L c o n o m l c l m p a c L A n a l y s l s

MoogfesL 2014 Look place ln Ashevllle, norLh Carollna on Aprll 23 27. 1he flveday evenL feaLured
muslclans, lecLures, panels, and workshops aL numerous locaLlons LhroughouL Lhe downLown Ashevllle
area, focuslng on Lhe synLhesls of Lechnology, arL and muslc. vlslLors and medla from across Lhe uS,
and lnLernaLlonal Lravelers lncludlng Canada, Lhe neLherlands, unlLed klngdom, and !apan aLLended.
Moog Muslc lnc. noLed LhaL lame Pouse, a dlglLal and medla sLraLeglsL flrm, reporLed press and dlglLal
efforLs for Lhe evenL galned over 1 bllllon lmpresslons. lame Pouse lncluded Ashevllle ClLlzen1lmes,
1lML Magazlne, PufflngLon osL, new ?ork 1lmes, eople Magazlne, and newsweek ln Lhelr llsL of 1op
20 Medla CuLleLs. lL ls beyond Lhe scope of Lhls reporL Lo assess Lhe lmpacL of Lhese lmpresslons.
Among Lhe economlc acLlvlLles generaLed by MoogfesL, economlc beneflLs for 8uncombe CounLy resulL
from vlslLor spendlng. 1hese dollars are spenL and respenL several Llmes by local buslnesses, Lhelr
suppllers, and employees as buslnesses make purchases, pay Lhelr employees, and employees spend
Lhelr wages. 1hls mulLlplles" Lhe lnlLlal spendlng and supporLs addlLlonal [obs, labor lncome, and
economlc ouLpuL. AddlLlonal Lax revenues are also generaLed as a resulL of Lhe economlc acLlvlLy
assoclaLed wlLh Lhe evenL.
1hls economlc lmpacL analysls lncludes boLh vlslLor spendlng and oLher relaLed economlc acLlvlLy
assoclaLed wlLh MoogfesL. 1wo vlslLor spendlng scenarlos are analyzed Lo provlde a range of lmpacLs: a
basellne uLlllzes vlslLor expendlLure esLlmaLes assoclaLed wlLh LlckeLed sales, a second scenarlo also
conslders Moog Muslc lnc.'s esLlmaLe of free programmlng aLLendance. unforLunaLely, free
programmlng aLLendance esLlmaLes could noL be verlfled, and lL could noL be deLermlned lf Lhese
aLLendees already had a LlckeL or badge, had already been surveyed, were local resldenLs, or would
oLherwlse be excluded from Lhe sLudy. Powever, slnce lL ls reasonable Lo expecL LhaL some free
programmlng counLs would meeL Lhe crlLerla for lncluslon, for Lhe purpose of Lhls sLudy, Lhe second
scenarlo Lakes lnLo conslderaLlon Lhe poLenLlal lmpacL beyond Lhe basellne.

< = a g e
M o o g f e s L 2 0 1 4 L c o n o m l c l m p a c L A n a l y s l s

504#,)'# #4.)(0.# 2#46,.4
nonlocal vlslLors whose prlmary purpose for vlslLlng was MoogfesL spenL approxlmaLely $3.3 mllllon
dollars. 1able 1 shows economlc lmpacLs of vlslLor spendlng and oLher appllcable economlc acLlvlLy
relaLed Lo MoogfesL (e.g., caLerlng, equlpmenL and supplles, sLaglng and sound, llghLlng, venue renLal,
and so on). 1he evenL supporLs an esLlmaLed ;:Q [obs. lor every [ob supporLed dlrecLly, anoLher 1.3
[obs are supporLed lndlrecLly. lL should be noLed LhaL mosL of Lhese [obs are of llmlLed duraLlon absenL
oLher susLalnable efforLs Lo conLlnue aLLracLlng vlslLors Lo Ashevllle. R@S<J labor lncome was generaLed
ln 8uncombe CounLy. lor each dollar of lncome generaLed, anoLher $1.48 ls added. 1oLal economlc
ouLpuL, or LoLal producLlon, lncreased by R;:S9JS SLaLe and Local Lax revenues recelved an ln[ecLlon of
R<PIT and lederal Lax revenues generaLed an esLlmaLed RK9GT. A breakdown of resulLs by vlslLor
spendlng and oLher relaLed economlc acLlvlLy ls shown ln Appendlx A.

Table 1. Analysis Results Summary
Impact Type Employment U07&2 B'%&(# >6.-6.
Direct Effect 43.6 $1,374,220 $4,045,794
Indirect Effect 47.4 $1,391,861 $4,239,448
Induced Effect 17.5 $639,392 $1,905,507
Total Effect 108.5 $3,405,473 $10,190,749

Total State and Local Tax $486,292
Total Federal Tax $724,722

Top 10 Industries Affected
Food services and drinking places
Promoters of performing arts and sports and agents for public figures
Hotels and motels, including casino hotels
Insurance agencies, brokerages, and related activities
Employment services
Travel arrangement and reservation services
Real estate establishments

Other accommodations
Management, scientific, and technical consulting services
Retail Stores Miscellaneous

G = a g e
M o o g f e s L 2 0 1 4 L c o n o m l c l m p a c L A n a l y s l s

A#46,.4 )'%,6C)'D 12## -2&D20(()'D 0..#'C0'%# #4.)(0.#4
Addlng free programmlng aLLendance esLlmaLes, nonlocal vlslLors whose prlmary purpose for vlslLlng
was MoogfesL spenL approxlmaLely $8.7 mllllon dollars. 1able 2 shows vlslLor spendlng and oLher
appllcable economlc acLlvlLy relaLed Lo MoogfesL (e.g., caLerlng, equlpmenL and supplles, sLaglng and
sound, llghLlng, venue renLal, and so on). 1he evenL supporLs an esLlmaLed ;<K [obs. lor every [ob
supporLed dlrecLly, anoLher 1.1 [obs are supporLed lndlrecLly. lL should be noLed LhaL mosL of Lhese [obs
are of llmlLed duraLlon absenL oLher susLalnable efforLs Lo conLlnue aLLracLlng vlslLors Lo Ashevllle.
R<SKJ labor lncome ls generaLed ln 8uncombe CounLy. lor every dollar of lncome generaLed, anoLher
$1.14 ls added. 1oLal economlc ouLpuL, or LoLal producLlon, lncreased by R;<JS SLaLe and Local Lax
revenues recelved an ln[ecLlon of RIQIT and lederal Lax revenues generaLed an esLlmaLed RQQITS A
breakdown of resulLs by vlslLor spendlng and oLher relaLed economlc acLlvlLy ls shown ln Appendlx A.

Table 2. Analysis Results Summary
Impact Type Employment U07&2 B'%&(# >6.-6.
Direct Effect 69.1 $2,180,580 $6,419,774
Indirect Effect 53.8 $1,609,200 $4,939,559
Induced Effect 23.8 $870,775 $2,595,082
Total Effect 146.7 $4,660,555 $13,954,415

Total State and Local Tax $696,260
Total Federal Tax $995,647

Top 10 Industries Affected
Food services and drinking places
Hotels and motels, including casino hotels
Promoters of performing arts and sports and agents for public figures
Travel arrangement and reservation services
Insurance agencies, brokerages, and related activities
Employment services
Real estate establishments
Other accommodations
Retail Stores Miscellaneous

Retail Stores General Merchandise

I = a g e
M o o g f e s L 2 0 1 4 L c o n o m l c l m p a c L A n a l y s l s

H6((028 &1 $%&'&()% B(-0%.4
vlslLor spendlng as a resulL of MoogfesL 2014, comblned wlLh oLher relaLed economlc acLlvlLy
assoclaLed wlLh producLlon of Lhe flveday evenL, generaLed economlc lmpacLs ln 8uncombe
109 147 [obs ln 8uncombe CounLy are supporLed. 1hese [obs are generally of llmlLed
duraLlon and represenL a mlx of full and parLLlme [obs.
$3.4M $4.7M addlLlonal labor lncome ls generaLed for resldenLs ln 8uncombe CounLy.
SLaLe and Local Lax revenues were esLlmaLed Lo lncrease by approxlmaLely $486k
lederal Lax revenues generaLed are esLlmaLed Lo be approxlmaLely $723k $996k.
1oLal economlc ouLpuL, *+,-+ ,.-/0&#1 /%'2" ,.-23# %.& 4%5 "#6#.0#1, lncreased by
approxlmaLely $10.2M $14M ln Lhese scenarlos.

lor a breakdown of vlslLor spendlng, see Appendlx 8.

K = a g e
M o o g f e s L 2 0 1 4 L c o n o m l c l m p a c L A n a l y s l s

J#."&C&,&D8 0'C *)4%,0)(#2
Surveys were uLlllzed Lo capLure spendlng of vlslLors. Cver 1,000 surveys were collecLed and examlned.
Local spendlng (wlLhln 8uncombe CounLy) ls noL lncluded ln Lhe economlc lmpacL analysls and was noL a
parL of Lhe scope of Lhe sLudy. 1he survey sample lncludes daLa analyzed for nonlocal vlslLors where
MoogfesL ls Lhe prlmary purpose of Lhe vlslL. CLher relaLed economlc acLlvlLy such as approprlaLe
expenses assoclaLed wlLh Lhe fesLlval, were also lncluded ln Lhe lmpacL analysls.
1hls sLudy was done Lo Lhe besL of Lhe ablllLy of Lhe Lconomlc uevelopmenL CoallLlon of Ashevllle
8uncombe CounLy wlLh Lhe lnformaLlon made avallable. 1he Lconomlc uevelopmenL CoallLlon and
Ashevllle Area Chamber of Commerce have relled on aLLendance flgures, as well as flgures for oLher
relaLed economlc acLlvlLy, provlded by Moog Muslc lnc. and may noL be held responslble for any
lmplan (lmpacL Analysls for lannlng) was uLlllzed Lo perform Lhe economlc lmpacL sLudy. lmplan
sofLware and daLa are sophlsLlcaLed economlc Lools used Lo esLlmaLe lmpacLs of changes ln reglonal
economles. 1he mosL currenL daLaseL represenLlng 8uncombe CounLy ls employed ln Lhls analysls.
CuLpuLs and resulLs of Lhe analysls are esLlmaLes LhaL provlde supplemenLal lnformaLlon abouL Lhe
pro[ecL, buL do noL clalm Lo capLure every aspecL of Lhe pro[ecL.
!"#$ %&'(%) %&'%&$&*)$ )"#$ +#$,%&&) &-&*). /((01&$) 2345. 6*+ ,6**() 7& 8$&+ )( '%&+#,) )"& -698& (1
18)8%& &-&*)$:

ulrecL - ulrecL effecLs represenL an lnlLlal change ln Lhe local economy, for example, vlslLor spendlng.
lndlrecL - lndlrecL effecLs represenL lmpacLs of local buslnesses and lndusLrles purchaslng from one
anoLher and are a response Lo Lhe dlrecL change.
lnduced - lnduced effecLs represenL addlLlonal household spendlng (l.e., paychecks and oLher lncome)
provlded as a resulL of dlrecL and lndlrecL acLlvlLy.
Labor lncome - Labor lncome represenLs wages and beneflLs pald Lo wage and salary employees, as well
as proprleLor lncome where appllcable.
1oLal CuLpuL - 1oLal CuLpuL ls Lhe value of producLlon. lL ls equal Lo gross reglonal producL (C8) plus
lnLermedlaLe expenses deflned as monles spenL purchaslng goods and servlces.

P = a g e
M o o g f e s L 2 0 1 4 L c o n o m l c l m p a c L A n a l y s l s

3--#'C)L 3
52#0NC&?' &1 +)4).&2 4-#'C)'D 0'C &."#2 2#,0.#C #%&'&()% 0%.)+).8
A. 8asellne esLlmaLes

1able 3. vlslLor Spendlng based on 6,030 LlckeLed vlslLors
Impact Type Employment Labor Income Output
Direct Effect 43.2 $1,352,382 $3,986,632
Indirect Effect 10.7 $365,436 $1,176,295
Induced Effect 10.6 $388,317 $1,157,273
Total Effect 64.5 $2,106,135 $6,320,199

Total State and Local Tax $355,226
Total Federal Tax $454,572

1able 4. CLher 8elaLed Lconomlc AcLlvlLy
Impact Type Employment Labor Income Output
Direct Effect 0.4 $21,838 $59,162
Indirect Effect 36.7 $1,026,425 $3,063,154
Induced Effect 6.9 $251,076 $748,235
Total Effect 44.0 $1,299,339 $3,870,551

Total State and Local Tax $131,065
Total Federal Tax $270,148

Q = a g e
M o o g f e s L 2 0 1 4 L c o n o m l c l m p a c L A n a l y s l s

8. LsLlmaLes lncludlng free programmlng aLLendance

1able 3. vlslLor Spendlng based on LlckeLed vlslLors plus free aLLendance esLlmaLed aL
an addlLlonal 3,330
Impact Type Employment Labor Income Output
Direct Effect 68.5 $2,145,929 $6,325,896
Indirect Effect 17.0 $579,866 $1,866,517
Induced Effect 16.8 $616,172 $1,836,334
Total Effect 102.3 $3,341,967 $10,028,747

Total State and Local Tax $563,665
Total Federal Tax $721,305

1able 6. CLher 8elaLed Lconomlc AcLlvlLy
Impact Type Employment Labor Income Output
Direct Effect 0.6 $34,651 $93,878
Indirect Effect 36.8 $1,029,334 $3,073,042
Induced Effect 6.9 $254,603 $758,748
Total Effect 44.4 $1,318,588 $3,925,667

Total State and Local Tax $132,596
Total Federal Tax $274,342

;: = a g e
M o o g f e s L 2 0 1 4 L c o n o m l c l m p a c L A n a l y s l s

3--#'C)L 5
O)4).&2 4-#'C)'D 78 %0.#D&28V 462+#8 4.6C8 40(-,# -02.)%)-0'.4
A vlslLor survey capLured spendlng acLlvlLy of nonlocal resldenLs whose prlmary purpose for vlslLlng was
MoogfesL. 1he average group slze aL MoogfesL was 9S:<. vlslLors sLayed an average of <SI days and
spenL an average of RQ;: per person over Lhe course of Lhelr sLay. PQS@W would aLLend Lhls evenL
agaln, 9S<W would noL, PS@W mlghL aLLend Lhe evenL agaln. As a percenLage of LoLal spendlng, LlckeLs,
lodglng, and resLauranLs make up approxlmaLely 70 of expendlLures.

1able 7. nonLocal vlslLor Spendlng roflle
O)4).&2 H-#'C)'D 78 /0.#D&28
1lckeLs 27.6
Lodglng 26.9
8esLauranLs 16.2
1ransporLaLlon 13.3
8eLall Shopplng 10.3
Crocery 3.1
CLher LnLerLalnmenL 1.3
CLher Spendlng 0.9

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