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To comprehend hypnosis we must understand a bit about consciousness. Consciousness

subsists in diverse states.
First, there is the common conscious awareness. This is the awareness we have are
familiar with when we are wide awake and pursuing our lives during waking hours. Then
of course, there is sleep. But sleep is not ust sleep. !t is divided into stages. Just prior to
sleep there is the hypnagogic state in which we daydream and visuali"e.
#s we transit this phase we enter the first stage of sleep which is rapid eye movement
$%&'( sleep, or )tage ! sleep. !n this we dream. #n &&* monitor records a brainwave
model analogous to the waking state. +e are by definition conscious of what we dream.
)tage !! sleep is a deeper level of slumber but can still summon dreams. #s we sleep we
progress through to the deeper levels of sleep, but these levels can bring dreams also, its
ust that dreams in the deeper levels more closely resemble normal waking thought. !n
other words, we think, but when we wake, we are no longer aware of what we had been
,ypnosis, like sleep, has different levels. #t the deepest level, it is like somnambulism-
being awake while at the same time being deep asleep. #wareness doesn.t disappear, it
ust changes with the different levels of consciousness. /eep hypnosis can unlock the
deeper levels of sleep consciousness while the sleeper preserves a connection with the
,ypnosis in universal terminology can be different things. +e pronounce a person
hypnoti"ed when he or she moves under supervision into a hypnagogic state. This is a
daydream like state. +e can visuali"e during this state, but at the same time can see
visions in response to 0uestions. !t closely borders )tage ! sleep so there are possibilities
of dream type e1pression of problems as well as fantasi"ing. There we can.t always have
confidence that the visions we see in that state are literal. This is one of the potential
difficulties with past life regression.
!f we declare to someone in a light state of hypnosis that they will observe a past life,
they are predisposed to fashion one for us, but it will in all probability be flight of the
imagination, as their consciousness is aligned with the state in which we create all types
of fantasies, some based on wish fulfillment, others on other fantasies. +e cannot rely
therefore on this state for e1actness of recall, whether it be related to past life memory, or
to personal issues and normal memory.
,ypnosis in this state creates what is known as false memory in addition to true memory.
The dream state distorts inline with symbolic e1pression. )o, when we see things in a
light state of hypnosis 2or what is commonly termed hypnosis3 we really are likely to mi1
up any reality with hefty measures of fantasy and figurative e1pression. This has a bundle
of uses in the hands of someone who recogni"es how to utili"e such circumstances.
45% that does not involve the finding the causation of problems is like mediumship with
survival evidence. !t has its place most assuredly but is more akin to entertainment, or
preliminary introduction to regression, than being curative.
+hich brings us to the discussion of therapy as a clinical and legal term. 5egally, there is
no working definition- clinically, therapy is remediation of problems. +hether you use
the term 6therapy7 or not doesn7t change the wanted end result of 45% it only resolves
your legal $criminal( liability.
%egarding natal horoscopy. #s a tool for insight into a client, 8, is only as good as the
chart reader. ,ow do you determine the chart reader is e1cellent9 :ou can7t, there is no
test. !f the chart reader is inaccurate, then he or when enters into the arena with false
guidelines. 4ersonally, ! have every faith in natal horoscopy but little in the determining
the astrologer7s e1pertise regardless of claimed educational background.
'ost of our lives and deaths are irrelevant to problem solving even if we were
Constantine. !t is useful to focus on are those that may be causing us issue2s3, now.
+oolger is attempting to trigger a revolution in psychotherapy with his unearthing that
past life emotional trauma somehow becomes locked in the soul;consciousness and that
we can purge it and end it affecting us. To buy into +olgerology, you have to buy into
this paradigm.
4ast lives add an e1citing new level to our understanding of health problems, whether
these are obviously <body= or <mind=. Conventional medicine deals with symptoms:
you7ve a digestive problem, try these drugs or have surgically removed the bit that7s
bothering you. ,olistic approaches try to go deeper: change your diet, try these natural
remedies, and at the same time let7s look at what7s causing you stress, )till, some people
don7t get better. )o 8ew #ge psychology has encouraged looking at symptoms as
symbols bringing your attention to conflicts you need to resolve in your life. # digestive
problem stimulates the 0uestion, <+hat in your life can7t you stomach9=
#s you know, in physical mediumship is evidence of past live continuity, i.e. the passing
of problems, karmic in nature or other, forward in so>called 6time7. ?abalistic and
modern 25eeds3 numerology supports this concept 2+oolgerology3 as does
khemitological afterlife se0uencing and the kundalinic physiology of chakra>focused
! suppose, then, the long way around to an end to this memo is finally state assess your
capabilities, or have someone do it for you, and apply yourself in 45% at the appropriate
level. #t the level where you hypnotic abilities lie, where healing begins 2or not3. 8othing
wrong with regressing as an introduction to regression 2and induction if you are not a
+oolgerian3, the wrong thing would be to overstep your limits.

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