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"Ih as much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these**2

* H, Beasley Casilla 821 Antofagasta, Chile
* Jan, 1968
9ie:|e:<c3ie*:|e)|( C
P ' C Greetings Christian Friends,
* ******* As laborers together with God, you share 21
P C members in Antofagasta. Among these are 13 by
P GO * YE C baptism, three men who have preached the gospel
P * C to others, two Bible School teachers, one of
P C whom had. never tried to do such at thing before,
AND PREACH and Bro, Gomez, who has dedicated, himself to
preach Christ. We have three preaching points,
a Bible .Study Program, study materials'translated to Spanish and a
.Bible College in the formative stage.
With your prayers and dedicated money you preach the gospel as
effectively in Chile as you do with your prayers and money in the US
and throughout the world. God bless each of you who is responsible
fot the work of Christ in Antofagasta.
Cost of items took a rise after the first of January. This
makes almost a 150^ increase since our arrival. ONLY ONE GROUP HAS
Bread has DOUBLED in price since we came. Gas increased kO% since
the first of January. Here the RICH GET RICHER AND THE POOR GET
THAT we prepared 120 bags for our children for Christmas? Each has an
orange, banana, 3 plums, a cup cake, a doughnut and a toy.
THAT we served' almost I5O persons a sandwich and cake with coffee, tea,
chocolate according to preference? All .this we did on Dec. 2^.
THAT the folk gave sufficent offerings to pay for these Christmas.
THAT the folk plan to put their money, as much as possible, in the
construction bf our new Chapel. We will build as funds are available.
THAT we averaged 65 in Bible School last year? Adults averaged 6 in
my Bible Class.
THAT our mail has been opened quite often, either here in Chile or
in the USA? The Post Office Administration assurred me tt was not
THAT we have speaking dates in January and June of 1969? Contact us
for your date.
THAT we have had three earthquakes of grade 6 Richter Scale in the
last 3U days? Calama had another one Jan.8. There is a constant
movement underground in Northern Chile where we live. We are ^
longer affected \inless it is above grade 5
THAT $175.00 will cover cost of a year of correspondence classes in
English for John and Mayr? This we feel is imperative ere our return
THAT TRAVEL EXPENSES will cost $1000.00 for our return to the USA.
WS idArvel that the whole city-does-^not go up in flames. ^At mid
night fires are set all over the city. They appear to try to out do
one another. They burn tires and anything that will give a brilliant
light. We think they must use some highly flamable liquids, since
they all appear nearly simultaneously. Fireworks fill the air with
sound and color of many hues, Tis an unforgetable sight.
German Miric Vega, Communist Mayer of Antofagasta, did not resign
voluntarily as he had promised the Socialists and Radicals he would
do, to permit each of these parties to hold the office df Mayor.
Each was to serve for a one year period.
As I predicted one year ago he reminded all interested that he took
the oath of office for a four year period and expected to flfill this
Last year^in a meeting in the home of Senora Cicilia in Oriente,!
met Sister Pilar. She was a belinver in God. She had tried to get an
entry Into an Evangelical Congregation. She had been told she could
not be baptised without a year of probation. We read'the Bible with
her and showed that penitent believers could be baptised the same hour.
She asked to be baptised. Now the same group that refused her has now
proselyted her. They warned her to have nothing to do with us. She
invited me to stop coming to visit and bringing the Lord*s supper.
She cannot read, or write. Thus due to our foriegn influence as
opposed to the Influence of a native trained ministry, false the it
we reap this result.
Classes will begin Jan, 1?* We will have classes Monday, Wednesday
and Friday, Acts and Christian Doctrine will be of first importance.
We will proceed from there. PLEASE PRAY THAT WE DO GOD'S WILL# I am
aware firsthand of the effectiveness of a native ministry.
There will be no President as of now. Carl Paschal and I will work
along with Nita and Debbie.
The H. Wi Byas have agreed to care for this fund for the work in
Chile. Send all" funds designated for Buiiding to H. W. Byas, Rt. 1,
Box lO-A Lake, 39092* We are grateful to Bill and Mary for this
sacrifical task. . . . .
Barbarino Barrios and Elvira Espinoza were married Dec. 31* The
groom is a member of the Church "in Chupui. The' bride .is from Anto-
fagasta* The members here labored ^nany hours td: decorate the Chapel.
The Couple were pulte pleased. We have color_plus blank and white
fotos. The ceremony was performed by H. Beasley. -
Still Under Doctors orders to refrain from work. One church,
Antioch Christian.wrote they are sending some financial aid.
Bro* -Gomez wants to help increa-se the work of Christ. We are to
su-rvay-a-i^ew-area:* He-want-s--teh start another group- from which-we -
hope another congregation will grow* SOME CHURCH OF GROUP COULD
ASSUME HIS SUPPORT. $150.00-monthly will do the job. Pray God to lay
this upon some heart.
God willing we will bring her to the USA. We are praying some Dr.
will offer his services to help with her leg. It is malformed due to
an accident at 8 months. The doctors think an operation will correct
much of her problem. The family have on money to payi All they have
Forwarding Agent
Mrs. Sim Massengale
Rt. 1
Meridian, Miss. 393^1
HB :mb
MRS.' H. V\/. BYAS
LAKE, MISS. 39092 . '
e r M."*
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Yours in the Kings Business
The Beasleys
V .'.u.
W... !
"lu as raaeh as ye have dene It unto one of the least of these.
is. Beasley Casllla 821 Antofagasta, Chile
p >|[i|C3K4e%:)e4i (J MCU-CX^ |C|Cp^ J
R * H
Greetings Christian Friend's,
B . R Monica was burled with her Lord in the
A GO * YE I mighty Pacific. She was won to Christ by her
C 3 girl friend*, Soledad Tapia. Monica is 13 and
H * Y Soledad 12. How proud I am of these wonderful
people who have accepted Christ, and then go .
out and win others.
PRAISE GODform \diom all blessings ^low . He has heard and answered
our prayers. A wonderful friend,who refused to let us use his name,
has offered to support Brother Gomez# He will send $150,00 monthly.,
ttiis will give Brother Gomez the. opportunity to fulfill his desire to
spend all of the time working, teaching and preaching Christ. We.
thaiik God for his GIFT. Brother Gomez writes, "Thank God for this
^orious opportunity to fulfill Po great a desire in my heart. May
God bless you."
On January 15. 1^8 we began Ihstituto Biblico in Antofagasta. We
gladly inform you that the Cafl Paschal's are in agreenient ^s toi the'
necissity of a definite Bible centered Training course for our Chris.*
^rr. Eight enrolled the first week. All are members of the congre.-
gation. Three folk who are not Christians have also begun atte^ing*
We begin to see a definite change in them. We have already talked
with one of them about accepting Christ aaod being baptised for remiss
Sion of sin *
One more day and we complete .our first month of intensive study. We
study Acts and Christian Doctrine on Mbn. Wed. and Fri. We are read
ing and searching the Scriptures about the book of Revelation on
-Tues. and Thurs. Pray with us that we do the will of God in all thing#
At present we expect to use some of the methods of Grundy Bible Insti
tute. We see the fruit already in changed attitudes of our own mem
bers. How hungry they etre for the bread of life.
A friei^ of Mrs. Tapia was talking with her about the Bible. She
wanted to know how many year? she had been a Christlah. She said
she had been in the church of God for almost 8 years and Mrs. Tapia
knew so much more abort the Bible than she.
Mrs. Tapia answered, "Just a bit more than a year, ^t our minister
teaches us only the Bibre. Also^ Jim Mick and Alta Tanner, Mission
aries from 6sorno have given special courses on various subjects of
the Bible. The" woniisai expressed a desire to learn mofe andvhave a
bitter understanding of Sod's Word# ^
Mrs. Tapia in^ted her to attehd Instituto Biblico, I rejoice that
our folk have a good foundation in the faith once deliverdd to the
saints. God lending us strength and ability, we^^ll help them ^
gain more Bible knowledge. PRAY THAT GOD BE GLORIFIED IN HIS WORK
HERE. We have heard the same from each of our members. There is a
woeful lack of Bible:knowledge in Chile. We need so many more workers#
Another reason why Instituto JDlbllcQ^is so vital to the work here.
Flu has taken its toll. I've had it, I think Nita is about over it.
I hope and pray the children escape it. Many of the folk are plagued
with it. Diarrhea Is also doing damage. It wasties the enegery and
vitality of children and adults alike.
Pedro Pablo Lunes, Six months, died Feb. 8. He had a seige of respra-
tbry trouble along with diarrhea. This was our first funeral among
our church family. We hired a bus and took all the family and many
of their friends to the cementary. So many babies die for lack of
food and medical attention. The hospital refused to take this child
because all of Mr. Luna's Socialized Medieine quota had been used up.
Therefore a child had to die. Friends, don't let this happen in the
United States. It just does not work like it promises to. It might
cause your, or your chile's death.
Soledad is looking forward to virIcing the USA.. We will
us while we are on furlough in -.9690 WI.CjL YOTJ PR\Y V/ITH I S
Her plane fare will cost abour $20000 one way She will need a bone
specialist to see if an operation will be able to correct her malformed
left foot.
Yes- the gifts that weBe sent in October of last year* I Just got out
of Customs today* Feb. 1^ P,ally onJoyed" having Christmas even
though it is so late. - We know the love that prompted your gifts to us.
We thank God and You;'
Alta Tanner, will arrive from Valpariaso to help us with Vabation ^
Bible School and' a Teacher Traiiiing Course. THANK GOD FOR THOSE WHO.
has been our helper. We love her.
TpAT the Paschal's and the Beasleys.are working raise the
ftuality of instructions for the Chilean Chruch members iii the North of
Chile. i .
3HAT we Jointly are planning for a Childijeh's home in Nofth Chile; We
decently surveyed'a 16 hectare (2? acres) irrigated farm on the RiVer
^oa near Calama. It is producing Corn, Sugar beets, alfalfa^ lettUce,
^celga (something like our spihacb )celery^ etc.
it has its doinpliment of _h6gs sheep_Inirkeys, rabbitg, ohe hourse and
$ mule. The o^hier has' offered td Sell4 His wife is ill arid he must
Heave this high altitude in order to affect d dure for her. The price
is $25j000.00. It is beautiful place. Every thfing is. included in the
IHAT we \d.ll need transportation, (two cars, one for me to travel and
One for Neta when she atays home i/ith our children in school.)
jHAT we need a house to stay in, we will have no frunishings.
AT our return fare will be $1, 250.00.
IHAT we need to increase our LIVING LINK SUPPORT due to the rise in
the cost -of living. For the 1 st. time it is over $500.00 in Jan.
^AT we are building again after a bit more than a year delay. Des
ignate a gift to the Antofagasta Bldg. Fund.
-That we thank you and god for his bountiful gigts that he has directed
toward his work in antofagasta*
speaking dates
Our Lord willing, we will be in South Carolina at Shell Piont Christian
Church in Jan. or Feb. 1969. We will be in Miss, in June of 69 We
have a request from Indiana, the date is unverified. PLEASE WRITE US.
Churches and individuals supporting us will have first call on our
Calendar in the coming year of 1969*
Any chruch or group wanting a set of slides to show, please write to
Wesley beasley, Rt. 3 Box 79-Bj Newton, Miss. 393^5# Give him at least
tJiree choices of dates. There is no charge. We ask that you pay re
turn postage to Miss. Please do not bold the set over 7 days. Some
one else wants to use it. I am making a set about religious worship
in Chile. It will show the Devil Dancers.and Spirit worship, plus
roadside shrines, It takes up to six. weeks to get a set of slides de
veloped in Chile, regardless of how much you insist.
_Fleas reru'esent tire problem, ^lit has to do witfa a remedv. The frus-
tration when you attack the problem with the remedy and fail to
see a conplete tolu-' ion. You hay fleas here anywhere the altitude is
not to nigh. Flit and' various insecticides at times serve to agitate
them. You are often frustrated when you dear them out of the house,
only to have the dog, or yourself transport them back from the buses
and public places. We haven't lived too many days without some of
these unlvited guests (?) in beds or on our person. They bother me.
Our basic problem is the unsaved". We have the Gospel, God's remedy
for sin. The frustration-comes from the lack of strength and mobility
to cover all the ground ripe unto harvest. We are so .few and the sin
ners are so mahy. Pi AY V-'ITR U TCJJ.- GOD SEND FORTH LA30RER3 INTO THE
HARVEST. PRAY that IKSTITCTO BIBulCO becomes an officcive agency to
train the Chilean to help overcome this great problem. We ESPECIALLY
. need TRUE TO THE BIBLE materials in the Spanish.
"In as much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these,
* H. Beasley Castlla 821 Antofagasta, Chile
July 1968

P c
Greetings Christians Friends,
p c What wonderful friends are our friends in Christ,
P GO * IE C You share in the work of tfi.ssions in North Chile,
p c After a two month long mail strike and two sieges
p * G of flu, we are trying to get back to normal again,
AND PREACH This means preaching again, or teaching the Bible
each weekday in the classes of Institute Biblico;
installing windows, and pouring our roof on the chapel. Stuccoing the walls inside
andout; building benches, etc.; editing the Chilean Christian Mission Newsletter,
and furthering plans that will make the congreation better able to cope with its
own personal care and concern for preaching the Gospel to others. We would like
to leave the work here in a position to be able to continue with its own people.
We need your prayers,
Fritz Viajes says our One Way fare will be We hope to leave for
home the first of December. If God wills, we spend this Christmas with our child
ren for the first time in five years. Our Passport must be. renewed, and medical
records brought up to date.
Thank God, we haven*t been sick at the same time, We*ve all had the flu and
stomach disturbances which seem to be the custom in Chile. Harvey went to have a
pl^sical after two bouts with flu. After visits to four different specialists
(everybody must get a part of the foriegners money) lungs, heart, blood and eyes,
all is normal. They did recommend a change of glasses: and a long vacation. They
said nothing was wrong which a rest and recreation could not cure. The heart and
lung specialist, Dr. Leon said, "Go to the beach and fish, fish, fish. It is very
curative." The eye specialist warned against much reading.
We have dismissed weekly classes, going into the second week Now. The men have
been taking part in the Sunday preaching. We feel much better. We quit working
on the building, everything stopped for a time. We are beginning to work about
three hours each morning on the building and we expect to start classes for at
least three nites weekly in the next week. Pray that we have strength for the
task at hand, BUIIDING
We have windows ready to put in, It is a bit harder to seat them in concrete
than it is in wood. Our forms are ready to po\ir the floor overhead, or better
said the roof. We are tying all together with electric welding. This way less pro
bability of earthquake damage, Haivey has done the planning and supervision of this
construction. The members are doing the labor necessaiy, donating more that half
of their working time.
Every male member of our congregation has brought a message since their convers
ion to Christ, First, Heriberto Balbontin, then Bro Gomez; Bro Luna and today July
7, Brother Tapia. The men, the last three, (Heriberto has moved to Santiago and is
preaching and working tiiere)^ will be taking turns, as they are able, with me in
the preaching on the Lord*s Day
This is a Bible Study program for each member of the church and any other person
interested in the knowledge contained within the VJord of God, We try to teach how
to stuc^ the Bible, We had a General Survey of the Bible; Acts and Christian Doce
trine; the Revelation, and Beginning the 22 of July a study in Basic English. The
The latter is much in demand.
Along with our study in Bible School the members have a fairly good background
in the Scriptures, The church revealed in the Scriptures and Conversions in Acts,
the book of James and now Hebrews,
We are now making a set of Colored slides on Faith, Fiesta and Flowers, We will
be going up to Tirana this next week for pictures on the worship of the Virgen, I
heard a priest urge the adoration of "our celestial mother". This immediately
after a Ifess officiated by the Archbishop of the Province of Antofagasta, We hope
to have tiiis prepared and in the States September. Then you can decide if you
believe the Catholics worship Mary or not, I*m inclined to say, "YES".
Jeff aiyi Judy Meyers are due to arrive in Antofagasta in September. Bothe are
graduates of Cincinnati Bible Seminary. We eagerly wait.
For eleven years the water of Antofagasta has come from the same source cn the
Boll-rian border in the Volcanic regions* The thermal springs there unload a much
hoavj-er charge of Arsenic into the drinking water than is permitted in most of the
countries of the world.
The engineers of Chile exploration Company have, and still are suggesting that
this water be used sm]y by Commei'cial firms for industrial use*
This year children have been taken, to Santiago and put in Hospitals there under ,
Doctors care. The death certificates show that Arsenic was a contributing'factor, to
their death. ' ' '
We have been drinking, it right along. We^ boil our drinking water religously. - I,
do not know if this ^-Till remove' the Arsenic or not. We all -have had recurrent stomach
troubles since arriving in Chile "but we assummed it .i<as only due to the cultural and
climatic change and. hot to anything in the water. No one here seems to know either,
Chile is soccer crazy, Tliis year Antofagasta is leading their league. The stadium
was filled with 24-,000 fanatics intent on Antofagasta t'd.nning. This set a new re
cord in attendance and money for a local sport competition. Should the team ^^'in the
playoffs this year this tov^n "iiTill go wild. The front page of the New^spaper reads
like our SPORTS S'lCTION in the papers of the States. { .
3R0TH^-R GCI'-n2 ' ' *'
He is really gro^-riLng in the faith and korn^ledge of the Bible, He is a great help
to both Carl Paschal and me. He does a very creditable job of preaching the Word,
He continues to be' plagued with a b^ heart condition, .. He is unable to do much
physical labor without completely spending his energies,. Mita says, "You two are just
alike, nither of you kbnw when to stop and rest," ^I'm sure we both feel that there is
much to be done and so few to do the things that are so vital to the enlargement of
the work nf Christ.,Please remember- him apd, -his- f amily-in-yeur prayers-,
Less than 3OO yards from where we live, Segundo Cistema "was knifed and left for
Segundo had attended church with us some, I had paid his bail and got him out of jail
a year ago for fighting. He had told me of his interest in obeying Christ,
As it proved, he had a fatal x^eakness for women. His "girl friend" had left him
for another man. He went to talk to her# She and the man claimed that he attacked
them and they had to do it in self defence.
However, Carbineras x\'ho picked up his body and took it to the Hospital said, and
it was confirmed fcy the Dr#, that he would have survived the knife wounds, but death
was due to loss of blood.
Some one had stripped him of his watch and money, plus shoes and jadket. Appears
more than a "passion" killing to me. Police are investigating.
We have spent $4-,239*5^ "to date for materials. Architects fees, city fees in con
structing our Chapel, $^,135 <00 come from your gifts to Antofagasta Building Fund#
$16#00 from a church in Brizil, where Jack Robison'a minister and $88#56 from local
offerings of the church in Antofagasta, The donation of $661.00 in labor, by the local
members and friends, has been a sizable contribution to the work.
We are trying to get permission from the Chilean government to bring needed eq\iij>-
ment into the country. They inform us that a legally recognized I'fi.ssionary Corpora
tion is the a.ns\cer to the problem. In this manner we vjill sot have to pay the high
import tax imposed by Chile,
Should we succeed, any I^ssionary in South America in the Christian Chruches,
Churches of Christ, will be able to bring in materials at the Port of Antofagasta,
Some more workers to reach into the upper snd middle classes of t:ie Chile^ people,
"Our work is primarily with the lower class. '
Some raore speaking appointments. Write us for open dates, We are booked for
June in Christian Service Camps, in i^ssissippi and South Carolina.
Yours in ffi.s Service
Forwarding Agent:
Mrs, Sim Ma3o:.g-ile The Bersleys
Rt, 1 (Harvey, Ni.ta, John & Mary
Meridian, Miss, 39301
"In as imieh as ye have done it unto one of the least of these..."
# Greetings Christians Friends,
P C The rest ordered by the Doctors was evidently just
P GO * IE C what we needed. I feel much better, and the entire
P * C family apears in better spirits.
P C How big is our THANKSGIVING, for all who remember
AND PREACH us in your PRAIERS AND HDNIES, is known only to God
We cannot find words to express our fellings to those
of you who held up our hands in the work for Christ and His Church.
We ask your continued support as we labor for HIM. We want to do much more work
on the Chapel building. We want to finish it before we journey toward home in
Devember, Put us on your special PRAYER IIST.
We are just recovering from a mail strike of sometwiS months duration. The
Postat and Telegraph Unions have announced ANOTHER STRIKE TO start July 25,1968.
They didn't get all they wanted in the past demands. Now a new set of them. I'tore
grievance for the little people who must sit and wait.
instituto 3ib;:igo
ARE CONCLUDING OUR STUDY OF THE BOOK OF ACTS, along with our efforts to read
and understand a portion of that wonderful book of the Bible, The Revelation. I
hope that the students have gained an insight into the mind of Christ and God Ivlhich
the Book of God alone provides.
We begin a course of four months duration in Basic English, This is a course
requested by many of our students. Their is an entense desii^ to know the English
language among the peoble of Chile, It is indicative of their concern in the af
fairs of the United States and her people. I have talked with few people who show
no intrest in our great country. They want to visit and know her better.
I don't know if we will be able to return to Chile, The coming election vriill
answer this delimma. We in Antofag?.sta Province are presently living under a Codid-
unistic. "alcalde". In Antofagasta the gentleman in German I-iiric.
One thing is evident, there is on love lost between the dominant political
forces. Communist; Christian Democrat; Socialist and Radical are at "loggerheads".
They just can't agree on a constructive effort jointly administered. In that sense
you could say that Antofagasta's City government has practically dissappeared.
What the future brings in known only to God, PR^Y FOR CHIIE.
It may be wise to consider a MEiV YET OLD method of mission effort. Technicians,
Doctor's professionals engaged in American subsidized programs, Nirrses and Teachers
will be and are welcomed in all the Spanish speaking countries. What a Great Impact
Christians of All Callings Could Make In Said Countries, Their time after work can
be used to plant churches. They can give aid and counsel to native Christians who
can devote their time to wITISS FOR CHRIST, The Apostle Paul USED THIS ilSTHCD.
Soledad recently had a check, (control, it's called here)of her left leg. The
Doctor said they would operate to correct her problem. They wanted to operate on
the good right leg and shorten it to the same lingth as her malformed one. She was
injured in a fall as a baby.
I know very little about bone surgery. Only what I learned when the bone surgeon
operated on ny arme and legs (seven times) after a plane crash had played havoc
with them.
Not once did they advise shortening my good leg to the some as my crushed left
one, I still walK with a limp, but thank God I walk.
so;-je ont: please help m atth this proeism th.t soisd/od lives ai;th every day.
THil^^K YOU?
How can you thank some one who takes your son into their home and treats him as
one of the family? Gressett Beeman and Elsie and their children invited Wesley to
return to the States and stay in their home until he finished High School.
God nnrst have a special place reserved in His heart for such ones as these, I
cannot find words to tell them of our heartfelt appreciation. We say ThAiNK YOU
FRCI'i THE BOTTOM OF OUR HS:'vRTS, God shall supply your every need according to
His riches in glory. This is our desire and prayer for these loved ones.
H. Beasley
Castila 821 --uitofagasta, Chile
Aug. 1968
SEP 1113S8
Wesley is working at the I^i.ssissippx State Hospital this summer. He graduates
from school next school year, God wiUiup we vir.ll be at. his graduation,
Travel funds as of June 30 was $56,60. Plane fare one way vrill be $1,045.00
We plan to arrive in the States in the first week of December. If all goes well,
we shall spend Christmas in Atlanta, Gerpgia.
SPEAiaNG DATES are needed during our visit to the United States. We will be in
Indiana in February/ in South Garelina in January; in Kentucky at Kentucky Christian
college in March;l%y in Arkansas and Oklahoma; June in Mississippi and South
Carolina, No other dates are confirmed as of now.
We will attend the National I'iissionary Convention at Knoxville, Tenn, We are
interested in helping in FAITH PRC^^^SE RALLIES whenever and where ever they might be.
We are dependent upon you, our friends in Christ for our stay in Chile and our
Travel to America, WE TRJIK YOU and we TrtiNK GOD for all things,
On the 20th of July we went to Trocadero for a baptismal service. This one, our
daughter, I'fery, She had been talking about her decision for Christ, with her Mother
for some time.
We praise God for His wonderful care in our life and that of our children. Pray
with us that they abide faithful to Christ our Lord and King,
Carl, Debbie and Children; Harvey, Nita and Children; Rigo, Ofelia and Chileren
left Antofagasta Monday for Tirana, The yearly fiesta of the Virgen of Tirana,
-each-July, was~in" full"swing.
"We asked the first Carabinera Patrol we passed if we needed any official papers
to get to the Fiesta, They said no. Two check points later we were asked for a
paper aurtherizing our visit to Tirana. It turned out that we had to acquire it
from the Municipalidad where we lived. We lacked this AUTHORISATION so rather
than have a continual problem we turned back home.
Next day, our families, Paschal's and Beasley's went to the beach, Carl drove
up an apparently little used road south of Antofagasta. The mountians rose majes*
tically and many hued, on either side of us. The road was apparently an old dry
river bed. We went for miles through the mountians in this river bed until we
came to the top, then onto the Pan-American Highway.
Inquiring later of students if their history mentioned any rivers that flowed to.
the sea near Antofagasta, they assured us that at one time Chile had many rivers in
this northern sector but that the great desart had dried many of them and now only
one flows into the Pacific, El Loa river,
We plan to complete the laying of steel in our roof of the chapel so we may pour
concrete at an early date.
Carl brought the Electric Arc welder for us to use. This speeds up the work and
makes for more economical use of your monies given to the Antofagasta Building Fund,
We will be putting in all metal windows for more durability. Wood dry rots so
badly, not to mention the termite destructioni Glass panes will be put in later.
Stuccoing will be the next ieem on the agenda after our roof sets long enough
that we may safely remove the supporting'forms.
This building which the Arquitect estimated at $40,000,00 dollars will cost us
no more than $8,000,00 including furnishings. This includes $1,000.00 paid to the
The first six months of 1968 God has provided through you fellowlaborers and
Prayer Partners $2,756.72, $5660of this amount was given for Travel Fund, A
Monthly average of a bit more that $459.45. This raise in income has been of great
-help-since prices-in Chile have increased-more thab lOC^I in-the last two years.
You who have followed our work all along know that our support has not doubled dur
ing this time, WE TH'-iNK EACH OF YOU, .-A UE TKaNK GOD for your dedicated support
in monies and prayers. We PRAY GOD'S RICHEST BLESSING UPON YOU Al YOURS. We have
used it to feed our family. We have shared it with families who lacked food for
their children. We have bought needed medicines for our church family. We have
tried to use it as our Lord would use it. GOD BLESS YOU 'aIIO SHARE.
Forwarding Agent Yours in His Services
Mrs, Sim Massengale
1 The Beasleys
Meridian, Miss. 39301
HB: rab
! ^1 L.' 'JW)t"l 111 y. f'Tf^u.iycjj _IJ11-'. L J" '
"In as much t.s ye have done jt uirco ore of the least of these"

He Beasley
Camilla 821 Aiitofagasta, Chile
Sept/ 1966
P *
desert area,
ually green.
We are engrossed in plans to leave the church in a position to care for itself.
Our three men are doing a good job of presenting the gospel message,
We are living a life filled with concern. All the family has been so tired that
we do not want to get up each morning. We do not care about eating. There has been
a distinct change in our skin pigmentation. We have presistent coughs which we can-
notget rid of after much medication, plus stomach disorders and cramps. Our feet A
and hands go to sleep and headaches are common. We force ourselves to get up to eat
and work. The cause? VJe have been drinking water heaviely impregnated with Arsenic
poison. The National Health Service is now making efforts to lower the arsenic con-
.jtent,_,_Mon, Aug. 19 theyi begin distribution of water to the entire city of An;tofa-
gasta.More than 250,000 live here. The task will be practically impowwible. Tank
trucks and the railroad will haul uncontarainated water into the city. They hope
to provide a ration of a bit more than five qt, daily for each person.
This becomes vital, as at this season the snows in our source of water begin to melt.
They flow from heavy Arsenic deposits and usually at this time of the year as summer
approaches our arsenic content reaches an elevated figure.
We still drink this water. We are still poisoned. We ask your fervent prayers for
Antofagasta and the North area of Chile who also drink the same water,
PEOPIE X:ave the city
Folk vrith children heavily impregnated with arsenic are being asked to leave the city.
Two of our church families are definitely affected, Paria Gomez has already left
to stay with folk in Alianza. On Mon. I'&rgarita is leaving. Hermana Nilda left with
two of her children to stay with frier^s in Arica, have been sent to Santiago
Hospitals for treatment.
I have preached the funeral sermon of two children dead from arsenic poisoning. Only
the strongest survive. The grave yard is literally filled with graves of Children.
This water has been used in Antogasasta for ten Years, It will continue to take i ts
toll for years to come unless they find another sourse of water*.
Atidal wave struck the coast of Chile. Severe damage was done in Valpariaso along
the sea wall. Some houses and a few business places were destroyed.
In Antofagasta, the Tidal Wave struck in the low lying area. This includes the
storage areas in the port and the Coastal Avenue,
It is amazing what water can do. It tore up the concrete and black-top Avenue,
The fences along the water front were laid flat. The highway was literally taken
away. There were no evidence that a road had been in places. Debris from the sea
was washed up higher than I have ever seen it in Antofagasta,
A little Wave does so much damage that I don^t want to see a really big Tidal Wave
hit any shore,
Due to intense demand I began a class in Basic English, So many wanted to attend
that 1 had to say no more, please.
There are 2^' who signed up for this class. They are making very creditable progress.
With 850 basic words, one is able to converse in the English language. This is a
far cry from the 4,000 or more verb forms that or must learn to speak the Spanish,
not counting other words.
We are also trying to give them a sound base upon which to build their faith in
Christ Jesus, Pray we abide in the will of God.
There has been an average of one baptism each month since we came to work in Antofa
gasta, In July we baptised our daughter I'iary. In August we baptised Maria Gomez,
daughter of Bro, and Sister Gomez, Pray that these little ones abide faithful and
that the church give them the proper spiritual food so essential to their Christian
Greetings Christians Friends,
Carl Paschal and I went to Santiago, I needed to renew
Passport, and Carl went to buy supplies for the off set
printer, Debbie, Nita and children stayed in Antofagasta,
Believe it or not, we saw grass and trees growing where no
man had planted them. In all our time in the North Zone of
Chile we have only seen flowers, grass and trees planted by
men. They must be constantly watered and cared for in this
made photos to convince Nita and Debbie that part of Chile is act-
A new group of people are attending the English Classes and one lady and her son
have shown a definite interest in church services. Pray that we live for Christ in
such a manner that they will want to be part of Christ*s Kingdom,
We need $1,0^-5.00 for our fare to Atlanta, Ga. We trust God vri.ll supply this need
through you His friends and ours.
We are also considering a weeks st^ out of Antofagasta. This will give our bodies
time to clear the arsenic out of our system. We are considering Iquique and Arica
to the North. Also Alianza where part of the Gomez family are staying during this
danger period in Antofagasta,
Dean Gary will arrive in Chile. He will oe in Revival meetings in the South and
Central Zones, We hope he can come by to visit with us,
August 23, 19^8 at 8:30 La Obra Cristiana, a program made in Osorno hy Alberto
Gonzales, went out over the most powerful station in Antofagasta. Alberto is doing
a commendable job. The ones who have heard the program, really seem to like it.
It is a 15 minite program of music and gospel message.
It costs $30.00 monthly. Each Friday morning it will be heard, CAN SOME ONE ASSUIKIE
THIS EXPENSE? We do not want it to cease when we leave.
He offers a free course of Bible Study, We hope to gain prospects for a church
among the upper classes of people.
Soley seems to be anticipating her jurney to the USA. We got our plane reservations
the other day for Dec. I968, The plane is due out of Antofagasta at 10:10 PM on
Wed. We arrive in Miami ihurs, I'bming at 7:30
We hope tiat we will be able to get Soledad into the Hospital immediately to see
what must be done to correct the porblem in her left foot, PRAY THAT ALL WORKS
OUT FOR GOOD. The Dr. here wanted to operate on the good leg and shorten it to be
equal with the bad one, I talked with a mother who had had this done for her
daughter. Now the girls legs are E-UAL. BOTH ARE BAD. I don't want this to happen
A woefully neglected field. There is a dire lack of Spanish language materials
true to the Bible, We are forced to use materials put out by the Church of God
and Pentecostal groups. Of course it is often filled wuth their peculiar doctrines^
Of one thihg I am certain, if there was a true to the Bible literature without
doctrianl slant of any denomination, many of the missionaries in the Spanish lan
guage fields would gladly use it.
Here is a tremendous opportunity for some one to present the Gospel of Christ in
It's simplicity and purity.
If some one doesn't assume this task we may turn our energies to such a work should
we leave the Chilean I4ission field.
This material needs to be prepared and offered at the lowest possible cost. Even
subsidized l:y funds in the USA. This is a wide open field with harvests dying for
lack of some one to harvest it.
We are preparing a pictorial report of sites about the city. It will show trans
portation, homes, businesses and Social activities. Also some of the industries in
this area. It will be ready the later part of September of first of October,
Write to Wesley Beasley, Rt, 3 Box 97-B, Newton, Miss, 393^5
Forwording Agent
Mrs, Sim Massengale Yours in His Service
Rt, 1 Iferidian, MLss 393^1
- - - The Beasleys
Dear Fellow Christians,
It is of the utmist importance that we raise the needed funds, within the nest
two months, to bring the Beasleys home. Untill now funds have been veiy slow
coming in. We are asking that you make a special effort for this cause. If each
person letter would give just 1.00 for the mor/hs of Get, & Nov.
we could bri Joz Fe.j.-Ir'S v'il.a ea'-e, jcu :5if U't:' Seni all
funds- vi dH-es- a"'ov- ) '/.arAed fc.- FUJI',
We thaiiik you and I Knoi* Gco vill Bleso yvu, .
lirs, 3yas
i'ia; Agent

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