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SPE 89991

Joint Estimation of Porosity and Saturation Using Stochastic Rock Physics Modeling
R. Bachrach and . !utta" Reser#oir Ser#ices" $estern%eco
three inde&endent &arameters' (ulk modulus" shear modulus"
)o &yrig ht * ++, " Soci et y o f Pet rol eum Eng ine ers -n c.
and density. . closed/form e0uation for (ulk and shear
1 his &a& er 2 as & re&a red fo r &re sent at io n a t th e SPE .nnu al 1e chni cal )on fe rence an d
E3hi (it io n hel d in 4o ust on" 1e 3as" U .S. .. " *5 6*9 Se &t em(e r * ++, .
modulus and saturation 7e.g." Biot/%assman relations8 and
effecti#e media theory 7i.e." &orosity/mo duli relations8 is 1 his &a& er 2 as se lect ed f or &re sent a tio n ( y an SPE Pro gram )ommi tt ee fo llo 2in g re #ie2 of
in fo rmat ion cont ai ned in a & ro&o sal su (mit t ed ( y th e au th or7s8. ) ont en t s o f t he &a& er" as
deri#ed using rock &hysics analysis. $hen sufficient data
&re sent ed " h a#e n ot (e en re #ie2e d ( y th e Soci et y of Pet role um Eng ine ers a nd a re su( 9ect t o
e3ist" such relations can (e deri#ed em&irically. ote that
corre cti on (y t he au th or7s8. 1 he mat eria l" as &rese nt ed" d oes not n ecessa rily ref lect a ny
&o sit ion of t he So ciet y o f Pe tro leu m Engi nee rs" i ts of fi cers" or me m(ers. Pa& ers & resen te d at
de#iation from the general theory:regression can (e modeled SPE mee ti ngs a re su( 9ect t o &u (li cat ion re#ie 2 (y Ed it oria l )o mmit te es of t he So ciet y of
Pet rol eum En gin eers. Ele ctro nic re &rod uct ion " d ist ri(u ti on" or st ora ge o f a ny &a rt o f t hi s &a& er
using rando m error 2ithin the confidence inter#al of the
f or comme rcial &u r&ose s 2it ho ut th e 2ri tt en con sent of t he So ciet y o f Pe tro leu m Engi nee rs is
s&ecific relation used.
&ro hi( it ed. Pe rmissi on to re& rodu ce in &rin t is rest rict ed t o a &ro &osa l of no t more t han ;+ +
2o rds< ill ust rat ion s may no t ( e co&i ed. 1 he & ro&o sal mu st co nt ain cons& icuo us
ackn o2l edg ment of 2h ere a nd ( y 2ho m th e &a &er 2 as &re sent ed . $rit e = i(ra rian " SPE" P. >.
Bo3 8; ;8; 5" R icha rdson " 1 ? @ A+8 ;/;8 ;5" U. S... " f a3 +1 /9@* /9A* /9,; A.
.ssuming that the saturation and &orosity are inde&endent" 2e
can dra2 them stochastically from a &rior distri(ution. -n this
e3am&le" 2e use uniform distri(ution for &orosity (et2een +.1
and +.," 2hich means that these are the e3&ected &orosity
ranges in the reser#oir. Saturation is dra2n similarly from a
Porosity and saturation are fundamental sedimentary uniform distri(ution (et2een +.1 and 1 7here" 2e assume the
&ro&erties that affect (oth seismic 2a#e &ro&agation and
residual 2ater saturation is B1+C8. Digure 1. sho2s the (ulk
a&&raisal de#elo&ment and &roduction of an o il field .
modulus in the &orosity/saturation s&ace. Digure 1B sho2s
1raditionally" these &arameters ha#e (een estimated from
the &ro9ection of the (ulk modulus on the (ulk modulus/
seismic im&edances and #elocities using Biot/%assman theory
&orosity s&ace and Digure 1) sho2s the &ro9ection of the (ulk
and:or or &orosity/#elocity relationshi&s. 4o2e#er" 2hen
modulus on the modulus/saturation s&ace. -n Digure 1B" the
using theory to relate surface seismic attri(utes to reser#oir
scatter in the data can ( e inter&reted as the results of
saturation" the &o rosity estimation &ro(lem and its affect on
uncertainty in the saturation" and similarly in Digure 1)" the
the unsaturated sedimentary &ro&erties should (e addressed.
scatter in the data can (e inter&reted as the result of
Similarly" the &ro( lem of &orosity estimation is also affected
uncertainty in the &orosity. Similar calculations are don e for
(y the hydrocar(on saturation at the target. Because (ulk
the shear modulus and the density.
modulus and density are affected (y (oth &orosity and
saturation of the sediment" and (ecause the shear modulus is
Joint Estimation Methodology
affected (y the sediment &oro sities" estimating hydrocar(on
saturation and reser#oir &orosity from seismic data is a 9oint
$ithin the frame2ork of Bayesian in#ersion" 2e can use the
estimation &ro(lem. Moreo#er" the uncertainties associated
follo2ing general methodology to estimate the most likely
2ith saturation estimatio n are related to the uncertainties 2e
&orosity and saturation gi#en a set of seismic attri(utes. Drom
ha#e in the &orosity" and #ice #ersa.
stochastic rock &hysics modeling" 2e o(tain the random
ATR ATR seismic attri(utes 7 can (e E&" Es" density" or
-n this &a&er" 2e &resent a methodology for 9oint &orosity/
any function of these three #aria(les" e.g." P/im&edance" shear
saturation estimation. $e sho2 ho2 &orosities and
im&edance" and density8. 1hen" 2e calculate the conditional
saturations can (e 9ointly estimated using stochastic rock
&ro(a(ility of a set of seismic attri(utes gi#en saturation and
&hysics modeling and Bayesian estimation frame2ork. $e
f p7 ATR F " sw8 &orosity . 1his conditional &df is kno2n as
study the interde&endencies of this reser#oir &ro&erty
the likelihood function 7Gay 8. e3t" 2e in#ert for the jo int
estimation &ro( lem 2ithin a gi#en lithology unit.
&ro(a(ility of the &orosity and saturation using BayesH rule
7Stengel 8"
p7f " swF ATR8 I
Stochastic Rock Physics Modeling
p7ATR F f " sw8 J p7f " sw8 : p7ATR8.
.ssumin g a lin early elastic" isotro&ic earth model" th e seismic
res&onse of the sediments can (e com&letely characteriKed (y

* SPE 89991
.fter deri#ing the 9oint a/&osteriori &ro(a(ility of the &orosity" 2e use the ma3imum a/&o steriori 7M.P8 rule
p7f " sw F ATR8 7Gay 8. " 2e can d eri#e the conditional &ro( a(ility
for &orosity and satu ration as fo llo2s'
Effect of &orosity
Effect of
Figure 2: Input data. A) P-ipedance B) !-ipedance C)Density
Figure ": A) Bul# odulus as a $unction o$ porosity and
D) %as indicator probability
saturation a$ter stochastic siulation. B) Pro&ection o$ Aon
saturation a'is sho(s that the scatter in the data is due to
uncertainty in porosity C) Pro&ection o$ Aon porosity a'is sho(s
that the scatter in the data is due to uncertainty in saturation.
f f p7 F ATR 8 I p7 " swL F ATR 8dsw L "
s w
f f I p7 sw F ATR 8 p7 L " sw F ATR 8d L.
ote that e0uation 7*8 gi#es us the &df of &orosity and the &dfs
of saturation" gi#en the seismic attri(ute. 1o get an estimate

SPE 89991 ;
Field )'aple: )stiating porosity and saturation the estimation &ro(lem is not uni0ue. Digure ; sho2s the ;!
in clastic syste &dfs 2ith saturation inter#als of 1+C and also the marginal
&dfs &ro9ected on the P/im&edance" S/im&edance" and density
1he in&ut data used in our analysis are three seismic attri(utes' s&ace. Drom these &dfs 2e can deri#e not only the M.P
acoustic im&edance" shear im&edance" and density ma&s. estimator" (ut also the uncertainty associated 2ith our
1hese attri(utes are generated using hy(rid in#ersion &rediction. -n Digure ," 2e sho2 the results of a com&arison
techni0ues 7Bena(entos et al. 8 that use .E> attri(utes and (et2een the saturation estimate and a saturation log. Eery
#elocity and density &sudologs generated (y full 2a#eform good agreement is #isi(le< and &articularly" Kones of gas
&restack in#ersion. 1he &ay &ro(a(ility ma& 2e use as a saturations higher than 5AC" 2hich are defined as risky Kones
lithology ind icator &ro(a(ility ma& 2as gen erated using a for su(/commercial 2ells are identified and marked (y arro2s.
classification scheme similar to that used (y other authors 1heoretical Bayesian success rates 7Gay 8 deri#ed from the
&dfs sho2 that although the &ro(a(ility of correctly classifying 7Muker9i et al. < .#seth et al. 8 and 2hich is descri(ed in
, A
Bachrach et al. . -n this e3am&le" 2e chose to a&&ly the the saturation 2ithin the 1+C inter#al is only B;+C for most
inter#als" 2e can still identify the risky Kones and delineate saturation and &orosity in#ersion to e#ery trace 2here the
&ro(a(ility of sands e3ceeds *+C. Digures *." *B" and *) them from the &ay and non/commercial #alues 2ith a
&ro(a(ility higher than 81C. sho2 the P/im&edance" shear im&edance" and density seismic
attri(utes 2e used as the three in&ut seismic attri(utes for the
9oint estimation. Digure *! sho2s the gas indicator
&ro(a(ility ma& deri#ed from 2ell log data analysis as
descri(ed in Bachrach et al. .
Figure *: +esults o$ MAP saturation ap. A) Inline in,ersion B)
Coparison to the (ell log. -ote that the ris#y .one /ar#ed (ith
arro() is correctly identi$ied.
Digure A sho2s the &dfs associated 2ith the &orosity. $e Figure 0: A) pd$s o$ nine saturation inter,als /"12 increent) in
descretiKed the &orosity 2ith increments of AC and again &lot
P-ipedance3 !-ipedance3 and density space. B) Marginal pd$s
$or P-Ipedance /top)3 !-Ipedance /iddle)3 and density
the &dfs in the ;! s&ace of P/im&edance" S/im&edance" and
density 7Digure A.8. $e also &lot the marginal &dfs on each
of the a(o#e a3es se&arately in Digure AB. ote th at good 1he &ro(a(ility density functions deri#ed in e0uation 7*8 are
se&aration is achie#a(le 2ith the three attri(utes. 1heoretical used as ma&&ing functions to ma& the saturation and &orosity
Bayesian success rates sho2s that if 2e (ased our &rediction from seismic attri(utes. 4o2e#er" as can (e seen in Digure 1"
, SPE 89991
of the data on e3act P/im&edance" shear im&edance and reser#oir' Seismic in#ersions and statistical rock &hysics"
%eo&hysics" 55" 988/1++1.
density 2e ha#e more than 8+C &ro(a(ility to classify the
correct &orosity inter#al. Digure 5. sho2s the &orosity
*. Stengle" R.D." 199;" >&timal control and estimation" !o#er
estimation deri#ed (y the M.P rule using the &dfs in Digure A
Pu(lication -nc." e2 Mork.
and the in&ut data in Digure *. Digure 5B sho2s the &orosity
log at trace A1" and the estimated &orosity traces near the trace.
;. Bena(entos" M." Malick" S." Sigismondi" M." and Soldo" J." *++*"
Seismic reser#oir descri&tion using hy(rid seismic in#ersion' . ;!
case study from the MarNa -nOs >este Dield" .rgentina" 1he =eading
Edge" *1" 1++*/1++8.
-n this &a&er" 2e sho2ed ho2 9oint estimation of &orosity and
,. Muker9i" 1." Jorstad" .." .#seth" P." Ma#ko" %." and %ranli" J.R." saturation can (e &erformed using 9oint Bayesian in#ersion.
*++1a" Ma&&ing lithofacies and &ore fluid &ro(a(ilities in a orth
Uncertainty estimation" 2hich reflects the non/uni0ueness in
Sea reser#oir' Seismic in#ersions and statistical rock &hysics"
the in#ersion &ro(lem" is an integral &art of this formalism.
%eo&hysics" 44" 988/1++1
1he only assum&tion made 2ith this ne2 method is a(out the
&ay lithology. -n the s&ecific e3am&le 2e &resented" 2e could
A. .#seth" P." Muker9i" 1." Jorstad" .." Ma#ko" %." and Eeggeland"
differentiate &otential &ay from the high/risk Kone 2ith 8+.1C
1." *++1" Seismic reser#oir ma&&ing from ;/! .E> in a orth Sea
confidence" (ut a saturation resolution of 1+C is achie#a(le
tur(idite system" %eo&hysics" 55" 11A@/11@5.
2ith ;+C success. -n this e3am&le" 2e identify &orosity
2ithin 91C confid ence" as &orosity is (etter resol#ed than 5. Bachrach" R." Perdomo" J." Mallick" S." and !utta" ." *++;"
Pro&agating seismic data 0uality into rock &hysics analysis and saturation gi#en a com&lete set of seismic attri(utes.
reser#oir &ro&erty estimation' )ase study of lithology &rediction
using full 2a#eform in#ersion in clastic (asins" @;ed .nn. -nternat.
Mtg." Soc. E3&l. %eo&hys." E3&anded .(stracts.
Figure 5: A) pd$s o$ $i,e porosity inter,als in P-ipedance3 !-
ipedance3 and density space. B) Marginal pd$s $or P-Ipedance
Figure 4: +esults o$ MAP porosity ap. A) Inline in,ersion B)
/top)3 !-Ipedance /iddle)3 and density /botto). Coparison to the (ell log. %ood correlation bet(een sands
high-porosities and prediction is ,isible.
Ac#no(ledgeents $e thank $estern%eco and
Schlum(erger for &ermission to su(mit this a(stract.
1. Gay" S.M." 199;" Dundamentals of statistical signal &rocessing'
Estimation theory" Prentice 4all -nc" e2 Jersy.
Muker9i" 1." Jorstad" .." .#seth" P." Ma#ko" %." and %ranli" J. R."
*++1" Ma&&ing lithofacies and &ore fluid &ro(a(ilities in a orth Sea

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