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Engineering Mathematics
Department of Mathematics
University of Garmsar
Page : 1 of 6
Course Code: ?????
Total Lecture ours: !" hours
#emester: 1
$cademic #ession: 1%&%'&!
: Pourbashash, Hossein
e mail : pour(ashash)gmail*com
Engineering Mathematics is the art of applying mathematics to
complex real-world problems. It combines mathematical theory,
practical engineering and scientific computing to address todays
technological challenges.
Partial diferential equations are the basis of all
physical theorems. In the theory of sound in gases,
liquid and solids, in the investigations of elasticity, in
optics, everywhere partial diferential equations
formulate basic laws of nature which can be checked
against experiments.
!ernhard "iemann
#ynopsis !his course co"ers topics including Fourier Analysis and Partial
Diferential Equations. #omplex $umbers and %unctions are also
studied. #omplex &ifferentiation, #omplex Integration and #omplex
'nalysis and Potential !heory are discussed.
Learning +utcomes:
(y the end of the course, students should be able to:
,o* Course Learning +utcomes $ssessment Methods
#)* %ind the %ourier series of periodic functions
%ind the %ourier sine and cosine series for functions
defined on an inter"al
'pply the %ourier con"ergence theorem
%ind the %ourier sine and cosine integral for functions
%ind the %ourier translators for functions
+*,!*, %
#), Explain the fundamental concepts of partial
differential e-uations and their role in modern
mathematics and applied contexts
.ol"e linear second order P&Es using canonical
"ariables for initial-"alue problems, .eparation of
/ariables and %ourier series for boundary "alue

#)0 .ol"e basic e-uations on complex numbers including !,,%, +,
Engineering Mathematics
Department of Mathematics
University of Garmsar
Page : - of 6
C+U.#/ 0,#T.UCT+.: Pourbashash, Hossein
Total Lecture ours: !"
#emester: 1
$cademic #ession: 1%&%'&!
powers and roots1 represent complex function as
hyperbolic and trigonometric functions.
Explain Cauchy Integral Theorem,
singularities, Cauchy Integral formula, Poles
& Residues, Residue Theorem
+3,',, %
4! 5 !est 1 P6 5 Pro7ect 1 + 5 +ui81 ' 5'ssignment 1 Pr 5 Presentation1 % 5 %inal Exam9
T/$C0,G M/T+D+L+G1
:ecture and &iscussion, 'ssignments, +ui88es, Independent .tudy
2//3L1 #C/DUL/
;ee< * - 3 : 4ourier $nalysis: Fourier series e!ansion, Functions de"ned o#er a
"nite inter#al, Diferentiation and integration of Fourier series,
Com!le form of Fourier series, Fourier Integral, Fourier Transform
The central starting !oint of Fourier analysis is #ourier series$ They
are in"nite series
designed to re!resent general !eriodic functions in terms of sim!le
ones, namely, cosines
and sines$ This trigonometric system is orthogonal, allo%ing the
com!utation of the
coe&cients of the Fourier series 'y use of the %ell()no%n Euler
formulas$ Fourier series are #ery im!ortant to the engineer and
!hysicist 'ecause they allo% the solution of *DEs in connection %ith
forced oscillations and the a!!roimation of !eriodic functions$
+oreo#er, Fourier analysis to PDEs is a!!lied$ Fourier series are, in a
certain sense, more uni#ersal than the familiar Taylor series in calculus
'ecause many discontinuous !eriodic functions that come u! in
a!!lications can 'e de#elo!ed in Fourier series 'ut do not ha#e Taylor
series e!ansions$
Course Te5t:
1* =lynn >ames, 4,??09. Advanced Modern Engineering Mathematics, Prentice Hall.
#upplementary Te5ts:
-* @rey8ig, Erwin 4*AA39. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, >ohn ;iley, $ew Bor< 4!' 33? @C *AA39
Engineering Mathematics
Department of Mathematics
University of Garmsar
Page : % of 6
C+U.#/ 0,#T.UCT+.: Pourbashash, Hossein
Total Lecture ours: !"
#emester: 1
$cademic #ession: 1%&%'&!
%* .troud @.' 4*AA29. Advanced Engineering Mathematics; MacMillan :td.
!* 'lan >effrey 4,??,9. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 'cademic Press.
6* (radley, =.: and .mith 4*AAD9, Calculus, Prentice Hall International Inc.
;ee< E - 2 : Partial Differential /7uations: ,eneral discussion, -olution 'y -e!arating
.aria'les, -olution of the %a#e equation, /eat Equation0 -olution 'y
Fourier -eries, /eat Equation -olution 'y Fourier Integrals and
A PDE is an equation that contains one or more !artial deri#ati#es of
an un)no%n function that de!ends on at least t%o #aria'les$ 1sually
one of these deals %ith time t and the remaining %ith s!ace 2s!atial
#aria'le2s33$ The most im!ortant PDEs are the %a#e equations that can
model the #i'rating string and the #i'rating mem'rane, the heat
equation for tem!erature in a 'ar or %ire, and the 4a!lace equation for
electrostatic !otentials$ PDEs are #ery im!ortant in dynamics,
elasticity, heat transfer, electromagnetic theory, and quantum
mechanics$ They ha#e a much %ider range of a!!lications than *DEs,
%hich can model only the sim!lest !hysical systems$ Thus PDEs are
su'5ects of many ongoing research and de#elo!ment !ro5ects$
;ee< C : Test 1
Comple5 $nalysis: #omplex analysis has many applications in heat conduction,
fluid flow, electrostatics, and in other areas. It extends the familiar Freal
calculusG to Fcomplex calculusG by introducing complex numbers and
functions. ;hile many ideas carry o"er from calculus to complex analysis,
there is a mar<ed difference between the two. %or example, analytic
functions, which are the Fgood functionsG 4differentiable in some domain9 of
complex analysis, ha"e deri"ati"es of all orders. !his is in contrast to calculus,
where real-"alued functions of real "ariables may ha"e deri"ati"es only up to a
certain order. !hus, in certain ways, problems that are difficult to sol"e in real
calculus may be much easier to sol"e in complex analysis. #omplex analysis is
important in applied mathematics for three main reasons:
*. !wo-dimensional potential problems can be modeled and sol"ed by methods
of analytic functions. !his reason is the real and imaginary parts of analytic
functions satisfy :aplaces e-uation in two real "ariables.
,. Many difficult integrals 4real or complex9 that appear in applications can be
sol"ed -uite elegantly by complex integration.
3. Most functions in engineering mathematics are analytic functions, and their
study as functions of a complex "ariable leads to a deeper understanding of
their properties and to interrelations in complex that ha"e no analog in real
Engineering Mathematics
Department of Mathematics
University of Garmsar
Page : ! of 6
C+U.#/ 0,#T.UCT+.: Pourbashash, Hossein
Total Lecture ours: !"
#emester: 1
$cademic #ession: 1%&%'&!
;ee< D-A : Comple5 ,um(ers8 4unctions and Comple5 Differentiation: #omplex
$umbers and !heir =eometric 6epresentation, Polar %orm of #omplex
$umbers. Powers and 6oots, &eri"ati"e, 'nalytic %unction, #auchy56iemann
E-uations, :aplaces E-uation, Exponential %unction, !rigonometric and
Hyperbolic %unctions, Eulers %ormula, :ogarithm, =eneral Power, Principal
!he transition from Freal calculusG to Fcomplex calculusG starts with a
discussion of complex numbers and their geometric representation in the
complex plane. ;e then progress to analytic functions. ;e desire functions to
be analytic because these are the Fuseful functionsG in the sense that they are
differentiable in some domain and operations of complex analysis can be
applied to them. !he most important e-uations are therefore the #auchy5
6iemann e-uations because they allow a test of analyticity of such functions.
Moreo"er, we show how the #auchy56iemann e-uations are related to the
important :aplace e-uation. !he remaining sections of the lectur are de"oted
to elementary complex functions 4exponential, trigonometric, hyperbolic, and
logarithmic functions9. !hese generali8e the familiar real functions of calculus.
;ee< *? -**
;ee< *,
Comple5 0ntegration: :ine Integral in the #omplex Plane, #auchys Integral
!heorem, #auchys Integral %ormula, &eri"ati"es of 'nalytic %unctions
;e shall discuss the first approach to complex integration. It centers around
the "ery important #auchy integral theorem 4also called the #auchy5=oursat
theorem9 !his theorem is important because it allows, through its implied
#auchy integral formula, the e"aluation of integrals ha"ing an analytic
integrand. %urthermore, the #auchy integral formula shows the surprising
result that analytic functions ha"e deri"ati"es of all orders. Hence, in this
respect, complex analytic functions beha"e much more simply than real-"alued
functions of real "ariables, which may ha"e deri"ati"es, only up to a certain
#omplex integration is attracti"e for se"eral reasons. .ome basic properties of
analytic functions are difficult to pro"e by other methods. !his includes the
existence of deri"ati"es of all orders 7ust discussed. ' main practical reason for
the importance of integration in the complex plane is that such integration can
e"aluate certain real integrals that appear in applications and that are not
accessible by real integral calculus.
%inally, complex integration is used in connection with special functions, such
as gamma functions, the error function, and "arious polynomials. !hese
functions are applied to problems in physics.
Test -
Engineering Mathematics
Department of Mathematics
University of Garmsar
Page : 6 of 6
C+U.#/ 0,#T.UCT+.: Pourbashash, Hossein
Total Lecture ours: !"
#emester: 1
$cademic #ession: 1%&%'&!
;ee< *3 : Po9er #eries8 Taylor #eries: .e-uences, .eries, #on"ergence !ests, Power
.eries, %unctions =i"en by Power .eries, !aylor and Maclaurin .eries
In this lecture, we focus on complex power series and in particular !aylor
series. !hey are analogs of real power series and !aylor series in calculus.
#on"ergence tests for complex series, which are -uite similar to those for real
series will be discuses.
;ee< *E-*0 : Laurent #eries* .esidue 0ntegration: :aurent .eries, .ingularities and Heros,
Infinity, 6esidue Integration Method, 6esidue Integration of 6eal Integrals
;ee< *2-*D : 6e"ision ;ee< and %inal Examination
6* %iney, 6., ;eir, M and =iordano, %. 4,??*9, !homas Calculus, 'ddison-;esley Pub.
,o Type of $ssessment ,um(er : each : total Date
1 'ssignment , ,.0 0 ;0, ;*E
- +ui8 3 04best ,9 *? ;E, ;*?, ;*0
- !est * * ,? *0 ;C
% !est , * ,? ,? ;*,
! %inal Examination * 0? 0? ;*C-;*D
Total 1;;
G/,/.$L 0,#T.UCT0+,#
Attendance: It is expected that e"ery student will be in class for lectures and also participate in all
tutorial exercises. 'ttendance records will be <ept and used to determine each persons -ualification to sit
for the final examination. In case of illness or other una"oidable cause of absence, the student must
communicate as soon as possible with the instructor, indicating the reason for the absence.
Academic Integrity: /iolations of academic integrity, including dishonesty in assignments, examinations,
or other academic performances are prohibited. Bou are not allowed to ma<e copies of another persons
wor< and submit it as your own1 that is plagiarism. 'll cases of academic dishonesty will be reported to the
Ini"ersity Management for appropriate sanctions in accordance with the guidelines for handling students
misconduct as spelt out in the .tudentsHandboo<.
Assignments and Group Work: .tudents are expected to submit assignments as scheduled. %ailure to
submit an assignment as at when due will earn you 8ero for that assignment. )nly under extenuating
circumstances, for which a student has notified the instructor in ad"ance, will late submission of
Engineering Mathematics
Department of Mathematics
University of Garmsar
Page : 6 of 6
C+U.#/ 0,#T.UCT+.: Pourbashash, Hossein
Total Lecture ours: !"
#emester: 1
$cademic #ession: 1%&%'&!
assignments be permitted.
Code of Conduct in Lecture Rooms and Laboratories: .tudents should turn off their cell phones
during lectures. .tudents are prohibited from engaging in other acti"ities 4such as texting, watching
"ideos, etc.9 during lectures.

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