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Climatic and Vegetative

The tundra is a vast and treeless land that
covers 20% of the earth’s surface. The
tundra circles around the North Pole.
The tundra is the world's coldest and
driest biome. Average annual
temperatures is -70°F (-56°C). The
tundra’s ground is covered by a layer of
permafrost which is about 10 inches to 3
feet deep. In the summer the permafrost
starts to melt and that can be very bad.
The wind gets as fast as 30 to 60 mph.
During the winter some nights can last
for weeks because the sun never rises,
but during the summer it shines almost
24 hours a day.

The vegetation of the tundra is low

Dangers to the Tundra
growing plants like moss lichen and The tundra is threatened by many into the atmosphere. This will
heaths. During the summer the top level things, but the biggest threat is cause the heat from the sun to be
of the snow gets soggy, and then the area global warming. The reason global trapped in atmosphere and make
is covered by lakes, bogs and streams.
As a result of this, thousands of insects warming is such a big problem is things melt. Another reason this is
emerge and attract migrating birds. Since because it melts the layer of bad is the stuff that take in carbon
there is little vegetation, the animals that permafrost. If the permafrost dioxide to change or die because
live there have to conserve on what they melts, the carbon dioxide which is of the massive amount of carbon
stored in the soil will be released dioxide in the air.

Plants of the Tundra

Future outlook for the next 20
Animals of the Tundra years for the Biome
Plants like Arctic moss, Arctic
Animals like the Arctic fox, willow, bearberry, caribou moss,
Ifthe tundra keeps melting, the ocean
caribou, ermine, and polar bears diamond-leaf willow, and others
level will rise to a threatening level.
are the kinds of animals that have are the ones that can survive the
By the year of 2030, the sea level will
adapted to the coldness and the harsh condition of the tundra. The
rise 18 cm and by 2070 the water will
wind over many years. These only types of plants that can
rise 44 cm. With the rising
animals also need to feed on the survive in this weather have to be
temperature it, will kill moss and
types of vegetation that grow in low growing.
lichen across 40% of the tundra.
Most significant impacts to the
Political and/or social sides
living things in the biome
to this problem, including
Small changes, like if the temperature any controversy
surrounding them
increases by only .5º, could cause big
Some people in the world think
consequences like sea level rising because
that we should drill for oil in
of the melting. Another problem that is
the tundra, even if we risk
caused by global warming is the melting of
losing the tundra. Other people
that is under the layer of permafrost. If the
Significant environmental think that it would not be wise
soil starts to the melt, the nutrients inside
problems and the causes of because the amount of oil
those problems of the soil and carbon dioxide will be
underground in the tundra is
released into the air. Carbon dioxide also
••• not worth what it would cost to
goes in the ice, and when it melts it goes
The melting of the permafrost could drill. If we spent $2 million to
into lakes, and rivers and it will change the
cause high winds, storm surges, sea drill and then collect the oil,
water chemistry. More plants will eat the
ice compaction, flooding, and and we only get $1 million
rich soil and multiply and cause the
shoreline erosions. If it is warm worth of oil, that would
permafrost to melt more.
enough, the ice from the coastline counterproductive. It would be
will melt and fall in the water Miscellaneous interesting info a waste of money and a waste
causing two different things. One is The tundras is the world’s youngest to destroy the tundra.
that the sea level will rise and cause biome. It is only 10,000 years old.
threats to other places. The second
thing is the loss of ice.


"Alpine Biome." Blue Planet Biomes. Web. 11

Dec. 2009. <

"Trouble In The Tundra | Science &

Technology | Chemical & Engineering News."
ACS Publications - Cookie absent. Web. 11
Dec. 2009. <

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