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Year 1 Unit 1 Fiction 4 weeks Autumn Term 1

Stories with familiar settings
Ther Shopping Basket John Burningham
Dogger Shirle !ughes
Beegu Ale"is Deacon
#here$s m Te%%& Je' All(ough
)ea% se*eral stories %uring the unit which are (ase% aroun% inci%ents
an% settings that are familiar to the chil%ren+ ,%entif where the stor
takes place- who is in*ol*e% an% what happens+ ,ntro%uce the wor%s
.character.- .setting.- .e*ents.+ Demonstrate how to appl wor% rea%ing
skills an% strategies an% in*ol*e chil%ren in using these strategies
/hil%ren i%entif the main e*ents in a stor an% re0enact using- for
e"ample- props- pictures or puppets+
,%entif an% %iscuss a familiar e"perience in a stor- for e"ample
getting lost+ /hil%ren make links with their own e"periences+
1"plore imaginati*e i%eas arising from this using role0pla- for
e"ample .The %a /lass 1 got lost.+ 2ake a simple stor plan- for
e"ample using a se3uence of photos from the %rama acti*it+
Demonstrate how to write sentences to tell the stor+ )einforce the
application of spelling strategies an% correct sentence punctuation+
2ake a class (ook+
/hil%ren recount their own real or imagine% e"periences orall+ The
recor% their plan ( %rawing a se3uence of pictures- then writing
sentence4s5 to retell the stor in writing+ The se3uence coul% (e
repeate% twice using %i6erent (ooks as a starting point+
Prior Learning:
/heck that chil%ren can alrea%7
8isten attenti*el to stories (eing tol% or rea% an% then i%entif the
main characters an% the setting+
)e0enact a stor the ha*e hear% an% inclu%e the main character an%
some of the main e*ents+
Begin to form a simple sentence when attempting writing for %i6erent
Teaching Objectives
Most children learn to:
1. Speaking
Tell stories an% %escri(e inci%ents from their own e"perience in
an au%i(le *oice
)etell stories- or%ering e*ents using stor language
2. Listening and responding
8isten with sustaine% concentration- (uil%ing new stores of
wor%s in %i6erent conte"ts
. !ra"a
1"plore familiar themes an% characters through impro*isation
an% role0pla
#. $ord recognition: decoding %reading& and encoding %spelling&
)ecognise an% use alternati*e was of pronouncing the
graphemes alrea% taught
)ecognise an% use alternati*e was of spelling the graphemes
alrea% taught
,%entif the constituent parts of two0slla(le an% three0slla(le
wor%s to support the application of phonic knowle%ge an% skills
)ecognise automaticall an increasing num(er of familiar high
fre3uenc wor%s
Appl phonic knowle%ge an% skills as the prime approach to
rea%ing an% spelling unfamiliar wor%s that are not completel
)ea% more challenging te"ts which can (e %eco%e% using their
ac3uire% phonic knowle%ge an% skills- along with automatic
recognition of high fre3uenc wor%s
)ea% an% spell phonicall %eco%a(le two0slla(le an% three0
slla(le wor%s
'. $ord str(ct(re and spelling
Spell new wor%s using phonics as the prime approach
Segment soun%s into their constituent phonemes in or%er to
spell them correctl
)ecognise an% use alternati*e was of spelling the graphemes
alrea% taught
Use knowle%ge of common in9ections in spelling- such as
plurals- -ly- -er
)ea% an% spell phonicall %eco%a(le two0slla(le an% three0
slla(le wor%s
). *nderstanding and interpreting te+ts
,%entif the main e*ents an% characters in stories- an% :n%
speci:c information in simple te"ts
Use snta" an% conte"t when rea%ing for meaning
,. -ngaging with and responding to te+ts
Select (ooks for personal rea%ing an% gi*e reasons for choices
;isualise an% comment on e*ents- characters an% i%eas- making
imaginati*e links to own e"periences
.. /reating and shaping te+ts
,n%epen%entl choose what to write a(out- plan an% follow it
Use ke features of narrati*e in their own writing
/reate short simple te"ts on paper an% on screen that com(ine
wor%s with images 4an% soun%s5
10. Te+t str(ct(re and organisation
#rite chronological an% non0chronological te"ts using simple
11. Sentence str(ct(re and p(nct(ation
/ompose an% write simple sentences in%epen%entl to
communicate meaning
/lassroo" -nviron"ent
Shop role pla area
1"ample shopping lists- proformas in writing area+
1ssess"ent Opport(nities
Phase 1
,%entif the main character an% setting in a stor using e*i%ence from the
illustrations an% te"t 4teacher o(ser*ation- %iscussion5+
Phase 2
)e0enact a stor- se3uencing the main e*ents correctl an% using phrases
from the te"t 4teacher o(ser*ation5+
Phase 2
#rite three simple sentences to tell a stor or recount of e*ents (ase% on
personal e"perience- using stor language where appropriate 4marking-
chil%ren.s own e*aluation against agree% success criteria5+
3e4 1spects o5 Learning
/reative thinking
/hil%ren will appl imaginati*e i%eas to create i%eas for %rama an% stor writing (ase% on familiar inci%ents an% settings+
/hil%ren will ha*e a clear goal for their in%epen%ent writing 0 composing three complete sentences 0 an% will (e a(le to assess their own progress in
achie*ing that goal as the rea% through what the ha*e written+
/hil%ren will %iscuss success criteria for their written work- gi*e fee%(ack to others an% (egin to <u%ge the e6ecti*eness of their own writing+
Social skills
#hen %e*eloping colla(orati*e writing chil%ren will learn a(out listening to an% respecting other people.s i%eas+
/hil%ren will %e*elop their a(ilit to %iscuss as the work colla(orati*el in paire%- group an% whole0class conte"ts+ The will communicate outcomes
orall- in writing an% through ,/T if appropriate+
P61S- 1
Teaching /ontent 1ctivities Plenar4

$eek 1
!a4 1
;ntrod(ctor4 Lesson
;isiting shops- looking at the kin%s of things that are sol% there+
8=7 To acti*ate prior knowle%ge a(out shopping e"periences+
Ta(les set up to (e %i6erent shops 4(akers- greengrocers- to shop- clothes shop-
sweet shop5- chil%ren *isit each shop an% class %iscusses their own e"periences of
/hil%ren communicate
to a partner fa*ourite
an% least fa*ourite
e"periences- gi*ing
$eek 1
!a4 2 <
Share% rea%ing7 Discuss the front co*er-
where is he going& !ow %oes he feel&
Town or countr- relate to own
e"periences+ )ea% up the (ear$s arri*al+
#h %o ou think mum can$t go
herself& 4looking after (a(5 Act out the
scene 4mum- Ste*en- shopkeeper5
a%%ing %ialogue Ste*en asking for the
Deci%e in a group- who is which character+
/hil%ren in mi"e% a(ilit groups- ha*e a tr
at acting out the :rst part of the stor+
Discuss pre%ictions
a(out the (ear+ #hat is
the (ear like& !ow will
Ste*en react&
Share% rea%ing rea%
to the en% of (ear
episo%e+ Discuss how
Ste*en outwitte% the
!a4 2 < #ith learning partners- %iscuss an% retell
stor up to an% inclu%ing the (ear using
pictures on ,#B as stimulus+ ?ick out
goo% e"amples an% highlight use of
%etail etc+
?re%ict the monke episo%e- what will
happen& #hat %oes Ste*en ha*e in his
(ag that coul% help him& #hat will the
%og %o&
2eeting kangaroo- what will the
kangaroo want& !ow will his
en*ironment help him&
!A 0 @roup practicing %ialogue using
2A 0 Se3uencing the stor so far using
images from the (ook+
8A 0 @roup re0enacting stor so far in role
pla area+
/lass to tr acting out
stor so far using
%ialogue practice%
%uring lesson+
!a4 < Finish o6 (ook using similar %iscussion
techni3ues as ester%a+
#hen he gets home- pre%ict an%
impro*ise the con*ersation (etween
Ste*en an% mum+
Using ?hoto Stor- chil%ren to retell stor
as a *oiceo*er to the sli%eshow of images
from the te"t
@i*e each chil% an image or part of the
stor- the are to %e*ise a sentence for
their image to (e recor%e% an% or%ere% in
?hoto Stor+
?utting the stor
together is it in the
right or%er& #ho is
#atching :nishe%
Learning o(tco"e 5or Phase 1
/hil%ren can i%entif the main character an% setting in a stor using e*i%ence from the illustrations an% te"t+
/hil%ren can re0enact a stor- se3uencing the main e*ents an% using phrases from the te"t+
P61S- 2
Teaching /ontent 1ctivities Plenar4

$eek 2
!a4 1 <
;ntrod(ctor4 lesson
1"plain to chil%ren that )u( is lost+ Ask Jon to come an% ask if anone has seen her+
2ake B8=ST$ posters to put up+
Discuss what )u( looks like an% possi(le places she coul% (e+
@o an% put up posters-
asking people on the
wa if the can help us
to :n% )u(+
!a4 2 =
Share% rea%ing7 Dogger+ Discuss the front
co*er+ #ho is Dogger& ,s he important&
#h& )elate to own e"periences of ha*ing
precious tos>things+ )ea% up to where
Dogger is lost+ !ow %o ou think Da*e
feels& !ow woul% ou feel- what woul% ou
,n mi"e% groups7
@o an% look for )u( aroun% school+ ?lan the
places we will go an% think of 3uestions to ask
people when we are looking aroun% the
school+ Take photos to use tomorrow+
$e will >nd R(b4 b4 the end o5 the
Show the photos taken
%uring our hunt+ #hat is
happening in each&
/hil%ren to %iscuss what
!a4 2 < /ontinue rea%ing Dogger+ )ecap wh
Dogger was precious to Da*e+ #ith
learning partners- use the pictures on ,#B
to retell the stor so far+ /hoose people to
tell us the stor+
)ea% all the parts where the are looking
for Dogger+ !ow is Da*e feeling&
Using pictures taken %uring Bthe hunt$ or%er
the e*ents+
/hil%ren nee% to ha*e C pictures starting
with )u( (eing lost 4Jon looking sa%5- us
going looking for her an% :nall- us :n%ing
2o%el sentence on ,#B
writing to go with the
!a4 < )ea% the :nal part of the stor- where
Da*e :n%s Dogger an% his sister gets him
!ow %oes Da*e feel now& ?re%ict an%
impro*ise the possi(le con*ersation
(etween Da*e an% his sister after she got
Dogger (ack for him+
#rite C sentences an% %raw pictures a(out
how )u( was lost+ 4)u( was lost+ 2r+
8ongsta6 was sa%+ #e foun% )u( an% we
were happ+5
!A #rite own sentences an% match to the C
2A /ut out wor%s to go with the C pictures
an% put into the correct or%er un%erneath+
8A 2atch sentences to the correct pictures+
)ea% an% %iscuss
another stor with a
similar theme+ #hat are
Learning o(tco"e 5or Phase 2:
/hil%ren can write three simple sentences to retell e*ents (ase% on personal e"perience+
P61S- 2
8eing Lost
Teaching /ontent 1ctivities Plenar4

$eek 2 =
!a4 1
;ntrod(ctor4 lesson
/lass 1 gets lostA @o to the park if possi(le an% take pictures of us tring to :n% our wa+
8ook at lan%marks an% take pictures as we :n% our wa through the park+
!a4 2 Share% rea%ing7 Beegu+ Discuss the :rst
picture- where %o ou think Beegu came
from& !ow %i% she get lost& !a*e ou e*er
(een lost& #hat happene%& #h is no one
speaking to Beegu&
)ea% up to the telephone (o" page+ #here
%o ou think her mother is& !ow %o ou
think she$s feeling&
,n mi"e% groups- act out the :rst part of the
stor one chil% is Beegu an% she is tring to
make herself un%erstoo%+
#ith group- %iscuss
e"periences of (eing
lost or what to %o if
the :n% themsel*es to
(e lost+
!a4 2 )ecap ester%a$s rea%ing+ /ontinue up to
where she lea*es the school+ !ow %oes
Beegu feel when she has frien%s an% when
she$s lonel& ?re%ict the en%ing- will it (e
=r%ering stor so far+ Using pictures an%
!a4 )etell the stor so far+ Use the pictures as
stimulus+ Finish the (ook
Using photo stor+ =r%er three pictures an%
retell the stor ( tping an appropriate
sentence o*er each picture+
#atch the
Learning o(tco"e 5or Phase 2:
/hil%ren can write three simple sentences to tell a stor+

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