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United Nations


Security Council Provisional
19 September 2014
Original: Englis
United States of America: draft resolution
The Security Council!
Reaffirming tat terrorism in all "orms and mani"estations #onstit$tes one o" te
most serio$s treats to international pea#e and se#$rit% and tat an% a#ts o"
terrorism are #riminal and $n&$sti"iable regardless o" teir motivations! 'enever
and b% 'omsoever #ommitted! and remaining determined to #ontrib$te "$rter to
enan#ing te e""e#tiveness o" te overall e""ort to "igt tis s#o$rge on a global
Noting with concern tat te terrorism treat as be#ome more di""$se! 'it an
in#rease! in vario$s regions o" te 'orld! o" terrorist a#ts in#l$ding tose motivated
b% intoleran#e or e(tremism! and expressing its determination to #ombat tis treat!
Bearing in mind te need to address te #onditions #ond$#ive to te spread o"
terrorism! and affirming )ember States* determination to #ontin$e to do all te% #an
to resolve #on"li#t and to den% terrorist gro$ps te abilit% to p$t do'n roots and
establis sa"e avens to address better te gro'ing treat posed b% terrorism!
Emphasizing tat terrorism #annot and so$ld not be asso#iated 'it an% religion!
nationalit% or #ivili+ation!
Recognizing tat international #ooperation and an% meas$res ta,en b% )ember
States to prevent and #ombat terrorism m$st #ompl% "$ll% 'it te -arter o" te
United Nations!
Reaffirming its respe#t "or te sovereignt%! territorial integrit% and politi#al
independen#e o" all States in a##ordan#e 'it te -arter!
Reaffirming tat )ember States m$st ens$re tat an% meas$res ta,en to #o$nter
terrorism #ompl% 'it all teir obligations $nder international la'! in parti#$lar
international $man rigts la'! international re"$gee la'! and international
$manitarian la'! underscoring tat respe#t "or $man rigts! "$ndamental
"reedoms and te r$le o" la' are #omplementar% and m$t$all% rein"or#ing 'it
e""e#tive #o$nter.terrorism meas$res! and are an essential part o" a s$##ess"$l
#o$nter.terrorism e""ort and notes te importan#e o" respe#t "or te r$le o" la' so as
to e""e#tivel% prevent and #ombat terrorism! and noting tat "ail$re to #ompl% 'it
tese and oter international obligations! in#l$ding $nder te -arter o" te United
Nations! is one o" te "a#tors #ontrib$ting to in#reased radi#ali+ation and "osters a
sense o" imp$nit%!
14.6124/ 0E1
Expressing grave concern over te a#$te and gro'ing treat posed b% "oreign
terrorist "igters! namel% individ$als 'o travel to a State oter tan teir States o"
residen#e or nationalit% "or te p$rpose o" te perpetration! planning! or preparation
o"! or parti#ipation in! terrorist a#ts or te providing or re#eiving o" terrorist
training! in#l$ding in #onne#tion 'it armed #on"li#t! and resolving to address tis
Expressing grave #on#ern abo$t tose 'o attempt to travel to be#ome "oreign
terrorist "igters!
Concerned tat "oreign terrorist "igters in#rease te intensit%! d$ration and
intra#tabilit% o" #on"li#ts! and also ma% pose a serio$s treat to teir States o" origin!
te States te% transit and te States to 'i# te% travel! as 'ell as States
neigbo$ring +ones o" armed #on"li#t in 'i# "oreign terrorist "igters are a#tive
and tat are a""e#ted b% serio$s se#$rit% b$rdens! and noting tat te treat o"
"oreign terrorist "igters ma% a""e#t all regions and )ember States! even tose "ar
"rom #on"li#t +ones! and expressing grave #on#ern tat "oreign terrorist "igters are
$sing teir e(tremist ideolog% to promote terrorism!
Expressing concern tat international net'or,s ave been establised b% terrorists
and terrorist entities among States o" origin! transit and destination tro$g 'i#
"oreign terrorist "igters and te reso$r#es to s$pport tem ave been #annelled
ba#, and "ort!
Expressing parti#$lar #on#ern tat "oreign terrorist "igters are being re#r$ited b%
and are &oining entities s$# as te 2slami# State in 2ra3 and te 4evant 02S241! te
5l.N$sra 6ront 05N61 and oter #ells! a""iliates! splinter gro$ps or derivatives o"
5l.7aida! as designated b% te -ommittee establised p$rs$ant to resol$tions 126/
019991 and 1989 020111! recognizing tat te "oreign terrorist "igter treat in#l$des!
among oters! individ$als s$pporting a#ts or a#tivities o" 5l.7aida and its #ells!
a""iliates! splinter gro$ps! and derivative entities! in#l$ding b% re#r$iting "or or
oter'ise s$pporting a#ts or a#tivities o" s$# entities! and stressing te $rgent need
to address tis parti#$lar treat!
Recognizing tat addressing te treat posed b% "oreign terrorist "igters re3$ires
#ompreensivel% addressing $nderl%ing "a#tors! in#l$ding b% preventing
radi#ali+ation to terrorism! stemming re#r$itment! inibiting "oreign terrorist "igter
travel! disr$pting "inan#ial s$pport to "oreign terrorist "igters! #o$ntering violent
e(tremism! 'i# #an be #ond$#ive to terrorism! #o$ntering in#itement to terrorist
a#ts motivated b% e(tremism or intoleran#e! promoting politi#al and religio$s
toleran#e! e#onomi# development and so#ial #oesion and in#l$siveness! ending and
resolving armed #on"li#ts! and "a#ilitating reintegration and reabilitation!
Recognizing also tat terrorism 'ill not be de"eated b% militar% "or#e! la'
en"or#ement meas$res! and intelligen#e operations alone! and underlining te need
to address te #onditions #ond$#ive to te spread o" terrorism! as o$tlined in Pillar 2
o" te United Nations 8lobal -o$nter.9errorism Strateg% 05/:ES/60/2881!
Expressing #on#ern over te in#reased $se b% terrorists and teir s$pporters o"
#omm$ni#ations te#nolog% "or te p$rpose o" radi#ali+ing to terrorism! re#r$iting
and in#iting oters to #ommit terrorist a#ts! in#l$ding tro$g te internet! and
"inan#ing and "a#ilitating te travel and s$bse3$ent a#tivities o" "oreign terrorist
"igters! and underlining te need "or )ember States to a#t #ooperativel% to prevent
terrorists "rom e(ploiting te#nolog%! #omm$ni#ations and reso$r#es to in#ite
2 / 8
s$pport "or terrorist a#ts! 'ile respe#ting $man rigts and "$ndamental "reedoms
and in #omplian#e 'it oter obligations $nder international la'!
Noting 'it appre#iation te a#tivities $nderta,en in te area o" #apa#it% b$ilding
b% United Nations entities! in parti#$lar entities o" te -o$nter.9errorism
2mplementation 9as, 6or#e 0-92961! in#l$ding te United Nations O""i#e o" ;r$gs
and -rime 0UNO;-1 and te United Nations -entre "or -o$nter.9errorism
0UN--91! and also te e""orts o" te -o$nter 9errorism -ommittee E(e#$tive
;ire#torate 0-9E;1 to "a#ilitate te#ni#al assistan#e! spe#i"i#all% b% promoting
engagement bet'een providers o" #apa#it%.b$ilding assistan#e and re#ipients! in
#oordination 'it oter relevant international! regional and s$bregional
organi+ations! to assist )ember States! $pon teir re3$est! in implementation o" te
United Nations 8lobal -o$nter.9errorism Strateg%!
Noting re#ent developments and initiatives at te international! regional and
s$bregional levels to prevent and s$ppress international terrorism! and noting te
'or, o" te 8lobal -o$nterterrorism 6or$m 08-961! in parti#$lar its re#ent
adoption o" a #ompreensive set o" good pra#ti#es to address te "oreign terrorist
"igter penomenon! and its p$bli#ation o" several oter "rame'or, do#$ments and
good pra#ti#es! in#l$ding in te areas o" #o$ntering violent e(tremism! #riminal
&$sti#e! prisons! ,idnapping "or ransom! providing s$pport to vi#tims o" terrorism!
and #omm$nit%.oriented poli#ing! to assist interested States 'it te pra#ti#al
implementation o" te United Nations #o$nter.terrorism legal and poli#% "rame'or,
and to #omplement te 'or, o" te relevant United Nations #o$nter.terrorism
entities in tese areas!
Noting 'it appre#iation te e""orts o" 2N9E:PO4 to address te treat posed b%
"oreign terrorist "igters! in#l$ding tro$g global la' en"or#ement in"ormation
saring enabled b% te $se o" its se#$re #omm$ni#ations net'or,! databases! and
s%stem o" advisor% noti#es! pro#ed$res to tra#, stolen! "orged identit% papers and
travel do#$ments! and 2N9E:PO4*s #o$nter.terrorism "ora and "oreign terrorist
"igter programme!
Having regard to and highlighting te sit$ation o" individ$als o" more tan one
nationalit% 'o travel to teir states o" nationalit% "or te p$rpose o" te
perpetration! planning! preparation o"! or parti#ipation in! terrorist a#ts or te
providing or re#eiving o" terrorist training! and urging States to ta,e a#tion! as
appropriate! in #omplian#e 'it teir obligations $nder teir domesti# la' and
international la'! in#l$ding international $man rigts la'!
Calling $pon States to ens$re! in #on"ormit% 'it international la'! in parti#$lar
international $man rigts la' and international re"$gee la'! tat re"$gee stat$s is
not ab$sed b% te perpetrators! organi+ers or "a#ilitators o" terrorist a#ts! in#l$ding
b% "oreign terrorist "igters!
Reaffirming its #all $pon all States to be#ome part% to te international #o$nter.
terrorism #onventions and proto#ols as soon as possible! 'eter or not te% are a
part% to regional #onventions on te matter! and to "$ll% implement teir obligations
$nder tose to 'i# te% are a part%!
Noting te #ontin$ed treat to international pea#e and se#$rit% posed b% terrorism!
and affirming te need to #ombat b% all means! in a##ordan#e 'it te -arter o" te
United Nations! treats to international pea#e and se#$rit% #a$sed b% terrorist a#ts!
in#l$ding tose perpetrated b% "oreign terrorist "igters!
< / 8
cting $nder -apter =22 o" te -arter o" te United Nations!
1> Condemns te violent e(tremism! 'i# #an be #ond$#ive to terrorism!
se#tarian violen#e! and te #ommission o" terrorist a#ts b% "oreign terrorist "igters!
and demands tat all "oreign terrorist "igters disarm and #ease all terrorist a#ts and
parti#ipation in armed #on"li#t?
2> Reaffirms tat all States sall prevent te movement o" terrorists or terrorist
gro$ps b% e""e#tive border #ontrols and #ontrols on iss$an#e o" identit% papers and
travel do#$ments! and tro$g meas$res "or preventing #o$nter"eiting! "orger% or
"ra$d$lent $se o" identit% papers and travel do#$ments! underscores! in tis regard!
te importan#e o" addressing! in a##ordan#e 'it teir relevant international
obligations! te treat posed b% "oreign terrorist "igters! and encourages )ember
States to emplo% eviden#e.based traveller ris, assessment and s#reening pro#ed$res
in#l$ding #olle#tion and anal%sis o" travel data! 'ito$t resorting to pro"iling based
on stereot%pes "o$nded on gro$nds o" dis#rimination proibited b% international
<> !rges )ember States! in a##ordan#e 'it domesti# and international la'! to
intensi"% and a##elerate te e(#ange o" operational in"ormation regarding a#tions
or movements o" terrorists or terrorist net'or,s! in#l$ding "oreign terrorist "igters!
espe#iall% 'it teir States o" residen#e or nationalit%! tro$g bilateral or
m$ltilateral me#anisms! in parti#$lar te United Nations?
4> Calls upon all )ember States! in a##ordan#e 'it teir obligations $nder
international la'! to #ooperate in e""orts to address te treat posed b% "oreign
terrorist "igters! in#l$ding b% preventing te radi#ali+ation to terrorism and
re#r$itment o" "oreign terrorist "igters! in#l$ding #ildren! preventing "oreign
terrorist "igters "rom #rossing teir borders! disr$pting and preventing "inan#ial
s$pport to "oreign terrorist "igters! and developing and implementing prose#$tion!
reabilitation and reintegration strategies "or ret$rning "oreign terrorist "igters?
@> "ecides tat )ember States sall! #onsistent 'it international $man rigts
la'! international re"$gee la'! and international $manitarian la'! prevent and
s$ppress te re#r$iting! organi+ing! transporting or e3$ipping o" individ$als 'o
travel to a State oter tan teir States o" residen#e or nationalit% "or te p$rpose o"
te perpetration! planning! or preparation o"! or parti#ipation in! terrorist a#ts or te
providing or re#eiving o" terrorist training! and te "inan#ing o" teir travel and o"
teir a#tivities?
6> Recalls its de#ision! in resol$tion 1</< 020011! tat all )ember States sall
ens$re tat an% person 'o parti#ipates in te "inan#ing! planning! preparation or
perpetration o" terrorist a#ts or in s$pporting terrorist a#ts is bro$gt to &$sti#e! and
decides tat all States sall ens$re tat teir domesti# la's and reg$lations establis
serio$s #riminal o""enses s$""i#ient to provide te abilit% to prose#$te and to
penali+e in a manner d$l% re"le#ting te serio$sness o" te o""ense:
0a1 teir nationals 'o travel or attempt to travel to a State oter tan teir
States o" residen#e or nationalit%! and oter individ$als 'o travel or attempt to
travel "rom teir territories to a State oter tan teir States o" residen#e or
nationalit%! "or te p$rpose o" te perpetration! planning! or preparation o"! or
parti#ipation in! terrorist a#ts! or te providing or re#eiving o" terrorist training?
4 / 8
0b1 te 'il"$l provision or #olle#tion! b% an% means! dire#tl% or indire#tl%! o"
"$nds b% teir nationals or in teir territories 'it te intention tat te "$nds so$ld
be $sed! or in te ,no'ledge tat te% are to be $sed! in order to "inan#e te travel
o" individ$als 'o travel to a State oter tan teir States o" residen#e or nationalit%
"or te p$rpose o" te perpetration! planning! or preparation o"! or parti#ipation in!
terrorist a#ts or te providing or re#eiving o" terrorist training? and!
0#1 te 'il"$l organi+ation! or oter "a#ilitation! in#l$ding a#ts o" re#r$itment! b%
teir nationals or in teir territories! o" te travel o" individ$als 'o travel to a State
oter tan teir States o" residen#e or nationalit% "or te p$rpose o" te perpetration!
planning! or preparation o"! or parti#ipation in! terrorist a#ts or te providing or
re#eiving o" terrorist training?
/> Expresses its strong determination to #onsider listing p$rs$ant to resol$tion
2161 020141 individ$als! gro$ps! $nderta,ings and entities asso#iated 'it 5l.7aida
'o are "inan#ing! arming! planning! or re#r$iting "or tem! or oter'ise s$pporting
teir a#ts or a#tivities! in#l$ding tro$g in"ormation and #omm$ni#ations
te#nologies! s$# as te internet! so#ial media! or an% oter means?
8> "ecides tat! 'ito$t pre&$di#e to entr% or transit ne#essar% in te
"$rteran#e o" a &$di#ial pro#ess! in#l$ding in "$rteran#e o" s$# a pro#ess related
to arrest or detention o" a "oreign terrorist "igter! )ember States sall prevent te
entr% into or transit tro$g teir territories o" an% individ$al abo$t 'om tat State
as #redible in"ormation tat provides reasonable gro$nds to believe tat e or se
is see,ing entr% into or transit tro$g teir territor% "or te p$rpose o" parti#ipating
in te a#ts des#ribed in paragrap 6! in#l$ding an% a#ts or a#tivities indi#ating tat
an individ$al! gro$p! $nderta,ing or entit% is asso#iated 'it 5l.7aida! as set o$t in
paragrap 2 o" resol$tion 2161 020141! provided tat noting in tis paragrap sall
oblige an% State to den% entr% or re3$ire te depart$re "rom its territories o" its o'n
nationals or permanent residents?
9> Calls upon )ember States to re3$ire tat airlines operating in teir
territories provide advan#e passenger in"ormation to te appropriate national
a$torities in order to dete#t te depart$re "rom teir territories! or attempted entr%
into or transit tro$g teir territories! b% means o" #ivil air#ra"t! o" individ$als
designated b% te -ommittee establised p$rs$ant to resol$tions 126/ 019991 and
1989 020111 0Ate -ommitteeB1! and "$rter calls upon )ember States to report an%
s$# depart$re "rom teir territories! or s$# attempted entr% into or transit tro$g
teir territories! o" s$# individ$als to te -ommittee! as 'ell as saring tis
in"ormation 'it te State o" residen#e or nationalit%! as appropriate and in
a##ordan#e 'it domesti# la' and international obligations?
10> Stresses te $rgent need to implement "$ll% and immediatel% tis resol$tion
'it respe#t to "oreign terrorist "igters! underscores te parti#$lar and $rgent need
to implement tis resol$tion 'it respe#t to tose "oreign terrorist "igters 'o are
asso#iated 'it 2S24! 5N6 and oter #ells! a""iliates! splinter gro$ps or derivatives
o" 5l.7aida! as designated b% te -ommittee! and expresses its readiness to #onsider
designating! $nder resol$tion 2161 020141! individ$als asso#iated 'it 5l.7aida
'o #ommit te a#ts spe#i"ied in paragrap 6 above?
@ / 8
#nternational Cooperation
11> Calls upon )ember States to improve international! regional! and
s$b.regional #ooperation! i" appropriate tro$g bilateral agreements! to prevent te
travel o" "oreign terrorist "igters "rom or tro$g teir territories! in#l$ding tro$g
in#reased saring o" in"ormation "or te p$rpose o" identi"%ing "oreign terrorist
"igters! te saring and adoption o" best pra#ti#es! and improved $nderstanding o"
te patterns o" travel b% "oreign terrorist "igters! and "or )ember States to a#t
#ooperativel% 'en ta,ing national meas$res to prevent terrorists "rom e(ploiting
te#nolog%! #omm$ni#ations and reso$r#es to in#ite s$pport "or terrorist a#ts! 'ile
respe#ting $man rigts and "$ndamental "reedoms and in #omplian#e 'it oter
obligations $nder international la'?
12> Recalls its de#ision in resol$tion 1</< 020011 tat )ember States sall
a""ord one anoter te greatest meas$re o" assistan#e in #onne#tion 'it #riminal
investigations or pro#eedings relating to te "inan#ing or s$pport o" terrorist a#ts!
in#l$ding assistan#e in obtaining eviden#e in teir possession ne#essar% "or te
pro#eedings! and underlines te importan#e o" "$l"illing tis obligation 'it respe#t
to s$# investigations or pro#eedings involving "oreign terrorist "igters?
1<> Encourages 2nterpol to intensi"% its e""orts 'it respe#t to te "oreign
terrorist "igter treat and to re#ommend or p$t in pla#e additional reso$r#es to
s$pport and en#o$rage national! regional and international meas$res to monitor and
prevent te transit o" "oreign terrorist "igters! s$# as e(panding te $se o"
2N9E:PO4 Spe#ial Noti#es to in#l$de "oreign terrorist "igters?
14> Calls upon States to elp b$ild te #apa#it% o" States to address te treat
posed b% "oreign terrorist "igters! in#l$ding to prevent and interdi#t "oreign
terrorist "igter travel a#ross land and maritime borders! in parti#$lar te States
neigbo$ring +ones o" armed #on"li#t 'ere tere are "oreign terrorist "igters! and
welcomes and encourages bilateral assistan#e b% )ember States to elp b$ild s$#
national #apa#it%?
Countering $iolent Extremism in %rder to &revent Terrorism
1@> !nderscores tat #o$ntering violent e(tremism! 'i# #an be #ond$#ive to
terrorism! in#l$ding preventing radi#ali+ation! re#r$itment! and mobili+ation o"
individ$als into terrorist gro$ps and be#oming "oreign terrorist "igters is an
essential element o" addressing te treat to international pea#e and se#$rit% posed
b% "oreign terrorist "igters! and calls upon )ember States to enan#e e""orts to
#o$nter tis ,ind o" violent e(tremism?
16> Encourages )ember States to engage relevant lo#al #omm$nities and non.
governmental a#tors in developing strategies to #o$nter te violent e(tremist
narrative tat #an in#ite terrorist a#ts! address te #onditions #ond$#ive to te spread
o" violent e(tremism! 'i# #an be #ond$#ive to terrorism! in#l$ding b%
empo'ering %o$t! "amilies! 'omen! religio$s! #$lt$ral and ed$#ation leaders! and
all oter #on#erned gro$ps o" #ivil so#iet% and adopt tailored approa#es to
#o$ntering re#r$itment to tis ,ind o" violent e(tremism and promoting so#ial
in#l$sion and #oesion?
1/> Recalls its de#ision in paragrap 14 o" resol$tion 2161 020141 'it respe#t to
improvised e(plosive devi#es 02E;s1 and individ$als! gro$ps! $nderta,ings and
entities asso#iated 'it 5l.7aida! and urges )ember States! in tis #onte(t! to a#t
6 / 8
#ooperativel% 'en ta,ing national meas$res to prevent terrorists "rom e(ploiting
te#nolog%! #omm$ni#ations and reso$r#es! in#l$ding a$dio and video! to in#ite
s$pport "or terrorist a#ts! 'ile respe#ting $man rigts and "$ndamental "reedoms
and in #omplian#e 'it oter obligations $nder international la'?
18> Calls upon )ember States to #ooperate and #onsistentl% s$pport ea# oter*s
e""orts to #o$nter violent e(tremism! 'i# #an be #ond$#ive to terrorism! in#l$ding
tro$g #apa#it% b$ilding! #oordination o" plans and e""orts! and saring lessons
19> Emphasizes in tis regard te importan#e o" )ember States* e""orts to
develop non.violent alternative aven$es "or #on"li#t prevention and resol$tion b%
a""e#ted individ$als and lo#al #omm$nities to de#rease te ris, o" radi#ali+ation to
terrorism! and o" e""orts to promote pea#e"$l alternatives to violent narratives
espo$sed b% "oreign terrorist "igters! and underscores te role ed$#ation #an pla%
in #o$ntering terrorist narratives?
!nited Nations Engagement on the 'oreign Terrorist 'ighter Threat
20> Notes tat "oreign terrorist "igters and tose 'o "inan#e or oter'ise
"a#ilitate teir travel and s$bse3$ent a#tivities ma% be eligible "or in#l$sion on te
5l.7aida San#tions 4ist maintained b% te -ommittee p$rs$ant to resol$tions 126/
019991 and 1989 020111 'ere te% parti#ipate in te "inan#ing! planning!
"a#ilitating! preparing! or perpetrating o" a#ts or a#tivities b%! in #on&$n#tion 'it!
$nder te name o"! on beal" o"! or in s$pport o"! 5l.7aida! s$ppl%ing! selling or
trans"erring arms and related materiel to! or re#r$iting "or! or oter'ise s$pporting
a#ts or a#tivities o" 5l.7aida or an% #ell! a""iliate! splinter gro$p or derivative
tereo"! and calls upon States to propose s$# "oreign terrorist "igters and tose
'o "a#ilitate or "inan#e teir travel and s$bse3$ent a#tivities "or possible
21> "irects te -ommittee establised p$rs$ant to resol$tion 126/ 019991 and
1989 020111 and te 5nal%ti#al S$pport and San#tions )onitoring 9eam! in #lose
#ooperation 'it all relevant United Nations #o$nter.terrorism bodies! in parti#$lar
-9E;! to devote spe#ial "o#$s to te treat posed b% "oreign terrorist "igters
re#r$ited b% or &oining 2S24! 5N6 and all gro$ps! $nderta,ings and entities
asso#iated 'it 5l.7aida?
22> Encourages te 5nal%ti#al S$pport and San#tions )onitoring 9eam to
#oordinate its e""orts to monitor and respond to te treat posed b% "oreign terrorist
"igters 'it oter United Nations #o$nter.terrorism bodies! in parti#$lar te
2<> Re(uests te 5nal%ti#al S$pport and San#tions )onitoring 9eam! in #lose
#ooperation 'it oter United Nations #o$nter.terrorism bodies! to report to te
-ommittee establised p$rs$ant to resol$tions 126/ 019991 and 1989 020111 'itin
180 da%s! and provide a preliminar% oral $pdate to te -ommittee 'itin 60 da%s!
on te treat posed b% "oreign terrorist "igters re#r$ited b% or &oining 2S24! 5N6
and all gro$ps! $nderta,ings and entities asso#iated 'it 5l.7aida! in#l$ding:
0a1 a #ompreensive assessment o" te treat posed b% tese "oreign terrorist
"igters! in#l$ding teir "a#ilitators! te most a""e#ted regions and trends in
radi#ali+ation to terrorism! "a#ilitation! re#r$itment! demograpi#s! and "inan#ing?
/ / 8
0b1 re#ommendations "or a#tions tat #an be ta,en to enan#e te response to te
treat posed b% tese "oreign terrorist "igters?
24> Re(uests te -o$nter.9errorism -ommittee! 'itin its e(isting mandate and
'it te s$pport o" -9E;! to identi"% prin#ipal gaps in )ember States* #apa#ities to
implement Se#$rit% -o$n#il resol$tions 1</< 020011 and 1624 0200@1 tat ma%
inder States* abilities to stem te "lo' o" "oreign terrorist "igters! as 'ell as to
identi"% good pra#ti#es to stem te "lo' o" "oreign terrorist "igters in te
implementation o" resol$tions 1</< 020011 and 1624 0200@1! and to "a#ilitate
te#ni#al assistan#e! spe#i"i#all% b% promoting engagement bet'een providers o"
#apa#it%.b$ilding assistan#e and re#ipients! espe#iall% tose in te most a""e#ted
regions! in#l$ding tro$g te development! $pon teir re3$est! o" #ompreensive
#o$nter.terrorism strategies tat en#ompass #o$ntering violent radi#ali+ation and te
"lo' o" "oreign terrorist "igters! re#alling te roles o" oter relevant a#tors! "or
e(ample te 8lobal -o$nterterrorism 6or$m?
2@> !nderlines tat te in#reasing treat posed b% "oreign terrorist "igters is
part o" te emerging iss$es! trends and developments related to resol$tions 1</<
020011 and 1624 0200@1! tat! in paragrap @ o" resol$tion 2129 0201<1! te Se#$rit%
-o$n#il dire#ted -9E; to identi"%! and tere"ore merits #lose attention b% te
-o$nter.9errorism -ommittee! #onsistent 'it its mandate?
26> Re(uests te -ommittee establised p$rs$ant to resol$tions 126/ 019991 and
1989 020111 and te -o$nter.9errorism -ommittee to $pdate te Se#$rit% -o$n#il
on teir respe#tive e""orts p$rs$ant to tis resol$tion?
2/> "ecides to remain sei+ed o" te matter>
8 / 8

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