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How do I start a new estimate?
What does City selection do?
How can I change my city's index?
What should I do if my city is not in the list?
How can I add my city to the worksheet list?
How can I get Help?
What are additional features?
What are upgrades?
What are Base costs?
How do I create the estimate report?
How do I save the estimate report? Simply use Excel's File > Save As function.
Can I add rows and edit the estimate report?
How come I do not see the "HomeCOST"
menu inserted among the Excel menu
Check the following.
1. Click Tools > Macro > Secrit!. Then click on "Me#i$" secrit!.
%. Close the Ho$eCost.&ls file' then o(en it again. )t start( click on
"Ena*le Macros".
+ow' !o shol# see the "Ho$eCost" $en inserte# a$ong the E&cel
$en s!ste$.
>>> ,or -ffice %../0%.1.
In or#er to see the Ho$eCost $en' click on ")##1Ins" $en of E&cel.
Then click on "Ho$eCost" to see the $en.
How can I contact CP International! Inc! the
developer of this software?
To know more about !" #nternational$ #nc. an% ot&er construction software
please visit www.c($
When I open HomeC"#$ %stimator! why does
a menu called &HomeC"#$& appear in %xcel's
menu 'ar?
#n or%er to make our system as easy to use as possible$ we a%%e% functions
to t&e familiar existin' interface$ namely t&e Excel menu bar. T&e (ome)ST
menu item s&all be t&ere only w&en you are usin' t&e (omeost.xls file.
*&en you leave$ it will %isappear from t&e Excel menu bar.
lick on +reate ,ew Estimate+ from Excel's (ome)ST menu. T&is will
activate t&e (ome)ST wi-ar%.
*&en you select your city from t&e +ity+ pa'e of t&e wi-ar%$ (ome)ST will
apply t& city in%ex .factor/ to t&e construction costs.
)pen t&e +ity+ works&eet by clickin' on t&e tab. T&en e%it t&e in%ex .factor/.
0se only numerics.
Select a city t&at you believe is close in terms of costs. Alternatively$ you can
e%it an existin' entry or a%% your city to t&e list .See below/.
#nsert a blank row w&ere your city s&oul% appear. T&en$ a%% t&e information.
0se a factor similar to a comparable city .See (ome)ST (elp for more on
a%%in' %ata to lists/.
How can I add and customi(e data in
HomeC"#$ data sheets?
To a%%$ insert a blank row w&ere your %ata s&oul% appear. To e%it$ simply
c&an'e t&e %ata by overwritin' it .See (ome)ST (elp for more on a%%in'
%ata to lists/.
lick on +S&ow (ome)ST (elp+ from Excel's (ome)ST menu. 1ou can
also email !" #nternational$ #nc. at for your 3uestions.
T&ese are a%%itional items t&at can be incorporate% in t&e estimate. 1ou can
make multiple selections.
T&ese are up'ra%e% features from stan%ar% features t&at are alrea%y in t&e
estimate. T&erefore$ up'ra%e prices are a%%4on %ifferentials .an% sometimes
%e%uctions in%icatin' %own'ra%es/.
T&ese are t&e avera'e costs for t&e in%icate% work pro%uct. Startin' from
t&ese$ (ome)ST Estimator %evelops total costs %epen%in' on your wi-ar%
What are Building and Basement worksheet
onstruction costs vary %epen%in' on t&e si-e of a buil%in'. (ome)ST uses
factors t&at are applicable for %ifferent floor areas.
*&en you click on t&e +Finis&+ button of t&e wi-ar%$ (ome)ST estimator will
automatically create t&e estimate report.
Why did the report appear in a different %xcel
(ome)ST creates t&e report in a new Excel file so t&at you can save t&e
report in a %ifferent name.
Why are additional item )uantities are
indicated as *+one, in the report?
5ecause (ome)ST %oes not know your takeoff 3uantities. T&ese are
&i'&li'&te% 'reen in t&e report. #t is important to e%it eac& a%%itional item
entry an% c&an'e t&e 3uantity to t&e correct amount.
1es$ you can. (owever$ because t&ere are built4in formulas$ be careful not to
erase or overwrite t&em.
How can I print the estimate report? Simply use Excel's File > !rint function.
lick on t&e +(omeost.xls+ button from t&e Taskbar.
How can I enter my -uthori(ation Code?
What happens when the trial period expires?
How can I register online?
How can I register 'y mail?
How can I get program updates?
Email us at6
-fter creating the report! can I change the
1ou can c&an'e areas$ but not t&e 3ualitative parameters suc& as 7uality of
onstruction$ etc. To %o t&at$ you &ave to run t&e (ome)ST *i-ar% a'ain.
-fter the estimate report is created! how can I
go 'ack to HomeC"#$ %stimator file?
.For Trial e%ition of (ome)ST Estimator only/ lick on (ome)ST menu
t&en click on +Enter Aut&ori-ation o%e+ submenu. Enter t&e co%e provi%e%.
T&e system will cease to function. Even if you %ownloa% t&e trial version
a'ain$ it will not function.
.For Trial version of (ome)ST Estimator only or to re'ister a%%itional
copies/ lick on +"e'ister )nline+ submenu From Excel's (ome)ST menu.
8ake sure t&at you &ave an #nternet connection available. 0sin' a cre%it
car%$ make t&e payment an% imme%iately %ownloa% t&e re'istere% e%ition
from t&e "e'ister ,ow site.
.For Trial e%ition of (ome)ST Estimator only or to re'ister a%%itional
copies/ lick on t&e )r%erForm tab to open t&e )r%er works&eet. Fill out$
print an% mail wit& a c&eck or 8oney )r%er. *&en receive%$ we will call or
email your Aut&ori-ation o%e.
*e up%ate t&e pro'ram perio%ically. To fin% out more about up%ates$ visit our
website at &
I'm using the $rial version successfully. Why
should I pay to register HomeC"#$ %stimator
T&e Trial e%ition works for : %ays after w&ic& it will be %isable%. At any time$
you can purc&ase t&e Aut&ori-ation o%e w&ic& will remove t&e time
How can I register feed'ack! report 'ugs!
suggest improvements! re)uest )uote for
multiple copies! seek affiliate relationship?
Location ,actor
Avera'e ity$ 0SA 1.;;
Anc&ora'e$ A< 1.== E#it +otes2
5irmin'&am$ A> ;.?= 1. E%its allowe% in cells &i'&li'&te% in yellow
8obile$ A> ;.?2 2. @o not insert columns
8ont'omery$ A> ;.:A =. 1ou may a%% row.s/ of %ata to list
Tuscaloosa$ A> ;.:A
Fort& Smit&$ A" ;.?1
>ittle "ock$ A" ;.?2
!ine 5luff$ A" ;.?1
Fla'staff$ AB ;.A1
!&oenix$ AB ;.AC
Tucson$ AB ;.A1
1uma$ AB ;.??
Ana&eim$ A 1.12
5akersfiel%$ A 1.;A
Fresno$ A 1.1C
)aklan%$ A 1.1?
"iversi%e$ A 1.1=
Sacramento$ A 1.1=
San @ie'o$ A 1.1D
San Francisco$ A 1.=2
San Eose$ A 1.=C
San >uis )bispo$ A 1.1D
Santa 5arbara$ A 1.12
Santa "osa$ A 1.1F
5oul%er$ ) ;.A1
@enver$ ) 1.;1
@uran'o$ ) ;.A1
Fort ollins$ ) ;.A:
5ri%'eport$ T 1.;C
(artfor%$ T 1.;2
Stamfor%$ T 1.;F
*aterbury$ T 1.;C
*as&in'ton$ @.. ;.A:
*ilmin'ton$ @E 1.;2
Eacksonville$ F> ;.?F
8iami$ F> ;.?:
Tampa$ F> ;.?=
*est !alm 5eac&$ F> ;.?:
Atlanta$ GA ;.?D
Au'usta$ GA ;.:?
olumbus$ GA ;.:?
Savanna&$ GA ;.?1
(ilo$ (# 1.=1
(onolulu$ (# 1.=;
ouncil 5luffs$ #A ;.AC
@avenport$ #A ;.A:
@es 8oines$ #A ;.AD
Sioux ity$ #A ;.A2
5oise$ #@ ;.AF
>ewiston$ #@ 1.;D
Twin Falls$ #@ ;.?=
&ica'o$ #> 1.1F
!eoria$ #> 1.;F
Sprin'fiel%$ #> 1.;=
Evansville$ #, ;.AC
Fort *ayne$ #, ;.A1
Gary$ #, ;.AA
#n%ianapolis$ #, ;.A?
Terre (aute$ #, ;.AC
@o%'e ity$ <S ;.?2
Topeka$ <S ;.?C
*ic&ita$ <S ;.??
5owlin' Green$ <1 ;.A=
>exin'ton$ <1 ;.??
>ouisville$ <1 ;.AD
!a%uca&$ <1 ;.AC
5aton "ou'e$ >A ;.?F
>ake &arles$ >A ;.?C
,ew )rleans$ >A ;.??
S&reveport$ >A ;.?;
5oston$ 8A 1.1:
>owell$ 8A 1.;=
8arble&ea%$ 8A 1.2C
Sprin'fiel%$ 8A 1.;2
*orcester$ 8A 1.12
Annapolis$ 8@ ;.A=
5altimore$ 8@ ;.A2
(a'erstown$ 8@ ;.?A
Au'usta$ 8E ;.?A
>ewiston$ 8E ;.A;
!ortlan%$ 8E ;.AF
@etroit$ 8# 1.;C
Gran% "api%s$ 8# ;.A1
>ansin'$ 8# 1.;;
Sa'inaw$ 8# ;.AA
8inneapolis$ 8, 1.1=
"oc&ester$ 8, ;.AA
Saint !aul$ 8, 1.;?
Eoplin$ 8) ;.?D
<ansas ity$ 8) ;.A?
Sprin'fiel%$ 8) ;.?F
St. >ouis$ 8) ;.AD
olumbus$ 8S ;.:=
Greenwoo%$ 8S ;.:C
Eackson$ 8S ;.?2
5illin's$ 8T ;.AC
5utte$ 8T ;.?A
Great Falls$ 8T ;.A=
8issoula$ 8T ;.??
8emp&is$ T, ;.?D
&arlotte$ , ;.:?
Greensboro$ , ;.::
"alei'&$ , ;.:?
*ilmin'ton$ , ;.:D
5ismark$ ,@ ;.?F
Far'o$ ,@ ;.?D
Gran% Forks$ ,@ ;.?2
Gran% #slan%$ ,E ;.?D
>incoln$ ,E ;.A2
)ma&a$ ,E ;.A=
oncor%$ ,( ;.A=
8anc&ester$ ,( ;.??
,as&ua$ ,( ;.AF
Atlantic ity$ ,E 1.12
,ewark$ ,E 1.1:
!aterson$ ,E 1.;D
Summit$ ,E 1.;A
Trenton$ ,E 1.1;
Albu3uer3ue$ ,8 ;.A2
>as ruces$ ,8 ;.?=
Santa Fe$ ,8 ;.A1
arson ity$ ,H ;.A?
>as He'as$ ,H 1.;=
"eno$ ,H ;.AA
Albany$ ,1 ;.AF
5in'&amton$ ,1 ;.A:
5uffalo$ ,1 1.;D
<in'ston$ ,1 1.;A
>on' #slan%$ ,1 1.==
8ount Hernon$ ,1 1.1?
,ew 1ork ity$ ,1 1.2A
"oc&ester$ ,1 1.;1
Syracuse$ ,1 ;.A?
*&ite !lains$ ,1 1.1F
incinnati$ )( 1.;2
levelan%$ )( 1.;1
olumbus$ )( ;.A:
Tole%o$ )( ;.AA
1oun'stown$ )( ;.A:
>awton$ )< ;.?2
)kla&oma ity$ )< ;.?F
S&awnee$ )< ;.:?
Tulsa$ )< ;.?=
Eu'ene$ )" 1.;=
8e%for%$ )" 1.;F
!en%leton$ )" 1.;2
!ortlan%$ )" 1.;:
Salem$ )" 1.;1
Allentown$ !A ;.AA
5ra%for%$ !A 1.;2
(arrisbur'$ !A ;.AD
,ew astle$ !A 1.;2
!&ila%elp&ia$ !A 1.1F
!ittsbur'&$ !A 1.;:
,ewport$ "# 1.;;
!awtucket$ "# ;.A?
!rovi%ence$ "# 1.;1
&arleston$ S ;.::
olumbia$ S ;.:?
Greenville$ S ;.:F
Aber%een$ S@ ;.?D
!ierre$ S@ ;.?=
"api% ity$ S@ ;.?2
Sioux Falls$ S@ ;.?D
&attanoo'a$ T, ;.?C
Eackson$ T, ;.:2
Eo&nson ity$ T, ;.?1
<noxville$ T, ;.?=
,as&ville$ T, ;.??
Austin$ TI ;.?1
@allas$ TI ;.A2
El !aso$ TI ;.?2
(ouston$ TI ;.??
>are%o$ TI ;.:A
San Antonio$ TI ;.?C
Tyler$ TI ;.AC
>o'an$ 0T ;.A2
)'%en$ 0T ;.A;
Salt >ake$ 0T ;.A2
Alexan%ria$ HA ;.AF
>ync&bur'$ HA ;.?2
,orfolk$ HA ;.?C
"ic&mon%$ HA ;.?D
Staunton$ HA ;.:?
5rattleboro$ HT ;.?=
5urlin'ton$ HT ;.A2
"utlan%$ HT ;.A1
"ic&lan%$ *A 1.;1
Seattle$ *A 1.;C
Spokane$ *A ;.A:
Tacoma$ *A 1.;C
1akima$ *A 1.;;
5eloit$ *# 1.;1
Eau laire$ *# ;.AA
Green 5ay$ *# 1.;2
8a%ison$ *# ;.AA
8ilwaukee$ *# 1.;F
*ausau$ *# ;.AD
&arleston$ *H ;.AF
larksbur'$ *H ;.AA
8or'antown$ *H ;.A?
!arkersbur'$ *H ;.?A
*&eelin'$ *H ;.AC
asper$ *1 ;.??
&eyenne$ *1 ;.A=
"awlins$ *1 ;.?C
"ock Sprin's$ *1 ;.?D
Class of constrction ,actor
Economy ;.:C E#it +otes2
Stan%ar% 1.;; 1. E%its allowe% in cells &i'&li'&te% in yellow
ustom 1.2F 2. @o not a%% or %elete columns
>uxury 1.C? =. @o not a%% or %elete rows

T!(e of constrction ,actor
*oo% frame$ woo% si%in' 1.;;
*oo% frame$ brick veneer 1.1C E#it +otes2
*oo% frame$ stone veneer 1.22 1. E%its allowe% in cells &i'&li'&te% in yellow
*oo% frame$ stucco 1.;C 2. @o not insert columns
ement block$ paint finis& 1.;1 =. 1ou may a%% row.s/ of %ata to list
8asonry 1.2F
5rick 1.1A
Stone 1.2;
St!le T!(e ,actor
)ne level 1.;; ;.2F ;.1;
)ne an% a &alf level ;.A? ;.1A ;.;? E#it +otes2
Two level 1.;1 ;.1: ;.;D 1. E%its allowe% in cells &i'&li'&te% in yellow
Two an% a &alf level 1.;C ;.1C ;.;F 2. @o not insert columns
T&ree level 1.;D ;.1= ;.;F =. 1ou may a%% row.s/ of %ata to list
5i4level ;.AA ;.1D ;.;D
Tri4level 1.;; ;.1? ;.;?
1. E%its allowe% in cells &i'&li'&te% in yellow
=. 1ou may a%% row.s/ of %ata to list
)##itionals 4)##e# to Total5 Qt! Unit Econo$! Stan#ar# Csto$
Attic$ finis&e% 1.;; Sf at 1=.F; 22.2F 2?.;;
5alcony$ metal columns$ cement %eck 1.;; Sf at 1F.=F 2;.;; 2C.;;
5alcony$ woo% columns$ woo% %eck 1.;; Sf at 11.;; 1=.:F 1:.;;
5at&$ full 1.;; Eac& at FC;;.;; D;F;.;; ?D;;.;;
5at&$ &alf 1.;; Eac& at =F;;.;; C;;;.;; F;;;.;;
5ay win%ow 1.;; Eac& at 12;;.;; 1=F;.;; 1DF;.;;
5ur'ler alarm 1.;; Eac& at ==F.;; FF;.;; ?F;.;;
arport 1.;; Sf at ?.F; 12.F; 1:.;;
ompactor 1.;; Eac& at FF;.;; D;;.;; DF;.;;
oncrete flatwork$ reinforce% 1.;; Sf at :.2F ?.:F 1;.F;
@is&was&er 1.;; Eac& at CF;.;; F;;.;; FF;.;;
@ryer 1.;; Eac& at F;;.;; FDF.;; :2F.;;
Fencin'$ boar% J batten$ D ft &i'& 1.;; >f at 1?.F; 2;.;; 22.;;
Fencin'$ boar% J batten$ 'ate$ D ft &i'& 1.;; Ea at 2;;.;; 22F.;; 2C;.;;
Fencin'$ ce%ar picket$ C ft &i'& 1.;; >f at 12.F; 1=.2F 1C.2F
Fencin'$ ce%ar picket$ 'ate$ C ft &i'& 1.;; Ea at 12;.;; 1CF.;; 1DF.;;
Fencin'$ c&ain link$ C ft &i'& 1.;; >f at 12.D; 1C.2F 1D.2F
Fencin'$ c&ain link$ 'ate$ C ft &i'& 1.;; Ea at 12F.;; 1FF.;; 1:F.;;
Fine 'ra%in' J see%in' 1.;; Sy at 2.2F 2.F; 2.A;
Fireplace J &imney 1.;; Eac& at F=F;.;; FA;;.;; DF;;.;;
Gara'e %oor opener 1.;; Eac& at 1FF.;; 1?F.;; 1AF.;;
Gara'e$ one car attac&e% 1.;; Eac& at 121F;.;; 12?F;.;; 1C;;;.;;
Gara'e$ one car basement 1.;; Eac& at 1:F;.;; 1A;;.;; 22;;.;;
Gara'e$ one car built4in 1.;; Eac& at 421;;.;; 421F;.;; 4C?;;.;;
Gara'e$ one car %etac&e% 1.;; Eac& at 1F;;;.;; 1FA;;.;; 1?;;;.;;
Gara'e$ t&ree car attac&e% 1.;; Eac& at 2?:F;.;; =;F;;.;; =22F;.;;
Gara'e$ t&ree car basement 1.;; Eac& at 2FF;.;; 2AF;.;; ==F;.;;
Gara'e$ t&ree car built4in 1.;; Eac& at 4F=;;.;; 4FDF;.;; 4D2;;.;;
Gara'e$ t&ree car %etac&e% 1.;; Eac& at =;;;;.;; ==;;;.;; =F;;;.;;
Gara'e$ two car attac&e% 1.;; Eac& at 1?;;;.;; 1?F;;.;; 2=F;;.;;
Gara'e$ two car basement 1.;; Eac& at 1?F;.;; 21F;.;; 2DF;.;;
Gara'e$ two car built4in 1.;; Eac& at 4=:F;.;; 4CFF;.;; 4F1F;.;;
Gara'e$ two car %etac&e% 1.;; Eac& at 2;F;;.;; 22F;;.;; 2D;;;.;;
Garba'e %isposal 1.;; Eac& at 1D;.;; 21;.;; 2F;.;;
(oo% 1.;; Eac& at 1?F.;; =A;.;; :;;.;;
<itc&en cabinets$ premium 1.;; >f at 1F;.;; 12;.;; DF.;;
<itc&en countertops$ premium 1.;; >f at D;.;; =:.F; 1:.F;
8icrowave )ven 1.;; Eac& at 1AF.;; =2F.;; C1;.;;
!icture win%ow 1.;; Eac& at ?F;.;; A;;.;; AF;.;;
!lante% s&rubs 1.;; Eac& at CF.;; F1.F; D;.;;
!lante% trees 1.;; Eac& at 1:F.;; 2=;.;; 2DF.;;
!orc&$ enclose% 1.;; Sf at 2D.;; 2?.;; =2.;;
!orc&$ open 1.;; Sf at 1F.;; 1D.F; 22.F;
"an'e 1.;; Eac& at F2F.;; ?F;.;; 1=;;.;;
"efri'erator 1.;; Eac& at 11D;.;; 2;;;.;; 2DF;.;;
Skyli'&t 1.;; Eac& at C;;.;; F=;.;; DF;.;;
Smoke %etector 1.;; Eac& at ??.;; 1=;.;; 1CF.;;
Sprinkler system 1.;; Sf at 1.1; 1.2; 1.F;
Swimmin' pool &eater 1.;; Ea at =C2F.;; F1;;.;; D1;;.;;
Swimmin' pool$ built in 'roun% 1.;; Sf at 22.;; =A.;; F;.;;
Swimmin' pool$ raise% 1.;; Sf at A.2F 11.;; 12.F;
*alkway$ concrete blocks 1.;; Sf at :.D; :.DF A.2F
*alkway$ fla'stone 1.;; Sf at 1;.F; 12.F; 1=.F;
*alkway$ slate 1.;; Sf at 11.F; 12.;; 1C.F;
*as&in' mac&ine 1.;; Eac& at C?F.;; FF;.;; :F;.;;
*ater &eater 1.;; Eac& at CDF.;; F:F.;; :;;.;;
*oo% %eck$ elevate% 1.;; Sf at 1;.F; 12.;; 1C.F;
=;.;; E#it +otes2
22.F; 1. E%its allowe% in cells &i'&li'&te% in yellow
1;F;;.;; 2. @o not insert columns
:=;;.;; =. 1ou may a%% row.s/ of %ata to list
U(gra#es 4)##e# to nit area cost5 Econo$! Stan#ar# Csto$ L&r!
S&ake roof =.;; 2.=F 1.C; ;.;;
lay tile roof F.2F 2.1; 2.1; 1.CF E#it +otes2
Slate roof 1.1; ?.=F D.;; C.;; 1. E%its allowe% in cells &i'&li'&te% in yellow
*all special plaster finis& 1.1; ;.D? ;.;; ;.;; 2. @o not insert columns
eilin' texture finis& ;.?F ;.?; ;.:? ;.A; =. 1ou may a%% row.s/ of %ata to list
A9$ sin'le %uctwork =.;; =.F; ;.;; 41.:F
A9$ separate %uctwork :.2F F.2F =.1; ;.;;
(eatin'$ &ot water 2.=F 2.2F 2.;; 2.1F
(eatin'$ electric 41.=; 41.D; 42.;; 42.F;
E#it +otes2
1. E%its allowe% in cells &i'&li'&te% in yellow
2. @o not insert columns
=. 1ou may a%% row.s/ of %ata to list
3ase T!(e 3ase Cost Per Unit
1;C.2F per Sf E#it +otes2
5asement$ finis&e% ==.2F per Sf 1. E%its allowe% in cells &i'&li'&te% in yellow
5asement$ unfinis&e% 11.:F per Sf 2. @o not a%% or %elete columns
=. @o not a%% or %elete rows
Stan%ar% 1D;; Sf$ woo%
si%in'$ woo% frame
,loor )rea ,ro$ ,loor )rea To ,actor
;.;; :;;.;; 1.F2 E#it +otes2
:;1.;; A;;.;; 1.C; 1. E%its allowe% in cells &i'&li'&te% in yellow
A;1.;; 11;;.;; 1.=; 2. @o not a%% or %elete columns
11;1.;; 1=;;.;; 1.2; =. @o not a%% or %elete rows
1=;1.;; 1F;;.;; 1.11
1F;1.;; 1:;;.;; 1.;;
1:;1.;; 1A;;.;; ;.A:
1A;1.;; 21;;.;; ;.AC
21;1.;; 2=;;.;; ;.A1
2=;1.;; 2F;;.;; ;.?A
2F;1.;; 2:;;.;; ;.?:
2:;1.;; 2A;;.;; ;.?F
2A;1.;; =1;;.;; ;.?2
=1;1.;; ==;;.;; ;.?;
==;1.;; =F;;.;; ;.:?
=F;1.;; =:;;.;; ;.:D
=:;1.;; =A;;.;; ;.:C
=A;1.;; C1;;.;; ;.:2
C1;1.;; 1;;;;;;.;; ;.:1
,loor )rea ,ro$ ,loor )rea To ,actor
;.;; :;;.;; 1.2F E#it +otes2
:;;.;; A;;.;; 1.2; 1. E%its allowe% in cells &i'&li'&te% in yellow
A;;.;; 11;;.;; 1.1F 2. @o not a%% or %elete columns
11;;.;; 1=;;.;; 1.1; =. @o not a%% or %elete rows
1=;;.;; 1F;;.;; 1.;F
1F;;.;; 1:;;.;; 1.;;
1:;;.;; 1A;;.;; ;.A?
1A;;.;; 21;;.;; ;.AD
21;;.;; 2=;;.;; ;.AC
2=;;.;; 2F;;.;; ;.A2
2F;;.;; 2:;;.;; ;.A;
2:;;.;; 2A;;.;; ;.??
2A;;.;; =1;;.;; ;.?D
=1;;.;; ==;;.;; ;.?C
==;;.;; =F;;.;; ;.?2
=F;;.;; =:;;.;; ;.?;
=:;;.;; =A;;.;; ;.:?
=A;;.;; C1;;.;; ;.:D
C1;;.;; 1;;;;;;.;; ;.:F

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