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Appendix A

Definitions and Lemmas

North-East-Down (NED) coordinate frame, Fossen [2011b]
Definition 1. NED, North-East-Down (NED) , reference frame {n} =
(xn , yn , zn ) has its origin in on and is defined relative to the Earths
reference ellipsoid. Usually it is defined as the tangent plane on the surface
of the Earth moving with the craft and with the x-axis pointing North, yaxis pointing East and the z-axis pointing down to the center of Earth,
vertical position.
Controllability, Chen [1999]

Definition 2. The state equation x=Ax+Bu

or the pair (A,B) is said
to be controllable if for any initial state x(0) = x0 and any final state x1 ,
there exist an input that transfers x0 to x1 in a finite time. Otherwise the
state equation or (A,B) is said to be uncontrollable.
Barbalats lemma, Khalil [2002]
Lemma 1. Let : RR R be a uniformly continuous function on [0,).
Suppose that limt 0 ( )d exists and is finite. Then,
(t) 0



Appendix B

Attachment Description and

Matlab Code

Attachment Description

Attached to this thesis is a folder named Matlab, where all the Matlab code
and Simulink models are included, and a folder named X-plane plugin,
where the plugin for simulation with X-Plane is included. Some of the
Matlab code can be found in Appendix B.2. To set up your computer for
X-Plane simulation, follow the small guide in Appendix C.
The code is structured as in Figure B.1 and organized as:
SimGNCSystem.m - The main run file, simulates the different case
initGNC.m - Initializes the aircraft and the GNC system.
x plane interface.m - Initializes the X-Plane communication block.
systemIdentification.m - System identification for finding a model to
use in sliding mode control.
ordlsq.m - Ordinary least square system identification function.


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