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portion control

What counts as moderate-intensity aerobic activity?

Examples of activities that require moderate effort for most people include:
walking fast
water aerobics
riding a bike on level ground or with few hills
doubles tennis
pushing a lawn mower
5 x 30 minutes
One way to do your recommended 150 minutes of weekly physical activity is to do 0 minutes on 5
days a week!
"oderate#intensity activity will raise your heart rate and make you breathe faster and feel
warmer! One way to tell if you$re working at a moderate intensity is if you can still talk% but you
can$t sing the words to a song!
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What counts as vigorous-intensity aerobic activity?
Examples of activities that require vigorous effort for most people include:
'ogging or running
swimming fast
riding a bike fast or on hills
singles tennis
skipping rope
martial arts
(igorous#intensity aerobic activity means you$re breathing hard and fast% and your heart rate has
gone up quite a bit! )f you$re working at this level% you won$t be able to say more than a few words
without pausing for a breath!
)n general% *5 minutes of vigorous#intensity activity can give similar health benefits to 150 minutes
of moderate#intensity activity!
+or a moderate to vigorous intensity workout% try ,ouch to 5-% a nine#week running plan for
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What counts as muscle-strengthening activity?
"uscle#strengthening exercises are counted in repetitions and sets! . repetition is 1 complete
movement of an activity% like lifting a weight or doing a sit#up! . set is a group of repetitions!
+or each activity% try to do / to 10 repetitions in each set! 1ry to do at least 1 set of each muscle#
strengthening activity! 2ou$ll
Physical activity
guidelines for
AdulTS (1964 yEArS)
1. Adults should aim to be active daily. Over a week, activity should add up to at least 150
minutes !" hours# of moderate intensity activity in bouts of 10 minutes or more $ one way to
approach this is to do %0 minutes on at least 5 days a week.
2. Alternatively, comparable bene&ts can be achieved through '5 minutes of vigorous intensity
activity spread across the week or combinations of moderate and vigorous intensity activity.
3. Adults should also undertake physical activity to improve muscle strength on at least two
days a week.
4. All adults should minimise the amount of time spent being sedentary sitting# for e(tended
Individual physical and mental capabilities should be considered when interpreting the
)(amples of physical activity that meet the guidelines
*oderate intensity physical activities will cause adults to get warmer and breathe harder and
their hearts to beat faster, but they should still be able to carry on a conversation. )(amples
, - .risk walking
, - /ycling
0igorous intensity physical activities will cause adults to get warmer and breathe much
harder and their hearts to beat rapidly, making it more di1cult to carry on a conversation.
)(amples include+
, - 2unning
, - 3ports such as swimming or football
Physical activities that strengthen muscles involve using body weight or working against
a resistance. 4his should involve using all the ma5or muscle groups. )(amples include+
, - )(ercising with weights
, - /arrying or moving heavy loads such as groceries
*inimising sedentary behaviour may include+
, - 2educing time spent watching 40, using the computer or playing video games
, - 4aking regular breaks at work
, - .reaking up sedentary time such as swapping a long bus or car 5ourney for walking
part of the way
6hat are the bene&ts of being active daily7
, - 2educes risk of a range of diseases, e.g. coronary heart disease, stroke, type !
, - 8elps maintain a healthy weight
, - 8elps maintain ability to perform everyday tasks with ease
, - 9mproves self:esteem
, - 2educes symptoms of depression and an(iety
Drinks Calories
1 pint strong cider 280-440
1 alcopop (275ml bottle) 160-180
pint s!eet cider 105
1 small glass (125ml) s!eet !"ite !ine 118
pint dr# cider 105
pint o$ lager %0
1 small glass (125ml) red !ine 86
1 glass &odka and tonic (25ml &odka) 85
1 small glass (125ml) dr# !"ite !ine 8'
1 glass (50ml) s!eet s"err# 68
1 glass (50ml) dr# s"err# 58
1 (nit )
*1 small glass o$ !ine ( 125ml)
*'00ml ( pint ) ordinar# strengt" beer+ lager or cider
*1 single meas(re (25ml) spirits
*1 single meas(re (50ml) port or s"err#
,lco"olic drinks are &er# "ig" in calories+ so i$ #o( !ant to lose !eig"t #o( s"o(ld consider
red(cing t"e amo(nt o$ alco"ol t"at #o( are drinking. ,lco"ol increases #o(r appetite- some people
tend to notice t"at t"e# eat more !"en t"e# drink alco"ol. .atc" o(t $or "ig" calorie nibbles like
n(ts and crisps.
/o! to calc(late !aist-to-"ip ratio
.orking o(t t"e risk to #o(r "ealt" is simple. 0sing a tape meas(re+ take t"e $ollo!ing steps1
1.2eas(re #o(r "ips
2.2eas(re #o(r !aist
'.Di&ide t"e !aist n(mber b# t"e "ip n(mber
, ratio o$ 1.0 or more in men or 0.85 or more in !omen indicates t"at #o( are carr#ing too m(c"
!eig"t aro(nd #o(r middle. 3"is p(ts #o( at increased risk o$ diseases t"at are linked to obesit#+
s(c" as t#pe 2 diabetes and "eart disease.
3"ere are g(idelines to tell #o( i$ a $ood is "ig" in $at+ sat(rated $at+ salt or s(gar+ or not. 3"ese are1
3otal $at
/ig"1 more t"an 17.5g o$ $at per 100g
4o!1 'g o$ $at or less per 100g
5at(rated $at
/ig"1 more t"an 5g o$ sat(rated $at per 100g
4o!1 1.5g o$ sat(rated $at or less per 100g
/ig"1 more t"an 22.5g o$ total s(gars per 100g
4o!1 5g o$ total s(gars or less per 100g
/ig"1 more t"an 1.5g o$ salt per 100g (or 0.6g sodi(m)
4o!1 0.'g o$ salt or less per 100g (or 0.1g sodi(m)
6or e7ample+ i$ #o( are tr#ing to c(t do!n on sat(rated $at+ limit #o(r cons(mption o$ $oods t"at
"a&e more t"an 5g o$ sat(rated $at per 100g.
/o! do 8 kno! i$ a $ood is "ig" in $at+ sat(rated $at+ s(gar or salt9
3"ere are g(idelines to tell #o( i$ a $ood is "ig" in $at+ sat(rated $at+ salt or s(gar+ or not. 3"ese are1
3otal $at
/ig"1 more t"an 17.5g o$ $at per 100g
4o!1 'g o$ $at or less per 100g
5at(rated $at
/ig"1 more t"an 5g o$ sat(rated $at per 100g
4o!1 1.5g o$ sat(rated $at or less per 100g
/ig"1 more t"an 22.5g o$ total s(gars per 100g
4o!1 5g o$ total s(gars or less per 100g
/ig"1 more t"an 1.5g o$ salt per 100g (or 0.6g sodi(m)
4o!1 0.'g o$ salt or less per 100g (or 0.1g sodi(m)
Table 3. High and low
Nutrient ow !"er #00g$ High !"er #00g$
3ugar 5g or less 15g or more
+at g or less 00g or more
3aturates 4saturated fat5 1!5g or less 5g or more
3alt 4sodium5 0!g salt 40!1g sodium5 or less 1!5g salt 40!6g sodium5 or more
:read+ rice+ potatoes+ pasta and ot"er starc"# $oods
;at plent#+ c"oose !"olegrain &arieties !"en #o( can
*6r(it and &egetables
;at plent#+ at least $i&e portions o$ a &ariet# o$ $r(it and &egetables a da#.
*2ilk and dair# $oods
;at some+ c"oose lo!er $at alternati&es !"ene&er possible.
*2eat+ $is"+ eggs+ beans and ot"er non-dair# so(rces o$ protein
;at some+ c"oose lo!er $at alternati&es !"ene&er possible. ,im $or at least t!o portions o$ $is" a
!eek+ incl(ding one portion o$ oil# $is".
*6oods and drinks "ig" in $at and<or s(gar
=eep to a minim(m.
*3r# to c"oose options t"at are lo!er in salt !"en #o( can. ,d(lts s"o(ld "a&e no more t"an 6
grams o$ salt a da#.
As a general rule, an average meal should be made up of one-third carbohydrates and one-third fruit and
vegetables, with the remaining one-third split between dairy, protein and a little bit of fat.
Bread, pasta, grains, cereals, rice, couscous, potatoes Carbohydrates are starchy foods and should make up
one-third of your plate as they help to fll you up. Try to eat wholegrain varieties where possible because once
broken down, they are released into the bloodstream more slowly, giving you energy for longer.
Fruit and vegetables
Fruit and veg should make up a third of your daily food intake and if youre having your 5 a day (see Getting
your 5 a day), that should be easily achievable. Try to eat a variety and mix up the colours darkly-coloured
fruit and veg contain more antioxidants, which are great for your health. Fruit and vegetables have diferent
nutritional benefts so you should eat as much variety as possible
Dairy foods
Butter, yoghurt, cream, cheese, milk The calcium you get from dairy foods is really important for strong
bones and healthy teeth, but as these foods are generally quite high in fat they should only be enjoyed in
small quantities.
(non-dairy) Meat, fsh, eggs, beans, lentils, pulses nuts or other vegetable protein. Protein is a vital part of
your diet because it is essential for growth and repair of body tissue. You only need a small amount to get all
the benefts, and you should try to eat high-quality protein. Aim for a diet packed with beans, pulses and
lentils, and good-quality meat and fsh rather than meat or fsh that has been deep-fried or battered in
High in fat and/or sugar
Foods and drinks cakes, crisps, chocolate, sweets, fzzy drinks It probably wont come as a shock to hear
that the things in this food group should only be enjoyed occasionally. A diet packed with these foods will
lead to weight gain and put you at higher risk of diabetes, cancer and heart disease. Foods in this group also
create an instant sugar high or energy rush. If the body becomes accustomed to this feeling it can become
dependent on it, and then you risk becoming trapped in a cycle of highs and lows where youre constantly
craving sugary foods.

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