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PC Server
Atur Networknya :
# nano /etc/network/interfaces
allow-hotplug eth
iface eth inet static
a!!ress 1"#.1$%..1
net&ask #''.#''.#''.#(%
network 1"#.1$%..
)roa!cast 1"#.1$%..#(%
gateway 1"#.1$%..#
!ns-na&eservers 1"#.1$%..1
!ns-search lks".sch.i!
#/etc/init.!/networking restart
#apt-get install )in!"
#nano /etc/)in!/na&e!.conf+ ta&)ahkan ,ona
se)agai )erikut :
,one -lks".sch.i!- .
type &aster/
file -/etc/)in!/!).ala&at-/
,one -.1$%.1"!! .
type &aster/
file -/etc/)in!/!).ip-/
#cp /etc/)in!/!).local /etc/)in!/!).ala&at
#cp /etc/)in!/!).1#1 /etc/)in!/!).ip
2alu e!it file !).ala&at+ !an atur se)agai )erikut :
#nano /etc/)in!/!).ala&at
/ 34N* !ata file for local loop)ack interface
5662 $(%
7 4N S8A ns.lks".sch.i!. root.lks".sch.i!. 9
1 / Serial
$(% / :efresh
%$( / :etry
#(1"# / ;<pire
$(% = / Negative Cache 662/
7 4N NS ns.lks".sch.i!.
7 4N >? 1 &ail.lks".sch.i!.
7 4N A 1"#.1$%..1
ns 4N A 1"#.1$%..1
www 4N CNA>; ns
&ail 4N CNA>; ns
we)&ail 4N CNA>; ns
pro<y 4N CNA>; ns
i&ap 4N CNA>; ns
pop4N CNA>; ns
ftp 4N CNA>; ns
lalu e!itlah !).ip &en@a!i se)agai )erikut :
#nano /etc/)in!/!).ip
/ 34N* reverse !ata file for local loop)ack interface
5662 $(%
7 4N S8A ns.lks".sch.i!. root.lks".sch.i!. 9
1 / Serial
$(% / :efresh
%$( / :etry
#(1"# / ;<pire
$(% = / Negative Cache 662/
7 4N NS ns.lks".sch.i!.
1 4N P6:ns.lks".sch.i!.
#/etc/init.!/)in!" restart
*an co)a !i lihat konfigurasi !ns !engan
#nslookup www.lks1.sch.i!
>ail Server
#apt-get install postfi< courier-i&ap courier-pop
#apt-get install apache# php(
Pa!a saat install ini &ungkin !i&inta )e)erapa
c!..&asukan c! yang !i&inta !an enter...
4nternet site---enter---courier-)ase---no---&ail na&e
*an ikuti proses selan@utnya..@ika !i&inta c!---
&asukan !an enter
#apt-get install sAuirrel&ail
>asukan c! yang !i&inta !an enter
#nano /etc/postfi</&
&yhostna&e B &ail.lks".sch.i!
&y!o&ain B lks".sch.i!
aliasC&aps B hash:/etc/aliases
aliasC!ata)ase B hash:/etc/aliases
&yorigin B /etc/&ailna&e
&y!estination B lks".sch.i!+ server.lks".sch.i!+
localhost.lks".sch.i!+ localhost
relayhost B
&ynetworks B 1#1.../% 1"#.1$%."./#"
#&ail)o<Cco&&an! B proc&ail -a -5;?6;NS48N-
ho&eC&ail)o< B >ail!ir/
&ail)o<Csi,eCli&it B
recipientC!eli&iter B D
inetCinterfaces B all
lalu :
#etc/init.!/postfi< restart
#nano etc/apache#/apache#.conf
6a&)ahkan :
4nclu!e /etc/sAuirrel&ail/apache.conf
#nano /etc/sAuirrel&ail/apache.conf
Pa!a : Alias /sAuirrel&ail /usr/share/sAuirrel&ail
Eanti &en@a!i :
Alias /we)&ail /usr/share/sAuirrel&ail
Selan@utnya :
#sAuirrel&ail-configure enter...pilih *---tulis server
&ail courierFenter---pilih S---enter---
#c! /etc/skel
#&ail!ir&ake >ail!ir
#a!!user a!&in
4sikan infor&asi passwor! !an yang lainnya untuk
account a!&in
#/etc/init.!/apache# restart
#/etc/init.!/postfi< restart
Silakan )uat user lain untuk &elihat proses
pengiri&an surat:
Gntuk !apat &en@alankan )rowser secara te<t :
#apt-get install lyn<
Gntuk &en@alankan we)&ail :
#lyn< www.lks".sch.i!/we)&ail
4sikan userna&e !an passwor! ...
*an co)alah )rowsing @uga !ari pc router....:=
#apt-get install sAui!
>asukan c!9'= yang !i&inta !an enter
#nano /etc/sAui!/sAui!.conf
>aka ta&)ahkan ko!e/ataupun hilangkan tan!a #
pa!a :
httpCport H1#% transparent
yang ini bias juga untuk ditambahkan
cari dan tambahkan : ( hilangkan tanda # )
cache_mem 16 mb
cache_dir ufs /var/spool/suid !"" 16 #!6
cache_mgr admin$pephy%com
visible_hostname pro&y%tkj%com '( nama visible hostname
auth_param basic children !
auth_param basic realm )uid pro&y'caching *eb server
auth_param basic credentialsttl # hours
auth_param basic casesensitive off
acl )lok !st!o&ain I/etc/sAui!/situsClarangJ
httpCaccess !eny )lok
httpCaccess allow all
)uat file situsClarang
#nano /etc/sAui!/situsClarang
karena !isini kita tes !i pc !ala& @aringan lokal &aka
)uat !o&ain google...agar nantinya waktu !ites
pro<y kita )isa lihat @alan atau ti!ak
#cp /etc/)in!/!).ala&at /etc/)in!/!).goole
#nano /etc/)in!/na&e!.conf...)uatlah ,ona
ta&)ahan untuk google spt !i)awah ini :
,one .
type &aster/
file -/etc/)in!/!).google-/
#/etc/init.!/)in!" restart
Agar !apat !i)rowsing !i client + &aka harus !i
forwar! @uga..
#echo 1 K /proc/sys/net/ipv(/ipCforwar!
lalu :
#sAui! L,
#ipta)les Lt nat LA P:;:8G64NE Lo eth Lp tcp L
!port % L@ :;*4:;C6 L-to-port H1#%9@angan=
#ipta)les LA P:;:8G64NE Lt nat Lp tcp --!port % L@
:;*4:;C6 -to-port H1#%
#/etc/init.!/sAui! restart
>e&)uat pesan kesalahan @ika !iakses situs yang
Atau )isa isi :
MtitleK3lok Pro<yM/titleK
Mscript languageBJNavaScriptJK
Alert9P*ilarang >e&)uka Situs 6erse)utQ=/
4sikan/u)ah !engan pesan kesalahan yang an!a
inginkan+ si&pan !an restart sAui!
#/etc/init.!/sAui! restart
*an silakan lihat !engan )rowsing !i client...!engan
&e&)rowsing situs yang !i)lok
Rile Sharing
#apt-get install proftp!
2alu client !pat &elakukan )rowsing ftp !engan
&engetikkan :
atau &elalui !os :
!engan &engetikkan :
ftp ipCserver
contoh :
ftp 1"#.1$%.".1
note :
)ila ingin &engisi file/fol!er ke server + &aka
te&patkan file !i user te&pat an!a &asuk ke
win!ows &isal :
C:S*ocu&ents an! SettingsSuser
Perintah ftp :
>enga&)il file : get na&aCfile
>enguploa! file : put na&aCfile
>engakhiri ftp :)ye
N6P Server
1.apt-get install ntp ntp!ate
a./etc/init.!/ntp stop
).)uka file /etc/ntp.conf
!an &asukan ip !i)awah ini:
server 1#1.1#1.1.1
fu!ge 1#1.1#1.1.1 #stratu& 1( refi! N4S6
restrict 1"#.1$%.1. &ask #''.#''.#''.#(" no&o!ify
restrict 11#.1$.1. &ask #''.#''.#''.#( no&o!ify
c.)uka nano /etc/default/ntpdate
+ake these three changes in the file:
!.ntp!ate Lu 1"#.1$%.1.1 9ipCserver=
e.)uka nano /etc/c'on!d/()nct*+e
isi !engan :
, ,/- , , , 'oot /etc/net.o'//*f&up!d/ntpdate
)tart the ,-. server:
(udo /etc/*n*t!d/ntp (ta't
/atch the ,-. server:
.atc0 1(0 &c "ntp2 &p &c a( 33 ec0o 33 ntpt'ace"1
/hen you see the parts in bold0 your ,-. server is ready:
'e+ote 'ef*d (t t .0en poll
'eac0 dela) off(et 4*tte'
*5OCA5617 !N%ST! 1- l 89 "-
17 9!999 9!999 9!991
*nd a((%D (tatu( conf 'eac0 aut0 cond*t*on
la(t_e:ent cnt
1 -$-99 9"1- )e( )e( none sys.peer
'eac0a;le 1
local0o(t< (t'atu+ 15= off(et 9!999999= ()nc0
d*(tance 9!9-#"9
1ou2re no* ready to set your computers up to use your ,-. server%
3o*ever0 keep in mind that commercial operating systems like +ac
4) 5 and /indo*s use ),-. not ,-.% -he difference is that ,-.
tries to keep the client2s time as accurate as possible by taking into
account various factors such as ho* fast or slo* that hard*are clock is
and the lag is from the internet connection% ),-. just jumps to
*hatever time it gets%
6inu&0 ho*ever0 gives you a choice% 7nd honestly0 ,-. is way too
much for most home users% 7lso keep in mind that if *e did use ,-.
in this case0 *e *ould be synchroni8ing one 9inaccurate: clock against
another% -he best deal is to go *ith ),-.0 but the obvious ans*er of
searching for an ),-. package is *rong% 7ll you have to do is
configure the client machines to run ,-.;7-< like you did *ith ,-.
=onfigure ,-.;7-< on the client machines:
(udo nano /etc/default/ntpdate
+ake these three changes in the file:
>et your original synchroni8ation:
ntpdate &u )ou'!ntp!(e':e'
+ake a crontab so *e can keep our client machines in line *ith time:
(udo nano /etc/c'on!d/()nct*+e
.ut the follo*ing line in the file and save:
(-his calls a script that shuts ntp do*n0 calls ntpdate0 and then starts
ntp again% ?t2s meant to be used *hen bringing net*ork interfaces up0
but there2s nothing *rong *ith calling on it here%)
, ,/- , , , 'oot /etc/net.o'//*f&up!d/ntpdate
.erhaps0 one day0 >,4+<2s >@? for time synchroni8ation *ith allo*
you to choose full ,-. or ),-. *ith ,-.;7-<0 and do all of this
messing around *ith crontabs for you% Aut for no*0 the po*er is yours
*hether you *ant it or not%
*ate tglC)ulanCtahun
#. PC :8G6;:
Atur network nya s)):
#nano /etc/network/interfaces
allow-hotplug eth
iface eth inet static
a!!ress 1"#.1$%..#
net&ask #''.#''.#''.#(%
network 1"#.1$%..
)roa!cast 1"#.1$%..#(%
gateway 1"#.1$%..1
!ns-na&eservers 1"#.1$%..1
!ns-search lks".sch.i!
auto eth1
iface eth1 inet static
a!!ress 11#.1$..1
net&ask #''.#''.#''.#(
network 11#.1$..
)roa!cast 11#.1$..1'
:estart @aringan
#/etc/init.!/networking restart
Atur Rorwar! 4p:
#nano /etc/sysctl.conf
ke&u!ian )uka tan!a pagar pa!a kata :
# net.ipv(.ipCforwar!B1
!an :
#nano /proc/sys/net/ipv(/ip-forwar!
4sikan nilai 1
Atau )isa @uga spt:
# echo K 1 /proc/sys/net/ipv(/ipCforwar!
Atur resolvf.conf nya se)agai )erikut :
#nano /etc/resolv.conf
>en@a!i sperti ini :
Na&eservers 1"#.1$%..1
Search www.lks".sch.i!
*o&ain ns.lks".sch.i!
Atur !hcpnya :
#apt-get install !hcpH-server
#nano /etc/!hcpH/!hcp!.onf
# A slightly !ifferent configuration for an internal
su)net 11#.1$.. net&ask #''.#''.#''.#( .
range 11#.1$..H 11#.1$..1(/
option !o&ain-na&e-servers ns.lks".sch.i!/
option !o&ain-na&e -lks".sch.i!-/
option routers 11#.1$..1/
option )roa!cast-a!!ress 11#.1$..1'/
!efault-lease-ti&e $/
&a<-lease-ti&e 1#/
#nano /etc/!efault/!hcpH-server
4sikan pa!a 4N6;:RAC;SBJeth1J
#/etc/init.!/!hcpH-server restart
#ipta)les Lt nat LA P8S6:8G64NE Ls 11#.1$."./#%
L! / L@ >ASTG;:A*;
Atau )isa sperti kata pak tuani:
asumsi server eth" dengan ip 1B#%16C%1"%#!D
eth1 ip 1"%#!#%1"%#!D dan sudah konek ke client(&p) dengan nomor
sekarang kita mau routing supaya 1B#%16C%1"%1 bisa konek ke
1% #vim /etc/sysctl
cari ipvD/ip_for*ard E1 (enable'kan)
#echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
#% iptable'F
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o
G% c(ping 1"%#!#%1"%#!D kalau sudah jalan %%% ya sudah beres%%%%
ControlD U pa!a nano untuk &encari...
Control D V untuk &encopy
Contro D G untuk paste
Vesalahan @ika pas !i restart apache# nya
A!a pesan cannot !eter&inan Aualifie! !o&ain...
4tu penye)a)nya na&a pc !iu)ah !an ti!ak !iu)ah
keseluruhan ..@a!i harus !iu)ah seluruhnya atau
@angan u)ah

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