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Execution Plan



The Execution Plan

TFA Co. Execution Plan


Section Title Remarks
1. Purpose of Project Execution Plan
2. Project Objectives
3. Project Organization
4. Project Management Plan
4.1. Purpose
4.2. Organization and Responsibilities
5. Project Control Plan
5.1. General
5.2. Overall Methodology
5.3. Schedule Control
5.4. Progress Measurement
5.5. Progress Reporting
5.6. Material Control
5.7. Document Control System
5.8. Document Numbering System
6. Engineering Plan
6.1. Engineering Execution Offices
6.2. Engineering Execution Plan
6.3. Engineering Application Software
7. Procurement Plan
7.1. Procurement Service Execution Offices

TFA Co. Execution Plan

7.2. Execution Plan for Procurement Service
7.3. Expediting Approach
7.4. Shop Inspection
7.5. Level of Shop Inspection
8. Construction Execution Plan
8.1. General
8.2. Planning
8.3. Site Administration
8.4. Construction Plan
8.5. Temporary Facility Plan
8.6. Safety
8.7. Site Security
8.8. Quality Inspection during Site Work
8.8.1. General
8.8.2. Field Inspection and Testing
8.9. Progress Reporting
8.10. Work Site Log Book
Preparation and Procedure of Pre-
commissioning Activities

8.11.1. General
8.11.2. System Turn-over Procedure
9. Quality Assurance and Plan
9.1. Overall Philosophy
9.2. QA/QC Procedures
9.3. Quality Standard
9.4. Quality Assurance System

TFA Co. Execution Plan

9.5. Quality Manual with Quality Policy

TFA Co. Execution Plan

TIe muIn ucLIvILIes wIIcI consIdered Lo be perIormed by TurI Iuruyud AndIsIun
ConsuILIng IngIneers (TA Co.) Ior LIe suId projecL bused on CIIenL's
requIremenLs, Irom bId sLuge up Lo ConLrucL sIgn cun be summurIzed us IoIIows:
PerusIng CIIenL exIsLIng LecInIcuI documenLs und prepuruLIon projecL LecInIcuI
documenLs bused on CIIenL requIremenLs
TukIng InLo consIderuLIon cIungIng cupucILy oI LIe PIunL In vIew poInLs oI
procuremenL, consLrucLIon, buIIdIngs, cIvII works, cosL eIIecL, eLc
PrepuruLIon und guLIerIng geogrupIIcuI und cIImuLIc InIormuLIon Lo used In Lo
used In Lender documenLs
SpecIIyIng busIc und requIred poLenLIuIILy bused on exIsLIng InIormuLIon In
PrepuruLIon Lender documenLs IncIudIng nsLrucLIon Lo BIdders (TB),
LecInIcuI uppendIxes, ConLrucL druIL , eLc bused on CIIenL requIremenLs
denLIIyIng cupubIe und repuLubIe InLernuLIonuI ConLrucLors
EsLubIIsIIng bId LIru IdenLIIIed ConLrucLors
TecInIcuI und commercIuI evuIuuLIon oI receIved proposuIs
CIurIIIcuLIon negoLIuLIons undJor meeLIngs wILI bIdders
SeIecLIon oI IIrsL, second und LIIrd bIdders bused on LecInIcuI und commercIuI
evuIuuLIons und negoLIuLIons
InuI LecInIcuI und commercIuI negoLIuLIons wILI seIecLed bIdder
InuIIzIng LecInIcuI und commercIuI poInLs oI LIe work wILI seIecLed bIdder
ConLrucL sIgnIng

TFA Co. Execution Plan

1.Porpose oI Project Ixecotion Plun
TIe purpose oI LIe ProjecL ExecuLIon PIun Is Lo sLuLe LIe mInImum key ucLIvILIes
wIIcI sIuII be currIed ouL properIy by cIosen ConLucLor Lo execuLe LIe projecL
objecLIves und requIremenLs durIng ConLrucL perIod up Lo ssue InuI AccepLunce
CerLIIIcuLe(AC) by CIIenL Ior LIe projecL.
. Project Objectives
TIe ProjecL objecLIves wIIcI sIuII be done by ConLrucLor ure us IoIIows:
To desIgn und consLrucL LIe PIunL Ior CIIenL wIIcI cun produce LIe requIred
producL quunLILIes wILI LIe requIre eIIIcIency.
To ensure LIuL LIe PIunL Is desIgned, procured und consLrucLed Lo permIL suIe,
eIIIcIenL und envIronmenLuIIy uccepLubIe operuLIon.
To desIgn, procured und consLrucL LIe PIun, In compIIunce wILI LIe ProjecL
specIIIcuLIons und upIoIdIng good engIneerIng prucLIces und wILIIn LIe ugreed
To uIm In uII uspecLs Ior un IncIdenL Iree projecL execuLIon.
.Project Orgunizution
ConLrucLor sIuII be submILLed IIs OrgunIzuLIon CIurL Ior correcL execuLIon oI LIe
PIun Ior CIIenL revIew und upprovuI.
q.Project Munugement Plun
q.1. Porpose
TIe purpose oI LIe ConLrucLor ProjecL MunugemenL PIun Is Lo esLubIIsI LIe busIc
projecL munugemenL Irumework oI LIe ProjecL, IncIudIng reIerence
documenLuLIon und generuI projecL InIormuLIon.
q.. Orgunizution und Responsibilities
TIe ProjecL Munuger Is responsIbIe Ior LIe deveIopmenL oI LIe ProjecL
MunugemenL PIun und ILs ImpIemenLuLIon.
TIe prIme responsIbIIILIes oI LIe ProjecL Munuger comprIse LIe IoIIowIng key
MuInLuIn eIIecLIve reIuLIons wILI CIIenL und NuLIonuIJGovernmenL AuLIorILIes
reIevunL Lo ConLrucLor's works
Munuge InLerIuces beLween LIe LecInIcuI dIscIpIInes, LIIrd purLIes, und
NuLIonuIJGovernmenL AuLIorILIes reIevunL Lo ConLrucLor's works, und CIIenL Lo

TFA Co. Execution Plan

ensure overuII consIsLency In LIe desIgn process und LIuL LIe ProjecL objecLIves
ure meL.
Pro-ucLIveIy ussurIng quuIILy und IoIIowIng-up on correcLIve ucLIons.
EsLubIIsIIng specIIIc projecL procedures us requIred
EnsurIng LIuL key HSE und permIL objecLIves Ior LIe ProjecL ure meL.
AssIgnmenL oI udequuLe personneI
ProjecL reporLIng
CIunge conLroI
DruwIng und documenL conLroI
MuLerIuI conLroI
TIe reguIur meeLIngs wILI CIIenL ure InLended Lo supporL LIe ProjecL
MunugemenL ucLIvILIes.
ProjecL reporLIng wIII be currIed ouL wILI LIe Issue oI LIe IoIIowIng reporLs:
MonLIIy Progress ReporL IncIudIng ProcuremenL SLuLus ReporL
SIop nspecLIon ReporL (us soon us receIved Iorm sIop InspecLor)
DuIIy ConsLrucLIon Munpower ReporL
OLIer LIun LIese reguIur reporLIng, ConLrucLor sIuII reporL Lo CIIenL wIen
g. Project Controls Plun
g.1. Generul
ConLrucLor's ProjecL ConLroI Munuger wIII seL up poIIcyJprocedures Lo ensure LIuL
LIe ProjecL Is execuLed us PIunned und In u LImeIy munner. TIe procedures
provIde sLrIcL guIdeIInes Ior LIe overuII ProjecL udmInIsLruLIon und LIe necessury
IIow oI communIcuLIons Ior ProjecL conLroI und progress reporLIng.
g.. Overull Methodology
Upon NoLIce Lo Proceed, ConLrucLor wIII esLubIIsI u "buseIIne pIunnIng" coverIng
LIe ProjecL requIremenLs Ior LIe IoIIowIng essenLIuI ucLIvILIes:
ScIeduIe ConLroI
CosL ConLroI

TFA Co. Execution Plan

QuuIILy ConLroI (By ProjecL QAJQC Munuger)
DocumenL ConLroI
MuLerIuI ConLroI
Mun-Iour ConLroI
TIe ProjecL ConLroI Munuger wIII Luke u IeudIng roIe In esLubIIsIIng LIe buseIIne
PIunnIng. Once LIe PIunnIng Ius been specIIIed, LIe ProjecL ConLroI Munuger wIII
monILor LIe ProjecL vurIunces uguInsL LIe buseIIne. I u vurIunce Is ussessed Lo be
beyond LIe uIIowubIe IImIL, correcLIveJ remedIuI ucLIons musL be Luken Lo
muInLuIn LIe overuII ProjecL In IIne wILI LIe busIc requIremenLs by LIe ProjecL
TIe ProjecL PIunnIng und conLroI wIII be bused on LIe "Work Breukdown
SLrucLure" (WBS), I.e. LIe ProjecL ucLIvILIes broken-down-by IuncLIon or ureu -
InLo 6 Lo ; IeveIs Lo LIe conLroI IeveI oI eIemenLs. TIe IusL WBS eIemenL Is
ussIgned u cosL und LIme duruLIon Ior conLroI purposes. Once LIe ProjecL WBS Is
IormuIuLed, u compuLer-bused MunugemenL SysLem Is uLIIIzed Lo process LIe duLu
LIrougIouL LIe ProjecL und Lo produce progress reporLs uL cerLuIn cuL-oII duLes.
g.. Schedole Control
1) Purpose oI ScIeduIe ConLroI
TIe purpose oI scIeduIe conLroI Is Lo compIeLe LIe ProjecL wILIIn LIe scIeduIed
compIeLIon duLe.
MosL ImporLunL IucLor Lo keep LIe scIeduIe Is LIuL uII LIe ProjecL members
(IncIudIng Sub-ConLrucLors) Iuve common undersLundIng und conscIousness Lo
ucIIeve LIe LurgeL oI eucI mIIesLone. Any poLenLIuI probIems musL be Iound us
eurIy us possIbIe Lo Luke eurIy und quIck correcLIve ucLIons so us noL Lo jeopurdIze
LIe PIunned ProjecL scIeduIe.
n LIe scIeduIIng, smooLI IundIng uL LIe IInuI sLuge oI LIe consLrucLIon Is
ImporLunL so LIuL sysLem-by-sysLem PIunnIng In uccordunce wILI LIe PIunL sLurL-
up sequence Is consIdered noL onIy consLrucLIon compIeLIon buL uIso
To ensure LIuL LIe ProjecL compIeLes wILIIn LIe scIeduIed compIeLIon duLe, LIe
IoIIowIng ucLIvILIes ure perIormed:
PrepuruLIon oI scIeduIes
MonILor oI scIeduIes
MeusuremenL oI progress

TFA Co. Execution Plan

orecusL oI scIeduIes
PIunnIng oI correcLIve ucLIons
z) PoIIcy on ScIeduIe ConLroI
To ensure LIuL LIe ProjecL Is compIeLed on LIme, ConLrucLor Ius u LIree-poInL
poIIcy on scIeduIe conLroI.
PoInL one Is sysLemuLIc conLroI bused on LIe conLroI IeveI. TIIs enubIes LIe
scIeduIIng InsLrucLIons oI LIe ProjecL Munuger Lo be InIormed Lo uII members
InvoIved, Irom LIe ProjecL Leum munugers, sucI us LIe EngIneerIng Munuger und
LIe ProcuremenL Munuger, down Lo members oI LIe IuncLIonuI depurLmenLs.
DependIng on LIe conLroI IeveIs, scIeduIe conLroI Is currIed ouL by LIe members
InvoIved, sucI us ProjecL Munuger, ProjecL ConLroI Munugers, EngIneerIng
Munuger, ProcuremenL Munuger, Home OIIIce ConsLrucLIon EngIneer, ScIeduIe
EngIneer, ProjecL EngIneers, depurLmenLuI Ieuds, eud EngIneers, und oLIers.
PoInL Lwo enLuIIs cIose monILorIng und conLroI oI LIe progress In order Lo cuLcI
scIeduIe sIIppuge us soon us possIbIe.
EurIy IdenLIIIcuLIon und conLroI oI ProjecL sIIppuge enubIes correcLIve ucLIons Lo
be Luken, und Lo compensuLe Ior Ioss oI LIme or devIuLIons Irom LIe scIeduIe by
reurrungIng und udjusLIng scIeduIes Lo overcome scIeduIe sIIppuge.
Progress Is meusured by LIe compuLer sysLem, LIe Progress MonILorIng SysLem,
und uIwuys cIeurIy deIIned und uvuIIubIe Lo ProjecL core members.
PoInL LIree Is Lo suppIy scIeduIe InIormuLIon In LIme Ior correcLIve ucLIon Lo be
Luken us quIckIy us possIbIe Lo recover uny sIIppuge. ScIeduIIng InIormuLIon und
LImeIy reporLs ure provIded reguIurIy Lo LIe ProjecL Munuger, ProjecL core
members und, II necessury, LIe Lop munugemenL.
ScIeduIe sIIppuge cun be predIcLed or Iound und opLImum prevenLIve or
correcLIve ucLIons Luken quIckIy. SInce prIorILy In CIIenL's munugemenL
pIIIosopIy demunds compIeLIon oI LIe ProjecL wILIIn scIeduIed compIeLIon duLe,
scIeduIe conLroI Is IundumenLuI Ior ProjecL execuLIon.
) ScIeduIe ConLroI eveIs
DependIng on conLroI responsIbIIILIes, LIe scIeduIe conLroI Is cIussIIIed InLo LIree
IeveIs us IIIusLruLed In CIurL 1-1:
PROJECT munugemenL IeveI

TFA Co. Execution Plan

Tusk conLroI IeveI
u) ProjecL munugemenL IeveI
ScIeduIes uL ProjecL munugemenL IeveI ure muInIy Ior use by LIe Top
MunugemenL und LIe ProjecL Munuger, und Ior reporLIng Lo CIIenL. mporLunL
mIIesLones, us LIe scIeduIe LurgeL, ure specIIIed In LIese scIeduIes, wIIcI Iorm
LIe busIs oI scIeduIe conLroI. TIey ure LIe overuII scIeduIes Ior engIneerIng,
procuremenL, LrunsporLuLIon und consLrucLIon.
Two scIeduIes ure prepured Ior LIe ProjecL munugemenL IeveI:
ProjecL MusLer ScIeduIe
ProjecL Summury ScIeduIe
TIese ure LIe busIc scIeduIes prepured durIng LIe overuII ProjecL PIunnIng sLuge,
und ure noL modIIIed buL remuIn us LIe orIgInuI PIun.
BuL LIe progress sLuLus Is udded eucI monLI Lo LIese scIeduIes Lo provIde
compurIson. L sIouId be noLed LIuL LIe IronL-end scIeduIe Is prepured In LIe
overuII ProjecL PIunnIng sLuge uL ProjecL munugemenL IeveI, us weII us uL ProjecL
conLroI IeveI.
b) ProjecL conLroI IeveI
ScIeduIes uL ProjecL conLroI IeveI, sucI us ProjecL conLroI scIeduIe und DeLuIIed
ScIeduIe, ure muInIy Ior LIe use oI ProjecL Leum munugers (ProjecL Munuger,
EngIneerIng Munuger, ProcuremenL Munuger, Home OIIIce ConsLrucLIon
EngIneer, QAJQC Munuger, eLc.). n LIese scIeduIes, LIe IuncLIons ure broken
down InLo Iower IeveIs und specIIIed In deLuII.
c) Tusk conLroI IeveI
ScIeduIes uL Lusk conLroI IeveI ure muInIy Ior LIe use oI LIe eud EngIneers und
dIscIpIIne engIneers In eucI IuncLIonuI depurLmenL In cIurge oI ucLuuI Lusks. TIey
Iuve u compuruLIveIy sIorL LIme Irume, e.g. LIree monLI scIeduIe, weekIy Lusk
scIeduIe, und specIIy In deLuII ucLuuI Lusks Lo be execuLed In weII-deIIned ureus.
g.q. Progress Meusorement
1) GeneruI
TIe buse oI progress meusuremenL Is Lo IdenLIIy LIe sLuges oI compIeLIon oI smuII
dIvIded eIemenLs oI ucLIvILIes.
TIe eusIIy meusurubIe ucLIvILIes und compIeLIon sLuges ure seIecLed Lo cuIcuIuLe
LIe pIysIcuI progress usIng LIe weIgILed vuIue sysLem us descrIbed IereIn.

TFA Co. Execution Plan

TIe weIgILs used In LIIs sysLem ure bused on LIe budgeLed mun-Iours or cosLs, In
TIe purLs murked wILI "" meuns LIuL IIgures wIII be deLermIned durIng LIe
ProjecL PIunnIng sLuge uILer NoLIce Lo Proceed.
z) eveI oI WBS (Work Breukdown SLrucLure)
WBS IeveIs used Ior LIe progress meusuremenL oI LIIs ProjecL ure summurIzed us
u) OIIIce ServIces, EquIpmenL & MuLerIuIs
PrImury CuLegory
uncLIonuI CuLegory
V Work CuLegory
V Work Puckuge
V Tusk (MIIesLone)

b) IeId ConsLrucLIon Work
PrImury CuLegory
II BIock
V IeId uncLIonuI CuLegory
V IeId Work CuLegory
V Work Puckuge
V Tusk (MIIesLone)

) OveruII Progress
TIe overuII progress (EVE ) Is dIvIded InLo LIe IoIIowIng prImury cuLegorIes
(EVE ).

TFA Co. Execution Plan


Primury Cutegory Weight Percent
ConsLrucLIon Work
Totul 1oo
To be IInuIIzed uILer NoLIce Lo Proceed.
Progress oI eucI prImury cuLegory Is cuIcuIuLed In percenL, muILIpIIed by LIe
weIgIL percenL und compIeLe percenL und LIen InLegruLed Lo gIve LIe overuII
progress In percenL.
q) EngIneerIng
TIe Home OIIIce ServIce progress (EVE ) Is dIvIded InLo LIe IoIIowIng
IuncLIonuI cuLegorIes (EVE ).
Primury Cutegory Weight Percent
Totul 1oo

TFA Co. Execution Plan

To be IInuIIzed uILer NoLIce Lo Proceed.
Progress oI eucI IuncLIonuI cuLegory Is cuIcuIuLed In percenL, muILIpIIed by LIe
weIgIL percenL und compIeLe percenL und LIen InLegruLed Lo gIve LIe Iome oIIIce
servIce progress In percenL.
EngIneerIng progress Is meusured on documenL compIeLIon busIs, In generuI.
Mujor documenLs und mIIesLones ure seIecLed Ior EngIneerIngJDesIgn und
weIgILed on pIunned mun-Iour busIs so LIuL LIe LoLuI becomes Lo be 1oo%.
or eucI oI LIem, compIeLIon mIIesLone In percenL Is consIdered us
engIneerIngJdesIgn progresses.
TIe compIeLIon mIIesLone Is cIecked Ior eucI documenL und mIIesLone und
summurIzed Lo gIve engIneerIngJdesIgn In percenL.
TIe esLImuLed number oI "Work VoIume" Is used Ior progress cuIcuIuLIon uL IIrsL
sLuge.WIen LIe ucLuuI "Work VoIume" Is IIxed, LIe necessury udjusLmenL wIII be
) ProcuremenL
TIe ProcuremenL progresses (EVE ) ure dIvIded InLo LIe IoIIowIng IuncLIonuI
cuLegorIes (EVE ).
Primury Cutegory Weight Percent
Totul 1oo

TFA Co. Execution Plan

To be IInuIIzed uILer NoLIce Lo Proceed.
Progress oI eucI IuncLIonuI cuLegory Is cuIcuIuLed In percenL, muILIpIIed by LIe
weIgIL percenL und compIeLe percenL und LIen InLegruLed Lo gIve EquIpmenL &
MuLerIuIs progress In percenL.
Mujor requIsILIons oI equIpmenL und muLerIuIs ure seIecLed us meusuremenL
busIs. TIey ure weIgILed on budgeL cosL busIs, gIvIng 1oo% In LoLuI respecLIveIy.
or eucI requIsILIon, progress Is ussessed In uccordunce wILI LIe compIeLIon
mIIesLone In percenL.
SummurIzIng requIsILIon weIgILs muILIpIIed by compIeLIon mIIesLone % wIII gIve
LIe EquIpmenL & MuLerIuIs progress.
6) IeId ConsLrucLIon Work
u) TIe IeId ConsLrucLIon work (eveI ) Is dIvIded InLo LIe IoIIowIng Lwo
mujor BIock (eveI II):

Block Weight Percent
Totul 1oo
WeIgIL percenL Ior mujor ureu ure deLermIned bused on esLImuLed consLrucLIon
b) EucI mujor BIock (eveI ) Is dIvIded InLo LIe IoIIowIng IeId uncLIonuI
CuLegorIes (C: eveI V):
IIC Weight Percent
CIvII work
SLrucLuruI work

TFA Co. Execution Plan

BuIIdIng work
EquIpmenL ErecLIon work
PIpIng ErecLIon work
nsLrumenLuLIon work
EIecLrIcuI work
nsuIuLIon work
PuInLIng work
MIsceIIuneous work
Totul 1oo

c) C's (eveI V) ure dIvIded InLo IeId Work CuLegorIes (WC: eveI V) by
groupIng LIe sume nuLure oI work Lype.
d) WC's (eveI V) ure dIvIded InLo work ILem sucI us eucI equIpmenL
Work voIume Ior eucI work ILem Is ussIgned bused on EngIneerIng duLu sucI
us weIgIL Lon Ior equIpmenL, concreLe voIume (m) Ior IounduLIons, eLc.
WeIgIL percenLuge Ior work sLeps ure ussIgned Ior eucI WC LIrougI
ConLrucLor's pusL experIence Ior consLrucLIon producLIvILy.
TIe weIgILed vuIues Ior eucI work puckuge ure cuIcuIuLed us IoIIows:
(Work VoIume Ior EucI Work puckuge) x (% Ior Tusk (MIIesLone))
TIe IIgure oI percenL compIeLe Ior eucI WC Is obLuIned us IoIIows:
PercenL CompIeLe = (Summury oI weIgILed vuIue Ior uII work puckuge) dIvIded by
(Summury work voIume Ior uII work puckuge)
e) Progress CuIcuIuLIon

TFA Co. Execution Plan

Progress oI eucI C Is cuIcuIuLed In percenL us IoIIows:
WeIgIL percenL Ior eucI WC ure muILIpIIed by LIe weIgIL percenL und compIeLe
percenL Ior WC, und LIen InLegruLed Lo gIve LIe progress percenL Ior eucI C
und eucI BIock.
g.g. Progress Reporting
ConLrucLor sIuII Issue u MonLIIy Progress ReporL IndIcuLIng LIe currenL progress
oI LIe Work wILIIn 1o duys oI LIe end oI LIe monLIIy reporLIng perIod.
TIe IormuL oI LIe ReporL sIuII be sucI us Lo IdenLIIy und IucIIILuLe LIe resoIuLIon
oI uny correcLIve meusures Lo be underLuken.
A GeneruI ReporL sIuII brIeIIy descrIbe LIe IoIIowIng:
1) Mujor undJor sIgnIIIcunL work ILems ucIIeved durIng LIe reporL perIod.
z) CurrenL sLuLus oI LIe Work
ProjecL progress InIormuLIon sIuII be provIded on grupIs undJor LubIes sIowIng
ucLuuI progress und scIeduIed progress Ior:
u) OveruII projecL
b) EngIneerIng
c) ProcuremenL
d) IeId consLrucLIon
) ProbIems encounLered or unLIcIpuLed LogeLIer wILI proposuIs oI
q) Mujor undJor sIgnIIIcunL work ILems unLIcIpuLed Lo be compIeLed In LIe
succeedIng monLI.
A CuLegorIzed ReporL sIuII be prepured In uccordunce wILI LIe IoIIowIng pIuses:
1) EngIneerIng SLuLus
SLuLus oI:
u) AII mujor druwIng, specIIIcuLIons und engIneerIng ucLIvILIes
b) A descrIpLIon oI uny mujor undJor sIgnIIIcunL work ILems ucIIeved durIng
LIe reporL perIod.

TFA Co. Execution Plan

c) A descrIpLIon oI mujor ucLIvILIes Lo be underLuken durIng LIe succeedIng
z) ProcuremenL SLuLus oI LIe CurrenL und SucceedIng MonLI SLuLus oI
procuremenL Ior uII equIpmenL und muLerIuIs sucI us:
u) EnquIrIes
b) RequIsILIons, specIIIcuLIons und pIuse orders
c) ExpedILIng
d) nspecLIons
e) SIIppIng
I) DeIIverIes
) ConsLrucLIon SLuLus oI LIe CurrenL und SucceedIng MonLI
SLuLus oI consLrucLIon ILems wILI uII mujor ILems specIIIcuIIy menLIoned
u) ounduLIons poured
b) EquIpmenL und pumps InsLuIIed
c) EquIpmenL und muLerIuIs receIvIng reporLs
d) ubrIcuLIon und preIubrIcuLIon scIeduIes
e) ErecLIon sLuLus
I) ubrIcuLIon und consLrucLIon equIpmenL sLuLus
g) Munpower sLuLus
I) QuuIILy conLroI
I) SuIeLy reporLs
AddILIonuI ReporLs Ior crILIcuI work ureus muy be requIred und sIuII be produced
by muLuuI ugreemenL beLween CIIenL und ConLrucLor. TIe purpose oI LIese
AddILIonuI ReporLs sIuII be Lo provIde u currenL overuII ussessmenL oI LIe
ConLrucL ScIeduIe Lo IndIcuLe uny devIuLIons or Lrends In order Lo IIgIIIgIL uny
urgenL und eIIecLIve correcLIve ucLIons Lo be ImpIemenLed.
g.6. Muteriul Control
1) GeneruI

TFA Co. Execution Plan

or conLroIIIng LIe muLerIuIs durIng IubrIcuLIon, sLoruge und consLrucLIon, proper
IdenLIIIcuLIon Ius Lo be uppIIed Lo eucI Lype oI muLerIuIs.
TIe IoIIowIng equIpmenL und muLerIuIs sIuII Iuve LIeIr own ILem numbers or Lug
numbers, LIereIore, IdenLIIIcuLIon sIuII be sImpIIIIed:
AII equIpmenL ILems IncIudIng eIecLrIcuI equIpmenL
ConLroI vuIves IncIudIng remoLe operuLed on-oII vuIves
AII InsLrumenLs, IocuI puneIs und juncLIon boxes
Pressure reIIeI vuIves
n-IIne componenLs sucI us sLeum Lrups, IIILers, sLruIners
A proper IdenLIIIcuLIon procedure sIuII be deveIoped und uppIIed Lo oLIer Lype oI
muLerIuIs, wIIcI IncIude:
PIpIng buIk muLerIuIs, sucI us vuIves, pIpes, pIpe IILLIngs, guskeLs, boILs und
nuLs nsLrumenL buIk muLerIuIs, sucI us pIpIngJLubIng muLerIuIs, vuIves,
InsLrumenL cubIes und wIres, guskeLs, boILs und nuLs EIecLrIcuI buIk muLerIuIs,
sucI us conLroI sLuLIons, recepLucIes, cubIes, Iumps, IIgILIng IIxLures
nsuIuLIon muLerIuIs
PuInLIng muLerIuIs
SLrucLuruI sLeeI muLerIuIs
z) EquIpmenL und MuLerIuIs HuvIng Lem No. or Tug No.
TIIs Lype oI equIpmenL und muLerIuIs sIuII be conLroIIed und IdenLIIIed wILI LIeIr
own ILem numbers or Lug numbers LIrougIouL LIe ProjecL, I.e. In uII
engIneerIngJdesIgn druwIngs und specIIIcuLIons, procuremenL documenLs, LesL
und InspecLIon documenLsJreporLs, sIIppIng documenLs, durIng wureIousIng
und consLrucLIon.
MuLerIuI conLroI cun be ucIIeved Ior LIese ILems by conIIrmIng LIe muLerIuIs oI
consLrucLIon, specIIIed purL by purL, LIrougI desIgn cIecks und InspecLIons.
) MuLerIuIs HuvIng CodIng SysLem
Among LIe vurIous muLerIuIs, consIderubIe eIIorLs Iuve Lo be mude Lo IdenLIIy
und conLroI pIpIng muLerIuIs, wIIcI need Lo be IundIed In Iurge quunLILIes wILI
vurIous Lypes, ruLIngs und muLerIuIs. AII pIpIng muLerIuIs, oLIer LIun Lugged
ILems, sIuII Iuve LIeIr own code numbers per Lype, ruLIng und muLerIuI oI

TFA Co. Execution Plan

consLrucLIon. By uddIng LIe sIze InIormuLIon Lo LIese code numbers, eucI group
oI pIpIng muLerIuIs cun be IdenLIIIed und conLroIIed.
MuLerIuI Luke-oII sIuII be perIormed Irom LIe code numbers, und requIsILIons Ior
purcIuse sIuII be grouped Ior LIe sume Lype oI muLerIuIs, so LIuL muLerIuI conLroI
cun be eusIIy perIormed durIng IubrIcuLIon, InspecLIon, LrunsporLuLIon, receIpL,
sLoruge und Issuunce uL LIe consLrucLIon sILe. BIII oI muLerIuIs sIuII sIow neL
quunLILIes Luken Irom desIgn druwIngs und consLrucLIon spures sepuruLeIy.
DurIng LIe desIgn deveIopmenL, uddILIonuI purcIuse (or In some cuse
cunceIIuLIon) ure sepuruLe coIumns oI bIIIs oI muLerIuIs (znd Luke-oII, rd Luke
Luke-oII, ---) IncIudIng revIsIon Lo LIe consLrucLIon spure quunLILIes, II necessury.
A bIunkeL order sIuII be uppIIed Lo LIe purcIuse oI uddILIonuI quunLILIes.
OLIer muLerIuIs IuvIng code numbers sIuII be conLroIIed und IdenLIIIed In u
sImIIur munner.
MuLerIuI conLroI durIng IubrIcuLIon, IncIudIng expedILIng und InspecLIon sIuII be
currIed ouL us per requIsILIonJPO. PuckIng Ior LrunsporLuLIon sIuII be mude, us Iur
us prucLIcuI, Ior eucI requIsILIonJPO number, wIIcI sIuII be cIeurIy murked on
LIe ouLsIde oI LIe puckuge. PuckIng IIsLs, LIereIore, sIuII be prepured Ior LIe sume
Lype oI muLerIuIs. ExcepLIons muy be Ior smuII quunLILIes oI uddILIonuI purcIuses,
Iowever, even In LIIs cuse, LIe vendor sIuII be InsLrucLed Lo provIde InLernuI
purceIs conLuInIng muLerIuIs oI eucI requIsILIon und Lo prepure puckIng IIsLs per
requIsILIonJPO number. A copy oI LIe puckIng IIsLs sIuII be Iorwurded Lo LIe on-
sILe muLerIuI conLroI group by rupId courIer Ior urrungemenL oI receIpL und
prepuruLIon oI sLoruge spuce.
q) MuLerIuI HuvIng No CodIng SysLem
TIe IoIIowIng Lype oI muLerIuIs, wIIcI Iuve no codIng sysLem, sIuII be IdenLIIIed
by desIgnuLIon oI uppIIcubIe IndusLrIuI sLundurds, sucI us ASTM, AS or
munuIucLurer's brund nume, wIere uppIIcubIe:
SLrucLuruI sLeeI
EIecLrIcuI und InsLrumenLuLIon buIk muLerIuIs sucI us conduILs, LermInuI
muLerIuIs, sLuncIIons
nsuIuLIon muLerIuIs
A sImIIur upproucI Lo LIuL Ior code numbered muLerIuIs sIuII be uppIIed Lo LIe
procuremenL oI LIese muLerIuIs; muLerIuI Luke-oII, prepuruLIon oI requIsILIons und
purcIuse orders, LrunsporLuLIon, eLc.
) On-sILe MuLerIuI ConLroI

TFA Co. Execution Plan

Upon receIvIng curgoes uL LIe sILe, LIe on-sILe muLerIuI conLroI group sIuII IIrsL
perIorm overuII dumuge exumInuLIon oI curgoes, LIen curry ouL deLuIIed
unpuckIng InspecLIon, In wIIcI LIey conIIrm LIe receIved muLerIuIs uguInsL LIe
deLuIIed puckIng IIsLs. AssIsLunce Irom LIe IIeId engIneers sIuII be uvuIIubIe II uny
cIurIIIcuLIons on receIved muLerIuIs ure requIred.
TIey sIuII uIso conIIrm eucI pIece oI muLerIuI Is properIy IdenLIIIed. Any dumuge
or dIscrepuncIes Iound durIng unpuckIng InspecLIon sIuII be reporLed Lo LIe
Iome oIIIce procuremenL group on un overuge, sIorLuge und dumuge (OS&D)
reporL. ConIIrmed muLerIuIs sIuII be sLored eILIer In LIe wureIouse or open yurd
dependIng on LIe Lype oI muLerIuIs.
g.,. ocoment Control System
TIIs PurugrupI covers LIe sysLem Ior conLroIIIng und dIsLrIbuLIng druwIngs und
reIuLed documenLs requIred Ior LIe ProjecL. ConLrucLor Iuve own compuLerIzed
documenL conLroI sysLem.
TIe compuLer-bused documenL conLroI sysLem esLubIIsIed by ConLrucLor sIuII be
uppIIed Lo LIe ProjecL Ior LIe conLroI oI engIneerIng documenLs LogeLIer wILI
munugemenL und conLroI documenLs.
TIe IoIIowIng InIormuLIon Ior engIneerIng documenLs IncIudIng druwIngs und
vendor prInLs, munugemenL und conLroI documenLs ure regIsLered In LIe SysLem
und muInLuIned wIen Issued or receIved by eucI dIscIpIIne engIneer:
DocumenL LILIe
DocumenL number
RevIsIon number
ssue duLe
ssue purpose (Ior upprovuI, Ior consLrucLIon, eLc.)
TIIs regIsLer enubIes Lo provIde, uL uny LIme, uccuruLe und up-Lo-duLe InIormuLIon
on LIe currenL sLuLus oI regIsLered documenLs und ensures eIIecLIve conLroI oI
prepuruLIon, revIsIon und LImeIy deIIvery oI documenLs. DocumenL submIssIon
und receIvIng LoJIrom CIIenL, sIuII be uIso conLroIIed by documenL conLroI
g.S. ocoment Nombering System
g.S.1. ocoment Nombering
ConLrucLor's DocumenL NumberIng SysLem sIuII be uppIIed Lo LIe ProjecL wILI
CIIenL's DocumenL Number wrILLen eucI documenL.

TFA Co. Execution Plan

g.S.. Iiling System
1) TruceubIIILy
SInce LIe compuLer-bused documenL conLroI sysLem sIuII be uppIIed Lo LIe IIIIng
sysLem, unyone cun Lruce uccuruLe und up-Lo-duLe InIormuLIon on LIe currenL
sLuLus oI regIsLered documenLs uL uny LIme.
z) IIIng oI ProjecL DocumenL ssued by ConLrucLor
n LIe course oI projecL execuLIon, orIgInuI documenLs und reproducIbIe oI
ProjecL documenLs sIuII be concenLruLed und IIIed In LIe IIoor servIce Lo conLroI
LIe documenL quuIILy, execuLe work eIIIcIenLIy und reduce LIe numbers oI ProjecL
documenLs LIrougI unIIIed InIormuLIon.
AILer LIe compIeLIon oI LIe projecL, us u generuI ruIe, uII orIgInuIs oI ProjecL
documenLs sIuII be deIIvered on CompucL DIsk, und CDs sIuII be cenLruI
conLroIIed In LIe engIneerIng servIce cenLer wIIcI Issues documenLs.
As u generuI ruIe, uII orIgInuI documenLs und reproducIbIe oI projecL documenLs
sIuII be dIscurded uILer deIIvered on CD.
u) TIe IIoor servIce IIIes orIgInuIs und reproducIbIe oI projecL documenLs
uccordIng Lo projecL number und documenL number. DoubIe IIIed reproducIbIe
ure uIIowed II reproducIbIe ure IrequenLIy used, Iowever, LIe number oI doubIe
IIIed reproducIbIe sIuII be mInImum. To uvoId doubIe IIIed reproducIbIe,
reproducIbIe dIsLrIbuLed Lo LIe eucI depurLmenL sIuII noL IIIed In LIe IIoor
b) ReproducIbIe IIIed In LIe IIoor servIce sIuII be dIscurded uILer revIsed
documenLs ure Issued.
c) AL LIe LIme oI IssuIng revIsed documenLs, In cuse oI onIy revIsed or udded
sIeeLs ure Issued, noL uII sIeeLs, documenL uuLIor wrILes "RepIucemenL" or
"AddILIon" uL u sIde oI revIsIon number "Rev."
n sucI u cuse, obsoIeLe documenLs sIuII be IIIed In LIe IIoor servIce unLII revIsed
documenLs IncIudIng uII sIeeLs ure Issued.
d) DocumenL number und documenL LILIe regIsLered In LIe documenL conLroI
sysLem, us u generuI ruIe, sIuII noL modIIIed. However, II modIIIcuLIon sIouId be
mude, user sIuII modIIy sucI duLu on LIe documenL conLroI sysLem by IImseII
und InIorm un oIIIcIuI In cIurge oI LIe IIoor servIce oI LIe IucL Ie modIIIed LIe

TFA Co. Execution Plan

e) DurIng execuLIng LIe ProjecL, personneI In cIurge oI LIe ProjecL Ius
mInImum projecL documenLs Ior IIs own use, und borrows und uses orIgInuIs or
reproducIbIe IIIed In LIe IIoor servIce uccordIng Lo IIs needs.
I) OrIgInuIs und reproducIbIe borrowed Irom LIe IIoor servIce sIuII be
reLurned prompLIy uILer LIeIr use Is over so LIuL oLIer personneI cun use LIem.
6. Ingineering Plun
6.1. Ingineering Ixecotion OIIices
TIe wIoIe engIneerIng oI LIe ProjecL wIII be dIrecLed, munuged und conLroIIed In
und Irom LIe ConLrucLor's oIIIce.
urLIer ConLrucLor engIneerIng Leum wIII generuIIy underLuke BusIc EngIneerIng
und DeLuIIed EngIneerIng.
6.. Ingineering Ixecotion Plun
TIe engIneerIng Ior LIe ConLrucLor responsIbIe IucIIILIes wIII be currIed ouL und
necessury druwIngs und specIIIcuLIons wIII be prepured In uccordunce wILI
engIneerIng sLundurds, prucLIces, und procedures oI ConLrucLor, LukIng CIIenL's,
Icensor's undJor oLIer IeguI requIremenLs InLo consIderuLIon.
CrILIcuI deIIvery ILems LIuL requIre eurIy engIneerIng und procuremenL ure
cureIuIIy conLroIIed und monILored Lo uvoId LIe need Ior IuLer modIIIcuLIon oI LIe
deLuIIed engIneerIng, wIIcI wouId Iuve u deLrImenLuI eIIecL on LIe eIIIcIency oI
LIe ProjecL execuLIon.
A pIpIng sLudy meeLIng, one oI LIe desIgn revIew meeLIngs In LIe deLuIIed
engIneerIng, Is IeId Lo revIew LIe pIpIng IuyouL druwIngs Irom LIe vIewpoInLs oI
consLrucLIon, operubIIILy, muInLuInubIIILy, suIeLy, eLc.
TIe documenLs prepured durIng LIe EngIneerIng sLuge ure Issued uILer revIew by
LIe eud EngIneer und upprovuI by u senIor engIneer (e.g., LIe depurLmenLuI
Under expedILIng und coordInuLIon oI LIe EngIneerIng Munuger LIe mujor purL oI
LIe deLuIIed engIneerIng Is IundIed In LIe engIneerIng depurLmenLs oI LIe
IoIIowIng dIscIpIInes:
CIvII und ArcIILecLuruI

TFA Co. Execution Plan

EucI depurLmenL exercIses u dIscreLe LecInIcuI IuncLIon Ior LIe ProjecL, eucI
beIng responsIbIe Ior LIe compIeLeness und quuIILy oI ILs own work. TIe eud
EngIneer oI eucI engIneerIng dIscIpIIne Is responsIbIe Ior uII work done In IIs
desIgn dIscIpIIne.
TIe dIIIerenL engIneerIng dIscIpIInes perIorm LIe IoIIowIng muIn work:
Mujor works ure sIown us IoIIows:
PrepurIng und IssuIng specIIIcuLIons und druwIngs Ior procuremenL und
BuIk muLerIuIs Luke-oII
TecInIcuI evuIuuLIon oI bId documenLs
RevIewIng und upprovIng Vendor documenLs
ConducLIng desIgn revIew und documenL conLroI
|EquIpmenL DesIgn|
EquIpmenL DesIgn dIscIpIIne consIsLs oI Lwo desIgn groups: vesseI und
mucIInery. VesseI engIneers underLuke LIe mecIunIcuI desIgn oI vesseIs, IeuL
excIungers und Lunks. MucIInery engIneers do LIe mecIunIcuI desIgn Ior roLuLIng
equIpmenL sucI us pumps, compressors, LurbInes, mecIunIcuI IundIIng
equIpmenL, eLc., und Ior puckuge unILs. BoLI desIgn groups requIre mucI eIIorL
und LIme Ior LIe work reIuLIng Lo LIe procuremenL oI equIpmenL, IncIudIng LIe
prepuruLIon oI requIsILIons und bId evuIuuLIon sIeeLs, und LIe cIeck und revIew oI
Vendor documenLs. IeId LesLJInspecLIon scIeduIes, summury sIeeLs oI desIgn
und LesL IeuLures wIII uIso be prepured by ConLrucLor.
|PIpIng DesIgn|
ConLrucLor sIuII desIgn und druw up LIe compIeLe pIpIng sysLem requIred Ior
process und uLIIILIes. PIpIng ussembIy druwIngs ure mude on u geogrupIIcuI busIs
wILI uny uLLendunL deLuIIs requIred Lo cIurIIy ussembIy druwIngs. IsLs oI uII
pIpIng muLerIuIs wIII be prepured by ConLrucLor wILI upproprIuLe breukdown.
PIpIng engIneers underLuke LIe pIpIng desIgn, IncIudIng LIe prepuruLIon oI pIpIng
specIIIcuLIons, IuyouLs, urrungemenLs, IsomeLrIcs und requIsILIons Ior uII pIpIng
muLerIuIs, und pIpe sLress unuIysIs.
|nsLrumenLuLIon DesIgn|

TFA Co. Execution Plan

nsLrumenLuLIon engIneers perIorm LIe desIgn oI process conLroI sysLems,
IncIudIng compuLers, conLroI bourds, InsLrumenLs und conLroI vuIves. TIey
prepure specIIIcuLIons Ior InsLrumenLs und conLroI bourds, conLroI IogIc
dIugrums, druwIngs Ior cubIe IuyouL und InsLrumenL Iook-up, und requIsILIons Ior
uII InsLrumenLuLIon equIpmenL und muLerIuIs.
|EIecLrIcuI DesIgn|
EIecLrIcuI engIneers perIorm LIe desIgn oI LIe power dIsLrIbuLIon sysLem, power
conLroI sysLem, IIgILIng sysLem, groundIng sysLem und communIcuLIon sysLem.
TIey prepure power conLroI IogIc dIugrums, specIIIcuLIons Ior eIecLrIcuI
equIpmenL und muLerIuIs, IuyouL druwIngs Ior cubIes, und requIsILIons Ior uII
eIecLrIcuI equIpmenL und muLerIuIs.
|CIvII und ArcIILecLuruI DesIgn|
CIvII und urcIILecLuruI engIneers provIde LIe necessury druwIngs Ior buIIdIngs,
sLrucLures und cIvII work, und prepure requIsILIons Ior equIpmenL und muLerIuIs
und desIgn cuIcuIuLIons wIen necessury.
TIIs desIgn IncIudes LIe prepuruLIon oI LIe IoIIowIng druwIngs und documenLs:
GeneruI urrungemenL druwIng
EquIpmenL IounduLIon druwIng
GrudIng und pIIIng druwIng
SLrucLure druwIng
PIpe ruck druwIng
BuIIdIng druwIng
|nsuIuLIon DesIgn|
ConLrucLor wIII prepure scIeduIe oI InsuIuLIon, LypIcuI deLuIIs und IIsLs oI
muLerIuIs Lo cover InsuIuLIon oI vesseIs, excIungers, pumps und pIpIng. PIpIng
InsuIuLIon requIremenLs ure IndIcuLed on u suILubIe IIne LubIe.
|PuInLIng DesIgn|
PuInLIng desIgn IncIudes LIe prepuruLIon oI LIe IoIIowIng druwIng und
SpecIIIcuLIon oI puInL
nsLrucLIon oI puInLIng work

TFA Co. Execution Plan

nsLrucLIon oI repuIr work
CoIor code und sumpIe
BIII oI muLerIuIs
6.. Ingineering Applicution SoItwure
TIe uppIIcuLIon soILwure und sysLems wIIcI sIuII be proposed by ConLrucLor Ior
LIe ProjecL und need Lo be IInuIIzed LIrougI dIscussIon wILI CIIenL sIouId be
mInImum us IIsLed In LIe IoIIowIng LubIes:

iscipline eliveruble Applicution

SLrucLuruI AnuIysIs STAAD

CIvII EngIneerIng AuLoCAD

BuIIdIng Ioor PIuns & DeLuIIs AuLoCAD

OuLIIne DruwIngs, nLernuIs, DeLuIIs MIcro sLuLIon

P& ds AuLoCAD

Ine IsL ExceI
PIoL PIuns, Key PIuns, EquIpmenL

D PIpIng und EquIpmenL ModeI PDMS
PIpIng GA's AuLoCAD,

TFA Co. Execution Plan

iscipline eliveruble Applicution

PIpIng someLrIcs AuLoCAD,

D ModeI RevIew RevIew ReuIILy
PIpIng SLress AnuIysIs AuLoPPE
EIecLrIcuI User IsL ExceI
Areu CIussIIIcuLIon uyouLs AuLoCAD

SubsLuLIon uyouLs AuLoCAD

Power & EurLIIng uyouLs AuLoCAD

CubIe sIzIng sLudy ExceI
EurLIIng sLudy ETAP
Power SLuLIon

oud IIow und sIorL cIrcuIL cuIcuIuLIon ETAP
Power SLuLIon

ReIuy coordInuLIon und seIecLIvILy
Power SLuLIon

Power SLuLIon


nsLrumenL IsL, duLu sIeeLs NTooIs

MTO's NTooIs

TFA Co. Execution Plan

iscipline eliveruble Applicution

D ModeI oI nsLrumenLuI
CubIneL & Ruck uyouLs AuLoCAD

WIrIng DruwIngs (J-Box, MursIuIIIng
Rucks, DCS, PC, TMR)

nsLrumenL oop DruwIngs AuLoCAD

nsLrumenL ogIc DruwIngs AuLoCAD

nsLrumenL CubIe Run uyouL AuLoCAD

SILe muLerIuI munugemenL ExceI, Access
Pleuse speciIy Sopplier
,. Procorement Plun
,.1. Procorement Service Ixecotion OIIices
ConLrucLor sIuII curry ouL overuII procuremenL munugemenL Ior LIe ProjecL.
urLIer, ConLrucLor procuremenL Leum wILIIn ConLrucLor OIIIce wIII curry ouL LIe
oIIsIore procuremenL servIce Ior LIe PIunL, supervIsIng uII pIuses oI ucLIvILIes
sucI us; soIIcILuLIon oI quoLuLIon, purcIuse order, expedILIng, InspecLIon und
ConLrucLor PIuns Lo use IIs specIuIIzed ProcuremenL DepurLmenL Lo perIorm LIe
mujor purL oI procuremenL ucLIvILIes. TIe DepurLmenL Is sLuIIed wILI experIenced
buyers, expedILers, Vendor prInL conLroIIers, sIIppIng coordInuLors, eLc. wIo wIII
IuIIy supporL LIe ProjecL Leum, under LIe coordInuLIon oI LIe ProcuremenL
ConLrucLor wIII uIso cuII upon ILs worIdwIde oIIIces Ior supporL oI procuremenL
eIIorL, IncIudIng communIcuLIons wILI Vendors, InspecLIon, expedILIng und
AILer LIe ConLrucL uwurd, ConLrucLor wIII propose uddILIonuI quuIIIIed IocuI
Vendors II ConLrucLor Ius Iound more suILubIe Vendors Ior goods und servIces,

TFA Co. Execution Plan

IncIudIng consLrucLIon Sub-ConLrucLors. nquIrIes wIII be senL Lo LIese pre-
seIecLed suppIIers, und ConLrucLor wIII purcIuse Irom LIem II goods und servIces
meeL projecL requIremenLs In Lerms oI quuIILy, scIeduIe und cosL.
ConLrucLor procuremenL Leum wILIIn In TeIrun OIIIce wIII curry ouL LIe onsIore
procuremenL servIce Ior LIe PANT, supervIsIng uII pIuses oI ucLIvILIes sucI us;
soIIcILuLIon oI quoLuLIon, purcIuse order, expedILIng, InspecLIon und sIIppIng.
n order Lo ensure smooLI und eIIIcIenL procuremenL ucLIvILIes In run Ior
onsIore equIpmenL und muLerIuIs, LIe IoIIowIng specIuI provIsIons wIII be mude:
ConLrucLor wIII supervIse und conLroI onsIore vendors und suppIIers Irom LIe
InILIuI sLuge oI procuremenL ucLIvILIes. TIereuILer, ConLrucLor represenLuLIve,
wIII monILor uII procuremenL ucLIvILIes oI InquIry, bId coIIecLIon, bId
cIurIIIcuLIon, IInuI vendor seIecLIon, expedILIng und InspecLIon J uccepLunce.
,.. Ixecotion Plun Ior Procorement Service
ConLrucLor sIuII deveIop LIe procuremenL servIces In compIIunce wILI ConLrucL
requIremenLs und LIe procedures seL IorLI Ior InquIry, evuIuuLIon, requIsILIonIng,
purcIuse order pIucemenL und purcIuse order udmInIsLruLIon. ConLrucLor's
procedures Ior procuremenL oI equIpmenL und muLerIuIs cover LIe IoIIowIng
1) Vendor SeIecLIon
ConLrucLor sIuII seIecL Vendors Irom LIe "Vendor IsL" duIy upproved by CIIenL.
z) ProcuremenL Work
ProcuremenL ucLIvILIes sucI us InquIry, bId LubuIuLIon, evuIuuLIon,
cIurIIIcuLIonJnegoLIuLIon, purcIuse order pIucemenL und sIIppIng coordInuLIon
wIII be perIormed muInIy In TeIrun OIIIce.
DeLuIIed procuremenL procedures wIII be deveIoped Lo ensure deIIvery oI
equIpmenL und muLerIuIs Lo LIe SILe respondIng Lo quuIILy requIremenLs und on
CIIenL upprovuIs per ConLrucL wIII be LImeIy submILLed Lo ConLrucLor. Due Lo LIe
very LIgIL projecL scIeduIe, CIIenL Is expecLed Lo revIew und upprove ConLrucLor's
submILLuIs In LIe sIorLesL LIme possIbIe.
) ProcuremenL Procedures
ConLrucLor procuremenL Procedures cover uII uspecLs, IncIudIng:
u) ssue oI nquIry DocumenLs wILI GeneruI Terms und CondILIons,
TecInIcuI DocumenLs, QuuIILy ConLroI und nspecLIon, PuckIng und SIIppIng,

TFA Co. Execution Plan

requIred deIIvery duLes, AssIsLunce Ior commIssIonIng, sLurL-up und operuLIon,
requIred documenLs und druwIngs, specIuI LrunsporLuLIon urrungemenLs Ior
excepLIonuI equIpmenL, eLc.
or buIk muLerIuIs (PIpIng, EIecLrIcuI, nsLrumenLuLIon), LIe InquIry wIII specIIy
preIImInury quunLILIes (LIuL cun be udjusLed upon IInuI desIgn) und wIII cover LIe
enLIre runge oI sIzes und Lypes.
b) BId receIpL und TecInIcuI evuIuuLIon
ConLrucLor wIII revIew und LubuIuLe LIe bIds Lo ensure udequucy wILI LIe
LecInIcuI specIIIcuLIon requIremenLs.
c) Vendor SeIecLIonJPurcIuse Order PIucemenL
Upon bId unuIysIs, LIe TecInIcuIJCommercIuI recommenduLIon wIII be sIgned by
LIe EngIneerIng Munuger und LIe ProcuremenL Munuger und submILLed Lo LIe
ProjecL Munuger Ior IIs upprovuI. As requIred by LIe ConLrucL, CIIenL revIew wIII
be requesLed beIore purcIuse IInuIIzuLIon oI LIe Key EquIpmenL.
d) ssue oI PurcIuse Orders wIIcI sIuII IncIude:
DescrIpLIon oI muLerIuI or equIpmenL LogeLIer wILI reIerence Lo uppIIcubIe
PurcIuse order number und job number, uccounL code, sIzes,
Lype, quunLILy und reIevunL descrIpLIons
ToLuI prIce und puymenL Lerms
DeIIvery duLe, pIuce und condILIons
nspecLIon requIremenLs, IncIudIng IocuI governmenL
requIremenLs, wIere necessury
DeLuIIs oI progress reporLs, II uny, Lo be submILLed by Vendors
nsLuIIuLIon und sLurL-up ussIsLunce sLuLemenL, wIere requIred.
Vendors wIII be requesLed Lo reLurn prompLIy LIe sIgned ucknowIedgmenL oI LIe
purcIuse order, conIIrmIng LIe uccepLunce oI uII Lerms und condILIons LIereoI.
e) PurcIuse Order RevIsIons
n LIe evenL oI uny scope or prIce cIunge due Lo desIgn revIsIons or oLIer reusons,
umendmenLs Lo purcIuse orders wIII be Issued Lo Vendors.

TFA Co. Execution Plan

AmendmenLs Lo purcIuse orders coverIng cIunges In specIIIcuLIons, quuIILy,
deIIvery, cunceIIuLIon, puymenL Lerms or oLIer ImporLunL condILIons sIuII be
mude In LIe IoIIowIng cuses:
CIunges In buIk muLerIuI quunLILIes;
CIunges Ioreseen In LIe PurcIuse Order Lerms Ior wIIcI LIe prIce or oLIer
busIs Is cIeurIy esLubIIsIed In LIe PurcIuse Order.
TIe ubove cuLegorIes IncIude, Ior exumpIe, nozzIe cIunges, supporL cIIps Ior
pressure vesseIs, eLc.
I) Spure PurLs ProcuremenL
ConLrucLor sIuII provIde wILIIn ILs ump Sum BId PrIce LIe spure purLs, bused on
ConLrucLor's experIence und TB requIremenLs.
,.. Ixpediting Approuch
ConLrucLor sIuII provIde u compIeLe expedILIng servIce Irom LIe pIucemenL oI u
purcIuse order unLII urrIvuI oI equIpmenL or muLerIuIs uL LIe STE. TIe purpose
oI expedILIng Is Lo ussure on-LIme deIIvery oI equIpmenL und muLerIuIs Lo meeL
LIe consLrucLIon scIeduIe. ExpedILIng conLInues unLII repIucemenLs, II requIred,
Iuve been receIved und Vendor's InvoIces Iuve been cerLIIIed us correcL.
ExpedILIng IncIudes:
ExpedILIng uII purcIuse orders und Vendor's suborders wIen crILIcuI, pIus
LrunsporLuLIon urrungemenLs oI LIese orders
ExpedILIng Vendor documenLs
AnLIcIpuLIng probIem ureus und LukIng upproprIuLe ucLIons beIore deIuys occur
PressIng Vendors, II necessury, Lo ensure muInLenunce oI scIeduIe
ConsLunL revIew oI sLuLus oI uII orders unLII uccepLunce.
ExpedILIng does noL depend onIy on LIe word oI LIe Vendor. TIe ExpedILers vIsIL
LIe Vendor sIop IIoor Lo see LIe muLerIuIs on Iund und progress oI LIe work.
ConLrucLor sIuII be puId specIuI uLLenLIon Lo:
UsIng prIorILy IeveIs Ior expedILIng work, wIIcI uIIows LIe work Lo be udjusLed
uccordIng Lo LIe ruLe oI Vendor progress
RequIrIng LIe Vendor Lo submIL reguIur progress reporLs
TukIng correcLIve ucLIons In udvunce Lo uvoId scIeduIe sIIppuge In Vendor

TFA Co. Execution Plan

MonILorIng boLI Vendor und Sub-vendor ucLIvILIes Ior crILIcuI equIpmenL Lo
see LIuL upproprIuLe progress Is muInLuIned
SupporLIng LIe Vendor us mucI us possIbIe wIen u scIeduIe sIIppuge Is
unLIcIpuLed, e.g., by suppIyIng crILIcuI muLerIuIs, eLc.
ExpedILIng eIIorLs wIII be IncorporuLed InLo LIe ProcuremenL SLuLus ReporL.
,.q. Shop Inspection
SIop InspecLIon ucLIvILIes ure currIed ouL Lo ussure munuIucLurIng quuIILy oI
equIpmenL und muLerIuIs.
To conIIrm LIuL LIe munuIucLure oI equIpmenL und muLerIuIs Is In uccordunce
wILI LIe requIremenLs In LIe ConLrucL, specIIIcuLIons und druwIngs, ConLrucLor
perIorms InspecLIons on LIe busIs oI sIop InspecLIon procedures, IncIudIng
nonconIormunce conLroI.
1) nspecLIon PoIIcy
ConLrucLor Ius u LIree-poInL poIIcy Ior InspecLIon oI equIpmenL und muLerIuIs.
PoInL one Is Lo suIIIcIenLIy InspecL equIpmenL und muLerIuIs uL LIe VENDOR sIop
Lo dIscover uny deIecLs und recLIIy LIem Lo ensure deIIvery oI non-deIecLIve
equIpmenL und muLerIuIs.
PoInL Lwo Is LIuL LIe correcLIve ucLIons Lo uvoId recurrence oI uny
nonconIormunce ure mude by un InspecLIon group under LIe dIrecLIon oI QAJQC
PoInL LIree Is Lo gIve prIorILy In InspecLIon Lo mujor or crILIcuI equIpmenL und
z) BusIc nspecLIon ConcepL
nspecLIon Is done In uccordunce wILI LIe IoIIowIng busIc concepLs:
TIe InspecLIon Is done under LIe responsIbIIILy oI ConLrucLor. CIIenL's
InspecLors und u desIgnuLed LIIrd purLy cun wILness LIe InspecLIon, us deIIned
In LIe ConLrucL.
TIe InspecLIon Is done In sLrIcL uccordunce wILI LIe uppIIcubIe ConLrucL
ConLrucLor sIuII Iuve mInImum Iour InspecLIon IeveIs:
eveI o SubmIL LesL und InspecLIon cerLIIIcuLe Lo CIIenL
eveI 1 InuI InspecLIon prIor Lo sIIpmenL onIy

TFA Co. Execution Plan

eveI z WILness und IoId poInLs esLubIIsIed In IubrIcuLIon process.
nspecLIon occurs uL LIese esLubIIsIed poInLs.
eveI uII In progress sIop InspecLIon oI IubrIcuLIon process.
TIe InspecLIon IeveI seIecLed depends on LIe Lypes und specIIIcuLIons oI LIe
equIpmenL und muLerIuIs, LIe LesLs und InspecLIon ILems, und LIe Vendor's own
quuIILy conLroI sysLem.
CIIenL Ius LIe rIgIL oI Iree enLry Lo LIe Vendor sIop wIere LesLs und InspecLIon
ure currIed ouL.
CIIenL Ius LIe rIgIL Lo rejecL uny equIpmenL or muLerIuI LIuL Is unuccepLubIe In
eILIer quuIILy or workmunsIIp, or does noL compIy wILI LIe requIremenLs oI
LIe ConLrucL, specIIIcuLIons und druwIngs.
or mujor or crILIcuI equIpmenL und muLerIuIs wILI u Iong Ieud LIme or
requIrIng specIuI quuIILy conLroI becuuse oI process desIgn requIremenLs, LIe
nspecLors cureIuIIy revIew uII quuIILy requIremenLs In LIe requIsILIons Lo
ensure LIuL LesLs und InspecLIon needs Iuve been meL.
A pre-InspecLIon meeLIng wILI LIe Vendor Ior mujor or crILIcuI equIpmenL und
muLerIuIs Is InILIuLed by ConLrucLor Lo esLubIIsI dIsLrIbuLIon und rouLIng oI uII
communIcuLIons und resoIve uny quesLIons. I necessury, un InspecLIon
coordInuLIon meeLIng Is uIso IeId Lo ensure compIeLe undersLundIng oI LIe
requIremenLs und busIc procedures reIuLIng Lo InspecLIon.
TIIrd purLy InspecLIon ugencIes wIII be uLIIIzed us requIred by LIe ConLrucL or
reIevunL Iuws undJor reguIuLIons.
ConLrucLor sIuII InIorm CIIenL oI LIe scIeduIes Ior sIop InspecLIon und LesLIng us
ugreed upon In LIe Job Procedures.
ConLrucLor sIuII esLubIIsI LIe LecInIcuI specIIIcuLIons, InspecLIon specIIIcuLIons,
und procuremenL specIIIcuLIons Lo LrunsIer uII uppIIcubIe ConLrucL requIremenLs
und ConLrucLor's requIremenLs Lo Vendors. TIese requIremenLs ure reIIecLed InLo
Vendor's documenLs, IncIudIng LIe InspecLIon procedure, und submILLed Lo
ConLrucLor und CIIenL Ior upprovuI. TIen, LIe upproved Vendor's InspecLIon
procedure und oLIer documenLs wIII be used by ConLrucLor's InspecLors durIng
LIe sIop InspecLIon.
) ExecuLIon oI nspecLIon
ConLrucLor sIuII Iuve ILs own QA depurLmenL wILI compeLenL QC engIneers und
InspecLors uL LIe Ieud oIIIces, und bruncI oIIIcesJsubsIdIurIes In vurIous purL oI
LIe worId Lo perIorm sIop InspecLIon. QC engIneers und InspecLors oI LIese

TFA Co. Execution Plan

oIIIces execuLe LIe sIop InspecLIon. WIen requIred, ConLrucLor empIoys IocuI
InspecLIon ugencIes.
,.g. Level oI Shop Inspection
ConLrucLor sIuII deIIne LIe IeveI oI sIop InspecLIon Lo be uLIIIzed Ior ConLrucLor
responsIbIe equIpmenL und muLerIuIs uL LIe sLuge oI LIe ProjecL ImpIemenLuLIon.
S. Constroction Ixecotion Plun
S.1. Generul
L sIouId be LIe pIIIosopIy oI ConLrucLor on LIe projecL Lo ensure LIuL LIe overuII
ConLrucL scope Is compIeLed on LIme und Lo LIe specIIIed sLundurds oI LIe
ConLrucL, wILIouL prejudIcIng suIeLy und quuIILy requIremenL.
AL uII sLuges oI LIe ProjecL, CIIenL sIuII be kepL IuIIy InIormed oI uII uspecLs oI LIe
work. TIe IoIIowIng execuLIon PIun descrIbes LIe key eIemenLs oI our
consLrucLIon upproucI. mmedIuLeIy uILer receIvIng O, LIe Home OIIIce
ConsLrucLIon Munuger sIuII joIn LIe ProjecL Leum und begIn uII necessury
consLrucLIon PIunnIng Lo ensure LIuL IIeId consLrucLIon ucLIvILIes ure kepL on
scIeduIe us descrIbed beIow.
S.. Plunning
ConLrucLor sIuII esLubIIsI consLrucLIon scIeduIe bused on LIe overuII projecL
TIe IoIIowIng key evenLs sIuII be monILored cIoseIy Ior ImmedIuLe correcLIve
1) EurIy deLermInuLIon oI cupubIe sub-ConLrucLors.
z) EurIy mobIIIzuLIon oI Lemporury IucIIILy, consLrucLIon equIpmenL und
) EurIy Issue oI MTO Ior procuremenL
q) EurIy seL up oI LrunsporLuLIon requIremenL.
) EurIy IdenLIIIcuLIon oI IIeId work In exIsLIng operuLIon PIunL IncorporuLIng
sIuLdown requIremenL.
6) EurIy seL up Ior Lurn over und commIssIonIng.
S.. Site Administrution

TFA Co. Execution Plan

ConLrucLor's PIun Lo ensure LIe IoIIowIng udmInIsLruLIon ucLIvILIes ure properIy
ImpIemenLed In LIe IIeId IncorporuLIng LIe experIence oI LIe Iormer sImIIur
ProjecL munuged by ConLrucLor.
ConLrucLor sIuII esLubIIsI und muInLuIn proper coordInuLIon sysLem wILI CIIenL,
ConLrucLor Iome oIIIce, Sub-ConLrucLor, Vendors und IocuI uuLIorILIes Lo
udmInIsLruLe vurIous IIeId ucLIvILIes us IIsLed beIow.
IeId consLrucLIon work
MeeLIng PIun
ReporLIng J Correspondence
SecurILy conLroI (guLe conLroI & D curd)
DIscIurge oI equIpmenL und muLerIuI
GovernmenL ConLucL
CusLom cIeurunce
TruIIIc conLroI
SuIeLy conLroI
nLerIuce conLroI wILI sub-ConLrucLors
Temporury ULIIILy SuppIy
eguI Issue muLLers
VIsu urrungemenL
Vendor represenLuLIve urrungemenL
HygIene conLroI
ubor Iuw
WorkIng duy J Iours conLroI
Ire IIgILIng
S.q. Constroction Plun
[A| Constroction Iqoipment

TFA Co. Execution Plan

ConLrucLor sIuII ensure uII necessury consLrucLIon equIpmenL ure uvuIIubIe on LIe
SILe by cIoseIy monILorIng LIe Sub-ConLrucLor's scIeduIe und perIormunce In
dIspuLcI Irom LIe poInL oI orIgIn Lo LIe STE IncIudIng cusLom cIeurunce und
Lemporury ImporL requIremenL.
[B| Schedoling & Monitoring
OveruII deLuIIed ConsLrucLIon ScIeduIe sIuII be deveIoped wILI key mIIesLones Lo
be kepL by Sub-ConLrucLor.
Sub-ConLrucLor sIuII uLIIIze LIIs scIeduIe Lo deveIop LIeIr weekIy scIeduIe
sIowIng IurLIer deLuIIed ucLIvILIes.
CurrenL progress sIuII be uIwuys monILored und murked up on orIgInuI scIeduIe
Lo sIow dIIIerences Irom orIgInuI PIun. TIIs duLu sIuII be presenLed uL LIe weekIy
meeLIng Lo be IeId umong CIIenL, ConLrucLor und sub-ConLrucLor.
Any ucLIvILy deIuyed Irom orIgInuI PIun sIuII be revIewed und unuIyzed In deLuII
Ior ImmedIuLe correcLIve ucLIons.
[C| Ixisting Iucility Protection Plun
ConLrucLor PIun Lo ensure LIe proLecLIon oI exIsLIng IucIIILIes sIuII uddress LIe
IoIIowIng ureus.
1) PrevenLIve AcLIons Lo Ire
ConLrucLor wIII ensure CIIenL's SuIeLy requIremenLs. EspecIuIIy work permIL
sysLem sIuII be muInLuIned sLrIcLIy.
n uddILIon Lo LIe ubove, LIe IoIIowIng poInLs sIuII uIwuys be consIdered durIng
HoL Work Lo uvoId IIres:
AvuIIubIIILy oI IIre-wuLer IydrunLs und monILors
ProvIsIon oI porLubIe IIre exLInguIsIers
ProvIsIon oI sund buckeLs
ProvIsIon oI Lemporury combusLIbIe gus deLecLor
ProvIsIon oI IIre wuLcI
NecessILy Ior IIre proLecLIve bIunkeL
NecessILy Ior IIre proLecLIve wuII
ProIIbILIon oI smokIng

TFA Co. Execution Plan

ProvIsIon oI cuLcI poL Ior IuIIIng weIdIng spuLLer durIng IoL cuLLIng
RemovuI oI combusLIbIe muLerIuIs sucI us wood, curdbourd, vInyI, puper, eLc.
mmedIuLe conLuInmenL und cIeunIng oI oII spIIIuge
Emergency servIces pIone numbers
Use oI pneumuLIc cIrcuIur pIpe cuLLers
Use oI Iydro-cuLLIng
z) ProLecLIon Irom VIbruLIon
ConsLrucLIon work wIIcI cun cuuse vIbruLIons sIuII be cIoseIy monILored, Lo
prevenL possIbIe dumuge Lo udjucenL ucIIILIes.
[| Sobcontructing
AII consLrucLIon work sIuII be done on u sub-ConLrucL busIs.
TIe consLrucLIon muy be dIvIded InLo severuI puckuges us IoIIows:
CIvII, SLrucLuruI und BuIIdIng
MecIunIcuI (PIpIng und EquIpmenL nsLuIIuLIon)
EIecLrIcuI & nsLrumenLuLIon
nsuIuLIon und PuInLIng
[I| Muteriul Munugement
MuLerIuI conLroI und wureIousIng uL LIe consLrucLIon sILe sIuII be perIormed.
[I| Vendor Sopervision doring Constroction
ConLrucLor sIuII mobIIIze vendor supervIsIon Ior InsLuIIuLIon, cuIIbruLIon, or
runnIng LesL.

[G| Iield Ingineering
ConLrucLor's IIeId engIneerIng sIuII consIsL oI LIe IoIIowIng Lusks:
1) nLerpreLuLIon oI ConLrucLor's consLrucLIon specIIIcuLIons und druwIngs.
z) IeId desIgn cIunges

TFA Co. Execution Plan

IeId desIgn cIunges sIuII be jusLIIIed und cIecked by IeId EngIneer. SIgnIIIcunL
or compIex cIunges wIIcI reIuLe more LIun one dIscIpIIne or busIc desIgn crILerIu
sIuII be reporLed Lo LIe EngIneerIng Munuger or ProjecL Munuger respecLIveIy Ior
revIew und upprovuI.
CIunges In busIc desIgn sIuII be IormuIIy documenLed und upproved by CIIenL.
IeId cIunges sIuII be recorded on u musLer seL oI desIgn documenLs so LIuL LIe
cIunges cun be correcLIy IncorporuLed InLo As-buIIL druwIngs.
) CoordInuLIonJSupervIsIon oI Pre-commIssIonIng AcLIvILIes
S.g. Temporury Iucility Plun
ConLrucLor sIuII ensure LIuL LIe requIred proper Lemporury IucIIILIes ure
InsLuIIed, Lo execuLe LIe ProjecL, uL LIe IocuLIon uIIocuLed by CIIenL. TIe sLeps Ior
obLuInIng upprovuI, IncIudIng PIuns, Iund use permILs und InspecLIons sIuII be In
uccordunce wILI CIIenL's requIremenLs.
TIe IoIIowIng Lemporury IucIIILIes sIuII be erecLed.
ConLrucLor's IeId oIIIce
Sub-ConLrucLor's IeId oIIIce
Work sIop J MuInLenunce sIop
MuLerIuI sLoruge wILI wureIouse
ULIIILy sysLem Ior wuLer, power und sewer
TeIepIone sysLem
SepLIc Lunks Ior sunILury wusLes
ConLrucLor sIuII provIde junILorIuI servIces Ior LIe IucIIILIes und ensure LIey ure
weII muInLuIned und secured In uccordunce wILI CIIenL's ruIes und reguIuLIons Ior
sunILuLIon, IIre IIgILIng, suIeLy und securILy.
S.6. SuIety
One oI ConLrucLor's mujor consIderuLIons boLI domesLIcuIIy und InLernuLIonuIIy
on uny consLrucLIon projecL Is ILs SuIeLy MunugemenL Progrum.
L Is ConLrucLor's suIeLy educuLIon poIIcy Lo ensure LIuL uII empIoyees, wIuLever
LIeIr cruIL or dIscIpIIne ure mude uwure LIuL LIeIr IIrsL und IoremosL
responsIbIIILy, Is suIeLy.

TFA Co. Execution Plan

1) CerLIIIcuLIon oI Crune und Heuvy EquIpmenL OperuLors
L Is ConLrucLor's poIIcy, Ior InLernuLIonuI projecLs, Lo ensure LIuL uII personneI
empIoyed by ourseIves or sub-ConLrucLors us crune or Ieuvy equIpmenL operuLors
ure IuIIy quuIIIIed Lo operuLe LIe specIIIc equIpmenL Lo wIIcI LIey ure ussIgned.
or LIIs ProjecL LIIs poIIcy sIuII be enIorced by LIe IoIIowIng sLeps:
u) Ensure operuLor IoIds u vuIId operuLors IIcense.
b) Ensure operuLor compIeLes u successIuI medIcuI.
c) og uII deLuIIs oI IIcense und cerLIIIcuLIon Lo expedILe renewuI oI
documenLs us requIred.
d) Suspend IIcense II operuLor Is InvoIved In un uccIdenL, pendIng
z) EducuLIon und TruInIng oI PersonneI Ior MuInLuInIng LIe SILe In u SuIe
or LIe InILIuI InducLIon suIeLy LruInIng course uII empIoyees sIuII uLLend suIeLy
educuLIon und LruInIng. DuIIy LooI box suIeLy meeLIngs sIuII be IeId, uL wIIcI
cruIL supervIsors sIuII dIscuss specIIIc job reIuLed Iuzurds und upduLe procedures
Lo prevenL uccIdenLs.
u) SuIeLy TruInIng Courses
TIe IoIIowIng generuI subjecLs sIuII be uddressed durIng LIe InducLIon courses:
DeLuIIs oI ConLrucLor's SuIeLy OrgunIzuLIon CIurL
AcquuInL empIoyees wILI LIe SILe, LIe nuLure oI LIe work, LIe ucLuuI und
poLenLIuI Iuzurds LIuL muy be encounLered durIng LIe work und LIe equIpmenL
und prucLIces LIuL musL be used Lo mInImIze LIe possIbIIILy oI uccIdenLs.
TIe IoIIowIng specIIIc subjecLs sIuII be covered durIng LIe InducLIon courses:
PermIL sysLem; ILs purpose, procedures und Lypes oI permILs
mporLunce oI good IousekeepIng und sunILuLIon prucLIces
PersonneI ProLecLIve EquIpmenL
Purpose oI TooI box meeLIngs
Emergency Response
CorrecL use und muInLenunce oI personuI proLecLIve equIpmenL

TFA Co. Execution Plan

CruIL SuIeLy TruInIng courses sIuII be gIven Ior eucI cruIL, I.e., CIvII, MecIunIcuI,
EIecLrIcuI, ScuIIoIdIng, eLc. Lo cover suIeLy procedures pecuIIur Lo LIuL dIscIpIIne.
b) TooI box MeeLIngs
To IIgIIIgIL Iuzurds, upduLe procedures und prevenL uccIdenLs, uII cruILJcrew
supervIsors sIuII IoId u duIIy Len-mInuLe TooI box meeLIng und us needed wILI
LIeIr ussIgned crew. TIese meeLIngs sIuII be documenLed und LIe documenLs
sIuII be uvuIIubIe Ior revIew uL LIe SILe oIIIce.
c) oss PrevenLIon ILeruLure
AIong wILI ConLrucLor's own suIeLy IILeruLure, ConLrucLor sIuII requesL CIIenL's
oss PrevenLIon DepurLmenL Lo provIde oss PrevenLIon PosLers Ior dIspIuy In
sLruLegIc IocuLIons.
d) SILe SuIeLy CommILLee
ConLrucLor sIuII Iorm u SuIeLy CommILLee consIsLIng oI:
SILe Munuger
Sub-ConLrucLor's ProjecL Munuger
Sub-ConLrucLor's SuIeLy OIIIcer
TIe purpose oI LIIs commILLee sIuII be:
To perIorm suIeLy uudILs und surveys
To revIew uccIdenLs, neur mIsses und vIoIuLIons oI SuIeLy Procedures und Luke
correcLIve ucLIons
HoId u weekIy SuIeLy MeeLIng
CIIenL's Ioss prevenLIon represenLuLIve sIuII be InvILed Lo uLLend uII meeLIngs und
provIde guIdunce on good suIeLy prucLIces.
e) SILe nspecLIons
SILe suIeLy InspecLIons sIuII be currIed ouL by uII members oI LIe suIeLy commILLee
Lo ensure correcL suIe work prucLIces ure beIng udIered Lo.
I) OngoIng SuIeLy EducuLIon und TruInIng
SuIeLy educuLIon und LruInIng Ior uII empIoyees sIuII conLInue LIrougIouL LIe IIIe
oI LIe ProjecL.

TFA Co. Execution Plan

SpecIuI uLLenLIon sIuII be gIven Lo subjecLs wIIcI ure u cuuse Ior concern or wIIcI
Iuve been IIgIIIgILed durIng InspecLIon Lours und meeLIngs, or ure u resuIL oI
uccIdenLs or mIsIups.
S.,. Site Secority
1) OveruII LIe SILe SecurILy
u) OveruII LIe SILe
ConLrucLor wIII provIde LIe IoIIowIng IucIIILIes Ior overuII LIe SILe securILy wILIIn
I) Temporury Ience sepuruLIng LIe SILe
II) GuLes und guLe Iouses
III) SecurILy IIgILIng
b) GuLe ConLroI Ior LIe SILe
I) GuLe Puss Ior PersonneI
ConLrucLor, uII Sub-ConLrucLor personneI, LIeIr Sub-ConLrucLors und vIsILors sIuII
Iuve proper IdenLIIIcuLIon Issued by ConLrucLor Ior enLerIng LIe SILe.
ConLrucLor sIuII prepure und submIL uppIIcuLIon Iorms LogeLIer wILI copy oI Ds,
workIng VSA, pIoLos, eLc. requIred Lo uppIy guLe puss Lo CIIenL.
II) GuLe Puss Ior VeIIcIe
AII veIIcIes enLerIng LIe SILe sIuII obLuIn u veIIcIe puss Issued by CIIenL.
TIe GuLe Pusses Ior veIIcIes wIII be Issued onIy Ior essenLIuI veIIcIes und LIese
veIIcIes ure Lo be muInLuIned In uccepLubIe workIng condILIon. TIe drIvers oI LIe
veIIcIes sIuII obLuIn sepuruLe personneI GuLe Pusses. TIe sume ruIes In LIe cuse
oI personneI GuLe Pusses sIuII be uppIIed Ior LIe VeIIcIe GuLe Pusses us weII.
III) GuLe Puss Ior MuLerIuI In LIe SILe
DeIIverIes Lo LIe SILe sIuII be resLrIcLed wILIIn scIeduIed workIng Iours unIess
ConLrucLor uccepLs enLry und unIoud.
z) OLIers
ConLrucLor sIuII coordInuLe wILI sub-ConLrucLors Lo ensure sILe securILy. TIe
IoIIowIng requIremenLs sIuII be reIIecLed on subconLrucLs.

TFA Co. Execution Plan

u) Sub-ConLrucLors' normuI work Iour sIuII be In compIIunce wILI
ConLrucLor's reguIuLIon. Any cIunge In LIe specIIIed work Iours wIII requIre
ConLrucLor's upprovuI or concurrence In udvunce.
or securILy reusons uny overLIme work by Sub-ConLrucLors' personneI musL be
upproved by ConLrucLor. ConLrucLor sIuII noL wILIIoId ILs upprovuI Ior occusIonuI
spoL overLIme sucI us LIuL requIred Lo compIeLe u concreLe pour or Lo Ieuve LIe
SILe In u suIe condILIon.
Sub-ConLrucLors sIuII IIII ouL LIe Iorm "AppIIcuLIon Ior OverLIme Work" und
submIL Lo ConLrucLor Ior upprovuI u duy beIore commencemenL oI LIe OverLIme
b) AII uILer Iour, ConLrucLor wIII puLroI LIe ureu us deemed necessury.
Sub-ConLrucLors ure requIred Lo Luke reusonubIe securILy meusures sucI us:
I) ockIng LooIs, suIeguurdIng muLerIuIs, equIpmenL, buIIdIng, eLc., wILI
subsLunLIuI Iocks;
II) EIImInuLIng eusy uccess Lo InsIde buIIdIng;
III) nsLuIIIng ouLsIde IIgILs II buIIdIng Is In u durk ureu; und
Iv) KeepIng u nIgIL IIgIL on InsIde buIIdIngs wIere upproprIuLe.
c) TIe InILIuI enLry und IInuI exIL oI uII Sub-ConLrucLors empIoyees Lo LIe SILe
eucI duy sIuII be LIrougI ussIgned guLes onIy. Sub-ConLrucLors empIoyees sIouId
conIIne LIeIr ucLIvILIes Lo LIeIr ussIgned LIe SILe onIy. I necessury Lo move
beLween LIe SILes, sucI movemenL sIuII be resLrIcLed Lo esLubIIsIed roudwuys und
wuIkwuys. MovemenL LIrougI operuLIng unIL ureus, IoILerIng or vIsILIng oLIer
Sub-ConLrucLors' LIe SILes Is proIIbILed.
d) Sub-ConLrucLors empIoyees und LIeIr vIsILors wIII noL be uIIowed Lo enLer
LIe SILe wILI cumerus. TIere ure specIIIc requIremenLs regurdIng LIe use oI
cumeru equIpmenL In LIe SILe. ConsuIL ConLrucLor's RepresenLuLIve Ior uny
pIoLogrupIIc work requIred In LIe SILe.
S.S. Qoulity Inspection doring Site Work
S.S.1. Generul
L Is LIe quuIILy poIIcy oI ConLrucLor Lo provIde servIces, muLerIuIs, und equIpmenL
LIuL meeL uII conLrucLuuI requIremenLs Ior ussurIng perIormunce, suIeLy, und
reIIubIe operuLIon oI PIunLs.

TFA Co. Execution Plan

To ensure LIuL ConLrucLor's QuuIILy MunugemenL Progrum Is IuIIy ImpIemenLed
Ior consLrucLIon pIuses oI LIe ProjecL, ConLrucLor sIuII underLuke LIe IoIIowIng
1) ConLrucLor sIuII prepure QuuIILy PIuns Ior ubrIcuLIonJConsLrucLIon In
uccordunce wILI ConLrucL requIremenL. TIe PIun sIuII uIso be revIewed und
upproved by ConLrucLor's QA DepurLmenL Munuger.
z) AII Sub-ConLrucLors sIuII be evuIuuLed In uccordunce wILI ConLrucLor's
quuIIIIcuLIon procedure oI Sub-ConLrucLor und seIecLed Ior eucI consLrucLIon
work. TIese seIecLed Sub-ConLrucLors sIuII be requIred Lo prepure und submIL
QAJQC procedure wIIcI specIIIcuIIy uddress LIeIr scope oI work und projecL
requIremenL. TIese QAJQC procedures sIuII be upproved by ConLrucLor IeId QC
EngIneer beIore perIormIng work.
) ConLrucLor's IeId QuuIILy ConLroI OrgunIzuLIon, under SILe Munuger, sIuII
perIorm uII quuIILy ussurunce requIremenLs Ior IIeId desIgn, IIeId procuremenL,
IubrIcuLIon, consLrucLIon, und pre-commIssIonIng ucLIvILIes.
q) ConLrucLor's IIeId QC Leum sIuII provIde suIIIcIenL QC InspecLors Lo
monILor, InspecL, LesL und reporL uII Sub-ConLrucLors IubrIcuLIon und consLrucLIon
) ConLrucLor sIuII ensure LIuL uII Sub-ConLrucLor's weIders, rIggers und
cubIe spIIces ure cerLIIIed In uccordunce wILI uppIIcubIe specIIIcuLIons beIore
perIormIng uny reIuLed ucLIvILy.
6) ConLrucLor IeId QC MunugemenL sIuII ensure cIose coordInuLIon Is
muInLuIned beLween ConLrucLor's IIeId orgunIzuLIon, sub-ConLrucLors und CIIenL.
;) ConLrucLor IeId QC EngIneer sIuII ensure LIuL uII QA cerLIIIcuLIon, record
und correspondence ure correcLIy muInLuIned, compIIed und dIsLrIbuLed.
S.S.. Iield Inspection und Testing
ConLrucLor sIuII curry ouL LIe IIeId InspecLIons und LesLs necessury Lo compIy wILI
LIe specIIIcuLIon und sIuII prepure InspecLIon PIuns Ior uII Lypes oI work Lo
ucIIeve LIIs:
1) WeIdIng nspecLIon
z) IeId nspecLIon oI MecIunIcuI EquIpmenL
CoIumns, ReucLors, VesseIs, HeuL ExcIungers, Ired EquIpmenL, eLc.
RoLuLIng EquIpmenL

TFA Co. Execution Plan

) IeId nspecLIon oI CIvII Work und MuLerIuIs
Sewer SysLems
ConcreLe MuLerIuIs BuLcI PIun nspecLIon prIor Lo SLurL oI ConcreLe
Tunk-puds und Bund wuIIs
nspecLIon oI PuInLIng
nspecLIon oI nsuIuLIon
nspecLIon oI ReIrucLory
q) IeId nspecLIon oI EIecLrIcuI EquIpmenL
) TesLIng und CuIIbruLIon oI nsLrumenLs
CIIenL muy wIsI Lo wILness cerLuIn oI LIese LesLs und InspecLIons. ConLrucLor sIuII
LIereIore InIorm CIIenL uL IeusL zq Iours beIore sucI LesLIng Is scIeduIed Lo
ConLrucLor sIuII provIde LIe necessury LesLIng, meusurIng und cuIIbruLIon
IucIIILIes und LooIs.
ConLrucLor sIuII provIde prooI oI proper consLrucLIon, wILI rouLIne cIecks on LIe
quuIILy oI LIe work und by meuns oI sumpIes oI consLrucLIon work, rudIogrupIs oI
weIds, IydruuIIc LesLs, Ieuk LesLs, eurLI IuuIL LesLs, eLc., In uccordunce wILI LIe
ProjecL SpecIIIcuLIon.
I LIe Work Is deemed Lo be unsuLIsIucLory durIng LesLIng, ConLrucLor sIuII
remedy LIe deIecLs ImmedIuLeIy.
InuI InspecLIon und IInuI boILIng-up oI equIpmenL sIuII, uL CIIenL's opLIon, be
wILnessed und cerLIIIed by CIIenL, undJor members oI CIIenL's permunenL
ConLrucLor sIuII provIde reporLs oI necessury InspecLIonsJLesLs In uccordunce
wILI sLuLuLory, Insurunce purLy undJor ProjecL SpecIIIcuLIon.
S.q. Progress Reporting

TFA Co. Execution Plan

ConLrucLor sIuII Issue u MonLIIy Progress ReporL IndIcuLIng LIe currenL progress
oI LIe Work wILIIn 1o duys oI LIe end oI LIe monLIIy reporLIng perIod.
TIe IormuL oI LIe ReporL sIuII be sucI us Lo IdenLIIy und IucIIILuLe LIe resoIuLIon
oI uny correcLIve meusures Lo be underLuken.
A GeneruI ReporL sIuII brIeIIy descrIbe LIe IoIIowIng:
1) Mujor undJor sIgnIIIcunL work ILems ucIIeved durIng LIe reporL perIod.
z) CurrenL sLuLus oI LIe Work
ProjecL progress InIormuLIon sIuII be provIded on grupIs undJor LubIes sIowIng
ucLuuI progress und scIeduIed progress Ior:
u) OveruII projecL
b) EngIneerIng
c) ProcuremenL
d) IeId consLrucLIon
) ProbIems encounLered or unLIcIpuLed LogeLIer wILI proposuIs oI
q) Mujor undJor sIgnIIIcunL work ILems unLIcIpuLed Lo be compIeLed In LIe
succeedIng monLI.
A CuLegorIzed ReporL sIuII be prepured In uccordunce wILI LIe IoIIowIng pIuses:
1) EngIneerIng SLuLus
SLuLus oI:
u) AII mujor druwIng, specIIIcuLIons und engIneerIng ucLIvILIes
b) A descrIpLIon oI uny mujor undJor sIgnIIIcunL work ILems ucIIeved durIng
LIe reporL perIod.
c) A descrIpLIon oI mujor ucLIvILIes Lo be underLuken durIng LIe succeedIng
z) ProcuremenL SLuLus oI LIe CurrenL und SucceedIng MonLI
SLuLus oI procuremenL Ior uII equIpmenL und muLerIuIs sucI us:
u) nquIrIes
b) RequIsILIons, specIIIcuLIons und pIuse orders

TFA Co. Execution Plan

c) ExpedILIng
d) nspecLIons
e) SIIppIng
I) DeIIverIes
) ConsLrucLIon SLuLus oI LIe CurrenL und SucceedIng MonLI
SLuLus oI consLrucLIon ILems wILI uII mujor ILems specIIIcuIIy menLIoned
u) ounduLIons poured
b) EquIpmenL und pumps InsLuIIed
c) EquIpmenL und muLerIuIs receIvIng reporLs
d) ubrIcuLIon und preIubrIcuLIon scIeduIes
e) ErecLIon sLuLus
I) ubrIcuLIon und consLrucLIon equIpmenL sLuLus
g) Munpower sLuLus
I) QuuIILy conLroI
I) SuIeLy reporLs
AddILIonuI ReporLs Ior crILIcuI work ureus muy be requIred und sIuII be produced
by muLuuI ugreemenL beLween CIIenL und ConLrucLor. TIe purpose oI LIese
AddILIonuI ReporLs sIuII be Lo provIde u currenL overuII ussessmenL oI LIe
ConLrucL ScIeduIe Lo IndIcuLe uny devIuLIons or Lrends In order Lo IIgIIIgIL uny
urgenL und eIIecLIve correcLIve ucLIons Lo be ImpIemenLed.
S.1o. Work Site Log Book
TIe SILe OrgunIzuLIon wIII prepure, muInLuIn und Issue LIe IoIIowIng reporLs uL
LIe requIred LIme und Irequency ugreed Ior LIe ProjecL.
ReceIvIng SLuLus ReporL und Record oI DeIIvery NoLe
SIorLuge, Overuge und Dumuge (OS&D) ReporL
SLock og Book
MuLerIuI ssue SIIp Record

TFA Co. Execution Plan

MuLerIuI orecusL ReporL
nvenLory SLuLus ReporL
oss und Dumuge ReporL
SurpIus MuLerIuI ReporL
S.11. Prepurution und Procedores oI Pre-commissioning Activities
S.11.1. Generul
AL LIe IInuI sLuges oI consLrucLIon, u consIderubIe umounL oI prepuruLory work
Ius Lo be currIed ouL by ConLrucLor. TIe work sIuII be cureIuIIy PIunned und
execuLed In cIose consuILuLIon wILI ConsLrucLIon Teum und CIIenL.
TIe prepuruLory work Ior MecIunIcuI CompIeLIon, Pre-commIssIonIng,
CommIssIonIng und nILIuI OperuLIon oI LIe PIunL requIre-IIgIIy sopIIsLIcuLed
LecInIques und procedures In order Lo reuIIze LIe successIuI operuLIon oI LIe
enLIre PIunL. n LIIs respecL, due und suIIIcIenL consIderuLIon Lo LIe roIes und
responsIbIIILIes oI LIe reIuLIonsIIp umong LIe purLIes concerned ure essenLIuI.
TIe crILIcuI poInL und LurgeL on LIIs prepuruLory Works Is LIuL LIe boLI purLIes oI
CIIenL und ConLrucLor eIIIcIenLIy proceed wILI LIe serIes oI Works wILI
cooperuLIon so LIuL LIe sLubIe commercIuI operuLIon oI LIe PANT Is ensured on
S.11.. System Torn-over Procedore
TIe PIunL Is dIvIded InLo some purLs.
WIen LIe consLrucLIon oI "EucI purL oI LIe PIunL ("SysLem")" Ius been
subsLunLIuIIy compIeLed und requIremenLs oI LIe MecIunIcuI CompIeLIon Iuve
been compIeLed uccordIng Lo LIe Job SpecIIIcuLIon, excepL Ior LIe PuncI-IIsL
ILems, ConLrucLor sIuII Lurn LIe SysLem over Lo CIIenL uILer compIeLIon oI
recLIIIcuLIon work Ior LIe suId puncI-IIsL ILems.
AILer LIe MecIunIcuI CompIeLIon oI eucI purL oI LIe PIunL, LIe cusLody, cure,
conLroI und rIsk oI LIe purL oI LIe PANT sIuII puss Irom ConLrucLor Lo CIIenL.
And, LIe CommIssIonIng oI LIe purL oI LIe PIunL sIuII be sLurLed.
WIen LIe IusL purL oI LIe PIunL Ius reucIed or sIuII be deemed Lo Iuve reucIed
LIe MecIunIcuI CompIeLIon, LIe wIoIe PIunL sIuII be deemed Lo Iuve reucIed LIe
MecIunIcuI CompIeLIon oI LIe PIunL und CIIenL sIuII Issue LIe "TukIng Over
CerLIIIcuLe" oI LIe PIunL.
TIe deIInILIon oI LIe purLs wIII be decIded beLween CIIenL und ConLrucLor uL
consLrucLIon sLuge oI LIe ProjecL.

TFA Co. Execution Plan

[1| Iinulizing oI Ponch List
1) WIen ConLrucLor unLIcIpuLes LIuL u purL oI LIe PIunL wIII soon reucI
MecIunIcuI CompIeLIon, ConLrucLor sIuII submIL Preliminury Ponch List
uccompunIed wILI Preliminury Remuining Work List Lo CIIenL us
PreIImInury ones.
TIe PuncI IsL Is sIowIng LIe works perLInenL Lo LIe purL Lo be compIeLed prIor
und subsequenL Lo LIe MecIunIcuI CompIeLIon, und LIe works Iound ouL LIrougI
LIe consLrucLIon ImpIemenLuLIon. TIe RemuInIng Work IsL Is sIowIng LIe
orIgInuIIy scIeduIed works perLInenL Lo LIe purL Lo be compIeLed subsequenL Lo
LIe MecIunIcuI CompIeLIon.
z) TIe PreIImInury PuncI IsL wIII be submILLed Lo CIIenL ubouL Len (1o)
cuIendur duys beIore unLIcIpuLed duLe oI NoLIce oI MecIunIcuI CompIeLIon oI LIe
) n LIe PreIImInury PuncI IsL, ConLrucLor wIII IormuIIy cuLegorIze LIe
ILems oI LIe IsL us essentiul ones {Cutegory "A") or non-essentiul ones
{Cutegory "B") Ior CommIssIonIng In LIe ConLrucLor's opInIon.
q) WILIIn IIve () cuIendur duys uILer LIe ConLrucLor's submIssIon oI
PreIImInury PuncI IsL und LIe RemuInIng Work IsL, CIIenL sIuII cIeck wIeLIer
CIIenL mukes commenLs or noL, InIorm ConLrucLor oI IL.
) WIen CIIenL wouId muke commenL(s) oI uny deIecL or deIIcIency (excepL
LIe suId PuncI-IIsL ILems) Lo be correcLed, prIor Lo LIe MecIunIcuI CompIeLIon
uccordIng Lo Job SpecIIIcuLIon, CIIenL InIorms ConLrucLor oI ILs commenLs.
6) WIen CIIenL wouId muke commenL(s) Lo LIe RemuInIng Work IsL, CIIenL
InIorms ConLrucLor oI ILs commenLs.
;) mmedIuLeIy uILer receIvIng LIe ConLrucLor's InIormuLIon, CIIenL und
ConLrucLor IoId meeLIng Ior dIscussIon on LIe commenLs oI ubove Lem ) und
ugree on LIe ILems essenLIuI Lo Reudy Ior CommIssIonIng und IInuIIze LIe PuncI
IsL (Iinul Ponch List). urLIer LIe RemuInIng Work IsL sIuII be IInuIIzed II
necessury (Iinul Remuining Work List).

[| RectiIicution Works
Bused on LIe ugreemenL oI ubove Lem ;) oI |1|, ConLrucLor sIuII remove deIecL
und deIIcIency reIuLed Lo LIe essenLIuI work ILems on LIe IInuIIzed PuncI IsL,
wIIcI sIuII be correcLed prIor Lo MecIunIcuI CompIeLIon.
[| Notice oI Mechunicul Completion oI Purt

TFA Co. Execution Plan

1) WIen ConLrucLor consIders LIuL LIe consLrucLIon oI eucI purL oI LIe |1| Ius
been subsLunLIuIIy compIeLed und requIremenLs oI LIe MecIunIcuI CompIeLIon
uccordIng Lo LIe Job SpecIIIcuLIon, ConLrucLor sIuII send Notice oI Mechunicul
Completion oI Purt Lo CIIenL In wrILIng LIuL ConLrucLor beIIeves LIuL LIe purL oI
LIe PIunL concerned Is mecIunIcuIIy compIeLed.
z) TIe NoLIce sIuII IncIude LIe InIormuLIon oI compIeLIon oI RecLIIIcuLIon
works Ior essenLIuI work ILems on LIe InuI PuncI IsL.
) TIe NoLIce oI MecIunIcuI CompIeLIon oI PurL sIuII be uccompunIed by LIe
Iinulized Ponch List und Iinulized Remuining Work List.
[q| Issoe oI Interim Mechunicul Completion CertiIicute
1) WILIIn ten (1o) cuIendur duys uILer LIe ConLrucLor's noLIce, CIIenL sIuII
Issue Interim Mechunicul Completion CertiIicute Ior sucI purL oI LIe PIunL
Lo ConLrucLor.
z) TIe duLe oI LIe MecIunIcuI CompIeLIon oI PurL sIuII be LIe duLe oI LIe suId
ConLrucLor's noLIce.
) L Is undersLood LIuL eucI nLerIm MecIunIcuI CompIeLIon CerLIIIcuLe sIuII
consLILuLe LIe Lurnover oI LIe reIevunL purL oI LIe PIunL Irom ConLrucLor Lo CIIenL.
By vIrLue oI LIe IucL oI Lurnover oI sucI purL oI LIe PIunL, LIe rIsk, cure, cusLody
und conLroI oI sucI purL oI LIe PIunL sIuII puss Irom ConLrucLor Lo CIIenL.
[g| Mechunicul Completion
1) WILI respecL Lo LIe MecIunIcuI CompIeLIon oI LIe IusL purL oI LIe PIunL,
LIe sume procedure us LIe one descrIbed In ubove PurugrupIs sIuII be uppIIed,
provIded LIuL NoLIce oI MecIunIcuI CompIeLIon oI InuI PurL sIuII be gIven by
ConLrucLor InsLeud oI NoLIce oI MecIunIcuI CompIeLIon oI PurL und MecIunIcuI
CompIeLIon CerLIIIcuLe sIuII be Issued by CIIenL InsLeud oI nLerIm MecIunIcuI
CompIeLIon CerLIIIcuLe.
z) MecIunIcuI CompIeLIon duLe sIuII be LIe duLe oI LIe NoLIce oI MecIunIcuI
CompIeLIon oI InuI PurL.
[6| Remuining Works uIter Mechunicul Completion oI Purt
1) TIe remuInIng works uILer eucI MecIunIcuI CompIeLIon oI PurL, wIIcI
sIuII be IdenLIIIed In LIe InuI PuncI IsL und LIe InuI RemuInIng Work IsL,
sIuII be compIeLed by ConLrucLor on ConLrucLor's responsIbIIILy.

TFA Co. Execution Plan

z) mmedIuLeIy uILer LIe compIeLIon, ConLrucLor sIuII send NoLIce oI
CompIeLIon oI RemuInIng Work wILI u copy oI LIe reIevunL InuI PuncI IsL und
RemuInIng Work IsL wIIcI sIow LIe compIeLIon duLes oI LIe remuInIng works.
) I CIIenL wouId muke commenL(s) Lo LIem, CIIenL wouId InIorm ConLrucLor
oI LIem wILIIn Lwo (z) cuIendur duys uILer LIe ConLrucLor's submIssIon oI LIe
q. Qoulity Assorunce und Plun
q.1. Overull Philosophy
QuuIILy MunuuI wus prepured und Is upduLed by ConLrucLor's QA DepurLmenL In
consIsLency wILI SOqoo1.
QuuIILy MunuuI sIuII be uppIIed Lo QA ucLIvILIes LIrougIouL LIe ProjecL by uII
purLIcIpunLs, und ensure u IIgI quuIILy projecL ImpIemenLuLIon.
q.. QA[QC Procedores
L Is LIe ConLrucLor's quuIILy poIIcy Lo provIde servIces, muLerIuIs, und equIpmenL
LIuL meeL uII cusLomers' conLrucLuuI requIremenLs Ior ussurIng perIormunce,
suIeLy, und reIIubIe operuLIon oI PIunLs.
To ImpIemenL LIe quuIILy poIIcy, quuIILy ussurunce Is sysLemuLIcuIIy execuLed
uccordIng Lo LIe IoIIowIng procedures.
1) QuuIILy Assurunce SysLem In compIIunce wILI SO qoo1
z) ProjecL QuuIILy PIun
q.. Qoulity Stundurd
ConLrucLor's QuuIILy SLundurd Is bused on "SO qoo1".
q.q. Qoulity Assorunce System
AII EngIneerIng, ProcuremenL und ConsLrucLIon ServIce Iuve Lo be execuLed In
uccordunce wILI QuuIILy MunuuI und supporLIng procedure Lo QuuIILy munuuI.
q.g. Qoulity Munoul with Qoulity Policy
To meeL LIe requIremenLs oI SO qoo1 und QuuIILy PoIIcy InsLrucLed by LIe
ConLrucLor's GeneruI Munuger, QuuIILy MunuuI Is druwn up by LIe QA
depurLmenL und uuLIorIzed by LIe ConLrucLor's GeneruI Munuger.
QuuIILy MunuuI IncIudes LIe IoIIowIng conLenLs:
1) MunugemenL responsIbIIILy

TFA Co. Execution Plan

z) RequIremenLs Ior documenLuLIon
) Resource munugemenL
q) ProjecL reuIIzuLIon
) MeusuremenL, unuIysIs und ImprovemenL

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