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Kurds seize Iraq/Syria border post; Sunni

tribe joins fight against Islamic State

ARBIL Iraq/MURSITPINAR Turkey Tue Sep 30, 2014
(Reuters) Iraqi Kurdish troops dro!e Islamic State fighters from a strategic border
crossing "ith Syria on #uesday and "on the support of members of a major Sunni
tribe$ in one of the biggest successes since %&S& forces began bombing the fighters&
#he !ictory$ "hich could ma'e it harder for militants to operate on both sides of the
frontier$ "as also achie!ed "ith help from Kurds from the Syrian side of the frontier$ a
ne" sign of cooperation across the border&
Iraqi Kurdish peshmerga fighters too' control of the Rabia border crossing in a battle
that began before da"n$ an Iraqi Kurdish political source said&
(It)s the most important strategic point for crossing& *nce that)s ta'en it)s going to cut
the supply route and ma'e the operation to reach Sinjar easier$( the source said$
referring to a mountain further south "here members of the +azidi minority sect ha!e
been trapped by Islamic State fighters&
#he participation of Sunni tribal fighters in battle against Islamic State could pro!e as
important a de!elopment as the ad!ance itself&
,embers of the influential Shammar tribe$ one of the largest in north"estern Iraq$
joined the Kurds in the fighting$ a tribal figure said&
(Rabia is completely liberated& -ll of the Shammar are "ith the .eshmerga and there is
full cooperation bet"een us$( -bdullah +a"ar$ a leading member of the tribe$ told
/e said the cooperation "as the result of an agreement "ith the president of Iraq)s
Kurdish region after three months of negotiation to join forces against the (common
0aining support from Sunni tribes$ many of "hich either supported or acquiesced in
Islamic State)s 1une ad!ance$ "ould be a crucial objecti!e for the Iraqi go!ernment and
its regional and 2estern allies in the fight against the insurgents&
2I33I30 *45R S%33I #RI65S
2inning o!er Sunni tribes "as a central part of the strategy that helped the %&S&
military defeat a precursor of Islamic State during the (surge( campaign of 7889788:&
2ashington has made clear it hopes the ne" Iraqi go!ernment of .rime ,inister
/aidar al-badi$ "ho too' po"er last month$ can repeat it&
Rabia controls the main high"ay lin'ing Syria to ,osul$ the biggest city in northern
Iraq$ "hich Islamic State fighters captured in 1une at the start of a lightning ad!ance
through Iraq)s Sunni ,uslim north that jolted the ,iddle 5ast&
#"el!e Islamic State fighters) bodies lay on the border at the crossing after the
battle$ said /emin /a"rami head of the foreign relations department of the Kurdistan
;emocratic .arty$ one of the main Iraqi Kurdish parties$ on #"itter&
Syrian Kurdish fighters said they had also joined the battle< (2e are defending
Rabia &&& trying to coordinate action "ith the .eshmerga against Islamic State& It is
true$( said Saleh ,uslim$ head of the Syriabased Kurdish ;emocratic %nion .arty
If Rabia can be held$ its recapture is one of the biggest successes since %&S&led forces
started bombing Islamic State targets in Iraq in -ugust&
It is one of t"o main border crossings bet"een militantheld parts of the t"o countries$
control of "hich has allo"ed Islamic State to declare a single =aliphate on both sides&
#he other main crossing$ -lbu Kamal on the 5uphrates Ri!er !alley high"ay$ has been
a primary target of %&S& stri'es on both sides of the frontier this past "ee'&#he ability
to cross the frontier freely has been a major tactical ad!antage for Islamic State
fighters on both sides& >ighters s"ept from Syria into northern Iraq in 1une and
returned "ith hea!y "eapons seized from fleeing Iraqi go!ernment troops$ "hich they
ha!e used to e?pand their territory in Syria&
2ashington e?panded the campaign to Syria last "ee' in an effort to defeat the
fighters "ho ha!e s"ept through Sunni areas of both countries$ 'illing prisoners$
chasing out Kurds and ordering Shi)ites and non,uslims to con!ert or die&
In t"o comple?$ multisided ci!il "ars$ the Sunni fighters are battling against Shi)ite
bac'ed go!ernment in both countries$ ri!al Sunni groups in Syria and separate
Kurdish forces on either side of the frontier&
2ashington hopes the stri'es$ conducted "ith help from 5uropean allies in Iraq and
-rab air forces in Syria$ "ill allo" go!ernment and Kurdish forces in Iraq$ and
moderate Sunnis in Syria$ to recapture territory&
In Iraq$ a coalition of Iraqi army$ Shi)ite militia fighters and Kurdish troops 'no"n as
peshmerga ha!e been slo"ly recapturing Sunni !illages that had been under Islamic
State control south of the Kurdishheld oil city of Kir'u'&
(-t da"n today$ t"o !illages near ;aquq$ @8 'ilometres south of Kir'u'$ .eshmerga
forces liberated them from Islamic State$( an Iraqi security official said&
Islamic State fighters had used positions in the !illages to fire mortars at
neighbouring ;aquq$ a to"n populated mainly by ethnic #ur'men Shi)ite
,uslims& 2hen Kurdish fighters entered the !illages they "ere empty$ the security
official said&
0R*%3; S/-KI30 6535-#/ *%R >55#
.eshmerga secretarygeneral 1abbar +a"ar estimated the Iraqi Kurds had no" reta'en
around half the territory they lost "hen the militants surged north to"ards the
regional capital -rbil in early -ugust$ an ad!ance that helped to prompt the %&S&
stri'es& (2e ha!e absorbed the shoc' and are pushing them bac'$( +a"ar said&
.eshmerga fighters$ Iraqi army troops and progo!ernment militia "ere ad!ancing
north from the .eshmergaheld city of #uz Khurmatu to dri!e Islamic State fighters
out of the countryside that surrounds Kir'u'$ the official said& /e credited %&S&led air
stri'es "ith helping the peshmerga clear the t"o !illages&
(#his area "itnessed intense air stri'es from %&S&led stri'es and Iraqi air stri'es
o!ernight and at da"n$( the official said&
#he e?plosions shoo' Kir'u' itself< (2e felt the ground sha'ing beneath our feet$ and
then "e heard that there "ere air stri'es outside Kir'u'$( said a policeman in the city
contacted by Reuters "ho as'ed not to be identified&
In addition to aiding the Kurds in the north$ %&S& air stri'es ha!e targeted fighters "est
of 6aghdad and on its southern outs'irts$ difficult rural terrain 'no"n under %&S&
occupation as the (triangle of death(&
(2e belie!e the %&S& air stri'es ha!e helped in containing Islamic State)s momentum$(
said la"ma'er ,o"affa' alRubaie$ a former head of Iraq)s ad!isory security council&
Iraqi officials said %&S& air stri'es$ along "ith stri'es by Iraq)s o"n aircraft$ had 'illed
dozens of Islamic State fighters the pre!ious day south of the capital&
(It appears that 9: (Islamic State) militants "ere 'illed in >adiliya$( said an Iraqi
security source$ referring to a to"n in the 5uphrates !alley south of the capital& /e said
the casualty estimate came from satellite imagery and informants&
#he %&S& military said it had conducted AA air stri'es in Syria and the same number in
Iraq in the pre!ious 7@ hours$ describing a range of targets including Islamic State
tan's$ artillery$ chec'points and buildings&
SI505 I3 S+RI-
%nli'e in Iraq$ "here the %&S&led air stri'es are coordinated closely "ith the
go!ernment and Kurdish forces$ 2ashington has no po"erful allies on the ground in
Syria$ ma'ing its strategy there ris'ier and more precarious&
#he %nited States and its 2estern and -rab allies oppose the go!ernment of .resident
6ashar al-ssad and are "ary of helping him by hurting his enemies& #ur'ey$ the
neighbour "ith the biggest military$ has so far held bac' from joining the %&S&led
coalition$ despite an ad!ance in the past A8 days by Islamic State fighters against Kurds
near the frontier that has caused the fastest refugee e?odus of the threeyear ci!il "ar&
#he fighters ha!e laid siege to Kobani$ a Kurdish city on Syria)s border "ith #ur'ey&
#he rattle of sporadic gunfire could be heard from across the frontier$ and a shell could
be seen e?ploding in oli!e gro!es on the "estern outs'irts of to"n&
- steady stream of people$ mostly men$ "ere crossing the border post bac' into Syria$
apparently to help defend the to"n&
*calan Iso$ deputy commander of the Kurdish forces defending the to"n$ told Reuters
Kurdish troops had battled Islamic State fighters armed "ith tan's through the night
and into #uesday&
#he Syrian *bser!atory for /uman Rights$ a body that monitors the "ar "ith a
net"or' on the ground$ said %&S&led stri'es had hit Islamic State positions "est of
Kobani& Kurdish commanders ha!e complained in recent days that the air stri'es
hitting other parts of Syria "ere not helping them at the front&
#he *bser!atory said Islamic State no" controls B7C out of BC@ !illages on the rural
outs'irts of Kobani&
(-dditional reporting by +ara 6ayoumy$ Raheem Salman and 3ed .ar'er in 6aghdad
and *li!er /olmes in 6eirut; 2riting by 3ed .ar'er and .eter 0raff)
.osted by #ha!am

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