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20 Critical Things You Should Never

October 29 by David K. Willia in Counication! "otivation # $.2K Shares
Have you ever felt like youve been settling for lesslike you deserve better? Well, you dont
have to settle for less than you deserve. You can determine from today to not tolerate things
that bring you down or suck the life out of you. After all, our time in this world is limited. You
only live once, but if you live it right, once is enough. to! tolerating these "# critical things,
starting now, to live a full, more meaningful life.
$. %busive relationshi&s
$ever tolerate an abusive relationshi!. %he most telling sign that you are in an abusive
relationshi! is fear of your !artner. &f you have e'!erienced or seen consistent signs of
!hysical, emotional or se'ual abuse from your !artner, it is high time you esca!ed. Healthy
relationshi!s e(ual res!ect and trust.
2. 'n(idelity
$ever tolerate infidelity. &nfidelity is breaking a sacred !romise to remain faithful to a se'ual
!artner. &f you discover your !artner isnt )##* !ercent committed to an intimate relationshi!,
its !robably time to move on.
). Dishonesty
$ever tolerate dishonesty. +iving an honest life is !riceless. &t allows you to be at !eace with
others and yourself. ,eo!le who are dishonest actively try to steal other !eo!les reality.
*. Disres&ect
$ever tolerate disres!ect or disres!ectful !eo!le. -isres!ect is s!eaking and behaving in a
way that shows no regard for !eo!le, laws, customs, social norms or even societal !olitics.
-ont be disres!ectful.
+. % bad ,ob
$ever tolerate a bad .ob you are in. &f you are unha!!y with your .ob, start !utting the !ieces
together today to !lan how you are going to transition to another .ob you love. -ont stick to a
.ob you hate indefinitely.
-. Debt
$ever tolerate debt. +ive well within your means. When buying stuff, go for things that you
need and can afford. Have a budget and savings !lan in !lace and stick to it to !rotect yourself
against debt.
.. 'naction
$ever tolerate inaction or inertia. /ither you are going to take action, sei0e new o!!ortunities
and make some sort of !rogress, or someone else will. +ife is too short to linger in your
comfort 0one. A!!ly yourself1
/. 0ear o( change
$ever tolerate fear of change. /very day marks a new beginning and a new ending. 2ear of
change is futile. /mbrace change and make the best of it. 3et out there and liveand grow1
9. 1oor counication
$ever tolerate lack of or !oor communication. /ncourage o!en, honest and loving
communication in business and in your !ersonal relationshi!s. Healthy communication is
essential to a ha!!y life.
$0. Negativity
$ever tolerate negativity, whether it comes from negative thoughts or negative !eo!le.
$egativity hurts more than it hel!s. 4e!lace negativity with !ositive vibes to brighten u! life
and bring increased confidence.
$$. Disorgani2ation
$ever tolerate disorgani0ation. -isorgani0ation hinders !roductivity. 3et rid of stuff you dont
need and organi0e everything else. How organi0ed you are reflects your emotional and mental
$2. 1eer &ressure
$ever tolerate !ressure from !eers, such as colleagues and friends. ,eer !ressure only stri!s
you of who you are as a !erson. 6e yourself and you will attract the right friends who will
a!!reciate you for who you are.
$). Stubbornness
$ever tolerate obstinate stubbornness. tubbornness is the need to have your own way with
no concern for logic, whats right, whats best, or even the likely conse(uences of actions.
ometimes standing your ground is im!ortant, but so are com!romise, coo!eration and
$*. 34cesses
$ever tolerate e'cesses. &t !oints to a moral weakness. When you are e'cessive, you are only
feeding the monster of !ersonal greed. -ont let greed get the better of you.
$+. 1oor hygiene
$ever tolerate !oor hygiene habits, like refusing to bathe, brush teeth and clean u!. %hese
habits are the cause of many !reventable health and social !roblems.
$-. 5ad eating habits
$ever tolerate bad eating habits, like eating to relieve stress, eating when not hungry and strict
dieting. /at healthily, e'ercise regularly and go for !hysical e'ams from time to time. Your
health is your life.
$.. Slee& de&rivation
$ever tolerate slee! de!rivation. Your !roductivity suffers when your body and mind are
de!rived of ade(uate time to rest and recover in a comfortable, clean slee!ing environment
every night.
$/. Waste(ulness
$ever tolerate wastefulness. +oss of time, food, money, energy and other resources due to
wastefulness is a bad way of living.
$9. Co&roised integrity
$ever tolerate !eo!le or situations that com!romise your integrity. You do not wake u! one
morning a bad !erson. &t ha!!ens by a succession of little com!romises here and there of your
values, self5res!ect and integrity.
20. % routine li(e
$ever tolerate or settle for a monotonous, routine life. 3enerally, the less routine you have,
the more life you en.oy. 7ake regular changes to your routine to get your brain moving and to
s!ur on creativity.

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