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Drifter A-582 Pilot's Handbook Version 1.

"When all else fails read the manual"
Thank you for ur!hasin" this addon air!raft for #i!rosoft's $li"ht %i&ulator '.
The Drifter 582 ultrali"ht is a t(o seat) (ire bra!ed) tail dra""er air!raft. The Austfli"ht Drifter is an
e*tensi+ely &odified +ersion of the ori"inal #a*air Drifter and sin!e the early 1,80-s aro*i&ately
500 ha+e been built.
The air!raft has a hi"h Da!ron !o+ered (in" and the ilot sits in front of the assen"er ahead of
the (in" thus ro+idin" an e*!ellent field of +ie(.
A .rol"a / blade ro is o(ered by a 0ota* 582 en"ine (hi!h is &ounted behind the ilot and
This arti!ular air!raft has been &odelled based on 25-/55.
System Requirements
- #i!rosoft's $li"ht %i&ulator ' %P2) A!!eleration or 1old.
- 2,2 #. free hard dri+e sa!e
- #i!rosoft .34T /.0.5051, or later
This air!raft (as de+eloed (ith the $%' %P2 %D6. 7ou therefore need either #i!rosoft's $li"ht
%i&ulator ' %P2) A!!eleration or $%' 1old. The &ini&u& P8 se!s are &ore diffi!ult to be e*a!t
about as e+en si&ilarly se!!ed P8's !an "i+e su!h +aryin" erfor&an!e. $or referen!e 9 !reated
this air!raft on an 9ntel 48500 !ore 2 due 5.121h: 8P; (ith /1. ra& and an 3Vidia ,2001T 11.
+ideo !ard runnin" <indo(s 'P.
Drifter Setup program requirements:
The Drifter %etu ro"ra& is a standalone ro"ra& that allo(s the user to set so&e referen!es
for the Drifter. 3ote that you !an still fly the Drifter (ithout usin" the Drifter %etu ro"ra&. To run
the Drifter %etu ro"ra& #i!rosoft .34T /.0.5051, or later needs to be installed.
Ant's Airlanes 1
Drifter A-582 Pilot's Handbook Version 1.0
9f you are ha+in" roble&s (ith the oeration of the air!raft lease e&ail &e at
suort=antsairlanes.!o&. Proble&s (ith do(nloadin" the a!ka"e should be dire!ted to the
retailer as they are resonsible for deli+ery of the do(nload.
Quick Start
$or those eole (ho like to di+e ri"ht in do the follo(in">
%tart $%'.
%ele!t ?Austfli"ht Drifter? fro& the air!raft sele!tion a"e.
%tart the fli"ht.
There is a @ui!k start "uide in the $%' kneeboard referen!e a"e.
This air!raft is desi"ned for #i!rosoft's $li"ht %i&ulator '. 9nstallation is handled by an installer
ro"ra& (hi!h la!es the files into the !orre!t lo!ation. %i&ly !li!k on the installer to start the
ro!ess. The installer (ill read $%''s lo!ation fro& the re"istry. 4nsure that this is !orre!t and that
the installer is ointin" to your $li"ht %i&ulator ' folder.
9f you ha+e installed the de&o Drifter it is re!o&&ended that you uninstall the de&o first.
An!e installation is !o&lete links to the Pilot's Handbook Bthis do!u&entC) the Dui!k %tart 1uide
and the Drifter %etu Pro"ra& (ill be la!ed on your deskto. $eel free to &o+e these to a &ore
!on+enient lo!ation.
- %&ooth 5D "au"es
- 8usto& &ade radio and 1P% units
- 9n!redibly detailed &odel
- <heeled +ersion lus $loat lane +ersion
- .u& and se!ular &aed te*tures
- 15 aint +ariations in total
- Paint +ariations in!luded (ith user settable re"istration nu&bers
- 1enuine en"ine sounds
- %tall buffet effe!t
- Ani&ations for tiedo(ns) itot !o+ers and (heel !ho!ks
- Ani&ated ilot and assen"er &odels (hi!h !an be dislayed or hidden
- 9n "a&e Ani&ation &ana"er to !ontrol ani&ations
- %earate %etu Pro"ra& to &ana"e referen!es and load settin"s
Ant's Airlanes 2
Drifter A-582 Pilot's Handbook Version 1.0
Things to know
.efore (e "et too far into this &anual 9 (ill list so&e of the ite&s uni@ue to this air!raft that &ay
!ause so&e !onfusion.
There are no &i*ture or ro !ontrols on a Drifter. The en"ine features !onstant deression
!arburetors that auto&ati!ally adEust for density altitude and the / blade ro has a fi*ed it!h.
The .attery and %tarter s(it!h is referred to as the #aster s(it!h in this &anual. 0i"ht !li!kin" on
the #aster s(it!h oerates the starter.
The #a"neto s(it!hes &ay be referred to as the 9"nition s(it!hes in this &anual.
%to the en"ine by turnin" off both i"nition s(it!hes. #ost Drifters ha+e a fuel !utoff s(it!h
ho(e+er) this arti!ular air!raft does not. 9n any !ase the !orre!t &ethod to sto the en"ine is to
turn off the i"nition s(it!hes.
There is no "enerator s(it!h. The "enerator is runnin" (hen the en"ine is runnin".
There is no differential brakin". The brakes are oerated by a le+er on the Eoysti!k althou"h there
is no &ouse !li!k :one Byou !an still use toe brake edals to aly the brakes in $%' if you ha+e
This en"ine has a 2.22 to 1 "ear redu!tion "earbo*. The 0P# "au"e dislays the en"ine 0P#
(hi!h has a &a*i&u& r& of 2800.
The Demo Version
The De&o +ersion of this air!raft is a+ailable fro& (((.antsairlanes.!o&. The de&o should
ro+ide a "ood reresentation of the erfor&an!e and fra&erates you (ould "et fro& the full
+ersion. The do!u&entation for the De&o and $ull +ersions is the sa&e B(hi!h is (hy the tutorial
fli"ht uses the floats +ersionC so there &ay be so&e se!tions of this &anual (hi!h do not aly to
the De&o +ersion.
The follo(in" li&itations aly to the De&o +ersion>
- $loat lane &odel only
- ;ses default Trike soundset
- ;ses default 1P% 2,5
- Anly t(o aint +ariations
<hat you "et (hen you buy the full +ersion>
- .oth (heeled and float +ersions
- 8usto& soundset
- A+&a 46P 9V 1P%
- Total of 15 aint +ariations
Ant's Airlanes 5
Drifter A-582 Pilot's Handbook Version 1.0
Selecting the Drifter
An!e the air!raft has been installed start $%' and !li!k on $ree $li"ht. 8li!k on 8han"e... under
8urrent Air!raft. 4nsure %ho( all +ariations is ti!ked. The Drifter (ill aear as ?Austfli"ht Drifter?.
9f you are usin" the filters at the to of the %ele!t Air!raft s!reen the Air!raft &anufa!turer is
Austfli"ht) the Publisher is Ant's Airlanes and the Air!raft Tye is %in"le 4n"ine Pro.
The difference etween fi!ed and "ariale registration numers
There are t(o tyes of aint +ariation a+ailable (ith any $%' air!raft. The first tye has the tail
nu&ber fi*ed as art of the te*tures and they !annot be !han"ed. The se!ond tye allo(s you to
!han"e the tail nu&ber usin" the $%' Air!raft Details s!reen Bthe default air!raft use this se!ond
tyeC. <ith the Drifter there both tye of reaint are used. 25-/55) 25-/51 and 25-/15 ha+e fi*ed
re"istration nu&bers (hile the <hite) .lue) 7ello() #ulti!olour and 0ed and <hite reaints ha+e
re"istration nu&bers that !an be !han"ed usin" the $%' Air!raft Details s!reen.
The follo(in" a"es sho( the a+ailable reaints>
Ant's Airlanes /
Drifter A-582 Pilot's Handbook Version 1.0
#ustflight Drifter $%&'%% and #ustflight Drifter (hite
25-/55 is the sour!e air!raft for this $%' +ersion of the Drifter. 9t !an be seen in the i!ture abo+e
at it's ho&e in 0oad+ale) DFD) Australia. The Austfli"ht Drifter <hite +ersion has the sa&e !olour
s!he&e but you !an alter the re"istration nu&ber in the $%' Air!raft Details s!reen.
#ustflight Drifter $%&'%) old and #ustflight Drifter *lue
25-/51 is one of the trainin" air!raft at <alters $lyin" %!hool in Fynfield DFD) Australia. The !olour
s!he&e is an old !olour s!he&e and the air!raft is !urrently ainted all blue. The Austfli"ht Drifter
.lue +ersion has the sa&e !olour s!he&e but you !an alter the re"istration nu&ber in the $%'
Air!raft Details s!reen.
Ant's Airlanes 5
Drifter A-582 Pilot's Handbook Version 1.0
#ustflight Drifter $%&'%) new
25-/51 is one of the trainin" air!raft at <alters $lyin" %!hool in Fynfield DFD) Australia. This is the
ne( all blue !olour s!he&e for this air!raft.
#ustflight Drifter $%&')+ and #ustflight Drifter ,ellow
Another Australian re"istered Drifter. The Austfli"ht Drifter 7ello( +ersion has the sa&e !olour
s!he&e as 25-/15 but you !an alter the re"istration nu&ber in the $%' Air!raft Details s!reen.
Ant's Airlanes 2
Drifter A-582 Pilot's Handbook Version 1.0
#ustflight Drifter -ulticolour
8alled &ulti!olour be!ause there are so &any !olours on the (in"s. 7ou !an alter the re"istration
nu&ber for this air!raft in the $%' Air!raft Details s!reen.
#ustflight Drifter Red and (hite
This reaint is based on Drifter /0/) o(ned by G6i(i- and based at the $lyin" Ti"ers han"ar)
.oonah) althou"h that air!raft has a different en"ine tye. 7ou !an alter the re"istration nu&ber for
this air!raft in the $%' Air!raft Details s!reen.
Ant's Airlanes H
Drifter A-582 Pilot's Handbook Version 1.0
Floats Version
9t is ossible to !on+ert the Drifter to a floats &odel by si&ly re&o+in" the (heel struts
Bdis!onne!t the brake !ables firstC and rela!in" the& (ith the floats. The rear (heel is re&o+ed
and rela!ed (ith a rudder. The &a*i&u& take-offI landin" (ei"ht is in!reased to /H2 k" (ith the
&a*i&u& !ross(in" !o&onent for (ater take-offIlandin" redu!ed to 10 knots.
#ustflight Drifter Floats $%&'%% and #ustflight Drifter Floats (hite
25-/55 in the floats !onfi"uration. The <hite +ersion has the sa&e !olour s!he&e but you !an
alter the tail nu&ber in the $%' Air!raft Details s!reen.
3ote> These are the only t(o aint +ariations in the de&o +ersion.
#ustflight Drifter Floats Red and (hite
7ou !an alter the tail nu&ber of this reaint in the $%' Air!raft Details s!reen.
Ant's Airlanes 8
Drifter A-582 Pilot's Handbook Version 1.0
#ustflight Drifter Floats *lue
7ou !an alter the tail nu&ber of this reaint in the $%' Air!raft Details s!reen.
Ant's Airlanes ,
Drifter A-582 Pilot's Handbook Version 1.0
Fuel and .ayload
;nlike &any air!raft (here the ilot sits !lose to the !entre of "ra+ity B8o1C in the Drifter the ilot
sits (ell for(ard and his or her (ei"ht therefore has a si"nifi!ant effe!t on the 8o1 and the
handlin" of the air!raft. 9t is therefore so&eti&es ne!essary to add ballast to the air!raft to brin" it
into balan!e.
The ilot (ei"ht should be bet(een 2, and ,2k". 9f the ilot (ei"hs less than 2,k" then add front
ballast to brin" the total (ei"ht u to 2,k". 9f the ilot (ei"hs &ore than ,2k" it &ay be ne!essary
to add rear ballast to re+ent the 8o1 fro& bein" too far for(ard.
As this &odel is based on 25-/55 you !an see that lead ballast is atta!hed to the tail(heel le".
The fuel syste& !onsists of t(o fuel tanks (ith the to tank drainin" into the belly tank effe!ti+ely
&akin" both tanks one bi" fuel tank. A fuel u& e*tra!ts fuel fro& the belly tank and feeds it u to
the en"ine. Due to the li&itations of $%' fuel (ill not drain fro& the to tank into the lo(er tank.
7ou should therefore ensure that (hen you fuel the air!raft you first fill the belly tank Breferred to as
?8entre? by $%'C and then only start to fill the to tank Breferred to as ?8entre2? by $%'C (hen the
le+el in the belly tank is 100J. $%' (ill use fuel fro& the to tank first and then (hen that is e&ty
it (ill use the belly tank (hi!h is effe!ti+ely ho( the real air!raft oerates.
As there is no fuel "au"e in the !o!kit you &ay be askin" ho( do you !he!k the fuel le+el (hile in
fli"htK An the left (heel sat there is a s&all &irror (hi!h allo(s the ilot to "lan!e do(n to !he!k
the fuel le+els. Pressin" %hiftL/ (ill dislay a 2D ou of the &irror (hi!h you &ay find easier to
see. 9t is i&ortant to note that the fuel (ill &o+e about deendin" on the air!rafts it!h and bank
an"les. $or a!!urate fuel readin"s ensure the air!raft is le+el.
A red (arnin" li"ht !o&es on in the !o!kit Bfar left of !entre !onsoleC (hen either the fuel u& is
on or if there is less than 10J of total fuel re&ainin".
Ant's Airlanes 10
Drifter A-582 Pilot's Handbook Version 1.0
The Virtual /ockpit
The Drifter features a fully 5D +irtual !o!kit (ith s&ooth 5D "au"es. As these "au"es are an
inte"ral art of the 5D &odel there is no 2D anel a+ailable for this air!raft.
9ntera!tion (ith the +arious "au"es) knobs and buttons is done +ia &ouse. %(it!hes are si&ly
a!ti+ated by left !li!kin" on the s(it!h. 6nobs ha+e in!re&ent or de!re&ent &ouse !li!k :ones or
you !an use the &ouse s!roll (heel.
-agnetos0 Ignition switches
;se these to turn off the en"ine. This arti!ular air!raft does not ha+e a fuel !utoff s(it!h like &ost
Drifters do. 9n any !ase a fuel !utoff s(it!h is only used in e&er"en!y situations (ith the nor&al
&ethod of stoin" the en"ine bein" to turn off the &a"netos.
9n this &anual these s(it!hes are usually referred to as the i"nition s(it!hes.
)$V .ower Switch
A 12V o(er sour!e for au*iliary e@ui&ent. 7ou !an turn it on or off but it has no effe!t in the fli"ht
(ater Temp
%ho(s the !oolant te&erature. 3or&al oeratin" ran"e is 258 B150FC to 80 (175F).
Ho( fast you are "oin" in knots.
Ant's Airlanes 11
Drifter A-582 Pilot's Handbook Version 1.0
,aw String
7ou &ay not ha+e seen a ya( strin" before. This is one of the si&lest Band !heaestC ie!es of
a+iation instru&entation a+ailable !onsistin" of a ie!e of red strin" tied to the front of the
(inds!reen. The ya( strin" sho(s the a&ount of side sli and erfor&s &u!h the sa&e fun!tion
as the turn ball !oordinator Be*!et !heaer and (ithout any la"C.
9f the ya( strin" is to the ri"ht it indi!ates that you should aly so&e left rudder. 9f the ya( strin" is
to the left it indi!ates you should aly so&e ri"ht rudder. <hen the ya( strin" is strai"ht u it
indi!ates that you are flyin" (ithout any side sli.
The easiest (ay to use a ya( strin" is to think that it is ointin" to the edal you should use. %o) if
the ya( strin" is to the ri"ht then it (ill be ointin" do(n to your left edal so ush the left edal
do(n and you should strai"hten u the ya( strin".
3ote that in the i!ture the ya( strin" is not +isible as the air!raft is not &o+in" so the ya( strin" is
han"in" do(n the front of the air!raft.
Ho( hi"h you are. The 6ohls&an knob allo(s you to adEust the ressure settin"s. As this knob is
artially obs!ured by the !o&ass there are !li!k sots near the knob (hi!h allo( you to adEust the
knob. 7ou !an use the Ani&ation #ana"er B%hiftL5C to !han"e bet(een the 6ohls&an dislay
sho(in" in &illibars or inH".
1!haust 2as Temperature 312T4
3eedles sho( the 41T (ith the left needle B(hi!h dislays on the ri"ht side of the "au"eC sho(in"
the te&erature of the front !ylinder Bthere are t(o !ylinders in the en"ineC. 3or&al oeratin"
ran"e is ,50F to 1150F.
<hiskey !o&ass sho(s your !urrent headin".
5a"0/om Radio
Please refer to the se!tion belo( for detailed instru!tions on ho( to oerate the radio.
1ngine R.-
Dislays the en"ine 0P#. 3ote that there is a 2.22>1 "ear redu!tion bo* bet(een the en"ine and
the ro.
9DF4 seed is 22000P#
80;9%4 seed is /800-58000P#
#A' 0P# is 28000P#
At idle seed B22000P#C the en"ine !an be a bit rou"h Byou (ill noti!e the needle shake at en"ine
seeds less than 2/000P#C so &any Drifter ilots refer to idle at 25000P#.
Fuel .ump
A red indi!ator li"ht !o&es on (hen the fuel u& is on. The indi!ator (ill also sho( (hen there is
less than 10J fuel re&ainin".
$or !old starts you (ill need to ress the ri&er before startin" the en"ine. 8li!k on the button and
Ant's Airlanes 12
Drifter A-582 Pilot's Handbook Version 1.0
the a&ber li"ht abo+e it (ill !o&e on for about 2 se!onds. An!e ri&ed the en"ine (ill stay ri&ed
for about 2 &inutes. 9f you ha+e not started the en"ine (ithin that ti&e you &ay need to ri&e the
en"ine a"ain.
*attery and Starter 3-aster switch4
;se the left &ouse button to s(it!h bet(een battery on and off. 0i"ht !li!k (ill turn the s(it!h to
the ri"ht and a!ti+ate the starter. 3ote> (ith the #aster s(it!h off) the tiedo(ns on and the arkin"
brake on the key (ill be auto&ati!ally re&o+ed.
The A+&a 46P 9V 1P% unit. 7ou !an use the Ani&ation #ana"er ou BshiftL2C or the %etu
Pro"ra& Bstandalone ro"ra&C to sho( or hide the 1P% unit. 3ote that the 1P% is not +isible in the
de&o +ersion.
The &ain bus +olta"e. 3ote that there is no seerate "enerator s(it!h.
*rake 6e"er
The brakes !annot be !ontrolled fro& the +irtual !o!kit by !li!kin" on the brakes. 7ou &ust use
either a Eoysti!k a*is or key !o&&and to !ontrol the brakes. The brakes are alied to both (heels
Trim /ontrol
A tri& tab is lo!ated on the inside left of the trailin" ed"e of the ele+ator and is !ontrolled +ia (ire
by the tri& le+er lo!ated on the front Eoysti!k Byes) the tri& le+er is a shi&ano "ear shifter le+er
fro& a bi!y!leC. As it !an be a bit diffi!ult to see (here the tri& le+er is set you !an either ho+er
your &ouse o+er the tri& le+er and a toolti should aear sho(in" the !urrent settin" or you !an
s(it!h to the +irtual !o!kit +ie( that sho(s a side on +ie( of the tri& le+er.
Ane i&ortant note is that unlike &any $%' air!raft oeratin" the tri& tab of the Drifter (ill affe!t
the it!h of the ele+ator and as the ele+ator is !onne!ted to the Eoysti!k it too (ill &o+e. 7ou should
therefore noti!e that (hen in fli"ht !han"in" the tri& of the air!raft (ill &o+e the osition of the
Eoysti!k fore and aft.
F6I27T SI- 58T1
The tri& tab has been &odelled to beha+e like the tri& tab on a real air!raft.
$or e*a&le> <hen you tri& for nose u the tri& tab turns do(n. The airflo(
hits the tri& tab and for!es the ele+ator u thus it!hin" the nose u. As the
ele+ator is !onne!ted to the Eoysti!k the Eoysti!k &o+es as (ell.
The default $%' air!raft do not &i&i! this beha+iour. AdEustin" the tri& on a
default air!raft si&ly &o+es the tri& tab) nothin" else) (hen in reality
adEustin" the tri& tab (ill also affe!t the ele+ator.
Ant's Airlanes 15
Drifter A-582 Pilot's Handbook Version 1.0
Flying the Drifter
The follo(in" ro!edures ha+e been adated fro& the real (orld ro!edures and &odified for use
in $%'. They should not be used for real (orld a+iation.
*efore Start
4nsure that #aster s(it!h) radio B!li!k on the to of the left hand knob on to of the radio to turn it
on and offC and i"nition s(it!hes are A$$. 4nsure the air!raft has been fueled and loaded for the
tri usin" the $%' ayload and fuel settin"s. 7ou !an use the Ani&ation #ana"er to !he!k (ei"hts
and balan!e but you !annot adEust the (ei"hts and fuel settin"s (ith the Ani&ation #ana"er.
1ngine Start
8he!k in all dire!tions that the roeller is !lear and that there are no obEe!ts or ersons in the
4nsure the #aster %(it!h is on and both i"nition s(it!hes are on.
9f you startin" a !old en"ine ress the ri&er on!e. The a&ber li"ht abo+e the s(it!h (ill !o&e on
for t(o se!onds. 9f you do not ri&e a !old en"ine it (ill not start. A (ar& or hot en"ine should not
re@uire ri&in".
4nsure the throttle is !losed Bie fully ba!kC
The ilot should !all ?8F4A0? before ri"ht !li!kin" on the #aster %(it!h. This (ill a!ti+ate the
starter &otor and the en"ine should start. 4nsure that the en"ine ara&eters are A6 before
At idle seed B22000P#C the en"ine !an be a bit rou"h Byou (ill noti!e the needle shake at en"ine
seeds less than 2/000P#C so &any Drifter ilots refer to idle at 25000P#.
*efore Ta!i
4nsure the radios are on B!li!k on the to of the left hand knob on to of the radio to turn it on and
offC and set and that the alti&eter is set !orre!tly for the airort altitude.
8ontrol the ta*i seed (ith the throttle and not Eust the brakes. 0e&e&ber that this air!raft does
not ha+e differential brakin" so steerin" is done (ith the rudder edals (hi!h are linked to the tail
*efore Takeoff /hecks
#ake sure the brake is on and that your ro (ash is !lear.
9n!rease the 0P#'s to /500. 8he!k the i"nition syste& by turnin" of the left i"nition s(it!h. 0P#
dro should not be &ore than /00r&. Turn the left i"nition s(it!h ba!k on and then reeat (ith
the ri"ht i"nition s(it!h.
0edu!e throttle to idle.
Takeoff and /lim
<hen you ha+e take off !learan!e or ha+e &ade the ne!essary radio !alls !entre the airlane on
the run(ay !entreline. %lo(ly feed in full throttle B2800r&C. 9f ne!essary aly rudder to &aintain a
strai"ht line. As seed in!reases the tail lane (ill rise. %lo(ly rotate at /, 69A% and &aintain
attitude to !li&b out at /, 69A%.
$or a fully loaded air!raft you !an e*e!t to !li&b at /, 69A% at 500f&. <ith only the ilot and a
li"ht fuel load you !ould a!hie+e o+er 1000f&. #aintain full throttle throu"hout the !li&b.
Ant's Airlanes 1/
Drifter A-582 Pilot's Handbook Version 1.0
An!e at !ruise hei"ht le+el off the airlane and adEust the o(er for !ruise B5000-5500r&C. The
airlane flies (ith a +ery sli"ht nose do(n attitude. There is no need to lean the en"ine sin!e it is
.re 6anding
The &ini&u& aroa!h seed at &a*i&u& (ei"ht is /, 69A%. 9t is @uite ossible to fly the
aroa!h at less this ho(e+er this &ay lead to an e*!essi+e rate of des!ent near the "round fro&
(hi!h a flare &ay not be effe!ti+e in re+entin" a hea+y landin". The te!hni@ue of ?dra""in" it in?
at &ini&u& seed (ith o(er is not suitable for this air!raft.
#ost Drifter ilots fly a "lide aroa!h) "oin" to :ero throttle at the start of the base le". 9f on short
final you find the air!raft is too lo() you !an add a little o(er. 9f too hi"h) the standard ro!edure
is to sidesli the air!raft to (ash off hei"ht. %idesliin" re@uires G!rossed !ontrols-) in that the
rudder is used to ush the nose of the air!raft offline) and BoositeC aileron inut is used to
&aintain le+el (in"s
0edu!e o(er to idle i&&ediately rior to the flare then tou!h do(n in a 5 oint attitude.
Park the air!raft and redu!e the 0P# to idle. 0un the en"ine for a &inute or t(o to redu!e the
te&eratures. %(it!h off the radio and a+ioni!s. To sto the en"ine turn off both the 9"nition
s(it!hes. Turn the #aster s(it!h off. 7ou !an use the Ani&ation #ana"er to la!e the tiedo(ns)
(heel !ho!ks et!. <ith the #aster s(it!h off) the (heel !ho!ks in la!e and the tiedo(ns in la!e
the key (ill be auto&ati!ally re&o+ed fro& the #aster s(it!h.
Spins and aeroatic manoeu"res
8handelles) la:y ei"hts and stee turns in (hi!h the an"le of bank is less than 20M are er&itted
and ha+e an entry seed of 25 knots.
R1#6 (8R6D 58T1
Aerobati! &anoeu+res) in!ludin" intentional sins) are rohibited
.ut this is not the real (orld so if you like to sin an air!raft then you (ill be leased to hear that
the Drifter (ill sin (ith a bit of "entle ersuasion.
The best &ethod of a!hie+in" a stable sin is to start fro& a safe hei"ht B5000' and abo+eC.
0edu!e the throttle to idle and let the seed bleed off. As the seed de!reases you (ill need &ore
and &ore ba!k ressure on the Eoysti!k to &aintain altitude. At around 52 knots the air!raft (ill
start to stall and in the +irtual !o!kit you should see a noti!eable buffetin" of the air!raft and hear
a shakin" noise Bthere is no stall (arnin" horn in a DrifterC. Pull all the (ay ba!k on the sti!k and
hold it. 1ently feed in so&e hard left rudder Bor ri"ht if you (ant to "o ri"htC. The air!raft should
start to rotate left and after one !o&lete rotation you !an ba!k off the sti!k and rudder ressure
and you should be in a sin.
9f you are ha+in" trouble &aintainin" the sin try to hold ba!k the sti!k fully aft for a bit lon"er after
the stall before alyin" the rudder.
To re!o+er fro& the sin aly oosite rudder until the rotation stos) the nose (ill dro and you
should re"ain air flo( o+er the (in"s and !an ull out of the subse@uent di+e.
Ant's Airlanes 15
Drifter A-582 Pilot's Handbook Version 1.0
8perating the Radio
The 98A# 98-A224 radio in the Drifter is 3AVI8A# de+i!e and has @uite a fe( features for su!h a
s&all de+i!e.
F6I27T SI- 58T1
This si&ulation of the radio is not 100J a!!urate as 9 ha+e altered a fe(
thin"s for ease of use in $%'.
The radio is able to re!ei+e one !o& !hannel and one na+ !hannel at the sa&e ti&e Bthis is sli"htly
different fro& the real (orld unit (hi!h has a !o&le* dule* fun!tion to a!hie+e the sa&eC. There
are ten &e&ories B!o&ared to 50 in the real (orld unitC (hi!h allo( often used fre@uen!ies to be
The radio !an oerate in one of three ossible &odes>
$re@uen!y #ode> Allo(s !o& !hannel !o&&uni!ation. The radio al(ays starts in this &ode.
DVA0 #ode> %ho(s the bearin" to and fro& VA0s
8D9 #ode> Dislays a !ourse de+iation indi!ator to assist in na+i"ation to and fro& VA0s
.road!asts on the !o& !hannel !an still be &ade (hile in DVA0 or 8D9 &ode.
Please read the follo(in" se!tions for &ore detail on ho( to oerate ea!h fun!tion.
/lick Spots
The radio has t(o knobs on to as (ell as three buttons on the left
hand side. As the buttons are diffi!ult to rea!h in $%' there are
!li!ksots for t(o of these buttons lo!ated on the left hand side of the
radio as sho(n in the i!ture to the ri"ht.
The 8508FF knob on to of the radio turns the radio on and off.
The SQ916/7 knob !an be turned but it has no effe!t in $%'.
The T95I52 knob on the to ri"ht of the radio !an be used to sele!t
the fre@uen!y) &e&ory !hannel or as an A.% bearin" deendin" on
(hat &ode the radio is in.
#56 s(it!h on the left side !ontrols the Auto&ati! 3oise Fi&iter. This
has no effe!t in $%' but an i!on (ill sho( on the s!reen if A3F is
turned on.
6I27TS s(it!h !ontrols ba!kli"htin" for the dislay and buttons.
The :1,.#D is used for all other fun!tions.
#ccessing the )$);% -h< 1mergency Frequency
The radio !an @ui!kly a!!ess the 121.5 #h: e&er"en!y fre@uen!y e+en (hen the keyad lo!k
fun!tion is in use.
1. Turn the o(er A3
2. Press N$O on the keyad
5. Press N0 B121.5CO to set the e&er"en!y fre@uen!y
Ant's Airlanes 12
Drifter A-582 Pilot's Handbook Version 1.0
/. Press N8F0O to e*it fro& the e&er"en!y fre@uen!y
Setting a frequency
;sin" the keyad
1. Turn the o(er A3
2. Press N8F0O to sele!t fre@uen!y &ode
5. Press the aroriate di"it keys to inut the fre@uen!y
7ou &ust enter N1O as the first di"it
9f you enter the (ron" di"it ress N8F0O to ba!k ste
Press N43TO to fill the rest of the fre@uen!y (ith :eros
Anly N2O) N5O) NHO or N0O (ill be a!!eted as the final di"it
/. 7ou !an use the N;PO and NDA<3O keys to !han"e the !urrent
fre@uen!y in 25 kH: stes
;sin" the tunin" knob
1. Turn the o(er A3
2. Push N8F0O to sele!t fre@uen!y &ode
5. 0otate the tunin" dial to set the desired fre@uen!y in 25 kH: stes
/. 7ou !an !han"e the tunin" ste to 1 #h: by ressin" N$O
9f the fre@uen!y you enter is bet(een 118.000 - 15H.000 #H: then you ha+e entered a !o&
fre@uen!y and the radio (ill s(it!h to $re@uen!y &ode Bsee i!ture abo+eC.
9f the fre@uen!y is bet(een 108.000 - 11H.,H5 #H: then you ha+e entered a na+ fre@uen!y and
the radio (ill auto&ati!ally s(it!h to DVA0 &ode. 7ou !an s(it!h ba!k to $re@uen!y &ode by
ressin" N8F0O.
6ock function
The lo!k fun!tion re+ents a!!idental !han"es to radio.
1. Press N$O then NH 647 FA86O to turn the fun!tion on. A key aears in the dislay to indi!ate the
radio is lo!ked.
2. To turn off the lo!k fun!tion reeat ste 1 abo+e and the key (ill disaear.
*eep tone on0off
A bee tone sounds ea!h ti&e a key is ressed and this fun!tion !an be turned on or off as
1. Press N$O then N8 .44PO to turn the bee tone on or off. .y default) e+ery ti&e you start $%' the
bee fun!tion (ill be on but you !an use the Drifter %etu Pro"ra& ro"ra& to set (hether the
bee tone defaults to on or off.
Ant's Airlanes 1H
Drifter A-582 Pilot's Handbook Version 1.0
DV8R mode
9f you enter a fre@uen!y in the 3AV band B108.000 - 11H.,H5 #H:C or
re!all a &e&ory !hannel in the 3AV band then the radio (ill
auto&ati!ally s(it!h to DVA0 &ode Bsee i!ture on ri"htC.
Press N$O N1 DVA0O to sele!t DVA0 &ode.
9f there is a si"nal re!ei+ed fro& the 3AV station then the bearin" to
the station (ill be dislayed.
9f there is not a +alid si"nal fro& the 3AV station the the bearin" (ill
dislay ?---?.
The to-fro& indi!ators indi!ate (hether the !ourse is based on a
!ourse leadin" to or fro& the VA0 station.
Press N$O N2 TAO to dislay the to !ourse.
Press N$O N5 $0A#O to dislay the fro& !ourse.
7ou !an !han"e the fre@uen!y usin" the stes des!ribed abo+e in
?%ettin" a fre@uen!y?. 9f the ne( fre@uen!y is in the 8A# band then
the radio (ill auto&ati!ally s(it!h to $re@uen!y &ode.
3ote> DVA0 &ode does not dislay the !ourse de+iation indi!ator.
/DI mode
Press N$O N/ 8D9O to sele!t 8D9 &ode.
The bearin" (ill no( dislay your A.% settin". This !an be !han"ed
by usin" either enterin" the +alue on the keyad) by usin" the u and
do(n keys or by rotatin" the tunin" knob.
9n 8D9 &ode you !an also use the Auto .earin" %et %yste& BA.%%C to
auto&ati!ally set the A.% to the !urrent VA0 radial you are on. To use
A.%% ress N$O N2 TAO (hile usin" the TA fla" or ress N$O N5 $0A#O
(hile usin" the $0A# fla".
3ote> 7ou !annot !han"e the fre@uen!y in 8D9 &ode. %ele!t DVA0
&ode Bress N$O N1 DVA0OC to !han"e the fre@uen!y and then ress N$O
N/ 8D9O to return to 8D9 &ode.
9f there is not a +alid si"nal fro& the 3AV station then the bearin" (ill
dislay ?A$$?.
9f there is a +alid si"nal then the !ourse de+iation indi!ator B8D9C (ill be
dislayed in the lo(er ri"ht of the dislay.
?P? or ?Q? aears if your air!raft is off !ourse to the ri"ht or left rese!ti+ely. 4a!h arro( reresents
a t(o de"ree de+iation.
The to-fro& indi!ators indi!ate (hether the !ourse is based on a !ourse leadin" to or fro& the
VA0 station.
Press N$O N2 TAO to dislay the to fla".
Press N$O N5 $0A#O to dislay the fro& fla".
9f the si"nal is an 9F% lo!ali:er then ?FA8? (ill be dislayed as the bearin".
To e*it 8D9 &ode either ress N8F0O to return to $re@uen!y &ode or ress N$O N1 DVA0O to return
Ant's Airlanes 18
Drifter A-582 Pilot's Handbook Version 1.0
to DVA0 &ode.
Recalling -emory /hannels
There are ten &e&ory !hannels a+ailable (hi!h !an be used to store
often used fre@uen!ies.
1. Press N#0O to sele!t &e&ory &ode B# (ill be dislayed to the ri"ht of
the fre@uen!y dislayC
2. ;se the tunin" dial to sele!t the desired &e&ory !hannel or
;se the keyad B0 to ,C to sele!t the &e&ory !hannel or
;se the ;P and DA<3 keys to sele!t the &e&ory !hannel
5. Press N8F0O to return to fre@uen!y &ode.
Setting -emory /hannels
7ou !an ro"ra& fre@uen!ies into one of the ten !hannels.
1. Press N8F0O to e*it &e&ory &ode.
2. %et the desired 8A# or 3AV !hannel in $re@uen!y &ode or DVA0 &ode Bsee ?%ettin" a
fre@uen!y? se!tion abo+eC
5. Press N$O N#0 #<O then ?#? in the dislay blinks
/. Press one of the keyad buttons B0-,C
5. ?#? (ill sto blinkin" and the &e&ory !hannel (ill be dislayed on the ri"ht hand side of the
dislay. The radio (ill no( be in &e&ory &ode.
3ote > #e&ory !hannels (ill not be sa+ed as art of a sa+ed fli"ht. #e&ory !hannels (ill also not
be sa+ed if you restart $%'. To sa+e !han"es to &e&ory !hannels er&anently use the Drifter
%etu Pro"ra&.
Ant's Airlanes 1,
Drifter A-582 Pilot's Handbook Version 1.0
8perating the 2.S
This air!raft features an A+&a 46P 9V 1P% to assist (ith na+i"ation. This unit has a lar"e dislay
/80*800 i*el !olour dislay. This is not a !o&lete si&ulation of the real (orld 1P% unit and
&any fun!tions are not (orkin". Ho(e+er) it does do retty &u!h the sa&e fun!tions as the default
1ar&in 1P% units and (ith the lar"er s!reen is !aable of dislayin" &ore infor&ation.
F6I27T SI- 58T1
This si&ulation of the 1P% uses the base !ode of the $%' 1P% and is
therefore subEe!t to the li&itations of that !ode.
The 1P% is to the ri"ht of the !entre !onsole in the +irtual !o!kit.
The 1P% is also a+ailable as a 2D ou. Press %hiftL2 to sho( the 1P% unit.
;sin" the Drifter %etu Pro"ra& you !an set (hether the 1P% unit and it's &ountin" bra!ket (ill
be dislayed in the +irtual !o!kit (hen the air!raft is loaded in $%'. ;sin" the Ani&ation #ana"er
2D ou you !an sho( or hide the 1P% unit for the !urrent fli"ht. .y not dislayin" the 1P% unit
in the +irtual !o!kit you &ay sa+e a fe( re!ious fra&es er se!ond. 4+en if you hide the 1P% in
the +irtual !o!kit you !an still dislay the 1P% as a 2D ou.
Turn on the 1P% by !li!kin" on the Po(er button on the to left of the unit.
Turn off the 1P% by ri"ht !li!kin" on the Po(er button.
0efer to the ?46P 1P% ;ser 1uide.df? for a full e*lanation on ho( to use the 1P% unit.
Ant's Airlanes 20
Drifter A-582 Pilot's Handbook Version 1.0
#nimation -anager
The Ani&ation #ana"er is a 2D o u s!reen (hi!h you sele!t by ressin" %hiftL5. 7ou !an use
the ani&ation &ana"er to sho( or hide +arious arts of the air!raft.
The Ani&ation #ana"er (ill also sho( the air!raft's !urrent (ei"ht) fuel J and !entre of "ra+ity.
To !lose the Ani&ation #ana"er !li!k on the ' in the to left of the dislay.
F6I27T SI- 58T1
Any settin"s you &ake in the Ani&ation #ana"er (ill only aly for the
!urrent fli"ht. These settin"s (ill not be sa+ed as art of a sa+ed fli"ht. To
&ake er&anent settin" !han"es use the standalone %etu Pro"ra&
3ote> Alyin" the (heel !ho!ks (ill set the
arkin" brake. 0e&o+in" the (heel !ho!ks (ill
release the arkin" brake. 0eleasin" the
arkin" brake by usin" a key !o&&and or by
tain" the brakes (ill hide the (heel !ho!ks.
Ho(e+er) alyin" the arkin" brake by a key
!o&&and (ill not aly the (heel !ho!ks.
The real air!raft that the Drifter (as &odelled
on does not a!tually ha+e a arkin" brake
Balthou"h &any Drifter's do ha+e onC. Therefore)
there is no arkin" brake le+er in the !o!kit.
$or the !on+enien!e of fli"htsi& ilots you !an
still aly the arkin" brake usin" key
Ant's Airlanes 21
Drifter A-582 Pilot's Handbook Version 1.0
Drifter Setup .rogram
The Drifter %etu ro"ra& is a standalone ro"ra& that allo(s the user to set so&e referen!es
for the Drifter. 3ote that you !an still fly the Drifter (ithout usin" the Drifter %etu ro"ra&.
The Drifter %etu Pro"ra& re@uires #i!rosoft .34T $ra&e(ork /.0 be installed on your syste&. 9t
also re@uires the 2010 Visual 8LL redistributable a!ka"e but 9 ha+e in!luded the ne!essary .dll
files so it shouldn't be ne!essary to install anythin" &ore.
T8 ST#RT T71 S1T9. .R82R#-
The installer should ha+e la!ed a link to the Drifter Setup ro"ra& on your
deskto or you !an !li!k on %tartI All Pro"ra&sI Ant's AirlanesI Drifter.
7ou !an use the Ani&ation #ana"er 2D ou in $%' to !han"e these settin"s (hile $%' is
runnin" but any !han"es you &ake (ith the Ani&ation #ana"er (ill not be sa+ed. 7ou should use
the %etu Pro"ra& to &ake er&anent !han"es to your settin"s.
The Drifter %etu Pro"ra& is installed into the ?Ants Drifter A-582? folder in your $%' syste&.
Please do not &o+e it fro& this lo!ation as it (ill no lon"er be able to load and sa+e the settin"s.
Do not re&o+e the floats folder as this (ill also !ause roble&s (ith the setu ro"ra& as it
a!!esses t(o files in that folder. A short!ut to the Drifter %etu Pro"ra& (ill ha+e been installed to
your deskto. $eel free to &o+e this short!ut to a &ore !on+enient lo!ation if you (ish.
<hen you first start the Drifter %etu Pro"ra& you should !li!k on the ?Foad resent settin"s?
button to load the e*istin" settin"s. A dialo" bo* (ill only aear if the %etu Pro"ra& had a
roble& (hen tryin" to load the settin"s. The %etu Pro"ra& (ill read the (ei"hts fro& the
air!raft.!f" file. All other settin"s (ill be read fro& PanelIA5821au"esIa582Rinitialise.*&l. To a+oid
!orrution of data 9 re!o&&end that you &ake no !han"es to this file or the N<491HT A3D
.AFA384O se!tion of the air!raft.!f" file.After &akin" !han"es !li!k on ?%a+e these settin"s? and
the %etu Pro"ra& (ill (rite the ne( settin"s to file and the !han"es (ill take effe!t the ne*t ti&e
you load $%'. A dialo" bo* (ill aear to tell you that the settin"s ha+e been sa+ed.?0eset to
default settin"s? (ill reset the settin"s to the ori"inal +alues (hen you first installed the Drifter.
Ant's Airlanes 22
Drifter A-582 Pilot's Handbook Version 1.0
There are four se!tions to the %etu Pro"ra&.
#ircraft 6oadup Settings
These settin"s !ontrol ho( the air!raft (ill be setu (hen it is first loaded. 7ou !an set if the ilot
and assen"er &odels (ill be +isible or not. 7ou !an also set the Drifter u so that the assen"er
(ill only load if the assen"er (ei"ht is "reater than :ero.
7ou !an set (hether the 1P% unit Bin!ludin" it's &ountin" bra!ketC (ill be dislayed in the +irtual
!o!kit. 3ot dislayin" the 1P% in the +irtual !o!kit (ill "i+e ba!k a fe( $P%. 7ou !an still dislay
the 1P% unit as a 2D ou in $%' if you (ish.
There are t(o !olu&ns (ith the left !olu&n bein" the settin"s for the floats +ersion of the Drifter
and the ri"ht !olu&n for the (heeled +ersion.
3ote that the Tie do(ns are not ani&ated in the $loats +ersion of the Drifter.
/old and Dark Settings
These settin"s (ill o+erride the nor&al Air!raft Foadu %ettin"s (hen the air!raft is loaded in a
!old and dark state.
8old and dark is defined as the air!raft bein" on the "round (ith the arkin" brake on and the
.attery and %tarter s(it!h is off. 9f these three !onditions are &et (hen the air!raft is first loaded
then it (ill be treated as ?!old and dark?.
There are t(o !olu&ns (ith the left !olu&n bein" the settin"s for the floats +ersion of the Drifter
and the ri"ht !olu&n for the (heeled +ersion.
.ayload and Fuel
7ou !an set the ilot) assen"er and ballast (ei"hts here. There are t(o !olu&ns) one for the
floats +ersion and one for the (heeled +ersion so you !an set the (ei"hts indeendently for ea!h
Ant's Airlanes 25
Drifter A-582 Pilot's Handbook Version 1.0
The fuel settin" !annot be sa+ed but is in!luded to hel (ith settin" the (ei"ht and balan!e. This
se!tion (ill !al!ulate the total :ero fuel (ei"ht and fuelled (ei"ht as (ell as dislayin" the !entre of
"ra+ity B8o1C osition relati+e to the &ean aerodyna&i! !hord B#A8C.
;nlike &any air!raft (here the ilot sits !lose to the !entre of "ra+ity B8o1C in the Drifter the ilot
sits (ell for(ard and his or her (ei"ht therefore has a si"nifi!ant effe!t on the 8o1 and the
handlin" of the air!raft. 9t is therefore so&eti&es ne!essary to add ballast to the air!raft to brin" it
into balan!e. The ilot (ei"ht should be bet(een 2, and ,2k". 9f the ilot (ei"hs less than 2,k"
then add front ballast to brin" the total (ei"ht u to 2,k". 9f the ilot (ei"hs &ore than ,2k" it &ay
be ne!essary to add rear ballast to re+ent the 8o1 fro& bein" too far for(ard.
The Sero $uel 8ondition and Total <ei"ht 8ondition should be bet(een 25 and 52 #A8
8li!k on ?%ho( (ei"hts as k"? to dislay the (ei"hts in kilo"ra&s rather than ounds.
Radio -emory /hannels
This allo(s you to set the #e&ory !hannels of the radio. There are 10 !hannels a+ailable to sa+e
you settin"s. 7ou !an !han"e these !hannels in $%' by usin" the radio but any !han"es you &ake
in $%' (ill not be sa+ed so you should use this se!tion to &ake er&anent settin"s. 9n addition
you !an set the radio to bee ea!h ti&e you ress a key on the radio. $or &ore details on ho( to
oerate the radio refer to ?Aeratin" the 0adio? se!tion on a"e 12.
3ote that the radio !hannels and bee settin"s are shared bet(een the (heeled and float
Ant's Airlanes 2/
Drifter A-582 Pilot's Handbook Version 1.0
.erformance and .rocedures
The follo(in" a"es !ontains infor&ation about the erfor&an!e and ro!edures for the Drifter.
This infor&ation has been adated fro& +arious real (orld Drifter fli"ht &anuals for use in $%' and
should therefore not be used for real (orld a+iation under any !ir!u&stan!es.
Speeds For 5ormal 8peration 3-T8(4
%hort !uts and the use of unuthorised ro!edures !ould lead to da&a"e to the
air!raft) en"ine failure) inEury to the ilot or assen"er) or to ersons or
roerty on the "round
Ta*iin" (alkin" a!e
Take off safety seed B#TA<C /,
Fift-off seed /5
8li&b -3or&al /5-50
8ruise -/800 to 5200 0P# 50-25
.est 1lide /5
Aroa!h -3or&al /8-50
De&onstrated !ross(ind 15
Turbulen!e enetration seed 20
The seeds abo+e are 9ndi!ated Airseeds. They are !al!ulated usin" the
&a*i&u& take off (ei"ht and &ay be used for lesser (ei"hts. To obtain
&a*i&u& erfor&an!e the !hars in %e!tion are to be used.
Ant's Airlanes 25
Drifter A-582 Pilot's Handbook Version 1.0
Stall Speeds
Air!raft <ei"ht> /00 k" 58 69A%
The stall is !on+ential (ith a sli"ht buffet i&&ediately rior to the stall.
Takeoff Distance
Take off distan!e at #TA< to 15& 5,5 &
under standard sea le+el !onditions
-a!imum Rate of /lim
0ate of !li&b at /, 69A% 512 f&
under standard sea le+el !onditions
/ruise .erformance
/800 - 5200 0P# 50 - 25 69A%
B%tandard 2.22>1 1ear 0edu!tion 0atioC
Still #ir Range
0ear and Au*iliary tank full 20 litres usable fuel
0an"e at !ruise o(er 220 3#
Bbased on fuel !onsu&tion of 15 litres er hourC
0ear and Au*iliary tank full 20 litres usable fuel
4nduran!e at !ruise o(er 2/0 &inutes
Bbased on fuel !onsu&tion of 15 litres er hourC
2lide .erformance
1lide 0atio 10>1 at 50 69A%
6anding Distance
/HH &etres
.oth landin" and take off distan!e &ust be in!reased by 20J for ea!h 1000ft the aerodro&e is
abo+e sea le+el.
Ant's Airlanes 22
Drifter A-582 Pilot's Handbook Version 1.0
5ormal .rocedures
F6I27T SI- 58T1
The follo(in" ro!edures ha+e been adated fro& the real (orld ro!edures
and &odified for use in $%'. They should not be used for real (orld a+iation.
.reflight Inspection /heck&6ist
Air!raft Position TA'9 PATH 8F4A0 93 $0A3T 3A 10AV4F R %TA34% - 4T8 8F4A0
.4H93D - 3A AP43 HA31A0% 4T8.
) /ockpit
%eats %48;04) 9$ $F7931 %AFA 43%;04 04A0 .4FT% $A%T434D
.allast 04#AV4DI93%TAFF4D A% 04D;904D
Pitot !o+er 04#AV4D A3D %TA<4D
.rakes T4%T4D
8ontrol lo!ks 04#AV4D A3D %TA<4D
8ontrols $;FF) $044 8A0048T #AV4#43T
Tri& $;FF) $044 8A0048T #AV4#43T) F4AV4 93 34;T0AF
0adio A$$
$uel @uantity %;$$98943T
9"nition 8he!k both A$$
0e&o+able e@ui. H4F#4T%) H4AD%4T% %TA<4D
$ 9ndercarriage
Fe"s 3AT .43T) ATTA8H PA93T %48;04
Tyre <4A0) 93$FAT9A3) 8044P
<heel %48;04
.rake asse&bly %48;04) PAD% $A0 <4A0
%at %48;04) .0A864T $044 $0A# 80A86931
+ (ings
Tie do(ns 04#AV4D A3D %TA<4D
<ires %48;09T7 A3D T43%9A3
8ontrol surfa!es $;FF) $044 8A0048T #AV4#43T
Push rods 3AT .43T
All surfa!es 3A D9%TA0T9A3) 3A %TA34 DA#A14
Da!ron !o+er 93%P48T $A.098 $A0 8A3D9T9A3
1a %eal V4F80A P0AP40F7 $A%T434D
Ant's Airlanes 2H
Drifter A-582 Pilot's Handbook Version 1.0
' 1ngine
Throttle 8A.F4 A3D 8HA64 $A0 %48;09T7 A3D %4AT931
8arburettor AF913#43T 8FA#P% $90#
8oilsI(irin" 8A3D9T9A3 A3D %48;09T7
%ark lu"s F4AD% 8A0048TF7 8A3348T4D A3D %48;04
4n"ine &ounts 8A3D9T9A3 A3D %48;09T7
4*haust syste& 8A3D9T9A3 A3D %48;09T7
8oolant 8H486 F4V4F) 8AP %48;04
% .ropeller
.lades %48;04 - 3A %TA34 DA#A14) 3986% A0 A.0A%9A3%
$lan"e %48;04 - .AFT% 93 PFA84
= Fuselage
%kin 3A D9%TA0T9A3 A0 .;86F931) 09V4T% T91HT
8ontrol rods 3A .;86F931) 1;9D4% $A0 %48;09T7
Tri& 8able 8A3D9T9A3
> 1mpennage
All surfa!es 3A D9%TA0T9A3) 3A %TA34 DA#A14
$in %48;09T7) <904% $A0 T43%9A3
Taillane %48;09T7
4le+ator .AFT%) P93%) 0931%) .AFF 43D%) %48;04) $;FF A3D $044
Da!ron !o+er 93%P48T $A.098 $A0 8A3D9T9A3
1a %eal V4F80A %48;04
0udder .AFT%) P93%) 0931%) .AFF 43D%) %48;04) $;FF A3D $044
Tri& tab %48;09T7 A3D $;38T9A3
Tail (heel ATTA8H PA93T TA $;%4FA14 8H4864D $A0 80A86931 A3D
Tyre <4A0) 93$FAT9A3 A3D 8044P
Do!u&entation 8A#PF4T4D
Prefli"ht 9nse!tion 8A#PF4T4D
.a""a"e and ballast FAAD4D A3D %48;04
Air!raft %;9TA.F4 PA%9T9A3
%eat belts ADT;%T4D
4le!tri!al e@ui&ent A$$
Ant's Airlanes 28
Drifter A-582 Pilot's Handbook Version 1.0
0adio A$$
Passen"er briefin" 8A#PF4T4D
/old 1ngine Starting /hecks
.rakes A3
#aster s(it!h A3
$uel %;$$98943T D;A3T9T7
Pri&e A% 04D;904D
Throttle %4T 8FA%4D
9"nition .ATH %4T TA A3
8he!k !lear 8F4A0 P0AP
%tarter 431A14
9dle 2200 0P#
F6I27T SI- 58T1
A !old en"ine &ust be ri&ed. Press the ri&er button on!e and the a&ber
li"ht (ill !o&e on for 2 se!onds. To en"a"e the %tarter ri"ht !li!k on the
#aster s(it!h
(arm 1ngine Starting /hecks
.rakes A3
#aster s(it!h A3
$uel %;$$98943T D;A3T9T7
Throttle %4T TA 10&& AP43
9"nition .ATH %4T TA A3
8he!k !lear 8F4A0 P0AP
%tarter 431A14
9dle 2200 0P#
#fter Start *efore Ta!iing
9dle 2200 0P# #939#;#
Volt&eter 8HA01931
0adio A3
Ta*i APP0AP09AT4 $04D;4387
.rakes T4%T4D
Ant's Airlanes 2,
Drifter A-582 Pilot's Handbook Version 1.0
0adio aids 8A0048T 93D98AT9A3%
9nstru&ents 8A0048T 93D98AT9A3%
8ontrol !olu&n PA%9T9A3 93 A88A0DA384 <9TH <IV
1ngine Run 9p
9dle 2200 0P#
%uitable area 3A 10AV4F - 8F4A0 .4H93D
Te&eratures <9TH93 0A314
0un u 50000P# 8H486 .0A64% HAFD931
9"nition 091HT-F4$T
B&a*i&u& allo(able dro /00r& and differential 200r&C
Volt&eter 8HA01931
Te&eratures <9TH93 0A314
9dle 2200 0P#
.re Takeoff
9dle 2200 0P#
Tri& %4T $A0 TA64 A$$
$uel %;$$98943T D;A3T9T7
9nstru&ents 8H4864D
%(it!hes 8H4864D
%eat belts %48;04
8ontrols $;FF - $044 - 8A0048T
.rakes 04F4A%4D
Po(er $;FF TH0ATTF4
Airseed /, 69A%
Throttle $;FF AP43
Altitude 80;9%4
Po(er 5000-5500 0P#
4le+ator tri& ADT;%T
Po(er A% 04D;904D $A0 %936 0AT4
Attitude A% 04D;904D $A0 A90%P44D
Tri& A% 04D;904D
.rakes P04%%;04 T4%T4D
Ant's Airlanes 50
Drifter A-582 Pilot's Handbook Version 1.0
$uel @uantity %;$$98943T
%eat belts %48;04
Airseed /, 69A%
/lose Down
Air!raft %;9TA.F4 PA%9T9A3
.rakes A3
9dle 2200 0P#
0adio A$$
9"nition 8H4864D
9"nition A$$
#aster s(it!h A$$
Air!raft se!urity T94 DA<3% A3D <H44F 8HA86% 93 PFA84
Do!u&entation $F91HT T9#4 048A0D4D
F6I27T SI- 58T1
The key (ill be auto&ati!ally re&o+ed fro& the #aster s(it!h (hen the
air!raft is tied do(n (ith the (heel !ho!ks in la!e and the #aster s(it!h
Ant's Airlanes 51
Drifter A-582 Pilot's Handbook Version 1.0
1mergency .rocedures
F6I27T SI- 58T1
The follo(in" ro!edures ha+e been adated fro& the real (orld ro!edures
and &odified for use in $%'. They should not be used for real (orld a+iation.
#irspeeds for emergency operations
.est 1lide /, knots
#anoeu+rin" seed 25 knots
Pre!autionary landin" (ith o(er /, knots
1ngine failure during takeoff roll
Throttle 9DF4
.rakes APPF7
9"nition s(it!h A$$
#aster s(it!h A$$
1ngine failure during flight
Initial actions
$uel u& A3
%eed T09# /, 69A%
$ield %4F48T4D
<IV FA3D931 D9048T9A3
1000 fr area sele!ted D4%843T PFA3
Troule check
Throttle 4'4089%4D - %4T 20##
9"nition F4$T - 091HT - .ATH
Te&eraturesIressures 8H4864D
9f roeller stoed 647 TA %TA0T
-ayday & if engine restart fails
0adio #A7DA7 8AFF
Transonder Bif fittedC HH00 %D;A<6 9D43T
4&er"en!y lo!ator Bif fittedC A8T9VAT4D
Ant's Airlanes 52
Drifter A-582 Pilot's Handbook Version 1.0
.assenger *rief
/lose down checks
9"nition s(it!hes A$$
#aster s(it!h A$$
Harnesses T91HT
6and TA9F FA<
/ancel mayday call if landing is successful
.artial engine failure during flight
<hen an en"ine is runnin" rou"hly) has lost o(er) or sho(s other si"ns of artial failure and the
!ause !annot be identified and !orre!ted it has to be assu&ed that the en"ine !an) (ithout further
(arnin") fail !o&letely.
If suitale area for a landing
Throttle 8FA%4D
Airseed /, 69A%
1lide aroa!h 4%TA.F9%H
0adio PA3 or #A7DA7 8AFF
Fandin" TA9F FA<
If are not suitale for a landing
%afe altitude 8F9#.
%afe landin" area FA8AT4
3otify intentions PA3 8AFF
(hen suitale area located
0adio PA%9T9A3 A3D 93T43T9A3%
Throttle 8FA%4D
Airseed /, 69A%
1lide aroa!h 4%TA.F9%H
Fandin" TA9F FA<
8an!el &ayday !all if landin" is su!!essful.
1ngine fire during start on ground
8rankin" 8A3T93;4
If engine starts
Po(er 2200 0P# Bfor a fe( &inutesC
4n"ine %H;TDA<3 Binse!t for da&a"eC
If engine fails to start
Throttle $;FF7 AP43
Ant's Airlanes 55
Drifter A-582 Pilot's Handbook Version 1.0
8rankin" 8A3T93;4
#aster s(it!h A$$
9"nition s(it!h A$$
$ire e*tin"uisher FA8AT4 Boerate as ne!essaryC
1ngine fire during flight
Throttle $;FF7 AP43
9"nition s(it!h A$$
4&er"en!y des!ent 80 69A%
0adio #A7DA7 8AFF
#aster s(it!h A$$
$or!ed landin" 4'48;T4
1lectrical fire during flight
#aster s(it!h A$$
A+ioni!s A$$
%(it!hes Be*!et i"nitionC AFF A$$
1mergency landing without engine power
Airseed /, 69A%
9"nition s(it!hes A$$
#aster s(it!h A$$
Tou!hdo(n TA9F FA<
.rakes APPF7 H4AV9F7
.recautionary landing with engine power
Airseed /, 69A%
%ele!t field %HAP4) %9S4) %;0$A84) %FAP4) %;00A;3D%
A+ioni!s A$$
#aster s(it!h A$$
Tou!hdo(n TA9F FA<
9"nition s(it!h A$$
.rakes APPF7 H4AV9F7
Ant's Airlanes 5/
Drifter A-582 Pilot's Handbook Version 1.0
0adio #A7DA7
Hea+e loose obEe!ts %48;04
Hi"h (inds) hea+y seas 93TA <93D
Fi"ht (inds) hea+y s(ells PA0AFF4F TA %<4FF%
Po(er Bif a+ailableC 4%TA.F9%H 500$TI#93
Aroa!h /, 69A%
Tou!hdo(n TA9F FA<
Air!raft 4VA8;AT4
Fife Ea!kets and rafts 93$FAT4
6anding with a flat tyre
Aroa!h 3A0#AF
<ind D9048T9A3IV4FA89T7
Tou!hdo(n TH044 PA93T
6anding without ele"ator control
Aroa!h FA31 $93AF
Tri&I#ini&u& o(er /, 69A%
At flare hei"ht T09# ATT9T;D4 F4V4F
Tou!hdo(n PA<40 TA 9DF4
Ignition causing rough running or misfiring
9dentify faulty i"nition 8H486 F4$T A3D 091HT
9"nition s(it!hes 04T;03 .ATH TA A3
Po(er VA07 TA ATT4#PT %#AATH40 AP40AT9A3
9"nition %4F48T 1AAD 9139T9A3
A!tion P0A844D TA 34A04%T A90$94FD
Spark plug fouling or reakdown
9dentify if faulty i"nition 8H486 F4$T A3D 091HT
9"nition s(it!hes 04T;03 .ATH TA A3
Po(er VA07 TA ATT4#PT %#AATH40 AP40AT9A3
9"nition %4F48T 1AAD 9139T9A3
A!tion P0A844D TA 34A04%T A90$94FD
Ant's Airlanes 55
Drifter A-582 Pilot's Handbook Version 1.0
Inad"ertent flight in icing conditions
$li"ht ath D9V40T
9nstru&ents #A39TA0
4n"ine 0P# 8A3%9D40 93804A%4
9!e a!!retion !ontinues FA3D
%hould airfra&e i!in" !onditions be en!ountered the fli"ht should i&&ediately be di+erted to and
area (here i!in" !onditions are less robable. 9n!reasin" 0P# &ay hel re+ent i!e a!!retion on
the roeller. 9f i!e a!!retion !ontinues lan to land. Preferably the landin" should take la!e at an
airfield or other suitable area.
Reco"ery from unintentional spin
Throttle 8FA%4D
Ailerons 34;T0AF
0udder $;FF APPA%9T4
8ontrol !olu&n $A0<A0D
(hen rotation has stopped
0udder 843T0AF9%4
1ase out of resultant di"e
Reco"ery from spiral di"e
Throttle 8FA%4D
<in"s F4V4F
8ontrol !olu&n 8A;T9A;% .A86 P04%%;04
The differen!e bet(een a sin and a siral di+e is that the siral di+e is not a stalled &anoeu+re
and therefore the airseed (ill be in!reasin".
Restarting engine if propeller rotating
1lide seed /, 69A%
Throttle 20 && AP43
Restarting engine if propeller stopped
1lide seed /, 69A%
Throttle 10 && AP43
%tarter s(it!h TA %TA0T
9f en"ine fails to start !arry out for!ed landin" ro!edure.
Ant's Airlanes 52
Drifter A-582 Pilot's Handbook Version 1.0
/reating Repaints
9t is beyond the s!oe of this &anual to dis!uss ho( to !reate your o(n reaints. 9f you are
interested in reaintin" the Drifter lease e&ail &e at suort=antsairlanes.!o& and 9 (ill
ro+ide you (ith the do(nload link for the aintkit. The aintkit in!ludes hotosho files (ith
searate layers. The files !an be oened by &ost ro"ra&s that oen hotosho files. $eel free to
uload any reaints you !reate to fli"ht si& libraries.
F#Qs and :nown Issues
(hy won?t the engine start@
Don't for"et to ri&e the en"ine before startin". A !old en"ine (ill not start unless you ress the
ri&er s(it!h before startin".
The Drifter Setup .rogram crashes
The Drifter %etu Pro"ra& re@uires t(o #i!rosoft !o&onents to be installed on your syste& to
(ork roerly>
- #i!rosoft .34T $ra&e(ork /.0
- #i!rosoft Visual 8LL 2010 0edistributable
The .34T should be installed on your syste& if it is fully at!hed but the Visual 8LL a!ka"e &ay
not be.
9 ha+e in!luded the ne!essary files fro& the Visual 8LL 2010 redistributable a!ka"e Byes) 9 a&
allo(ed to redistribute the filesC in the Drifter %etu Pro"ra& folder so there shouldn't be any need
to install the full redistributable a!ka"e.
3ote that the Drifter in $%' doesn't need the Drifter %etu Pro"ra& and (ill (ork Eust fine (ithout
it. Please !onta!t &e at (((.antsairlanes.!o& if you are ha+in" any roble&s (ith the Drifter
%etu Pro"ra& !rashin".
The Drifter Setup .rogram says it can?t load or sa"e files
The Drifter %etu Pro"ra& reads and (rites to four files (hen sa+in" and loadin" settin"s. 9f any of
these files are &issin" then it (ill !ause roble&s. The files are in the $%'I%i&obEe!tIAirlanes>
Ants Drifter A-582Iair!raft.!f"
Ants Drifter A-582IanelIa582"au"esIa582Rinitialise.*&l
Ants Drifter A-582 $loatsIair!raft.!f"
Ants Drifter A-582 $loatsIanelIa582"au"esIa582Rinitialise.*&l
9f you ha+e re&o+ed the $loats folder Berhas be!ause you don't fly the floats +ersionC then this
(ill &ean you ha+e also re&o+ed t(o of the files that the Drifter %etu Pro"ra& (rites to and this
(ill !ause roble&s. 0eturn the $loats folder to the $%' Airlanes folder.
The Drifter %etu Pro"ra& only edits the stationRload (ei"hts in the N<491HTRA3DR.AFA384O
se!tion of the air!raft.!f" files. 7ou should a+oid &akin" !han"es to this se!tion of the air!raft.!f"
(hat are the differences etween the full "ersion and the demo@
The de&o +ersion is a+ailable for free (hile the full +ersion (ill !ost you so&e &oney Bnot &u!h
thou"hC. The de&o +ersion uses Eust the floats &odel so you !an only land on (ater. The full
+ersion in!ludes both the floats &odel and the (heeled &odel. The de&o +ersion uses the default
Ant's Airlanes 5H
Drifter A-582 Pilot's Handbook Version 1.0
Trike soundset (hile the full +ersion has a !o&lete !usto& sound a!ka"e re!orded fro& 25-/55.
The de&o +ersion uses the default 1ar&in 2,5 1P% (hile the full +ersion has a !usto& &ade 46P
9V 1P%. The do!u&entation and Drifter %etu ro"ra& for both +ersions are e*a!tly the sa&e
B(hi!h is (hy the tutorial is based on the floats +ersionC.
(hy are there no rain effects on the windscreen@
An the %ierra 9 !reated rain effe!ts but on the Drifter 9 didn't. There are a nu&ber of reasons for this
but the &ain one is the fra&erate i&a!t. The Drifter has @uite a fe( &ore oly"ons than the
%ierra and lea+in" out the rain effe!ts hels redu!e the nu&ber of oly"ons. %e!ondly) as the
(inds!reen isn't a!tually in the ilot's line of si"ht 9 !onsidered the la!k of rain effe!ts (ould be less
noti!eable. $inally) (hat are you doin" flyin" in the rainK 7ou (ouldn't fly a real Drifter in the rain.
The ilot (ould "et (et and the en"ine ele!tri!s (ouldn't like it all that &u!h either.
7ow do I uninstall the Drifter@
0un the uninstall ro"ra&. This !an be found in the <indo(s %tart &enuIAll Pro"ra&sIAnt's
AirlanesIDrifter or in the $%' folder under the title ;ninstall Ants Drifter.e*e
Installing the Full "ersion o"er the demo@
9n an ideal (orld you should uninstall the de&o +ersion before installin" the full +ersion. 0un the
uninstall ro"ra& in the <indo(s %tart &enuIAll Pro"ra&sIAnt's AirlanesIDrifter. Ho(e+er) 9 ha+e
set the filena&es u so that) in theory) you should be able to install the full +ersion strai"ht o+er the
to of the de&o.
(hy does the float model o up and down a lot when on the water@
%hort ans(er) 9 don't kno(. Fon" ans(er) it see&s Bas far as 9 !an tellC that the a&ount that an $%'
air!raft (ill bob u and do(n (hen arked on the (ater is not able to be !ontrolled by the
de+eloer. As the Drifter is su!h a s&all air!raft the bobbin" is &u!h &ore noti!eable. 9f anyone
kno(s (hat ara&eter !ontrols the bobbin" u and do(n then lease let &e kno(.
7ow do the fuel tanks work@
The Drifter is fitted (ith t(o fuel tanks) the belly tank Bin $%' it is referred to as ?8entre?C and the
to tank B?8entre2? in $%'C. These t(o tanks are inter!onne!ted and effe!ti+ely oerate as one
lar"e tank (ith the to tank "ra+ity feedin" into the belly tank. The fuel u& e*tra!ts fuel fro& the
belly tank. 9n the real air!raft fillin" the to tank the fuel (ould drain into the belly tank until that is
full and then !ontinue to fill the to tank.
3o() 9 !ould ha+e &ade treated both tanks as one lar"e tank in $%' but 9 felt that for a &ore
a!!urate distribution of (ei"ht 9 should treat the& as t(o searate tanks. ;nfortunately $%'
doesn't allo( the fuel fro& the to tank to drain into the belly tank so (hen you fuel the air!raft you
should fill the belly tank B?8entre?C to 100J first before addin" any fuel to the to tank B?8entre2?C.
$ortunately $%' (ill use the fuel in the to tank first before usin" the fuel in the belly tank (hi!h is
effe!ti+ely ho( the real air!raft beha+es Balthou"h) in the real air!raft the fuel is bein" taken fro&
the belly tank and the to tank is drainin" into the belly tank to rela!e the used fuelC.
Installed Files
The follo(in" files are installed by this a!ka"e. 3o default files are altered or deleted by this
#i!rosoft $li"ht %i&ulator 'U4ffe!ts
Ant's Airlanes 58
Drifter A-582 Pilot's Handbook Version 1.0
#i!rosoft $li"ht %i&ulator 'U%i&AbEe!tsUAirlanes
Ants Drifter A-582 Ball files and folders (ithinC
Ants Drifter A-582 $loats Ball files and folders (ithinC
#i!rosoft $li"ht %i&ulator 'U;ninstall Ants Drifter.e*e Bthe uninstall ro"ra&C
%hort!uts to the Drifter Pilot's Handbook) 1P% #anual and Tutorial fli"ht are la!ed on your
deskto. These do!u&ents are lo!ated in the Ants Drifter A-582IDo!u&ents folder
A short!ut to the Drifter %etu ro"ra& is la!ed on your deskto. This ro"ra& is lo!ated in the
Ants Drifter A-582IDrifter %etu Pro"ra& folder
Ant's Airlanes is added to your %tart &enu. 7ou !an a!!ess the do!u&entation as (ell as the
uninstall ro"ra& fro& here.
#odelin") sounds) te*tures) fli"ht dyna&i!s) &anuals by #nthony 6ynch; Visit &y (ebsite at
(((.antsairlanes.!o& to do(nload so&e free s!enery. 7ou !an also do(nload &y free Ti"er
#oth or buy the %ierra Fi"htsort Air!raft.
Thanks to Da"id Tonks for ro+idin" a!!ess to his Drifter air!raft (hi!h this &odel is based uon.
Testin" by> Da"id TonksA .atrick -artinA (olter "an der SpoelA :en 7allA 5ick BohnsonA
TerrileTA TreeTopsA powCC))
Thanks to Da"e 5une< for $%D%*T(eak.
Thanks to :lot< :arl&7ein< for Air!raft Airfile #ana"er.
This soft(are is rote!ted by !oyri"ht la(s and !annot be !oied) duli!ated) resold or
redistributed either (holly or in art. The end user !an Band is en!oura"ed toC &ake ba!ku !oies
for ersonal use.
The author de!lines any resonsibility for da&a"es or loss !aused by usin" this soft(are.
All trade&arks and brand na&es are trade&arks and brand na&es of their rese!ti+e o(ners and
their use herein does not reresent or i&ly endorse&ent by the trade&ark holders.
This soft(are is desi"ned for entertain&ent uroses and should not be used for a+iation trainin".
All ri"hts reser+ed. 8oyri"ht 2011 Anthony Fyn!h I Ant's Airlanes.
Ant's Airlanes 5,

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