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By Ahmad Rawi
The writer can be contacted at
The Forensic As"ects o# Electronic E$idence % A &ritical St'dy on the Pro$isions Relatin! to
Electronic E$idence 'nder the Malaysian E$idence Act ()*+ and its Ade,'acy in Ens'rin! That
Only Forensically So'nd E$idence is Admissible in Trial.
Forensic -#rom the Latin word forensis meanin! .on or be#ore the #or'm/ has been de#ined as the
science o# e0aminin! e$idence and drawin! concl'sions #or "resentations in a co'rt o# law
technolo!y e$ol$ed- so does the locus and tools #or the commission o# crimes. The ad$ent o# the
technolo!ical constr'ct 1nown as cybers"ace has shi#ted the "lace o# the commission o# the
crime #rom the real world to the conce"t'al world which e0ists only in the h'man 2com"'ter
'sers3 mind tho'!h "hysically re"resented by the com"'ter screen in #ront o# them. 4ith the
ad$ent o# internet and com"'ter technolo!ies- another niche is car$ed in the #orensic disci"line-
in$ariably 1nown as .com"'ter #orensic/ and .di!ital #orensic/.
has s'ccinctly de#ined com"'ter #orensic as .the "rocess o# identi#yin!- "reser$in!-
analy7in! and "resentin! di!ital e$idence in a manner that is le!ally acce"table/. Accordin! to
Zeidman,B., The Software IP Detective's Handbook: eas!rement, "om#arison and
Infrin$ement Detection %Pearson &d!cation Inc 'S( )*11+, P.,1,
c-emmish,..,/0hat is 1orensic "om#!tin$/,%1222+ 113 Australian Institute of
Criminology: Trends and Issues In Crime and Criminal Justice,on4ine,accessed on )* (#ri4
)*11, avai4ab4e at htt#:55www.aic.$ov.a!5doc!ments525"5(567B2"(,1(&38&(DB8,BB18232,8
- com"'ter #orensic is 9The 'se o# scienti#ically deri$ed and "ro$en methods towards the
"reser$ation- collection- $alidation- identi#ication- analysis- inter"retation- doc'mentation and
"resentation o# di!ital e$idence deri$ed #rom di!ital so'rces #or the "'r"ose o# #acilitatin! or
#'rtherin! the reconstr'ctions o# e$ents #o'nd to be criminal- or hel"in! to antici"ate
'na'thori7ed actions shown to be disr'"ti$e to "lanned o"erations:.
The other terms in$ariably 'sed interchan!eably with com"'ter #orensic is di!ital #orensic
<ones and =alli
ha$e com"iled a n'mber o# de#initions o# di!ital #orensic as #ollow%
(3 Any in#ormation o# "robati$e $al'e that is either stored or transmitted in binary #orm
2this is one o# the earliest de#inition comin! #rom the res"ectable Scienti#ic 4or1in!
>ro'" #or Di!ital E$idence3.
63 Di!ital #orensic is the collection- "reser$ation- analysis and co'rt "resentation o# di!ital
related e$idence.
83 Di!ital #orensic is the a""lication o# science and en!ineerin! to the le!al "roblem o#
di!ital e$idence. ?t is a synthesis o# science and law.
;3 Di!ital #orensic is the disci"line that combines elements o# law and di!ital science to
collect and analy7e data #rom di!ital systems- networ1s- wireless comm'nications- and
stora!e de$ices in a way that is admissible as e$idence in a co'rt o# law.
As can be seen #rom the last de#inition com"'ter #orensic or di!ital #orensic is a dynamic
disci"line constantly e$ol$in! to catch '" with the ad$ance in ?n#ormation and
Telecomm'nication Technolo!ies 2?&T3.For e0am"le- a s'b@niche disci"line that !rew o't o#
Pa4mer,;,/( .oad a# for Di$ita4 1orensic .esearch/, in : The 1irst Di$ita4 1orensic
.esearch 0orksho# %)**1+ cited in <in,=."., S4a>,?. and <in,I.<,/"om#!ter 1orensic and
"!4t!re/, in =an$,".". et. a4 %eds.) Intelligence and security informatics: IEEE ISI 2008
international wors!o"s "roceedings %S#rin$er ;erman> )**3+ #.)2*.
c-emmish,..,/0hen is Di$ita4 &vidence 1orensica44> So!nd@/, in : .a>, I. A
Shenoi, S.%eds.+ (dvances in Di$ita4 1orensic IB %S#rin$er Cew =ork )**3+ #.:
?ones,(. A Ba44i,"., #uilding a $igital %orensic &a'oratory: Esta'lis!ing and (anaging a
Successful %acility,%&4sevier Inc. 'S( )**2+,#.7.
com"'ter #orensic is networ1 #orensic which has its own s"eci#ic de#inition. Aetwor1 #orensic
has been de#ined by the Di!ital Forensic Research 4or1sho" as .the 'se o# scienti#ically "ro$en
techni,'es to collect- #'se- identi#y- e0amine- correlate- analy7e and doc'ment di!ital e$idence
#rom m'lti"le- acti$ely "rocessin! and transmittin! di!ital so'rces #or the "'r"ose o# 'nco$erin!
#acts related to the "lanned intent- or meas'red s'ccess o# 'na'thori7ed acti$ities meant to
disr'"t- corr'"t and or com"romise system com"onents as well as "ro$idin! in#ormation to assist
in res"onse to or reco$er #rom these acti$ities/
?t has been ar!'ed that the birth o# com"'ter #orensic or di!ital #orensic as a disci"line was d'e
to the need to "ro$ide technical sol'tions to le!al "roblems- the technical sol'tions o##ered by the
disci"line bein! the methodolo!y o# e0traction o# electronicCdi!ital data by "rocesses that ens're
that s'ch e0tracts is le!ally acce"table as e$idence
- or in other words- it is #orensically so'nd.
By #orensically so'nd- it is meant that the #orensic "rocess is done with two clear obEecti$es
(. The ac,'isition and s'bse,'ent analysis o# electronic data has been 'nderta1en with all
d'e re!ard to "reser$in! the data in the state in which it was #irst disco$ered.
6. The #orensic "rocess does not in any way diminish the e$identiary $al'e o# the electronic
data thro'!h technical- "roced'ral or inter"reti$e errors.
?n line with the ad$ent in ?&T technolo!ies- the Malaysian E$idence Act ()*+ was amended to
co"e with the com"le0ities bro'!ht abo't by s'ch technolo!ical ad$ancement. B't ,'estions
lin!er whether the Malaysian E$idence Act ()*+ "ro$ides ade,'ate mechanisms and sa#e!'ards
to ens're that in the conte0t o# electronic or di!ital e$idence- only #orensically so'nd electronic
or di!ital e$idence is admissible in trial. ?n $iew o# this- it is s'bmitted that- i# needs be- a
thoro'!h re$ision o# the "ro$isions relatin! to admissibility o# electronic e$idence m'st be done
to ens're that the basic ri!hts o# the acc'sed in cases which in$ol$es electronicCdi!ital e$idences
is not $iolated and to "re$ent ab'se o# "ower by the "rosec'tion and in$esti!ation a'thority.
.eddin$,S.,/'sin$ Peer8to8Peer Techno4o$> for Cetwork 1orensic/, in : Po44itt,. A Shenoi,S.
%eds.+ Ad)ances in digital forensic %S#rin$er 'S( )**3+,#.1,:.
Cote , at #.,
Cote , at #.9
This research attem"ts to answer the #ollowin! two ,'estions% 4hether the "ro$isions relatin! to
electronicCcom"'ter e$idence in the Malaysian E$idence Act ()*+ "ro$ides sa#e!'ard
mechanisms to ens're that only electronicCdi!ital e$idence which is #orensically so'nd will be
admissible. Secondly- i# the #indin! to ,'estion one is in the ne!ati$e- what meas'res is
necessary to be introd'ced into the E$idence Act to #ill in this !a".
The "'r"ose o# this research is to critically analy7e to what e0tent the "ro$isions relatin! to
electronic e$idence in the Malaysian E$idence Act ()*+ is ade,'ate in ens'rin! only
.#orensically so'nd e$idence/ is admissible in trial. A"art #rom that- this research will also
com"arati$ely analy7e the said "ro$isions with the "ractice o# electronic e$idence handlin! as
#o'nd in other E'risdiction- #or e0am"le- 'nder the ?ndian E$idence Act- (FD6. Finally- i# the
o'tcome o# the research "oints to the concl'sion that the rele$ant "ro$isions in the Malaysian
E$idence Act- ()*+ need to be re$am"ed- this research see1s to recommendC"ro"ose a
com"rehensi$e le!islati$e amendment to the said Act which shall address the
loo"holesCinade,'aciesC!a"s #o'nd in the said Act.
The s'bEect matter o# this research is the "ro$isions relatin! to electronic e$idence in the
Malaysian E$idence Act ()*+. &om"arison will be made with the act'al "ractice in electronic
e$idence handlin! as #o'nd in other E'risdiction- #or e0am"le- in ?ndia as "ro$ided 'nder the
?ndian E$idence Act- (FD6. This research howe$er- will mainly #oc's on the tenderin! o#
electronic e$idence in criminal trial.
This research will also loo1 into how the &riminal Proced're &ode and other di!ital law
le!islations e.!. &om"'ter &rimes Act ())D com"lements the e$idence Act in res"ect o# ens'rin!
only .#orensically so'nd e$idence/ is admissible in trial. St'dy which "'t an enacted "iece o#
le!islation as its core s'bEect matter is in$ariably #aced with the ris1 that its s'bEect matters is
liable to be amended by the Parliament midway d'rin! the st'dy. Sho'ld this thin! ha""ens- the
direction o# this research will need to be re@"lanned accordin!ly.
This research is "ro"osed to be carried o't by em"loyin! a #'lly ,'alitati$e a""roach in order to
analy7e the stat's ,'o in electronicCdi!ital e$idence #orensic "ractice in Malaysia and also the
stat's ,'o in the rele$ant le!islation 2The Malaysian E$idence Act ()*+3.Towards this end- both
"rimary data and secondary data will be collected to be analy7ed. Accordin! to Patton
- 'sin!
more than one data collection or trian!'lation a""roach "ermits the e$al'ator to combine
stren!ths and correct some o# the de#iciencies o# any one so'rce o# data and th's increase the
stren!th and ri!o'r o# an e$al'ation.
Primary data o# this research will be obtained thro'!h semi@str'ct'red inter$iews with
sta1eholders in the criminal E'stice system in Malaysia e.!. lawyers- "rosec'tors- E'd!es- "olice-
rele$ant o##icers #rom the Attorney >eneral &hambers and also #rom sta1eholders in the #ield o#
?&T s'ch as M?MOS- Malaysian &omm'nications and M'ltimedia &ommission 2M&M&3 and
Ministry o# Science- Technolo!y and ?nno$ation 2MOST?3 es"ecially o##icers #rom one o# its
a!ency- &yberSec'rity Malaysia. Secondary data will be collected thro'!h content analysis
method where the researcher will ded'ct and analy7e data #rom $ario's materials s'ch as boo1s
and Eo'rnals which relate with the iss'e o# electronicCdi!italCcom"'ter e$idence and e$idence law
in !eneral.
?t is ho"ed that the #indin!s o# this research will add '" to the cor"'s o# literat're on
electronicCdi!italCcom"'ter e$idence and e$idence law in !eneral. F'rther- it is ho"ed that the
#indin!s o# this research on the electronicCdi!italCcom"'ter #orensic "ractice wo'ld "ro$ide
1nowled!e on the best "ractice in handlin! electronicCdi!italCcom"'ter e$idence. Lastly- it is
ho"ed that the #indin!s o# this research will "ro$ide 'se#'l assistance to "olicy ma1ers in #ine@
Patton, .E.,*ow To use +ualitati)e met!ods in e)aluation %S(;& P!b4ications Inc.
"a4ifornia 1237+,#.9*.
t'nin! the rele$ant law- "olicies and !'idelines on the handlin! o# electronicCdi!italCcom"'ter
e$idence in Malaysia.
&om"'ter #orensic or di!ital #orensic is the "rocess o# identi#yin!- "reser$in!- analy7in! and
"reser$in! di!ital e$idence in a manner that is le!ally acce"table
. Di!ital or electronic e$idence
re,'ires a com"letely di##erent set o# tools and e0"ertise to analy7e
. Accordin! to Mc5emmish-
com"'ter #orensic or di!ital #orensic encom"asses #o'r 1ey elements namely- the identi#ication
o# di!ital e$idence- the "reser$ation o# di!ital e$idence- the analysis o# di!ital e$idence and the
"resentation o# the di!ital e$idence to the co'rt o# law. Each ste" is critical as any anomaly may
ha$e bearin! on the le!al acce"tability o# the e$idence
. ?n the Malaysian conte0t- a com"'ter
#orensic or di!ital #orensic best "ractice #ramewor1 2called Di!ital ?n$esti!ation Model 2D?M33
has been "'t #orward by Per'mal
26++)3 which is b'ilt '"on other D?Ms b't im"ro$ed in term
o# "reser$ation o# the #ra!ile e$idence and on data ac,'isition "rocess.

Ra"id "ro!ress in the #ield o# ?&T "oses new challen!e #or the criminal E'stice system. A new
ty"e o# e$idence- namely electronicCdi!italCcom"'ter e$idence has emer!ed which necessitate
res"onds in the le!islation to co"e with the com"le0ities bro'!ht abo't by the same. The
E$idence Act ()*+ c'rrently do away with Best E$idence R'le as 'nder the Act the content
2incl'din! di!ital content3 o# doc'ment 2the term which also encom"ass matri0 holdin! any
di!ital content3 may be "ro$ed by "rimary e$idence 2the ori!inals3 and also secondary e$idence
2the co"ies3. The ease with which di!ital items 2e.!. doc'ments- di!ital "hoto!ra"h etc3 can be
altered by 'sin! commercially a$ailable so#tware 2e.!. Adobe Photosho"3 necessitates a
rethin1in! o# some o# the "rinci"les in the E$idence Act ()*+. This sit'ation 2the ease o#
com"romisin! di!ital e$idence3 may- when wron!ly admissible as e$idence- "reE'dice the
acc'sed/s de#ence #'rther. D'e to the s"eci#ic nat're o# the electronic di!ital e$idence- an
introd'ction o# a new act i.e. Electronic E$idence Act is not too #ar#etched. This has been done in
Cote ) at #.1
Dathan,B.,1itF$era4d,S.,;ottscha4k,<.,<i!,?. A Stein,.%)**D+ "om#!ter forensic #ro$rams in
hi$her ed!cation: ( #re4iminar> st!d> in Stander,(. A ?ohnston,-.%)**7+T!e need for and
contents of a course in forensic information system , com"uter science at t!e uni)ersity of
Ca"e Town, , Iss!es in Informin$ Science and Information Techno4o$>,#.99
Cote ) at #.18#.)
Per!ma4,S., Di$ita4 1orensic ode4 Based Gn a4a>sian Investi$ation Process, IJCS-S
International Journal of Com"uter Science and -etwor Security, BG<.2 Co.3, (!$!st )**2
avai4ab4e at "a"'oo/200208/20020803."df
at least one E'risdiction i.e. the &anadian "ro$ince o# Prince Edward ?sland/s Electronic E$idence
As a concl'sion- it is s'bmitted that a le!islati$e #ramewor1 2whether new or amended $ersion o#
c'rrently a$ailable le!islation3 which "ro$ide !'idelines as to the handlin! o# electronic e$idence
will "ro$e to be a .win@win/ sit'ation #or those in$ol$ed in the criminal E'stice system in
Dathan-B.-Fit7!erald-S.->ottschal1-L.-Li'-<. G Stein-M.26++*3 &om"'ter #orensic "ro!rams in
hi!her ed'cation% A "reliminary st'dy in Stander-A. G <ohnston-5.26++D3The need for and
contents of a course in forensic information system & computer science at the university of Cape
Town- ; ?ss'es in ?n#ormin! Science and ?n#ormation Technolo!y-".BB
<ones-A. G =alli-&.- Building a Digital Forensic Laboratory: Establishing and anaging a
!uccessful Facility-2Else$ier ?nc. HSA 6++)3-".D.
Mc5emmish-R.-:4hen is Di!ital E$idence Forensically So'ndI:- in % Ray- ?. G Shenoi- S.2eds.3
Ad$ances in Di!ital Forensic ?= 2S"rin!er Aew Jor1 6++F3 ".8
Mc5emmish-R.-:4hat is Forensic &om"'tin!:-2()))3 ((F "ustralian #nstitute of Criminology:
Trends and #ssues #n Crime and Criminal $ustice-online-accessed on 6+ A"ril 6+((- a$ailable at
Palmer->-:A Road Ma" #or Di!ital Forensic Research:- in % The First Di!ital Forensic Research
4or1sho" 26++(3 cited in Lin-J.&.- Slay-<. and Lin-?.L-:&om"'ter Forensic and &'lt're:- in
Jan!-&.&. et. al 2eds%& #ntelligence and security informatics: #EEE #!# '(() international
wor*shops proceedings 2S"rin!er >ermany 6++F3 ".6)+.
Patton- M.L.-+ow To use ,ualitative methods in evaluation 2SA>E P'blications ?nc. &ali#ornia
(vai4ab4e from www.go).""df/e40516."df
Per'mal-S.- Di!ital Forensic Model Based On Malaysian ?n$esti!ation Process- #$C!-!
#nternational $ournal of Computer !cience and -etwor* !ecurity- =OL.) Ao.F- A'!'st 6++)
a$ailable at paper%i.csns%org/(01boo*/'((2()/'((2()(3%pdf
Reddin!-S.-:Hsin! Peer@to@Peer Technolo!y #or Aetwor1 Forensic:- in % Pollitt-M. G Shenoi-S.
2eds.3 "dvances in digital forensic 2S"rin!er HSA 6++F3-".(;8.
Meidman-B.- The So#tware ?P Detecti$eNs Handboo1% Meas'rement- &om"arison and
?n#rin!ement Detection 2Pearson Ed'cation ?nc HSA 6+((3- P.;(;

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