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Job Description

Role Title: Phlebotomist (BANK)

Band/Grade: Band 2
Responsible to: Phlebotomy Supervisor
Accountable to: Network Phlebotomy Manager
Job Summary:
Perorm phlebotomy and other duties within the laboratory supporting other sta within the team
whilst providing optimum patient !are"
Main duties and Responsibilities:
1. #esponsible or the !olle!tion o blood samples rom inpatients$ outpatients$ !lini!s$ %P
surgeries and homes o patients as spe!iied by the supervisor"
2. #esponsible or the sae disposal o !ontaminated materials$ in!luding sharps"
. &ndertake re!eption duties$ to wel!ome and advise patients and sta as re'uired by
!. (o sort and identiy spe!imens re!eived"
". &ndertake preparation o samples or testing using separation te!hni'ues su!h as
!entriugation and tapping o"
#. #esponsible or the tra!king and re!ording o samples to ensure that relevant inormation is
available or the supervisor"
$. #esponsible or monitoring and replenishing o medi!al sto!k"
%. &ndertake agreed !lini!al and non !lini!al tasks ollowing training$ ensuring reerral to
appropriate trained sta as re'uired"
&. Support less e)perien!ed members o sta in their orientation to the department and role"
1'. (o parti!ipate in appraisals and personal reviews and to work to a!hieve personal ob*e!tives"
11. (o parti!ipate in the provision o a ull and !omprehensive phlebotomy servi!e as re'uired"
12. (o assist with the provision o high 'uality servi!e or sta and patients"
1. Promote and monitor adheren!e to +ealth and Saety and (rust poli!y designed to prote!t
health!are sta and servi!e users rom known ha,ards"
1!. (o undertake su!h duties as shall be pres!ribed by the Network Phlebotomy Manager in
a!!ordan!e with this grade o post"
(ontractual Responsibilities:
(he postholder must maintain !onidentiality$ se!urity and integrity o inormation relating
to patients$ sta and other +eath Servi!e business"
+ealth and Saety
All sta must be amiliar with the (rust +ealth and Saety Poli!y$ in!luding a thorough
understanding o personal responsibilities or maintaining own health and saety and
#isk Management
All sta need a basi! working knowledge o risk management to enable them to parti!ipate
in identii!ation and !ontrol o all business risks that they en!ounter in their area o work"
.'ual and /iversity
.veryone has the opportunity to be treated with dignity and respe!t at work and has a
!lear responsibility to !omply with the detail and the spirit o the /ignity at 0ork Poli!y"
1ne!tion -ontrol and Prevention
(he (rust is !ommitted to minimising any risks o health!are asso!iated ine!tion to
patients$ visitors and sta" All employees are re'uired to be amiliar with and !omply with
1ne!tion Prevention and -ontrol poli!ies relevant to their area o work"
Saeguarding 2ulnerable Adults and -hildren
(he (rust is !ommitted to ensuring the saeguarding o vulnerable adults and !hildren in
our !are" All employees are re'uired to be amiliar with their responsibilities in this area
and to raise any !on!erns as appropriate
-onli!t o 1nterest
(he (rust is responsible or ensuring that the servi!e provided or patients in its !are meets
the highest possible standard" .'ually$ the trust is responsible or ensuring that sta do
not abuse their oi!ial position or personal gain or to beneit their amily or riends" (he
(rust3s Standing 4inan!ial 1nstru!tions re'uire any oi!er to de!lare any interest$ dire!t or
indire!t$ with !ontra!t involving the (rust" Sta are not allowed to urther their private
interests in the !ourse o their N+S duties"
0orking (ime #egulations
(he 50orking (ime #egulations 6778 re'uire that you should not work more than an
average o 98 hours in ea!h working week" 4or e)ample$ in a 2: week period you should
work no more than 6298 hours" .mployees may !hoose to opt out by providing written
notii!ation as appropriate"
T)e abo*e duties and responsibilities are intended to represent current priorities
and are not meant to be an e+)austi*e list. T)e post )older may ,rom time to time
be as-ed to underta-e ot)er reasonable duties and responsibilities. Any c)
/ill be made in discussion /it) t)e post )older accordin. to ser*ice needs.
0erson Speci,ication
Job Title: 0)lebotomist (Bank)
1ssential (riteria Desirable 2e*el Met)od o,
Basi! numera!y and
litera!y 'ualii!ations
N2; level 2 in <aboratory
and Asso!iated A!tivities or
prepared to work towards
- = A4 = 1= (
.)perien!e o working in a
!ustomer a!ing
Previous laboratory
N+S e)perien!e
A4 = 1
Knowledge o N+S systems A4 = 1
S-ills 5
Patient o!used
Basi! 1( skills
Ability to work
!ooperatively within a
%ood !ommuni!ation and
interpersonal skills
Ability to work under
Motivated and enthusiasti!
Able to demonstrate
attention to detail
4le)ibility in working hours
A4 = 1
A4> Appli!ation 4orm
-> Pre?.mployment -he!k
1> 1nterview
P> Presentation
(> (est"

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