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Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization www.iiste.

ISSN 2224-24! "Pa#er$ ISSN 2224-2%& "'nline$
(ol.2), 2!*4

Application of Presumption of Innocence in Nigeria: Bedrock of
Justice or Refuge for Felons

Jacob ,biodun -ada, Ll.. "/on$0 ..L0 Ll.10 P2.-.
,ssociate Professor 'f Law 3 ,g. /ead, Pri4ate Law, 5aculty 'f Law, 6ni4ersity 'f 7alabar, 7alabar

8ugene ,. '#ara, Ll.. "/ons$, ..L., ..Sc. "/ons$, 1. Sc.
1anaging Partner, -ada, '9ey, '#ara 3 7o, Liberation 72a:bers, & .arrac9s ;oad, 7alabar

<2is article e=a:ines t2e :eaning, contents and legal fra:ewor9 of #resu:#tion of innocence w2ic2 in our
world of #lurality, di4ersity and interde#endence, is globally recognised and celebrated as a bedroc9 of >ustice.
.y t2is #resu:#tion an accused is to be #resu:ed innocent of t2e offence for w2ic2 2e is standing trial, 2is
notoriety, cri:inal antecedent and t2e gra4ity of t2e offence w2ic2 2e is accused of being irrele4ant. <2is #a#er
de:onstrates t2at t2e a##lication of t2is ot2erwise laudable #resu:#tion in Nigeria, es#ecially in relation to
Politically 8=#osed Persons, ?P8Ps@, 2as been e=#loited and abused, suc2 t2at it is now a s2ield for cri:inality
and license for i:#unity. It argues and reco::ends t2at as #art of t2e efforts to curb t2e cancerous #lague,
called corru#tion, t2e burden of #roof s2ould be #laced on t2ose accused of corru#tion.
Justice is not a one way traffic. Justice is not e4en only a two-way traffic.
It is really a t2ree way traffic - >ustice for t2e a##ellant accused of a
2einous cri:es of :urder, >ustice for t2e 4icti:, t2e :urdered :an, t2e
deceased, Aw2ose blood is crying to 2ea4en for 4engeanceB and finally
>ustice for t2e society at large - t2e society w2ose nor:s and 4alues 2ad
been desecrated and bro9en by t2e 7ri:inal ,ct co:#lained of - '#uta
JS7 "as 2e t2en was$.

<2ere are a nu:ber of constitutional
and statutory #ro4isions
in Nigeria designed to guarantee fair trial

of any
#erson accused of co::itting any cri:e. Section + of t2e Nigerian *&&& 7onstitution w2ic2 guarantees t2e
non-derogable rig2t to fair 2earing #ro4ides inter alia t2at, C84ery #erson w2o is c2arged wit2 a cri:inal offence
s2all be #resu:ed to be innocent until 2e is #ro4ed guiltyD
<o bolster and energize t2is constitutional guarantee, sub-section + of t2e sa:e section enu:erates ot2er rig2ts
w2ic2 an accused #erson is entitled to as followsE
i$ <o be infor:ed #ro:#tly in t2e language t2at 2e understands and in detail of t2e nature t2e offence.
ii$ <o be gi4en adeFuate ti:e and facilities for t2e #re#aration of 2is defence.
iii$ <o defend 2i:self in #erson or by legal #ractitioners of 2is own c2oice.
i4$ <o e=a:ine in #erson, or by 2is legal #ractitioners t2e witness called by t2e #ersecution0 and to
field witnesses to testify on 2is be2alf0
4$ <o 2a4e, wit2out #ay:ent, t2e assistance of an inter#reter if 2e cannot understand t2e language
used at t2e trial of t2e offence.
In furt2er #ro:otion and #rotection of t2e interest of an accused, section + ")$ #ro4ides t2at0
No person shall be held to be guilty of a criminal offence on
account of any act or omission that did not at the time it took place,
constitute such an offence, and no penalty shall be imposed for any
criminal offence heavier than the penalty in force at the time the
offence was committed.

,lso, co:#ulsion to gi4e e4idence is una:biguously #ro2ibited.
So:e of t2ese rig2ts are also restated in t2e

-ada, can be reac2ed at odundada* or
8ugene, can be reac2ed at
Notably, t2e #ro4isions of section + are designed to guarantee fair trial by e:bodying t2e :ini:u: standards of >ustice
reFuired in t2e cri:inal >ustice syste:.
<2e 7ri:inal Procedure ,ct and t2e Panel 7ode ,ct for instance :a9e co#ious #ro4isions on arrest, detention, bail,
arraign:ent and trial ai:ed at #rotecting and accused #erson.

5air trial is used to connote fair 2earing, a #rinci#le w2ic2 enca#sulates t2e dual :a=i:, audi alteram partem "2ear bot2
sides$ and nemo Judex in causa sua "no one can be a >udge in 2is own trial$.
Section + "**$ *&&& 7onstitution of Nigeria "as a:ended$.
Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization
ISSN 2224-24! "Pa#er$ ISSN 2224-2%& "'nline$
(ol.2), 2!*4

two #rocedural #enal statutes in Nigeria H t2e 7ri:inal Procedure ,ct
and t2e 7ri:inal Procedure 7ode.

5ro: t2e abo4e, t2erefore, it is de:onstrably clear t2at an accused #erson en>oys enor:ous rig2ts,
#ri4ileges and liberties in t2e deter:ination of 2is cul#ability or ot2erwise, in res#ect of t2e offence for w2ic2 2e
is c2arged.
'f all t2e constitutional and statutory rig2ts w2ic2 an accused #erson is guaranteed, t2e #resu:#tion of
innocence is of #rofound i:#ortance because of its far reac2ing i:#lications. In ac9nowledge:ent, endorse:ent
and celebration of t2is #resu:#tion, it 2as been described as a Csacred #rinci#leD

t2e bedroc9 #rinci#le of

cri:inal >ustice syste:s t2e world o4er for generations,D
and Cas one of t2e :ost i:#ortant and fa:iliar
:a=i:s in cri:inal law.D
It 2as also been described asE Ca basic co:#onent of a fair trial,
undoubted law,
a=io:atic and at t2e 4ery foundationD of t2e cri:inal >ustice syste:.
<o de:onstrate t2e funda:ental c2aracter
of t2e #resu:#tion, it 2as also been said t2at it is not a :ere for:ality but of t2e :ost i:#ortant substanceD.
>ustices Stewart, .re:an, and 1ars2ell0 CNo #rinci#le is :ore fir:ly establis2ed in our syste: of cri:inal
>ustice t2an t2e #resu:#tion of innocence accorded to t2e defendant in e4ery cri:inal trialD

<2is salutary rule, in2erited fro: t2e 8nglis2 co::on law 2as also been described as t2e Cfoundation
of a fair trialD,
Cone golden t2read t2at is always to be seen t2roug2out t2e web of 8nglis2 cri:inal lawD
and a
c2eris2ed rig2tD and funda:ental #rinci#leD

.y t2is #resu:#tion, t2e burden of #roof
is in4ariably on t2e #rosecution0 and funda:entally, until t2e accused
#erson is con4icted, 2is legal rig2ts and #ri4ileges re:ain intact. Indeed, 2e does not suffer any for: of legal
5ro: t2e abo4e descri#tion, it beco:es Fuite e4ident t2at t2is #resu:#tion, w2ic2 is one of t2e
ingrediential rig2ts to fair 2earing, 2as global a##eal. <2us, it is guaranteed in :a>or international 2u:an rig2ts
instru:ents and #racticed in :any >udicial syste:s o#erating t2e accusatorial as distinct fro: inFuisitorial
cri:inal syste: of >ustice. Indeed, it 2as been said t2at t2e #resu:#tion is so i:#ortant in :odern de:ocracies,
constitutional :onarc2ies, and re#ublics t2at :any 2a4e e=#licitly included it in t2eir legal codes and

Notwit2standing, t2e global a##eal and acce#tance of t2is conce#t in our world of #lurality and
di4ersity, t2e #ractical a##lication of t2is #resu:#tion in Nigeria, w2ere cri:inality and i:#unity see: to 2a4e
been ent2roned, need critical e=a:ination.
It is, wit2out doubt, t2e a##lication of t2is #resu:#tion w2ic2 2as gi4en rise to a situation w2ere a large
ar:y of dubious c2aracters #o#ulate t2e Nigerian #olitical s#ace. <2is scenario is al:ost #eculiar to Nigeria
because in t2is country, our #olitics and #olitical syste:s are unarguably, de4oid of :orality, decency, ci4ility,
trans#arency and accountability. J2ile w2at obtains in ad4anced tec2nologies and de:ocracies, re4eals t2at a
#olitical or #ublic office 2older w2o is accused of co::itting a cri:e will eit2er 4oluntarily resign or abort 2is
#olitical or carrier as#iration and >ustice is duly ad:inistered wit2out regard for #osition or influence, in Nigeria,
t2is is not t2e case. ;at2er, #ersons accused of gra4e cri:es, li9e :urder, e:bezzle:ent of #ublic funds etc0
#ractically suffer no serious legal disability or :oral burden to truncate t2eir social, econo:ic or #olitical
as#irations. 'n #olitical as#iration, t2ey are eligible to contest elections and be no:inated into any office. Indeed,
it is a co::on 9nowledge t2at so:e #oliticians accused of serious cri:es #o#ulate our #olitical and #ublic s#ace,
2olding sensiti4e offices.
Jit2out doubt, w2en suc2 tainted c2aracters en>oy all t2e #ri4ileges and rig2ts
guaranteed under t2e law wit2out legal in2ibition of any 9ind, t2ey are furt2er #ri4ileged to ad:inister #ublic

See, e.g sections.-
See, e.g sections.-

Judge ;eta Strut2ar, in Flores v Oklahoma *&&% '9 7; * "'9la 7ri: ,## *&&%. See also, 7ornell uni4ersity Law Sc2ool,
legal infor:ation institute at 8duKwe=K#resu:#tion of innocence$.
offin v !nited "tates *%+ 6.S 42, 4%: "*)&%$.
#steller v $illiam 42% 6S. %!* at %! "*&I+$
offin v !nited "tates *%+ 6.S42 at 4% "*)&%$
www.road.uscourts.go4.... #a/4cfo.2t:
%eutucky v $harton 44* 4s.I)+ at I&! "*&I&$
7.'. '9on9wo, C<2e Nigerian Penal Syste: in t2e Lig2t of t2e ,frican 72arter of /u:an and Peo#lesB ;ig2tsD, in ,.6.
Lalu and M. 'sinba>o "eds$ &erspectives on 'uman (ights, LagosE 5ederal 1inistry of Justice Law ;e4iew Series, 4ol. *2 at
"*&%$ ,.7. 4+2 at 4)*.
.ob .a=t, CJ2y t2e Presu:#tion of Innocence 1ust .e ;etained ,t ,ll 7ostD,
funda:ental-#rinci#le of -englis2.
<2e legal obligation to con4ince an ad>udicating tribunal eit2er on #re#onderance of e4idence in ci4il trials or beyond
reasonable doubt in cri:inal cases.
Ji9i#edia, en.:.wi9i#edia.orgKwi9iK#resu:#tion-of-innoncence.
1any of t2e: are eit2er in t2e National ,sse:bly or are ser4ing as :inisters or go4ernors.
Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization
ISSN 2224-24! "Pa#er$ ISSN 2224-2%& "'nline$
(ol.2), 2!*4

funds and #robably, #er#etrate t2e sa:e cri:e of e:bezzle:ent of #ublic funds. <2is sad s#ectacle calls to
Fuestion t2e desirability of t2e continued retention of t2is #resu:#tion in our #enal syste:.
<2e #ri:ary burden of t2is #a#er, t2erefore, is a critical e=a:ination of t2is #resu:#tion. <2e Fuestion
w2ic2 will be carefully interrogated isE J2et2er, in 4iew of t2e c2aracteristic and see:ingly irre4ersible delay in
cri:inal >ustice ad:inistration in Nigeria, cou#led wit2 t2e #roble: of corru#tion, t2e continued retention of t2is
#resu:#tion is desirable or e=#edient. In interrogating t2is issue, it is #ro#osed, first, to e=a:ine t2e :eaning of
t2is #resu:#tion. In #art II, our attention will be focused on t2e e=a:ination of t2e legal fra:ewor9 for t2is
#resu:#tion. Part III will critically =-ray t2e a##lication of t2is #resu:#tion in Nigeria w2ile t2e concluding #art
will #ro4ide an agenda for refor:.

Presumption of innocence: Meaning and ontents.
Presu:#tion of innocence 2as been defined as Ca #rinci#le w2ic2 reFuires t2e go4ern:ent to #ro4e t2e
guilt of a cri:inal defendant and relie4es t2e defendant of any burden to #ro4e 2is or 2er innocence.D
to .lac9Bs Law -ictionary
, #resu:#tion of innocence is t2e funda:ental cri:inal law #rinci#le t2at a #erson
:ay not be con4icted of a cri:e unless t2e go4ern:ent #ro4es guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, wit2out any
burden #laced on t2e accused to #ro4e innocence.D
,n elaborate definition of t2is #resu:#tion was gi4en in t2e old but 2ig2ly celebrate case of offin v
as followsE
Presu:#tion of innocence is a conclusion drawn by t2e law in
fa4our of t2e citizen, by 4irtue w2ereof, w2en broug2t to trial u#on
a cri:inal c2arge, 2e :ust be acFuitted, unless 2e is #ro4en to be
guilty. In ot2er words, t2is #resu:#tion is an instru:ent of #roof
created by t2e law in fa4our of one accused, w2ereby 2is innocence
is establis2ed until sufficient e4idence is introduced to o4erco:e
t2e #roof w2ic2 t2e law 2as created. <2is #resu:#tion, on t2e one
2and, su##le:ented by any ot2er e4idence 2e :ay adduce, and t2e
e4idence against 2i:, on t2e ot2er, constitute t2e ele:ents, fro:
w2ic2 t2e legal ele:ent is drawn.
In e=#laining t2is #resu:#tion, Jills
obser4ed t2atE
In t2e in4estigation and esti:ate of cri:inatory e4idence, t2ere is
an antecedent, prima facie #resu:#tion in fa4our of t2e innocence
of t2e #arty accused, grounded in reason and >ustice not less t2an in
2u:anity, and recognised in t2e >udicial #ractice of all ci4ilized
nations, w2ic2 #resu:#tion :ust #re4ail until it be destroyed by
suc2 an o4er#owering a:ount of legal e4idence of guilt as is
calculated to #roduce t2e o##osite belief.
.y t2is #resu:#tion t2erefore, no :atter t2e gra4ity of t2e offence or notoriety of t2e accused, 2e is not
to be #resu:ed guilty. ,ccording to t2e 6. S. Su#re:e 7ourt in +aylor () %entucky,
t2e #resu:#tion of
innocence of a cri:inal offender is best described as an assu:#tion of innocence t2at is indulged in t2e absence
of contrary e4idence. /owe4er, it is not considered e4idence of t2e defendantBs innocence, and it does not
reFuire t2at a :andatory inference fa4ourable to t2e defendant be drawn fro: any facts in e4idence.

J2ile constructing t2is constitutional #resu:#tion, t2e 7ourt of ,##eal 2eld inter alia t2at t2e
#resu:#tion does not i:#ly an e=e:#tion of an alleged wrongdoer fro: #rosecution. ,t only implies that in a
criminal trial, the burden of disposing the fact that an accused is innocent is on the accuser)
<wo i:#ortant co:#onents of t2is #resu:#tion are t2atE
i$ an accused 2as t2e rig2t to re:ain silent and not offer a word in rebuttal or refutation of cri:inal
liability in res#ect of t2e allegation against 2i:0
ii$ t2e burden of #roof is on t2e #rosecution to establis2, t2e cul#ability of t2e accused. <2is is
e=#ressed in t2e latin :a=i:, #i incumbit probation -ui dicit, uon -ui negat.
Put differently, t2e

Legal -ictionary t2e*)word
.lac9Bs law -ictionary

*%+ 6S 42 "*)&%$
Jills on circu:stantial 84idence.
*! S.7t. *I% L.8d. 2d **! "2!!&$
See, 1.<. Gwangndi 3 S.1. <agi, <2e ;ig2t to Silence in Nigeria, Nasarawa State 6ni4ersity Law Journal, 4ol. 4 "*$ 2!**
at *%%-*++.
89wenugo 4 5.;.N. "2!!*$+ NJL; "#t I!)$*I*.
Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization
ISSN 2224-24! "Pa#er$ ISSN 2224-2%& "'nline$
(ol.2), 2!*4

#resu:#tion ser4es to e:#2asize t2at t2e #rosecution 2as t2e obligation to #ro4e eac2 ele:ent of
t2e offence beyond reasonable doubtD.

<2e #resu:#tion ser4es to e:#2asize t2at t2e #rosecution 2as t2e obligation to #ro4e eac2 ele:ent of t2e
offence beyond reasonable doubt.

7onseFuently, if t2e burden of #roof is wrongly #laced on t2e accused, it would lead to t2e re4ersal of 2is
con4iction on a##eal.

<2e #2iloso#2y be2ind t2is #resu:#tion was brilliantly but succinctly ca#tured by a learned aut2or as
No man can be called guilty before a .udge has sentenced him, nor can
society deprive him of public protection before it has been decided that
he has in fact violated the conditions under which such protection has
accorded him)

In ot2er words, a #erson s2ould not be #resu:ed guilty on t2e Cbasis of :ere accusationD
7o::enting on t2e i:#ortance of t2is #resu:#tion it 2as been succinctly stated t2at Cit allows for an unbiased
trial and #re4ents t2e #unis2:ent of #eo#le for cri:e t2ey did not co::it.D

<o 4alidate, energise, and gi4e concrete e=#ression to t2is #resu:#tion, our courts 2a4e establis2ed t2e
following #rinci#les w2ic2 :ay be s#otlig2ted wit2out a:#lification.
i) <2at e4ery doubt :ust be resol4ed in fa4our of an accused #erson and t2at if at t2e close of t2e case of
t2e #rosecution, a prima facie case is not establis2ed against t2e accused, t2e court is under an obligation to
disc2arge and acFuit 2i:0

ii) <2at t2e :ere fact t2at an accused is telling lies does not affect t2e duty of t2e #rosecution to #ro4e
beyond reasonable doubt0 t2e allegation against t2e accused0
iii) Sus#icion, no :atter 2ow strong does not a:ount to #roof beyond reasonable doubt and cannot ground
a con4iction.

Indeed, a sc2olar, Jillia: Laufer un2esitatingly asserted t2atE
<2e #ri4ilege against self-incri:ination, t2e rig2t to silence, t2e
disco4ery rule, e4en t2e rig2ts to counsel and to confront oneBs
accusers all rest on, and are Creflections of, t2e #resu:#tion of

T!e International and "omestic #egal Frame$ork -
<o de:onstrate t2e global recognition and endorse:ent of t2is #resu:#tion, it is considered i:#erati4e
to set out t2e rele4ant #ro4isions w2ic2 guarantee t2is rig2t. <2e 6ni4ersal -eclaration of /u:an ;ig2ts blazed
t2e trail w2en it #ro4ides in ,rticle **"*$ as followsE
#veryone charged with the penal offence has the right to be
presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public
trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for defence)
In co:#arable words wit2 t2e 6ni4ersal -eclaration of /u:an ;ig2ts, t2e rig2ts to #resu:#tion of innocence is
also guaranteed in ,rticles *4"2$ of t2e International 7o4enant on 7i4il and Political ;ig2ts as followsE

#veryone charged with a criminal offence shall have the right to
be presumed innocence until proved guilty according to lawD.
,t t2e regional le4el, attention :ay be draw to t2e #ro4ision of ,rticle of t2e ,frican 72arter on
/u:an and Peo#lesB ;ig2ts w2ic2 state t2atE
"a$ 84ery indi4idual s2all 2a4e t2e rig2t to 2a4e 2is case 2eard. <2is co:#risesE

7... 1ueller 3 Laird 7. Lir9#atric9, 84idence, 4
edE ,s#en Jolters 9luwer, "2!!&$*-*4.
.ecaria on 7ri:es and Punis2:ents, translated by /enry Paolucci, "*&+$ New Mor9, 72a#ter Pll at ! cited by cited by

( v 0asil (anger 1awrence "*&2$** JL; + at I.

.ecaria on 7ri:es and Punis2:ents, translated by /enry Paulucci, "*&+$ New Mor9, 72a#ter Pll at ! cited by ,deye:i.
,.,. ,deye:i, 7ri:inal Justice ,d:inistration in Nigeria in t2e 7onte=t, of t2e ,frican 72arter on /u:an and Peo#lesB
;ig2ts, Lalu 3 'sinba>o, '#. cit. at *2).
Nwosu 4 State "*&)%$4 NJL; "Pt %$ 4)0 Jegede 4 State "2!!*$ I S.7.N.J *%.
Nwosu v "tate, Su#ra
,ko v +he "tate "2!!*$I S7NJ )2 at 4!I
Jillia: Laufer, <2e ;2etoric of Innocence, I! J,S/.L. ;8(0 2& at -4"*&&%$.
Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization
ISSN 2224-24! "Pa#er$ ISSN 2224-2%& "'nline$
(ol.2), 2!*4

"b$ <2e rig2t to be #resu:ed innocent until #ro4ed guilty by a co:#etent court or tribunal.

Per2a#s to de:onstrate t2e i:#ortance and funda:ental c2aracter of #resu:#tion of innocence, it is
uneFui4ocally guaranteed in :any national constitutions as it is in :any international 2u:an rig2ts instru:entsEB
5ocusing attention on Nigeria, t2e *&&& 7onstitution guarantees t2e rig2t in t2e following wordsE
#very person who is charged with a criminal offence shall be
presumed to be innocent until he is proved guilty) +he proviso to
the section relates that) Nothing in this section shall invalidate
any law by reason only that the law imposes upon any such person,
the burden of proving particular facts)
Instructi4ely, t2is #ro4ision is not no4el in Nigerian constitutional 2istory as si:ilar #ro4ision was
:ade in t2e Inde#endence 7onstitution of *&+!,
;e#ublican 7onstitution of *&+

and Second ;e#ublic

7onstitution of *&I&.

<2e 84idence ,ct, in see:ing a:#lification of t2is constitutional #resu:#tion, #ro4ided in section *2
t2at Ct2e burden of #roof in a suit or #roceeding lies on t2at #erson w2o would fail if no e4idence at all were
gi4en on eit2er side.D 5urt2er, section *%"2$ in fir:ly #lacing t2e burden of #roof in cri:inal cases on t2e
#rosecution #ro4ides t2at0
+he burden of proving that any person has been guilty of a crime
or wrongful act is, sub.ect to section 2*3 of this 4ct, on the person
who asserts it, whether the commission of such act is or is not
directly in issue in the action)

'ur courts and t2ose of ot2er >urisdictions 2a4e been uneFui4ocal in t2eir endorse:ent and a##lication
of t2is #resu:#tion. In 1aoye v +he state,
t2e Su#re:e 7ourt, in gi4ing concrete e=#ression to t2is #resu:#tion
2eld inter alia0 t2atE
$e operate a system which presumed a man innocent until he is
proved guilty7 to do otherwise will constitute an unwanted attack
on our system of criminal .ustice)
5urt2er co::enting on t2is #resu:#tion, t2e Su#re:e 7ourt in t2e case of 4deni.i 8 "tate
succinctly stated t2at
Ct2e ob>ect of t2e constitution is to safeguard t2e interest and fair trials of t2ose arraigned before t2e court.D
Si:ilarly, in ,be:iako v ommissioner of &olice
it was obser4ed w2ile co::enting on t2is #resu:#tion t2at0
C<2e #ro4ision ens2rines a #rinci#les w2ic2 2as always been
obser4ed in courts, and w2ic2 is succinctly enunciated in
$oolington v the <irector of &ublic &rosecution "*&%$D ,7 +2 at
4)* w2ere Lord San9ey said as follows0 t2roug2out t2e web of
8nglis2 law one golden t2read is always to be seen, t2at is, t2e duty
of t2e #rosecution to #ro4e t2e #risonerBs guilt.
7ourts outside Nigeria 2a4e also gi4en concrete e=#ression to t2is rig2t. In ondron v !nited %ingdom,
inter#reting t2e #ro4ision of ,rticle + of t2e 8uro#ean 7on4ention on /u:an ;ig2ts, t2e 8uro#ean 7ourt
affir:ed t2at t2e rig2t to silence lay at t2e 2eart of t2e notion of a fair #rocedure and t2at #articular caution was
reFuired before a do:estic court in4o9ed an accusedBs silence against 2i:. It was, t2erefore, 2eld t2at t2ere was
a 4iolation of ,rticle + w2en t2e trial >udge ga4e a direction to t2e >ury w2ic2 :ig2t 2a4e left t2e: at liberty to
draw an ad4erse inference fro: t2e a##licantBs silence des#ite t2e #lausibility of t2e a##licantBs e=#lanation for
2is silence.
In =ilnilli v "wit:erland,
t2e #ro4ision of ,rticle +"2$ of t2e 8uro#ean 7on4ention on /u:an ;ig2t
ca:e u# for consideration. In t2at case, a do:estic court awarded cost against t2e a##licant on t2e basis t2at 2ad
it not been for a li:itation #eriod barring action against 2i:, a co:#liant would 4ery #robably 2a4e led to 2is
con4iction because a si:ilar clai: against anot2er #erson 2ad been sustained. <2e do:estic court 2ad satisfied
itself of t2e a##licantBs guilt wit2out t2e a##licant recei4ing t2e benefit of t2e guarantee. ,ccordingly, it was

,rticle +"2$ of t2e 8uro#ean con4ention for t2e Protection of /u:an ;ig2ts and 5unda:ental 5reedo: and ,rticle )"2$ of
t2e ,:erican 7on4ention on /u:an ;ig2ts also guarantee t2e rig2t to #resu:#tion o f innocence.
- Section 22"4$

- Section ?%@
- Section + ?%@
?"ection 2*3 to which reference is made provides for exceptional instances where an accused
has evidential burden of proof@)
"*&&%$ LNJL; "Pt *!$ )2.
?A>>2@ N$1( ?pt9*>@ *95
"*&+$ ,ll NL; +* at +
?A>>2@ *2 #'((,
"*&)$ % 8/;; %%4
Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization
ISSN 2224-24! "Pa#er$ ISSN 2224-2%& "'nline$
(ol.2), 2!*4

2eld t2at t2ere 2as been a 4iolation of t2is #resu:#tion. ,lso, in +assar 'ussain v !nited %ingdom
do:estic >udge in refusing t2e a##licantBs a##lication for cost after 2is acFuittal as a result of t2e absence of t2e
#rosecution witness, obser4ed t2at t2e a##licant was guilty of t2e offence c2arged owing to t2e o4erw2el:ing
e4idence against 2i:. <2e 8uro#ean 7ourt 2eld t2at t2is state:ent was a 4iolation of t2e a##licantBs rig2t to be
#resu:ed innocent until t2e contrary is #ro4ed.

Part III
A ritical Appraisal of t!e Application of t!e Presumption in Nigeria%
Jit2out doubt, #resu:#tion of innocence is a well t2oug2t out legal conce#t and it is arguably,
#referable to t2e :iddle age Ger:anic syste: w2ic2 #resu:ed guilt.
6narguably, t2e global endorse:ent and
a##lication of #resu:#tion of innocence are eloFuent testi:onies of its #o#ularity and :ore i:#ortantly, its
4alue. It is undoubtedly, not only absurd but #re>udicial and antit2etical to t2e notion of >ustice to #resu:e a
:an guilty eit2er because of 2is cri:inal antecedent or t2e gra4ity of t2e offence for w2ic2 2e is standing trial.
,s succinctly declared by a learned aut2or,

Obviously, a system which already presumed a mere suspect guilty,
.ust on the basis of mere accusation, should not be tolerated)
onse-uently, the in.ustice of a presumption of guilt, leading to
torture and premature punishment, cannot be acceptable in any
decent society
,gain, anot2er aut2or 2as insig2tfully ad4ocated t2at
No man can be called guilty before a .udge has sentenced him,
nor can society deprive him of public protection before it has been
decided that he has in fact violated the conditions under which such
protection has accorded him)

<2e :erit of t2e abo4e sub:issions cannot be doubted or sustainably strictured. 84en in ad4anced
tec2nologies and de:ocracies w2ere forensic science is de#loyed in t2e ad:inistration of >ustice, it is now well
recognised t2at forensic science still Cgra##les wit2 se4eral li:itations and c2allenges.D
,s insig2tfully noted by
Justice Scalia in =elende:B<ia: v =assachusetts
Cforensic e4idence is not uniFuely i::une fro: t2e ris9 of
:ani#ulation.D <2e court reasoned t2at an official forensic analyst res#onding to a reFuest fro: a law
enforce:ent :ay feel #ressure H or 2a4e an incenti4e H to alter t2e e4idence in a :anner fa4ourable to t2e
#rosecution and t2at serious deficiencies 2a4e been found in t2e forensic e4idence used at cri:inal trials.D 'n
t2is basis, t2erefore, t2e Su#re:e 7ourt 2ad no 2esitation in re>ecting t2e notion t2at forensic science is always
neutral and based on solid e4idence.
In Nigeria w2ere cri:inal in4estigations are often 2a:strung and co:#ro:ised by a 4ariety of factors
including corru#tion, ine#titude, laziness and inco:#etence, it is 4ery 2ard to conte:#late or ad4ocate t2e
abolition of #resu:#tion of innocence. J2at is :ore, in t2is cli:e of unbridled #olitical 4endetta, w2ere e=tra-
legal intent often infor:s decisions of :any in #ositions of aut2ority, Ca selecti4e discreditation agendaD
:ay be
ado#ted to abort t2e #olitical as#irations of #olitical o##onents w2o will be 2earded to courts on tru:# u#
c2arges. 5or instance, #re#aratory to t2e 2!!I general elections, t2e 8cono:ic and 5inancial 7ri:es
7o::ission, 8577,
co:#iled a list of *! #ersons w2o were considered unfit to 2old #ublic office o4er
allegations and accusation of corru#t #ractices.
1any belie4ed, #er2a#s rig2tly so, t2at t2e list was #art of t2e
:alicious and in4idious atte:#ts by t2e ad:inistration of t2e erstw2ile President, 'lusegun 'basan>o, to deal

"2!!+$ 8/;; ,
6nder t2at syste:, an accused could #ro4e 2is innocence by 2a4ing, for e=a:#le, twel4e #eo#le to swear t2at
2e could not 2a4e done w2at 2e was accused of.

,.,. ,deye:i, 7ri:inal Justice ,d:inistration in Nigeria in t2e 7onte=t of t2e ,frican 72arter on /u:an and Peo#lesB
;ig2ts in Pers#ecti4es on /u:an ;ig2ts 4ol. *2 ,.6. Lalu 3 M. 'sinba>o eds, LagosE 5ederal 1inistry of Justice, *&&2 at
.ecaria on 7ri:es and Punis2:ents translated by /enry Paolucci "*&+$ New Mor9E 72a#ter PII at !, cited by ,deye:i,
'#. 7it at *2) 2.
See, for instance, t2e li:its of forensic science as brilliantly articulated by -a9as 7.J. -a9as, C<2e I:#erati4e and Li:its
of 5orensic ScienceD in 4dministration of Justice in 4dministration of Justice and Cood Covernance in Nigeria, 8. ,zinge
and ,. ,de9unle eds, LagosE Nigerian Institute of ,d4anced Legal Studies, 2!** at %-*%.
*2& Sct. 2%2I "2!!&$.
J. Soyin9a, <2e '#en sore of , 7ontinent, , Personal Narrati4e of t2e Nigerian Ife-IfeE 7risis, '.6. P, *&&& at +4.
8stablis2ed #ursuant to t2e 8cono:ic and 5inancial 7ri:es 7o::ission ,ct 7a# L5N, 2!!4.
See, <2is -ay, Jednesday, and 5ebruary, I* 2!!I 4ol. *2 No. 4!& at * wit2 t2e 7a#tion, 7orru#tionE ,ti9u, Lalu <o#
8577 List.
Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization
ISSN 2224-24! "Pa#er$ ISSN 2224-2%& "'nline$
(ol.2), 2!*4

wit2 2is C#olitical ene:ies.
5ro: t2e abo4e analysis, it is, t2erefore, legiti:ate and >ustifiable to argue t2at
#resu:#tion of innocence is not >ust a good but indefectible conce#t.
5or good reasons, it is also #lausible to argue t2at t2e gain of t2e #resu:#tion :ust not blind us to its
#ain. , critical a##raisal of t2e ad:inistration of >ustice in Nigeria, 2inged on t2is #resu:#tion and its
conseFuence, :ust lead to t2e irresistible conclusion t2at it is 2ig2 ti:e we began to construct necessary legal
tools to #enetrate its see:ingly i:#regnable walls. If we 2a4e regard to t2e lengt2 of ti:e it ta9es before cases
are decided, and t2e i:#ortant fact t2at 2iding under t2e t2ic9 u:brella of t2is #resu:#tion, :any #oliticians
w2o are standing cri:inal trials for corru#tion are still t2e :anagers of our #ublic treasuries, t2en we :ay begin
to a##reciate t2e need for ret2in9ing t2is #resu:#tion.
It is a notorious fact t2at t2e w2eels of >ustice grind slowly. Per2a#s, it is for t2is reason t2at it is now a
trite a#2oris: t2at C>ustice and s#eed are strange bed-fellowsD t2oug2 it is also recognised t2at C>ustice delayed,
is >ustice Cdenied.D

In Nigeria, 2owe4er, t2e w2eels of >ustice :o4eD Cagonizingly and da:aginglyD

slowly. It is, a notorious fact

t2at t2e constitutional in>unction t2at cases s2ould be deter:ined Cwit2in a reasonable ti:eD
by our courts is
obser4ed :ore in breac2 t2an co:#liance. <2us, :any cases last se4eral years fro: arraign:ent to t2e final
deter:ination0 and fro: final >udg:ent by t2e trial court to t2e final >udg:ent by t2e a##ellate court.
6nfortunately, it beco:es an acce#table nor: for cases to #rotract in our courts. Per2a#s, t2is was w2y
in #gbo v 4gbara
li9e :any ot2ers, it too9 se4en years after co::ence:ent of ta9ing e4idence before deli4ery
of >udg:ent.
In 4riori v #lemo,
t2e case dragged for about 2! years before t2e deter:ination of t2e a##eal to
t2e Su#re:e 7ourt, w2ic2 2ad to send t2e case bac9 to t2e /ig2 7ourt for de novo trialQ
-elay in cri:inal cases, es#ecially t2ose in4ol4ing t2e Politically 8=#osed Persons0 ?P8Ps$ t2e
#oliticians and #ublic office 2olders, 2as gone beyond t2e alar:ing to t2e ridiculous, e=tre:ely absurd and fatal
stage in Nigeria. <2ese is because t2ose w2o 2a4e been arraigned 2a4e ne4er been :eaningfully #rosecuted. It
is a notorious fact t2at because of t2e enor:ous a:ount of :oney at t2e dis#osal of t2ese #ersons, t2ey
c2aracteristically engage se4eral Senior ,d4ocates, :ost of w2o: e:#loy all :anner of subterfuge to can4ass
banal legal argu:ents to :ani#ulate, under:ine and frustrate e=#editious deter:ination of t2e cases.
It is sad to obser4e t2at none of t2e :any Go4ernors w2o were arraigned in 2!!I for stealing
:onu:ental su:s of :oney during t2e currency of t2eir tenure as t2e 72ief 8=ecuti4e of t2eir States 2as 2ad a
:eaningful day in courtQ /ow #re#osterousQ J2ile :any of t2e: 2a4e 2ad t2eir cases wit2drawn under
Fuestionable circu:stances, infor:ed and #redicated on in4idious #olitical settle:ent, t2ose w2ose cases 2a4e
not been wit2drawn 2a4e frustrated :eaningful co::ence:ent of trial t2roug2 interlocutory s9ir:is2es and
fri4olous a##eals, all ai:ed at indefinitely #rolonging t2eir trialQ ,lso, so:e cases 2a4e re:ained under
see:ingly #er#etual in4estigationQ So t2e #rosecution of t2ese #ersons 2as been inordinately delayed wit2 t2e
#re#osterous effect t2at :any of t2e: 2a4e returned to sensiti4e #olitical officesQ
<2e c2arade and circuit s2ow called trial of t2ese Go4ernors was t2e sub>ect of attac9 in 2!** by 72ief
8dwin 7lar9, w2o called for t2e s#eedy trial of *4 for:er Go4ernors and t2e 1inisters w2o were t2en standing
trial for corru#tion. In a #etition dated No4e:ber, 2, 2!** to t2e t2en 72ief Judge of t2e 5ederation, -a2iru
1usda#2er, 2e la:ented t2at.

a situation w2ereby o4er %! 2ig2 #rofile cases of corru#tion le4eled against
so:e for:er go4ernors, :inisters, legislators and ot2er 2ig2 #rofile
go4ern:ent functionaries 2a4e been #ending in 4arious 5ederal /ig2 courts
and 7ourt of ,##eal for o4er four years due to corru#t #ractices bot2 in t2e
>udiciary and at t2e .ar is :ost unacce#table because it is definitely
res#onsible for #lacing Nigeria at t2e botto: inde= of corru#t countries in
t2e world suc2 as So:alia, Lenya, .anglades2, Pa9istan, a:ong ot2ersD.

See, for instance, t2e reaction of 1alla: Garba S2e2u in +his <ay, '#. cit. at +.
See, !nongo v 4ku "*&)$2 S7NL; 2 at %2, Per .ello J.S.70 and "alu v #geibon "*&&4$+ S7NJ "#t **$22 at 24+ w2ere
'gundare J.S.7. "as 2e t2en was$ tried to construct a balance between t2ese #rinci#les.

See, J. ,. -ada, NigeriaE +he hallenges of Nationhood, 7alabarE 6ni4ersity of 7alabar Press, 2!!& at 4&. J2o 2as
identified a nu:ber of factors res#onsible for delay in >ustice deli4ery in Nigeria.
Section +"*$*&&& 7onstitution.
"*&&I$* NJL; "Pt 4)*$ 2&
"*&&I$* NJL; "#t 4)*$2&
,lt2oug2 t2e Su#re:e 7ourt ad>udged t2e delay to be unreasonable t2e >udg:ent of t2e trial court was not u#turned,
according to t2e Su#re:e 7ourt Ct2ere being no :iscarriages of JusticeD.
See, Sun News#a#er, <2ursday, No4e:ber, !, 2!** ,lso a4ailable at arc2ie4e 2!** last 4isited, Jednesday, July, 20 2!*4. In t2e sa:e letter, 2e conde:ned
w2at 2e called Cfraudulent t2e #lea bargainD w2ic2 :ade 72ief Luc9y Igbinedion to get a lig2t sentence after ad:itted t2e
corru#tion allegations against 2i:.
Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization
ISSN 2224-24! "Pa#er$ ISSN 2224-2%& "'nline$
(ol.2), 2!*4

/e t2en de:anded t2at t2e cases w2ic2 were lying dor:ant in t2e 4arious courts be resuscitated and
gi4en accelerated 2earing.
;egrettably, t2is call 2as re:ained unaddressed t2ree years after. ;at2er, t2e tardy and ineffecti4e
#rosecution of corru#tion cases es#ecially against t2e #olitically e=#osed #ersons 2a4e re:ained t2e order of t2e
day wit2 i:#unity see:ingly irre4ersibly ent2roned. ;ecently, t2e 7oalition ,gainst 7orru#t Leaders also
la:ented t2at :any of t2e 2ig2 #rofile corru#tion cases 2a4e re:ained at t2e stage of #lea since 2!!I.
7oalition drew attention to so:e cases w2ic2 we consider too irresistible to re#roduce. <2ese are t2e cases ofE
i. .oni /aruna, for:er Go4ernor of ,da:awa State, w2o was arraigned in ,bu>a on a 2) count c2arge of
e:bezzling *+ 1illion Naira in 2!!I0

ii. ,bdula2i ,da:u, for:er Go4ernor of Nassarawa State, w2o was arraigned on
1arc2, 2!*!
alongside *) ot2ers, on a *4& count c2arge of fraud in4ol4ing o4er *% .illion Naira0
iii. 'r>i 6zor Lalu, t2e for:er Go4ernor of ,bia State, w2o was arraigned before ,bu>a /ig2 7ourt on 2I

July, 2!*!, on a *!I count c2arge on :oney laundering, official corru#tion and cri:inal di4ersion of
#ublic funds in e=cess of % .illion Naira0
i4. Jos2ua 72ibi -ariye of Plateau State, w2o was arraigned before an ,bu>a /ig2 7ourt, on a 2 count
c2arge in4ol4ing t2e su: of I!! /undred 1illion Naira0
4. ;e4. Jolly Nya:e was doc9ed on a 4* count c2arge in July 2!!I allegedly for e:bezzling t2e su: of
*. .illion Naira0
4i. Sa:inu <ura9i, for:er Go4ernor of Jigawa State, was doc9ed in July 2!** on a 2 count c2arge of
e:bezzling + 1illion Naira0
4ii. -r. 72i:aro9e Nna:ani, t2e for:er Go4ernor of 8nugu State was arraigned in Lagos on *!% count
c2arge for allegedly stealing %. .illion Naira0
4iii. ,not2er note-wort2y case of corru#tion and i:#unity in Nigeria is t2at of <. ,. 'r>i, t2e Go4ernor of
,bia State w2o was arrested and incarcerated for alleged e:bezzle:ent of se4eral billions of Naira.
Strangely, and in a fas2ion #eculiarly Nigerian, 2e CwonB election as Go4ernor of ,bia State and was
:o4ed fro: detention and sworn in as Go4ernorQ
<2e abo4e and :any :ore cases 2a4e not been effecti4ely #rosecuted wit2 t2e result t2at t2e accused
#ersons 2a4e re:ained not :erely in circulation but 4isible #olitical actors, 2olding sensiti4e #olitical offices.
Indeed, so:e of t2e: 2a4e since been elected senators and Go4ernors. <2at t2is is so, is infor:ed by t2e
o#eration of t2e #resu:#tion of innocence so t2at 2a4ing not been con4icted, t2ey can e=ercise untra::eled
liberty. <2e #ractical i:#lication of t2e foregoing is t2at t2ese :en retain t2eir o##ortunity and access to #ublic
funds. /ow #re#osterousQ So:e Fuestions to as9, t2erefore, areE
J2at is t2e #ro#riety of a conce#t w2ic2 can be :ani#ulated, frustrated and under:ined to t2e e=tent t2at its
utility is funda:entally erodedN If we :ust insist on t2is conce#t, is it not rig2t to li:it its o#eration in relation to
so:e offencesN Since t2e #resu:#tion is not #redicated on any e4idence but :erely on t2e need to a4oid
infliction of #ain on an accused until 2is cul#ability is establis2ed, :ust t2e liberty and interests of indi4iduals
o4erride t2e o4erall #ublic interestN Is t2e co:#eting but e4idently conflicting interests of t2e accused and t2e
society not dis#ro#ortionately balanced in fa4our of t2e accused #ersonN
Is it >ust, reasonable and consistent wit2 t2e notion of >ustice and t2e need to #ro:ote trans#arency and
accountability to allow a :an accused of stealing to continue to 2a4e unfettered access to #ublic treasuryN
Jill t2e society loose so :uc2 and gain not2ing if anyone w2o is accused of stealing #ublic fund is #re4ented
fro: 2olding #ublic office until t2e case against 2i: is deter:inedN Jill deter:ination of cases not be
accelerated if accused #ersons are denied t2e #ri4ilege of 2olding #ublic office until t2eir innocence is
establis2ed. Is t2e #resent #ractice not sufficient encourage:ent to dubious c2aracters to loot #ublic treasuriesN
, critical, reflecti4e and ob>ecti4e e=a:ination of t2ese inter-related Fuestions will lead to t2e
irresistible conclusion t2at t2ere is no sustainable reason not to li:it t2e sco#e and o#eration of t2is #resu:#tion
in Nigeria. 't2erwise, NigeriaBs econo:y will be irredee:ably destroyed and ad:inistration of >ustice e=#osed
to ridicule on t2e altar of a discredited but ot2erwise salutory conce#t.

1uc2 as t2e #resu:#tion of innocence is a noble and laudable conce#t, t2is s2ould not blind us to its
ad4erse effects as de:onstrated in t2is wor9. 7onseFuently, t2ere is t2e urgent tas9 to begin to re-t2in9 t2e
conce#t. Indeed, it is absolutely i:#erati4e t2at legal intellectuals :ust consistently design and construct legal
fra:ewor9s w2ic2 can 2el# in nation building. 'ur current tra4ails wit2 de:ocracy and de4elo#:ent de:and
t2at Nigerian intellectuals design legal and socio-#olitical road-:a#s w2ic2 can engender, #ro:ote and sustain

See, Sa2ara ;e#orters, 5ebruary, *, 2!*,!*K#oliticians-#ending-corru#t.
<2e for:er Go4ernor 2as been re#eatedly re-arraigned on different count c2arge, t2e last being in 'ctober, 2!!&.
Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization
ISSN 2224-24! "Pa#er$ ISSN 2224-2%& "'nline$
(ol.2), 2!*4

:eaningful growt2, trans#arency and accountability. <o do ot2erwise will a:ount to w2at Prof. '9on 6ya

described as, Cabandoning our 2istoric #atriotic res#onsibilities to our torturing but still 4ibrant nationD. Indeed,
Nigeria intellectuals :ust de#loy t2eir robust intellectual energies to u#root t2e ills of t2e Nigerian society-
tribalis:, corru#tion, blundering #olitical leaders2i#, institutional and infrastructural decay, egregious culture of
i:#unity etc. It is in t2is lig2t t2at it is reco::ended, wit2out any eFui4ocation, t2at in corru#tion cases, t2e
inFuisitorial syste: of >ustice s2ould be ado#ted. <2is 2as beco:e i:#erati4e in Nigeria in 4iew of t2e gra4ity of
t2e offence of corru#tion and its near i:#unity. Interestingly t2is #atriotic call is not at all no4el. ,ccording to

the in-uisitorial system avoids the overBprotection afforded accused
persons under the accusatorial systems) 4lthough there are many who
dislike the in-uisitorial system, it seems that the approach is regarded as
desirable in corruption cases)

anot2er learned sc2olar 2as also #owerfully argued t2atE

$hile the presumption of innocence may be ideal in developed countries,
because of the existence of sophisticated methods of investigation and
detection of crimes, it is submitted that, a strict adherence to the
presumption will not achieve the desired result in Nigeria) #xperience has
e-ually shown that the investigative machinery of the law enforcement
agents can hardly detect the highly sophisticated mode employed by
offenders in committing and concealing these offences) #ven where the
offences are detected offenders succeeded in regaining their freedom via
bribery and other corrupt practices)

7ontinuing, t2e learned aut2or insig2tfully declare t2atE
,n the premise the presumption of innocent if strictly adhered to will
undoubtedly confer undue protection on offenders and expose the
administration of .ustice to ridicule in cases involving corruption and
corrupt practices by public office holders and public officers) Furthermore,
in order to deter other potential offenders and inculcate a sense of
accountability in public office holders, it is necessary to shift the burden of
proof in such criminal cases to the accused persons)
&olitical and public office holders occupy positions of trust visBDBvis, the
management of the wealth of the nation) +here is therefore, every reason to
support a legislation that seeks to make them accountable as trustees in the
management of the NationEs wealth) 4 nation plagued by corruption, abuse
of office and white collar crimes, deserves a more resultBoriented legislation
which seeks to combat the commission of these offences and ensure the
economic survival of the nation)

Gi4ing its uneFui4ocal su##ort to, and endorse:ent of, t2e #ro4isions of section +?@ of ;eco4ery of
Public Pro#erty "S#ecial 1ilitary <ribunals$ -ecree No. of *&)4 w2ic2 #laced t2e burden of #roof on a #erson
accused of corru#t #ractices, t2e learned aut2or concluded t2atE
7 the provision of <ecree, No) * of 23;/, which puts the burden of proving
nonBcommission of offences on accused persons does not in any way negate
the principles of administration of criminal .ustice) On the contrary, it
should be seen as reflecting the socioBeconomic realities of the nation
In #lacing t2e onus of #roof on t2e accused under t2e aforesaid -ecree, Section +"$ #ro4ided t2atE
C<2e onus of #ro4ing at any trial t2at t2ere was no enric2:ent contrary to
t2e #ro4isions of section * of t2is -ecree s2all lie u#on t2e Public 'fficer or
t2e #erson concernedD.
It :ay be argued t2at #ro4isions suc2 as t2is are not desirable in a de:ocratic society. /owe4er, an
ob>ecti4e, reflecti4e and #ro#er a##reciation of our cri:inal syste: will re4eal t2at t2ere is not2ing absurd about

'.8. 6ya, Nigerian Intellectuals and t2e 72allenge of Nation .uilding, 6ni4ersity of 6yo 7on4ocation Lecture, ,#ril, 24,
2!!& at 2+.
M. ,9inseye-George, Legal Syste:, 7orru#tion and Go4ernance in Nigeria, LagosE New 7entury Law Publis2ers, 2!!!, at

<. 'si#itan, ,d:inistration of 7ri:inal JusticeE 5air <rial, Presu:#tion of Innocence and t2e S#ecial 1ilitary <ribunalsB in
':otota 3 ,digun eds, cited and ,9inseye-George, '#. 7it. at %%)-%&.
Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization
ISSN 2224-24! "Pa#er$ ISSN 2224-2%& "'nline$
(ol.2), 2!*4

t2is ty#e of #ro4ision. 5or instance, section *& of t2e 84idence ,ct #laces t2e e4idential burden of #roof on t2e
accused #ersons in certain cases. In 4alidating suc2 #ro4isions, t2e #ro4iso to section +"%$ of t2e *&&&
7onstitution Cw2ic2 guarantees #resu:#tion of innocence, states t2at0
RNot2ing in t2is section s2all in4alidate any law by reason only t2at t2e law
i:#oses u#on any suc2 #erson t2e burden of #ro4ing #articular facts.
In ot2er words, #resu:#tion of innocence is not guaranteed in absolute ter:s. If we are desirous of
#rotecting t2e interests of t2e accused, t2e 4icti: and t2e society and not confer undue #reference and #ri:acy
on t2at of t2e accused, es#ecially in corru#tion cases, t2en, we :ust re-t2in9 t2is #resu:#tion. <2is is es#ecially
so as t2e state 2as t2e i:#erati4e duty to abolis2 all corru#t #ractices and abuse of #ower.
If we insist on its
retention, t2e accused s2ould be :ade to suffer te:#orary disability of not being eligible to 2old #ublic office
until 2is non-cul#ability is establis2ed. <2is s2ould be a :ini:u: and acce#table co:#ro:ise.
Instructi4ely, t2e abo4e need was recognised and clearly docu:ented in *&&) w2en t2e national
organized by t2e 5ederal 1inistry of Justice ;eco::ended inter alia as followsE
i$ <2at t2ere is a need to re4iew our cri:inal >ustice syste: so t2at t2e inFuisitorial :et2od of
enFuiry can be used for corru#tion and ot2er econo:ic cri:es. Stiffer #enalties s2ould be
#rescribed for t2is category of offences, #articularly w2en #er#etrated by #ersons wit2in t2e
2ig2er socio-econo:ic strata of t2e society.
ii$ <2at our legal and >udicial syste:s s2ould assu:e a tone of urgency in t2e dis#osal of cases.
iii$ <2ere s2ould be #eriodic re4iew and refor: of t2e e=isting laws wit2 a 4iew of eli:inating
so:e #rocedural tec2nicalities, as t2is is desirable0 and greater e:#2asis s2ould be #laced on
7onseFuently, our un2esitating ad4ocacy is t2at t2e ti:e to i:#le:ent t2ese reco::endations is now
in 4iew of t2e gra4ity of t2e #roble: of corru#tion in Nigeria wit2 its de4astating conseFuences. <2is way, t2e
#olluted #olitical cli:ate in Nigeria can be sanitized as#ire to attain global standards.

Section *%?%@ *&&& 7onstitution
<2e 7onference was organized in -ece:ber, *&)). 5or G fuller reco::endation, see, ,9inseye-George, '#B 7itB at +&-I!
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