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Organizational Behavior, 15e (Robbins/Judge)

Chapter 1 What Is Organizational Behavior?

1) ________ are defined as people who oversee the activities of others and who are responsible for
attaining goals in organizations.
A) Assistants
B) Managers
C) Secretaries
D) Interns
) Apprentices
Answer! B
"planation! B) Managers are defined as people who oversee the activities of others and who are
responsible for attaining goals in organizations. #he$ %a&e decisions' allocate reso(rces' and get wor&
done b$ other people.
)age *ef! +' ,
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Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
-earning .(tco%e! Disc(ss the factors infl(encing individ(al decision %a&ing in organizations
/) Sall$ Mitchell wor&s as a %anager at an environ%ental organization. She is c(rrentl$ wor&ing on a
global war%ing pro1ect and decides what tas&s related to creating awareness abo(t the iss(e need to be
done. In addition' she is also deciding which %e%bers of her tea% will wor& on engaging with the
p(blic and which will wor& on lobb$ing with the govern%ent. She is also assigning people as tea%
%e%bers to ens(re that tas&s are (nderta&en on ti%e. 2hich of the following categories of f(nctions is
Mitchell (nderta&ing3
A) planning
B) organizing
C) scr(tinizing
D) controlling
) envisioning
Answer! B
"planation! B) Managers are responsible for designing an organization4s str(ct(re. #his f(nction is
called organizing. It incl(des deter%ining what tas&s are to be done' who is to do the%' how the tas&s
are to be gro(ped' who reports to who%' and where decisions are to be %ade.
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AACSB! Anal$tic S&ills
Diffic(lt$! 5ard
0(est. Categor$! Application
6) 7ohanna *eid' a ca%paign %anager at a child rights organization' recentl$ started wor&ing on an
illiterac$ pro1ect. D(ring the pro1ect' she needs to %otivate tea% %e%bers to attain their pro1ect
%ilestones and direct the% thro(gh different phases of the pro1ect. 2hich of the following &inds of
f(nctions will these tas&s be covered (nder3
A) planning
B) organizing
C) scr(tinizing
D) eval(ating
) leading
"planation! ) #he leading f(nction of %anagers involves %otivating e%plo$ees' directing their
activities' selecting the %ost effective co%%(nication channels' or resolving conflicts a%ong %e%bers.
)age *ef! ,
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AACSB! Anal$tic S&ills
Diffic(lt$! 5ard
0(est. Categor$! Application
-earning .(tco%e! Disc(ss the factors infl(encing individ(al decision %a&ing in organizations
8) -esle$ #orres is a pro1ect %anager for the ca%paign 9Action against Deforestation in Indonesia9. She
recentl$ faced a glitch when the ca%paign co(ld not be la(nched p(blicl$ according to sched(le. #orres
%onitored the sched(le to find the ca(se of the dela$' before speeding (p the i%ple%entation process b$
allocating %ore %e%bers for the i%ple%entation phase. B$ doing this' which of the following f(nctions
is she perfor%ing3
A) controlling
B) planning
C) for%(lating
D) leading
) organizing
Answer! A
"planation! A) #o ens(re things are going as the$ sho(ld' %anage%ent %(st %onitor the organization4s
perfor%ance and co%pare it with previo(sl$ set goals. If there are an$ significant deviations' it is
%anage%ent4s 1ob to get the organization bac& on trac&. #as&s which involve %onitoring' co%paring'
and potential correcting are part of the controlling f(nction.
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AACSB! Anal$tic S&ills
Diffic(lt$! 5ard
0(est. Categor$! Application
+) 2hich of the following f(nctions do %anagers (nderta&e as part of planning f(nctions3
A) defining an organization4s goals
B) i%ple%enting strategies for achieving goals
C) e"ec(ting plans to integrate activities
D) acco%plishing goals of a pro1ect
) e%plo$ing strategies to coordinate tas&s
Answer! A
"planation! A) #he planning f(nction enco%passes defining an organization4s goals' establishing an
overall strateg$ for achieving those goals' and developing a co%prehensive set of plans to integrate and
coordinate activities.
)age *ef! ,
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Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
,) According to 5enr$ Mintzberg' a factor$ s(pervisor giving a gro(p of high school st(dents a to(r of
the plant %a$ be ter%ed as a ________.
A) leader
B) fig(rehead
C) reso(rce allocator
D) negotiator
) dist(rbance handler
Answer! B
"planation! B) According to 5enr$ Mintzberg' a fig(rehead is a s$%bolic head who is re:(ired to
perfor% a n(%ber of ro(tine d(ties of a legal or social nat(re.
)age *ef! ,' ;
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Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
;) llen .rtiz wor&s as a sales %anager at a teleco% fir%. #he co%pan$ has recentl$ la(nched a new
prod(ct in the %ar&et. 5er wor& in the ne"t few wee&s involves sharing &nowledge abo(t the prod(ct
with her tea% %e%bers. She will also need to inspire the% to reach their sales targets' and clarif$ an$
do(bts abo(t the new prod(ct. 2hich of the following roles is .rtiz pla$ing3
A) leader
B) liaison
C) disse%inator
D) spo&esperson
) negotiator
Answer! A
"planation! A) A leadership role co%prises hiring' training' %otivating' and disciplining e%plo$ees.
)age *ef! ,' ;
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AACSB! Anal$tic S&ills
Diffic(lt$! Moderate
0(est. Categor$! Application
-earning .(tco%e! S(%%arize the %a1or theories of and approaches to leadership
<) *egina =eorge wor&s as a ca%paign %anager in a not>for>profit organization in 5a%pshire. ?or the
(pco%ing ca%paign against genetic engineering' she is networ&ing with %anagers who are wor&ing on
the iss(e of food safet$. #hro(gh her networ& of contacts' she strives to gain infor%ation abo(t the
sta&eholders in the food ind(str$ and other lobb$ gro(ps. 2hich of the following roles is =eorge %ost
li&el$ to be pla$ing according to Mintzberg4s classification of %anagerial roles3
A) fig(rehead
B) leader
C) liaison
D) entreprene(r
) reso(rce allocator
Answer! C
"planation! C) #he liaison role involves %aintaining a networ& of contacts who provide favors and
)age *ef! ,' ;
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AACSB! Anal$tic S&ills
Diffic(lt$! Moderate
0(est. Categor$! Application
@) Annette Si%pson wor&s for a fashion ho(se in )aris and is preparing for the co%pan$4s (pco%ing line
of winter clothing. She is c(rrentl$ researching online to &now what is in vog(e this season. In addition'
she is also networ&ing with contacts fro% the press and fashion %agazine editors to (nderstand the
changing tastes of cons(%ers. 2hich of the following roles is Si%pson pla$ing according to Mintzberg4s
classification of %anagerial roles3
A) fig(rehead
B) leader
C) s$%bol head
D) %onitor
) spo&esperson
Answer! D
"planation! D) According to Mintzberg4s classification of %anagerial roles' the %onitor role co%prises
collecting infor%ation fro% e"ternal organizations and instit(tions' t$picall$ b$ scanning the news
%edia' tal&ing with other people to learn abo(t changes in the p(blic4s tastes' what co%petitors %a$ be
planning' and so forth.
)age *ef! ;
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AACSB! Anal$tic S&ills
Diffic(lt$! Moderate
0(est. Categor$! Application
-earning .(tco%e! Disc(ss the factors infl(encing individ(al decision %a&ing in organizations
1A) According to Mintzberg4s classification of %anagerial roles' the role of aBn) ________ is to trans%it
infor%ation received fro% o(tsiders or fro% other e%plo$ees to %e%bers of the organization.
A) entreprene(r
B) reso(rce allocator
C) spo&esperson
D) leader
) disse%inator
"planation! ) According to Mintzberg4s classification of %anagerial roles' the role of a disse%inator
is to trans%it infor%ation received fro% o(tsiders or fro% other e%plo$ees to %e%bers of the
)age *ef! ,';
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Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
11) #he role of aBn) ________' according to Mintzberg4s classification of %anagerial roles' is to trans%it
infor%ation to o(tsiders abo(t an organization4s plans' policies' actions' and res(lts and one which
serves as an e"pert in the organization4s ind(str$.
A) spo&esperson
B) dist(rbance handler
C) entreprene(r
D) leader
) liaison
Answer! A
"planation! A) According to Mintzberg4s classification of %anagerial roles' the role of a spo&esperson
is to trans%it infor%ation to o(tsiders abo(t an organization4s plans' policies' actions' and res(lts and
one which serves as an e"pert in the organization4s ind(str$.
)age *ef! ;
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Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
1/) According to Mintzberg4s classification of %anagerial roles' aBn) ________ searches the organization
and its environ%ent for opport(nities and initiates pro1ects to bring abo(t change.
A) spo&esperson
B) dist(rbance handler
C) entreprene(r
D) reso(rce allocator
) negotiator
Answer! C
"planation! C) According to Mintzberg4s classification of %anagerial roles' an entreprene(r searches
the organization and its environ%ent for opport(nities and initiates pro1ects to bring abo(t change.
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Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
16) According to Mintzberg4s classification of %anagerial roles' the role of aBn) ________ is to %a&e or
approve significant organizational decisions and assign h(%an' ph$sical' and %onetar$ assets.
A) disse%inator
B) liaison
C) entreprene(r
D) reso(rce allocator
) entreprene(r
Answer! D
"planation! D) According to Mintzberg4s classification of %anagerial roles' the role of a reso(rce
allocator is to %a&e or approve significant organizational decisions and assign h(%an' ph$sical' and
%onetar$ assets.
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Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
-earning .(tco%e! Disc(ss the factors infl(encing individ(al decision %a&ing in organizations
18) According to Mintzberg4s classification of %anagerial roles' which of the following is a &ind of
interpersonal role3
A) %onitor
B) disse%inator
C) spo&esperson
D) entreprene(r
) liaison
"planation! ) According to Mintzberg4s classification of %anagerial roles' the role of a liaison is a
&ind of interpersonal role which involves %aintaining a networ& of o(tside contacts who provide favors
and infor%ation.
)age *ef! ,' ;
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Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
1+) According to Mintzberg4s classification of %anagerial roles' which of the following is a &ind of
decisional role3
A) negotiator
B) disse%inator
C) liaison
D) spo&esperson
) %onitor
Answer! A
"planation! A) According to Mintzberg4s classification of %anagerial roles' the role of a negotiator is a
&ind of decisional role which involves representing the organization at %a1or negotiations.
)age *ef! ;' <
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Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
-earning .(tco%e! Disc(ss the factors infl(encing individ(al decision %a&ing in organizations
1,) #he role of a ________ is a t$pe of infor%ational role according to Mintzberg4s classification of
%anagerial roles.
A) fig(rehead
B) disse%inator
C) liaison
D) entreprene(r
) negotiator
Answer! B
"planation! B) According to Mintzberg4s classification of %anagerial roles' the role of a disse%inator
is a t$pe of infor%ational role which involves trans%itting infor%ation received fro% o(tsiders or fro%
other e%plo$ees to %e%bers of the organization.
)age *ef! ;
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Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
1;) 2hich of the following is tr(e of technical s&ills3
A) #he$ can be learned onl$ thro(gh for%al ed(cation.
B) #he$ enco%pass the abilit$ to appl$ specialized &nowledge.
C) #he$ are not re:(ired at all &inds of 1obs.
D) #he$ are %onopolized b$ professionals.
) #he$ co%prise the abilit$ to (nderstand and %otivate people.
Answer! B
"planation! B) #echnical s&ills enco%pass the abilit$ to appl$ specialized &nowledge or e"pertise. All
1obs re:(ire so%e specialized e"pertise' and %an$ people develop their technical s&ills on the 1ob.
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Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
1<) #he abilit$ to (nderstand' co%%(nicate with' %otivate' and s(pport other people' both individ(all$
and in gro(ps' %a$ be defined as ________ .
A) h(%an s&ills
B) technical s&ills
C) concept(al s&ills
D) cognitive s&ills
) anal$tical s&ills
Answer! A
"planation! A) #he abilit$ to (nderstand' co%%(nicate with' %otivate' and s(pport other people' both
individ(all$ and in gro(ps' %a$ be defined as h(%an s&ills. Managers get things done thro(gh other
people' and it is cr(cial for the% to have good h(%an s&ills.
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Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
1@) Melissa 2oods was recentl$ hired as the ca%paign %anager at an environ%ental organization. She
has a degree in environ%ental s(stainabilit$ and possesses s(bstantial &nowledge abo(t the iss(e of
global war%ing. She has the &nowledge to lead the p(blic relations tea% of the organization. 5owever' a
few %onths later' the board of directors of the organization e"pressed dissatisfaction with Melissa4s
perfor%ance and as&ed her to resign. 2hich of the following' if tr(e' best e"plains this sit(ation3
A) Melissa had no prior e"perience in research and develop%ent.
B) Melissa had wea& interpersonal and networ&ing s&ills to r(n the pro1ect.
C) Melissa foc(sed on the res(lts her tea% achieved rather than how the$ achieved those res(lts.
D) Melissa is not (p>to>date abo(t the feasibilit$ of (sing different %odes of renewable energ$.
) Melissa had a diverse networ& of contacts established fro% her previo(s 1ob.
Answer! B
"planation! B) #he abilit$ to (nderstand' co%%(nicate with' %otivate' and s(pport other people' both
individ(all$ and in gro(ps' defines h(%an s&ills. Man$ people are technicall$ proficient b(t poor
listeners' (nable to (nderstand the needs of others' or wea& at %anaging conflicts. Since %anagers get
things done thro(gh other people' the$ %(st have good h(%an s&ills. #ho(gh Melissa had s(bstantial
&nowledge abo(t the iss(e of global war%ing' her wea& interpersonal and networ&ing s&ills e"plain wh$
she was (nable to lead the p(blic relations tea% efficientl$. Melissa having no prior e"perience in
research and develop%ent pla$s no role in e"plaining wh$ she was (nable to lead the p(blic relations
tea%. Melissa foc(sing on the res(lts her tea% achieved rather than how the$ achieved the% does not
indicate her (nderperfor%ance in an$ wa$. In addition' Melissa not being (p>to>date abo(t the feasibilit$
of (sing different %odes of renewable energ$ indicates a lac& of theoretical &nowledge and not the
inabilit$ to lead a p(blic relations tea%. Melissa having a diverse networ& of contacts established fro%
her previo(s 1ob wor&s against the sit(ation beca(se it wo(ld act(all$ help Melissa in her 1ob.
)age *ef! <
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AACSB! *eflective #hin&ing
Diffic(lt$! 5ard
0(est. Categor$! Critical #hin&ing
-earning .(tco%e! Define organizational behavior and identif$ the variables associated with its st(d$
/A) 7oann 5a$es is c(rrentl$ wor&ing on a pro1ect to tac&le cli%ate change. D(ring the pro1ect' she
needs to find different options to replace the (se of non>renewable energ$ and chec& the feasibilit$ of
different renewable energ$ options before choosing the %ost practical one. 2hich of the following s&ills
does 5a$es pri%aril$ need to (se for these tas&s3
A) h(%an s&ills
B) interpersonal s&ills
C) concept(al s&ills
D) co%%(nication s&ills
) interactive s&ills
Answer! C
"planation! C) Managers %(st have the %ental abilit$ to anal$ze and diagnose co%ple" sit(ations.
#hese tas&s re:(ire concept(al s&ills. #he abilit$ to integrate new ideas with e"isting processes and
innovate on the 1ob are also cr(cial concept(al s&ills for toda$4s %anagers.
)age *ef! <
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AACSB! Anal$tic S&ills
Diffic(lt$! 5ard
0(est. Categor$! Application
/1) 6,' an organization wor&ing toward c(rbing cli%ate change' recentl$ cond(cted an interview
with 7essica for the position of a p(blic relations officer. 5owever' the interviewers Brenda and -a(ra
are divided over whether 7essica sho(ld be given the 1ob. Brenda believes that 7essica does not have in>
depth &nowledge abo(t the iss(e of global war%ing and its i%pact. .n the other hand' -a(ra feels that
7essica wo(ld be perfect for the 1ob beca(se she has strong networ&ing and interpersonal s&ills. 2hich
of the following' if tr(e' wo(ld strengthen -a(ra4s arg(%ent3
A) =aining the s(pport of corporate giants wo(ld co%prise a large part of the 1ob.
B) 7essica will need to prepare e"tensive reports abo(t the iss(e of cli%ate change.
C) #he role will re:(ire 7essica to give presentations to environ%ental e"perts on renewable %odes of
D) 7essica had negligible e"perience in research and develop%ent.
) 7essica has wea& anal$tical s&ills to solve proble%s associated with i%ple%enting options of
renewable energ$.
Answer! A
"planation! A) #he abilit$ to (nderstand' co%%(nicate with' %otivate' and s(pport other people' both
individ(all$ and in gro(ps' defines h(%an s&ills. Man$ people are technicall$ proficient b(t poor
listeners' (nable to (nderstand the needs of others' or wea& at %anaging conflicts. =aining the s(pport
of corporate giants being a large part of the p(blic relations 1ob wo(ld re:(ire strong networ&ing and
interpersonal s&ills' which according to -a(ra' 7essica has. #his wo(ld strengthen -a(ra4s arg(%ent. #he
tas& of preparing e"tensive reports does not involve an$ networ&ing s&ills and th(s wo(ld not in an$
wa$ strengthen -a(ra4s arg(%ent. =iving presentations to environ%ental e"perts wo(ld re:(ire -a(ra to
have in>depth &nowledge of global war%ing and does not involve networ&ing s&ills. 7essica having
negligible e"perience in research and develop%ent and wea& anal$tical s&ills to solve proble%s
associated with i%ple%enting options of renewable energ$ does not re:(ire networ&ing s&ills' and th(s'
does not strengthen -a(ra4s arg(%ent.
)age *ef! <
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AACSB! *eflective #hin&ing
Diffic(lt$! 5ard
0(est. Categor$! Critical #hin&ing
-earning .(tco%e! Define organizational behavior and identif$ the variables associated with its st(d$
//) 6,' an organization wor&ing toward c(rbing cli%ate change' recentl$ cond(cted an interview
with 7essica for the position of a p(blic relations officer. 5owever' the interviewers Brenda and -a(ra
are divided over whether 7essica sho(ld be given the 1ob. Brenda believes that 7essica does not have in>
depth &nowledge abo(t the iss(e of global war%ing and its i%pact. .n the other hand' -a(ra feels that
7essica wo(ld be perfect for the 1ob beca(se she has strong interpersonal s&ills. 2hich of the following'
if tr(e' wo(ld wea&en -a(ra4s arg(%ent3
A) 7essica was (nable to fare well in the written test which anal$zed her concept(al s&ills.
B) 7essica listened intentl$ to the interviewers4 :(estions before answering the%.
C) 7essica was (nable to co%%(nicate clearl$ wh$ she was right for the 1ob.
D) 7essica was ver$ friendl$ and co(rteo(s with the receptionist while greeting her.
) 7essica was high on confidence abo(t getting the 1ob beca(se of her strong networ&ing s&ills.
Answer! C
"planation! C) #he abilit$ to (nderstand' co%%(nicate with' %otivate' and s(pport other people' both
individ(all$ and in gro(ps' defines h(%an s&ills. Man$ people are technicall$ proficient b(t poor
listeners' (nable to (nderstand the needs of others' or wea& at %anaging conflicts. If 7essica was (nable
to co%%(nicate clearl$ wh$ she was right for the 1ob' it wea&ens -a(ra4s arg(%ent that 7essica has
strong interpersonal s&ills. 7essica being (nable to fare well in the written test which anal$zed her
concept(al s&ills does not indicate 7essica4s networ&ing s&ills' and th(s does not wea&en -a(ra4s
arg(%ent. 7essica listening intentl$ to the interviewers4 :(estions before answering the% and greeting
the receptionist indicates that she had good interpersonal s&ills. #his strengthens -a(ra4s arg(%ent.
7essica being high on confidence abo(t getting the 1ob beca(se of her strong networ&ing s&ills is
irrelevant to the arg(%ent.
)age *ef! <
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AACSB! *eflective #hin&ing
Diffic(lt$! 5ard
0(est. Categor$! Critical #hin&ing
-earning .(tco%e! Define organizational behavior and identif$ the variables associated with its st(d$
/6) According to ?red -(thans and his associates' %anagers involved in traditional %anage%ent
activities (ndertoo& which of the following tas&s3
A) %otivating
B) socializing
C) decision %a&ing
D) training
) politic&ing
Answer! C
"planation! C) ?red -(thans and his associates st(died %ore than 8+A %anagers who were all engaged
in fo(r %anagerial activities of traditional %anage%ent' co%%(nication' h(%an reso(rce %anage%ent'
and networ&ing. Activities in traditional %anage%ent involved decision %a&ing' planning' and
)age *ef! <
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Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
/8) According to ?red -(thans and his associates4 st(d$ of 8+A %anagers' ________ %ade the largest
contrib(tion to the s(ccess of %anagers in ter%s of speed of pro%otion within their organization.
A) networ&ing
B) decision %a&ing
C) planning
D) controlling
) staffing
Answer! A
"planation! A) According to ?red -(thans and his associates4 st(d$ of 8+A %anagers' networ&ing %ade
the largest contrib(tion to the s(ccess of %anagers in ter%s of speed of pro%otion within their
organization. 5(%an reso(rce %anage%ent activities %ade the least relative contrib(tion
)age *ef! <' @
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Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
/+) According to ?red -(thans and his associates' %anagers which are involved in networ&ing activities
are %ost li&el$ to (nderta&e which of the following3
A) planning
B) decision %a&ing
C) controlling
D) politic&ing
) staffing
Answer! D
"planation! D) ?red -(thans and his associates st(died %ore than 8+A %anagers who were all engaged
in fo(r %anagerial activities of traditional %anage%ent' co%%(nication'h(%an reso(rce %anage%ent'
and networ&ing. Cetwor&ing activities are co%prised of socializing' politic&ing' and interacting with
)age *ef! <
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Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
/,) 2hich of the following best defines organizational behavior3
A) It involves the st(d$ of gro(ps of people co%ing together for collective bargaining.
B) It involves the st(d$ of what people do in a co%pan$ and how it affects the co%pan$4s o(tp(t.
C) It involves anal$zing different people in an ind(str$ with independent profit>centered %otives.
D) It involves developing e"cl(sivel$ the &nowledge of %anagers and senior >level e%plo$ees.
) It is a field which is not infl(enced b$ factors in the e"ternal world.
Answer! B
"planation! B) .rganizational behavior refers to the st(d$ of what people do in an organization and
how their behavior affects the organization4s perfor%ance.
)age *ef! 1A
-.! 6
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
-earning .(tco%e! Define organizational behavior and identif$ the variables associated with its st(d$
/;) 2hich of the following deter%inants of behavior does organizational behavior st(d$3
A) profits
B) 1ob satisfaction
C) per&s
D) individ(als
) collective bargaining
Answer! D
"planation! D) .rganizational behavior st(dies the three deter%inants of behavior in organizations.
#hese are co%prised of individ(als' gro(ps' and str(ct(re. In addition' .B applies the &nowledge gained
abo(t individ(als' gro(ps' and the effect of str(ct(re on behavior in order to %a&e organizations wor&
%ore effectivel$.
)age *ef! 1A
-.! 6
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
-earning .(tco%e! Define organizational behavior and identif$ the variables associated with its st(d$
/<) 2hich of the following does s$ste%atic st(d$ (se to loo& at relationships to attrib(te ca(ses and
A) int(itive data
B) feelings
C) scientific data
D) instinct
) pre%onition
Answer! C
"planation! C) S$ste%atic st(d$ loo&s at relationships to attrib(te ca(ses and effects' and bases the
concl(sions on scientific evidence' that is' on data gathered (nder controlled conditions and %eas(red
and interpreted in a reasonabl$ rigoro(s %anner.
)age *ef! 11
-.! 8
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
-earning .(tco%e! Define organizational behavior and identif$ the variables associated with its st(d$
/@) 2hich of the following is tr(e of s$ste%atic st(d$3
A) It attrib(tes ca(ses and effects based on int(ition.
B) It involves s(pporting decisions based on g(t feelings.
C) It anal$zes relationships based on previo(s e"periences.
D) It involves anal$zing relationships based on scientific data.
) It involves ta&ing action based on instinct.
Answer! D
"planation! D) S$ste%atic st(d$ loo&s at relationships to attrib(te ca(ses and effects' and bases the
concl(sions on scientific evidence' that is' on data gathered (nder controlled conditions and %eas(red
and interpreted in a reasonabl$ rigoro(s %anner.
)age *ef! 11
-.! 8
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
-earning .(tco%e! Define organizational behavior and identif$ the variables associated with its st(d$
6A) In order to predict h(%an behavior' it is best to s(pple%ent int(itive opinions with infor%ation
derived fro% ________.
A) co%%on sense
B) direct observation
C) s$ste%atic st(d$
D) spec(lation
) organizational theor$
Answer! C
"planation! C) #o %a&e good .B decisions it is i%portant to (se evidence to s(pple%ent int(ition and
e"perience. vidence sho(ld co%e thro(gh s$ste%atic st(d$' which involves loo&ing at relationships'
atte%pting to attrib(te ca(ses and effects' and basing concl(sions on scientific evidence' that is' on data
gathered (nder controlled conditions and %eas(red and interpreted in a reasonabl$ rigoro(s %anner.
)age *ef! 11
-.! 8
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
-earning .(tco%e! Define organizational behavior and identif$ the variables associated with its st(d$
61) Anal$zing relationships' deter%ining ca(ses and effects' and basing concl(sions on scientific
evidence' all constit(te aspects of ________ st(d$.
A) organizational
B) int(itive
C) theoretical
D) s$ste%atic
) case>based
Answer! D
"planation! D) S$ste%atic st(d$ %eans loo&ing at relationships' atte%pting to attrib(te ca(ses and
effects' and basing the concl(sions on scientific evidence' that is' on data gathered (nder controlled
conditions and %eas(red and interpreted in a reasonabl$ rigoro(s %anner.
)age *ef! 11
-.! 8
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
-earning .(tco%e! Define organizational behavior and identif$ the variables associated with its st(d$
6/) ________ refers to basing %anagerial decisions on the best available scientific proof.
A) %ergenc$ %anage%ent
B) )ersonal &nowledge %anage%ent
C) )ropert$ %anage%ent
D) vidence>based %anage%ent
) Dnowledge %anage%ent
Answer! D
"planation! D) #he basing of %anagerial decisions on the best available scientific evidence can be
ter%ed as evidence>based %anage%ent.
)age *ef! 11
-.! 8
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
-earning .(tco%e! Define organizational behavior and identif$ the variables associated with its st(d$
66) ________ refers to a g(t feeling not necessaril$ s(pported b$ research.
A) Int(ition
B) *easoning
C) *ationalit$
D) -ogic
) Inference
Answer! A
"planation! A) A g(t feeling not necessaril$ s(pported b$ research is &nown as int(ition.
)age *ef! 11
-.! 8
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
68) ________ see&s to %eas(re' e"plain' and so%eti%es change the behavior of h(%ans and other
A) Meteorolog$
B) #heolog$
C) piste%olog$
D) -e"icolog$
) )s$cholog$
"planation! ) )s$cholog$ see&s to %eas(re' e"plain' and so%eti%es change the behavior of h(%ans
and other ani%als. #hose who have contrib(ted and contin(e to add to the &nowledge of .B are learning
theorists' personalit$ theorists' co(nseling ps$chologists' and' %ost i%portant' ind(strial and
organizational ps$chologists.
)age *ef! 18
-.! +
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
-earning .(tco%e! Define organizational behavior and identif$ the variables associated with its st(d$
6+) 2hich of the following disciplines blends concepts fro% both ps$cholog$ and sociolog$ to foc(s on
people4s infl(ence on one another3
A) social ps$cholog$
B) cos%olog$
C) paraps$cholog$
D) le"icolog$
) eschatolog$
Answer! A
"planation! A) Social ps$cholog$' generall$ considered a branch of ps$cholog$' blends concepts fro%
both ps$cholog$ and sociolog$ to foc(s on peoples4 infl(ence on one another. .ne %a1or st(d$ area is
change which involves how to i%ple%ent it and how to red(ce barriers to its acceptance.
)age *ef! 18
-.! +
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
-earning .(tco%e! Define organizational behavior and identif$ the variables associated with its st(d$
6,) 2hich of the following is a difference between sociolog$ and ps$cholog$3
A) Sociolog$ st(dies h(%ans and ani%als whereas ps$cholog$ foc(ses e"cl(sivel$ on h(%ans.
B) Sociolog$ st(dies people in relation to their social c(lt(re whereas ps$cholog$ foc(ses on the
C) Sociolog$ incorporates research fro% social sciences' philosoph$' and nat(ral sciencesE ps$cholog$
does not.
D) Sociolog$ (ses vario(s %ethods of e%pirical investigation whereas ps$cholog$ (ses li%ited critical
) Sociolog$ (ses onl$ :(alitative techni:(es whereas ps$cholog$ (ses both :(alitative and :(antitative
Answer! B
"planation! B) 2hile ps$cholog$ foc(ses on the individ(al' sociolog$ st(dies people in relation to
their social environ%ent or c(lt(re.
)age *ef! 18
-.! +
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
-earning .(tco%e! Define organizational behavior and identif$ the variables associated with its st(d$
6;) ________ is the st(d$ of societies to learn abo(t h(%an beings and their activities.
A) Anthropolog$
B) Deontolog$
C) piste%olog$
D) Agnotolog$
) D$steleolog$
Answer! A
"planation! A) Anthropolog$ is the st(d$ of societies to learn abo(t h(%an beings and their activities.
)age *ef! 18
-.! +
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
-earning .(tco%e! Define organizational behavior and identif$ the variables associated with its st(d$
6<) 2hich of the following fields of st(d$ is %ost li&el$ to involve st(d$ing organizational c(lt(re'
for%al organization theor$ and str(ct(re3
A) sociolog$
B) deontolog$
C) episte%olog$
D) agnotolog$
) d$steleolog$
Answer! A
"planation! A) Sociologists st(d$ organizational c(lt(re' for%al organization theor$ and str(ct(re'
organizational technolog$' co%%(nications' power' and conflict.
)age *ef! 18
-.! +
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
-earning .(tco%e! Define organizational behavior and identif$ the variables associated with its st(d$
6@) A(stin *eed is a grad(ate st(dent helping to organize a st(d$ on individ(al 1ob satisfaction. #he
st(d$ foc(ses on the top five ca(ses of satisfaction or dissatisfaction on the 1ob. 5is depart%ent is
s(rve$ing /AA individ(als in 1AA different t$pes of organizations. A(stin is %ost li&el$ a grad(ate
st(dent in the depart%ent of ________.
A) ps$cholog$
B) anthropolog$
C) political science
D) ento%olog$
) archaeolog$
Answer! A
"planation! A) Beca(se A(stin4s st(d$ foc(ses on the ca(ses of individ(al 1ob satisfaction' he is %ost
li&el$ cond(cting the st(d$ thro(gh the depart%ent of ps$cholog$. )s$cholog$ is defined as a the
science which see&s to %eas(re' e"plain' and so%eti%es change the behavior of h(%ans and it foc(ses
on the individ(al.
)age *ef! 18
-.! +
AACSB! Anal$tic S&ills
Diffic(lt$! Moderate
0(est. Categor$! Application
-earning .(tco%e! Describe the co%ponents of h(%an reso(rce practices
8A) Fo( are bringing together fac(lt$ fro% different behavioral disciplines to a(thor a new te"tboo& in
organizational behavior. *epresented are professors fro% ps$cholog$' sociolog$' social ps$cholog$'
anthropolog$' political science' and ind(strial engineering.2hich fac(lt$ %e%ber is %ost li&el$ to
f(rnish infor%ation abo(t personalit$' learning' and %otivation3
A) sociolog$
B) ps$cholog$
C) anthropolog$
D) political science
) ind(strial engineering
Answer! B
"planation! B) )s$cholog$ see&s to %eas(re' e"plain' and so%eti%es change the behavior of h(%ans
and other ani%als. )s$cholog$4s foc(s on the individ(al has led to contrib(tions in the areas of learning'
personalit$' e%otions' %otivational forces' and %ore.
)age *ef! 18
-.! +
AACSB! Anal$tic S&ills
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Application
-earning .(tco%e! Define organizational behavior and identif$ the variables associated with its st(d$
81) M$ria% is anal$zing the gender roles of %en and wo%en in %anage%ent in the Gnited States and
co%paring the% to the gender roles in %anage%ent in 7apan. She is s(rve$ing fift$ %ale and fift$
fe%ale %anagers in each co(ntr$ to co%pare their dail$ behavior. M$ria%4s st(d$ e"e%plifies how
________ contrib(tes to .B.
A) anthropolog$
B) ps$cholog$
C) archaeolog$
D) political science
) corporate strateg$
Answer! A
"planation! A) M$ria% is an anthropologist. M(ch of o(r c(rrent (nderstanding of organizational
c(lt(re' organizational environ%ents' and differences a%ong national c(lt(res is a res(lt of the wor& of
anthropologists or those (sing their %ethods.
)age *ef! 18
-.! +
AACSB! Anal$tic S&ills
Diffic(lt$! Moderate
0(est. Categor$! Application
-earning .(tco%e! Define organizational behavior and identif$ the variables associated with its st(d$
8/) 2hich of the following is tr(e of contingenc$ variables3
A) #he$ refer to sit(ational factors that %oderate the relationship between two or %ore variables.
B) #he$ %a&e si%ple' acc(rate' and sweeping generalizations abo(t concepts in organizational behavior.
C) #he$ indicate that ever$one is %otivated b$ %one$ and financial per&s.
D) #he$ refer to scientific factors which are based on (niversal tr(ths.
) #he$ re%ain constant irrespective of an$ change in the environ%ent.
Answer! A
"planation! A) Contingenc$ variables refer to sit(ational factors that %oderate the relationship
between two or %ore variables.
)age *ef! 1+
-.! ,
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
86) *a$%ond Ma$er is cond(cting a st(d$ on discri%ination against ca%paign activists based on
gender. In his st(d$' he noted that %ale e"ec(tives who visited Indonesian villages to pro%ote the (se of
renewable energ$ received a highl$ positive response. In contrast' wo%en who visited the sa%e villages'
received an antagonistic response fro% the%. 5owever' Ma$er stated that his findings onl$ applied to
villages. In this st(d$' the presence of a village is considered a ________ variable.
A) global
B) general
C) dependent
D) non>reactive
) contingenc$
"planation! ) Contingenc$ variables are variables that %oderate the relationship between two or %ore
variables. ?or e"a%ple' an .B st(d$ can sa$ " leads to $' b(t onl$ (nder conditions specified in z.
5(%ans are (npredictable in nat(re and th(s' all organizational behavior st(dies %(st have contingenc$
)age *ef! 1+
-.! ,
AACSB! Anal$tic S&ills
Diffic(lt$! Moderate
0(est. Categor$! Application
-earning .(tco%e! Define organizational behavior and identif$ the variables associated with its st(d$
88) ________ variables are variables that %oderate the relationship between two or %ore variables.
A) =lobal
B) =eneral
C) Dependent
D) Con>reactive
) Contingenc$
"planation! ) Contingenc$ variables are variables that %oderate the relationship between two or %ore
variables. ?or e"a%ple' an .B st(d$ can sa$ " leads to $' b(t onl$ (nder conditions specified in z.
5(%ans are (npredictable in nat(re and th(s' all organizational behavior st(dies %(st have contingenc$
)age *ef! 1+
-.! ,
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
-earning .(tco%e! Define organizational behavior and identif$ the variables associated with its st(d$
8+) 2hich of the following is a res(lt of globalization3
A) organizations being bo(nd b$ national borders
B) lower prod(ction of goods in developing nations
C) highl$ ho%ogeneo(s wor&force
D) shared social val(e a%ong all c(lt(res
) 1obs %oving to nations with low>cost labor
"planation! ) In a global econo%$' 1obs tend to flow where lower costs give b(sinesses a co%parative
advantage' tho(gh labor gro(ps' politicians' and local co%%(nit$ leaders see the e"porting of 1obs as
(nder%ining the 1ob %ar&et at ho%e.
)age *ef! 1;
-.! ;
AACSB! D$na%ics of the =lobal cono%$
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
8,) Managers who oversee the %ove%ent of 1obs to co(ntries with low>cost labor are %ost li&el$ to
A) provide poor c(sto%er service
B) face opposition fro% labor gro(ps
C) %anage a c(lt(rall$ ho%ogeneo(s wor&force
D) operate in niche %ar&ets
) lose co%petitive advantage b$ e"porting 1obs
Answer! B
"planation! B) In a global econo%$' 1obs tend to flow where lower costs give b(sinesses a
co%parative advantage' tho(gh labor gro(ps' politicians' and local co%%(nit$ leaders see the e"porting
of 1obs as (nder%ining the 1ob %ar&et at ho%e. Managers face the diffic(lt tas& of balancing the
interests of their organization with their responsibilities to the co%%(nities in which the$ operate.
)age *ef! 1;
-.! ;
AACSB! D$na%ics of the =lobal cono%$
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
-earning .(tco%e! "plain the effects of power and political behavior on organizations
8;) 7osh 2allace' a sales e"ec(tive' has recentl$ been pro%oted to the position of sales %anager at
S$nerg$ Corporation Ban&. 5e has in the past gained a strong trac& record of %a&ing the highest
n(%ber of sales in his branch. D(ring his first few %onths as a %anager' he reg(larl$ appreciated and
ac&nowledged the tea%4s efforts beca(se he &new that it was the driving force behind high perfor%ance.
5owever' the co%pan$ has recentl$ e"pressed its dissatisfaction with 7osh4s tea% as it has consistentl$
failed to %eet the sales targets of the branch. 2hich of the following' if tr(e' wo(ld best e"plain this
A) #he ban& had an e"isting list of contacts which was shared with the tea%.
B) #he tea% was allotted areas with fa%ilies fro% high inco%e gro(ps.
C) #here has been a sharp rise in the co(ntr$4s citizens4 p(rchasing power.
D) 7osh had prior e"perience in leading large sales tea%s.
) #he tea% was %otivated b$ e"trinsic factors instead of intrinsic factors.
"planation! ) 2hile wor&ing with people fro% different c(lt(res' it is i%portant to (nderstand that
what %otivates one %a$ not %otivate another. In addition' one4s co%%(nication st$le %a$ be
straightforward and open' which others %a$ find (nco%fortable and threatening. #o wor& effectivel$
with people fro% different c(lt(res' one needs to (nderstand how their c(lt(re' geograph$' and religion
have shaped the% and how to adapt one4s %anage%ent st$le to their differences. #he tea% being
%otivated b$ e"trinsic factors instead of intrinsic factors which 7osh (sed e"plains wh$ 7osh4s tea% was
not %otivated eno(gh to perfor% well. If the ban& had an e"isting list of contacts which was shared with
the tea% wo(ld wor& against the arg(%ent beca(se it wo(ld' to an e"tent' help the tea% perfor% well. In
addition' the tea% being allotted areas with fa%ilies fro% high inco%e gro(ps' a sharp rise in the
co(ntr$4s citizens4 p(rchasing power' and 7osh having had prior e"perience in leading large sales tea%s
are all li&el$ to help the tea% perfor% well and do not e"plain wh$ the$ failed consistentl$ to %eet the
sales targets of the branch.
)age *ef! 1;
-.! ;
AACSB! *eflective #hin&ing
Diffic(lt$! 5ard
0(est. Categor$! Critical #hin&ing
-earning .(tco%e! Disc(ss the infl(ence of c(lt(re on organizational behavior
8<) =o(ld ?(rnit(re is one of the leading f(rnit(re co%panies in Indonesia. In the past' the co%pan$ had
a ho%ogeneo(s wor&force of Indonesian e%plo$ees. #he co%pan$ is desperate to c(t operating and
%an(fact(ring costs and hence is considering o(tso(rcing part of the %an(fact(ring process to low>cost
#aiwan. 5owever' local co%%(nit$ leaders across the co(ntr$ are opposing this decision strongl$. #he$
believe that e"porting 1obs to other co(ntries is detri%ental to their co(ntr$ in ever$ wa$ possible.
2hich of the following' if tr(e' is the flaw in the local co%%(nit$ leaders4 opinion3
A) #he co(ntr$ has one of the lowest rates of e%plo$%ent in Asia.
B) .ver <+ percent of Indonesia4s reven(e co%es fro% agric(lt(re.
C) #he f(rnit(re %ar&et contrib(tes to /A percent of deforestation in the co(ntr$.
D) #he govern%ent of Indonesia provides s(bstantial s(bsidies to start>(p co%panies.
) =o(ld ?(rnit(re has alliances with local f(rnit(re co%panies in #aiwan.
Answer! C
"planation! C) In a global econo%$' 1obs tend to flow where lower costs give b(sinesses a
co%parative advantage' tho(gh labor gro(ps' politicians' and local co%%(nit$ leaders see the e"porting
of 1obs as (nder%ining the 1ob %ar&et at ho%e. Managers face the diffic(lt tas& of balancing the
interests of their organization with their responsibilities to the co%%(nities in which the$ operate. In this
scenario' the f(rnit(re %ar&et contrib(ting to /A percent of deforestation in the co(ntr$ is a flaw in the
local co%%(nit$ leaders4 opinion beca(se e"porting 1obs to other co(ntries wo(ld prevent deforestation
in their co(ntr$. #he co(ntr$ having one of the lowest rates of e%plo$%ent in Asia strengthens the local
co%%(nit$ leaders4 opinion. <+ percent of Indonesia4s reven(e co%ing fro% agric(lt(re and the
govern%ent of Indonesia providing s(bstantial s(bsidies to start>(p co%panies is irrelevant to the
arg(%ent abo(t e"porting 1obs being detri%ental to the develop%ent of the co(ntr$. =o(ld ?(rnit(re
having alliances with local f(rnit(re co%panies in #aiwan wea&ens the local co%%(nit$ leaders4
)age *ef! 1;
-.! ;
AACSB! *eflective #hin&ing
Diffic(lt$! 5ard
0(est. Categor$! Critical #hin&ing
-earning .(tco%e! Describe the nat(re of conflict and the negotiation process
8@) ________ refers to the heterogeneit$ of organizations in ter%s of gender' age' race' ethnicit$' se"(al
orientation' and incl(sion of other diverse gro(ps.
A) 2or&force associabilit$
B) 2or&force diversit$
C) C(lt(ral si%ilarit$
D) .rganizational congr(it$
) .perational ho%ogeneit$
Answer! B
"planation! B) 2or&force diversit$ refers to the heterogeneit$ of organizations in ter%s of gender' age'
race' ethnicit$' se"(al orientation' and incl(sion of other diverse gro(ps.
)age *ef! 1<
-.! ;
AACSB! M(ltic(lt(ral and Diversit$
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
-earning .(tco%e! Define diversit$ and describe the effects of diversit$ in the wor&force
+A) ight$ percent of the e%plo$ees in the Gnited States wor& toda$ in ________ 1obs.
A) te"tile
B) %ilitar$
C) %ining
D) research
) service
"planation! ) #oda$' the %a1orit$ of e%plo$ees in developed co(ntries wor& in service 1obs'
incl(ding <A percent in the Gnited States.
)age *ef! 1<
-.! ;
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
+1) A co%%on characteristic of service 1obs is that the$ ________.
A) need s(bstantial interaction with an organization4s c(sto%ers
B) offer %(ch higher pa$ in co%parison with other non>service 1obs
C) have fewer wor&ing ho(rs than other 1obs
D) re:(ire ver$ little 1ob &nowledge co%pared to other 1obs
) provide %ore per&s and benefits to e%plo$ees
Answer! A
"planation! A) #he co%%on characteristic of service 1obs is s(bstantial interaction with an
organization4s c(sto%ers.
)age *ef! 1<
-.! ;
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
+/) 2hich of the following is an e"a%ple of a position in a service 1ob3
A) h(%an reso(rce e"ec(tive
B) ad%inistrative e"ec(tive
C) flight attendant
D) environ%ental ca%paigner
) prod(ction line wor&er
Answer! C
"planation! C) Service 1obs incl(de technical s(pport representatives' fast>food co(nter wor&ers' sales
cler&s' waiters and waitresses' n(rses' a(to%obile repair technicians' and flight attendants. #he co%%on
characteristic of these 1obs is s(bstantial interaction with an organization4s c(sto%ers.
)age *ef! 1<
-.! ;
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
+6) .ne of the &e$ challenges for %anagers in toda$4s organizations is to ________.
A) be static in nat(re
B) confor% to nor%s and practices
C) be resistant to change
D) follow age>old r(les rigidl$
) sti%(late tolerance for change
"planation! ) #he challenge for %anagers is to sti%(late their e%plo$ees4 creativit$ and tolerance for
change. =lobalization' e"panded capacit$' and advances in technolog$ have re:(ired organizations to be
fast and fle"ible if the$ are to s(rvive. #he res(lt is that %ost %anagers and e%plo$ees toda$ wor& in a
cli%ate best characterized as 9te%porar$.9
)age *ef! /A
-.! ;
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
-earning .(tco%e! "plain how to %anage resistance to change
+8) 2hich of the following sho(ld e%plo$ees (nderta&e to deal with 9te%porariness9 in the %odern
wor& cli%ate3
A) contin(all$ (pdate their &nowledge and s&ills to perfor% new 1ob re:(ire%ents
B) be prepared to wor& in the sa%e position for longer periods of ti%e
C) have closer connections with peers and s(bordinates
D) avoid (npredictable sit(ations to avert ta&ing ris&s
) engage in organizational politic&ing
Answer! A
"planation! A) #oda$4s %anagers and e%plo$ees %(st learn to cope with te%porariness' fle"ibilit$'
spontaneit$' and (npredictabilit$.2or&ers %(st contin(all$ (pdate their &nowledge and s&ills to perfor%
new 1ob re:(ire%ents.
)age *ef! /A
-.! ;
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
-earning .(tco%e! "plain how to %anage resistance to change
++) 2hich of the following ter%s best describes organizations that allow people to co%%(nicate and
wor& together even tho(gh the$ %a$ be tho(sands of %iles apart3
A) networ&ed organizations
B) hierarchical organizations
C) %atri" organizations
D) stable organizations
) flat organizations
Answer! A
"planation! A) Cetwor&ed organizations allow people to co%%(nicate and wor& together even tho(gh
the$ %a$ be tho(sands of %iles apart.
)age *ef! /A
-.! ;
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
-earning .(tco%e! Describe the factors infl(encing effective co%%(nication in organizations
+,) 2hich of the following is the %a1or challenge for %anagers in a f(ll$ networ&ed organization3
A) eli%inating the need for paper co%%(nication b$ rel$ing entirel$ on e>%ail' file transfers' and the
B) retaining tea% %e%bers who can easil$ %ove to another e%plo$er when de%and for their services
C) %anaging contract and te%porar$ wor&ers
D) %aintaining a 9virt(al office9 thro(gh the (se of co%p(ters' interoffice networ&s' and the Internet
) %anaging people who wor& together b(t are geographicall$ separated
"planation! ) Cetwor&ed organizations allow people to co%%(nicate and wor& together even tho(gh
the$ %a$ be tho(sands of %iles apart. Motivating and %anaging people online re:(ires different
techni:(es than when individ(als are ph$sicall$ present in a single location.
)age *ef! /1
-.! ;
Diffic(lt$! Moderate
0(est. Categor$! Concept
+;) Christopher *ichardson wor&s as a graphic designer in S$dne$. 5e often coordinates with
colleag(es wor&ing in =er%an$. In addition' he interacts with clients across the globe. 2hich of the
following is %ost li&el$ to facilitate his co%%(nications with clients and colleag(es3
A) ergono%ic c(bicle
B) lateral thin&ing
C) sense%a&ing
D) s$ste%s thin&ing
) networ&ed organization
"planation! ) Cetwor&ed organizations allow people to co%%(nicate and wor& together even tho(gh
the$ %a$ be tho(sands of %iles apart. Motivating and %anaging people online re:(ires different
techni:(es than when individ(als are ph$sicall$ present in a single location.
)age *ef! /A' /1
-.! ;
Diffic(lt$! Moderate
0(est. Categor$! Application
-earning .(tco%e! Describe the factors infl(encing effective co%%(nication in organizations
+<) 2hich of the following is a ca(se of wor&>life conflicts3
A) global organizations
B) sense%a&ing
C) privatization of essential ind(stries
D) downshifting
) (se of self>%anaged tea%s
Answer! A
"planation! A) Creation of global organizations %eans that the world never sleeps. #his affects
e%plo$ees4 wor&>life balance.
)age *ef! /1
-.! ;
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
+@) 2hich of the following is tr(e of positive organizational scholarship3
A) It involves %onitoring negative practices in organizations and rectif$ing the%.
B) It deals with how e%plo$ees sho(ld anal$ze wea&nesses and convert the% into strengths.
C) It st(dies how organizations develop h(%an strengths' foster vitalit$' and (nloc& potential.
D) It dwells on li%itations that an organization faces and how it can t(rn the% into opport(nities.
) It involves scr(tinizing loopholes in organizational practices and filling gaps in processes.
Answer! C
"planation! C) )ositive organizational scholarships st(d$ how organizations develop h(%an strengths'
foster vitalit$ and resilience' and (nloc& potential. So%e &e$ independent variables in positive .B
research are engage%ent' hope' opti%is%' and resilience in the face of strain.
)age *ef! //
-.! ;
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
-earning .(tco%e! Describe the %a1or theories of %otivation and relate the% to organizational
,A) ________ is a &e$ independent variable in positive organizational behavior research.
A) ngage%ent
B) Apath$
C) Despair
D) Constraint
) )essi%is%
Answer! A
"planation! A) )ositive organizational scholarships st(d$ how organizations develop h(%an strengths'
foster vitalit$ and resilience' and (nloc& potential. So%e &e$ independent variables in positive .B
research are engage%ent' hope' opti%is%' and resilience in the face of strain.
)age *ef! //
-.! ;
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
-earning .(tco%e! Define organizational behavior and identif$ the variables associated with its st(d$
,1) #he concept of 9reflected best>self9 involves ________.
A) foc(sing on eli%inating shortco%ings to bring o(t the best in oneself
B) %a&ing e%plo$ees aware of their wea&nesses and rectif$ing the%
C) observing and %onitoring drawbac&s of a tea% and then increasing their efficienc$ with the help of
ade:(ate training
D) as&ing e%plo$ees to thin& abo(t when the$ were at their personal best in order to e"ploit their
) st(d$ing ind(str$>wide best practices and then i%ple%enting it
Answer! D
"planation! D) )ositive organizational scholars have st(died a concept called 9reflected best>self9
as&ing e%plo$ees to thin& abo(t when the$ were at their 9personal best9 in order to (nderstand how to
e"ploit their strengths.
)age *ef! //
-.! ;
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
-earning .(tco%e! Describe the co%ponents of h(%an reso(rce practices
,/) 2hich of the following is an e"a%ple of an ethical dile%%a3
A) Sho(ld I wor& e"tra ho(rs to co%plete %$ assign%ent3
B) Sho(ld I e>%ail %$ %anager abo(t :(eries on the pro1ect3
C) Sho(ld I disc(ss with the %anage%ent abo(t per&s being offered3
D) Sho(ld I as& %$ %anager for leave d(ring Christ%as3
) Sho(ld I pla$ politics to advance %$ career3
"planation! ) %plo$ees are increasingl$ facing ethical dile%%as and ethical choices in which the$
are re:(ired to identif$ right and wrong cond(ct.
)age *ef! //
-.! ;
AACSB! thical Gnderstanding and *easoning Abilities
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
,6) ABn) ________ is an abstraction of realit$' a si%plified representation of so%e real>world
A) %odel
B) inp(t
C) process
D) o(tco%e
) ob1ective
Answer! A
"planation! A) A %odel is an abstraction of realit$' a si%plified representation of so%e real>world
)age *ef! /6
-.! <
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
-earning .(tco%e! Define organizational behavior and identif$ the variables associated with its st(d$
,8) 2hich of the following is tr(e of %odels3
A) Models propose five t$pes of variables.
B) Models proceed fro% o(tco%es to processes.
C) Models are (sed onl$ in %an(fact(ring organizations.
D) Models proceed fro% processes to inp(ts.
) Models show that o(tco%es can infl(ence inp(ts in the f(t(re.
"planation! ) Models propose three t$pes of variables i.e.' inp(ts' processes' and o(tco%es at three
levels of anal$sis' which are' individ(al' gro(p' and organizational.
)age *ef! /8
-.! <
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
-earning .(tco%e! Define organizational behavior and identif$ the variables associated with its st(d$
,+) 2ith reference to a basic .B %odel' ________ are deter%ined in advance of the e%plo$%ent
relationship and refer to variables li&e personalit$' gro(p str(ct(re' and organizational c(lt(re that lead
to processes.
A) actions
B) inp(ts
C) o(tco%e
D) processes
) goals
Answer! B
"planation! B) Inp(ts are variables li&e personalit$' gro(p str(ct(re' and organizational c(lt(re that
lead to processes. #hese variables set the stage for what will occ(r in an organization later. Man$ are
deter%ined in advance of the e%plo$%ent relationship.
)age *ef! /8
-.! <
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
-earning .(tco%e! Define organizational behavior and identif$ the variables associated with its st(d$
,,) 2hich of the following is an e"a%ple of an inp(t at an individ(al level3
A) %otivation
B) %oods
C) val(es
D) perception
) e%otions
Answer! C
"planation! C) Inp(ts are the variables li&e personalit$' gro(p str(ct(re' and organizational c(lt(re that
lead to processes. Inp(ts at an individ(al level co%prise diversit$' personalit$' and val(es.
)age *ef! /+
-.! <
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
-earning .(tco%e! Define organizational behavior and identif$ the variables associated with its st(d$
,;) An e"a%ple of an inp(t at an organizational level is ________.
A) %otivation
B) conflict
C) power
D) co%%(nication
) str(ct(re
"planation! ) Inp(ts are the variables li&e personalit$' gro(p str(ct(re' and organizational c(lt(re that
lead to processes. Inp(ts at an organizational level consist of str(ct(re and c(lt(re.
)age *ef! /+
-.! <
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
-earning .(tco%e! Define organizational behavior and identif$ the variables associated with its st(d$
,<) 2hich of the following is one of the three variables proposed b$ a basic .B %odel which refers to
actions that individ(als' gro(ps' and organizations engage in as a res(lt of inp(ts3
A) processes
B) scr(tinization
C) planning
D) association
) eval(ation
Answer! A
"planation! A) )rocesses are actions that individ(als' gro(ps' and organizations engage in as a res(lt of
inp(ts and that lead to certain o(tco%es. At the individ(al level' processes incl(de e%otions and %oods'
%otivation' perception' and decision %a&ing.
)age *ef! /+
-.! <
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
-earning .(tco%e! Define organizational behavior and identif$ the variables associated with its st(d$
,@) 2hich of the following is an e"a%ple of a process at an individ(al level3
A) gro(p cohesion
B) val(es
C) decision %a&ing
D) withdrawal behavior
) power and politics
Answer! C
"planation! C) )rocesses are actions that individ(als' gro(ps' and organizations engage in as a res(lt of
inp(ts and that lead to certain o(tco%es. At the individ(al level' processes incl(de e%otions and %oods'
%otivation' perception' and decision %a&ing.
)age *ef! /+
-.! <
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
-earning .(tco%e! Disc(ss the factors infl(encing individ(al decision %a&ing in organizations
;A) An e"a%ple of a process at a gro(p level is ________.
A) diversit$
B) co%%(nication
C) val(es
D) c(lt(re
) e%otions
Answer! B
"planation! B) )rocesses are actions that individ(als' gro(ps' and organizations engage in as a res(lt of
inp(ts and that lead to certain o(tco%es. At the gro(p level' processes incl(de co%%(nication'
leadership' power and politics' and conflict and negotiation.
)age *ef! /+
-.! <
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
;1) 2hich of the following is an e"a%ple of a process at the organizational level3
A) attit(des and stress
B) withdrawal behavior
C) e%otions and %oods
D) change of practices
) tea% responsibilities
Answer! D
"planation! D) )rocesses are actions that individ(als' gro(ps' and organizations engage in as a res(lt
of inp(ts and that lead to certain o(tco%es. At the organizational level' h(%an reso(rce %anage%ent and
change of practices are e"a%ples of processes.
)age *ef! /+
-.! <
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
;/) ________ is an e"a%ple of an o(tco%e at the organizational level.
A) )rod(ctivit$
B) Diversit$
C) )ersonalit$
D) Mood
) C(lt(re
Answer! A
"planation! A) .(tco%es are the &e$ variables that one wants to e"plain or predict' and that are
affected b$ so%e other variables. At the organizational level overall prod(ctivit$ and s(rvival are
e"a%ples of o(tco%es.
)age *ef! /+
-.! <
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
-earning .(tco%e! Define organizational behavior and identif$ the variables associated with its st(d$
;6) 2hich of the following is an e"a%ple of an o(tco%e at an individ(al level3
A) str(ct(re
B) c(lt(re
C) politics
D) power
) attit(de
"planation! ) .(tco%es are the &e$ variables that one wants to e"plain or predict' and that are
affected b$ so%e other variables. At the individ(al level' e"a%ples of o(tco%es are attit(des' stress'
citizenship behavior' and withdrawal behavior.
)age *ef! /+
-.! <
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
-earning .(tco%e! Define organizational behavior and identif$ the variables associated with its st(d$
;8) #he discretionar$ behavior that is not part of an e%plo$ee4s for%al 1ob re:(ire%ents' and that
contrib(tes to the ps$chological and social environ%ent of the wor&place' is called ________ behavior.
A) withdrawal
B) associative
C) networ&ed
D) citizenship
) cohesive
Answer! D
"planation! D) #he discretionar$ behavior that is not part of an e%plo$ee4s for%al 1ob re:(ire%ents'
and that contrib(tes to the ps$chological and social environ%ent of the wor&place' is called citizenship
)age *ef! /;
-.! <
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
-earning .(tco%e! Define organizational behavior and identif$ the variables associated with its st(d$
;+) =ro(p ________ is the e"tent to which %e%bers of a gro(p s(pport and validate one another at
A) affect
B) associabilit$
C) thin&
D) cohesion
) %at(rit$
Answer! D
"planation! D) =ro(p cohesion is the e"tent to which %e%bers of a gro(p s(pport and validate one
another at wor&. In other words' a cohesive gro(p is one that stic&s together.
)age *ef! /<
-.! <
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
-earning .(tco%e! Define organizational behavior and identif$ the variables associated with its st(d$
;,) In the c(rrent co%petitive wor&place' technical s&ills are the onl$ s&ills that %anagers re:(ire to be
Answer! ?A-S
"planation! In toda$4s co%petitive and de%anding wor&place' %anagers cannot s(cceed on their
technical s&ills alone. #he$ also need to have good people s&ills.
)age *ef! +
-.! 1
AACSB! D$na%ics of the =lobal cono%$
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
;;) An organization is a conscio(sl$ coordinated social (nit co%posed of two or %ore people.
Answer! #*G
"planation! An organization is a conscio(sl$ coordinated social (nit' co%posed of two or %ore people'
that f(nctions on a relativel$ contin(o(s basis to achieve a co%%on goal or set of goals.
)age *ef! +
-.! /
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
;<) #he planning f(nction involves defining an organization4s goals and establishing an overall strateg$
for achieving those goals.
Answer! #*G
"planation! #he planning f(nction enco%passes defining an organization4s goals' establishing an
overall strateg$ for achieving those goals' and developing a co%prehensive set of plans to integrate and
coordinate activities.
)age *ef! ,
-.! /
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
-earning .(tco%e! Disc(ss the factors infl(encing individ(al decision %a&ing in organizations
;@) A degree in architect(re will provide a st(dent with h(%an s&ills re:(ired for a 1ob.
Answer! ?A-S
"planation! #echnical s&ills enco%pass the abilit$ to appl$ specialized &nowledge or e"pertise. #he
abilit$ to (nderstand' co%%(nicate with' %otivate' and s(pport other people' both individ(all$ and in
gro(ps' defines h(%an s&ills .
)age *ef! <
-.! /
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
<A) .rganizational behavior applies the &nowledge gained abo(t individ(als' gro(ps' and the effect of
str(ct(re on behavior in order to %a&e organizations wor& %ore effectivel$.
Answer! #*G
"planation! .rganizational behavior is a field of st(d$ that investigates the i%pact that individ(als'
gro(ps' and str(ct(re have on behavior within organizations' for the p(rpose of appl$ing s(ch
&nowledge toward i%proving an organization4s effectiveness.
)age *ef! 1A
-.! 6
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
-earning .(tco%e! Define organizational behavior and identif$ the variables associated with its st(d$
<1) vidence>based %anage%ent co%ple%ents s$ste%atic st(d$ b$ basing %anagerial decisions on the
best available scientific evidence.
Answer! #*G
"planation! vidence>based %anage%ent co%ple%ents s$ste%atic st(d$ b$ basing %anagerial
decisions on the best available scientific evidence. S$ste%atic st(d$ and BM add to int(ition' or those
g(t feelings which help (nderstand people better.
)age *ef! 11
-.! 8
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
-earning .(tco%e! Define organizational behavior and identif$ the variables associated with its st(d$
</) )s$cholog$ contrib(tes to the st(d$ of organizational behavior at the %acro level whereas
anthropolog$ contrib(tes at the %icro level.
Answer! ?A-S
"planation! .rganizational behavior is an applied behavioral science b(ilt on contrib(tions fro% a
n(%ber of behavioral disciplines' %ainl$ ps$cholog$ and social ps$cholog$' sociolog$' and
anthropolog$. )s$cholog$4s contrib(tions have been %ainl$ at the individ(al or %icro level of anal$sis'
while the other disciplines have contrib(ted to o(r (nderstanding of %acro concepts s(ch as gro(p
processes and organization.
)age *ef! 16' 18
-.! +
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
-earning .(tco%e! Define organizational behavior and identif$ the variables associated with its st(d$
<6) .ne %a1or st(d$ area of social ps$cholog$ is change' how to i%ple%ent it' and how to red(ce
barriers to its acceptance.
Answer! #*G
"planation! Social ps$cholog$' generall$ considered a branch of ps$cholog$' blends concepts fro%
both ps$cholog$ and sociolog$ to foc(s on peoples4 infl(ence on one another. .ne %a1or st(d$ area of
social ps$cholog$ is change' how to i%ple%ent it' and how to red(ce barriers to its acceptance.
)age *ef! 18
-.! +
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
-earning .(tco%e! Define organizational behavior and identif$ the variables associated with its st(d$
<8) 2hile sociolog$ foc(ses on the individ(al' ps$cholog$ st(dies people in relation to their social
environ%ent or c(lt(re.
Answer! ?A-S
"planation! 2hile ps$cholog$ foc(ses on the individ(al' sociolog$ st(dies people in relation to their
social environ%ent or c(lt(re.
)age *ef! 18
-.! +
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
-earning .(tco%e! Define organizational behavior and identif$ the variables associated with its st(d$
<+) )s$cholog$ see&s to %eas(re' e"plain' and so%eti%es change the behavior of h(%ans and other
Answer! #*G
"planation! )s$cholog$ see&s to %eas(re' e"plain' and so%eti%es change the behavior of h(%ans and
other ani%als.
)age *ef! 18
-.! +
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
-earning .(tco%e! Define organizational behavior and identif$ the variables associated with its st(d$
<,) nto%olog$ is the st(d$ of societies to learn abo(t h(%an beings and their activities.
Answer! ?A-S
"planation! Anthropolog$ is the st(d$ of societies to learn abo(t h(%an beings and their activities.
)age *ef! 18
-.! +
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
-earning .(tco%e! Define organizational behavior and identif$ the variables associated with its st(d$
<;) 5(%an beings are si%ple in nat(re and th(s' si%ple' (niversal principles e"plain all &inds of
organizational behavior.
Answer! ?A-S
"planation! 5(%an beings are co%ple"' and few' if an$' si%ple and (niversal principles e"plain
organizational behavior. Since h(%an beings are not ali&e' the abilit$ to %a&e si%ple' acc(rate' and
sweeping generalizations is li%ited.
)age *ef! 18
-.! ,
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
-earning .(tco%e! Define organizational behavior and identif$ the variables associated with its st(d$
<<) .rganizational behavior cannot offer reasonabl$ acc(rate e"planations of h(%an behavior or %a&e
valid predictions.
Answer! ?A-S
"planation! 5(%an beings are co%ple"' and few' if an$' si%ple and (niversal principles e"plain
organizational behavior. Since h(%an beings are not ali&e' the abilit$ to %a&e si%ple' acc(rate' and
sweeping generalizations is li%ited. 5owever' it does not %ean that one cannot offer reasonabl$ acc(rate
e"planations of h(%an behavior or %a&e valid predictions.
)age *ef! 1+
-.! ,
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
-earning .(tco%e! Define organizational behavior and identif$ the variables associated with its st(d$
<@) D(ring globalization' %anagers find it increasingl$ eas$ to balance the interests of their organization
with their responsibilities to the co%%(nities in which the$ operate.
Answer! ?A-S
"planation! D(ring globalization' %anagers face the diffic(lt tas& of balancing the interests of their
organization with their responsibilities to the co%%(nities in which the$ operate.
)age *ef! 1;
-.! ;
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
-earning .(tco%e! Disc(ss the effects of stress in the wor&place and %ethods of stress %anage%ent
@A) 2or&force diversit$ refers to how organizations are beco%ing %ore ho%ogeneo(s in ter%s of
gender' race' and ethnicit$.
Answer! ?A-S
"planation! 2or&force diversit$ ac&nowledges a wor&force of wo%en and %enE %an$ racial and
ethnic gro(psE individ(als with a variet$ of ph$sical or ps$chological abilitiesE and people who differ in
age and se"(al orientation.
)age *ef! 1<
-.! ;
AACSB! M(ltic(lt(ral and Diversit$
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
-earning .(tco%e! Define diversit$ and describe the effects of diversit$ in the wor&force
@1) #he 1ob of a g(est relations e"ec(tive at a hotel is a &ind of service 1ob.
Answer! #*G
"planation! #oda$' the %a1orit$ of e%plo$ees in developed co(ntries wor& in service 1obs' incl(ding
<A percent in the Gnited States. Service 1obs incl(de technical s(pport representatives' fast>food co(nter
wor&ers' sales cler&s' waiters and waitresses' and n(rses a%ong others.
)age *ef! 1<
-.! ;
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
@/) .rganizations which contin(all$ i%prove the :(alit$ of their prod(cts and %aintain their fle"ibilit$
tend to be %ore s(ccessf(l than others in the %ar&et.
Answer! #*G
"planation! #oda$4s s(ccessf(l organizations %(st foster innovation and %aster the art of change' or
the$ will beco%e candidates for e"tinction. .rganizations tend to s(cceed if the$ %aintain their
fle"ibilit$' contin(all$ i%prove their :(alit$' and beat their co%petition to the %ar&etplace with a
constant strea% of innovative prod(cts and services.
)age *ef! /A
-.! ;
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
-earning .(tco%e! "plain how to %anage resistance to change
@6) A wa$ for %anagers to respond to the proble% of (nethical behavior is to provide in>ho(se advisors
who can be contacted anon$%o(sl$.
Answer! #*G
"planation! Managers and their organizations are responding to the proble% of (nethical behavior in a
n(%ber of wa$s. #he$ are writing and distrib(ting codes of ethics to g(ide e%plo$ees thro(gh ethical
dile%%as. #he$ are offering se%inars' wor&shops' and other training progra%s to tr$ to i%prove ethical
behaviors. #he$ are also providing in>ho(se advisors who can be contacted' in %an$ cases anon$%o(sl$'
for assistance in dealing with ethical iss(es.
)age *ef! /6
-.! ;
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
@8) #he discretionar$ behavior that is not part of an e%plo$ee4s for%al 1ob re:(ire%ents' and that
contrib(tes to the ps$chological and social environ%ent of the wor&place' is called cohesive behavior.
Answer! ?A-S
"planation! #he discretionar$ behavior that is not part of an e%plo$ee4s for%al 1ob re:(ire%ents' and
that contrib(tes to the ps$chological and social environ%ent of the wor&place' is called citizenship
)age *ef! /;
-.! <
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
@+) =ro(p f(nctioning refers to the :(antit$ and :(alit$ of a gro(p4s wor& o(tp(t.
Answer! #*G
"planation! =ro(p f(nctioning refers to the :(antit$ and :(alit$ of a gro(p4s wor& o(tp(t. In the sa%e
wa$ that the perfor%ance of a sports tea% is %ore than the s(% of individ(al pla$ers4 perfor%ances'
gro(p f(nctioning in wor& organizations is %ore than the s(% of individ(al tas& perfor%ances.
)age *ef! /<
-.! <
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
-earning .(tco%e! Describe the factors infl(encing effective co%%(nication in organizations
@,) Disc(ss the growing i%portance of interpersonal s&ills in the wor&place.
Answer! Gntil the late 1@<As' b(siness school c(rric(la e%phasized the technical aspects of
%anage%ent' foc(sing on econo%ics' acco(nting' finance' and :(antitative techni:(es. Co(rse wor& in
h(%an behavior and people s&ills received relativel$ less attention. .ver the past three decades'
however' b(siness fac(lt$ have co%e to realize the role that (nderstanding h(%an behavior pla$s in
deter%ining a %anager4s effectiveness' and re:(ired co(rses on people s&ills have been added to %an$
c(rric(la. Developing %anagers4 interpersonal s&ills also helps organizations attract and &eep high>
perfor%ing e%plo$ees. *egardless of labor %ar&et conditions' o(tstanding e%plo$ees are alwa$s in
short s(ppl$. 5aving %anagers with good interpersonal s&ills is li&el$ to %a&e the wor&place %ore
pleasant' which in t(rn %a&es it easier to hire and &eep :(alified people. Creating a pleasant wor&place
also appears to %a&e good econo%ic sense.
)age *ef! 8
-.! 1
Diffic(lt$! Moderate
0(est. Categor$! Concept
@;) 5ow are the %anage%ent f(nctions of planning' organizing' and leading different fro% one another3
Answer! #he planning f(nction enco%passes defining an organization4s goals' establishing an overall
strateg$ for achieving those goals' and developing a co%prehensive set of plans to integrate and
coordinate activities. .n the other hand' the organizing f(nction incl(des deter%ining what tas&s are to
be done' who is to do the%' how the tas&s are to be gro(ped' who reports to who%' and where decisions
are to be %ade. #he leading f(nction is co%prised of %anagers %otivating e%plo$ees' directing their
activities' selecting the %ost effective co%%(nication channels' or resolving conflicts a%ong %e%bers.
)age *ef! ,
-.! /
Diffic(lt$! Moderate
0(est. Categor$! S$nthesis
-earning .(tco%e! Disc(ss the factors infl(encing individ(al decision %a&ing in organizations
@<) Sa%antha *eeves wor&s as a sales %anager at S$nerg$ Ban&. "plain the nat(re of tas&s she wo(ld
be perfor%ing according to Mintzberg4s concept of leadership role.
Answer! #he leadership role co%prise hiring' training' %otivating' and disciplining e%plo$ees. If
*eeves (nderta&es the leadership role' she wo(ld be hiring sales e"ec(tives and other tea% %e%bers.
She wo(ld also be training the% on prod(ct &nowledge and %otivating the% to reach their sales targets.
In addition she wo(ld be disciplining e%plo$ees to follow r(les and reg(lations and the code of cond(ct
of the organization.
)age *ef! ,
-.! /
AACSB! Anal$tic S&ills
Diffic(lt$! Moderate
0(est. Categor$! Application
-earning .(tco%e! Disc(ss the factors infl(encing individ(al decision %a&ing in organizations
@@) According to Mintzberg' how does the %onitor role differ fro% the disse%inator role3
Answer! #he %onitor role involves collecting infor%ation fro% e"ternal organizations and instit(tions'
t$picall$ b$ scanning the news %edia incl(ding the Internet' and tal&ing with other people to learn of
changes in the p(blic4s tastes' what co%petitors %a$ be planning' and so forth. .n the other hand' the
disse%inator role co%prises trans%itting infor%ation received fro% o(tsiders or fro% other e%plo$ees
to %e%bers of the organization.
)age *ef! ;
-.! /
Diffic(lt$! Moderate
0(est. Categor$! S$nthesis
-earning .(tco%e! Define organizational behavior and identif$ the variables associated with its st(d$
1AA) 5ow do Mintzberg4s roles of a liaison' spo&esperson' and entreprene(r differ fro% one another3
Answer! According to Mintzberg4s %anagerial roles' a person with the role of a liaison refers to an
interpersonal role. #he role involves %aintaining a networ& of o(tside contacts who provide favors and
infor%ation. #he role of a spo&esperson on the other hand is an infor%ational role. It involves
trans%itting infor%ation to o(tsiders on organization plans' policies' actions' and res(lts. #his person
serves as an e"pert on the organization4s ind(str$. In contrast' the role of an entreprene(r is a decisional
role. It deals with searching organizations and its environ%ent for opport(nities and initiating pro1ects to
bring abo(t change.
)age *ef! ;
-.! /
Diffic(lt$! Moderate
0(est. Categor$! S$nthesis
-earning .(tco%e! Define organizational behavior and identif$ the variables associated with its st(d$
1A1) 2hat are concept(al s&ills3 5ow are the$ different fro% h(%an s&ills3
Answer! Concept(al s&ills co%prise the %ental abilit$ to anal$ze and diagnose co%ple" sit(ations. #he
abilit$ to integrate new ideas with e"isting processes and innovate on the 1ob are cr(cial concept(al
s&ills for toda$4s %anagers. .n the other hand' the abilit$ to (nderstand' co%%(nicate with' %otivate'
and s(pport other people' both individ(all$ and in gro(ps' defines h(%an s&ills. ?or instance' %an$
people are technicall$ proficient b(t the$ are poor listeners. #he$ are (nable to (nderstand the needs of
others or are wea& at %anaging conflicts. Managers sho(ld have good h(%an s&ills beca(se the$ need to
get tas&s done b$ people.
)age *ef! <
-.! /
Diffic(lt$! Moderate
0(est. Categor$! S$nthesis
-earning .(tco%e! Define organizational behavior and identif$ the variables associated with its st(d$
1A/) 2hat is organizational behavior3
Answer! .rganizational behavior is the st(d$ of what people do in an organization and how their
behavior affects the organization4s perfor%ance. It st(dies three deter%inants of behavior in
organizations! individ(als' gro(ps' and str(ct(re. In addition' .B applies the &nowledge gained abo(t
individ(als' gro(ps' and the effect of str(ct(re on behavior in order to %a&e organizations wor& %ore
effectivel$. It is concerned specificall$ with e%plo$%ent>related sit(ations and th(s' e%phasizes
behavior as related to concerns s(ch as 1obs' wor&' absenteeis%' e%plo$ee t(rnover' prod(ctivit$' h(%an
perfor%ance' and %anage%ent.
)age *ef! 1A
-.! 6
Diffic(lt$! Moderate
0(est. Categor$! Concept
-earning .(tco%e! Define organizational behavior and identif$ the variables associated with its st(d$
1A6) 2h$ is it i%portant to co%ple%ent int(ition with s$ste%atic st(d$ in o(r atte%pts to (nderstand
behavior within organizations3
Answer! It is i%portant to co%ple%ent int(ition with s$ste%atic st(d$ to (nderstand behavior within
organizations in order to %a&e acc(rate predictions of behavior. Gnderl$ing this s$ste%atic approach is
the belief that behavior is not rando%. *ather' one can identif$ f(nda%ental consistencies (nderl$ing the
behavior of all individ(als and %odif$ the% to reflect individ(al differences. #he s$ste%atic st(d$ of
behavior is a %eans to %a&ing reasonabl$ acc(rate predictions. S$ste%atic st(d$ involves loo&ing at
relationships' atte%pting to attrib(te ca(ses and effects' and basing o(r concl(sions on scientific
evidence' that is' on data gathered (nder controlled conditions and %eas(red and interpreted in a
reasonabl$ rigoro(s %anner.
)age *ef! 11
-.! 8
Diffic(lt$! Moderate
0(est. Categor$! Concept
-earning .(tco%e! Define organizational behavior and identif$ the variables associated with its st(d$
1A8) 2hat is evidence>based %anage%ent BBM)3
Answer! vidence>based %anage%ent BBM) co%ple%ents s$ste%atic st(d$ b$ basing %anagerial
decisions on the best available scientific evidence. ?or e"a%ple' we want doctors to %a&e decisions
abo(t patient care based on the latest available evidence' and BM arg(es that %anagers sho(ld do the
sa%e' beco%ing %ore scientific in how the$ thin& abo(t %anage%ent proble%s. A %anager %ight pose a
%anagerial :(estion' search for the best available evidence' and appl$ the relevant infor%ation to the
:(estion or case at hand.
)age *ef! 11
-.! 8
Diffic(lt$! Moderate
0(est. Categor$! Concept
-earning .(tco%e! Define organizational behavior and identif$ the variables associated with its st(d$
1A+) 5ow have the fields of ps$cholog$ and sociolog$ contrib(ted to o(r (nderstanding of
organizational behavior3
Answer! )s$cholog$ see&s to %eas(re' e"plain' and change the behavior of h(%ans. arl$
ind(strialHorganizational ps$chologists st(died the proble%s of fatig(e' boredo%' and other wor&ing
conditions that co(ld i%pede efficient wor& perfor%ance. More recentl$' their contrib(tions have
e"panded to incl(de learning' perception' personalit$' e%otions' training' leadership effectiveness' needs
and %otivational forces' 1ob satisfaction' decision>%a&ing processes' perfor%ance appraisals' attit(de
%eas(re%ent' e%plo$ee>selection techni:(es' wor& design' and 1ob stress. Sociolog$ st(dies people in
relation to their social environ%ent or c(lt(re. #he greatest contrib(tions b$ sociologists have been in
the st(d$ of gro(p behavior in organizations' organizational c(lt(re' for%al organization theor$ and
str(ct(re' organizational technolog$' co%%(nications' power' and conflict.
)age *ef! 18
-.! +
Diffic(lt$! Moderate
0(est. Categor$! Concept
-earning .(tco%e! Define organizational behavior and identif$ the variables associated with its st(d$
1A,) Co%pare and contrast the fields of ps$cholog$' social ps$cholog$' and sociolog$.
Answer! All three fields deal with h(%an behavior. 2hile ps$cholog$ foc(ses on the individ(al'
sociolog$ st(dies people in relation to their social environ%ent or c(lt(re. Social ps$cholog$ blends
concepts fro% both ps$cholog$ and sociolog$' tho(gh it is generall$ considered a branch of ps$cholog$.
It foc(ses on people4s infl(ence on one another. #h(s' it co(ld be said that social ps$cholog$ falls
between the e"tre%es of the individ(al foc(s of ps$cholog$ and the large gro(p foc(s of sociolog$.
)age *ef! 18
-.! +
Diffic(lt$! Moderate
0(est. Categor$! S$nthesis
-earning .(tco%e! Define organizational behavior and identif$ the variables associated with its st(d$
1A;) 2h$ do onl$ a few absol(tes appl$ to organizational behavior3
Answer! 5(%an beings are co%ple"' and few' if an$' si%ple and (niversal principles e"plain
organizational behavior. Since we are not ali&e' o(r abilit$ to %a&e si%ple' acc(rate' and sweeping
generalizations is li%ited. ?or instance' two people often act ver$ differentl$ in the sa%e sit(ation' and
the sa%e person4s behavior changes in different sit(ations. Cot ever$one is %otivated b$ %one$' and
people %a$ behave differentl$ at a religio(s service than the$ do at a part$. #hat does not %ean' of
co(rse' that we cannot offer reasonabl$ acc(rate e"planations of h(%an behavior or %a&e valid
predictions. It does %ean that .B concepts %(st reflect sit(ational' or contingenc$' conditions.
)age *ef! 18' 1+
-.! ,
Diffic(lt$! Moderate
0(est. Categor$! Concept
-earning .(tco%e! Define organizational behavior and identif$ the variables associated with its st(d$
1A<) "plain wor&force diversit$. 2hat &e$ %anagerial s&ill do $o( thin& is %ost i%portant when
dealing with wor&force diversit$3
Answer! 2or&force diversit$ is a ter% (sed to describe how organizations are beco%ing %ore
heterogeneo(s with regard to gender' race' and ethnicit$. It also incl(des disabilities' se"(al orientation'
and age. 5(%an s&ills that consist of the abilit$ to wor& with' (nderstand' and %otivate other people' are
i%portant to %anage a diverse wor&force beca(se of the different individ(al variables that the %anager
wo(ld be wor&ing with.
)age *ef! 1<
-.! ;
Diffic(lt$! Moderate
0(est. Categor$! Concept
-earning .(tco%e! Define diversit$ and describe the effects of diversit$ in the wor&force
1A@) Most %anagers and e%plo$ees toda$ wor& in a cli%ate best characterized as 9te%porar$.9 "plain.
Answer! =lobalization' e"panded capacit$' and advances in technolog$ have re:(ired organizations to
be fast and fle"ible if the$ are to s(rvive. #he res(lt is that %ost %anagers and e%plo$ees toda$ wor& in
a cli%ate best characterized as 9te%porar$.9 2or&ers %(st contin(all$ (pdate their &nowledge and s&ills
to perfor% new 1ob re:(ire%ents. In the past' e%plo$ees were assigned to a specific wor& gro(p' gaining
a considerable a%o(nt of sec(rit$ wor&ing with the sa%e people da$ in and da$ o(t. )redictabilit$ has
been replaced b$ te%porar$ wor& gro(ps and the increased (se of e%plo$ee rotation to fill constantl$
changing wor& assign%ents. ?inall$' organizations the%selves are in a state of fl(". #he$ contin(all$
reorganize their vario(s divisions' sell off poorl$ perfor%ing b(sinesses' downsize operations'
s(bcontract noncritical services and operations to other organizations' and replace per%anent e%plo$ees
with te%porar$ wor&ers. #oda$4s %anagers and e%plo$ees %(st learn to cope with te%porariness'
fle"ibilit$' spontaneit$' and (npredictabilit$.
)age *ef! /A
-.! ;
Diffic(lt$! Moderate
0(est. Categor$! Concept
-earning .(tco%e! "plain how to %anage resistance to change
11A) 2hat concl(sions can $o( draw abo(t t(rnover if an e%plo$er strives to find balance in wor&>life
conflicts3 5ow can the e%plo$er find this balance and still have prod(ctive e%plo$ees3
Answer! Since wor& is constantl$ infringing on people4s lives' so%e e%plo$ers %a&e efforts to find
balance in the wor&>life conflict. ?or e"a%ple' if a 1ob re:(ires a lot of travel ti%e awa$ fro% the fa%il$'
when the travel assign%ent is done' the e%plo$er co(ld allow the e%plo$ee to wor& fro% ho%e several
da$s to be able to spend %ore ti%e with the fa%il$. Allowing fle"ible sched(les and co%pli%entar$ ti%e
off for overti%e wor&ed gives an e%plo$ee ti%e to rec(perate what was lost to wor&' th(s increasing 1ob
satisfaction and %ost li&el$ decreasing t(rnover. #(rnover is the vol(ntar$ and invol(ntar$ per%anent
withdrawal fro% an organization. A high t(rnover rate res(lts in increased recr(iting' selection' and
training costs' which are :(ite significant. Altho(gh it %ight appear that the e%plo$er is losing
prod(ctivit$ b$ allowing fle"ible ti%e and balance in wor&>life conflicts' he is act(all$ increasing
prod(ctivit$ beca(se he isn4t training new e%plo$ees d(e to red(ced t(rnover' and e%plo$ees with high
1ob satisfaction are %ore prod(ctive.
)age *ef! /1' //
-.! ;
Diffic(lt$! Moderate
0(est. Categor$! Concept
111) 2hat is withdrawal behavior3 "plain.
Answer! 2ithdrawal behavior is the set of actions that e%plo$ees ta&e to separate the%selves fro% the
organization. #here are %an$ for%s of withdrawal' ranging fro% showing (p late or failing to attend
%eetings to absenteeis% and t(rnover. %plo$ee withdrawal can have a ver$ negative effect on an
organization. #he cost of e%plo$ee t(rnover alone has been esti%ated to r(n into the tho(sands of
dollars' even for entr$>level positions. Absenteeis% also costs organizations significant a%o(nts of
%one$ and ti%e ever$ $ear. 2ithdrawal behavior %a$ res(lt in the wor& flow being disr(pted' and
i%portant decisions being dela$ed. In toda$4s changing world of wor&' reasonable levels of e%plo$ee>
initiated t(rnover i%prove organizational fle"ibilit$ and e%plo$ee independence' and the$ can lessen the
need for %anage%ent>initiated la$offs.
)age *ef! /;
-.! <
Diffic(lt$! Moderate
0(est. Categor$! Concept
-earning .(tco%e! Define organizational behavior and identif$ the variables associated with its st(d$
11/) 2hat is citizenship behavior3
Answer! #he discretionar$ behavior that is not part of an e%plo$ee4s for%al 1ob re:(ire%ents' and that
contrib(tes to the ps$chological and social environ%ent of the wor&place' is called citizenship behavior.
S(ccessf(l organizations need e%plo$ees who will do %ore than their (s(al 1ob d(ties who will
provide perfor%ance be$ond e"pectations. In toda$4s d$na%ic wor&place' where tas&s are increasingl$
perfor%ed b$ tea%s and fle"ibilit$ is critical' e%plo$ees who engage in 9good citizenship9 behaviors
help others on their tea%' vol(nteer for e"tra wor&' avoid (nnecessar$ conflicts' respect the spirit as well
as the letter of r(les and reg(lations' and gracef(ll$ tolerate occasional wor&>related i%positions and
)age *ef! /;
-.! <
Diffic(lt$! Moderate
0(est. Categor$! Concept
-earning .(tco%e! Define organizational behavior and identif$ the variables associated with its st(d$
116) 2hat is gro(p cohesion3
Answer! =ro(p cohesion is the e"tent to which %e%bers of a gro(p s(pport and validate one another at
wor&. In other words' a cohesive gro(p is one that stic&s together. 2hen e%plo$ees tr(st one another'
see& co%%on goals' and wor& together to achieve these co%%on ends' the gro(p is cohesiveE when
e%plo$ees are divided a%ong the%selves in ter%s of what the$ want to achieve and have little lo$alt$ to
one another' the gro(p is not cohesive.
)age *ef! /<
-.! <
Diffic(lt$! as$
0(est. Categor$! Concept
-earning .(tco%e! Define organizational behavior and identif$ the variables associated with its st(d$

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