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The most common time for a bank robbery is Friday, between 9 and 11
a.m. The least likely time is Wednesday, between 3 and 6 p.m.
2. One !"watt b#lb $i%es more li$ht than three 2!"watt b#lbs.
3. Wyomin$ was the &rst state to allow women to %ote.
'. (oat)s milk is #sed more widely thro#$ho#t the world than cow)s milk.
!. Wine will spoil if e*posed to li$ht+ hence tinted bottles.
6. ,ilk is hea%ier than cream.
. The ci$arette li$hter was in%ented before the match.
-. .ll polar bears are left"handed.
9. /lephants are the O012 animals that can)t 3#mp.
14. . snail can sleep for three years.
11. . roach can li%e #p to nine days witho#t its head.
12. The a%era$e h#man body contains eno#$h fat to make se%en bars of
13. ,ore people ha%e a phobia of fro$s than rats.
1'. .nteaters prefer termites to ants.
1!. 0on"dairy creamer is 5ammable.
16. 0early 22,444 checks will be ded#cted from the wron$ acco#nt o%er the
ne*t ho#r.
1. There are 92 known cases of n#clear bombs lost at sea.
1-. ,ore than !46 of the people in the world ha%e ne%er made or recei%ed a
telephone call.
19. ,ost lipstick contains &sh scales.
24. When yo#r face bl#shes, the linin$ of yo#r stomach t#rns red, too.
21. Whale oil was #sed in a#tomobile transmissions as late as 193.
22. Female canaries cannot sin$.
23. .bo#t half of all .mericans are on a diet on any $i%en day.
2'. . $ro#p of kan$aroos is called a mob.
2!. 7earls melt in %ine$ar.
26. W.1",.8T $enerates 93,444,444.44 in re%en#es e%ery min#tes:
2. Women blink nearly twice as m#ch as men.
2-. .mericans eat nearly 144 acres of pi;;a e%ery day " that)s appro*imately
3!4 slices per second:.
29. 0#tme$ is e*tremely poisono#s if in3ected intra%eno#sly.
34. Only 1 person in 2 billion will li%e to be 116.
31. 3!6 of the people #sin$ personal ads for datin$ are already married:
32. The &rst T< commercial= a >#lo%a watch tickin$ onscreen for e*actly 64
33. The earth is .42 de$rees hotter d#rin$ a f#ll moon.
3'. (ot $as? '46 of all indi$estion remedies sold in the world are bo#$ht by
3!. @ra$on5ies can tra%el #p to 64mph.
36. 7oll res#lts= 0achos is the food most cra%ed by mothers"to"be.
3. . coAee tree yields abo#t one po#nd of coAee in a year.
3-. Why do p#ppies lick yo#r face? They)re instincti%ely lookin$ for scraps of
39. Bard to belie%e= .pples are act#ally part of the rose family.
'4. Cf yo# shake a can of mi*ed n#ts, the lar$er ones $o to the top.
'1. @ri%ers kill more deer than h#nters.
'2. Women end #p di$estin$ most of the lipstick they apply.
'3. 7#mpkin r#le of th#mb= the darker the shell, the lon$er the p#mpkin
''. The word ,rs. Dannot be written in f#ll.
'!. @olphins nap with one eye open.
'6. >abies are born witho#t knee caps.
'. 7eople who are lyin$ to yo# tend to look #p and to the left Etheir leftF.
'-. 8i$ht"handed people li%e, on a%era$e, nine years lon$er than left"handed
'9. Cf yo# were to roll a l#n$ from a h#man body and o#t 5at it wo#ld be the
si;e of a tennis co#rt.
!4. Take yo#r hei$ht and di%ide by ei$ht. That)s how tall yo#r head is.
!1. Dats) #rine $lows #nder a black li$ht.
!2. When yo# walk down a steep hill, the press#re on yo#r knees is eG#al to
three times yo#r body wei$ht.
!3. One in ei$ht .mericans is considered poor, b#t one home in si* has at
least three cars or tr#cks.
!'. .mericans will spend more on cat food this year than baby food.
!!. To take an oath, ancient 8omans p#t a hand on their testiclesHthat)s
where the word testimony comes from.
!6. I#r$eons who listen to m#sic d#rin$ operations perform better than
those who don)t .
!. . moth has no stomach.
!-. The &rst domain name e%er re$istered was
!9. The &rst prod#ct that Iony came o#t with was the rice cooker.
64. . diet hi$h in fat is said to impede memory.
61. .bo#t twenty"&%e percent of the pop#lation snee;e when they are
e*posed to li$ht.
62. .le*ander the (reat and J#li#s Daesar were both epileptic.
63. .ll babies are color blind when they are born.
6'. >abies) eyes do not prod#ce tears #ntil the baby is appro*imately si* to
ei$ht weeks old.
6!. Fine"$rained %olcanic ash can be fo#nd as an in$redient in some
66. .lbert /instein was oAered the presidency of Csrael in 19!2, b#t he
6. Cndoor poll#tion is 14 times more to*ic than o#tdoor poll#tion.
6-. The .tlantic Ocean is saltier than the 7aci&c Ocean.
69. 1eonardo da <inci was dysle*ic, and he often wrote backwards.
4. Danada is an Cndian word meanin$ K>i$ <illa$eK.
1. The word )byte) is a contraction of )by ei$ht.)
2. The word )pi*el) is a contraction of either )pict#re cell) or )pict#re
3. Dat)s #rine $lows #nder a blackli$ht.
'. Cf yo# add #p the n#mbers 1"144 consec#ti%ely E1L2L3L'L! etcF the total
is !4!4
!. The dot o%er the letter )i) is called a tittle.
6. Iam#el Dlemens aka ,ark Twain was born on a day in 1-3! when Baley)s
Domet came into %eiw. When Be died in 1914, Baley)s Domet came into
%iew a$ain.
. Only 1M3 of the people that can twitch their ears can twitch only one at a
-. The most common name in the world is ,ohammed.
9. Only h#mans and horses ha%e hymens.
-4. The lon$est word in the /n$lish lan$#a$e, accordin$ to the O*ford
/n$lish @ictionary, is pne#mono#ltramicroscopicsilico%olcanoconiosis.
The only other word with the same amo#nt of letters is
pne#mono#ltramicroscopicsilico%olcanoconioses, its pl#ral.
-1. The lon$est place"name still in #se is
k#pokaiwhen#akitanatah#, a 0ew Nealand hill.
-2. 1os .n$eles)s f#ll name is K/l 7#eblo de 0#estra Ienora la 8eina de los
.n$eles de 7orci#nc#laK and can be abbre%iated to 3.636 of its si;e,
-3. . cat has 32 m#scles in each ear
-'. .n ostrich)s eye is bi$$er than it)s brain.
-!. The a%era$e person falls asleep in se%en min#tes.
-6. Ti$ers ha%e striped skin, not 3#st striped f#r.
-. Cn most ad%ertisments, incl#din$ newspapers, the time displayed on a
watch is 14=14.
--. The second lon$est word in the /n$lish lan$#a$e is
-9. The m#;;le of a lion is like a &n$erprint " no two lions ha%e the same
pattern of whiskers.
94. >ob @ylan)s real name is 8obert Nimmerman.
91. (rapes e*plode when yo# p#t them in the microwa%e.
92. 111,111,111 * 111,111,111 O 12,3'!,6-,9-,6!',321
93. The 8amses brand condom is named after the $reat phaoroh 8amses CC
who fathered o%er 164 children.
9'. . pi$)s or$asm lasts for 34 min#tes.
9!. . pi$)s penis is shaped like a corkscrew.
96. . dra$on5y has a lifespan of 2' ho#rs.
9. . $old&sh has a memory span of three seconds.
9-. 0o words in the /n$lish lan$#a$e rhyme with oran$e, sil%er or p#rple.
99. Ct)s impossible to snee;e with yo#r eyes open.
144. K/%ianK spelled back%ards is nai%e.
141. Ct was disco%ered on a space mission that a fro$ can throw #p. The fro$
throws #p it)s stomach &rst, so the stomach is dan$lin$ o#t of it)s
mo#th. Then the fro$ #ses it)s forearms to di$ o#t all of the stomach)s
contents and then swallows the stomach back down a$ain.
142. .>>. $ot their name by takin$ the &rst letter from each of their&rst
names E.$netha, >3orn, >enny, .nni"frid.F
143. Ct was ille$al to sell /T dolls in France beca#se there is a law a$ainst
sellin$ dolls witho#t h#man faces.
14'. The $iant sG#id has the lar$est eyes in the world.
14!. St. Paul, Minnesota was originally called Pigs Eye after a man who ran a saloon
146. The numbers '172' can be found on the bac of the !.S. "# dollar bill in the
bushes at the base of the $incoln Memorial.
14. Moon was %u&& 'ldrin's mother's maiden name. (%u&& 'ldrin was the second man
on the moon in 1)*).+
14-. ,ho's that -laying the -iano on the .Mad 'bout /ou. theme0 1t's Paul 2eiser
himself.. 'nd 3reg E4igan sang the .My Two 5ads. theme.
149. 6elsey 3rammar sings and -lays the -iano for the theme song of 7raiser.
114. 'lan Thice, the father in the T8 show 3rowing Pains wrote the theme songs for
The 7acts of $ife and 5i9'rent Stroes .
111. 1n 1)*:, baseball -itcher 3aylord Perry remared, .They'll -ut a man on the moon
before 1 hit a home run.. ;n <uly 2=, 1)*), a few hours after >eil 'rmstrong set
foot on the moon, 3aylord Perry hit his ?rst, and only, home run.
112. The 3rateful 5ead were once called The ,arlocs.
113. The male gy-sy moth can .smell. the 4irgin female gy-sy moth from 1.@ miles
11'. Cn /n$land, the Ipeaker of the Bo#se is not allowed to speak.
11!. 8eindeer milk has more fat than cow milk.
116. The .$.$.. in $.$. %ean stands for $eon $eonwood.
11. The original ?fty cent -iece in 'ustralian decimal currency had around "2.==
worth of sil4er in it before it was re-laced with a less eA-ensi4e twel4e sided coin.
11-. The letters 63% stand for 6omitet 3osudarst4ennoy %e&o-asnosti.
119. 'leAander the 3reat was an e-ile-tic.
124. The lead singer of The 6nac, famous for .My Sharona,. and <ac 6e4orian's lead
defense attorney are brothers, 5oug B <e9rey 7eiger.
121. The name for ;& in the .,i&ard of ;&. was thought u- when the creator, 7ran
%aum, looed at his ?ling cabinet and saw 'C>, and ;CD, hence .;&..
122. The microwa4e was in4ented after a researcher waled by a radar tube and a
chocolate bar melted in his -ocet.
123. Elton <ohn's real name is 2eginald 5wight. Elton comes from Elton 5ean, a
%luesology saA -layer. <ohn comes from $ong <ohn %aldry, founder of %lues 1nc.
They were the ?rst electric white blues band e4er seen in EnglandCC1)*1
12'. The saying .it's so cold out there it could free&e the balls o9 a brass money.
came from when they had old cannons lie ones used in the Ei4il ,ar. The
cannonballs were staced in a -yramid formation, called a brass money. ,hen it
got eAtremely cold outside they would crac and brea o9... Thus the saying.
12!. Borses cannot %omit.
126. 8abbits cannot %omit.
12. S.;.S. doesn't stand for .Sa4e ;ur Shi-. or .Sa4e ;ur Souls. CC 1t was Fust chosen
by an 1)=@ international conference on Morse Eode because the letters S and ;
were easy to remember and Fust about anyone could ey it and read it, S G dot
dot dot, ; G dash dash dash..
12-. Pocahontas a--eared on the bac of the "2= bill in 1@7#.
129. ,hen a female horse and male doney mate, the o9s-ring is called a mule, but
when a male horse and female doney mate, the o9s-ring is called a hinny.
134. The way to get more mules is to mate a male doney with a female horse.
131. . donkey will sink in G#icksand b#t a m#le won)t.
132. Mr. 2ogers is an ordained minister.
133. Hugh .,ard Elea4er. %eaumont was an ordained minister.
13'. The ;ld English word for .snee&e. is .fneosan..
13!. <ohn $ennon's ?rst girlfriend was named Thelma Picles.
136. . )3iAy) is an act#al #nit of time for 1M144th of a second.
13. Woodpecker scalps, porpoise teeth and $iraAe tails ha%e all been #sed
as money.
13-. T1ME Maga&ineIs JMan of the /earK in 1):@ was 'dolf Hitler.
139. ,hen the !ni4ersity of >ebrasa Eornhusers -lay football at home, the stadium
becomes the state's third largest city.
1'4. ,ost car horns honk in the key of )F).
1'1. . fro$ can)t empty its stomach by %omittin$. To empty its stomach
contents, a fro$ throws #p it)s stomach &rst, so the stomach is dan$lin$
o#t of it)s mo#th. Then the fro$ #ses its forearms to di$ o#t all of the
stomach)s contents and then swallows the s
1'2. 5uring lunch breas in Earlsbad, >ew MeAico no cou-le should engage in a
seAual act while -ared in their 4ehicle, unless their car has curtains.
1'3. 1n Eonnors4ille, ,isconsin no man shall shoot o9 a gun while his female -artner is
ha4ing a seAual orgasm.
1''. 1n Harrisburg, Pennsyl4ania it is illegal to ha4e seA with a truc dri4er inside a toll
1'!. Cn ,ichi$an, a woman isn)t allowed to c#t her own hair witho#t her
h#sband)s permission.
1'6. 1n ;blong, 1llinois, it's -unishable by law to mae lo4e while hunting or ?shing on
your wedding day.
1'. Cn Te*as it)s ille$al to p#t $raPti on someone else)s cow.
1'-. Ct)s ille$al in .labama to wear a fake mo#stache that ca#ses la#$hter in
1'9. 2o#)re s#b3ect to &nes andMor imprisonment for makin$ #$lyfaces at
do$s in Oklahoma.
1!4. Ct)s a$ainst the law to b#rp or snee;e in a ch#rch in Omaha, 0ebraska.
1!1. Ct snowed in the Iahara desert on Febr#ary 1-, 199.
1!2. %y law, in %ourbon, Miss., one small onion must be ser4ed with each glass of
water in a restaurant.
1!3. Cn 1-'! >oston had an ordinance bannin$ bathin$ #nless yo# had a
doctor)s prescription.
1!'. 66 of men propose o%er the telephone:
1!!. On I#nday, it is ille$al to sell corn5akes in Dol#mb#s, Ohio.
1!6. >l#eberry Jelly >ellies were created especially for 8onald 8ea$an.
1!. DoAee drinkers ha%e se* more freG#ently than non"coAee drinkers
1!-. Tomatoes were ori$inally tho#$h to be poisono#s.
1!9. %en and <erry's sends the waste from maing ice cream to local -ig farmers to
use as feed.
164. !nless you ha4e a doctor's note, its illegal to buy ice cream after * -.m. in
>ewar, >ew <ersey.
161. -!6 of #s will eat Ipam this year.
162. Cn .merica in 19, the p#nishment for sm#$$lin$ mari3i#ana was 1!
years less than the p#nishment for sm#$$lin$ coAee:
163. There are 1@ doctors in the !.S. called 5r. 5octor, and one called 5r. SurgeonL
16'. .laska has the hi$hest percenta$e of people who walk to work.
16!. >y the a$e of 64, most people ha%e lost !46 of their taste b#ds.
166. The $reat warrior (hen$is Qhan died in bed while ha%in$ se*.
16. -!6 of men don)t #se the slit in their #nderwear.
16-. 916 of #s lie re$#larly.
169. 296 of people admit they)%e intentionally stolen somethin$ from a
14. Only 146 of the pop#lation belie%e in the 14 Dommandments.
11. 146 of #s switch ta$s in the store to pay less for an item.
12. ,hen nobody else is around, M7N of -eo-le drin straight from the carton.
13. 226 of #s skip l#nch daily.
1'. 1MN of us eat the watermelon seeds.
1!. 22N of -eo-le lea4e the glob of tooth-aste in the sin.
16. The ty-ical shower is 1=1 degrees 7.
1. !36 of women will not lea%e the ho#se witho#t make#p on.
1-. '!.26 of people pee in the shower.
19. 2@.1N of -eo-le -ee in the -ool L
1-4. ##.2N of us will let someone else come in the bathroom while they're using the
1-1. The bi$$est ca#se of matrimonial &$htin$ is money.
1-2. Maine is closer to %ermuda than 7loridaL
1-3. Prior to the 1):='s, diamond rings were rarely gi4en as engagement ringsL
1-'. 0ew Jersey was ori$inally called .lbania:
1-!. 166,-!,444,444 pieces of mail are deli%ered each year in the R.I:
1-6. The 2 most common s#r$eries are biopsies and cesarean sections.
1-. More than 2 million documents will be lost by the 12S this year.
1--. This year, more than 2.# million boos will be shi--ed with the wrong co4ersL
1-9. .t room temperat#re, the a%era$e air molec#le tra%els at the speed of a
ri5e b#llet.
194. 6leeneA tissues were originally used as ?lters in gas mass.
191. . c#bic mile of ordinary fo$ contains less than a $allon of water.
192. 1n 1daho, it is illegal to gi4e someone a boA of candy that weighs more than #=
193. Rntil 1-3', it was ille$al for any soldier of the R.I. .rmy to carry the
.merican 5a$ into battle.
19'. @entists in medie%al Japan e*tracted teeth by p#llin$ them o#t with
their &n$ers.
19!. %efore 1)::, the dime was legal as -ayment only in transactions of "1= or less.
196. There are more female than male millionaires in the Rnited Itates.
19. Tibetans drink tea made of salt and rancid yak b#tter.
19-. When $entlemen in medie%al Japan wished to seal an a$reement, they
#rinated to$ether, crisscrossin$ their streams of #rine.
199. The Puritans forbade the singing of Ehristmas carols.
244. 5uring the ?lming of ''-ocaly-se >ow', director 7rancis 7ord Eo--ola threatened
suicide se4eral times and lost 1== -ounds.
241. 0o one has e%er been able to domesticate the .frican elephant. Only
the Cndian elephant can be trained by man.
242. . rat can fall from a &%e story b#ildin$ witho#t in3#ry.
243. ' marine cat?sh can taste with any -art of its body.
24'. Oak trees are str#ck by li$htnin$ more than any other tree.
24!. !ntil 1@):, lynching was legal in the !nited States.
246. %efore 1)M1, ?nger-rints were not acce-ted as e4idence in court.
24. Cn ancient Japan, p#blic contests were held to see who co#ld fart the
lo#dest and lon$est:
24-. The lar$est species of kan$aroo stands nearly feet tall.
249. . rodent)s teeth ne%er stop $rowin$.
214. O%er one million stray do$s li%e in the 0ew 2ork Dity metropolitan area.
211. ,id$ets and dwarfs almost always ha%e normal si;ed children.
212. @#cks will only lay e$$s early in the mornin$.
213. The eaarth tra%els thro#$h space at 664,444 miles per ho#r.
21'. Eranberries are sorted for ri-eness by bouncing themO a fully ri-ened cranberry
can be dribbled lie a basetball.
21!. St. Paul, Minnesota was originally called 'Pigs Eye'.
216. 1n 1)*:, baseball -itcher 3aylord Perry remared, 'They'll -ut a man on the moon
before 1 hit a home run.' ;n <uly 2=, 1)*), a few hours after >eil 'rmstrong set
foot on the moon, 3aylord Perry hit his ?rst, and only, home run.
21. The 3rateful 5ead were once called 'The ,arlocs'.
21-. 8eindeer milk has more fat than cow milk.
219. The '$.$.' in $.$. %ean stands for '$eon $eonwood'.
224. . man once s#ed his doctor beca#se he s#r%i%ed his cancer lon$er than
the doctor predicted.
221. ;nly *@ of 2== 'nglican -riests -olled could name all Ten Eommandments, but
half said they belie4ed in s-ace aliens.
222. Pocahontas a--eared on the bac of the "2= bill in 1@7#.
223. ,ood-ecer scal-s, -or-oise teeth and gira9e tails ha4e all been used as money.
22'. One of the many Tar;ans, Qarm#ela Iearlel, was ma#led to death on the
set by a ra$in$ elephant:
22!. 0apoleon constr#cted his battle plans in a sandbo*.
226. When a $iraAe)s baby is born it falls from a hei$ht of si* feet, normally
witho#t bein$ h#rt.
22. 8irgina ,oolf wrote all her boos standing.
22-. The face of a -enny can hold about thirty dro-s of water.
229. 7a$eant ,odels often smear <aseline on their teeth so their lips won)t
stick when smilin$.
234. The &rst alarm clock co#ld only rin$ at ' a.m.
231. Cn Cndia, 7a3amas are accepted as standard daytime wearin$ apparel.
232. The chemicals indole and skatole, which help to acco#nt for the
partic#lar smell of h#man feces, are #sed as in$redients in perf#me:
233. ' grou- of frogs is called an army.
23'. ' grou- of oPcers is called a mess.
23!. The state with the longest coastline in the !.S. is Michigan.
236. ' full se4en -ercent of the entire 1rish barley cro- goes to the -roduction of
3uinness beer.
23. Cf yo# toss a penny 14,444 times, it will not be heads !,444 times, b#t
more like ',9!4. The heads pict#re wei$hs more, so it ends #p on the
23-. The little bags of netting for gas lanterns (called 'mantles'+ are
much so that they will set of an alarm at a nuclear reactor.
239. 5onald 5uc's middle name is 7auntleroy.
2'4. 'l Ea-one's business card said he was a used furniture dealer.
2'1. %etsy 2oss was born with a fully formed set of teeth.
2'2. Steely 5an got their name from a seAual de4ice de-icted in the boo 'The >aed
2'3. $enny 6ra4it&'s mother -layed the -art of 'Helen' on 'The <e9ersons'.
2''. Eanola oil is actually ra-eseed oil but the name was changed for mareting
2'!. ' -ig's -enis is sha-ed lie a corscrew.
2'6. 1s bottled water worth it0 'E4ian' s-elled bacwards is 'nai4e'.
2'. ' baby eel is called an el4er, a baby oyster is called a s-at.
2'-. 1t was disco4ered on a s-ace mission that a frog can throw u-.
2'9. 1t was illegal to sell E.T. dolls in 7rance because there is a law against selling dolls
without human faces.
2!4. 1f a $obster loses an eye, it will grow another one.
2!1. ;f the siA men who made u- the Three Stooges, three of them were real brothers
(Moe, Eurly, and Shem-+.
2!2. The 4olume of the Earth's moon is the same as the 4olume of the Paci?c ;cean.
2!3. 1ngrown toenails are hereditary.
2!'. 1n Mel %roos' 'Silent Mo4ie,' mime Marcel Marceau is the only -erson who has a
s-eaing role.
2!!. The word 'set' has more de?nitions than any other word in the English language.
2!6. 1t is -ossible to see a rainbow at nightL
2!. Salmon can Fum- as high as * feet.
2!-. ;n a Eanadian two dollar bill, the Qag Qying o4er the Parliament %uilding is an
'merican Qag.
2!9. 1saac 'simo4 is the only author to ha4e a boo in e4ery 5eweyCdecimal category.
264. Ehrysler built %C2)'s that bombed <a-an, Mitsubishi built Deros that tried to shoot
them down. %oth com-anies now build cars in a Foint -lant called 5iamond Star.
261. The symbol on the '-ound' ey (R+ is called an octothor-e.
262. The maAimum weight for a golf ball is 1.*2 o&.
263. The dot o4er the letter 'i' is called a tittle.
26'. The ?rst hard dri4e a4ailable for the '--le 11 had a ca-acity of # megabytes.
26!. 1n the great ?re of $ondon, in 1***, half of $ondon was burnt down but only *
-eo-le were inFured.
266. The word taAi is s-elled the same in English, 3erman, 7rench, Swedish and
26. 1f you unfolded your brain, it would co4er an ironing board.
26-. Euro-e is the only continent without a desert.
269. Ear accidents rise 1=N during the ?rst wee of daylight sa4ings time.
24. ;4er 1=,=== birds a year die from smashing into windows .
21. ' hard woring adult sweats u- to M gallons -er day.
22. The !.S. 3o4ernment will not allow -ortraits of li4ing -ersons to a--ear on
23. 7lamingos can only eat with their heads u-side down.
2'. %abies start dreaming e4en before they're born.
2!. ,inston Ehurchill was born in a ladies' room during a danceL
26. M.# -ounds of sunlight strie the Earth each day.
2. /our brain is @=N water.
2-. The -hrase 'rule of thumb' is deri4ed from and old English law which stated that
you couldn't beat your wife with anything wider than your thumb.
29. There are more than 1,=== chemicals in a cu- of co9ee. ;f these, only 2* ha4e
been tested, and half caused cancer in rats.
2-4. The Pittsburgh Steelers were originally called the Pirates.
2-1. ;4er )@ -ercent of <a-anese -eo-le are cremated after they die.
2-2. The -enguin is the only bird that can swim, but cannot Qy.
2-3. The ,orld Trade Eenter towers used to ha4e two &i- codes, 1==M7C1==M@, one for
each building.
2-'. ' car tra4eling 1== m-h would tae more than 2) million years to reach the
nearest star.
2-!. 1n an a4erage lifetime a -erson will wal the eSui4alent of three times around the
2-6. More than 2= million meteoroids enter Earth's atmos-here e4ery day.
2-. The Earth gets 1== tons hea4ier e4ery day due to falling s-ace dust.
2--. ;ne in three male motorists -ics their nose while dri4ing.
2-9. 1n one day an a4erage -erson will tae about 1@,=== ste-s.
294. The a4erage -erson s-ends := years mad at a family member.
291. 7ifteen -eo-le are nown to ha4e been crushed to death tilting 4ending machines
towards them in the ho-e of a free can of soda.
292. ' fullCgrown bear can run as fast as a horse.
293. 2=2#2 is Smoey the %ear's own &i- code.
29'. ' ?re in 'ustralia has been burning for more than #,=== yearsL
29!. <ustin Timberlae's halfCeaten french toast sold for o4er ":,=== on e%ayL
296. 3oodyear 2ubber Eom-any researched and concluded that shoes wear out faster
on the right foot than the left.
29. /ou share your birthday with at least ) other million -eo-le in the world.
29-. More redheads are born in Scotland than in any other -art of the world.
299. The a4erage 'merican eats at Mc5onalds 1,@11 times in their life.
344. '%imbo' is a brand of soft drin manufactured and mareted by EocaCEola, 1nc.
341. Malaysians -rotect their babies from disease by bathing them in beer.
342. ;n a4erage cows -oo- 1* times -er day.
343. #,@M= -eo-le with -illowCrelated inFuries checed into !.S. emergency rooms in
34'. %aby robins eat 1M feet of earthworms e4ery day.
34!. There are more bacteria in your mouth than there are -eo-le in the world.
346. MeAico Eity is sining at a rate of 1@ inches -er yearL
34. 1n 1daho, /ou may not ?sh on a camel's bac.
34-. 1n >ebrasa, 1t is illegal for bar owners to sell beer unless they are simultaneously
brewing a ettle of sou-.
349. 1n 6entucy, 1t's illegal to ?sh in the ;hio 2i4er in 6entucy without an 1ndiana
7ishing $icense.
314. 1n 7lorida, 1t is illegal to sing in a -ublic -lace while attired in a swimsuit.
311. 1n 7lorida, Penalty for horse theft is death by hanging.
312. 1n Massachusetts, 1t is illegal to go to bed without ?rst ha4ing a full bath.
313. ;eno-hobia is the 7ear of wines.
31'. Emus and angaroos cannot wal bacwards.
31!. 5rew Earey once wored at 5enny's.
316. ;ne -unishment for an adulterous wife in medie4al 7rance was to mae her
chase a chicen through town naed.
31. 'n 'merican urologist once bought >a-oleon's -enis for "M=,===.
31-. %illy goats urinate on their own heads to smell more attracti4e to females.
319. 1n 'thens, 3reece, a dri4er's license can be taen away by law if the dri4er is
deemed either unbathed or -oorly dressed.
324. The !.S. 3o4ernment s-ent "277,=== on -icle research in 1)):.
321. The estimated number of M Bam-O M's sold each day in the !nited States is
322. 1=N of Star Tre fans re-lace the lenses on their glasses e4ery # years whether
they need to or not.
323. Ealifornia has issued at least * dri4ers licenses to -eo-le named <esus Ehrist.
32'. 1n Ele4eland, ;hio it is illegal to catch mice without a hunting license.
32!. Mailing an entire building has been illegal in the !.S. since 1)1* when a man
mailed a M=,===Cton bric house across !tah to a4oid high freight rates.
326. Someone on Earth re-orts seeing a !7; e4ery three minutes.
32. ;rgani&ed crime is estimated to account for 1=N of the !nited States' national
32-. 3ira9es are unable to cough.
329. There is a law ?rm by the name of $awless B $inch in <amaica.
334. Eattle are the only mammals that are retroCmingent (they -ee bacwards+.
331. M=N of women ha4e hurled footwear at a man.
332. The octo-us' testicles are located in its head.
333. )= -ercent of women who wal into a de-artment store immediately turn to the
33'. ' baboon called <acie became a -ri4ate in the South 'frican army in ,orld ,ar 1.
33!. 1n the neAt se4en days, @== 'mericans will be inFured by their Fewelry.
336. 1t is estimated that at any one time, =.7N of the world's -o-ulation are drun.
33. Eow is a <a-anese brand of sha4ing foam.
33-. The a4erage -erson s-ends three years of his or her life on the toilet.
339. /ou are more liely to get attaced by a cow than a shar.
3'4. Phobatri4a-hobia is fear of tri4ia about -hobias.
3'1. 1*= cars can dri4e side by side on the Monumental 'Ais in %ra&il, the world's
widest road.
3'2. 't Hancoc Secondary School in Mississi--i there is actually a Mc5onalds in the
high school.
3'3. The largest obFect that was e4er found in the $os 'ngeles sewer system was a
3''. The !ni4ersity of 'lasa stretches o4er M time &ones.
3'!. Hy-notism is banned by -ublic schools in San 5iego.
3'6. 1n 6entucy, #=N of the -eo-le who get married for the ?rst time are teenagers.
3'. 1n Tibet it is considered good manners to stic out your tongue at someone.
3'-. The world's ?rst McSi o-ened in Sweden with SiCThru ser4ice C allowing siers to
si u- to the counter and order their Mc5onald's meal.
3'9. ' sur4ey re-orted that 12N of 'mericans thin that <oan of 'rc was >oah's wife.
3!4. The Mu--et Show was banned from Saudi 'rabian T8 becuase one if its stars was
a -ig.
3!1. 1n 1)7* an $' secretary named <annene Swift oPcially married a #= -ound roc
in a ceremony witnessed by more than 2= -eo-le.
3!2. ' shrim-'s heart is in its head.
3!3. 1t is -hysically im-ossible for -igs to loo u- into the sy.
3!'. 2ats multi-ly so Suicly that in 1@ months, two rats could ha4e o4er a million
3!!. 2:N of all -hotoco-ier faults worldwide are caused by -eo-le sitting on them and
-hotoco-ying their butts.
3!6. 1n 6entucy, it is illegal to carry iceCcream in your bac -ocet.
3!. 'ncient 2omans at one time used human urine as an ingredient in their
3!-. 2,#== newborn babies will be dro--ed in the neAt month.
3!9. 1T: of Taiwanese funeral -rocessions include a stri--er.
364. The 'ustralian "#,"1=,"2=,"#= and "1== notes are made out of -lastic.
361. 1n San Sal4ador, drun dri4ers can be -unished by death before a ?ring sSuad.
362. S-ider moneys lie banana daiSuiris.
363. 1n 1)#M, %ob Hawe was immortali&ed by the 3uinness %oo of 2ecords for
sculling 2.# -ints of beer in 12 seconds. %ob later became the Prime Minister of
36'. 1guanas ha4e two -enisesL
36!. Eontrary to -o-ular belief, the ?rst ironclad warshi-s were built by 6orea in the
1*th century.
366. The word '>ews' is actually an acronym standing for the M cardinal com-ass
-oints C >orth, East, ,est, and SouthL
36. The a4erage child will eat 1,#== -eanut butter and Felly sandwiches by the heTshe
graduates from high school.
36-. Pano-hobia is the fear of e4erything.
369. 't age 7=, an im-ressi4e 7: -ercent of men are still -otent.
34. The a4erage single man is one inch shorter than the a4erage married man.
31. The odds of getting a holeCinCone in golf are estimated at about 1@,===CtoC1.
32. /ou inhale about 7==,=== of your own sin Qaes each day.
33. There ha4e been M7 Eharlie Ehan Mo4ies, with siA actors -laying the -art. >one
were EhineseL
3'. 1n 1)@=, a $as 8egas hos-ital sus-ended worers for betting on when -atients
would dieL
3!. The bag-i-e was ?rst made from the li4er of a shee-.
36. ' toothbrush within * feet of a toilet can get airborne bacteria from Qushing .
3. The ?rst two years of a dog's life are eSual to 2M human years.
3-. 3iant Panda %ears gi4e birth to a M ounce %aby PandaL
39. 1f you cut a '8' sha-e into your toe nails, you can -re4ent 'inCgrown' toe nails.
3-4. Strawberries ha4e more 4itamin c than oranges.
3-1. ' broen cloc is always right twice a day.
3-2. /our sin is actually an organ.
3-3. 'ccording to !.S. 75' standards, 1 cu- of orange Fuice is allowed to contain 1=
fruit Qy eggs, but only 2 maggots.
3-'. 'n ounce of -latinum can be stretched 1=,=== feet.
3-!. So that's how they cheat C ' microwa4ed baseball will Qy farther than a fro&en
3-6. The !nited States has the highest minimum drining age in the world.
3-. The chances of you dying on the way to get your lottery ticets is greater than
your chances of winning.
3--. 1t taes :,=== cows to su--ly the >7$ with enough leather for a year's su--ly of
3-9. 1= -ercent of the 2ussian go4ernment's income comes from the sale of 4oda.
394. Ehina has more English s-eaers than the !nited States.
391. 1n 1))), Pe-si, 1nc. -aid "=.== in income taAL
392. 1n 21 !.S. states, ,'$M'2T is the single largest em-loyer.
393. 1n 1)@=, the city of 5etroit -resented Saddam Hussein with a ey to the city.
39'. '--roAimately 11# tons of ocean salt s-ray enters the earth's atmos-here each
39!. '--roAimately "2# million is s-ent each year on la- dances in $as 8egas.
396. 7rogs cannot swallow without blining.
39. Each day, more than "M= Trillion 5ollars changes hands worldwide.
39-. %oys who ha4e unusual ?rst names are more liely to ha4e mental -roblems than
boys with con4entional names. 3irls don't seem to ha4e this -roblem.
399. Termites eat wood twice as fast when listening to hea4y metal music.
'44. ' s-ider's sil is stronger than steel.
'41. The most -owerful electric eel is found in the ri4ers of %ra&il, Eolumbia,
8ene&uela, and Peru, and -roduces a shoc of M==C*#= 4olts.
'42. Parrots ha4e #== -ounds -er sSuare inch of -ressure in their beas.
'43. >o one nows how many -eo-le died during the sining of the Titanic.
'4'. The !.S. motto, '1n 3od ,e Trust', was not ado-ted as the national slogan until
'4!. Pollen ne4er deteriorates. 1t is one of the few natural substances that lasts
'46. The <a-anese liSuor, Mam, uses 4enomous snaes as one of its main engredients.
'4. The weight of a carat (2== milligrams+, standard unit of measurement for
gemstones, is based on the weight of the carob seed.
'4-. 'ny s-ace 4ehicle must mo4e at a rate of 7 miles -er second in order to esca-e
the earth's gra4itational -ull.
'49. The -ractice of identifying baseball -layers by number was started by the
/anees in 1)2).
'14. Eontrary to -o-ular belief, there are almost no %uddhists in 1ndia, nor ha4e there
been for about a thousand years.
'11. 7emales learn to tal earlier, use sentences earlier, and learn to read more
Suicly than males.
'12. ;riginally, 5u Pont, 1nc. was a tiny gun -owder mill in >ew <ersey.
'13. 'ccording to studies, men change their minds two to three times more often than
'1'. The state of ,yoming is named after a 4alley in Pennsyl4ania.
'1!. !ntil 1@#7, any foreign coins made of -recious metal were legal tender in the
!nited States.
'16. 1n >e-al, cow dung is used for medicinal -ur-oses.
'1. 1f you Qi- a coin ten times, the odds against its coming u- with the same side
showing each time are 1,=2: to 1.
'1-. More steel in the !nited States is used to mae bottle ca-s than to manufacture
automobile bodies.
'19. ' Sueen bee uses her stinger only to sting another Sueen bee.
'24. 't one 'feeding', a mosSuito can absorb one and a half times its own weight in
'21. S-iders ha4e trans-arent blood.
'22. 2ice is the chief food for half the -eo-le of the world.
'23. 3old?sh lose their color if they are e-t in dim light or are -laced in a body of
running water, such as a stream.
'2'. Eello-hane is not made of -lastic. 1t is made from a -lant ?ber, cellulose, which
has been shredded and aged.
'2!. 7orensic scientists can determine a -erson's seA, age, and race by eAamining a
single strand of hair.
'26. 'ccording to !.S. laws, a beer commercial can ne4er show a -erson actually
drining beer.
'2. The hair of an adult man or woman can stretch 2# -ercent of its length without
'2-. Moist air holds heat better than dry air.
'29. The /oC/o originated as a wea-on in the Phili--ine 1slands during the siAteenth
'34. 3erman chemists made a re-lica of a tro-hy the si&e of one molecule.
'31. 5oneys ill more -eo-le annually than -lane crashes.
'32. 8enus is the only -lanet that rotates clocwise.
'33. <umbo Fets use M=== gallons of fuel to tae o9 .
'3'. ;n a4erage, men can read smaller -rint than women, but women can hear better.
'3!. 1n England, corn means wheat.
'36. The -aring meter was in4ented in ;lahoma Eity.
'3. MosSuitoes are attracted to the color blue twice as much as any other color.
'3-. <acson4ille, 7lorida, has the largest total area of any city in the !nited States.
'39. ' comet's tail always -oints away from the sun.
''4. The lense of the eye continues to grow throughout a -erson's life.
''1. The a4erage tem-erature at M=,=== feet abo4e sea le4el is C*= 7.
''2. Eontrary to -o-ular belief, lightning tra4els from the ground u-wards not from
the sy downwards.
''3. ,hen young and im-o4erished, Pablo Picasso e-t warm by burning his own
'''. Polar bear fur is not white, it's clear.
''!. The ?rst 7ord cars had 5odge engines.
''6. ' fully loaded su-ertaner tra4eling at normal s-eed taes a least twenty minutes
to sto-.
''. >o matter its si&e or thicness, no -iece of -a-er can be folded in half more than
7 times.
''-. 'ccording to 3aming $aw, Easinos ha4e to stoc enough cash to co4er all the
chi-s on the 'Qoor'.
''9. The word Ti-s is actually an acronym standing for 'To 1nsure Prom-t Ser4ice'.
'!4. The a4erage chocolate bar has @ insects' legs in it.
'!1. The 4enom in a 5addy $ongC$egs s-ider is more -oisonous than a %lac ,idow's
or a %rown 2ecluse, but they cannot bite humans because their Faws won't o-en
wide enough.
'!2. ' rhinoceros horn is made of com-acted hair.
'!3. ' small air-lane can Qy bacwards.
'!'. 1n the early 1)*='s, Porsche commercially manufactured farm tractors.
'!!. ;riginally, %M, was an air-lane engine manufacturer.
'!6. 'ny modern Fet is ca-able of breaing the sound barrier.
'!. 1dentify a faeU The second hand on an authentic 2oleA watch doesn't tic, it
mo4es smoothly.
'!-. Today's to- fuel dragsters tae o9 with more force than the s-ace shuttle.
'!9. 1n the !.S., for e4ery dollar you s-end on gasoline 27 cents of it is in taAes.
'64. 2 out of : adults in the !nited States ha4e hemorrhoids.
'61. E4en a small amount of alcohol -laced on a scor-ion will mae it go cra&y and
sting itself to death.
'62. 8accines contain formaldehyde, ethylene glycol (antifree&e+, -henol
(disinfectant T -esticide+, and aluminum.
'63. EocaCEola was originally green.
'6'. The ty-ical s-ec of dust that you see Qoating in the air is half way in si&e between
the Earth and a subatomic -article.
'6!. $ouisiana is the only state that grows in land area e4ery year (5ue to allu4ial
de-osits from the Mississi--i 2i4er+.
'66. TeAas reser4es the right to become M se-erate states at a time of its chosing (a
condition of statehood 1@M#+.
'6. Peo-le in -arts of ,estern Ehina -ut salt in their tea instead of sugar.
'6-. Tablecloths were originally meant to ser4e as towels with which guests could wi-e
their hands and faces after dinner.
'69. The oil used by Fewelers to lubricate clocs and watches costs about ":,=== a
'4. /our body is creating and illing 1# million red blood cells -er second.
'1. Ti--ing at a restaurant in 1celand is considered an insult.
'2. !ntil the nineteenth century, solid blocs of tea were used as money in Siberia.
'3. ' %oeing 7M7 airliner holds #7,2@# gallons of fuel.
''. 7orest ?res mo4e faster u-hill than downhill.
'!. 2ubberbands last longer when refrigerated.
'6. Peanuts are one of the ingredients in dynamite.
'. There are 2): ways to mae change for a dollar.
'-. 2T: of the world's egg-lant is grown in >ew <ersey.
'9. 'lmonds are a member of the -each family.
'-4. 'n ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.
'-1. 1n most ad4ertisements, the time dis-layed on a watch or cloc is usually 1=U1=.
'-2. ' dragonQy has a lifes-an of 2M hours.
'-3. The giant sSuid has the largest eyes in the world.
'-'. 1n England, the S-eaer of the House is not allowed to s-ea.
'-!. Mr. 2ogers was an ordained minister.
'-6. The tongue is the strongest muscle in the human body.
'-. More than 2,#== left handed -eo-le a year are illed from using -roducts made
for right handed -eo-le.
'--. Ehec your ma-L 8irginia eAtends farther west than ,est 8irginia.
'-9. The sun is ::=,::= times larger than the earth.
'94. The a4erage life s-an of a maFor league baseball is #C7 -itches.
'91. The ,ild Turey is the only bird with a beard.
'92. ' hedgehog's heart beats :== times a minute on a4erage.
'93. 'ncient Egy-tians sle-t on -illows made of stone.
'9'. 1t's against the law to -awn your dentures in $as 8egas.
'9!. Some ribbon worms will eat themsel4es if they cant ?nd any food.
'96. ' Felly?sh is )# -ercent water.
'9. ' com-any in Taiwan maes dinnerware out of wheat, so you can eat your -late.
'9-. More Mono-oly money is -rinted in a year, than real money -rinted throughout
the world.
'99. ' -i-e 2 feet in diameter will allow four times more Quid to -ass through it than a
-i-e 1 foot in diameter.
!44. Elocs made before 1**= had only one hand C an hour hand.
!41. >o one nows who designed the ?rst 'merican 7lag.
!42. %ats always turn left when eAiting a ca4e.
!43. 1n England, in the 1@@='s, 'Pants' was considered a dirty word.
!4'. Men are * times more liely to be struc by lightning than women.
!4!. ' tooth-ic is the obFect most often choed on by 'mericans.
!46. '--les are more ePcient than ca9eine in ee-ing -eo-le awae in the morning.
!4. Humans and dol-hins are the only s-ecies that ha4e seA for -leasure.
!4-. The -enalty for masturbation in 1ndonesia is deca-itation.
!49. %utterQies taste with their feet.
!14. Some lions mate o4er #= times a day.
!11. The uni4ersally -o-ular Hershey bar was used o4erseas during ,orld ,ar 11 as
!12. The human heart creates enough -ressure to sSuirt blood :=ft .
!13. %ananas arenIt fruitL They are a ty-e of herb.
!1'. 'lbert Einstien ne4er wore any socs.
!1!. ' lum- of -ure gold the si&e of a matchboA can be Qattened into a sheet the si&e
of a tennis court.
!16. Prior to 1)==, -ri&e ?ghts lasted u- to 1== rounds.
!1. ' -olar bear's sin is blac. 1ts fur is not white, but actually clear.
!1-. More -eo-le are illed by doneys annually than are illed in -lane crashes.
!19. Marilyn Monroe had siA toes.
!24. 2acehorses can wear out new horse shoes in one race.
!21. Pittsburgh is the only city where all maFor s-orts teams ha4e the same colorsU
%lac and gold.
!22. Three consecti4e stries in bowling is called a turey.
!23. S-am stands for Shoulder Por and Ham.
!2'. ,hen intoAicated, an ant will always fall on its right side.
!2!. 7ebruary 1@*# is the only month in recorded history to not ha4e a full moon.
!26. 1n the last M=== years, no new animals ha4e been domesticated.
!2. The ?rst bomb dro--ed by the 'llies on berlin in ,,2 illed the only ele-hant in
the %erlin Doo.
!2-. Snails breathe through their feet.
!29. 3ra-es eA-lode when you -ut them in the microwa4e.
!34. ,orcestershire Sauce is basically an 'ncho4y etchu-.
!31. 7or beer commercials, they add liSuid detergent to the beer to mae it foam
!32. 6etchu- was sold in the 1@:=s as medicine.
!33. 1t too 2=,=== men 22 years to build the TaF Mahal.
!3'. 1n %ra&il, Ehristmas is celebrated with ?rewors.
!3!. 5uring his or her lifetime, the a4erage human will grow #)= miles of hair.
!36. The storage ca-acity of human brain eAceeds M Terrabytes.
!3. 5onald 5uc comics were banned from 7inland because he doesn't wear -ants.
!3-. The most -o-ular s-ort as a to-ic for a ?lm is boAing.
!39. 1f you went out into s-ace, you would eA-lode before you su9ocated because
there's no air -ressure.
!'4. ;n a4erage, half of all false teeth ha4e some form of radioacti4ity.
!'1. 5ating bac to the 1*=='s, thermometers were ?lled with %randy instead of
!'2. 2ain contains 4itamin %12.
!'3. ;ut of all the senses, smell is most closely lined to memory.
!''. Sound at the right 4ibration can bore holes through a solid obFect.
!'!. 'n iceberg contains more heat than a lit match.
!'6. The Earth gets hea4ier each day by tons, as meteoric dust settles on it.
!'. The Ehinese ideogram for 'trouble' de-icts two women li4ing under one roof.
!'-. The cruise liner, 'Vueen Eli&abeth 2', mo4es only siA inches for each gallon of
diesel that it burns.
!'9. 2al-h $auren's original name was 2al-h $ifshit&.
!!4. Eho-Csuey is not a nati4e Ehinese dish, it was created in Ealifornia by Ehinese
!!1. Human birth control -ills wor on gorillas.
!!2. ;a trees do not ha4e acorns until they are ?fty years old or older.
!!3. $inen is actually stronger when wet.
!!'. $inen can absorb u- to 2= times its weight in moisture before it feels dam-L
!!!. To burn o9 one -lain MBM candy, you need to wal the full length of a football
!!6. >ie 'ir Soles do not actually ha4e 'air' in them.
!!. Household bleach is the recommended chemical to decontaminate -eo-le
eA-osed to the anthraA 4irus, by the !.S. 7.5.'. .
!!-. 1f Ehina im-orted Fust 1=N of it's rice needsC the -rice on the world maret would
increase by @=N.
!!9. ' car o-erates at maAimum economy, gasCwise, at s-eeds between 2# and :#
miles -er hour.
!64. %y raising your legs slowly and laying on your bac, you can't sin in Suicsand.
!61. The name ,endy was made u- for the boo Peter Pan.
!62. Pollen can tra4el u- to #== miles in a day.
!63. 1f you too a standard sliny and stretched it out it would measure @7 feet.
!6'. E4ery year, 'lasa has about #,=== earthSuaes.
!6!. 1n a year a--roAimately )== million trees are cut down to mae the raw materials
needed for 'merican -ul- mills and -a-er.
!66. 1ndia used to be the richest country in the world until the %ritish in4asion in the
early 17th Eentury.
!6. 1stanbul, Turey is the only city in the world located on two continents.
!6-. ;a trees can li4e 2== or more years.
!69. Persia changed its name to 1ran in 1):#.
!4. TeAas is the only state that is allowed to Qy its Qag at the same height as the !.S.
!1. The 'ma&on rainforest -roduces more than 2=N the world's oAygen su--ly.
!2. 27N of female lottery winners hid their winning ticet in their bras.
!3. 'mericans are res-onsible for generating roughly 2=N -ercent of the garbage in
the world.
!'. %y recycling Fust one glass bottle, the amount of energy that is being sa4ed is
enough to light a 1== watt bulb for four hours.
!!. Ehildren laugh about M== times a day, while adults laugh on a4erage only 1#
times a day.
!6. E4ery three seconds, a new baby is born.
!. 7amilies who turn o9 the tele4ision during meals tend to eat healthier.
!-. HalifaA, >o4a Scotia, Eanada has the most bars -er ca-ita than anywhere else in
the world.
!9. More than )=N of shar attac 4ictims sur4i4e.
!-4. ;4er #=N of lottery -layers go bac to wor after winning the Fac-ot.
!-1. The most collect calls are made on 7ather's 5ay.
!-2. %ill 3ates house was designed using a Macintosh com-uter.
!-3. 1f the -o-ulation of Ehina waled -ast you in single ?le, the line would ne4er end
because of the rate of re-roduction.
!-'. /ou share your birthday with at least ) million other -eo-le in the world.
!-!. >o -resident of the !nited States was an only child.
!-6. EocaCcola used to use the slogan '3ood to the last dro-', in 1)=@. This slogan was
later used by MaAwell House.
!-. 1f ,alCMart was classi?ed as a country, it would be the 2Mth most -roducti4e
country in the world.
!--. Eoconuts ill more -eo-le in the world than shars do. '--roAimately 1#= -eo-le
are illed each year by coconuts.
!-9. !ntil the 1)*='s men with long hair were not allowed to enter 5isneyland.
!94. ' %C2# bomber air-lane crashed into the 7)th Qoor of the Em-ire State %uilding
on <uly 2@, 1)M#.
!91. 1ndia has a %ill of 2ights for cows.
!92. 3loucestershire air-ort in England used to blast Tina Turner songs on the runways
to scare birds away.
!93. %ecause heat eA-ands the metal, the Ei9el Tower always leans away from the
!9'. /ou can ta-e a small mirror onto a cone s-eaer, -lay music and shine a laser on
to the mirror and the reQection will loo lie a laser light show on your wall.
!9!. Most cell -hone antennas ha4e no -ur-ose other than to mae -eo-le belie4e
that Qi--ing u- a 2 inch antenna Fust ga4e them better rece-tion. They are not
connected to any circuitry.
!96. To ?nd out if a watermelon is ri-e, noc it, and if it sounds hollow then it is ri-e.
!9. The ?rst E5 -ressed in the !S was %ruce S-ringsteenIs '%orn in the !S''.
!9-. 1n one day, a full grown redwood tree eA-els more than 2 tons of water through
its lea4es.
!99. ;nly female bees wor.
644. $eonardo da 8inci in4ented scissors.
641. >ati4e 'mericans do not ha4e to -ay taA on their land.
642. 1t is illegal to hunt camels in the state of 'ri&ona.
643. Eonnecticut and 2hode 1sland ne4er rati?ed the 1@th 'mendment (Prohibition+.
64'. The best diamonds are colored blueCwhite.
64!. >o one nows where Mo&art is buried.
646. The oPcial name of 1ndia is not 1ndia. 1t is %harat.
64. Muhammad is the most common name in the world.
64-. ;ne can see the stars during the day from the bottom of a well.
649. 2oosters can't crow if they can't fully eAtend their necs.
614. 1f a surgeon in 'ncient Egy-t lost a -atient while -erforming an o-eration, his
hands were cut o9.
611. The ?nger-rints of oala bears are 4irtually indistinguishable from those of
humans, so much so that they could be confused at a crime scene.
612. Months that begin on a Sunday will always ha4e a '7riday the 1:th'.
613. 1t is illegal to be a -rostitute in Siena, 1taly, if your name is Mary.
61'. >a-oleon had conSuered 1taly by the time he was twentyCsiA.
61!. 'n egg will Qoat if -laced in water in which sugar has been added.
616. 5irty snow melts faster than clean.
61. ' ball of glass will bounce higher than a ball made of rubber.
61-. ,hen glass breas, the cracs mo4e faster than :,=== miles -er hour.
619. Hot water weighs more than cold water.
624. Man is the only animal that cries.
621. Men laugh longer, louder, and more often than women.
622. More 'mericans ha4e died in car accidents than ha4e died in all the wars e4er
fought by the !nited States.
623. >atural gas has no smell. The odor is arti?cially added so that -eo-le will be able
to identify leas and tae measures to sto- them.
62'. 1f a car is tra4elling at ## miles -er hour it will tra4el #* feet before the dri4er can
shift his foot from the accelerator to the brae.
62!. ;ne million -eo-le each year are bitten by animals in the !nited States.
626. Ehildren are -oisoned most freSuently by eating harmful -lants.
62. The a4erage -erson can li4e for ele4en days without water, assuming an a4erage
tem-erature of *= degrees fahrenheit.
62-. Saturn's rings are about #==,=== miles in circumference but only about a foot
629. The sun is ::=,::= times larger than the earth.
634. ' rainbow can only be seen in the morning or late afternoon.
631. 1t snows more in the 3rand Eanyon than it does in Minnea-olis, Minnesota.
632. 2ubber is one of the ingredients in bubble gum.
633. The a4erage housewife wals 1= miles a day around the house doing her chores.
63'. The chow is the only dog that has a blac tongue.
63!. The !nited States -roduces more tobacco than it does wheat.
636. 1t taes 1== -ounds of rain water to -roduce a single -ound of food from the
63. 1t taes a -erson 1# to 2= minutes to wal once around the Pentagon.
63-. The only manmade structure 4isible from s-ace is the 3reat ,all of Ehina.
639. There are more tele-hones than -eo-le in ,ashington, 5.E.
6'4. 5iamonds mined in %ra&il are harder than those found in 'frica.
6'1. '--roAimately 7= -ercent of the earth is co4ered by water. ;nly 1 -ercent of this
water is drinable.
6'2. 'ustria was the ?rst country to use -ostcards.
6'3. 1n the !nited States in 1)7*, a -ound of -otato chi-s cost 2== times more than a
-ound of -otatoes.
6''. There are more insects in one sSuare mile of rural land than there are human
beings in the world.
6'!. Each year, a--roAimately 2#=,=== 'merican husbands are -hysically attaced
and beaten by their wi4es.
6'6. 7orty -ercent of the 'merican -o-ulation has ne4er 4isited a dentist.
6'. >either the saAo-hone, the tuba, the coronet, nor the 4al4e trum-et eAisted
before 1@==.
6'-. 1f the chemical sodium is dro--ed into water and a match is taen to the miAture,
it will immediately and 4iolently ignite.
6'9. Sound tra4els ?fteen times faster through steel than through air.
6!4. ,omen ha4e a slightly higher a4erage 1V than men.
6!1. 1t is -ossible to go blind from smoing too hea4ily.
6!2. 1n 1)1= a football team was -enali&ed 1# yards for an incom-leted forward -ass.
6!3. >o high Fum-er has e4er been able to stay o9 the ground for more than one
6!'. 3reyhounds ha4e the best eyesight of any breed of dog.
6!!. ' mole can dig a hole :== feet dee- in one night.
6!6. ' rat can go without water longer than a camel can.
6!. Eats ha4e no ability to taste sweet things.
6!-. ' male baboon can ill a leo-ard.
6!9. 1n its ancient form, the carrot was -ur-le, not orange.
664. There are more fatal car accidents in <uly than any other month.
661. 'bout 1 in := -eo-le, in the !.S., are in Fail, on -robation, or on -aroleL
662. 7=,=== -eo-le in the !.S. are both blind and deafL
663. ;ne third of the electricity -roduced on earth is used to -ower electric light
66'. 1n the a4erage lifetime a -erson will breath in about MM -ounds of dust.
66!. 1f Manhattan had the same -o-ulation density as 'lasa, there would only be 1#
-eo-le li4ing there.
666. There are 1= towns named Hollywood in the !nited StatesL
66. The man who created the Thighmaster was once a %huddist Mon.
66-. Male hos-ital -atients fall out of bed twice as often as female hos-ital -atients.
669. Eo9ee beans aren't beans C they're fruit -its.
64. 'n 'aglet' is the -lastic or metal ti- of a shoelace.
61. Sonny and Eher originally called themsel4es Eleo and Eaesar.
62. The oldest -ig in the world li4ed to the age of *@.
63. 7*N of 'mericans celebrate >ew /ear's E4e in grou-s of less than 2=.
6'. >one of the %eatles new how to read music. (Paul McEartney e4entually taught
6!. $ae >icaragua in >icaragua is the only fresh water lae in the world that has
66. 'n estimated M=#,=== !.S. houses still lac indoor -lumbing.
6. Eity dwellers ha4e longer, thicer, denser nose hairs than country fols do.
6-. 3old?sh remember better in cold water than warm water.
69. '8oda' is 2ussian for 'little water'.
6-4. Pound for Pound, hamburgers cost more than new carsL
6-1. ' angaroo cannot Fum- if its tail is of the ground.
6-2. Eontrary to -o-ular belief, dogs do not only sweat by sali4ating. They also sweat
through the -oors on their feet.
6-3. 1t's -ossible to lead a cow u-stairs, but not downstairs.
6-'. ;n a4erage, 1== -eo-le choe to death on ball-oint -ens e4ery year.
6-!. 1n ten minutes, a hurricane releases more energy than all the world's nuclear
wea-ons combinedL
6-6. ,hen Hein& etchu- lea4es the bottle, it tra4els at a rate of 2# miles -er year.
6-. The worldIs youngest -arents were @ and ) and li4ed in Ehina in 1)1=.
6--. )7N of all -a-er money in the !S contains traces of cocaine.
6-9. The best recorded distance for -roFectile 4omiting is 27 feet.
694. The heart of an astronaut actually gets smaller when in outer s-ace.
691. The 4enom of the ing cobra is so deadly that Fust one gram of it can ill 1#=
692. Male moneys lose the hair on their heads in the same way men do.
693. ' com-letely blind chameleon will still tae on the colors of its en4ironment.
69'. The famous a-hrodisiac 'S-anish 7ly' is made from dried beetle remainsL
69!. Houdini was the ?rst man to Qy a -lane solo in 'ustralia.
696. WCrays of the Mona $isa show that there are three com-letely di9erent 4ersions of
the same subFect, all -ainted by $eonardo 5a 8inci, under the ?nal -ortrait.
69. Eastor oil is used as a lubricant in Fet -lanes.
69-. !- to the age of siA or se4en months a child can breathe and swallow at the
same time. 'n adult cannot do this.
699. 'n eagle can attac, ill, and carry away an animal as large as a small deer.
44. ' snee&e can tra4el as fast as 1== miles -er hour.
41. %lue eyes are the most sensiti4e to light, dar brown the least sensiti4e.
42. 1t taes 17 muscles to smile, M: to frown.
43. 2#N of your bones are located in your feet.
4'. 1f you yelled for @ years, 7 months and * days, you would ha4e -roduced enough
sound energy to heat one cu- of co9ee.
4!. %anging your head against a wall uses 1#= calories an hour.
46. The Qea can Fum- :#= times its body length, that is lie a human Fum-ing the
length of a football ?eld.
4. The right lung taes in more air than the left.
4-. The human brain is insensiti4e to -ain.
49. >eanderthal man had a brain ca-city 1==cc larger than modern man's.
14. 5uring menstruation, the sensiti4ity of a woman's middle ?nger is reduced.
11. ,hile 7 men in 1== ha4e some form of color blindness, only 1 woman in 1,===
su9ers from it.
12. Eatgut comes from shee- not cats.
13. ' lion's roar can be heard from ?4e miles away.
1'. 5ue to gra4itational e9ects, you weigh slightly less when the moon is directly
1!. The launching mechanism of a carrier shi- that hel-s -lanes to tae o9 could
throw a -icu- truc o4er a mile.
16. The -lacement of a doney's eyes in its' heads enables it to see all four feet at all
1. Harry S. Truman was the last !.S. President with no college degree.
1-. 1n 'ncient 3reece, if a woman watched e4en one ;lym-ic e4ent, she was
19. The !.S. has more bag-i-e bands than Scotland does.
24. 'ccording to our eA-erts, there was no -unctuation until the 1#th century.
21. 1# -ercent of 'mericans secretly bite their toes.
22. More than 1=N of the world's annual -roduction of salt is used to deCice 'merican
23. Erocodile babies don't ha4e seA chromosomesO the tem-erature at which the egg
de4elo-s determines gender.
2'. The higher the income, the more liely an 'merican man will cheat on his wife.
2!. The male -raying mantis cannot co-ulate while its head is attached to its body.
The female initiates seA by ri--ing the males head o9.
26. !.S. President Eal4in Eoolidge lied to eat breafast while ha4ing his head rubbed
with 4aseline.
2. ;nly #1N of South Earolina high school students will graduate, the lowest of any
2-. Sweden has more tele-hones -er ca-ita than any country on earth.
29. The a4erage tastebud li4es only 1= days before it dies and is re-laced by a new
34. The most common time for a ban robbery is 7riday, between ) and 11 a.m. The
least liely time is ,ednesday, between : and * -.m.
31. More than half the -o-ulation of 6enya is under the age of 1#.
32. ;riginally, <acC;C$anterns were made from turni-s.
33. ' woman's sense of smell is most acute during o4ulation.
3'. Ehina grows more -ears than any other country in the world.
3!. The 12S -rocesses more than 2 billion -ieces of -a-er each year.
36. Smoers eat more sugar than nonCsmoers do.
3. %ea4ers can swim half a mile underwater on one gul- of air.
3-. 1t taes twel4e ears of corn to mae a tables-oon of corn oil.
39. 1= of the tributaries Qowing into the 'ma&on ri4er are as big as the Mississi--i
'4. 2udyard 6i-ling refused to write with anything other than blac in.
'1. /our seleton ee-s growing until you are about :#, then you start to shrin.
'2. 1n 1))2, ##,1M2 -eo-le were inFured by Fewelry.
'3. The !nited ingdom eats more cans of baed beans than the rest of the world
''. 2ichest country in the worldU Swit&erland. PoorestU Mo&ambiSue.
'!. 1n ancient Ehina, -eo-le committed suicide by eating a -ound of salt.
'6. Murder is the only crime that does not increase during the full moon. Theft,
disorderly conduct, larceny, armed robbery, assault and battery, and ra-e all
statistically increase dramatically during the full moon.
'. Most -roducti4e day of the worweeU Tuesday.
'-. * million tourists a year 4isit Ealifornia. #@,=== 4isit Mississi--i.
'9. : most -o-ular dogs in the !.S.U $abrador 2etrie4ers, 2ottweilers, and Eocer
!4. 1srael's 5ead Sea is 1,:12 feet below sea le4el.
!1. More than #=N of 'mericans fall aslee- on their sides.
!2. ;ne in #== humans has one blue eye and one brown eye.
!3. The 3 in 'gCstring' stand for groin.
!'. The can o-ener was in4ented M@ years after the can was.
!!. The creator of the ,aXe 1ron did not actually lie waXes.
!6. 1n many countries, urine was used as a detergent for washing.
!. The >obel Peace Pri&e medal de-icts : naed men with their hands on each
others shoulders.
!-. ' bowling -in need only tilt 7.# degrees to fall.
!9. The last time 'merican 3reen cards were actually green was 1)*M.
64. 5iet Pe-si was originally called Patio 5iet Eola.
61. 7,=== new insect s-ecies are disco4ered e4ery year.
62. >o matter how cold it gets, gasoline won't free&e. %elow C1@= degrees 7, it Fust
turns gummy.
63. 1n 17@), the total !.S. federal go4ernment debt was "1)=,===.
6'. E4ery !.S. -resident with a beard has been a 2e-ublican.
6!. <immy Ho9a's middle name is, a--ro-riately, 2iddle.
66. Eleo-atra wasn't Egy-tianO she was 3ree.
6. Medical studies show that intelligent -eo-le ha4e more co--er and &inc in their
6-. ,hen you correct for weight di9erences, men are -ro-ortionately stronger than
69. More boys than girls are born during the dayO more girls are born at night.
4. Peo-le in nudist colonies -lay 4olleyball more than any other s-ort.
1. 8ultures Qy without Qa--ing their wings.
2. 'ctor <ohn ,ayne made more than 2== mo4ies.
3. 't their closest -oint, the 2ussian and !.S. borders are less than two miles a-art.
'. 1t taes siA months to build a 2olls 2oyce...and 1: hours to build a Toyota.
!. ;n some Earibbean islands, the oysters can climb trees.
6. ,hen a -erson dies, hearing is generally the last sense to go.
. 2oughly a Suarter of the world's -eo-le li4e in Ehina.
-. The earth rotates more slowly on its aAis in March than in Se-tember.
9. The tem-erature of the earth's interior increases by 1 degree e4ery *= feet down.
-4. ;ne 7#Cwatt bulb gi4es more light than three 2#Cwatt bulbs.
-1. The a4erage 'merican uses eight times as much fuel energy as an a4erage
-erson anywhere else in the world.
-2. 6ilts are not nati4e to Scotland. They originated in 7rance.
-3. ,yoming was the ?rst state to allow women to 4ote.
-'. Minnows ha4e teeth in their throat.
-!. Most tro-ical marine ?sh could sur4i4e in a tan ?lled with human blood.
-6. The lung?sh can li4e out of water for three years in a state of sus-ended
-. ' -eanut is not a nut. 1t is a legume.
--. The banana tree cannot re-roduce itself. 1t can be -ro-agated only by the hand of
-9. 3oat's mil is used more widely throughout the world than cow's mil.
94. ,ine will s-oil if eA-osed to lightO hence tinted bottles.
91. Mil is hea4ier than cream.
92. Honey is the only food that will not s-oil.
93. ' hardboiled egg will s-in. 'n uncooed or softboiled egg will not.
9'. 't race tracs, the fa4orite wins fewer than :=N of the time.
9!. The o--osite sides of a dice cube always add u- to se4en.
96. Esimos don't gamble.
9. There is one slot machine in $as 8egas for e4ery eight inhabitants.
9-. There are no clocs in $as 8egas gambling casinos.
99. >o -atent can e4er be taen out on a gambling machine in the !nited States.
-44. More than 2#N of the world's forests are in Siberia.
-41. 1srael is one Suarter the si&e of the state of Maine.
-42. ' houseQy li4es only two wees.
-43. Mar Twain didn't e4en mae it through elementary school.
-4'. Tsunamis ( tidal wa4es + tra4el as fast as Fet -lanes.
-4!. The >estles ha4en't run >estle since 1@7#.
-46. 'rmadillos can get le-rosy.
-4. There are *:#,=1:,##),#)) -ossible hands in a game of bridge.
-4-. ;n a4erage, Eli&abeth Taylor remarries e4ery M years, # months.
-49. Three Mile 1sland is only 2 1T2 miles long.
-14. Henry 7ord was Eharles $indbergh's ?rst -assenger in the S-irit of St. $ouis.
-11. Terminator 2 cost "*M7,=== -er minute of ?lm to mae.
-12. 1t's illegal to own a red car in Shanghai, Ehina.
-13. ,hat's the mostCsho-lifted boo in the !nited States0 The %ible.
-1'. 1n an a4erage hour, there are o4er *1,=== 'mericans airborne o4er the !nited
-1!. The cigarette lighter was in4ented before the match.
-16. /ou are more liely to be illed by a cham-agne cor than a -oisonous s-iderL
-1. 5ueling is legal in Paraguay, as long as both -arties are registered blood donors.
-1-. 'll -olar bears are leftChanded.
-19. Ele-hants are the ;>$/ animals that can't Fum-.
-24. ' snail can slee- for three years.
-21. ' roach can li4e u- to nine days without its head.
-22. The a4erage human body contains enough fat to mae se4en bars of soa-.
-23. More -eo-le ha4e a -hobia of frogs than rats.
-2'. Males sweat M=N more than females.
-2!. 5ee- %reathing gi4es you health bene?ts similar to aerobics.
-26. 2ats can't 4omit, that's why rat -oison wors.
-2. More than ten -eo-le a year are illed by 4ending machines.
-2-. 'nteaters -refer termites to ants.
-29. The mas used by Michael Myers in the original 'Halloween' was actually a
Ea-tain 6ir mas -ainted white.
-34. >onCdairy creamer is Qammable.
-31. ' s-ecies of earthworm in 'ustralia grows u- to 1= feet in length.
-32. Turey's often loo u- at the sy during a rainstorm. !nfortunately some ha4e
been nown to drown as a result.
-33. >early 22,=== checs will be deducted from the wrong account o4er the neAt
-3'. There are )2 nown cases of nuclear bombs lost at sea.
-3!. 1f you are loced in a com-letely sealed room, you will die of carbon dioAide
-oisoning ?rst before you will die of oAygen de-ri4ation.
-36. The 2amses brand condom is named after the great -haraoh 2amses 11 who
fathered o4er 1*= children.
-3. Shee- outnumber humans in >ew Dealand 1#U1.
-3-. Mel %lanc, the 4oice of %ugs %unny, was allergic to carrots.
-39. 'lfred Hitchcoc didn't ha4e a belly button.
-'4. Penguins can change salt water into fresh water.
-'1. The s-eed of a ty-ical raindro- is 7 miles -er hour.
-'2. ))N of -eo-le cannot lic their elbow.
-'3. More than #=N of the -eo-le in the world ha4e ne4er made or recei4ed a
tele-hone call.
-''. Most li-stic contains ?sh scales.
-'!. The a4erage female will ha4e :.: -regnancies in her life.
-'6. 1n 1)@7 'merican 'irlines sa4ed "M=,=== by eliminating one oli4e from its 7irst
Elass salads.
-'. Mussolini dodged the 1talian draft.
-'-. Pain tra4els through your body at :#= ft. -er second.
-'9. The a4erage houseQy weighs 1= to 1# millionths of a -ound.
-!4. The !.S. founding fathers' name for the 'merican 2e4olution was 'The ,ar with
-!1. 'n adult gira9e's tongue is 17 inches long.
-!2. 1t taes u- to four hours to hard boil an ostrich egg.
-!3. 'll of the Earth's continents are wider at the north than in the south C and nobody
nows why.
-!'. The a4erage !.S. farm has M*7 acresO the a4erage <a-anese farm has : acres.
-!!. 7or e4ery gallon of sea water, you get more than a Suarter -ound of salt.
-!6. The a4erage oPce worer s-ends #= minutes a day looing for lost ?les and
other items.
-!. M1N of the moon is not 4isible from earth at any time.
-!-. ' female macerel lays #==,=== eggs at a time.
-!9. The ty-ical !.S. 1@CyearCold has s-ent 11,=== hours in school and 1@,=== hours
watching T8.
-64. ,hen your face blushes, the lining of your stomach turns red, too.
-61. El4is Presley got a 'E' in his eighth grade music class.
-62. >o wonder they gruntU Most of a hog's sweat glands are in its snout.
-63. 1f your stomach didn't -roduce a new layer of mucous e4ery two wees, it would
digest itself.
-6'. The glue on 1sraeli stam-s is certi?ed osher.
-6!. 1n :) of the #= !.S. states, the tra4el industry is the largest single em-loyer.
-66. Ears of corn always ha4e an e4en number of rows of ernels.
-6. The country of %ra&il is named after the bra&il nut.
-6-. ,hale oil was used in automobile transmissions as late as 1)7:.
-69. 7emale canaries cannot sing.
-4. 'bout half of all 'mericans are on a diet on any gi4en day.
-1. ;nly ##N of 'mericans now that the sun is a star.
-2. There are no rental cars in %ermuda.
-3. ' grou- of angaroos is called a mob.
-'. Pearls melt in 4inegar.
-!. ,'$CM'2T generates ":,===,===.== in re4enues e4ery 7 minutesL
-6. 't birth, a -anda bear is smaller than a mouse.
-. %y :,=== %.E. there were at least siA di9erent ty-es of beer in Egy-t.
--. The most -o-ular Eam-bell's Sou- in Hong 6ong is watercress and duc gi&&ard.
-9. S-inach consum-tion in the !.S. rose ::N after the Po-eye comic stri- became a
hit in 1):1.
--4. The !nited States has ne4er lost a war when doneys were used.
--1. !ntil the year 1)2=, Eanada was -lanning on in4ading the !nited States.
--2. ,omen blin nearly twice as much as men.
--3. 'mericans eat nearly 1== acres of -i&&a e4ery day C that's a--roAimately :#=
slices -er secondL.
--'. <immy Earter is the ?rst !.S. President to ha4e been born in a hos-ital.
--!. The highest -oint in Pennsyl4ania is lower than the lowest -oint in EoloradoL
--6. >utmeg is eAtremely -oisonous if inFected intra4enously.
--. ;nly 1 -erson in 2 billion will li4e to be 11*.
---. :#N of the -eo-le using -ersonal ads for dating are already marriedL
--9. E:P; is the ?rst character to s-ea in Star ,ars.
-94. The ?rst T8 commercialU a %ulo4a watch ticing onscreen for eAactly *= seconds.
-91. 1n 1*#), it was illegal to celebrate Ehristmas in Massachusetts.
-92. Sur4eys sayU only 0 'mericans eats : meals a day.
-93. ,ashington, 5.E. has one lawyer for e4ery 1) residentsL
-9'. The %lue ,hale's tongue weighs more than an adult ele-hantL
-9!. ;nions ha4e no Qa4or, only a smell.
-96. More -eo-le in Ehina s-ea English than in the !nited States.
-9. Hong 6ong has more 2olls 2oyces -er -erson than anywhere else in the world.
-9-. 5omestic cats hate lemons or other citrus scents.
-99. 1f you -ut a raisin in a fresh glass of cham-agne, it will rise and fall continuously.
944. The state of 7lorida is bigger than England.
941. 3ood newsU there are >; hog li-s or snouts in SP'M.
942. Pontius Pilate was born in Scotland.
943. 1nfant bea4ers are called ittens.
94'. 'nts donIt slee-.
94!. The earth is .=2 degrees hotter during a full moon.
946. 3ot gas0 M=N of all indigestion remedies sold in the world are bought by
94. Estimated cost for ha4ing your whole body tattooedU ":=,=== C "#=,===.
94-. 5ragonQies can tra4el u- to *=m-h.
949. !ntil President 6ennedy was illed, it wasnIt a federal crime to assassinate the
914. Poll resultsU >achos is the food most cra4ed by mothersCtoCbe.
911. Sur4eys sayU nearly 1=N of 'merican households dress their -ets in Halloween
912. ' co9ee tree yields about one -ound of co9ee in a year.
913. ,hy do -u--ies lic your face0 TheyIre instincti4ely looing for scra-s of food.
91'. Hard to belie4eU '--les are actually -art of the rose family.
91!. 'Second Street' is the most common street name in the !.S.O '7irst Street' is the
916. 'ccording to legend, thereIs a Su-erman in e4ery e-isode of Seinfeld.
91. Polar %ears can eat #= lbs. of meat in one setting.
91-. 'mong older men, 4anilla is the most erotic smell.
919. /umCyumL The a4erage 'merican consumes ) -ounds of food additi4es e4ery
924. ;ne in three snae bite 4ictims is drun. ;ne in ?4e is tatooed.
921. <acie 6ennedy ;nassis was secretly a chain smoer.
922. The Paci?c island of >auruIs economy is almost entirely based on bird dro--ings.
923. 1f you shae a can of miAed nuts, the larger ones go to the to-.
92'. 1ron weighs more after it rusts.
92!. 1t taes ?4e minutes to eAecute someone in a gas chamber.
926. ' chameleonIs tongue is twice the length of its body.
92. The Y%ig 5i--erI is nown as YThe EasseroleI in 7rance.
92-. %lac ,hales are born white.
929. 1f youIre o4er 1== years old, thereIs an @=N chance youIre a woman.
934. ,ettest city in the !.S.O Vuillayute, ,ahington. 5riestU /uma, 'ri&ona.
931. ;n a4erage, it taes **= days from conce-tion for an ele-hant to gi4e birth.
932. 'll the gold e4er mined could be molded into a cube *= feet high and *= feet
933. 1nsects outnumber humans by 1 million to one.
93'. 5riest inhabited -lace on earthU 'swan, Egy-t, which recei4es .=2 inches of rain
-er year.
93!. ' 6oala %ear slee-s 22 hours of e4ery day.
936. <. Edgar Hoo4er lied to ?re 7%1 agents whose -alms were sweaty when shaing
93. Ean you thin of an English word that rhymes with JmonthK0 /ou canIt because
there is none.
93-. ,orldIs hea4iest -rimatesU morbidly obese humans. 'fter thatU gorillas at M@# lbs.
939. MeAico has more 'merican residents than any other country eAce-t the !nited
9'4. 5ri4ers ill more deer than hunters.
9'1. 'bout 1=N of !.S. households -ay their bills in cash.
9'2. ,omen end u- digesting most of the li-stic they a--ly.
9'3. ' real estate agentIs rule of thumbU To estimate what a house will sell for, as the
owner what its worth and subtract 1=N.
9''. Henry 7ord, father of the 'utomobile, is also father of the charcoal briSuette.
9'!. There are a--roAimately :,#== astronomers in the !.S. C but o4er 1#,===
9'6. The !.S. eastern seaboard consumes almost #=N of all ice cream sandwiches.
9'. MosSuitoes -refer children to adults, blondes to brunettes.
9'-. Sales of 2olaids, 'laCSelt&er, and Tums Fum- 2=N in 5ecember
9'9. The to- : -roducts for cou-on redem-tion are cold cereal, soa-, and deodorant.
9!4. <ust one in three consumers -ays o9 his or her credit card bill e4ery month.
9!1. $ast 2 Euro-ean countries to let women 4oteU Swit&erland (1)71+ and
$eichtenstein (1)@M+.
9!2. 1f you -ut a TC%one stea in a bowl of Eoca C Eola, it will dissol4e in 2 to : days.
9!3. ;ne in three snae bite 4ictims is drun. ;ne in ?4e is tatooed.
9!'. Hummingbirds can't wal.
9!!. 5es-ite the hum-, a camel's s-ine is straight.
9!6. Each year, the a4erage family uses about 1@,=== gallons of water Fust to do its
9!. More than 1== -i&&a boACrelated -atents ha4e been issued since 1)7*L
9!-. 'luminum used to be more 4aluable than goldL
9!9. 1n 1)#*, @=N of all !.S. households had a refrigerator, but only @N of %ritish
households had oneL
964. The ?rst household refrigerators cost about "1*,===, in today's moneyL
961. There are more nutrients in the cornQae -acage itself than there are in the
actual cornQaes.
962. Erocodiles swallow stones to hel- them di4e dee-er.
963. There is a city called 2ome on e4ery continent.
96'. EatsI urine glows under a blac light.
96!. Maggots will only eat Qesh if it is dead. 7or this reason, they are often used to
remo4e the burnt sin from se4ere burn -atients.
966. EAtremely high -ressured water can easily cut through a steel beam.
96. 7irst four countries to ha4e tele4isionU England, the !.S., the !.S.S.2., and %ra&il.
96-. More -eo-le ha4e seen 5a4id Eo--er?eld -erform li4e than any other -erformer
in the world.
969. Eats mae o4er 1== di9erent 4ocal soundsO dogs can mae about ten.
94. Maes senseU %abe 2uth wore >o. : because he batted third.
91. 1dentity crisis0 'bout 1=N of <ewish households ha4e Ehristmas Trees.
92. Snowiest city in the !.S.U %lue canyon, Ealifornia.
93. The -o-ulation of the Earth has more than doubled since 1)#=.
9'. Swit&erland has the highest -erCca-ita consum-tion of soft drins in the world.
9!. 1n what country will you ?nd the most !ni4ersities0 1ndia.
96. %luebirds cannot see the color blue.
9. Pum-in rule of thumbU the darer the shell, the longer the -um-in lasts.
9-. E4en 'ntarctica has an area code. 1tIs *72.
99. The ancient Egy-tians bought Fewelry for their -et crocodiles.
9-4. The word JMrs.K Eannot be written in full.
9-1. 5ol-hins na- with one eye o-en.
9-2. 1f it isnIt mo4ing a frog canIt see it. 1f the frog canIt see it, he wonIt eat it.
9-3. ,hen -itched, the a4erage MaFor $eague baseball rotates 1# times before being
9-'. The 2 -eo-le most admired by teenagers in 1)@:U Eddie Mur-hy and 2onald
2eagan, in that order.
9-!. 1t taes about a wee to mae a Felly bean.
9-6. %abies are born without nee ca-s.
9-. Peo-le who are lying to you tend to loo u- and to the left (their left+.
9--. 2ightChanded -eo-le li4e, on a4erage, nine years longer than leftChanded -eo-le.
9-9. 1tIs a common -ractice in southern 1ndia for a man to marry his elder sisterIs
994. 1f you were to roll a lung from a human body and out Qat it would be the si&e of a
tennis court.
991. Tae your height and di4ide by eight. ThatIs how JtallK your head is.
992. #=N of !.S. -i&&as are sold with -e--eroni on them.
993. $e4i Strauss didnIt call them Feans. He called them Jwaist o4erallsK.
99'. 2=N of tuAedo rentals tae -lace in May.
99!. How does a shar ?nd ?sh0 1t can hear their hearts beating.
996. ,alt 5isney ,orld generates about 12=,=== -ounds of garbage e4ery day.
99. 7lorida has more tornados -er sSuare mile than any other state.
99-. 5o you tal to your car0 'ccording to -olls, more women do than men.
999. State s-ort of MarylandU <ousting.
1444. ' iller whaleIs heart beats := times a minute under water, *= times a
minute on the surface.
1441. 1f you -ut a TC%one stea in a bowl of Eoca C Eola, it will dissol4e in 2 to :
1442. ;ne in three snae bite 4ictims is drun. ;ne in ?4e is tatooed.
1443. EatsI urine glows under a blac light.
144'. Half of all 'mericans o4er the age of ## ha4e no teeth.
144!. Slow foodU The a4erage 7rench citi&en eats #== snails a year.
1446. ,hen you wal down a stee- hill, the -ressure on your nees is eSual to
three times your body weight.
144. ;ne in eight 'mericans is considered -oor, but one home in siA has at least
three cars or trucs.
144-. 'mericans will s-end more on cat food this year than baby food.
1449. The most -ushu-s e4er -erformed in one day was M*,==1.
1414. 1f youIre ty-ical, you can guess someoneIs seA with )#N accuracy Fust by
smelling their breath.
1411. Each year, :=,=== -eo-le are seriously inFured by eAercise eSui-ment.
1412. ;nly male ?reQies can Qy.
1413. 1f you are bitten by a -oisonous snae, and fail to recei4e medical attention,
you still ha4e a #=N chance of sur4i4al.
141'. :=N of -eo-le ased to -artici-ate in an o-inion -oll refuse.
141!. Most -o-ular soa- o-era in the worldU MeAicoIs JThe 2ich 'lso EryK.
1416. The ashes of the a4erage cremated -erson weigh nine -ounds.
141. ;nly 1N of bacteria cause disease in humansL
141-. 5uring his lifetime, Herman Mel4ille's Moby 5ic sold only #= co-ies.
1419. @=N of Publishers' Elearing House "1= million winners did not -urchase any
maga&ine subscri-tionsL
1424. Seaweed can grow u- to 12 inches -er dayL
1421. $ess than 1=N of criminals commit about *7N of all crime.
1422. E4ery 'lasan citi&en o4er the age of * months recei4es an oil di4idend
chec of about "1=== -er yearL
1423. ,hat you ?nd when you sha4e the stri-ed fur o9 of a tiger0 Stri-ed sin.
142'. The a4erage coach airline meal costs the airline "M.==. The a4erage ?rst
class mealU "#=.
142!. 1# million gallons of wine were destroyed in the 1)=* San 7rancisco
1426. The !.S. 'rmy accidentally ordered an @2 year su--ly of free&eCdried tuna
salad miA for troo-s in Euro-e.
142. Senegalese women s-end an a4erage of 17.# hours a wee Fust collecting
142-. 7attest news-a-er e4er -rintedU >ew /or Times, ;ctober 17, 1)*# at )M*
-ages. 1t weighed 7 0 lbs.
1429. 'bout 2T: of 'merican men -refer boAers to briefs.
1434. Mammal rule of thumbU in Fust about e4ery s-ecies, the female li4es longer
than the male.
1431. ,hoo-i 3olbergIs real name is Earyn Elaine <ohnson.
1432. 3i4en the o--ortunity, deer will chew gum and mariFuana. >o word on which
they lie the most.
1433. >early #=N of the worldIs scientists are assigned to military -roFects.
143'. '4ocados ha4e more -rotein than any other fruit.
143!. 're you one of the ::N of the -o-ulation who canIt sna- their ?ngers0
1436. 7ranlin 5. 2oose4eltIs : fa4orite foodsU frog legs, -ig nucles, and
scrambled eggs.
143. Stilts were in4ented by 7rench she-herds who needed a way to get around in
wet marshes.
143-. The a4erage city dog li4es three years longer than the a4erage country dog.
1439. Hollywood fashion ti-U wearing yellow maes you loo bigger on cameraO
green, smaller.
14'4. 1t taes a dro- of ocean water more than 1,=== years to circulate around the
14'1. 1f you -ut a TC%one stea in a bowl of Eoca C Eola, it will dissol4e in 2 to :
14'2. ;ne in three snae bite 4ictims is drun. ;ne in ?4e is tatooed.
14'3. To tae an oath, ancient 2omans -ut a hand on their testiclesZthatIs where
the word JtestimonyK comes from.
14''. 'ttics were in4ented in 'ttica.
14'!. ,oofL 1f your dog li4es to age 11, youIll ha4e s-ent more than "1:,=== on
14'6. The odds of being illed by falling out of bed are one in two million.
14'. Surgeons who listen to music during o-erations -erform better than those
who don't .
14'-. :#,=== -eo-le in the !.S. will die from the Qu annually .
14'9. ' moth has no stomach.
14!4. The ?rst domain name e4er registered was
14!1. The ?rst -roduct that Sony came out with was the rice cooer.
14!2. The 12S em-loyees taA manual has instructions for collecting taAes after a
nuclear war.
14!3. The most dangerous Fob in the !nited States is that of an 'lasan Erab
14!'. is currently the most eA-ensi4e domain name sold for "7.#
14!!. ' diet high in fat is said to im-ede memory.
14!6. ' -erson infected with the S'2S 4irus, has a )#C)@N chance of reco4ery.
14!. 'bout twentyC?4e -ercent of the -o-ulation snee&e when they are eA-osed
to light.
14!-. 'leAander the 3reat and <ulius Eaesar were both e-ile-tic.
14!9. 'll babies are color blind when they are born.
1464. '--roAimately 2#,=== worers died during the building of the Panama Eanal,
and a--roAimately 2=,=== of them contracted malaria and yellow fe4er.
1461. %abies' eyes do not -roduce tears until the baby is a--roAimately siA to eight
wees old.
1462. Ehildren who are breast fed tend to ha4e an 1V se4en -oints higher than
children who are not.
1463. 7rom the age of thirty, humans gradually begin to shrin in si&e.
146'. ' dime has 11@ ridges around the edge, a Suarter has 11).
146!. 'bout @#N or -roduct warning labels on household -roducts are inadeSuate.
1466. 'mericans did not commonly use fors until after the Ei4il ,ar.
146. 'n air-lane mechanic in4ented Sliny while he was -laying with engine -arts
and reali&ed the -ossible secondary use for the s-rings.
146-. %efore toilet -a-er was in4ented, 7rench royalty wi-ed their bottoms with
?ne linen.
1469. %y -artially ?lling saucers with 4inegar and distributing the saucers around a
room, you can eliminate odors.
144. Eommon -esticides such as roach, termite and Qea insecticide can be found
in the bodies of maFority of 'mericans.
141. 1n 1))@, Sony accidently sold 7==,=== camcorders that had the technology
to see through -eo-le's clothes.
142. 1t costs about : cents to mae a "1 bill in the !nited States.
143. $eather sin does not ha4e any smell. The leather smell that you sense is
actually deri4ed from the materials used in the tanning -rocess.
14'. >ylon is made from coal and -etroleum.
14!. 'ir-orts that are at higher altitudes reSuire a longer airstri- due to lower air
146. 1n >ew /or Eity, a--roAimately 1,*== -eo-le are bitten by other humans
e4ery year.
14. ;ne gallon of used motor oil can ruin a--roAimately one million gallons of
fresh water.
14-. Pa-er money is not made from wood -ul- but from cotton. This means that it
will not disintegrate as fast if it is -ut in the laundry.
149. ' 4olcano has enough -ower to shoot ash as high as #= m into the
14-4. 'n earthSuae on 5ec. 1*, 1@11 caused -arts of the Mississi--i 2i4er to Qow
14-1. 'ntarctica is the only land on our -lanet that is not owned by any country.
14-2. 'stronauts get taller when they are in s-ace.
14-3. Eanada is an 1ndian word meaning '%ig 8illage'.
14-'. 7ineCgrained 4olcanic ash can be found as an ingredient in some tooth-astes.
14-!. 'lbert Einstein was o9ered the -residency of 1srael in 1)#2, but he declined.
14-6. %ruce $ee was so fast, that they actually had to slow a ?lm down so you
could see his mo4es. That is the o--osite of the norm.
14-. Eleo-atra married two of her brothers.
14--. 3eorge ,ashington grew mariFuana in his garden.
14-9. %ecause metal was scarceO the ;scars gi4en out during ,orld ,ar 11 were
made of -laster.
1494. 6ing 6ong was 'dolf Hitler's fa4orite mo4ie.
1491. ,heel of 7ortune star 8anna ,hite holds the record for -utting her hands
together a--roAimately 1M=,=== times to cla-.
1492. ;n a4erage, the life s-an of an 'merican dollar bill is eighteen months.
1493. VCTi- Eotton Swabs were originally called %aby 3ays.
149'. 1ndoor -ollution is 1= times more toAic than outdoor -ollution.
149!. Some tooth-astes and deodorants contain the same chemicals found in
1496. The best time for a -erson to buy shoes is in the afternoon. This is because
the foot tends to swell a bit around this time.
149. The ?rst toilet being Qushed in a motion -icture was in the mo4ie Psycho.
149-. The household wrench was in4ented by boAing hea4yweight cham-ion <ac
<ohnson in 1)22.
1499. The leading cause of -oisoning for children under the age of siA in the home
is liSuid dish soa-.
1144. The only ing without a moustache in a dec of cards is the ing of hearts.
1141. The !.S. army -acs Tabasco -e--er sauce in e4ery ration it that they gi4e
to soldiers.
1142. The ,5 in ,5CM= stands for ,ater 5is-lacer.
1143. There were M:,*@7 toilet related accidents in the !nited States in 1))*.
114'. 5uracell, the batteryCmaer, built -arts of its new international headSuarters
using materials from its own waste.
114!. There is now an 'TM at McMurdo Station in 'ntarctica, which has a winter
-o-ulation of two hundred -eo-le.
1146. !CHaul is the world's largest ad4ertiser in the /ellow Pages.
114. ,arner Eha--el Music owns the co-yright to the song 'Ha--y %irthday'. They
mae o4er "1 million in royalties e4ery year from the commercial use of the song.
114-. ,hen Scott Pa-er Eom-any ?rst started manufacturing toilet -a-er they did
not -ut their name on the -roduct because of embarrassment.
1149. 1n 1@)7, %ayer, who is the maer of 's-irin, mareted the drug heroin.
1114. 3ardening is said to be one of the best eAercises for maintaining healthy
1111. 1nfants s-end more time dreaming than adults do.
1112. $eftChanded -eo-le are better at s-orts that reSuire good s-atial Fudgment
and fast reaction, com-ared to rightChanded indi4iduals.
1113. Medical research has found substances in mistletoe that can slow down
tumor growth.
111'. 1t taes about *:,=== trees to mae the news-rint for the a4erage Sunday
edition of The >ew /or Times.
111!. Microsoft made "1*,==# in re4enue in its ?rst year of o-eration.
1116. ;il tycoon, <ohn 5. 2ocefeller, was the world's ?rst billionaire.
111. The re4enue that is generated from gambling is more than the re4enue that
comes from mo4ies, cruise shi-s, recorded music, theme -ars, and s-ectator
s-orts combined.
111-. The search engine 3oogle got its name from the word YgoogolI, which refers
to the number one with a hundred &eros after it.
1119. 2eno, >e4ada is actually west of $os 'ngeles, Ealifornia.
1124. >ew /or's Eentral Par is nearly twice the si&e of the entire country of
1121. >eAt to ,arsaw, Ehicago has the largest Polish -o-ulation in the world.
1122. Some asteroids ha4e other asteroids orbiting them.
1123. There are :*# ste-s on the front of the !.S. Ea-itol %uilding C one for e4ery
day of the year.
112'. Tasmania is said to ha4e the cleanest air in the world.
112!. The 'tlantic ;cean is saltier than the Paci?c ;cean.
1126. The bar of an older redwood tree is ?re-roof.
112. $eonardo da 8inci was dysleAic, and he often wrote bacwards.
112-. Malcolm W's real name is Malcolm $ittle.
1129. Marie Eurie, the >obel -ri&e winning scientist who disco4ered radium, died of
radiation -oisoning.
1134. >a&i leader 'dolf Hitler had only one testicle.
1131. 2a--er $$ Eool <'s name is short for Y$adies $o4e Eool <amesI.
1132. The -arents of 'lbert Einstein were worried that he was mentally slow
because it too him a long time to learn how to s-ea.
1133. To sell your home faster, and for more money, -aint it yellow.
113'. Most dust -articles in your house come from dead sin.
113!. 'corns were used as a co9ee substitute during the 'merican Ei4il ,ar.
1136. ;ne out of e4ery 11 worers in >orth Earolina de-ends on tobacco for their
li4elihood L
113. 'mericans collecti4ely eat one hundred -ounds of chocolate e4ery second.
113-. %asin 2obbins once made etchu- ice cream.
1139. %udweiser beer is named after a town in E&echoslo4aia.
11'4. Ehewing on gum while cutting onions can hel- a -erson from -roducing
11'1. EocaCEola was the ?rst soft drin to be consumed in outer s-ace.
11'2. Each year )* billion -ounds of food is wasted in the !.S.
11'3. 7ood can only be tasted if it is miAed with sali4a.
11''. 7or -eo-le that are lactose intolerant, chocolate aids in hel-ing mil digest
11'!. Honey is used sometimes for antifree&e miAtures and in the center of golf
11'6. Stannous Quoride, which is the ca4ity ?ghter found in tooth-aste is made
from recycled tin.
11'. 5uring his lifetime, artist 8incent 8an 3ogh only sold one of his -aintings.
11'-. 7ormer !.S. President 7ranlin Pierce was arrested during his term as
President for running o4er an old lady with his horse, but the charges were later
11'9. 't 12= miles -er hour, a 7ormula ;ne car generates so much downforce that
it can dri4e u-side down on the roof of a tunnel.
11!4. %an robber <ohn 5illinger -layed -rofessional baseball.
11!1. 6arate actually originated in 1ndia, but was de4elo-ed further in Ehina.
11!2. 6ite Qying is a -rofessional s-ort in Thailand.
11!3. The chances of maing two holesCinCone in a round of golf are one in *7
11!'. The Stanley Eu- originally was only se4en and a half inches high.
11!!. There are three golf balls sitting on the moon.
11!6. Tug of ,ar was an ;lym-ic e4ent between 1)== and 1)2=.
11!. 5uring ,,11, because a lot of -layers were called to duty, the Pittsburgh
Steelers and Philadel-hia Eagles combined to become The Steagles.
11!-. %asetball great ,ilt Ehamberlain ne4er fouled out of a game.
11!9. ' -erson will burn 7 -ercent more calories if they wal on hard dirt com-ared
to -a4ement.
1164. E4ery day, the a4erage -erson swallows about a Suart of mucous.
1161. E4ery hour one billion cells in the body must be re-laced.
1162. Ear airbags ill 1 -erson for e4ery 22 li4es that they sa4e.
1163. 3irls ha4e more tastebuds than boys.
116'. The -enis of a barnacle may reach u- to 2= times its body si&eL
116!. ,ith two fors and a charge, a -icle will emit light.
1166. 1t taes Se4eral hundred thousand years for newly made -hotons (light+ to
tra4el from the core of the sun to it's surface.
116. ;ne out of 2= -eo-le ha4e an eAtra rib.
116-. Peo-le who ride on roller coasters ha4e a higher chance of ha4ing a blood
clot in the brain.
1169. ' cesium atom in an atomic cloc beats o4er nine billion times a second.
114. ' Fi9y is an actual unit of time for 1T1==th of a second. Thus the saying, 1 will
be there in a Fi9y.
111. %amboo -lants can grow u- to :* inches in a day.
112. 1t taes eight and a half minutes for light to get from the sun to earth.
113. 7C11 sells 1=,=== -ots of co9ee an hour, e4ery hour, e4ery day.
11'. 1t would tae twenty new midCsi&e cars to generate the same amount of
-ollution that a midCsi&e 1)*='s car did.
11!. 2esearch indicates that -lants grow healthier when they are stroed.
116. The Saguaro Eactus, found in SouthCwestern !nited States does >;T grow
branches until it is 7# years old.
11. 1n Haiti, only 1 out of e4ery 2== -eo-le own a car.
11-. >ew Dealand is the ?rst country to allow women to 4ote.
119. ' man named Eharles ;sborne had the hiccu-s for a--roAimately siAtyCnine
11-4. ' 2ussian man who wore a beard during the time of Peter the 3reat had to
-ay a s-ecial taA.
11-1. 'n a4erage adult -roduces about half a litre of Qatulent gas -er day,
resulting in an a4erage of about fourteen occurrences of Qatulence a day.
11-2. Ehildren grow faster in the s-ringtime than any other season during the year.
11-3. 5uring a ty-ical human life s-an, the human heart will beat a--roAimately
2.# billion times.
11-'. Each nostril of a human being register smell in a di9erent way. Smells that
are made from the right nostril are more -leasant than the left.
11-!. ' chance of a woman ha4ing twins is increased after the age of :#. 'bout 1
in 27 women will gi4e birth to twins after this age. 'fter #= the chances of ha4ing
twins is 1 in ).
11-6. 'nnually, the amount of garbage that is dum-ed in the world's oceans is
three times the weight of ?sh that is caught from the oceans.
11-. 1n a year, the a4erage -erson wals four miles to mae his or her bed.
11--. The city of $as 8egas has the most hotel rooms in the world.
11-9. The number of births that occur in 1ndia each year is higher than the entire
-o-ulation of 'ustralia.
1194. The three wealthiest families in the world ha4e more assets than the
combined wealth of the fortyCeight -oorest nations.
1191. ,omen who are romance no4el readers are re-orted to mae lo4e 7MN more
often with their -artners than women who do not read romance no4els.
1192. 1n 1)@2, a high school student from $os 'ngeles, Ealifornia unscrambled the
2ubi's Eube in 22.)# seconds.
1193. 1n the mo4ie 'The ,i&ard ;f ;&', Toto the dog's salary was "12# a wee,
while <udy 3arland was "#== a wee.
119'. <ames %ond is also nown as Mr. 6issC6issC%angC%ang.
119!. Technically s-eaing, crystal glass is actually a $iSuid that Qows 4ery slowly.
1196. 6ermit the frog deli4ered the commencement address at Southam-ton
Eollege located in the state of >ew /or in 1))*.
119. ' recent study at Har4ard has shown that eating chocolate can actually hel-
you li4e longerL
119-. President %ush and Saddam Hussein both ha4e their shoes made by the
same 1talian shoemaerL
1199. Ehec your ma-L The Paci?c entrance of the Panama Eanal is farther East
than the 'tlantic entrance.
1244. 7armers in England are reSuired by law to -ro4ide their -igs with toysL
1241. The %an of 'merica was originally the %an of 1talyL
1242. Shee- can recogni&e other shee- from -icturesL
1243. 7irstCcousin marriages are legal in !tah, so long as both -arties are *# or
124'. The word '1ndiana' is >ati4e 'merican for '$and of the 1ndians', yet less than
1*,=== >ati4e 'mericans li4e there.
124!. 1n 7rance, it is legal to marry a dead -ersonL
1246. Most >'SE'2 Teams use nitrogen in their tires instead of air.
124. 1n 1ndia, -eo-le are legally allowed to marry a dogL
124-. '--le seeds are -oisonousL
1249. 1n Holland, you can be ?ned for not using a sho--ing baset at a grocery
1214. 1n ,est 8irginia if you run o4er an animal, you can legally tae it home and
coo it for dinnerL
1211. 2edheads reSuire more anesthesia to 'go under' than other hair colors do.
1212. 1n 2==:, the !.S. 3o4ernment s-ent about "2,===,===.== on -otato
1213. 7ro&en lobsters can come bac to life when thawedL
121'. 5oneys are commonly used by the 1raSi Military to launch rocetsL
121!. EocaCEola's 'Su-er Pure' 5asani bottled water is Fust ?ltered ta- waterL
1216. Mc5onald's salads contain u- to *=N more fat than their burgersL
121. The in4entor of 8aseline ate a s-oonful of the stu9 e4ery morningL
121-. 2eal diamonds can be made from -eanut butterL
1219. /ou can start a ?re with ice.
1224. 1t is illegal to -urchase or consume <ac 5aniel's ,hisey in the town in
which it is -roducedL
1221. /ogurt intae among >orth 'mericans has Suadru-led in the -ast 2= years.
1222. ' caesium atom in an atomic cloc beats ),1)2,*:1,77= times a secondL.
1223. ' star?sh doesn't ha4e a brain.
122'. The only manCmade structure 4isible from s-ace is the 3reat ,all of Ehina.
122!. 1f you di4ide the 3reat Pyramid's -erimeter by two times it's height, you get
-i to the ?fteenth digitL
1226. ' -iece of -a-er can be folded no more than ) times.
122. The 2'M reSuired to run ,ordPerfect for ,in)# is @ times the amount
needed aboard the s-ace shuttle.
122-. Humans s-end a third of their li4es slee-ing.
1229. ,hitby has more doughnut sho-s -er ca-ita than any other -lace in the
1234. The billionth digit of -i is ).
1231. The life s-an of a taste bud is ten days.
1232. '--les, not ca9eine, are more ePcient at waing you u- in the morning.
1233. ' grou- of twel4e or more cows is called a Qin
123'. 'lligators cannot mo4e bacwards
123!. 7lamingos can only eat with their heads u-side down
1236. TeAas horned toads can shoot blood out of the corners or their eyes
123. ' gold ?sh's memory s-an is three seconds
123-. The a4erage >orthC'merican will eat :#,=== cooies during their life s-an
1239. Eanada im-orts a--roA. @22 2ussianCmade hocey stics on an a4erage day
12'4. The common garden worm has ?4e -airs of hearts
12'1. 'lfred Hitchcoc didn't ha4e a bellybutton
12'2. '--roAimately 1* Eanadians ha4e their a--endiA remo4ed when not
reSuired e4eryday
12'3. )7N of Eanadians say they would not borrow a toothbrush if they forgot to
-ac their own
12''. /our brain is @=N water
12'!. M== SuarterC-ounders can be made out of 1 cow
12'6. The largest a--le -ie e4er baed was M= A 2: feet
12'. 1f you loo carefully at the -icture of Mona $isa, you will notice a bridge
hidden in the bacground
12'-. 1=N of StarTre fans re-lace the lenses on their glasses e4ery # years
whether they need to or not.
12'9. #NC1=N of StarTre fans may be addicted to the show and su9er withdrawl
sym-toms if they miss an e-isode.
12!4. 't :== -ounds, ,illiam Howard Taft was the only !S President to get stuc in
the ,hite House bathtub
12!1. Taft also had a s-ecial reCenforced steel dining chair.
12!2. The armhole in clothing is called an armsaye
12!3. The end of a hammer, o--ostie the striing end, is called a -een
12!'. S-atCout food is called chaning
12!!. %oanthro-y is a disease in which a man thins he's an oA
12!6. Eoso-hobia is the fear of dawn
12!. 3roaing is the art of watching -eo-le eating food, ho-ing they'll o9er you
12!-. 5ibble means to drin lie a duc
12!9. $ee Har4ey ;sawald's body tag was auctioned o9 for "*,*==
1264. Hrand 'ralein, a %rins's car guard, was illed when "#=,=== worth of
Suarters crushed him.
1261. 5onald 5uc's sister is called 5umbella
1262. Small cocroaches are more liely to die on their bacs than large
1263. ' -acCaCday smoer will loose a--roA. 2 teeth e4ery 1= years
126'. >ational -i day is March 1M
126!. Those things on the end of shoelaces called 'glets
1266. Darf is the holder of a handleless co9ee cu-
126. >iel 'rmstrong ?rst ste--ed on the moon with his left foot
126-. %etween 2#N and ::N of the -o-ulation snee&e when they are eA-osed to
1269. The sun is >;T the biggest star in the uni4erse.
124. >ati4e 'mericans ne4er actually ate tureyO illing such a timid bird was
thought to indicate la&iness
121. 3oofy had a wife, Mrs. 3oofy, and one son, 3oofy Fr.
122. Peo-e 5; >;T get sic from cold weatherO it's from being indoors a lot more.
123. The surface area of an a4erageCsi&ed bric is 7)cm0
12'. %enFamin 7ranlin li4ed at 1M1 Maret Street, Philidel-hia, P'
12!. The re4ol4ing door was in4ented in 1@@@
126. 'bo elementary school, built in 1)7* in 'rtesia >ew MeAico, was the ?rst
e4er underground school
12. The ?rst recorded occurance of a Tornado was <une 1=, 1*@2
12-. The ?rst umbrellas were used in ,indsor, Eonnecticut, 17M=
129. The ?rst audio E5's a--eared in the !S' in 1)@M
12-4. The ?rst audio E5 manufactured in the !S was %ruce S-ringstean's '%orn in
The !S''
12-1. Their are only two ty-es of -igU 'merican and Euro-ean
12-2. Eows ha4e four stomachs
12-3. ,hen you snee&e, all bodily functions sto-CCe4en you heart.
12-'. ' human's mucus membrane, used to smell, is the si&e of a -ostage stam-
12-!. ' 5og's mucus membrane is the si&e of ?fty -ostage stam-s
12-6. /our sin is the hea4iest organ
12-. Those stars and colours you see when you close and rub your eyes are called
12--. The human brain sto-s growing at the age of 1@
12-9. Snee&es can tra4el o4er 1== m-h
1294. @#N of the -o-ulation can curl their tongue into a tube
1291. ;nly 7N of the -o-ulation are lefties.
1292. ' fullCmoon is nine times brighter than a halfCmoon
1293. 3a4in, from the band %ush, has an innie belly button (
129'. Toronto, ;ntario has a--roAimately 7,=== eating establishments
129!. M= -eo-le are sent to the hos-ital for dog bites e4ery minute.
1296. There are 1,:##,=== ([TC 1===+ Monoliths on <u-iter in 2=1=U ' S-ace
129. The Monoliths re-roduce at a rate of one e4ery 2 minutes
129-. The Monoliths all ha4e -ro-ortional si&es of 1AMA)
1299. Mont-elier, 8ermont is the only state ca-ital in the !S' without a mcdonalds
1344. There are 1: blim-s in the world, nine are in the !S'
1341. Most car horns bee- in the ey of '7'
1342. Emus can't wal bacwards
1343. Eats ha4e o4er 1== 4ocal sounds, dogs only ha4e 1=
134'. ;ur eyes ne4er grow, our nose and ears ne4er sto- growing
134!. Eamels' mil can't curdle
1346. Most hamsters blin one eye at a time
134. 1t taes se4en years for a lobster to grow 1 -ound
134-. >o word in the English language rhymes with month
1349. %abies are born without nee ca-s. They don't a--ear until they are 2C*
years old
1314. >utmeg is eAtremely -oisonous if inFected intra4enoulsly. (who would try to
inFect nutmeg0+
1311. Most common name in the world is Mohammed
1312. ;nly one -erson in 2 billion will li4e to be 11* or older
1313. The name ,endy was made u- for the boo, Peter Pan
131'. !ma Thurman doesn't ha4e a innie or an outie bellybutton, but a 'stretch'.
131!. The guy in the 5arth 8ader suit didn't now that <ames Earl <ones was doing
the 4oice until the screen-lay.
1316. 1t taes a half a gallon of water to mae macaroni and a gallon of water to
clean the -ot.
131. The original 7ord 4ehicles had 5odge engines
131-. ' human has *=,=== miles of blood 4essels in their body
1319. %rachiosaurus had a heart the si&e of a -icu- truc
1324. Sumerians (from #=== %E+ thought that the li4er made blood and the heart
was the center of thought.
1321. Vueen Eli&abeth was good friends with ,illiam Shaes-eare
1322. The most -o-ular ice cream Qa4our is 4anilla
1323. The world shee- -o-ulation is a--roA. 1,2=2,)2=,===
132'. The world cattle -o-ulation is a--roA. 1,2)M,*=M,===
132!. The world goat -o-ulation is a--roA. )M,2**,===
1326. The world -ig -o-ulation is a--roA. @#7,=)),===
132. The world camel -o-ulation is 1),*27,===
132-. The longest recorded lifes-an of a camel was :# years, # months
1329. The longest recorded lifes-an of a slug was 1 year, * months.
1334. The a4erage -erson o4er ?fty will ha4e s-ent # years waiting in lines
1331. The a4erage -erson o4er ?fty will ha4e s-ent 1 year looing for lost items.
1332. 1n honour of <ohan 8aaler, in4entor of the -a-er cli-, a -ro-ortional 221T2
-a-er cli- was erected in ;slo, >orway
1333. /asir 'rafat is addicted to watching tele4ision cartoons
133'. 'ugustus Eaeser had achluo-hobia CC the fear of sitting in the dar
133!. Vueen Eli&abeth 1 had antho-hobia CC the fear of roses
1336. Tonsur-hobia is the fear of haircuts
133. $ee Har4ey ;swald was dysleAic
133-. %ea4er Elea4er graduated in 1)#:
1339. 7@N of cats ne4er tra4el with their owners
13'4. MMN of hotels allow -ets into the rooms
13'1. Se-tember 1*C21 is 7arm 'nimal 'warness wee
13'2. >o4ember 2) is >ational Siny dayO a day to eat o4er one's sin and worshi-
13'3. The toothbrush was in4ented in 1M)@
13''. The term 'The 2eal McEoy' was coined in the 1@@='s
13'!. The term '2oc >' 2oll' was coined in 1)#1
13'6. 5egringolade means to fall and disintegrate
13'. !ranus's orbital aAis is tilted )=\
13'-. The o-ening day of the Montreal summer ;ly-ics was only 21\ celsius
13'9. ' sysygy occures when all the -lanets of our Solar System line u-
13!4. The Earth orbits the sun at about 1@.# miles -er second
13!1. The surface area of the Earth is 1)7,===,=== sSuare miles
13!2. %ill 3ates' ?rst business was Tra9C;C5ata, a com-any that created machines
which recorded the number of cars -assing a gi4en -oint on a road.
13!3. The 2),2M)th digit of -i is a se4en
13!'. The most common letters in english are 2 S T $ > E
13!!. ''ble was 1 ere 1 saw Elba' is a -alindrome written by >a-oleon
13!6. '' man a -lan a canal Panama' is also a -alindrome
13!. Mount ;lym-us Mons on Mars is three times the si&e of Mount. E4erest
13!-. $i HungCchang is the father of Eho- Suey
13!9. The number one most -o-ular cat name is itty
1364. The number one most -o-ular dog name is %randy
1361. ' golf ball has :*= dim-les
1362. The waXe was in4ented on 'ugust 2M, 1@*)
1363. Most toilets Qush in E Qat
136'. 2,=== -ounds of s-ace dust and other s-ace debris fall on the Earth e4ery
136!. Each month, there is at least one re-ort of !7;s from each -ro4ince of
1366. The a4erage -erson will drin @,=== gallons of water during their lifetime.
136. The a4erage houseQy li4es for one month
136-. M=,=== 'mericans are inFured by toilets each year
1369. To ee- cool, ;striches urinate on their legsO it then e4a-orates lie sweat
134. '--roA. 2#,2== umbrellas are lost each year on the $ondon transit system
131. '-rroA. #,*== umbrellas are lost each year on the Toronto transit system
132. The -erefect -icle should ha4e 7 warts -er sSuare inch
133. 'ugust @th is the start of '>ational Picle ,ee'
13'. 5ecember 17th is ,right %rother's day
13!. The ;lym-ic Qag -ole at the Toyo ;lym-ics was M) feet, 1= :TM inches tall
136. #,2==,=== -ounds of -icles are consumed each day by 'mericans
13. 1T: of all 'mericans Qush the toilet while still on it
13-. There are ::: sSuares of toilet -a-er are on a roll
139. 1n 1)77, a 1:CyearCold id found a tooth growing out of his left foot.
13-4. Penguins can Fum- * feet.
13-1. There ha4e been about a Suarter of a million El4is sightings since his death.
13-2. HouseQies hum in the middle octa4e ey of 7
13-3. ' necro-sy is an auto-sy on animals
13-'. EE3 stands Electroence-halogram
13-!. ' coat hanger is MM inches long when straightend
13-6. %y the time they reach grade 12, an 'merican will ha4e been in school for
about 17,=== hours
13-. M.# -ounds of sunlight strie the Earth each day
13--. ,hen Einstein was inducted as an 'merican, he attended the ceremony
without socs
13-9. The a4erage acre of corn contains 7.2 million ernals
1394. 1t taes about 1M2.1@ lics to reach the center of a tootsie -o-
1391. The serial number of the ?rst M'E e4er -roduced was 2==1
1392. The a4erage web -age contains #== words
1393. 1t it illegal to eat oranges while bathing in Ealifornia
139'. The 7th most common word used on the ineternet is 'HTM$'
139!. The M2nd most common word used on the internet is '1>7;2M'T1;>'
1396. Eows -oo- 1* times -er day.
139. Eows -roduce around := g of manure -er day
139-. There are no words in the English language that rhyme with '-ur-le
1399. There are no words in the English language that rhyme with 'orange'
1'44. 1t taes an a4erage of M@ to 1== tries to sol4e a rubiA cube -u&&le
1'41. 1f done -erfectly, any rubiA cube combination can be sol4ed in 17 turns
1'42. The holes in Qy swatters are used to lower air resistance
1'43. The year 1)@7 was the #=th anni4ersary of S-am
1'4'. 'Party Party 5ay' is occurs when the day eSuals the month. ;ct. is the 1=th
month so ;ct. 1= would be Party Party 5ay
1'4!. Party Party 5ay is Fust an eAcuse to ha4e a -arty
1'46. 1t is illegal to frown at cows in %ladworth, Sasatchewan
1'4. #1N of turns are right turns
1'4-. ' grou- of goats is called a tri-
1'49. ' grou- of hares is called a Hus
1'14. ' grou- of ?nches is called a Eharm
1'11. The a4erage com-uter user blins 7 times a minute
1'12. acro-hobia is the fear of heights
1'13. nycro-hobia is the fear of daness
1'1'. &oo-hobia is the fear of animals
1'1!. claustro-hobia is the fear of small s-aces
1'16. -yro-hobia is the fear of ?re
1'1. entomo-hobia is the fear of insects
1'1-. Aeno-hoia is the fear of strangers
1'19. agara-hobia is the fear of o-en s-aces
1'24. 'n ostriche's eye is bigger than its brain
1'21. 1n <asmine Sasatchewan, it is illegal for a cow to moo within :==m of a
-ri4ate home
1'22. The a4erage 'merican has "1=M in their wallet
1'23. *MN of the -o-ulation can roll their tongue
1'2'. The a4erge womens' handbag weighs between : and # -ounds
1'2!. Most -eo-le button thier shirt u-wards
1'26. The a4eragae 'merican butt is 1M.) in. long
1'2. Hamsters do bot blin
1'2-. There are only M Qa4ours of -lain MBMs
1'29. More bullets were ?red in 'Starshi- Troo-ers' than in any other mo4ie e4er
1'34. There are M#= hairs in an a4erage eyebrow.
1'31. *=N of electrocutions occur while taling on the tele-hone during a
1'32. The a4erage -erson s-ends := years mad at a family member
1'33. The a4erage -erson s-ends M= years cleainging.
1'3'. The record distance for cherry -it s-itting is )# feet, 7 inches.
1'3!. The cigarette lighter was in4ented before matches.
1'36. March )th is !seless 7acts and Tri4ia day.
1'3. >eil 'rmstrong's full name is >eil 'lden 'rmstrong
1'3-. Eats ha4e # -ads on thier front feet, four on their bac feet.
1'39. Michael <ordan sha4es his head on Tuesdays, and 7ridays (
1''4. Smart -eo-le ha4e more &inc in their hair.
1''1. The Vueen Eli&abeth shi- burns a gallon of oil to mo4e 1 foot
1''2. The name of the girl on the Statue of $iberty is Mother of EAiles
1''3. ' signature is called a <ohn Hancoc because he signed the 5eclaration of
1'''. ;nly 2 -eo-le signed the declaration of inde-endence on <uly M. The $ast
-erson signed 2 years later.
1''!. ' duc's Suac has no echo.
1''6. $emons ha4e more sugar than oranges.
1''. :.* cans of S-am are consumed each second.
1''-. There's a systematic lull in con4ersation e4ery 7 minutes.
1''9. The lining of your digesti4e system is shed e4ery : days.
1'!4. The bu&& generated by an electric ra&or in 'merica is in the ey of % Qat.
1'!1. 1n England it is in the ey of 3.
1'!2. Most digital alarm clocs ring in the ey of % Qat.
1'!3. The sound of nucles cracing is generated by im-loding syno4ial Quid.
1'!'. ' dog's a4erage body tem-erature is 1=1 degrees farenheit.
1'!!. 'rnold Schonberg su9ered from trisaideca-hobia, the fear of the number
1:. He died 1: minutes from midnight on 7riday the 1:th.
1'!6. 1n 1)M*, the ?rst T8 toy commericial aired. 1t was for Mr. Potato head.
1'!. *: years ago (as of 2==1+ the %ugs %unny -rototy-e a--eared in Pory's Hair
1'!-. '-ril := is >ational Honesty 5ay.
1'!9. The eyes of some birds weigh more than their brains
1'64. Mo&art wrote the nusery rhyme 'twinle, twinle, little star' at the age of ?4e.
1'61. El4is was once a--ointed S-ecial 'gent of the %ureau of >arcotics and
5angerous 5rugs.
1'62. 'mericans eat 12 billion bananas each year.
1'63. There are 1,#7# ste-s from the ground Qoor to the to- of the Em-ire State
1'6'. The world record for ee-ing a Polo in the mouth with the hole intact is 7
hours and 1= minutes.
1'6!. There are 2): ways to mae change for a dollar.
1'66. 'lasa was bought from 2ussia for about 2 cents an acre.
1'6. ' duc has three eyelids.
1'6-. 7=N of dust of house dust is dead sin cells.
1'69. the only animal with four nees is the ele-hant.
1'4. 'ustralia is the only continent without an acti4e 4olcanoes.
1'1. the world record for s-itting a watermelon seed is *# feet M inches .
1'2. ' rat can go longer without water than a camel.
1'3. the human tooth has about ## miles of canals in it.
1''. in the Philli--ine Fungle, the yoCyo was ?rst used as a wea-on.
1'!. a chicen is the only animal that is eaten before it is born and after it is dead.
1'6. weatherman ,illard Scott was the ?rst original 2onald Mcdonald
1'. your sin weighs twice as much as your brain
1'-. e4ery single hamster in the !.S. today comes from a single litter ca-tured in
Syria in 1):=.
1'9. a -ig always slee-s on its right side.
1'-4. there are 17=,===,===,===,===,===,===,===,=== ways to -lay the ten
o-ening mo4es in a chess game.
1'-1. one year contains :1,##7,*== seconds.
1'-2. Penguins can Fum- as high as * feet in the air.
1'-3. ,hen o-ossums are hanging u-sideCdown, they are not -laying. 1t is from
shear terror.
1'-'. 1f you bring a raccoon's head to the Hennier, the >ew Ham-shire town hall,
you are entitled to recei4e "1= from the town.
1'-!. The male gy-sy moth can 'smell' the 4irgin female gy-sy moth from 1.@
miles away.
1'-6. The a4erage garden 4ariety cater-illar has 2M@ muscles in its head.
1'-. Eertain frogs can be fro&en solid then thawed, and continue li4ing.
1'--. %ingo is the name of the dog on the Eracer <ac boA
1'-9. 'll -orcu-ines Qoat in water.
1'94. 'n animal e-idemic is called an e-i&ootic.
1'91. Mur-hy's ;il Soa- is the chemical most commonly used to clean ele-hants.
1'92. The !nited States has ne4er lost a war in which mules were used.
1'93. The reason ?rehouses ha4e circular stairways is from the days of old when
the engines were -ulled by horses. The horses were stabled on the ground Qoor
and ?gured out how to wal u- straight staircases.
1'9'. The underside of a horse's hoof is called a frog. The frog -eels o9 se4eral
times a year with new growth.
1'9!. 1t is -ossible to lead a cow u-stairs but not downstairs.
1'96. Star?sh ha4e eight eyesCCone at the end of each leg. (
1'9. Polar bears are leftChanded.
1'9-. ' cat has :2 muscles in each ear.
1'99. Tigers ha4e stri-ed sin, not Fust stri-ed fur.
1!44. The only bird that can Qy bacwards is the Hummingbird.
1!41. ;striches stic their heads in the sand to loo for water.
1!42. %ats always turn left when they eAit a ca4e.
1!43. 'n eagle can ill a young deer and Qy away with it.
1!4'. 1n the Earibbean there are oysters that can climb trees.
1!4!. Emus and angaroos cannot wal bacwards, and are on the 'ustralian coat
of arms for that reason.
1!46. The only insect that can turn it's head is a -raying mantis.
1!4. %aby robins eat 1M feet of earthworms -er day.
1!4-. St. %ernard dogs do not carry egs of brandy, and ne4er ha4e.
1!49. 1n his boo 'The 1nsects', naturalist !rl >. $anham re-orts that the a-hid
re-roducti4e cycle is so ra-id that the females are born -regnant.
1!14. The oldest nown gold?sh li4ed to M1 years of age. 1ts name was 7red.
1!11. /ou can tell a turtle's gender by the noise it maes. Males grunt, females
1!12. Eat's urine glows under a blac light
1!13. the star?sh is the only animal that can turn it's stomach inside out.
1!1'. The ele-hant is the only mammal that is unable to Fum-. (So...whales can0
So why are they beached if they can Fust Fum- bac in the sea0 ,eird...+
1!1!. ;nly only continent without re-tiles or snaes is 'ntarctica.
1!16. 1t was disco4ered on a s-ace mission that a frog can throw u-. The frog
throws u- it's stomach ?rst, so the stomach is dangling out of it's mouth. Then
the frog uses its forearms to dig out all of the stomach's contents and then
swallows the stomach bac
1!1. ' grou- of geese on the ground is a gaggle, a grou- of geese in the air is a
1!1-. ' grou- of unicorns is called a blessing.
1!19. ' grou- of angaroos is called a mob.
1!24. ' grou- of whales is called a -od.
1!21. ' grou- of ra4ens is called a murder.
1!22. ' grou- of oPcers is called a mess.
1!23. ' grou- of lars is called an eAaltation.
1!2'. ' grou- of owls is called a -arliament.
1!2!. ' grou- of frogs is called an army.
1!26. 'rmadillos ha4e four babies at a time and they are always all the same seA.
1!2. 'rmadillos are the only animal besides humans that can get le-rosy.
1!2-. 'rmadillos can be housebroen.
1!29. Some 5ol-hin s-ecies slee- with one eye o-en.
1!34. Studies show that if a cat falls o9 the se4enth Qoor of a building it has about
thirty -ercent less chance of sur4i4ing than a cat that falls o9 the twentieth Qoor.
1t su--osedly taes about eight Qoors for the cat to reali&e what is occurring,
1!31. E4en if you cut o9 a cocroach's head, it can li4e for se4eral wees.
1!32. MosSuitoes ha4e teeth.
1!33. The -enguin is the only bird that can swim but not Qy.
1!3'. Slugs ha4e M noses.
1!3!. 2esearch indicates that mosSuitoes are attracted to -eo-le who ha4e
recently eaten bananas.
1!36. Some ribbon worms will eat themsel4es if they can't ?nd any food.
1!3. ;wls are the only birds that can see the colour blue.
1!3-. Honeybees ha4e hair on their eyes.
1!39. The mu&&le of a lion is lie a ?nger-rint C no two lions ha4e the same -attern
of whisers.
1!'4. ' Felly?sh is )#N water.
1!'1. Horses and rabbits cannot 4omit.
1!'2. ' doney will sin in Suicsand but a mule won't.
1!'3. Smartest dogsU (in order+ 1+ border collie 2+-oodle :+golden retrie4er.
1!''. 5umbest dogU 'fghan Hound
1!'!. ' dragonQy has a lifes-an of 2M hours.
1!'6. >a-oleon constructed his battle -lans in a sand-it.
1!'. 8irgina ,oolf wrote all her boos standing.
1!'-. The air-lane %uddy Holly died in was named the .'merican Pie.., hence the
1!'9. Picasso's full name was Pablo 5iego <ose 7rancisco de Paula <uan
>e-omuceno Maria de los 2emedios Ei-riano de la Santisima Trinidad 2ui&
1!!4. ;f the siA men who made u- the Three Stooges, three of them were real
brothers. (Moe, Eurly and Shem-+
1!!1. Einstein couldn't s-ea Quently until after his ninth birthday. His -arents
thought he was mentally retarded.
1!!2. %lueberry <elly %ellies were created es-ecially for 2onald 2eagan.
1!!3. The 2amses brand condom is named after the great -haraoh 2amses 11 who
fathered o4er 1*= children.
1!!'. The characters %ert and Ernie on Sesame Street were named after %ert the
co- and Ernie the taAi dri4er in 7ran Ea-ra's '1ts ' ,onderful $ife.'
1!!!. 'l Ea-one's business card said he was a used furniture dealer.
1!!6. 5eborah ,inger did the 4oice of E.T.
1!!. ,ilma 7lintstone's maiden name was ,ilma Slaghoo-al, and %etty 2ubble's
Maiden name was %etty <ean Mcbricer.
1!!-. $orne 3reene had one of his ni--les bitten o9 by an alligator while he was
host of '$orne 3reene's ,ild 6ingdom.'
1!!9. 6elsey 3rammar sings and -lays the -iano for the theme song of 7raiser.
1!64. 'leAander the 3reat was an e-ile-tic.
1!61. Paul 2eiser is -laying the -iano in the 'Mad 'bout /ou' theme.
1!62. Eharles de 3aulle's ?nal words were, '1t hurts.'
1!63. 5onald 5uc's middle name is 7auntleroy.
1!6'. Mel %lanc (the 4oice of %ugs %unny+ was allergic to carrots.
1!6!. 5r. Seuss -ronounced 'Seuss' such that it rhymed with 'reFoice.'
1!66. Eharlie %rown's father was a barber.
1!6. 1n Easablanca, Hum-hrey %ogart ne4er said 'Play it again, Sam.'
1!6-. Sherloc Holmes ne4er said 'Elementary, my dear ,atson.' (Thats rightU he
-ainted his door yellow, and the -hrase was corru-ted of .$emonentry, my dear
1!69. Thomas Edison was afraid of the dar.
1!4. '&tec em-eror Monte&uma had a ne-hew, Euitlahac, whose name meant
'-lenty of eAcrement.'
1!1. The youngest -o-e was 11 years old.
1!2. Mar Twain didn't graduate from elementary school.
1!3. ;nly -erson to win "*M,=== Ehallenge and "*M,=== VuestionU 5r. <oyce
1!'. Sigmund 7reud had a morbid fear of ferns.
1!!. %abe 2uth wore a cabbage leaf under his ca- to ee- cool.
1!6. Mr. 2ogers is an ordained minister
1!. Hugh ',ard Elea4er' %eaumont was an ordained minister.
1!-. <ohn $ennon's ?rst girlfriend was named Thelma Picles.
1!9. %etsy 2oss was born with a fully formed set of teeth.
1!-4. %ob 5ylan's real name is 2obert Dimmerman.
1!-1. Hang ;n Sloo-y is the oPcial roc song of ;hio.
1!-2. Mount ,hitney, the highest mountain in the continental !nited States, and
Dabrisie Point (in 5eath 8alley+ , the lowest -oint in the !nited States, are less
than eighty miles a-art.
1!-3. The state of 7lorida is bigger than England.
1!-'. MeAico's east coast is sining into the sea at the rate of one to two inches
-er year.
1!-!. Many -eo-le thin that the cloc in the Houses ;f Parliment is called '%ig
%en.' 'ctually, the nicname '%ig %en' originally a--lied to the huge bell in the
cloc, not to the cloc itself.
1!-6. Malaysians -rotect their babies from disease by bathing them in beer.
1!-. The only nation whose name begins with an ''', but doesn't end in an ''' is
1!--. The glue on 1sraeli -ostage stam-s is certi?ed osher.
1!-9. 'Three dog night' (attributed to 'ustralian 'borigines+ came about because
on es-ecially cold nights these nomadic -eo-le needed three dogs to ee- from
1!94. The S-eaer of the House of Eommons is not allowed to s-ea o-inion.
1!91. The Prime Minister cannot s-ea in Th House of Eommons without
1!92. TeAas is also the only state that is allowed to Qy its state Qag at the same
height as the !.S. Qag.
1!93. ' Saudi 'rabian woman can get a di4orce if her husband doesn't gi4e her
1!9'. The three bestCnown western names in EhinaU <esus Ehrist, 2ichard >iAon,
and El4is Presley.
1!9!. 1f you toss a -enny 1==== times, it will not be heads #=== times, but more
lie M)#=. The heads -icture weighs more, so it ends u- on the bottom.
1!96. 1n s-ace, astronauts are unable to cry, because there is no gra4ity and the
tears won't Qow.
1!9. 2esearchers in 5enmar found that beer tastes best when drun to the
accom-animent of a certain musical tone. The o-timal freSuency is di9erent for
each beer, they re-orted. The correct harmonious tone for Earlsberg $ager, for
eAam-le, is #1=C#2= cycles
1!9-. .E4aluation and Parameterisation of Stability and Safety Performance
Eharacteristics of Two and Three ,heeled 8ehicular Toys for 2iding.. Title of a
"2:=,=== research -roFect -ro-osed by the 5e-artment of Health, Education and
,elfare, to study the 4ariou
1!99. Ehewing gum while -eeling onions will ee- you from crying.
1644. Se4eral 4arieties of lightning ha4e been identi?ed by meteorologists. 1n the
soCcalled .Positi4e 3iant. ty-e, the tem-erature of the lightning bolt reaches
:=,=== degrees Eelsius, o4er ?4e times hotter than the surface of the sun.
1641. There are more -lastic Qamingos in the !.S that there are real ones.
1642. The ti- of a bullwhi- mo4es so fast that it breas the sound barrier. The
.crac. of a whi- is actually a tiny sonic boom.
1643. The .sa4e. icon on Microsoft ,ord shows a Qo--y dis, with the shutter on
164'. >onCdairy creamer is Qammable.
164!. The sha-e of -lant collenchyma cells and the sha-e of the bubbles in beer
foam are the same C they are orthotetrachidecahedrons.
1646. /our stomach has to -roduce a new layer of mucus e4ery two wees or it will
digest itself.
164. Money isn't made out of -a-er, it's made out of cotton.
164-. /ou're more liely to get stung by a bee on a windy day that in any other
1649. The >eanderthal's brain was bigger than yours is.
1614. E4ery -erson has a uniSue tongue -rint.
1611. /our right lung taes in more air than your left one does.
1612. ,omen's hearts beat faster than men's.
1613. Pro-ortional to their weight, men are stronger than horses.
161'. Men get hiccu-s more often than women.
161!. <u-iter is bigger than all the other -lanets in our solar system combined.
1616. Hot water is hea4ier than cold.
161. Men can read smaller -rint than womenO women can hear better.
161-. /ou are born with :== bones but only ha4e 2=* after reaching adulthood.
1619. $ightning stries somewhere about *,=== times -er second on Earth.
1624. Each ing in a dec of -laying cards re-resents a great ing from history.
S-ades C 6ing 5a4idO Elubs C 'leAander the 3reatO Hearts C EharlemagneO and
5iamonds C <ulius Eaesar.
1621. The %attle of >ew ;rleans, in which 'ndrew <acson's !.S. forces routed .the
bloody british., was fought on <anurary @, 1@1#, two wees after the ,ar of 1@12
was oPcially ended by the signing of the Treaty of 3hent.
1622. 1n the great ?re of $ondon in 1*** half of $ondon was burnt down but only *
-eo-le were inFured.
1623. The ?rst song -layed on 'rmed 7orces 2adio during o-eration 5esert Shield
was .2oc the Easba. by the Elash.
162'. <ohn 7. 6ennedy's rocing chair was auctioned o9 for "MM2,===
162!. Meteorologists claim they're right @#N of the time
1626. The highest -oint in Pennsyl4ania is lower than the lowest -oint in Eolorado.
162. 1n 1)@=, a $as 8egas hos-ital sus-ended worers for betting on when
-atients would die.
162-. The world's youngest -arents were @ and ) and li4ed in Ehina in 1)1=.
1629. Eity with the most 2olls 2oyce's -er ca-itaU Hong 6ong
1634. State with the highest -ercentage of -eo-le who wal to wor is 'lasa
1631. Ele-hant truns can hold M gallons of water.
1632. More -eo-le die annually from doneys than -lane crashes
1633. The best woring lightCbulb a $;>3 time ago was a thread of shee-'s wool
coated with carbon
163'. The a4erage Human bladder can hold 1: ounces of liSuid
163!. 1f you went out into s-ace, you would eA-lode before you su9ocated because
there's no air -ressure
1636. Mie >eismith (the guitarist of The Moneys+'s mom in4ented ,hite ;ut.
163. ;n <uly :1, 1))M, Simon Sang Sung of Singa-ore turned a single -iece of
dough into @,1)2 noodles in #).2) secondsL
163-. The largest crossword -u&&le e4er contained @2,)#1 sSuares. 1t had 12,M@)
clues across, and 1:,12# down. 1t was created by 2obert Turcot, from Vuebec.
1639. 2ightChanded -eo-le li4e, on a4erage, nine years longer than leftChanded
-eo-le do.
16'4. ' hummingbird weighs less than a -enny
16'1. ;4er 1=,=== birds a year die from smashing into windows
16'2. /our heart beats o4er 1==,=== times a day
16'3. The !S interstate highway system reSuires that one mile in e4ery ?4e be
straight. These straight sections function as airstri-s in times of war and other
16''. The %oston !ni4ersity %ridge is the only -lace in the world where a boat can
sail under a train dri4ing under a car dri4ing under an air-lane.
16'!. Eats ha4e o4er one hundred 4ocal sounds, while dogs ha4e only about ten.
16'6. ;ur eyes are always the same si&e from birth, but our nose and ears ne4er
sto- growing.
16'. 1n e4ery e-isode of Seinfeld, there is a su-erman somewhere.
16'-. 7ebruary 1)*# is the only month in recorded history not to ha4e a full moon.
16'9. The cruise liner, Vueen Elisabeth 11, mo4es only siA inches for e4ery gallon of
diesel fuel that it burns.
16!4. 1saac 'simo4 is the only author to ha4e a boo -ublished in e4ery maFor
5ewey 5ecimal category.
16!1. Eolumbia !ni4ersity is the second largest land owner in >ew /or Eity, after
the Eatholic Ehurch.
16!2. Eat urine glows under a blac light.
16!3. %ac in the midC@=s, an 1%M com-atible com-uter wasn't considered 1==N
com-atible unless it could run Microsoft's 7light Simulator.
16!'. $eonardo 5a 8inci in4ented the scissors.
16!!. 1n the last M=== years, no new animals ha4e been domesticated.
16!6. %abies are born without neeca-s. They don't a--ear until the child is 2C*
years of age.
16!. >utmeg is eAtremely -oisonous if inFected intra4enously.
16!-. 1f you ha4e three Suarters, four dimes and four -ennies, you ha4e "1.1). /ou
also ha4e the largest amount of money in coins without being able to mae
change for a dollar.
16!9. The most common name in the world is Mohammed.
1664. Michael <ordan maes more money from >ie annually that all of the >ie
factory worers in Malaysia combined.
1661. >o >7$ team which -lays its home games in a dome has e4er won a
1662. The ?rst toilet e4er seen on T8 was on .$ea4e it to %ea4er..
1663. 1n the 3reat 7ire of $ondon in 1***, half of the city was burned down but only
* -eo-le were inFured.
166'. ;ne of the reasons mariFuana is illegal today is because cotton growers in
the :=s lobbied against hem- farmers C they saw them as com-etitors.
166!. ;nly one -erson in two billion will li4e to be 11* years old.
1666. The name ,endy was made u- for the boo C.Peter Pan..
166. The characters %ert and Ernie on Sesame Street were named after %ert the
co- and Ernie the taAi dri4er in 7ran Ea-ra's .1t's a ,onderful $ife..
166-. 1t was disco4ered on a s-ace mission that a frog can throw u-. The frog
throws u- its stomach ?rst, so the stomach is dangling out of its mouth. The frog
then uses its forearms to dig out all of the stomach's contents and then swallows
the stomach bac d
1669. 'rmored nights raised their 4isors to identify themsel4es when they rode
-ast their ing. This custom has become the modern military salute.
164. Syl4ia Miles had the shortest -erformance e4er nominated for an ;scar, in
.Midnight Eowboy.. Her entire role lasted only * minutes.
161. Eharles $indburgh too only four sandwiches with him on his famous
transatlantic Qight.
162. 3oethe couldn't stand the sound of baring dogs and could only write if he
had an a--le rotting in the drawer of his des.
163. Stewardesses is the longest word that is formally ty-ed with only the left
16'. 'rmadillos ha4e four babies at a time and they are always the same seA.
16!. To esca-e the Faws of a crocodile, -ush your thumbs into its eyes C it will
release you instantly.
166. 1f you toss a -enny 1=,=== times, it will come u- heads a--roAimately M)#=
times because the heads -icture weighs more than the tails side, so it ends u- on
the bottom more often.
16. HydroAydeoAycorticosterones is the longest anagram in the English
16-. $os 'ngeles' full name is El Pueblo de >uestra Senora la 2eina de los 'ngeles
de Pornciuncula.
169. 'n ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.
16-4. 'l Ea-one's business card said he was a furniture dealer.
16-1. The longest recorded Qight of a chicen is 1: seconds.
16-2. ,ilma 7lintstone's maiden name was ,ilma Slaghoo-al, and %etty 2ubbles'
maiden name was %etty <ean Mcbricer.
16-3. ' -regnant gold?sh is called a twit.
16-'. 111,111,111 A 111,111,111 G 12,:M#,*7@,)@7,*#M,:21
16-!. The 2amses brand condom is named after the great Pharoh 2amses 11, who
fathered o4er 1*= children.
16-6. 1f >'S' send birds into s-ace, they would soon die because birds need
gra4ity to swallow.
16-. 5ueling is legal in Paraguay as long as both -arties are registered blood
16--. The com-uter term .byte. is a contraction of .by eight..
16-9. The a4erage ear of corn has eight hundred ernels arranged in siAteen rows.
1694. The famous s-litC?ngered 8ulcan salute is actually intended to re-resent the
?rst letter (.shin., -ronounced .sheen.+ of the word .shalom.. 's a boy, $eonard
>imoy obser4ed his rabbi using it in a benediction and ne4er forgot itO he was
e4entually able
1691. The idea that .the %oogey Man will get you. comes from the %oogey -eo-le,
who still inhabit an area of 1ndonesia. These -eo-le still act as -irates today, and
attac -assing shi-s.
1692. !nderground is the only word in the English language that begins and ends
with the letters .und.
1693. The ?rst cou-le to be shown in bed together on -rime time tele4ision was
7red and ,ilma 7lintstone.
169'. EocaCEola was originally green.
169!. E4ery day more money is -rinted for Mono-oly than the !S Treasury.
1696. The Hawaiian al-habet has 12 letters.
169. Eity with the most 2olls 2oyces -er ca-itaU Hong 6ong.
169-. State with the highest -ercentage of -eo-le who wal to worU 'lasa.
1699. Percentage of 'frica that is wildernessU 2@N
144. ercentage of >orth 'merica that is wildernessU :@N
141. %arbie's measurements if she were life si&eU :)C2:C::.
142. Eost of raising a mediumCsi&e dog to the age of ele4enU "*,M==
143. '4erage number of -eo-le airborne o4er the !S any gi4en hourU *1,===.
14'. 1ntelligent -eo-le ha4e more &inc and co--er in their hair.
14!. The world's youngest -arents were @ and ) and li4ed in Ehina in 1)1=.
146. The youngest -o-e was 11 years old.
14. 7irst no4el e4er written on a ty-ewriterU Tom Sawyer.
14-. The San 7rancisco Eable cars are the only mobile >ational Monuments
149. Each ing in a dec of -laying cards re-resents a great ing from history.
S-ades C 6ing 5a4id, Elubs C 'leAander the 3reat, Hearts C Eharlemagne, and
5iamonds C <ulius Eaesar.
114. 1f a statue in the -ar of a -erson on a horse has both front legs in the air,
the -erson died in battleO if the horse has one front leg in the air, the -erson died
as a result of wounds recei4ed in battleO if the horse has all four legs on the
ground, th
111. ;nly two -eo-le signed the 5eclaration of 1nde-endence on <uly Mth, <ohn
Hancoc and Eharles Thomson. Most of the rest signed on 'ugust 2, but the last
signature wasn't added until # years later.
112. .1 am.. is the shortest com-lete sentence in the English language.
113. The term .the whole ) yards. came from ,.,.11 ?ghter -ilots in the South
Paci?c. ,hen arming their air-lanes on the ground, the .#= caliber machine gun
ammo belts measured eAactly 27 feet, before being loaded into the fuselage. 1f
the -ilots ?red all t
11'. Hershey's 6isses are called that because the machine that maes them loos
lie it's issing the con4eyor belt.
11!. The -hrase .rule of thumb. is deri4ed from an old English law, which stated
that you couldn't beat your wife with anything wider than your thumb.
116. The Eisenhower interstate system reSuires that one mile in e4ery ?4e must
be straight. These straight sections are usable as airstri-s in times of war or other
11. The name <ee- came from the abbre4iation used in the army for the .3eneral
Pur-ose. 4ehicle, 3.P.
11-. The cruise liner, Vueen Eli&abeth 11, mo4es only siA inches for each gallon of
diesel that it burns.
119. The ?rst >7$ team that -lays its home games in a domed stadium to win a
Su-erbowl was the St. $ouis 2ams in 1))).
124. The only two days of the year in which there are no -rofessional s-orts
games (M$%, >%', >H$, or >7$+ are the day before and the day after the MaFor
$eague allCstars 3ame
121. The nursery rhyme 2ing 'round the 2osy is a rhyme about the -lague.
1nfected -eo-le with the -lague would get red circular sores (.2ing around the
rosy....+, these sores would smell 4ery badly so common fols would -ut Qowers
on their bodies somewhere (i
122. V. ,hat se-arates .*= Minutes,. on E%S from e4ery other T8 show0 '. >o
theme song.
123. V. Half of all 'mericans li4e within #= miles of what0 '. Their birth-lace.
12'. V. Most boat owners name their boats. ,hat is the most -o-ular boat name
reSuested0 '. ;bsession
12!. V. 1f you were to s-ell out numbers, how far would you ha4e to go until you
would ?nd the letter .'.0 '. ;ne thousand
126. V. ,hat do bullet -roof 4ests, ?re esca-es, windshield wi-ers and laser
-rinters all ha4e in common0 '. 'll in4ented by women.
12. V. This is the only food that doesn't s-oil. '. Honey
12-. V. There are more collect calls on this day than any other day of the year. '.
7ather's 5ay
129. V. ,hat tri4ia fact about Mel %lanc (4oice of %ugs %unny+ is the most ironic0
'. He was allergic to carrots.
134. M=N of all -eo-le who come to a -arty snoo- in your medicine cabinet.
131. 'n a--le, onion, and -otato all ha4e the same taste. The di9erences in Qa4or
are caused by their smell. To -ro4e this you can -inch your nose and tae a bite
from each. They will all taste sweet.
132. The estimated number of M B M's sold each day in the !nited States is
133. 3ra-es eA-lode when you -ut them in the microwa4e.
13'. ,ine will s-oil if eA-osed to light, hence tinted bottles.
13!. ' hardCboiled egg will s-in. 'n uncooed or softCboiled egg will not. (1'm
going home to boil an egg tonight+
136. 5omestic cats hate lemons or other citrus scents.
13. E4ery citi&en of 6entucy is reSuired by law to tae a bath at least once a
13-. Parer %rothers -rints about #= billion dollars worth of Mono-oly money in
one year. (which is more than real money -rinted in a year+
139. 2=: million dollars is s-ent on barbed wire each year in the !.S.
1'4. >o word in the English language rhymes with .month..
1'1. 1f you -ut a raisin in a cham-agne bottle, it will rise and fall continuously.
1'2. The letter < does not a--ear '>/,HE2E in the -eriodic table of elements.
1'3. 1n Eanada, if a debt is higher than 2# cents, it is illegal to -ay it with -ennies.
1''. 1m-otence is grounds for di4orce in 2M states in the !nited States.
1'!. 7ederal law forbids recycling used eyeglasses in the !nited States
1'6. 1f you ha4e three Suarters, four dimes, and four -ennies, you ha4e "1.1). /ou
also ha4e the largest amount of money in !.S. coins without being able to mae
change for a dollar
1'. 1f you are hedeno-hobic, you ha4e a fear of -leasure.
1'-. .'lmost. is the longest word in the English language with all the letters in
al-habetical order.
1'9. 1f you toss a -enny 1=,=== times, it will not be heads #,=== times, but more
lie M,)#=. The heads -icture weighs more, so it ends u- on the bottom more
1!4. The longest word that can be ty-ed solely with the left hand is stewardess
1!1. There is only ;>E word in the English language with TH2EE E;>SEE!T18E
SETS ;7 5;!%$E $ETTE2S.... %ooee-er
1!2. Ele4eland s-elled bacwards is .5>' le4el E..
1!3. The R symbols is often referred to as a .number sign. or .-ound sign.. 1ts
actual name is an octothor-e
1!'. The letter .,. is the only letter in the al-habet that doesn't ha4e Fust one
syllable ] it has three.
1!!. The letters in the abbre4iation e.g. stand for eAem-li gratia ] a $atin term
meaning .for eAam-le..
1!6. ,omen blin nearly twice as much as men do.
1!. This one is dee-...thin about the cultural im-act this could ha4eU >; ,'2
H'S %EE> 7;!3HT ,HE2E %;TH E;!>T21ES H'5 ' Mc5onalds
1!-. 7or the .wrong handed. -eo-le...;4er 2#== left handed -eo-le a year are
illed from using -roducts made for right handed -eo-leL That means 5E'TH to
1!9. The sentence .The Suic brown foA Fum-s o4er a la&y dog.. uses e4ery letter
of the al-habetL
164. The only 1# letter word that can be s-elled without re-eating a letter is
161. ' cocroach can li4e se4eral wees with its head cut o9 C it dies from
162. The state of 7lorida is bigger than EnglandL
163. The youngest -erson to gi4e birth was a ?4eCyr. old tribal girl (ECSection of
16'. ' crocodile can't stic its tongue out.
16!. 6angaroos can't wal bacwards.
166. ' snail can slee- for : years.
16. 'n ostrich's eyes are bigger than its brain.
16-. There are more chicens than -eo-le in the world.
169. 5ol-hins slee- with 1 eye o-en.
14. ' cat has :2 muscles in each ear.
11. 'll -olar bears are left handed.
12. Ele-hants can't Fum-.
13. %utterQies taste with their feet.
1'. ' s-erm whale -roduces *= litres of s-erm and has a 12ft -enis.
1!. 1t's -ossible to lead a cow u-stairs, but not downstairs.
16. %ats use ultrasounds to -ic u- 4ibrations from their -rey.
1. 5ol-hins and humans are the only animals on the -lanet that ha4e seA for
1-. Eows can't 4omit.
19. 1t is im-ossible for a -ig to loo u- at the sy.
1-4. ;n a4erage e4eryone farts once -er hour.
1-1. 7arts are highly Qammable.
1-2. 'dults -roduce between 2==mls C 2 litres of fart -er day.
1-3. The amount you fart is increased by stress, onions, cabbage and beans.
1-'. 8egetarians fart more, but their's smell less.
1-!. Two thirds of 17 year olds ha4e at least one wet dream -er month.
1-6. )# N of men B *=N of women admit to ha4ing masturbated at some -oint.
1-. The a4erage male eFaculation is :CM mls worth and contains :== million
1--. 'dult male wild boar -roduce =.# litres -er eFaculate.
1-9. 2=N of men eA-erience -remature eFaculation.
194. S-erm ha4e to swim 1==,=== times their length to get a woman -regnant.
That's the eSui4alent of man swimming o4er 1== miles in one go.
191. 1=N of straight %ritish cou-les ha4e regular anal seA.
192. *2N of men aged @=C1=2 ha4e regular seA.
193. 'll these ha4e been used to mae condoms through historyU
19'. $inen, tortoiseshell, leather, sil, shee- gut.
19!. *@N of 1*C1) year old men always use condoms during seA, 1@N usually and
:N sometimes.
196. $eft testicles usually hang lower than the right.
19. 21.)N of !6 men's -enises are circumcised.
19-. '4erage -enis si&e is # C ).#cm Qaccid and 12.# C 17.#cm erect.
199. ;n a4erage, you -roduce 2==g of -oo -er day.
1-44. !6 boy's 4oices normally brea between the ages of 1:C1#.
1-41. 'n a4erage head has between 1==,=== C 1#=,=== hairs.
1-42. Hair on your head grows at 1= C 1:mm -er month.
1-43. >ails grow at :mm -er month.
1-4'. E4en a long human life only adds u- to about *#=,=== hours.
1-4!. $ife on Earth dates bac :.@ billion years.
1-46. 1f the Earth was the si&e of a golf ball, the Sun would be the si&e of a washing
1-4. Ha--y %irthday was the ?rst song to be -layed in outerCs-ace.
1-4-. Some astronomers belie4e there may be a tenth -lanet (Planet W+ in our
solar system, -erha-s as much as ten times the si&e of <u-iter, but so far away as
to be in4isible to us.
1-49. 'n obFect weighing 1== -ounds on Earth would weight Fust :@ -ounds on
1-14. >obody is Suite sure how big Pluto is, what ind of atmos-here it has, or
what it is made ofL
1-11. S-ace is a 4acuum which means sound can't tra4el. Hence, .>obody can
hear you scream in s-ace.L
1-12. ' manned mission to Mars (called for by the ?rst President %ush+ was Suietly
dro--ed when someone wored out it would cost "M#= billion and would -robably
ill all the crew.
1-13. 'bout M.M billion years ago, an obFect about the si&e of Mars crashed into the
Earth, blowing o9 enough material to form a com-anion s-here C the Moon.
1-1'. %ased on what we now and can reasonably imagine, there is no chance of
any human tra4elling beyond the edge of our solar system, e4er. 1t is Fust too far.
1-1!. 1f you were randomly inserted into the uni4erse, the chances that you would
be on or near a -lanet are less then one in a billion trillion trillion. (The is a lot of
s-ace in S-aceL+
1-16. ,hen we see stars in the sy, we are not seeing them as they currently are,
but how they were the number of light years they are away from Earth.
1-1. )).) N of the mass in our solar system went to mae u- the Sun.
1-1-. Edmond Halley did not disco4er the comet that bears his name, he merely
recogni&ed that it was the same one that had been seen before.
1-19. The Earth s-ins beneath you at between 1,=== C 1,*== ilometres an hour,
de-ending on where you are.
1-24. 1saac >ewton understood the laws of gra4ity some M= years before he made
his ?ndings -ublic.
1-21. The distance from the Earth to the Sun is about 1#= million ilometres.
1-22. The Mily ,ay's nearest neighbour is M.: million light years away C a hundred
million times further then the Moon. 1t is a threeCstar cluster nown as 'l-ha
1-23. )@N of all matter that eAists was created by the %ig %ang.
1-2'. The Earth weighs roughly * billion trillion metric tonnes.
1-2!. 1 in 1= 'mericans don't now that the Sun is a star.
1-26. 1f all the -eo-le in Ehina stood on a chair and Fum-ed o9 at eAactly the same
time, they could noc the earth out of orbit.
1-2. ,hen EocaCEola ?rst a--eared in Ehina, they used characters that sounded
lie .EocaCEola. when s-oen. !nfortunately, they translated as .%ite the waA
tad-ole.. 1t did not sell well.
1-2-. >o words in the English language rhyme with month, orange, sil4er, or
1-29. Mel %lanc (the original 4oice of %ugs %unny+ was allergic to carrots.
1-34. The Hawaiian al-habet only has 12 letters.
1-31. Pe-si originally contained -e-sin, hence the name.
1-32. Michael <ordan maes more money from >ie e4ery year than all of the >ie
factory worers in Malaysia combined.
1-33. 1f a statue of a -erson on a horse has both front legs in the air, the -erson
died in battleO if the horse has one front leg in the air, the -erson died as a result
of wounds recei4ed in battleO if the horse has all four legs on the ground, the
-erson die
1-3'. ' whale's -enis is called a dor.
1-3!. 1f you li4e in Michigan its illegal to -lace a sun in your bosses des.
1-36. The last dodo bird died in 1*@1.
1-3. Eats ha4e o4er 1== 4ocal sounds, whereas dogs only ha4e about 1=.
1-3-. Eolgate faced a big obstacle mareting tooth-aste in S-anish s-eaing
countries because Eolgate translates as, .3o hang yourself..
1-39. There are more %arbie dolls in 1taly than there are Eanadians in EanadaL

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