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Firearms & Armoring Certification Program (ARM

9009:2013) Brings Quait! Assurance "o #u$$iers

The American Board of Accredited Certifications (ABAC), the nation's leading accreditation
body (AB) introduces ARM 9009, the first and only uality management certification !rogram
for the armoring and firearms industry
( NEW YORK, NY - For the Firearms and Armored produts !usiness,
"hether it !e ri#les, re$ol$ers, pistols, armored $ehiles or !od% armor, &ualit% is essential to
ensure the most aurate and relia!le per#ormane #or 'un o"ners and ustomers o# armorin'
s%stems. All manu#aturers, suppliers, su!ontrators in$ol$ed in manu#aturin' #irearms or
armored s%stems must !e aredited to AR(-)**)+,*-. standards (http+//a!oa.or'/arm-
)**),*-.) o$erseen !% the Amerian 0oard o# Aredited 1erti#iations (A0A1) "hih is the
"orld2s leadin' #irearms and armorin' areditation 3 erti#iation !od%, and the onl%
desi'nated &ualit% mana'ement re'istration "ith this spei#i desi'nation.
4While I5O )**-+,**6 is !ased on re&uirements that are intended to !e a 7one si8e #its all7 set o#
standards #or man% di##erent industries, AR( )**)+,*-. s%stem areditation is !ased on
hi'hl% speiali8ed standards that ha$e !een uni$ersall% aepted as a mandator% re&uirement
#or suppliers, su!ontrators, manu#aturers o# all #irearms and armorin' t%pe materials,
hard"are, adhesi$es, #asteners, metals, plastis, 'lass, omposites, eramis as "ell as related
materials and proesses used in on9untion #or the manu#ature o# #irearms, $ehiles,
aerospae and !od% armor,: said ;enr% Kro'er, 1hairman o# the 0oard o# Ad$isers #or A0A1.
;e added, 4AR(-)**) erti#iation is solel% administered !% <-P(1 Re'istrars, ==1 and is
aredited !% the internationall% reo'ni8ed Industrial =eaders <roup (I=<).:
Aordin' to <-P(1 Re'istrars, "hih has !een authori8ed amon' other &uali#ied re'istrars to
issue AR( )**) erti#iations, all audits are s%stem-spei#i and preisel% omprehensi$e to
the #irearms and armorin' industr%. Kro'er said AR( )**) should not !e in an%"a% on#used
"ith I5O, A5, >5 desi'nations or ANA0/AN5I re&uirements, sine the AR( standard is a a
s%stem spei#i, standalone and aredited as suh. 4AR(-)**) is si'ni#iantl% superior to I5O
)**-+,**6 !eause o# its #ous on the #irearms and armorin' industr%,: said ?im @a$idson,
@iretor o# Areditation #or I=<. ;e onluded, 4@ue to the nature o# the industr%, importane
o# materials, manu#aturin' proesses and seurit%, AR( )**) erti#iation re&uires
speiali8ed audits a'ainst spei#i re&uirements, &ualit% and deli$er% metris, "hih is "h% the
erti#iation has !een internationall% aepted as the standard &ualit% assurane pro'ram #or
#irearms and armorin' suppliers.:
A!out Amerian 0oard o# Aredited 1erti#iations (A0A1)
>he Amerian 0oard o# Aredited 1erti#iations (http+//a!oa.or'/) "as #ounded !% a 'roup o#
&ualit% pro#essionals in ,**. "ith roots datin' !aA to -)).. >oda%, A0A1 is the leadin'
independent areditation !oard in the Bnited 5tates "ith assoiation mem!ers, si'natories,
re'ional areditation 'roups, and international o!ser$er or'ani8ations. With orporate
head&uarters on (adison A$enue, Ne" YorA 1it%, A0A1 "as reated out o# neessit% to !rin'
an independent o$ersi'ht impartial o# numerous so-alled 4o##iial: areditation !oards suh
as ANA0C (AN5I-A5D National Areditation 0oard), International Areditation Forum
(IAF) and their su!sidiaries. A0A1 o$ersees areditation and erti#iation !odies assurin'
inte'rit%, ompeten%, and #air ompetition in the &ualit% ommunit%. A0A1 aredits
erti#iations !ased on the #undamental priniples o# aounta!ilit%, ethial ondut, and
ommitment to &ualit%.
A!out <-P(1 Re'istrars, ==1
<-P(1 Re'istrars, ==1 (http+//""".' is a re'istrar that arries a distint
areditation and a distint mission ompared to the aepted norms in the "orld o# &ualit%. <-
P(1 is a a sin'le aredited re'istrar, "hih means !etter adherene to standards and praties
to issue erti#iations to ustomers. >he ustomer "ill not onl% ha$e !etter protool, !ut 9ust as
important, real ser$ie and support, !eause o# <-P(12s, uni&ue position and harateristis in
the &ualit% industr%. >his means <-P(1 has the authorit% to re'ister or'ani8ations, reo'ni8in'
them #or their Dualit% (ana'ement 5%stem2s(D(5) inte'rit% and in addition trul% 7Addin'
Ealue7 to a ompan% and/or orporation.
For the ori'inal $ersion on IndustrialPR $isit+ http+//""""s/lassi#ied.phpF
>his ne"s release "as distri!uted !%

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