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An Introduction to Electromagnetics in the Energy

A brief review of the state of the Art

Mauricio Pulgarin

Paul Anderson Gutierrez Agudelo

Carlos Alberto Abaunza Camacho
Julian Camilo Espinosa Perez

Daniel Francisco Bernal Galeano

AbstractThis article intends to give a broad review of the
application of electromagnetic theory and devices, supposing that
the reader is familiarize with vectorial calculus but not with the
classic electromagnetic theory. A simple explanation of electrical
machinery allows the reader to understand the importance of the
development of magnetic materials and finally an uncommon
way of generating electricity is shown, in an effort to demonstrate
the enormous potential of electromagnetic theory.
I ndex Terms Field, Magnetism, Electrical Current, Nuclear
Fusion, Rare-earth materials.


The understanding of electromagnetic phenomena was not
always so clear, during the past centuries a great contribution
was made by many physicist, mathematicians and engineers,
achieving the unification of the electrical and magnetic theory,
and was James Clerk Maxwell who bound all of this
knowledge into 13 quaternions (an extended form of complex
numbers), and after Hertz, Gibbs y Heaviside [1] reduced
them into four simple relations:

Gausss Law:

Establishes that the sum of the electrical density around a
closed area is equal to the net electrical charge this contains.

Amperes Law

Establishes that the sum of the magnetic field around a closed
path is equal to the net electrical current this surround.

Faradays Law

Establishes that the voltage trough a path in a conductor,
equals to the time variation of the magnetic flux.

Gausss Law (Magnetic version):

Simply establishes the no existence of magnetic

These relations, especially Amperes and Faradays Laws
will help us to understand the principles of electrical
machinery, the behavior of magnetic materials and the use of
fields to maintain the nuclear particles in a Fusion reactor.

In the electrical energy production chain two main devices
can be identified, the first and most important is the Generator
that can convert mechanical energy into electrical energy, and
the second which allows maintaining low losses in the process
of transporting the energy to other places.

The Generator

There are many types of generators, but by far the two most
common are the synchronous machine and the induction
machine, this is due to the fact that electrical plants are
designed for 50 years of operation and also because the design
of this machines has changed very few in the last decades, all
are based in Faradays Law, so there are going to be always
magnetic field rotating inside the area that many turns of wire

The synchronous machine has that name, because it generates a
voltage with the same frequency (or a multiple of it) of the
rotating field, in other words it is necessary to maintain the
frequency of rotation of the shaft very constant, so that the
voltage frequency is unchanged. In the picture below a frontal
view of a synchronous machine is shown:

An important characteristic of this type of generator is the
ability to generate in stand-alone mode without any problem,
so that the generator can provide easily, electricity for a non-
interconnected zone.

The other type of generator is called Induction generator, or
Asynchronous generator, it has that name because the principle
it uses, because of the characteristics of construction, a current
in the coils of the shaft is induced, and with that a magnetic
field, as establishes Amperes Law. This principle is the main
reason why this machine works much better injecting energy
into the grid, more than in stand-alone mode, the picture below
illustrates the construction of this type of machines:

The advantage of this type of Generator is the simplicity and

The Transformer

Transformers are devices that increase the voltage produced
by a generator; this allows the energy to be transmitted without
much losses, the principle can be understood better with the
next picture:

A number of turns of wire are placed in the left side and a
different number of turns are placed in the right side. Using
Amperes Law and Faradays Law the following equation can
be proved making some assumptions:

Where V1 is the left side voltage, V2 the right one, and N1 and
N2 are the respective number of turns.

Well see in the following section that this applications are
successful due to the Ferromagnetic materials, and that the
development of new materials has improve the way this
machinery is used.



The use of electromagnetic phenomena for the
development in the world has improved in many ways
the way we live and nowadays keeps proving its
[2] J. Clerk Maxwell, A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, 3rd
ed., vol. 2. Oxford: Clarendon, 1892, pp.6873.

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