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In writing this paper I propose to address from the perspective ltiple sharp m gica psicol fica and one

problematicadolescent policy itself : the definition n their identity.

Before reflecting on the problematic policy on the definition n of the identity of adolescent identity is necessary
to differentiate allergy identification . " This past refers to a defensive process of the self by which the child
acquires relative safety and compromise the " identify " part with people around . Destination all identifications
is not cumulatively form a final identity , because he sta " although incluya " is a new and unpredictable
form . possibility of authenti ntica intimacy is achieved when we have achieved the certainty of identity " [1 ] .
The young need, first of all define their identity. Teenager Who Do you question is n l ? The boy
consciously or unconsciously asks: "Do you n Who am I?" l isclimbing again lookingjust the same , and
therefore must try to answer that question before asking qua will makein life. The young man seeking his own
identity , as one of the tasks of adolescence is to know who is n really l . In the search of the student 's
identity must be integrated not only the new items that have come in and out of l , but also n must assume
all his past life that can not be eliminated . According n Estanislao Zuleta , identity is the essence of our being ,
and the disgrace of our being is that we have a given identity , we have to conquer it with our lives, our history ,
and adds that the person is able to be killed in the search of an identity, which is whats more we need , which is
what mosts press did not have. The identity coincides with the whole being .
Identity is defined as the set of traits of an individual that characterize versus Demas , or conscience that a
person has to be herself and distinct from the DEMAs , or the fact that someone or rather , it is supposed or
sought. N According psychiatrist Sergio Muoz Fernandez oz [2 ] identity mean by the feeling of continuity
and sameness , ie , to be yourself and allowing the individual to differentiate from Demas . " What key is the
identity and comfortable mo arises in the development of adolescent identity , primarily means adecuaci n
and ego strength : balance , maturity , personal integrity , fairness and reliability; appropriate degree of personal
satisfaction and arranger n and social responsibility ? expression n spontaneousline and assertiveness . identity
of the individual is developed from the child ez , with positive and negative experiences acquired during the
psicol logical development , social and fisiol logical . the concept of identity is a t Terms very wide
which includes the general aspects of the subject's personality as a whole , which is mainly signed the integration
of new cultures and assimilation of social norms , values, beliefs , customs, etc. . , which determine the
characteristics and personal interactions and social components of thes most significant in the world unique and
staff of human beings " [3 ] .
The identity indicates the individuality of each person to define n in function of their own personal attributes. "
The word identity also n is used to refer to the coherence of our own self , both physically as psquica over
time " [4 ] . Your identity is the set of knowledge of who is and qua n is . " Perhapss the mosts important
adolescent task is the search ( or mores well the construction ) of identity , ie , the answer to the question." Who
n 'm actually "Teens need to develop their own values , opinions and interests and not just as merely repeating
their parents . Han to discover what they can do and be proud of their achievements. want to feel loved and
respected for who they are , and for that we have to know Who first nes are " [5 ] . N any public teen wants to
be a copy of someone else , so are their parents,s more than love and respect . " This is the short of the
ideals and utopas , that change the behavior to friends and acquaintances " . [6] The psychologist loga and
sociologist loga Daniela Castaldi signal ala the teen gradually leave you idealize regarding your home,
turning less about their parents and seeking relationships with new which people will learnother visions to
illuminate restarted lights his universe . "These facts imply a big effort level psquico work: a little p ber is
transformed into a teenager and , like a butterfly leaves its first body to fly , the teen shouldresign places
certainties, amenities, to search for just one new clothing , a new identity. Undoubtedly it will servethe
foundation that has been granted by their parents and significant others to begin building a new building people,
but now they will not ben the " owners you the truth , "nor those perfect beings in another little imagine "
[7 ] .
The critic problem at this stage , according to the psychologist Eric Erikson, is to find one's identity. In his
opinion , the identity is achieved by integrating various roles in a coherent Patra n that gives a sense of
continuity or internal identity. " The psychob problem of adolescence is to establish a secure sense of identity
from the point of view of the young this is essentially answer the question . " Who ? n me " [ 8] concept of
Erikson ? . that Do you who n I am? 's the ideology of the adolescent. " This ideology is the b
frameworkmusician within which adolescents see only themselves and their world and , what is mores important
, evaluate an experiences everyday . hese are basically the ideas they use to understand the world,s most
value system that serves as a basis for judging right and wrong, good and bad. Instead of seeing only themselves
to function n various reviewed timber or different roles sensations, the ideology teenager gives a basis for an
integrated just same direction , which gives his address life n and meaning " [9 ] .
During adolescence , the young man has to discover Quia n is l actually because its essential problem is
to build a secure sense of identity , that is, to answer satisfactorily for ste the eternal question of " Who n
am I " . A clear sense of their own identity involves knowing "Do you Quia n me and Qua want from life ?
" . During adolescence the young enter into only himself and several questions metaphase is formulated ,
because you want to go mores beyondthe everyday, its immediate reality , seeking to find the reason of her being
intimate and those around him to develop their be authenti ntico , well , manages to break free of his
insecurity and his hasto . The psychologist Robert S. Feldman , states that " for most teenagers, answer the
questions " Do you Quia n am? "And" Do you how I fit into the world? "Represents one of the most
challengess complex life . Though these questions continue to arise throughout the life of a person , in
adolescence take special significance " [10 ] .
The teenager wonders if what he feels is normal and what happens , your body and your privacy are two
questions that do not know how to understand . I would like to turn to someone and sometimes misses to who
n . Inspects questionable books with an eager curiosity . Their insecurity , distrust , growing into a medium that
continues to harbor as before, l but not accept . Sensitivity is heightened , no one is as susceptible as the
teenager. None also experience the fear of ridiculous as l feared particularly that tease your body incipient
growth of your face ( or child or , or adult) and folds to defend themselves , according l believes " [11 ] .
This stage of life , studied by Erikson " known as identity versus confusion n roles " "represents a period
of important test because people look and want to determine what is unique and special compared to only them.
Try discover Quia tions are , Which are your skills and qua types of papers comment can better develop the
rest of his life " in short, their self Identity ." La confusion n to choose the most roleappropriate s can
cause lack of stable identity , the acquisition of a socially unacceptable as is the offender , or difficulty
maintaining strong personal relationships , in the future role. in the period of identity versus confusion n role is
palpable great pressure n by identifying what want to do with our lives Because this requirement expected of
them , teens can find this especially difficult stage the stage of identity versus confusion n of roles has another
important feature : . . minimizes dependence on adults as sources of informations and a turn to the peer group as
a source of social judgments " [12 ] .
In the search of such a complex response, the teen is going through a bitter phase of trials and errors, which are
not always manifested in extreme changes in one view to another. In the young the perodos of serious concerns
are normal to determine what is true , Qu is false, is good qua , qua is bad , Qua Qua is right and
wrong is . Adolescence is a stage of commitment to the values , hopes and ideals in the futuren inside center
of the identity of the young will become. "Adolescence is the walking in that and j YOUNG define its
position with the family, company eros and company eras and society where Vivena | Adolescents begin to
take risks and experiment ; behave that way because they are spending a family-centered world to a world
focused on the community within which beginna define their own identity " [13 ] .
In the complex process Dinamico , Sina allergy , systemtico, holistic and Diala tactical to develop their own
sense of identity , adolescents testing various points of view, sometimes swinging from one extreme to another
in a short time , reflecting the pattern of trial and error in quest of values and beliefs that can serve as reference
ideol disponible for proper identity. In this key stage of existence in the adolescent develops a fundamental and
intimate sense of self, a sense of identity that goes beyond mostsof reviewed timber feelings or social roles.
"Adolescence is described as a walking in the teen looking , want to become someone but do not know how
, that's why the teenager makes trials can sometimes be frowned upon by the family and society , forgot ndonos
adults these trials are needed to consolidate its identity " [14 ] .
In this period , which , for your condition naturally n being an individual nico and unique , not to be copy of
DEMAs , longs to experience a sense of independence and being a person unique in their own right . " All
young people have , by the law of life , AFAn independence . If you are unsure how to convert external in
intimate maintaining and even increasing its staff autonomy , is tempted to neglect when it has received from his
older " is meaning of fueraa " in a matter of customs, standards and moral standards, religious dogmas and
prpious practices , to see you set up your life in the future according to their own criteria , developed in its
interior . This break with the " tradition n " does not mean just what a departure from their parents , but mores
radically from the reality around him and with whom he has to set his life. This departure annuls root much of its
ability to create meetings , and therefore their creative power " [15 ] . The teenager, in quest of independence,
need to know who is n l reality , seeking to establish his true identity , determine their own values, and
enrich and affirm their personality. " Perhaps the mosts important adolescent task is to discover Quia n I really
am . Teenagers need to develop their own values and make sure there isno simply repeating mindlessly the ideas
of their parents. Should discover what they can . done and be proud of their own achievements Dear and
respected for what they are : teens seek their identity in many mirrors " [16 ] .
The woman reaches n their identity definition should not act or make decisions based on orders, customs or
whims. Fernando Savater , in his book tica Amador (directed precisely towards teens ) , signal wing to
not be sheep must " think twice about what we do" , ie , reflect deeply on our actions ; because to do legtimo
and responsible use of our freedom , "s worth more away from orders, customs and quirks ." In dimension n
freedom , human activity can not be conditioned by orders, customs, quirks, rewards or punishments , ie ,
based on what they want to govern from the outside. It should work from within ourselves, from the jurisdiction
of our own will , seeking to do good for us and for Demas . Jorge Restrepo Trujillo thinks that " if man 's
freedom has accelerated sta as ability to Self-Determination n or authenticity versus what the conditions or
instrumentalized under generalizations such as power , culture and nature" [17 ] .
As a young person needs to know what to is what he really wants , can not IMBA cil , tica and morally
. This imbecility refers to ignorance of not knowing be the good life. If the IMBA cil is not lame foot , but the
box isminimum. According Fernando Savater n , there are several models that need IMBA CILES baton n ,
ie , need to rely on things outside , outside , that have nothing to do with freedom and n reflexia own :
" A. He that believeth not want anything , which says that everything does not care , who live in a perpetual
yawn or permanent nap if I have my eyes open and not snore . B. Whoever believes that want it all, first thing
that presents itself and the opposite of what is presented : go and stay , dancing and sitting, chewing garlic and
give kisses sublime , all at once .
C. He who knows not what he wants or bothers to find out. Mimics the wills of neighbors or the other takes them
because I know , everything you do isdictated by opinia n majority of those around you : is conformist without
reflexia n or rebel without a cause .
D. He who knows he wants and knows what she wants and , more or less , know what you want out why but
want weak , afraid or weak . After all , ends not always doing what you want and leave what you want for maa
ana , then see ifs is more toned .
E. Whoever wants hard and ferocity in b planbarbarian , but deceives ado has only himself to what is reality
and greatly confuses ends up confusing the good life with what is going to make powder . " El IMBA cil need
baton n , ie supported by outside things , others, who have nothing to do with freedom and reflexia n own . a
IMBA cil , that is, or what is the same, a sheep is not taken freedom seriously, and seriousness of freedom is
that every free act I do limit my ability to choose one of them " [18 ] .
As we live in a world of possibilities , you have to choose . Freedom is being able to choose what we do or say ,
"This suits me and I love him , that I should not and therefore do not want it ." Freedom allows us to decide , but
it is important to know what to are deciding . For these decisions have to think much , because many times we
feel like doing something that backfires, and repent . We must choose for ourselves . We must be able to "invent
somehow own life and not just live for others have invented one." To be free we must authenti nticamente not
ask anyone qua we do with our own lives , we must questionourselves rnoslo . " If you want to know on what
best use your freedom , do not miss putting ndote from the beginning the service of another and others,
good , wise and respectable they may be : questions about using your liberated | to freedom itself " [19 ] .
Human existence and freedom are inseparable from the beginning.
This man " IMBA cil " that speaks Savater has close relationship with the man " minority age " (inability to
use their own understanding or use their reason ) Kant , the " one-dimensional " man ( lost in the technologic
rationality gica ) Marcuse , with man " inaut ntico " (who lives in a state of interpreted : not interpret
anything, and is consistently interpreted , is immersed in the discourse of the other , lives all day getting speech
other, forming their unconscious or conscious, their subjectivity , lives amidst an avalanche of information,
interpretations ) of Heidegger, the man " without attributes" (a kind of being empty , no destination , no own
initiative without . properties without n relationship himself ) Musil , with man mechanic ("the mechanicus
homo " interested in the manipulation n of moremachines , fascinated by the mechanic , indifferent life and
atrado by death and destruction n) Fromm , the man "mass" (which is not intended to do with your life any
particular thing , and can not , nor want , nor conceived , stopping in its action immediately n , in his mad rush to
satisfy their appetites ) Ortega y Gasset, the " average" man ( wannabe, envious, without ideals , routine, no
personality, poor character , passive, trashy , normal, vulgar, incapable , conformist shadow HIPA scribed ,
vicious, domesticated , inferior, nsfugatropics , conservative, infamous , servile , sancho , dogmatico, spirit d
bil , flatterer , flunky , mediocrity , maledicente , criticastro lazy servant , ambitious, beholder , ambiguous) Jos
of Engineers , with the man without spirit critic (not only thinks for himself ) in " vain " man Fernando
Gonzlez Ochoa ( live appearances , is an empty impersonator " copietas " lacks personality to be) , with the
man of " flock o "( the sheep man) | with regard to sheep man is putting attention from the n n reflexia
Judith Ann Quevedo Barragan :
" Your life plan is to not think and decide for just the same , it's crowded and impersonal man made According n
social molds. Dependent on people and the environment, gives no resistance Spurs propaganda and faithfully
conforms to think , desire and live medium . . . " where Vicente, where will people go " Choose no personal
judgment choosing work profession n , is the taste of their parents , friends or fashion can not stand to be alone
for a moment . follow His law is the majority and flock or going where they take " [20 ] .
As the teen is examining , reexamining , assessing and reassessing , share or confront their views , their opinions,
their worldviews and their particular way of perceiving, interpreting and systematizing really care about the
values , beliefs, ideals and expectations of adults, and thus confidently develop their value system and a secure
and mature sense of identity. If the young person has the knowledge, courage, osada , will and intelligent
courage , have the tools and background with respect, you will indicatena Where to go and Qua 's what you
want , because if ste no know Where to go, how will or possibly will arriveelsewhere. "There are many
ways no traveler, there are even mores travelers who do not have their path [21 ]
The psychologist loga Leonor Noguera Sayer accurate thanks to the identity , as a constitutive element of the
human being are like us in every moment, and is woven like a thread that brings together ne our IMApartial to us
unit and integrated despite genes different motions , responses and actions . This identity reflects and feeds , plus
whats Physical Fitness , as psquico , where is summarized in thinking and feeling. " Beside we can speak of the
social, as the stage for reader interaction from the moment of birth and where they come from continuous
messages of what that group and environment is a priority , good or bad , reason for recognition or prestige or
rejection and censorship. on the social aspect of identity isa complex set of values, beliefs , fashions, etc. . ,
giving fisonoma to a particular group , and that influence the identity of the individuals and what conforman
| the identity is synonymous with likeness or imitation or worship the pretext cronol Geologic that maturity or
wisdom is patented; identity is a complex result of all times , where you own is original, with infinite
possibilities Expansi n | the true identity recreates the experience Trava s of reflexia n and , with the
aid of thought, is capable of demolishing the walls until then kept it himself as the truth nica the fundamental
identity is the eternal discover the endless projects . dwell inside each and are fortified or die in fiscal interaction
n | identity as force that struggles to be kept equal to only itself, extending its domain to the field of psicol
conflicts cal , the anguish , the dolores | the desires , needs , feelings , abilities and / or limitations , converge
in the complex and more plotdeep s identity that transcends the conventional and stop Paradoxically , nothing
gives an absolute value , in its ongoing effort autocratic , recognizes the importance of new experiences such as
goose inexhaustible anus teaches knock, adjustments and changes , which lead to other definitions for life "
[22 ] .
The achievement of identity is so crucial to the life of the young project , sta depends because one lives
according to how you think and thinking is not done according to how we live. You can not live life rather than
live another 's life. If you want to build a life that enables the autorrealizaci n and the search for happiness ,
the supreme end of existence , we must live up to as you think . Thinking according to how we live, that is, to
live a life inaut ntica , leads inexorably to choose options such as crime, drug addiction , culture " traqueta "
the ideologies , religious dogmas , the easy , the mentality of " flock or " idiots tiles for dark processes
electoreros | "Adolescence is , today , the more olds difficult life adolescence is the transition of the child ez
puberty . step in making his guest appearance n sexuality, it's time to brand autonomy and the opportunity to
enjoy the music, liquor, drug and sex is the age at which the human being is mores helpless . few principles , few
values , unwillingness , poor knowledge of life and the dire consequences of the holidays. During the rumba ,
they look feel experiences increasingly mores strong , producing greater pleasure, arousal n , and finally, he
ecstasy recall some effects similar experiences . disorientation , feeling tired , lonely , empty , sadness ,
depression and , to top it attempts suicide " [23 ] . The psychiatrist referred Mu oz Fernandez explains that "
transition n right of will allow teensthe boy or girl find " it " I was looking for that is precisely your identity will
allow you toestablish a relationship different with their parents, friends, but defined with different interests, for
example , decide which wants to study and choose a partner with whom to share his life " [24 ] .
Regarding the problematic policy of youth, Erich Fromm draws attention when he says that he believes sta
boring and meaningless life in some families. " Therefore those j YOUNG away from their homes , looking
for a new kind of life , and feel dissatisfied because they have no opportunity to make constructive efforts Many
of them were originally the mosts idealistic and sensitive young generation , . , But at this point, fell shortndoles
tradition , maturity , experience and wisdom politics, feel hopeless , narcissistically overestimate their abilities
and possibilities , and try to achieve the impossible by use of force. Forman called revolutionary groups and
hope to save the world with acts of terror and destruction , unaware that just as contribute to the overall trend of
violence and inhumanity. they lost their ability to love and have been replaced by the desire to sacrifice their
lives . ( sacrifice only himself is often the solution n for those who crave love , but have lost the ability to do
and see the sacrifice of their lives loving experience mores high grade) . Yet these j YOUNG who sacrifice
are very different from the moremartyrs of love, who want to live in that love life, and accept the only death so
when forced to die in order not to betray . existing j YOUNG who sacrifice are the accused, but also n the
accusers , showing that our social system some of the most gifted j YOUNG come to feel so isolated and
hopeless to get rid of his despair only what they have left the path of destruction and fanaticism " [25 ] .
The row philosopher and psychologist logo Luis Durava states that adolescents have needs for security,
independence, experience, an ideal of life , to find meaning in life, to feel at peace with each other and with
nature, expressed in Simba form lica interiority freshly n pool, intimacy, idols , friendship and love. So same
needs for its nico harmonic balance, achieve the condition of independence, change its value system , its
concrete development of heterosexuality and serene , and seek a new and definitive identity. This past is so
important that it could be considered as the summary of all these achievements or tasks.
Durava In concept , the teen has to go reorganizing all new items that have come into your body and into your
psyche and reach an answer to the question " Do you n Who am I?" , Because only if it clearly define their
own identity , avoiding confusion n n and dispersi mayreach adolescent intimacy , leaving its own borders.
Clarifies that no only about sexual identity, but the identity in all aspects that allow defined as a person so it is
and what it is about, and with clear ideas of what is proposed , and also n identify own principles , beliefs,
cosmovisiones | as aspects other than those with the Demas , ie , in particular the identity of the self as an
independent person . That would be what Erikson defined as the intense experience of the ego's capacity to
integrate these identifications with the vicissitudes of the libido, the attitudes developed based on innate talents
and the possibilities for the various social roles.
The failure in the construction of the identity of teenagers can have serious consequences , because sta is
one of the mostimportant tasks s that time of the existence of the young . Among stas , according Durava ,
we found that the new events that occur in his life can throw , can find it difficult to clearly define its limits and
possibilities, it may be refractory affective relations is essentially the output of only one , opening new donor ,
breaking the boundaries themselves ( CCNow Erikson , the same loves teens " that require trust, autonomy ,
initiative, sense of industriousness and self Identity " are largely an attempt to define its identity projected onto
another image with your own self, for well I see it reflected and mores clarity ), the confusion n identity it
causes frequent changes CCNow , attitude , and even morality with the passage of time , places and people that
is , the identity n DISSEMINATION it difficult to harmonize the internal ego states often contradictory ,
without achieving complete them . "The negative identity is choosing who seeks defined by Opposition or
rejection of what they offer the ideal patterns of existing society. This attitude, facehostile character expresses
conduct desperate not to admit the conflicts of a cultural reality vigente | the inability to define our identity or
the true danger of losing it , are linked to the failure of systems been rated n " [26 ] .
So is the teenager does not have the ability to reflect critically on their own behavior, is incapable of stable
relations with others , has a system of clearly defined values. "In this case the boy waiver rule your life , make
decisions and irresponsibility in society and is carried away by unconscious motivations . 's Mores obvious result
is a state of indecision n and confusion n . But also n can be re-

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