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Chemical Bonding Study Guide

Write the number of protons and electrons for the following atoms and ions:

1. Na atom _____ _____ 2. Na+ ion _______ _____

3. Mg atom _____ _____ 4. Mg+2 ion _____ _____

5. S atom _____ _____ 6. S-2 ion _____ _____

Write the name of the noble gas that is iso-electronic with the following ions:

1. Na+ ____________ 2. Mg+2 ______________ 3. S-2 _______________.

4. Be+2 ______________. 5. Cl - _______________.

Write the electron configuration of the above 5 ions:


Write the Lewis dot structures for the following atoms and ions:

1. Li 2. Na 3. Na+ 4. Mg 5. Mg+2

Fill in the blanks:

1) A negatively charged ion is called an _________. example ______________.

2) A positively charged ion is called a __________. example ____________.

3) An ionic compound whose aqueous solution conducts an electric current is called an___________.

4) The energy required to separate one mole of the ions of an ionic compound is referred to as the

5) The simplest ratio of the ions represented in an ionic compound is called a ___________________.

6) A __________________ ion is a one atom ion. Give an example.______________ .

7) The charge of a mono-atomic ion is its __________________.

8) The oxidation number of group 2 elements is ________________.

9) The oxidation number of Group 15 and Group 16 elements is __________ and ___________.
10) An ________________ is a poly-atomic ion composed of an element, usually a non-metal, bonded
to one or more oxygen atoms.

11) Electrons that are free to move around are known as __________________.

12) A _____________ is the attraction of a metallic cation for de-localized electrons.

13) The chemical bond that results from the sharing of valence electrons is a _______________.

14) A ________________ is formed when two or more atoms bond covalently.

15) Sulfur has 3 valence electrons _________.

16) Unequal sharing of electrons results in a ___________ bond.

17)________________ tend to gain electrons.

18) _____________ tend to lose electrons.

True of False:
1) In writing the name of transition elements Roman numerals are used. ________

2) Sulfate has one more oxygen than sulfite. _______

3) Elements in Group 3A or 13 lose their two valence electrons to form an ion with a +2 charge._____.

4) Non-metals form stable electron configuration by gaining electrons. _______.

5) Metals form stable electron configuration by losing electrons________.

6) Covalent compounds are usually soluble in polar solvents. ________.

7) Molecular compounds or covalent compounds are generally composed of 2 non-metals. _______.

8) Ionic bonding occurs between metal and nonmetal _______.

9) Covalent compounds are formed by the transfer of electrons._________.

Choose the Best answer:

1) When the electronegativities of two bonded atoms differ greatly the bond is:
A. Polar covalent. B. Ionic. C. Covalent.

2) The symbol is placed next to which of the following:

A. The less electronegative atom in a polar bond. B. The more electronegative atom in a polar
covalent bond. C. Positive ion. D Nucleus.

3) Unequal sharing of electrons between two bonded atoms always indicates:

A. A non-polar covalent bond. B. An ionic bond. C. Polar covalent bond.

4) How many electrons are shared in a double bond?

A. None. B. 1. C. 2 D. 4.

5) Which of the following compounds contain an ionic bond ?

A) CH4 B) H2O C) CCl4 D) CaO

Underline the word that correctly describes each property in ionic compounds.

1) Melting point: Low High.

2) Boiling point: Low High.

3) Hardness: Hard Soft.

4) Electrical conductivity in the solid state: Good Poor.

5) Electrical conductivity in the liquid state: Good Poor.

Use the electronegativity differences to determine if a bond is Polar, Non-polar or ionic between the
following pairs of atoms:

1) H and S ____________________.

2) C and H ____________________.

3) Na and S ____________________.

4) H and Cl ____________________.

Predict which of the following bonds is most Polar:

A) C - O

B) Si - O

C) C - Cl

D) C - Br

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