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The Kemetic Origin of Freemasonry: The Signs and
Symbols Do not Lie
Posted by fahim knight at 18:06, 02 May 2010
The Kemetic Origin of Freemasonry: The Signs and Symbols Do not Lie
By Fahim A. Knight-El
The signs and symbols of ancient and modern Freemasonry are rooted in Kemet (Egypt)
and the evidence is overwhelmingly obvious that Freemasonry borrowed its allegorical
myths and ideological metaphors from more ancient societies that were well advanced in
the philosophical mysteries. (Reference: Manly P. Hall; "The Secret Teachings of All Ages").
It all began in Cush (Abyssinia or Ethiopia) were perhaps some of the wisest Nubians toiled
and where civilization originated. Thus transmitting their enlightenment in compliment with
how the Nile River flows from south to north. Reference Sterling Means in his book titled,
"Ethiopia and the Missing Link in African History" and John G. Jackson work titled, "Ethiopia
and the Origin of Civilization" .
Drusilla Houston in her book titled the "Wonderful Ethiopians of the Ancient Cushite
Empire," stated: "To the Cushite race belonged the oldest and purest Arabian blood. They
were the original Arabians and the creators of the ancient civilization, evidences of which
may be seen in the stupendous ruins in every part of the country. At the time that
Ethiopians began to show power as monarchs of Egypt about 3000 to 3500 B.C. the
western part of Arabia was divided into two powerful kingdoms. In those days the princes
of Arabia belonged wholly to the descendants of Cushite, who ruled Yemen for thousands of
years." (Reference: Drusilla Houston; "Wonderful Ethiopians of the Ancient Cushite
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad stated: "The Root of Civilization is in the Arabian Desert.
We took from them everything except the language and made him walk every step of the
way. It was twenty-two hundred miles. He went savage and lived in the caves of Europe.
Eu means hillsides and Rope is the rope to bind in. It was six thousand nineteen years
ago." (Reference: "The Supreme Wisdom Lessons by Master Fard Muhammad: to His
Servant, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad for the Lost-Found Nation of Islam in North
The white Shriners called their organization the Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic
Shrine. This writer wonders why they alluded to this Masonic House as "Ancient Arabic"
Order perhaps they were subtly bearing witnessing to the teachings of Drusilla Houston and
teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad (both of these visionaries gave us an African
origin of Egypt and Saudi Arabia) and did not separate the African continent from the
so-called Middle East (man made ditch called the Suez Canal which geographically
separated these two land mass). It was once viewed as one homogenous geographical land
masses that became victims of conquering and miscegenation. (Reference: John G.
Jackson; "Man, God and Civilization" ).
No, scholar makes this case any better than Dr. Wesley Muhammad in his monumental
book titled, "Black Arabia and the African Origin of Islam" he debunks this myth that the
so-called light skinned Semites were the original occupants of Kemet (Egypt) and Saudi
Arabia and furthermore, he geographically and ethnically traces these allege distinct people
and cultures to one original source (a unified African continent with a synthesis culture and
knowledge base). The Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches us, that the earth belongs to
the original man and this fact is irrefutable. Dr. Muhammad is perhaps one of the most
intelligent young scholars that I have the privilege to read in a very long time. He writes
and scholarly defends the black experience, in particular and the Nation of Islam's theology
in general. There is no Nation of Gods and Earths (NGE or Five Percenter) nor Nation of
Islam scholars of his equal. Dr. Wesley Muhammad is brilliant and we need to pay more
attention to his pen. (Reference: Wesley Muhammad; "The Book of God") and "Black Arabia
& The African Origin of Islam."
Perhaps this is why there is so much Ancient Kemetic art and artifacts that are associated
with the Shrine and may be they understood that the so-called Semitic Arab is a newcomer
and a Johnny-come- lately imposter who occupies lands and territories as well as being the
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The Kemetic Origin of Freemasonry: The Signs and Symbols Do not Lie ...
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modern overseers of cultures and histories that do not belong to them. This writer, a few
years ago visited the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angles, California and it was astounding to
see, the vast amounts of ancient Kemetic replicas on display outside and inside Shrine
Auditorium, it was evident that these Caucasian travelers were clear about the origin of
knowledge. The Ankh and Sphinx these were symbols of life, strength and regeneration
that have made their way into the Masonic worldview and has been lifted by bandits who
have paid little homage to the magnificent culture and people that produced so much of
what is accepted in the Esoteric, Gnostic and Occult paradigms. (Reference: Anthony
Browder: "Nile Valley Contribution to Civilization) .
This writer, also experience something similar in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania some years ago
at a white Shrine Temple named Syria Mosque and it is always mind boggling to see so
much of our African history being adorned and ritualized by other people and cultures. Our
revolutionary scholar Del Jones called them cultural Bandits and European Freemasonry
represents a stolen legacy. (Reference: Del Jones; "The Black Holocaust").
There were no better architects and engineers than those Nubians who constructed and
built the Pyramids (the first wonder of the world) that sits on 13 acres of land and in the
center of the Earth. Scholars like Dan Brown are using fiction work such as, "The Lost
Symbol" to draw attention to the ancient order of Freemasonry and pointing out that the
institution has always had the ability to transfer knowledge and secrets for generations
(Reference: Greg Taylor; "The Guide to Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol: Freemasonry, Noetic
Science, and the Hidden History of America") he has a much better grasp of this subject
than Dan Brown.
Masonic historians and New Age writers, perhaps more than ever in our history are starting
to publically admit, as well as maintain that Freemasonry has always had the ability to
impact individuals and society and even has had the power to transform society into its own
image and likeness. This was no more evident, than in the establishment of the United
States Government and architectural layout of the United States Capitol. (Reference: Greg
Taylor: "The Guide to Dan Brown's The Solomon Key") and (Reference: Mitch Horowitz
"Occult America: The Secret History of How Mysticism Shaped Our Nation").
Knowledge is power and it represents an acquired amount of learning, which the ancient
Kemites had tapped into the ability to fully exercise the creative power that exist in the
pineal gland (this is the second great mystery relative to human physiology, truly another
subject for another time) and this gave them the ability to activate and use 95% of their
mental capacity (brain power). The brain still remains a mystery to western man and this
phenomenon (possessing the will to activate and used that much of their human mental
capacity still remains unprecedented) hasn't been duplicated since and this alone
transitioned the Ancient Kemites into being Supreme Deities on Earth (Reference: Erich von
Dniken ; "Chariots of the Gods"). The builders of Kemet were not space aliens, but mortal
beings who cannot be viewed outside of the concept of Gods on Earth and this is the secret
that has separated cultural mediocrity from the highest expressions of historical cultural
excellence viewed throughout human history. (Reference: Cheikh Anta Diop: "Precolonial
Black Africa".
It was seen in their creative power and their ability to transcend western world thought and
evolved into complete harmony with the terrain and cosmos (viewed as Operative Masonry
and Speculative Masonry), the above and below paradigm can never be ignored, one can
not exist without the other. We use less than 10% of our brain power partially because we
have been taught to believe in that mystery god that does not exist and we have relied on
him in recent timesover 450 years to do for us, what we should be doing for ourselves
(my Blog and articles are designed to resurrect those who were systematically made blind,
deaf and dumb to the knowledge of self). The source of the greatness of Kemet is
genetically coded in our DNA and no one will be able to duplicate the majesty of Kemet
until the original man unlocks the secrets and prove to the doubting world that man is God
and only another God could surpassed the creative genius power of our ancient ancestors.
(Reference: Sunez Allah and CBS Alife Allah; "Knowledge of Self: A Collection of Wisdom on
the Science of Everything in Life").
Freemasonry is only one Path, which is designed to point us to universal truths, the
compass is a mathematical tool that guides and gives direction (humanity has lost its way
and is in dire need of a moral compass), thus, the traveling man (Freemason) can not go
too far without this valuable working tool. This tool was designed to move him from the
North East corner (a temporary place of darkness), a place symbolizing physical and
spiritual death to the East where warmth and enlightenment originates (symbolic of
knowledge and truth). The physical sun rises in the East and the Worshipful Master's
knowledge and intellect should energize the lodge; just as the sun puts the earth in motion.
(Reference: Allen Roberts; "The Craft and Its Symbols).
My grandfather was from Georgia and a farmer who did not need a farmer's almanac to
determine the right time to plant his crops; he understood the movements of the moon and
the sun (the greatest star in the universe) and earth's rotation works in conjunction with
the Universal Laws (there is no divinity outside of these principlescause and effect). He
learnt how to align his five senses with the natural order of things and his third eye became
activated. We all have these powers, they only lie dormant inside of us.
This writer a couple years ago on PBS was watching the astrophysicist Dr. Neil deGrasse
Tyson lecture on theory of the black hole in space (it was a heavy lecture) and Dr. Tyson is
a highly intelligent scientist, but my grandfather knew the practical side of the laws that
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The Kemetic Origin of Freemasonry: The Signs and Symbols Do not Lie ...
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governs mother earth and never had the opportunity to go to school and he was just as
equally intelligent as Dr. Tyson about certain scientific principles.
We have lost our ability to master our environment, the original man knew how to
communicate by tuning-in and communicated on a mental level without sound, but the
vibrations was of such frequency that invisible energy waves could be detected by those
ancients who had evolved to certain spiritual levels and possessed the ability see the
energy passing back and forward with the naked eye (All Seeing Eye of Heru). But this
energy wasn't heard by the listening ear and to the uninitiated vandals they have been
seeking an empirical explanation to how these Nubians constructed such a sophisticated
society, it represented the highest form of Mental Telepathy (Kemet as an illuminated
society has baffled astronomist, physicist, and mathematicians) . Wikipedia defines
Telepathy as being, "A person who is able to make use of telepathy is said to be able to
read the thoughts and stored information in the brain of others". (Reference: Ra Un Nefer
Amen; "Metu Neter Vol. 2: Anuk Ausar, The Kamitic Initiation System").
They could do this outside of the Five Sense of (hearing, seeing, feeling, smelling, and
tasting) but it is the first three senses that are essential to Craft Masonry (the first three
senses of Hearing, Seeing and Feeling typifies your ability to recognize another Mason in
darkness as well as in Light) these physical tools gives us the ability to properly identify one
giving the signs, tokens, and words. Yet, during the second degree (Fellowcraft) of Masonry
you were introduced to the importance of possessing a tentative ear and taking in the
sound from an instructive tongue, it's this process where Freemasonry has been secured in
the breast of men who has gone that way for time immemorial and if this process becomes
compromise, it could mark the demise of this Order. The Middle Chamber lecture is full of
wisdom and jewels, which symbolizes the various works that were being done in the
building of King Solomon's Temple. (Reference: Allen Roberts; "The Craft and Its Symbols).
It was here that you were exposed to the number Three (3)representing three of the five
senses (Hearing, Seeing and Feeling), the number Five (5) representing schools of
architecture (Doric, Ionic, Corinthian, Tuscan and Composite) and Seven (7) Liberal Arts
(Grammar, Rhetoric, Logic, Arithmetic, Geometry, Astronomy, and Music). When we do the
math 3+5+7=15 and 1+5=6; now I ask that you put on your Speculative Masonic thinking
caps; the Holy Qur'an says that Allah (God) created the earth in six stages or six (6)
periods of time and Holy Bible says that God (Yahweh or Jehovah) created the earth in six
(6) days. Whether or not we believe these stories of creation to be true, the Masonic
numerology when computed also gives us the number six (6) (this is also mankind's
number). It is to teach us that we must master the 3, 5 and 7 in order to complete that
celestial temple which is not a physical building, but a lofty spiritual attainment. The 3, 5
and 7 are given which to bring to our attention that the above mentioned Masonic steps
rest the foundation of Masonry and it's the winding road to discovering God's intelligent
The ancients in all reality had no need to communicate with symbols because their nature
was in tune with the natural order of things (they observed and mastered universal laws).
Tony Brown in his book titled, "Empower the People" is very critical of Freemasonry and
argued just the opposite, he stated: "Masonry conveys its belief system through symbols
and allegory. The symbol is the lesson. Even words become symbols in Freemasonry. " The
ancients had mastered the laws of attraction long before Napoleon Hill's book "Laws of
Success" or Eckhart Tolle books titled, "A New Earth Awakening to Your Life's Purpose" and
"The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment" these individuals and many others
like them were allowed to peep into a body of ancient knowledge and wisdom that was
originated by the original man (since we lacked the knowledge of self, we do not even have
the ability to detect that the Asiatic Black man was truly the mothers and fathers of
civilization and all knowledge originated with them). (Reference: Timothy Hogan; "The 32
Secret Paths of Solomon: A New Examination of the Qabbalah in Freemasonry" ).
They have not even scratched the surface and are ruling over humanity with just 33rd
degrees (just above the frozen state) of knowledge under the title "Moslem Sons" Did you
not learn in the Lost Found Muslim Lesson No.1 (1-14) "Why isn't Devil settled on the best
part of the Earth": Answer: "Because the Earth belongs to the original Black man. And
knowing that the Devil was wicked and there would not be any peace among them, he put
him out in the worst part of the Earth and kept the Best Part preserved for himself ever
since he made it. The Best Part is in Arabia, at the Holy City (Mecca)". (Reference: "The
Supreme Wisdom Lessons by Master Fard Muhammad: to His Servant, The Honorable Elijah
Muhammad for the Lost-Found Nation of Islam in North America").
The Caucasian Shriners (Moslem Sons) for those who might not know practice the religion
of Islam in secrecy and they have kissed the Holy Qur'an and have knowledge of the
Sunna; some even have made Hajj and Umrah (minor Hajj) to Mecca and understand the
teachings of Prophet Muhammad Ibn Abdullah (570-632 A.D.) and in some instances have
secretly embraced the tenets of Islam. The Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic
Shrine has acquired more of a romanticized version of an Islamic connection to its order;
more so than a definitive historical fact relative to sharing a legitimate theoretical kinship
with Shia Islam and mystical ideology with Sufi Islam. (Reference: Mustafa El-Amin;
"Al-Islam; Christianity and Freemasonry" ).
It would be the works of Dr. Malachi Z. York that furthered assisted me in connecting these
historical and philosophical dots. Dr. York has written extensively on many topics and no
doubt, without his intellectualism and teaching, I perhaps would not be as proficient of a
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researcher, if were not for me learning so much from the teachings of Dr. Malachi Z. York.
So, I am somewhat in debt to Dr. York and it doesn't mean that there aren't some things
that I vehemently disagreed with him on. But it is because of his in depth teachings that led
me more toward understanding the connection between Shrine Masonry and Shia Islam,
which verified more of what the Honorable Elijah Muhammad called "Moslem Sons" (or
my-son) connection. I also, studied the teachings of Father Allah, Clarence 13 X and the
Nation of Gods and Earths (here is a good book "Immortal Birth") which gives a credible
perspective from the Five Percenters point of view. All knowledge is interrelated and
interconnected, which I am more concern with the substance than the divisive labels
applied to the various paths.
The Moorish Science Temple of America (MSTA) and the Nation of Islam (NOI) are
interdependent upon the Masonic worldview for many of its non-theological and
philosophical tenets. These two giant of men, Timothy Drew (Prophet Noble Drew Ali) and
the Honorable Elijah Muhammad toiled in the 1920s and 1930s, they found logical and
rational meaning in what the Masons had to offer in their historical teachings. It would be
their initiations into Freemasonry that gave them a glimpse into viewing the African
experience far and wide from the so-called "Negro" experience and immediately made the
association, in particular in the upper degrees of Masonry with the historical legacy of a
people who were hit in the head and robbed of the knowledge of self (that's none other
than the so-called black man in America)Egypt, Ethiopia, Morocco, Jerusalem, Mecca,
Babylon, Medina, etc., lands which are relished in Freemasonry had a greater significance
to those who were deemed the "lost sheep" and Noble Drew Ali and the Honorable Elijah
Muhammad took the teachings of Freemasonry to the next evolutionary level. (Reference:
Keith Moore; "Moorish Circle 7: The Rise of the Islamic Faith Among Blacks in America and
it's Masonic origins").
Although, the Masons connected some of the historical and philosophical dots for both the
Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Prophet Noble Drew Ali, which most of it reaffirmed for
them that African people in deed had a profound history and culture that went beyond our
political status as Chattel slaves. The Masons had enough in its teachings to intrigue the
minds of Elijah Muhammad and Noble Drew Ali to desire to go further in their search for
knowledge and the origins of the history of the Asiatic Black man. However, the Masonic
teachings and schools of thought did not espouse the type of nationalistic worldviews that
Muhammad and Ali advocated for their respective organizations. But Freemasonry jolted
their souls enough to search for further truths relative to the black man's history and
culture. ( Reference: Zachary P. Gremillion; "African Origins of Freemasonry: Treatise of
the Ancient Grand Lodge of Khamet").
It appears that they both literally took the Freemasonic degrees and teachings at face
value, in particular the Masonic travel and knowledge expired at 32 degrees so-called
ENDING the journey for those who believed that this status had allowed them to attain all
there was to know about the mysteries. The NOI and MSTA taught that the Masonic
knowledge was partial and incomplete. This in turn, led them to say to their religious
constituents that there was no need to pay another dime for this so-called "secret Islamic"
teachings that you acquired in the Shrine Temple in which you were not even allowed to let
black people know that you were giving the Holy Qur'an and the ritual is based within an
Islamic historical theme and an Islamic theological theme. (Reference: Elijah Muhammad;
"The Secrets of Freemasonry" ).
But Islam according to Muslims and unlike Freemasonry is a universal teachings that is
rooted in 360 degrees of knowledge (it represents itself as completing the circle of truth)
that is supposed to be openly proselytized in order to bring humanity to the word of Allah
(God) and it has no secret theological doctrines or teachings. Moreover, according to the
Islamic worldview, to embrace Freemasonry is a mere acceptance of a partial truth and the
adherents to the Masonic fraternal order lacks a clear understanding of what Islam is truly
about. The Muslims teach that water freezes at the temperature of 32 degrees (so the
Masons are still frozen, as far as knowledge is concerned) and life (knowledge and wisdom
are equated to the living) does not germinate until ice thaws out at the room temperature
of 33 degrees Fahrenheit in which this initial thawing out gives the Mason (Shriner) baby
knowledgeone third of the circle. (Reference: Mustafa El-Amin; "Freemasonry: Ancient
Egypt and the Islamic Destiny").
The high degree Freemasons know the true meaning of the kissing of black stone and
understand the symbolic meaning of the Kaaba and the true meaning of the
circumambulation. We know that Islam goes much further back than Prophet Muhammad
Ibn Abdullah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), it has no beginning or ending. We
learned in the lessons: Question: "What is the birth record of the said, Nation of Islam?
Answer: "The said, Nation of Islam, has no birth record. It has no beginning nor ending. It
is older than the Sun, Moon and Star", but we have been cut off from our history for over
50,000 years.
They have the Black man's Nile Valley History buried in a Masonic Museum at The Scottish
Rite Temple better known as House of the Temple (United Supreme Council; located at
1733 16th Street, N.W. Washington, DC). They know you, better than you know yourself
and my poor brothers of Prince Hall Craft Masonry have adopted this "play house" mentality
(drinking liquor, partying, chasing women and men and has cheapened the divine
knowledge). Knowledge should make us more responsible, if we have acquired some higher
level of understanding than it is incumbent upon us "to show and prove" and become
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beacons of Light for all of humanity to see. The Bible tells us faith without works is dead.
You can not wear the Holy Fez of Islam whether the tassels are to the left or right of the fez
and recite the beautiful prayer of Al-Fatihah (opening book of the Qur'an) and greet each
other with Es Salmu Aleikum (the greetings of peace is not just a greeting, it is a prayer). If
you do want to be held accountable then you can not call yourselves "Moslem Sons" and
wear greatest and holiest flag of Islam and bear no responsibility to the knowledge
associated with the universal flag. (Reference: Elijah Muhammad; "Flag of Islam").
Symbols were a corrupt way of making an attempt to convey to the uninitiated and the
external world what was difficult to make intelligible otherwise. The ancients had higher
methods of communications; the so-called Hieroglyphics (the language of the Metu Neter)
that the various priest used to inscribe religious rites, ritual sacraments and historical
interpretations on the walls of the pyramids, it gave us somewhat a written record. But in
the world of Kemetic symbolism and in many ways the Metu Neter still exceeded the
interpretative folklore that met up with the naked eye (these inscriptions for many years
where often received by western scholars on a physical level and the spiritual intent was
overlooked and negated).
This is why you were given two words (one was given to get you passed Tyler, which was a
symbolic substitute word) during the Master Mason Degree raising and you were giving a
second word bestowed on you and were instructed that this word should only be giving in
ultimate distress. (Reference: Michael R Poll; "The Freemasons Key - A Study of Masonic
The Master Mason is raised from a dead level to a living perpendicular on the square and
this is done on the Five Points of Fellowship and a Hebrew word was whispered in a low
voice into your ear, it translated to mean "What, the Builder!" This presupposes that a
question is being asked and the statement affirms in the same breath with a definite article
of "the' which separates this "Builder" from all other would be builders. And you were giving
further instruction when to use this word and what physical position you should be in and
you even received a token. The original man is the Master Builder, but other nations and
tribes have stolen our birth rights. The Master Builder has developed amnesia and these
leadersMartin Delaney, Bishop Henry McNeil Turner, Paul Cufee, Henry Highland Garnett,
Marcus Garvey, Hubert Harrison, Noble Drew Ali, Elijah Muhammad, Malcolm X, etc., were
called into action to remind us of our past, present and future. (Reference: Martin Wagner;
"Freemasonry Interpreted" ).
The word had NINE (9) Alphabets in which the number nine represents fulfillment and
completion and is the most divine number of all numbers it encompasses the base number
3. Although, many truth seekers view the number Seven (7) (this writer love and respects
the Universal Flag of the Nation of Gods and Earths) as symbolizing perfection and
Freemasonry also relishes the number 7 by placing huge emphasis on the letter "G" in the
English alpha-bet. Embracing the seventh (7th) letter of the alpha-bet "G" which in Masonic
exegesis exemplified Geometry, which was synonymous with Speculative Freemasonry. Yet,
the Grand Architect of the Universe (GAOTU) can not be separated from Geometry
(geometry is a right and exact science and the divinity of God is perfection). (Reference:
Mark Stavish; "Freemasonry: Rituals, Symbols & History of the Secret Society").
But lets not get spooked out, although many religious oriented Masons (often of the
Christian persuasion have become overly partial with the Masonic letter "G" and giving it an
overwhelmingly religious interpretation. Perhaps to convince themselves and others (in
particular non-Masons) by proselytizing the religious exclusivity of the letter "G" and
overzealously maintaining that it stands for God. Some Christian Masons view the order of
Freemasonry from the religious context (perhaps this is, because the Bible is one of the
prominent working tools in our western based Masonic culture). But this writer has never
accepted the religiosity of Freemasonry because religion was too fragile and shallow
(religion will only serve to keep the Mason and humanity in the North East Corner).
(Reference: Mark Stavish; "Freemasonry: Rituals, Symbols & History of the Secret
This writer is of the belief that organized religion has failed humanity and the true Traveling
Man can not allow themselves to become stagnate based on religious dogmas. The spiritual
and physical journey started on the ground floor (outer-court) of King Solomon's Temple
(this temple was destroyed by vandals three times and was rebuilt three (3) times) and
then you were moved to the Middle Chamber (inner court) and you were elevated to the
Holy of Holies (the three (3) fold tabernacle) after demonstrating suitable proficiency. Thus,
as the neophyte matriculated upward the Masonic ladder through each degree, the most
consistent symbols was the three (3) Great LightsHoly Bible, Square and Compass.
Freemasonry is a much broader school of thought than religion and although it implores
religion from the 1st degree to 33rd degree, but it is done only to convey a system of
morality and to better illustrate the symbolism. (Reference: W.L. Wilmshurst; "The Meaning
of Masonry").
Fahim A. Knight-El Chief Researcher for KEEPING IT REAL THINK TANK located in Durham,
NC; our mission is to inform African Americans and all people of goodwill, of the pending
dangers that lie ahead; as well as decode the symbolism and reinterpreted the hidden
meanings behind those who operate as invisible forces, but covertly rules the world. We are
of the belief that an enlightened world will be better prepared to throw off the shackles of
ignorance and not be willing participants for the slaughter. Our MOTTO is speaking truth to
power. Fahim A. Knight-EL can be reached at fahimknight@
The Kemetic Origin of Freemasonry: The Signs and Symbols Do not Lie ...
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Fahim A. Knight-El
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Posted by epgrondine on 03 May 2010 at about 02:27.
Fahim -
Once again for you it is always black/white, when in the real world people
come in all flavors.
While focusing on the minutae of Masonry, you loose sight of the universal
goals (from wikipedia) :Despite the organisation's great diversity,
Freemasonry's central preoccupations remain CHARITABLE WORK within a
local or wider community, MORAL UPRIGHTNESS (in most cases requiring
a belief in a Supreme Being) as well as the development and maintenance
of FRATERNAL FRIENDSHIP as James Anderson's Constitutions originally
urged amongst BRETHREN [those working on CHARITABLE WORK and
As far as religious belief and masonry goes (once again from wikipedia):
Candidates for regular Freemasonry are required to declare a belief in a
Supreme Being.[28] However, the candidate is not asked to expand on, or
explain, his interpretation of Supreme Being. The discussion of politics and
religion is forbidden within a Masonic Lodge, in part so a Mason will not be
placed in the situation of having to justify his personal interpretation.[29]
Thus, reference to the Supreme Being will mean the Christian Trinity to a
Christian Mason, Allah to a Muslim Mason, Para Brahman to a Hindu
Mason, etc. And while most Freemasons would take the view that the term
Supreme Being equates to God, others may hold a more complex or
philosophical interpretation of the term.
In closing, I think that you may find charitable works to be particularly
rewarding for yourself, and I hope you find your path to them.

E.P. Grondine
Man and Impact in the Americas
Posted by fahim knight on 03 May 2010 at about 20:47.
Good evening E.P. Let me at least address a few of the comments that
you have made relative to my article on Freemasonry. I believe that as
human beings, we are mere products of our environment and the
experiences that we have gathered along the way helped shaped and
mold us into who we have become.
My experience, in America and my ancestors experiences were
inextricable tied to race. I am a social critic and I see nothing wrong with
discussing the topic of race and/or racism; thus, for to long this
discussion has being socially off limits and even taboo to discuss; yes the
topic of race is one of those painful chapters in the history of the United
States and I do not think we should continue to be in denial and rob
ourselves of entering into and engaging in a civil debate and discussion
relative to race.
We need an open and honest national discussion on the topic of race
because there still exist so many cultural bias and serotypes that creates
societal misunderstandings about people (and it is still unresolved), who
may differ from ourselves in ethnicity, skin color, religion, gender,
nationality, etc. It creates a healthier environment when people who
differ from each other open themselves up for communication and dialog.
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Sun #3
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Sun #4
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the fez hat #5
Member since:
10 November 2011
I have written many different type of articles on the TDG and even if a
particular article may not appeal to you; you must understand the World
Wide Web (Internet) is a without boundaries medium that can be
accessed by billions of people throughout the globe and I do not take this
reality for granted. There is an audience for us all and I read many Blogs
on TDG where other Bloggers have written Threads germane to their
region of the world and talked openly about their cultures and heritages
and yet I do not see the same type of criticism aimed at them.
I think if our subject matters are within the rules and guidelines of TDG
and we are not being offensive to others; it should be considered fair
game and if I enjoy critiquing and analyzing American style racism, why
not have that type of conversation on the forum? It might bring some
understanding to other people who may share those similar experiences
or may introduce to others a view of America that they did not have.
The next point; this particular article was more about Freemasonry than
the topic of race; race was a mere subplot in my analysis, but the intent
of the article was designed to expose Freemasons, both Black and White
to some knowledge relative to Speculative Masonry that has been
overlooked and discarded by even mainstream Masonic intellectuals.
I thank you for the Wikipedia assessment of Freemasonry, but I consider
Wikipedia the lazy man way out of doing stringent and empirical (counted
and measured) research where as one have taking the time to investigate
what the Masonic authorities have written and said about certain Masonic
philosophy and tenets (I would find that approach a little more plausible).
Wikipedia often is comprised of the masses giving their input on this web
based educational Internet site and its not information that is gathered
by scholars that has been tried and test by academic instruments. So
often the information about Freemasonry attained on the Internet, is
shoddy research and is often giving by people who think they know what
Order stands for and is guessing (doesnt it make better sense to gather
primary source information). There is not many African Americans writing
on Freemasonry and I see it as a void and I feel an obligation to weigh-in
this arena of ideas.
Stay Awake Until We Meet Again,
Fahim A. Knight-El
Posted by cdm3 on 08 Aug 2010 at about 07:25.
The sun in our solar system is not the greatest star in the universe. There
are stars that are much, much hotter and larger.
Posted by cdm3 on 08 Aug 2010 at about 07:29.
The sun in our solar system is not the greatest star in the universe. There
are stars that are much, much hotter and larger. I am sure that of this
you are aware, so why would you make such a comment?
Posted by trupathseeker on 10 Nov 2011 at about 22:16.
I have just began research this last year on religion, philosophy,
Freemasonry, etc. Right now I'm studying Right hand and left hand path
philosophy. Im' in an area now about customs
that demonstrate those philosophies. My question is about the tassle's on
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The Fez is tied to Islam and Shriners #6
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22 December 2007
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Please be rational, and don't #7
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28 June 2013
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1 year 9 weeks
the Fez hat you spoke of being on the left or right side.
I was wondering what each side represents and if is related in any way to
High school and college graduations where the tassle's
or moved from one side to the other at graduation???
Posted by fahim knight on 10 Nov 2011 at about 23:32.
No, much deeper than a high school graduation ritual (the fez is rooted in
esoteric, occult and Gnostics, it is to much for me to delve into). There is
a group of early Muslims in America called the Moorish Science Temple of
America founded by one Prophet Noble Drew Ali in Newark, New Jersey in
1913. He introduced the Islamic fez to his followers as a connection to
the long lost Islamic heritage of the so-called American Negro (African
American) whom he referred to as Asiatic and more importantly Prophet
Ali gave the so-called American Negro (African American) a legitimate
nationality whom he identified as Moorish American. Thus, maintaining
that the so-called American Negro (African American) were direct
descendents from Morocco (Chattel Slavery left us as a scattered people)
and this was one of the world's best kept secret relative to a people who
for 310 years were stripped of the knowledge of self, land, language,
culture, religion, etc. The so-called American Negroes (African Americans)
were historically made vagabonds of the earth. Some believe that Prophet
Ali was taught philosophy, religion, science, etc., within the Mystery
Schools of Egypt in which he was commissioned by the high Imams and
Sheiks to return to North America and teach the so-called American
Negro (African American) Islam. However, there is a school of thought
that Prophet Noble Drew Ali was a 33rd degree Mason and member of the
Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine (aka Shriners)
and he received his knowledge and teachings from the Freemasonic
school of thought (I must admit there are some striking similarities of the
two organizations). Ali followers would refute this argument as being
baseless and historically unfounded. Nevertheless, the Shriners which is
an auxiliary body (house) of the Freemasons in which the Shrine theme
and philosophy is heavily rooted in Islam and in the Muslim customs,
rituals, mores, folkways, tradition, etc. The Shriners have borrowed and
is interdependent on the Islamic worldview, which gives meaning to this
order. The Fez was borrowed from Morocco, Africa, but symbolic from
Prophet Drew Ali's perspective, it signified the royalty and majesty of the
noble culture of Islam and how the Moors (Africans) brought Europe out
of the Dark Ages and renewed the spirit of civilization in European
society. Ali taught that the Moorish Tassel on the Fez must be free
swirling representing that knowledge is 360 degrees (an infinite circle)
and unlike the Shriners who pinned their tassel down on one side--this is
only symbolic that the Shriners only have 32 and 33 degrees of
knowledge which renders them incomplete. For example water freezes at
32 degrees Fahrenheit; so the Masons and Shriners have not thawed out
yet, they are still frozen(1/3 degree of knowledge this has them blindly
searching for the true meaning of Hiram Abiff the Master Builder who was
hit in the head).
Stay Awake Until We Meet Again,
Fahim A. Knight-El
Posted by Cletii on 28 Jun 2013 at about 22:00.
Please be rational, and don't jump with the "white revisionist" bullshit I
always get whenever I confront afro-centrists.
Lets begin, why did the Ancient Egyptians depict themselves and brown,
with narrow noses, and not black with wide noses like they depicted the
Nubians? (please don't claim it just wear and tear to the paintings,
considering the painting I'm referring to has a Babylonians who are
depicted as very white, Egyptians who are depicted as a light caramel
color like most Arabs, and Nubians who were depicted as black. The
Nubian color would have been brown too had it been wear from age.)
They were not Semitic, they were not Sub-Saharan (black), and they were
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Same courtesy extended #9
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Please be rational --AND civil #10
not White. I truly don't see whats so "white revisionary" about that.
Sub-Saharan Africans are not Asiatic. The Ancient Egyptians WERE Asiatic.
Sub-Saharan Africans do not have epileptic folds, and do not have slanting
palpebral fissure.
The Egyptians did not bring culture to European man. In fact the different
tribes had sophisticated culture, LONG before the Greeks (who had
sophisticated culture before they even met the Egyptians) encountered the
And are you even a Mason? Because a majority of the things you said are
drivel. The Shrine does not teach, they are Charity organization. There are
no "Islamic rites".
Posted by HIJRA X on 29 Jun 2013 at about 21:47.
The GODS Of Africa lived in harmony with the GODS of Asia for eons.
They interbred as they explored the entire earth, thus creating the Maya,
Inca, Aztec empires and all of the native inhabitants of the Western
Hemisphere. America is the offspring of a bastard empire, known as
Rome. As you know,the Roman Empire ruled all of Europe; they were on
a conquest of vengeance for being made outcasts from the kingdom of
GOD(Africa) millenniums before. When satan(negative energy) came onto
to the Earth, he took the flesh of white men. As time progressed, the
Roman Empires negative energy took control of the north eastern
hemisphere of the earth. This allowed them to belittle the minds of the
mental creation of the all, which gave them power over people. With this
power they led war on every nation of ALLAH. As power progressed in
favor of the white men, there became an opportunity to infiltrate the
kingdom of ALLAH, Jesus. The birth of Christ was manipulated into an
agenda to control the Western Hemisphere, by claiming that Jesus was
the son of GOD. To the Asiatic Black man this theory was absurd. Those
who served ALLAH in this time period, knew that every being was of
GOD. Christianity spread rapidly through Europe, which gave the Roman
Empire full control over European inhabitants. When king James received
the words of Jesus, he revised the entire book, but Jesus spoke of the
shining light of paran, that would bring the truth back into existence if it
were to be corrupted. This light was the descendant of Ishmael and
Sheba. His name was Mohammed. As the Roman Empire took possession
of all the kingdom of ALLAHS wisdom, they forbid that it were to ever get
back into the hands of the African descent. Thus transforming the wisdom
of origin into Scottish & York rite Freemasonry. Now presently the agenda
of the free mason society is to still eliminate the kingdom of ALLAH. This
is why America has interest in being in the Middle East. Those of you who
are of African descent & members of this society; you are eating fruit
from the hands that divided your culture. OUR UNIVERSAL BROTHERS OF
are not of the earth, but of the universe. Though the white man claims
himself king on earth, he is still a servant to ALLAH, Willingly or
Posted by red pill junkie on 01 Jul 2013 at about 00:01.
Please note that copy-pasting the same text on different threads is not
only rude. It's pointless.
Having said that, we hope you stick around :)

It's not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me...
It's all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!
Red Pill Junkie
Posted by red pill junkie on 01 Jul 2013 at about 00:00.
First off, welcome to the Grail.
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Secondly, I'd ask you to follow the basic rules of netiquette when
discussing a particular topic. Here at TDG we invite member participation,
yet we want to foster an ambient of camaraderie. Love the sinner, hate
the sin as it were.

It's not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me...
It's all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!
Red Pill Junkie
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