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coms Show Us Your Boston Photo Contest

Official Rules
This Contest is not sponsored, endorsed or administered by, nor associated with,
Facebook nor Twitter, nor is Facebook nor Twitter associated with the Contest in any
way. Any questions, comments or complaints regarding the Contest must be directed to
the Sponsor, and not to Facebook or Twitter.
#. CONES$!M!N%. The Show Us Your oston !hoto Contest "the #Contest#$
starts on starts on %ctober &', ()&* at &(+))+)) am ,-T and ends on -ecember &.,
()&* at &&+'.+'. ,-T "#Contest !eriod#$. The Contest will consist o/ three "0$ separate
monthly entry periods "each an 1,ntry !eriod2$ and each with a separate theme, 3udging
period and !ublic 4oting !eriod as indicated below.
,ntry !eriod
Submission Start
-ate 5 &(+))+))
,nd -ate 5
&&+'.+'. ,-T
Theme ,ditorial
6udging -ate
!ublic 4oting
&)7&'7&* &&7)'7&* Scenery &&7)87&* &)7&' 9 &&7()
&&7)87&* &&7(87&* Thanks &(7&7&* &&78 9 &(7&&
&(7&7&* &(7&.7&* :inter &(7((7&* &(7& 9 &7'7()&'
&. SPONSOR. oston ;lobe <edia !artners ==C, &0' <orrissey l>d., oston,
<A )(&('.
'. E(!%!B!(!Y. Contest is open to residents o/ the oston, <assachusetts
metropolitan area, who are &? years or older at the time o/ entry. ,mployees o/ oston
;lobe <edia !artners ==C "#Sponsor#$, @untAs !hoto B 4ideo, their respecti>e parents,
subsidiaries, a//iliates, promotion and ad>ertising agencies, and members o/ their
immediate /amily "de/ined as spouse and parent, children and siblings and their
respecti>e spouses, regardless o/ where they reside$ and persons li>ing in the same
household, whether or not related, o/ such employees, are not eligible to enter or win.
4oid outside the oston, <assachusetts metropolitan area and where prohibited by law.
Contest is sub3ect to all applicable /ederal, state and local laws.
). HO" O ENER. -uring the ,ntry !eriod, go to "the
1Contest Site2$ and /ollow the onCscreen instructions. You will be in>ited to complete an
%//icial ,ntry Form and submit a photograph "the 1!hoto2$ on the monthly theme
indicated abo>e /or the indi>idual ,ntry !eriod. The !hoto together with the %//icial
,ntry Form shall be collecti>ely re/erred to as the 1,ntry2. All ,ntries must be recei>ed
by Sponsor no later than the &&+'.+'. on the Submission ,nd -ate indicated abo>e to
be eligible. =imit one "&$ ,ntry per person, per email address, per household, per ,ntry
!eriod. ,ntries recei>ed /rom any person or email address or household in eDcess o/
the limitation will be >oid. All ,ntries become the sole property o/ the Sponsor and will
not be returned. ,ntries generated by script, macro or other automated means or which
sub>ert or impair the integrity o/ the entry process will be >oid.
A. All Submissions must be either 3pg, png, or a static gi/ /ile and must not eDceed ()<
in siEe.
. ,ach ,ntry must also comply with the /ollowing additional Submission ;uidelines+
a. The !hoto may not contain any content that is lewd, obscene, seDually eDplicit,
pornographic, disparaging, de/amatory, libelous, obscene, or that otherwise
contains inappropriate content or ob3ectionable material as determined by
Sponsor in its sole and un/ettered discretion.
b. The !hoto must be your original work, created solely by you, and must not
in/ringe the copyright, trademark, pri>acy, publicity, or other intellectual rights o/
any person or entity.
c. F/ any persons appears in the !hoto, you are responsible /or obtaining, prior to
sending the ,ntry, any and all releases and consents necessary to permit the
eDhibition and use o/ the !hoto by Sponsor as set /orth in these %//icial Gules. F/
any person appearing in the !hoto is under the age o/ ma3ority in their state,
country or pro>ince o/ residence, the signature o/ a parent or legal guardian is
required on each release.
d. The ,ntry must not contain any personally identi/iable in/ormation o/ any person
other than you. Should you include personally identi/iable in/ormation about
yoursel/ in your ,ntry, you acknowledge and agree that such in/ormation will be
disclosed publicly and you are solely responsible /or any consequences thereo/.
e. You may not be, nor may you work with parties in con3unction with !hoto, who+ &$
are represented under contract "e.g., by a talent agent or manager$ that would
limit or impair SponsorHs ability to display the !hoto in any media /ormI ($ ha>e
an acting or modeling contract that would make their appearance in the !hoto a
>iolation o/ any third party rightsI or 0$ are under any other contractual
relationship, including but not limited to guild and7or union memberships, that
may prohibit them /rom participating /ully in this Contest, or /rom allowing
Sponsor to use royaltyC/ree, the !hoto worldwide in all media in perpetuity.
/. The !hoto must not contain any commercial content or logos.
g. The !hoto may not ha>e been pre>iously published and may not ha>e won
pre>ious awards.
h. The !hoto may not contain any material or elements that are not owned by you
and7or which are sub3ect to the rights o/ third parties.
y submitting your ,ntry, you agree that your ,ntry con/orms to these %//icial Gules and
that Sponsor, in its sole discretion, may disquali/y your ,ntry /or any reason at any time,
including i/ it determines, in its sole discretion, that your ,ntry /ails to con/orm to these
%//icial Gules in any way or otherwise contains unacceptable content as determined by
Sponsor, in its sole discretion.
y submitting an ,ntry, you hereby grant permission /or the ,ntry to be posted on the
:ebsite, Facebook.com7bostonglobe or other websites. You agree that Geleased !arties
"as de/ined below$ are not responsible /or any unauthoriEed use o/ ,ntries by third
parties. Geleased !arties do not guarantee the posting o/ any ,ntry. You agree that you
will not use the ,ntry /or any other purpose, including, without limitation, posting the
,ntry to any online social networks "other than as indicated herein$, without the eDpress
consent o/ Sponsor in each instance.
F/ there is a dispute as to the identity o/ who submitted an ,ntry, the priEe will be
awarded to the authoriEed account holder o/ the email account and s7he must comply
with these %//icial Gules. The 1authoriEed account holder2 is de/ined as the natural
person to whom the account is assigned by an Fnternet ser>ice pro>ider, online ser>ice
pro>ider or other organiEation "e.g., business, educational institution, etc.$ that is
responsible /or assigning such accounts.
,. -U.%!N%$"!NNER .EERM!NA!ON.
Phase # E/itorial -u/0in0. All eligible ,ntries recei>ed by Sponsor during an indi>idual
,ntry !eriod will be 3udged by a panel o/ quali/ied 3udges "on a scale o/ & to &) where &)
is the highest$ based on the /ollowing criteria+ "i$ Gele>ance to theme "0*J$I "ii$ Kuality
o/ !hoto "00J$I and "iii$ %riginality "00J$. %ne "&$ ,ntry /rom each indi>idual ,ntry
!eriod with the highest score /rom the 6udges will be deemed the potential winner /or
that ,ntry !eriod. Fn the e>ent o/ a tie, the ,ntry among the tied ,ntries with the highest
score in Kuality o/ !hoto will be declared the potential winner o/ that ,ntry !eriod.
Phase & Pu1lic 2ote. Following SponsorAs receipt and con/irmation that an ,ntry meets
the eligibility requirements o/ these %//icial Gules, including the ,ntry7Submission
;uidelines in ' abo>e, each eligible ,ntry will be posted on the Contest Site /or the
public to >iew and share or tweet his7her /a>orite ,ntry "14ote2$ during each indi>idual
!ublic 4oting !eriod noted abo>e "the 1Social 4ote2$. The ,ntry with the most 4otes
during the indi>idual !ublic 4oting !eriod will be declared the potential winner o/ a Social
4ote priEe /or that !ublic 4oting !eriod.
You are prohibited /rom obtaining 4otes by any /raudulent or inappropriate means,
including, without limitation, o//ering priEes or other inducements to members o/ the
public, as determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion. You can 4ote /or as many
,ntries as you like, howe>er, 4otes are limited to one "&$ 4ote per ,ntry per person, per
email address per day. 4otes generated by script, macro or other automated means or
which sub>ert or impair the integrity o/ the >oting process will be >oid. Any attempt to
eDceed the limited number o/ 4otes, shall gi>e the Sponsor the right to >oid the 4otes in
question and disquali/y the ,ntry, at its sole discretion.
3. "!NNER NO!4!CA!ON. A potential winner is not an o//icial winner "1:inner2$
until potential winnerAs eligibility has been >eri/ied and potential winner has been noti/ied
that >eri/ication is complete. Sponsor reser>es the right not to award all priEes i/, in its
sole discretion, it does not recei>e a su//icient number o/ eligible and quali/ied ,ntries
during an ,ntry !eriod. !riEe awards are sub3ect to >eri/ication o/ eligibility and
compliance with these %//icial Gules. 6udgesA and SponsorAs decisions are /inal and
binding on all matters relating to this Contest. !otential winners will be noti/ied by
telephone, mail and7or email and may be required to complete an A//ida>it o/ ,ligibility,
=iability and !ublicity Gelease "unless prohibited by law$ and any other documents
required by Sponsor, which must be returned within ten "&)$ days o/ date appearing on
the priEe noti/ication. The return o/ a priEe or priEe noti/ication as undeli>erable, /ailure
to sign and return requested documentation within the speci/ied time period, the inability
o/ Sponsor to contact a potential winner within a reasonable time period or
noncompliance with these %//icial Gules by any potential winner will result in
disquali/ication and, at SponsorAs sole discretion, the priEe may be awarded to a runnerC
5. PR!6ES.
Monthl7 8'9+ The winner /rom each ,ntry !eriod will recei>e "i$ a two hundred and /i/ty
dollar "L(').))$ @untAs 4ideo B !hoto gi/t card, "ii$ display o/ the winnerAs submitted
!hoto in a SponsorCselected store /or a two "($ week periodI "iii$ rich media display on
the homepage "sub3ect to a>ailability$ "ApproDimate Getail 4alue "1AG42$+
L&0,))).))$I and "i>$ pro/essional /raming o/ the !hoto contained in winnerAs ,ntry
"AG4+ L&)).))$. Total AG4 o/ <onthly priEe is L&0,0').)). Total AG4 o/ all three "0$
priEes+ L*),)').)).
Social 2ote 8'9+ The winner o/ each o/ the three "0$ Social 4oting periods will recei>e a
one hundred dollar "L&)).))$ @untAs 4ideo B !hoto gi/t card. Total AG4 o/ all Social
4ote priEes L0)).)).
;i/t card is sub3ect to certain terms and conditions as speci/ied by issuer. !riEes are
awarded 1as is2 with no warranty or guarantee, either eDpress or implied by Sponsor.
:inners may not substitute, assign or trans/er priEe or redeem priEe /or cash, but
Sponsor reser>es the right, at its sole discretion, to substitute priEe "or portion thereo/$
with one o/ comparable or greater >alue. :inners are responsible /or all applicable
/ederal, state and local taDes, i/ any, as well as any other costs and eDpenses associated
with priEe acceptance and use not speci/ied herein as being pro>ided. All priEe details
are at SponsorAs sole discretion.
:. %ENERA( CON.!!ONS. y participating, you agree+ "a$ to abide by these
%//icial Gules and decisions o/ Sponsor and 3udges, which shall be /inal and binding in
all respects relating to this ContestI "b$ to release, discharge and hold harmless
Sponsor, Facebook, Fnc., Twitter and @untAs !hoto B 4ideo, and their respecti>e parents,
a//iliates, subsidiaries, and ad>ertising and promotion agencies, and the respecti>e
o//icers, directors, shareholders, employees, agents and representati>es o/ the /orgoing
"collecti>ely, 1Geleased !arties2$ /rom any and all in3uries, liability, losses and damages
o/ any kind to persons, including death, or property resulting, in whole or in part, directly
or indirectly, /rom your participation in the Contest or any ContestCrelated acti>ity or the
acceptance, possession, use or misuse o/ any awarded priEeI and "c$ to the use o/ your
name, >oice, per/ormance, !hoto, image and7or likeness /or programming, ad>ertising,
publicity and promotional purposes in any and all media, now or herea/ter known,
worldwide and on the Fnternet, and in perpetuity by Sponsor and its designees, without
compensation "unless prohibited by law$ or additional consents /rom you or any third
party and without prior notice, appro>al or inspection, and to eDecute speci/ic consent to
such use i/ asked to do so. You agree not to release any publicity or other materials on
your own or through someone else regarding your participation in the Contest without
the prior consent o/ the Sponsor, which it may withhold in its sole discretion.
#;. O"NERSH!P$USE O4 A(( PHOOS. y entering the Contest, you hereby
grant to Sponsor, and to its licensees, successors and assigns, and any person or entity
acting on its behal/, the irre>ocable right and license to use, publish, eDploit, modi/y, edit,
transmit and distribute the ,ntry, including, without limitation, the names and likenesses
o/ any persons or locations embodied therein, in any and all media now known or
herea/ter de>ised, worldwide, in perpetuity /or purposes without compensation,
permission or noti/ication to you or any third party. .
##. %O2ERN!N% (A"$-UR!S.!C!ON. The Contest and these %//icial Gules are
go>erned by and shall be construed in accordance with the substanti>e laws o/ the State
o/ <assachusetts "as distinguished /rom the choice o/ law rules$ and the United States
o/ America applicable to contracts made and per/ormed entirely in <assachusetts and
where the rele>ant contacts are with such state. ,Dcept where prohibited, as a condition
o/ participating in this Contest, you agree that any and all disputes, claims and causes o/
action arising out o/ or connected with this Contest, the priEes awarded, or the
determination o/ the %//icial :inner shall be resol>ed indi>idually, without resort to any
/orm o/ class action. You /urther agree that in any cause o/ action, the Geleased !arties
entire liability will be limited to the cost o/ entering and participating in the Contest, and in
no e>ent shall the Geleased !arties be liable /or attorneysH /ees and7or eDpertsH /ees and
costs. You wai>e the right to claim any damages whatsoe>er, including, but not limited
to, puniti>e, consequential, direct, or indirect damages and you /urther wai>e all rights to
ha>e damages multiplied or increased.
#&. USE O4 !N4ORMA!ON. y entering the Contest, you agree that your ,ntry and
any other personally identi/iable in/ormation collected or used in connection with the
Contest may be used by Sponsor in accordance with its !ri>acy !olicy, as posted on
#'. M!SCE((ANEOUS. Geleased !arties are not responsible /or lost, late,
incomplete, damaged, inaccurate, stolen, delayed, misdirected, undeli>ered or garbled
,ntriesI or /or lost, interrupted or una>ailable network, ser>er, Fnternet Ser>ice !ro>ider
"FS!$, website, or other connections, a>ailability or accessibility or miscommunications or
/ailed computer, satellite, telephone or cable transmissions, lines, or technical /ailure or
3umbled, scrambled, delayed, or misdirected transmissions or computer hardware or
so/tware mal/unctions, /ailures or di//iculties, or other errors or di//iculties o/ any kind
whether human, mechanical, electronic, computer, network, typographical, printing or
otherwise relating to or in connection with the Contest, including, without limitation,
errors or di//iculties which may occur in connection with the administration o/ the
Contest, the processing or 3udging o/ ,ntries, the announcement o/ the priEe, the
incorrect uploading o/ the photo or in any ContestCrelated materials. Geleased !arties
are also not responsible /or any incorrect or inaccurate in/ormation, whether caused by
site users, tampering, hacking, or by any equipment or programming associated with or
utiliEed in the Contest. Geleased !arties are not responsible /or in3ury or damage to any
personHs computer related to or resulting /rom participating in this Contest or
downloading materials /rom or use o/ the :ebsite. !ersons who tamper with or abuse
any aspect o/ the Contest or website, who act in an unsportsmanlike or disrupti>e
manner or who are in >iolation o/ these %//icial Gules, as solely determined by Sponsor,
will be disquali/ied and all associated ,ntries will be >oid. Should any portion o/ the
Contest be, in SponsorAs sole opinion, compromised by >irus, worms, bugs, nonC
authoriEed human inter>ention or other causes which, in the sole opinion o/ the Sponsor,
corrupt or impair the administration, security, /airness or proper play, or submission o/
,ntries, Sponsor reser>es the right at its sole discretion to suspend, modi/y or terminate
the Contest and, i/ terminated, at its discretion, select the potential winner /rom all
eligible, nonCsuspect ,ntries recei>ed prior to action taken using the 3udging procedure
outlined abo>e. CAU!ON< ANY AEMP O .E(!BERAE(Y .AMA%E HE
BE !N 2!O(A!ON O4 CR!M!NA( AN. C!2!( (A"S AN. SHOU(. SUCH AN
!N.!2!.UA( O HE 4U((ES E?EN O4 HE (A"= !NC(U.!N% CR!M!NA(
#). RE+UES 4OR "!NNERS (!S. For a list o/ winners, send a sel/Caddressed,
stamped, en>elope to< Show Us Your Boston Contest :inner, c7o oston ;lobe, &0'
:illiam T. <orrissey l>d., -orchester, <A )(&('. All requests must be recei>ed no
later than February (?, ()&'.

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