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Chapter 6 Section 1: The Early Years

Name: ______________________
Period: ___________

People Identification:

Molly Pitcher-
A. A woman who went with her husband when he joined the Continental Army.
B. The soldiers called her Moll of the Pitcher because she carried water to the soldiers during
battles. Margaret Corbin and Deborah Sampson also provided military service.

General William Howe-
A. A British commander sent to America during the summer of 1776. He will also refuse to
follow orders to back up Burgoyne at Saratoga and instead occupy Philadelphia. He does
this because George Washington was in Philadelphia and he thought that if he captured
Washington, the war for independence would end. Because Howe didnt back up Burgoyne,
that was the main reason why the Americans won that battle.
B. He evacuates Boston and takes his troops to Nova Scotia in Canada to regroup and discuss
how to beat the Americans.

Nathan Hale-
A. A Patriot and a Connecticut teacher. He was mostly known as a spy.
B. He volunteered to spy on the British. Hale disguised himself as a Dutch school teacher. The
British hanged him when they discovered who he really was. Last comment, I regret that I
have only one life to lose for my country.

Lemuel Hayes and Peter Salem-
A. They were African Americans that joined the Continental Army. Both of them fought at
B. They fought because they believed in the Patriot cause and because they both desperately
needed money.

Benedict Arnold-
A. During the early portion of the war, he was a hero who stopped St. Leger at Fort Stanwix.
Arnold also used to be a commander for the Connecticut militia, later he was a commander
for the British army.
B. In August, his soldiers halted British soldiers to retreat at Fort Stanwix, New York.

General Horatio Gates-
A. A general of the American troops, he also defeated General Burgoyne at Saratoga.
B. General Horatio Gates blocked General Burgoynes path to the South. Gates also caused his
surrender on October 17, 1777.

1. Why was 1776-1777 a low point often referred to as the Dark Years of the war?

It was always referred to as the Dark Years of the war because of the Patriots cause was near
collapse. The size of the Continental Army dwindled greatly. And Washington thought that, I think
the game is pretty near up. Still, he did not believe that the fight for independence would truly fail.
Also, the losses at Long Island and the lack of supplies for the army had greatly hurt them.

2. Describe the Battle of Trenton and its importance to the American cause.

The British settled in New York for the winter and left some troops in Trenton. Since it was
Christmas, the British and Hessian troops were drunk sleeping, so Washington saw a chance to
catch the British off guard. Washington was stationed in Pennsylvania across the Delaware River.
Near him was the British camp in New Jersey. George Washington and his troops crossed the icy
river and surprised the British at Trenton. The British sent reinforcements, but Washington evaded
those forces. He then marched to Princeton, where his army drove the British away. This battle is
important because it was the spark that spread the idea for independence with new vigor.

3. Why were African-Americans at first banned from serving in the Continental Army?

African-Americans were at first banned from serving in the Continental Army because many white
people in the South felt uncomfortable about giving them guns. Most of the colonists in the South
were slave owners. Also, people in the South had large populations of enslaved African Americans
and the slave owners feared revolts.

4. What difficulties did General John Burgoyne face at the Battle of Saratoga?

The British forces he expected did not arrive.
American troops under the command of General Horatio Gates blocked Burgoynes path to
the South.
Slow movement of Burgoynes troops allowed supply lines to be cut off.
Reinforcements did not arrive to help him.

5. Explain why Loyalists supported Britain.

Some where members of the Anglican Church, headed by the British king.
Other Loyalists depended on the British for their jobs.
Some feared the disorder that might break out form challenging the established government.
Others simply could not understand what all the commotion was about and why the
colonists wanted independence.

6. Early Battles (Patriots)

Defeats Victories

1. Bunker Hill 1. Battle of Trenton
2. Long Island 2. Battle of Saratoga
3. Philadelphia 3. Bennington, Vermont
4. Germantown 4. Princeton
5. Brandywine 5. Fort Stanwix

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