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People vs. Melissa Chua Gr. 187052, Sept.

13, 2012
First Division
In orer to hol a person lia!le "or ille#al re$ruit%ent, the "ollo&in# ele%ents %ust $on$ur' (1) the
o""ener unerta*es an+ o" the a$tivities &ithin the %eanin# o" ,re$ruit%ent an pla$e%ent- uner
.rti$le 13(!)20 o" the /a!or Coe, or an+ o" the prohi!ite pra$ti$es enu%erate uner .rti$le
3021 o" the /a!or Coe (no& Se$tion 1 o" 2epu!li$ .$t 3o. 8002) an (2)the o""ener has no vali
li$ense or authorit+ re4uire !+ la& to ena!le hi% to la&"ull+ en#a#e in re$ruit%ent an pla$e%ent o"
In the $ase o" ille#al re$ruit%ent in lar#e s$ale, a thir ele%ent is ae' that the o""ener $o%%its an+
o" the a$ts o" re$ruit%ent an pla$e%ent a#ainst three or %ore persons, iniviuall+ or as a #roup.23
.ll three ele%ents are present in the $ase at !ar.
Inar#ua!l+, appellant Chua en#a#e in re$ruit%ent &hen she represente to private $o%plainants that
she $oul sen the% to 5ai&an as "a$tor+ &or*ers upon su!%ission o" the re4uire o$u%ents an
pa+%ent o" the pla$e%ent "ee. 5he "our private $o%plainants positivel+ ienti"ie appellant as the
person &ho pro%ise the% e%plo+%ent as "a$tor+ &or*ers in 5ai&an "or a "ee o" P80,000. More
i%portantl+, Severino Maranan the Senior /a!or 6%plo+%ent 7""i$er o" the P76., presente a
Certi"i$ation ate De$e%!er 5, 2002, issue !+ Dire$tor Feli$itas 8. 9a+, to the e""e$t that appellant
Chua is not li$ense !+ the P76. to re$ruit &or*ers "or overseas e%plo+%ent.

5he Court "ins no reason to eviate "ro% the "inin#s an $on$lusions o" the trial $ourt an appellate
$ourt. 5he prose$ution &itnesses &ere positive an $ate#ori$al in their testi%onies that the+ personall+
%et appellant an that the latter pro%ise to sen the% a!roa "or e%plo+%ent. In "a$t, the su!stan$e
o" their testi%onies $orro!orate ea$h other on %aterial points, su$h as the a%ount o" the pla$e%ent "ee,
the $ountr+ o" estination
:;626F726, the appeal is P.25/< G2.356D. .ppellant
Melissa Chua, a.*.a. Clarita 3# Chua is .C8l=I556D o" one $ount o"
est$>"a "ile !+ private $o%plainant 2o+lan ?rsulu% in Cri%inal Case 3o.
03@21 7AAA@003.
5he De$ision ate Septe%!er I5, 2008 o" the Court o" .ppeals in
C.@G.2. C2@1@I.C. 3o. 01001 is .FFI2M6D &ith M7DIFIC.5I73 in
that the appellant is orere to pa+ a "ine o" PI ,000,000 an to ine%ni"+
ea$h o" the private $o%plainants .l!erto .. .#lanao, 9ill+ 2. Danan an
2e+ P. 5aBaao in the a%ount o" P@80,000.
:ith $osts a#ainst the a$$use@appellant.
Martin S. Cillara%a, =r.
.sso$iate =usti$e
People vs. 2osario 7$hoa Gr. 1737A2, .u#. 31, 2011

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