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McDonalds was the leading food service retailer in the global consumer marketplace
with a strong brand name. McDonalds food-qualit specifications! equipment
technolog! marketing and training programs! operating sstems! site selection
techniques! and suppl sstems were considered industr standards throughout the
world. "he compans strategic priorities were ensuring continued growth! providing
e#ceptional customer care! remaining an efficient and qualit producer! developing
people at ever level of the organization! sharing best practices among all units
worldwide! and reinvesting the fast-food concept b fostering innovation in the
compans menu! facilities! marketing! operation! and technolog.
$ll organizations need to have a purpose for the business. "his is called the mission.
"he mission helps to emphasis how different the business is from its competitors. "he
mission informs a compans business ob%ectives. &t becomes a focus for the whole
organization and helps to ensure long-term profitabilit.
McDonalds mission is providing customer satisfaction
"his mission shows that McDonalds emploees directl support business growth. "o
achieve customer satisfaction McDonald emplos the best e#perts across the market
sectors it works in around the globe. McDonald values the contribution its emploees
make in satisfing customers and achieving its business ob%ectives.
Vision of McDonalds
$ mission sets out the purpose of the organization. $ vision describes what the
business wants to become and seeks to inspire its staff.
McDonalds vision has some ke elements that are the worlds best quick service
restaurant b higher qualit! better services and cleanliness and value.
Growth Strategy of McDonalds:
'enetrate the market b serving additional ()*+ restaurants annuall.
'romote more frequent customer visits
,#plore opportunities to e#ploit the supplier infrastructure
$ growth strateg is a critical part of an growth program - it sets the goals and
priorities for all other initiatives in the program. .ut developing strateg for growth is
not the same as setting strateg in a low-growth environment. &t presents a unique set
of challenges that managers have to tackle in what is often unfamiliar territor. "o
conquer these challenges and make the new territor their own! the need new skills
and a new wa of thinking.
/e have found that the most attractive! defensible! and compelling growth strategies
are built on the intersections of the compans market opportunities! capabilities! and
management passions:
Market opportunities
$rise from three ke sources: discontinuities 0such as regulator change and
technological breakthroughs1! ma%or trends 0including demographic shifts and
changes in consumer tastes1! or latent demand for products not currentl offered.
"his latent demand could be for entirel new products or new bundles of
attributes based on an e#isting product - for e#ample! customers ma be forced to
make unsatisfactor tradeoffs as the products currentl offered do not match their
desired mi# of product2service characteristics.
3apabilities include the compans e#isting capabilities! as well as those it could
reasonabl build. "his includes business-specific competencies such as product
innovation! operations! or information management4 privileged assets! such as
brand equit! distribution networks! sales forces! low-cost plants or proprietar
technolog4 special relationships! such as those which might help create access to
an opportunit or those where a partner brings a complementar capabilit4 and
growth-enabling competencies! such as acquisition and merger skills! risk
management! or capital productivit. "o be a source of advantage! the capabilit
or bundle of capabilities must be distinctive! lever gable! and sustainable.
Management passion
Management passion is e#tremel important. 5rowth paths are uncertain b
definition4 almost all growth staircases e#perience bumps and disappointment
along the wa. 5rowth strategies supported and driven b inspired leaders who
are passionatel committed to the growth aspiration are far more likel to succeed
than those managed as logical e#tensions. "his means in addition to meeting
analtical criteria! a growth strateg should be built on the passions of
management and with an understanding of their beliefs and pre%udices. /ithout
this emotional commitment to critical business ideas! growth strategies are less
likel to succeed
ranchising strategy of McDonalds:
&. 5rant franchises who are
a. 6ighl motivated
b. "alented entrepreneurs with integrit and business
&&. "rain them to become active.
7ranchising blends the particular advantages of big business and small business
b marring the accepted benefits of the enterprise! personal commitment!
initiative and contacts of small-scale local business! with the management
sstems! economic power! technological facilities and financial resources of a
large-scale business enterprise.
7ranchising in restaurants is one of the biggest opportunities for someone looking
to start their own business as a franchise. 7ast food and full service restaurants are
both ver profitable as franchises! and are good for both the business owner and
the local econom. 7ranchising allows the business owner to give e#ceptional
service to the customer because the compan takes care of a lot of things that a
small business might have to deal with! and name recognition ensures that the
franchise owner does not have to worr about losing mone. "his frees up the
restaurant or fast food business to take special orders without difficult or provide
e#ceptional food at a reasonable price
!d"antages of ranchise #usiness Model:
"he primar reason that McDonalds considered franchising is it gives the
opportunit to run the business with an e#cellent chance of success at a minimum
of risk.
$ther #enefits:
% &stablished products or ser"ices:
$ franchisor offers a product or service that has been successfull developed!
tested! refined and sold.
Marketing !ssistance:
"his includes assistance in developing effective marketing plans for a local
market. &n addition the franchisor has resources and e#perience to develop
regional and 8ational marketing programs that benefit all franchise owners.
Start 'p !ssistance:
,stablished franchisors have the e#perience and knowledge to help new
franchise owners transition from a start-up to a profitable ongoing business.
Management !ssistance:
"he franchisor is able to transfer a wealth of knowledge on how to successfull
manage and operate a new business.
#rand (ame )ecognition:
,stablished franchisors can offer 8ational or regional brand name recognition.
inancial !ssistance:
,stablished franchisors can often offer assistance in financing a new franchise
either directl or through arrangements with other lending institutions.
5enerall it is much easier to obtain financing for an established franchise than
a start-up business. Much easier.
5reat care needs to be taken to ensure that the franchises in the
international destination have sufficient raw materials to produce the
food and that staff and service can be controlled from a distance.
9estaurants want to ensure that the have the same qualit of food and
service as in their home countr.
Store location and construction strategy:
a. :ocate restaurants on sites offering convenience to customers and
profitable growth potential.
b. 9educe site costs and building costs
c. Make sure restaurants are attractive and pleasing inside and outside.
Select a location is ver much essential for an compan. 'roper
location convinced customer and increase profitabilit. &n this case
stud we find that McDonalds research indicates
*roduct line strategy of McDonalds
;ffer limited menu.
&mprove taste appeal.
,#pand product offering.
9olling out new menu items.
*roduct line strategy
'roduct lining is the marketing strateg of offering for sale several related products.
'roduct :ine Strateg - "his strateg determines the sequence in which a set of
products will be built and the timing of the product releases. $ line can comprise
related products of various sizes! tpes! colors! qualities! or prices.
'roduct attributes! product branding! product packaging! product labeling and product
support services are included in product line. .ut product strateg also calls for
building a product line.
"he offer limited number of menu..ut for capturing the market and retaining
in the market the length of product line is ver much necessar.
7or developing the 3hicken Mc8uggets!needs seven ears to! the
research and development capabilities of the firm is length.
'roduct line 5ives different tpe of version of the product.. giving of this product
line!customer are highl satisfied and attracted or motivated finding of different tpe
of sizes! tpes! colors! qualities! or prices.
"here are more health conscious consumer in the market who find information from
the web sites about the menu of our product.
"he research and development capabilities of the firm is ver essential. So we have to
make it ver much quickl.
+uman )esource and training:
,mploees are the most important resources in McDonald<s! particularl
in creating a competitive edge. 7or this reason! the maintain equit and
9eward the individual and team performance and Managers have to forecast
their staff requirements.
3reate career opportunit.
Learning ,ssue
&f we do not maintain equit and %ustice! the emploee of the organization do
not e#ist in the organization. "he will go outside of the organization. 7or this
reason we have to offer same wages rate. /e have to give all kind of facilities
to improve %ob skill and their career opportunities.
Managers of McDonald<s are responsible for selecting! motivating! developing
and evaluating emploees. So! from this we can learn that selecting emploee
is ver much essential for coping with competitor.
McDonald<s give high career opportunit.&f we do not give high career
opportunit or other benefits and values! efficient and e#periences emploee
do not e#ist in our organization
,mploee training at McDonald<s is highl structured. ,nds-level workers are
first taken through the basic 3rew "raining Sstem.
"each new %ob skill.
Learning ,ssue
,ach restaurant has its own video plaer and training room. 7or effective
training there must be efficient equipment and facilities.
7rom the 3rew "raining Sstem it can be known that how emploees progress
from the crew to the level of restaurant managers.
Sales promotion and marketing:
7rom the marketing mi# the use promotion in which advertising increases the
sales revenue.
=sing greater brand awareness.
=sing market segment approach the create interest among children.
&ntended to >resell? consumers so when people go into a store! the will look for a
particular brand. 7or this reason! 3reate an image for a brand.
3ustomer satisfaction is the main element of the organization. 'ersuade customers to
bu again. 6ere sales promotion helps to satisf the consumer.
Segmentation is essentiall the identification of subsets of buers within a market who share
similar needs and who demonstrate similar buer behavior.
Social )esponsibility:
Duties to community:
,ncourage environmentall friendl practice.
Support education through student scholarship! teacher awards.
"ake an active communit role.
,ducation is the backbone of our nation. 7or this reason! supporting the student plas
vital role for maintaining the social responsibilities.
"he do not take an initiative for the poor people. So! McDonald should provide
some offer for the deprived people.
Duties to employee:
'romote workforce diversit
,mploee is the main asset of our organization. ;rganization should provide more
medical facilit! compensation and other incentive to the emploee.
Duties to customer:
'rovide nutritional information about the product to customers.
7or maintaining social responsibilities which is ver much necessar that are providing the
customer service.Sometimes customer become helpless because the do not find accurate
information.So!nutritional information is so significant.
McDonald<s continues to do what it does best: offer its customer a @good! nutritious!
quickl served meal in a clean and pleasant atmosphere at a reasonable price@

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