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SPCM 212

Review For Exam 1 Fall 2012

Overall Description
The exam has 35 multiple choice questions worth 2 points each and a short answer section worth 30 pts.
The short answer section is intended to be completed with your 212 learning team, though you have the
option to wor alone. !s indicated on the syllabus the exam includes materials covered in the "ollowing
chapters or in lectures assigned be"ore the exam.
#sing the textboo and lecture notes to studying the terms and concepts below and practicing with the
sample questions posted on the 212 $lacboard site will help prepare you "or the test.
Terms and Concepts to Stud and Master
Ch. 1.
o material, ideas, content of speech
o composing
o research
o Structure or arrangement of ideas
Style of Language
o Word choice and expression
o #reparation
o #ractice
o $elivery %ids
o &ye contact
o 'oice
o ody language
o "ental imaging in !hich a spea(er vividly pictures himself giving a successful
#ositive nervousness
o Controlled nervousness that helps energize a spea(er for his presentation
)rame of reference
o *he sum of a person+s (no!ledge, experience, goals, values, and attitudes
o *he ,elief that our o!n group or culture is superior to all other groups or
$ealing !ith nervousness
o %c-uire spea(ing experience
o #repare
o *hin( positively
o 'isualization
o .no! nervousness isn+t visi,le
o $on+t expect perfection
#u,lic spea(ing form of empo!erment
o &xpress your ideas
o "a(e a di/erence in something you care a,out
Communication "odel
o Spea(er0 person presenting oral message to listener
o "essage0 !hatever a spea(er communicates to someone else
o Channel0 means ,y !hich a message is communicated
o Listener0 person !ho receives spea(ers message
o )rame of reference0 sum of person+s (no!ledge, experience, goals, values and
o )eed,ac(0 messages 2usually nonver,al3 sent from listener to spea(er
o Interference0 anything that impedes communication of a message4 can ,e
external or internal to listeners
o Situation0 time and place in !hich communication occurs
%h. 2.
*ypes of plagiarism
o 5lo,al0 entirely from one source
o #atch!or(0 from multiple sources
o Incremental0 not giving credit for parts of speech ,orro!ed from others
%void plagiarism
o $on+t leave speech until last minute
o 6se lots of sources
o %c(no!ledge sources !hen -uoting
o When ta(ing research notes distinguish ,et!een -uotes and paraphrased
material from o!n !ords
o Cite sources
o *he ,ranch of philosophy that deals !ith issues of right and !rong in human
o 1estate or summarize an author+s ideas in one+s o!n !ords
o 7eed to give credit
%h. 5.
Speci8c purpose
o % single in8nitive phrase that state precisely !hat a spea(er hopes to
accomplish in his speech
o *o inform9persuade my audience a,out :::::.
o ;*o inform our audience a,out the holidays our families cele,rate to excess.<
5uidelines for speci8c purpose
o Write as full in8nitive phrase, not fragment
o &xpress as statement, not -uestion
o %void 8gurative language
Li(e saying something is cool or something suc(s
o Limit purpose statement to one idea
o "a(e sure it isn+t too vague or general
Central idea
o &ncapsulates the main points to ,e developed in the ,ody of your speech
o ;*he =
of >uly and ?allo!een are holidays our families cele,rate in surprising
%h. &.
#atterns of organization
o Chronological0 follo!s time pattern
o Spatial0 follo! directional pattern
o Causal0 sho! cause and e/ect relationship
o #ro,lem Solution0 t!o parts sho! pro,lem and then solution to it
*ypes of Connectives
o *ransitions0 !ord or phrase that indicates !hen spea(er has 8nished a thought
and is moving to another
o Internal #revie!0 statement in ,ody of speech that tells audience !hat spea(er
is going to discuss next
o Internal summary0 summarizes spea(ers preceding points
o Signposts0 indicates !here a spea(er is in the speech or that focuses attention
on (ey ideas
, @
, A
5uidelines for stating main points
o Should have @0B main points
o .eep main points separate
o 6se same !ording for main points
o alance amount of time devoted to main points
%h. 10.
#arts of Intro
o %ttention 5etter
o 1eveal *opic
o 1elate to %udience
o Credi,ility
o #revie!
#arts of Conclusion
o Signal &nd
o 1einforce Central Idea
o Clear Closing Line
%h. 11.
#reparation Outline
o $etailed outline includes title, speci8c purpose, pattern of organization, central
idea, intro, main points, su, points, connectives, conclusion, and ,i,liography
o I3 "ain #oint
%3 Su, #oint
3 Su, #oint
13 Su,0Su, #oint
o a3 Su,0Su,0Su, #oint
Spea(ing Outline
o rief outline used to Cog spea(ers memory during presentation of speech
%h. 12 'ocabulary( nonverbal communication, manuscript, impromptu, extemporaneous, volume, pitch,
rate, in"lection, monotone, pause, vocali)ed pause, vocal variety, pronunciation, articulation, dialect. *hat
do we mean by +conversational quality, in a speech- *hat does research show about delivery .speaing
rate, amount o" eye contact, importance o" personal appearance, dialects, do audiences tend to trust what
they hear or what they see more-/
%h. 15.
5uidelines for Informative Spea(ing
o $on+t Overestimate !hat %udience (no!s
o 1elate Su,Cect directly to audience
o $on+t ,e too technical
o %void %,stractions 2"a(e it so audience can visualize !hat you are tal(ing
o #ersonalize your ideas
o e Creative
Sample Multiple C!oice "uestions #or Review
1. The 0oman rhetorical canon "ocused on the development o" ideas or the content o" a speech is called
!. invention $. arrangement %. style 1. delivery 2. memory
2. 3omeone coughing in the audience or waling in late during a presentation are examples o" what part o"
the communication model-
!. channel $. message %. "eedbac 1. inter"erence 2. extraneous behaviors
3. 4estures and visual aids are examples o" what part o" the communication model-
!. channel $. message %. "eedbac 1. inter"erence 2. extraneous behaviors
5. 6. The "irst step in maing a cae is to gather all o" the ingredients.
66. 7ext you mix the ingredients.
666. The third step in maing a cae is to bae until it is done.
6'. Then ice it.
! speech with the above main points is "ollowing which pattern o" organi)ation-
!. topical
$. causal
%. spatial
1. process
2. chronological
89$onus( ! speech with the above main points ignores which piece o" advice "or stating main points-:
5. *hich o" the "ollowing is a strong speci"ic purpose statement "or an 6n"ormative speech-
!. To in"orm my audience about dogs.
$. To persuade my audience to tae action to protect themselves "rom vicious dogs.
%. To in"orm my audience about the di""erent breeds o" dogs and about how to train dogs.
1. To in"orm my audience about the di""erent breeds o" dogs.
2. !ll o" the above
;. *hich is not a guideline "or writing speci"ic purpose statements-
!. limit the purpose to one idea.
$. mae it broad and general
%. avoid "igurative language
1. write the statement as an in"initive phrase
2. write your purpose as a statement, not a question
<. !ccording to our textboo, =========== are used to emphasi)e movement "rom one point to another.
!. channels
$. internal summaries
%. connectives
1. point connectors
2. visual aids
>. *hile woring on the body o" the speech you see the need to let the audience now what the upcoming
subpoints will be. ?ou decide to include a.n/ ============.
!. pattern o" organi)ation
$. internal preview
%. transition
1. list
2. internal summary
&. !ccording to the text, speeches should contain ======= main points.
!. three
$. two to three
%. two to "ive
1. one to "ive
2. none o" the above
10. !ccording to your textboo, a preparation outline should include
!. directions "or delivery o" the speech
$. complete sentences
%. only ey words
1. a bibliography
2. both $ and 1
11. !ccording to your textboo @next@ and @"inally@ are examples o" what ind o" connective-
!. brie"
$. transitions
%. lining words
1. signposts
2. internal previews
12. @6 am currently studying veterinary medicine, and 6 am woring partAtime at an animal clinic.@ This
statement in the introduction o" the speech could best be described as
!. gaining attention
$. revealing the topic
%. establishing credibility
1. bragging
2. previewing the body o" the speech
13. @?ou now now that the three steps in maing a cae are gathering the materials, mixing the batter, and
baing the cae.@
This statement in the conclusion o" a speech could best be described as
!. signaling the end o" the speech
$. a dissolve ending
% a crescendo ending
1. rein"orcement o" the central idea
2. a speech preview
15. Bne reason we must adapt our speeches to our audiences is because listeners are ============,
meaning they are especially interested in what impact your topic has on them.
!. egocentric
$. ethnocentric
%. poor listeners
1. ethnic
2. ecumenical
15. !ccording to your textboo, the belie" that onesC own group or culture is superior to all other groups or
cultures is termed
!. egocentrism
$. ethnocentrism
%. limited world view
1. ethnicity
2. ecumenism
1;. The "ollowing statement is what part o" an outline-
b. 6n the summer o" 1&&3, a new plan was adopted.
!. a supporting "act
$. a main point
%. a subpoint
1. a subAsubpoint
2. a subAsubAsubpoint
1<. $elow in random order are a main point, two subpoints, and two subAsubpoints "rom a speech. *hich is
the second subpoint- 8this would be the point signaled on an outline as @$.@:
!. Ding gave his @6 Eave a 1ream@ speech "ollowing the march.
$. Fartin Guther Ding, Hr.Cs greatest triumphs came during the early 1&;0Cs.
%. Gater that year he participated in the "amous march on *ashington, 1.%.
1. Fore than 200,000 people too part in that march.
2. 6n 1&;3 he campaigned against segregation in $irmingham, !labama.
1>. *hich o" the "ollowing need to be included on your preparation outline-
!. a speci"ic purpose statement
$. pattern o" organi)ation
%. bibliography
1. all o" the above
2. ! and % only
1&. !ccording to your textboo, a speaing outline should contain
!. everything you want to say in the speech
$. a bibliography
%. delivery cues
1. a speci"ic purpose and central idea
2. !, % and 1 only
20. ! speech about the steps in the process o" installing a Ginux operating system on your computer would
probably best be organi)ed according to what pattern o" organi)ation-
!. topical
$. chronological
%. causal
1. problemAsolution
2. spatial
21. The central goal o" the in"ormative speaer is to
!. mae sure the audience lies the speaer
$. mae sure the audience lies the topic
%. mae sure the audience retains the in"ormation
1. mae sure the audience does what the speaer ass them to do
2. mae sure the audience is inspired by the speaer
22. The topical pattern o" organi)ation
!. is used more o"ten than any other method o" speech organi)ation.
$. maes it easy "or a speaer to decide in what order to present their in"ormation
%. is a less strategic method o" organi)ing a speech than the chronological pattern.
1. all o" the above
2. ! and % only
23. Bne o" the best ways "or a speaer to communicate especially exciting in"ormation lie explaining how
63# came bac to beat 6owa is
!. to yell at the audience
$. to increase the rate o" speech
%. to stand very still
1. to loo at your notes
2. none o" the above.
25. @The history o" the buildings on 63#Cs campus@ is a poorly worded speci"ic purpose statement because
!. it is not appropriate "or this audience
$. it is too technical
%. it has more than one idea
1. it is not a complete sentence
2. it is written as a "ragment rather than a "ull in"initive phrase.

$nswers to Sample MC Test "uestions
1. !. invention
2. 1. inter"erence
3. $. message
5. 2. %hronological 8process is not a pattern o" organi)ation it is a type o" in"ormative speech:
89$onusAAit does not use parallel wording consistently.:
5. 1. To in"orm my audience about the di""erent breeds o" dogs.
;. $. mae it broad and general
<. %. transitions
>. $. internal preview
&. %. two to "ive main points
10. 2. both $ and 1
11. 1. signposts.
12. %. establishing credibility
13. 1. rein"orcement o" the central idea 8using a strategy we call summary:
15. !. egocentric
15. $. ethnocentrism
1;. 2. a subAsubAsubpoint
1<. %. later that year he participated in the "amous march on *ashington, 1.%.
8i" you arrange the whole outline "ragment you would get(
6. Fartin Guther Ding, Hr.Cs greatest triumphs came during the early 1&;0Cs.
!. 6n 1&;3 he campaigned against segregation in $irmingham, !labama.
$. Gater that year he participated in the "amous march on *ashington, 1.%.
1. Fore than 200,000 people too part in that march.
2. Ding gave his @6 Eave a 1ream@ speech "ollowing the march. :
1>. 1. all o" the above
1&. %. delivery cues
20. $. chronological
21. %. to mae sure the audience retains the in"ormation
22. 2. ! and % only
23. $. increase the rate o" speech
25. 2 it is written as a "ragment rather than a "ull in"initive phrase.

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