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Knock Knock

By: Amber Sheridan

There was a 12 year old girl called Lucy. One night she was
watching a moie in her liing room. !er mom was gone out to
a work "arty# so she$s home with her 1% year&old sister 'arly.
She$s been watching the moie (or about an hour now and
she$s )nished all her "o"corn# she goes to the kitchen to get
some more. *hile the "o"corn is in the microwae she looks u"
at the clock on the wall. The clocks big hand is "ointing to 1
and the small one is "ointing to 1+.She mutters to hersel( ,That
can$t be "ossible# - started the moie at 1+ o clock../ust a(ter
she said that the glass "o"corn bowl smashed to the ground.
She immediately runs u"stairs to her sister 'arly. She asks her
what time it is. 'arly says.# hal( ten. Lucy says ,0o its not - 1ust
checked its 1+:+2..'arly shows the time on her "hone to
Lucy.1+:3+ it says. Lucy tells 'arly about the bowl (alling and
they both go down to clean it u". *hile they were going down
the stairs# the doorbell rang. 'arly goes to o"en it. She o"ens it
and no ones there. Lucy whis"ers ,*ha&what i( its a&a ghost4.
'arly laughs , -ts "robably someone "laying ding dong ditch..
,But what about the bowl (alling4.#Lucy said..- don$t know. /ust
come on and hel" me clean it u".. They walk into the kitchen
and )nd the bowl "er(ectly not smashed on the counter..Are
you "laying games with me4.'arly asked..0o - swear the bowl
(ell. -t (ell when - was looking at the clock#. Lucy said and "oints
to the clock.1+:32 it says..5on$t call me again unless there$s
something serious like a )re#.said 'arly#.5o you
understand4.Lucy nodds her head. 'arly runs u"stairs to )nish
her homework. By the time thats all ha""ened# the "o"corn got
cold#so she throws it in the bin and runs u"stairs. About 2 hours
later#around midnight# she wakes u" in a "uddle o( sweat. She
hears banging on the door. Lucy$s too scared to o"en it. So she
runs to her sister$s room. 'arly$s not there. So she runs to her
6om$s room instead# she$s not there either. Lucy climbs into
her 6om$s bed and crys hersel( to slee". She hears someone
saying#.7ou should o( o"ened the door. oer and oer again.
Lucy gets so scared she dies (rom shock. The ne8t morning
their auntie Lou came oer. She )nds 'arly# Lucy and their 6om
all in the bed and dead.

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