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Topic: dissecting shit test passing measures (long) (1 of 19), Read 346 times Conf: >> Tactics / Techniques

ues From: TylerDurden Date: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 06:12 AM OK some guys still aren't getting this, so a little bit of review.
The term "shit test" is a blanket term for several things that can happen.
As far as I know, they all revolve around the chick trying to break her own stat
e. I'm not sure if its subconscious or intentional, or if they consciousless try
to cause trouble because something on a biological/subconscious level compels t
hem to do so (same way that we're compelled to PU and close chicks).
Some people theorize that its a way of constantly testing the male to see if he'
s alpha, or something to that effect.
Anyway, the point is that the ONLY ways to pass a for ANY reason, but I am posti
ng this for TECHNICALITY, on the account that I am trying to push a certain poin
t. (and unfortunately, yes, certain girls -often LSE- stay with guys who hit the
m, and it works to pass the shit test.. very sad phenomenon)
Notice that all of these ways DO NOT ACKNOWLEDGE her shit test directly.
They just play on her EMOTIONS.
DIRECTLY answering a shit test will FAIL YOU EVERY TIME. A direct answer pisses
her off MORE, whether she realizes it or not.
OK now to the meat of this post.
When the chicks SHIT TEST you, you can only pass it by preventing them from brea
king their own state.
They do this shit to me ALL THE TIME. They TRY SO HARD to break their state, so
that they can resist your advances.
They'll do shit like:
-"are you a player?"
-"I bet you've done this with hundreds of girls"
-"where were you last night?"
-"is that your pickupline??? do you plan this???" -or- "did you bring that notep
ad just for this gimmick to PU girls??"
-"you're funny" -or- "you're so confident" (tough to field cause you can't tell
if they're serious or possibly questioning your intentions)
-"We're going to have sex" (when chicks go GM on you, ANY variation.. "you're ho
t" etc)
-"We're NOT going to have sex"
-"I'm fat"
-"What do you do for a living?"
-"How old are you?"
-"You're too young"
-"What's your sign?"
-"What are you taking at school?"
-"Don't blame the dog/kid/whatever"
-"blah blah blah" (chick talks TOO MUCH, and you are supplicating by listening)
Alright, so let's break these down.. Some of these I remember learning from CPow
les and others:
ST: "are you a pleyer"
WHY: She's trying to make you EXPLAIN yourself, which she KNOWS will aggrevate h
er - as ALL logical answers do - so she can put up more LMR.
A1: "don't hate the player, hate the game"
A2: "what is it about players that turn you on so much?"
A3: "yeah, I play sport"
A4: "players play with people's emotions and isn't genuine" (turn it around on h
er so that she's accusing you of faking your whole interaction, to make her feel
EFFECT: A1 is funny, gets her laughing and breaks upset state. A2 is cocky and t
urns her on. A3 highlights the stupidity of the question. A4 puts down the probl
ems of the chick who is maybe really shy, and is seriously scared (librians arch
etypes, etc)
ST: "I bet you've done this with hundreds of girls"
WHY: Same reason as above.
A: "I've done it with thousands"
EFFECT: Shows cockiness, turns her on more. Shows her that you won't bend to her
shit tests.
ST: "where were you last night?"
WHY: She is trying to work
A1: "I stayed at home thinking about you.. But then I got bored and hired 10 str
A2: "chillin' with your sister"
EFFECT: A1 is a BEAUTIFUL way of fielding shit tests. It plays her emotions, bec
ause what it does is gives her the answer she WANTS which calms her down, and a
COCKY/FUNNY answer to make her get turned on and laughing BEFORE she can realize
that what you were saying was bullshit. A2 shows her you won't take her shit, C
&F, turns her on.
ST: "is that your pickupline??? do you plan this???" -or- "did you bring that no
tepad just for this gimmick to PU girls??"
WHY: She is trying to block you from picking her up, testing your wit.
A: "yeah, and I even planned to meet a girl with (x-neg that was said EARLIER on
in the sarge) (yeah, I even planned to meet a powerpuff girl tonight / yeah, I
even planned to meet a girl with stuff in her teeth tonight / yeah I even planne
d to meet a girl with cute bunny rabbit teeth tonight / yeah I even planned to m
eet a girl with lint on her shirt tonight.... etc etc etc WHICHEVER neg you used
EFFECT: Shows her that you're smarter than her, and makes her question look ridi
ST: "you're funny" -or- "you're so confident"
WHY: This is TOUGH to field because you can't tell if its serious or not. Just f
ield it as a shit test because it cracks her up either way with your C&Fness.
A: "what is it about funny guys that turns you on so much?"
EFFECT: C&F, shows you're alpha.. funny line.. funny guys are smart.
ST: "we're going to have sex" or "you're hot"
WHY: When chicks go GM its because they are hyper-obnoxious attention whores.
A: "respect" (said slyly, CPowles classic)
EFFECT: Show that you're not the type to get all desperate and takes the complim
ents seriously. ALSO, show that you don't get UPSET by the comments either. It s
hows complete disregard to her obnoxiousness, and is FUNNY (not insulting) at th
e same time.
ST: "we're not going to have sex tonight"
WHY: She may want it to "just happen" and is feeling too much like its an obviou
s pickup that would make her slutiness obvious. She is also testing to see your
reaction, do you want her ONLY for sex, etc.. She's also trying to break her own
state, as in ALL shit tests.
A: "who said anything about sex? mmmmmmmmmm... guess you've got something on you
r mind ;)"
EFFECT: Shows you're funny, and RELAXED... also cocky therefore masculine.
ST: "I'm fat"
WHY: Testing to see if you're a beta pacifier type lame-ass.
A1: "You're enormous"
A2: "mmmmmm... more cushion for the pushin'"
A3: "J-Lo is in the house" (for "my ass is fat")
A4: "You're cuddly like winnie the pooh... ooooooo" (grab her, tickle her)
A5: "Look out Rosie!" (rosie o'donnel)
EFFECT: Highlights the ridiculousness of her comments, shows that you don't supp
licate, cocky therefore alpha.
ST: "What do you do for a living?"
WHY: She is demonstrating that she can SCREEN or QUALIFY you.
A1: "I clone humans"
A2: "I produce (x-trait of hers) fetish porn.. I'm looking for new actresses" (b
reak into Kooper C&F frames, and pretend that you're a pimp and she's your lates
t girl)
A3: "Guess" (HOOP THEORY, make her jump through the hoop first before you tell h
EFFECT: Demonstrates to her that you will NOT be screened. Demonstrates alphanes
s, because it subtley says "I'm here to sex you, not support you, so it doesn't
ST: "How old are you?"
WHY: She is qualifying you.
A1: "Guess" (hoop theory, and my answer of choice because age is SOMEWHAT import
ant sometimes)
A2: x-ridiculous age
EFFECT: Shows her that you will not be qualified, or are so confident that even
if you ignore her stupid qualifications, you're confident that you'll fuck her a
ST: "You're too young"
WHY: Trying to qualify you, trying to push you back, trying to break her own sta
A1: "yeah.. I know.. I crawled out of my crib, stole my big brother's ID, and sn
uck in here.. does anyone have any diapers??????" (look around FRANTICALLY)
A2: "don't worry.. like.. I won't hold it against you.. I'm not like that" (said
with sympathy)
EFFECT: Makes her laugh, prevents her from putting up resistant emotions.
ST: "What's your sign"
WHY: Qualifying you based on ARBITRARY RIDICULOUS shit.
A1: "Guess" (HOOP THEORY)
EFFECT: Shows her that you will play her game, but she has to play yours as well
. You're still equals, and you'll screen her based on her GUESSING abilities, gu
essing an arbitrary thing. 'If you will screen me on something arbitrary, I'll d
o it to you'
ST: "What are you taking at school?"
WHY: Possibly screening you for income
A1: "Cotton blending.. mmm.. this shirt looks like 85% cotton" (grabbing her shi
rt, stroking her playfully)
A2: "human cloning"
A3: "OK, seriously, you can't tell this to ANYONE.. promise??? ok, seriously?? O
K, I know this sounds weird, but I'm actually taking courses on how to shoot por
n" .. wait for her to think you're serious, and start laughing at her.. Good onl
y for HB9+ usually.
EFFECT: A1 is playful and fun.. A2&3 show her that you will not be qualified.
ST: "Don't blame the dog/kid/whatever" (assuming you DID fuckup, and ACTUALLY sa
id something mean.. I'm talking STICKY situations here, where you actually fucke
d up)
WHY: She is trying to upset herself, because she has de
A: That dog is STUPID!! hahha.. ok you're right" (then KISS her)
EFFECT: Shows her "I am STILL the man, but will admit I fucked up".. At this poi
nt, you may have said something so stupid that you can't cover it with C&F, so P
ROTOCOL is to PUSH further by re-enforcing with alpha statements that are FUNNY,
but then admitting she's right.. You kiss her as a REWARD for showing you.
ST: "blah blah blah" (chick talks TOO MUCH, and you are supplicating by listenin
WHY: If you listen, you are her girlfriend.
A: Do you have an off switch.. (mock hit her, then kiss her)
EFFECT: Shows you won't be a drama queen, controls her emotions with first a moc
k-hit (bring her DOWN) and then a kiss (bring her UP).. Fucks with her emotions,
makes you unpredictable, turns her on.
Notice that ALL of these involve the chick subconsiously/consciously trying to B
REAK HER OWN STATE. But by pumping her with a DIFFERENT emotion (humour, C&F/alp
haness/therfore turning her on, tickling her, kissing her/passion, etc) you PREV
ENT her from breaking her own state.
You are DERAILING her screening process, therefore getting into the golden gates
They always try to prevent themselves from getting laid by you. REVEL in it. Bec
ause all shit tests are ACTUALLY OPPORTUNITIES. If you're being tested, its a go
od sign, because it SHOWS that you have ENGAGED her reproductive screening proce
Do you think that HBs sit around shit testing RANDOM BUMS OFF THE STREET??? NO.
They only do it to guys just like YOU. So be HAPPY that they shit test you, beca
use if they didn't, then you are in SERIOUS trouble! :)
Remember, ANY logical answer shows beta-ness, and therefore will make her MORE u
pset. Have you ever seen a guy start explaining himself to a chick and have her
LIKE it??????? RARELY. Only if its a SERIOUS incident, and EVEN THEN chicks are
so chick-ish that they often don't like it.
Hope that's helpful. Try to keep it in mind.
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Topic: dissecting shit test passing measures (long) (2 of 19), Read 288 times Conf: >> Tactics / Techniques From: TylerDurden Date: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 06:57 AM One last IMPORTANT ONE.
I forgot, but when a SUPER HOT chick tries touching you, that is a SHIT TEST.
You may THINK that its an IOI. NOPE.
If you're using negs and C&F ballbusting, they ALWAYS try to touch you to get yo
u to like them so they can VALIDATE their insecurity.
The answer to being touched by a chick:
"Hands off the merchandise! That'll cost you 30$"
or as the song playing ends "if you want me to stay for another song, I need 20$
.. You can't touch me but I can touch you.. I'm sorry, but its not my rules" (IO
W, like you're giving her a lap-dance)
When a really hot chick tries touching you TOO EARLY (like it may not be appropr
iate yet) NEVER act eager unless you are DAMNED sure that it means something.
She's getting AROUSED by what you're doing, and wants to BREAK HER OWN STATE by
touching you so that you'll get eager, which subconsciously she KNOWS will turn
her off.
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Topic: dissecting shit test passing measures (long) (3 of 19), Read 279 times Conf: >> Tactics / Techniques From: Pap Date: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 08:23 AM You've dissected C&F to a fucking science. Absolutely brilliant. Seeing you in a
ction, and after reading these posts, I am absolutely impressed that you can wri
te these words of wisdom in the middle of the fucking night. Anyways, enough coc
k-sucking of your posts...time to crash.
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Topic: dissecting shit test passing measures (long) (4 of 19), Read 241 times Conf: >> Tactics / Techniques From: poet Date: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 12:56 PM On 12/31/02 6:57:00 AM, TylerDurden wrote:
>I forgot, but when a SUPER HOT
>chick tries touching you, that
>is a SHIT TEST.
It's not because she's a super hot chick. It is because she's used to attention.

Obviously most of time it is the same, but not always.
>You may THINK that its an IOI.
Well it is IOI as every other shit test.
>If you're using negs and C&F
>ballbusting, they ALWAYS try
>to touch you to get you to
>like them so they can VALIDATE
>their insecurity.
>The answer to being touched by
>a chick:
>"Hands off the merchandise!
>That'll cost you 30$"
>or as the song playing ends
>"if you want me to stay for
>another song, I need 20$.. You
>can't touch me but I can touch
>you.. I'm sorry, but its not
>my rules" (IOW, like you're
>giving her a lap-dance)
Yah, just don't take it seriously.
As if it happens it to you every day and means nothing. :-)
>When a really hot chick tries
>touching you TOO EARLY (like
>it may not be appropriate yet)
>NEVER act eager unless you are
>DAMNED sure that it means
>She's getting AROUSED by what
>you're doing, and wants to
>touching you so that you'll
>get eager, which
>subconsciously she KNOWS will
>turn her off.
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Topic: dissecting shit test passing measures (long) (5 of 19), Read 246 times Conf: >> Tactics / Techniques From: poet Date: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 12:47 PM On 12/31/02 6:12:00 AM, TylerDurden wrote:
>OK some guys still aren't
>getting this, so a little bit
>of review.
>The term "shit test" is a
>blanket term for several
>things that can happen.
>As far as I know, they all
>revolve around the chick
>trying to break her own state.
No, what she really does is to check if proposed goods (guy) don't have hidden d
efects. As you when you buy used car - you try it on the road, you try it at hig
h speed, you suddenly step on break, you try it in sharps bends.
When the car doesn't react well your state is BROKEN and you DON'T BUY.
There is a TEST in shit test.
>I'm not sure if its
>subconscious or intentional,
>or if they consciousless try
>to cause trouble because
>something on a
>biological/subconscious level
>compels them to do so (same
>way that we're compelled to PU
>and close chicks).
It is subconscious until chick think about, then it is conscious. That changes s
trictly nothing. If as child you were testing subconsciously your meal by smelli
ng it and now you do it consciously it is same thing. You just want to check if
it isn't bad before you put it in your mouth.
They test you in same way.
>Some people theorize that its
>a way of constantly testing
>the male to see if he's alpha,
>or something to that effect.
No exactly if he is alpha. Just who is he.
And everyone does it - just remember your teachers. Speaking in class is shit te
st. You just wanted to speak. Who you respected more, teacher who made you be si
lent or one who was unable to control you?
>Anyway, the point is that the
>ONLY ways to pass a shit test
>are to PREVENT her from
>breaking her own state.
It is the desired outcome. You puss the shit test when you don't give her what s
he wants etc.
You have to:
1) Spot the shit test
2) Don't take it seriously
3) Impose your way, compromise or next/LJBF
>During the course of the
>pickup and relationship, the
>chick will try to RESIST by
>intentionally breaking HER OWN
>STATE. It's almost hard to
>believe that they even enjoy
>sex as much as us, when they
>do shit like this.. But
>really, they just don't want
>to get sexed by losers,
That's the reasons. Losers comes 5 time a day. Pregnancy lactation take 3 years.
Education about 13. (in nature) So she HAS to make choices.
so I
>don't blame them.
It would change nothing. ;-)
>OK, so all ways to pass a shit
>test revolve around the same
No. You can break her state. Sometimes you even have to. If her state is non sex
ual, moody whatever it a shit test too. You have to break her fucking state and
lead her into sexual one.
Basic thing behind is to be seen as "stronger" "alpha" "leading" "above" "hard t
o manipulate" "don't taking her seriously" etc.
>So let's look back at my old
>post on this, just in case you
>guys can't remember it. If
>you remember it, then skip
>down to the next section:
>Options: How to pass a shit
>1) DYD Style: The answer she
>wants, followed by something
>sarcastic. HB: "Where were you
>last night", PUA: "At home all
>night thinking about
>you........... but then I got
>bored and called over 10
>strippers".... this way is
>VERY consistent, because it
>plays on her EMOTIONS. It
>DISARMS her anger initially -
>with the answer she wants, but
>SAVES you from being a bitch
>by following with sarcasm.
>2) 50's movie style (like in
>John Wayne films): FUCK HER
>RIGHT THERE _H_A_R_D_, or kiss
>her etc.. VERY effective
:-) Bit difficult when the shit test is over the phone and it is bullshit her ca
nary died of cancer and she can't go out with you.
>3) Imitate her tonality,
>facial animations, and
>bodylanguage. HB:
>t-night" (good to follow with
>a kiss right there)
>4) Withdraw: If its THAT BAD
>of an infraction, just
>withdraw. This can convey that
>you have other GFs or can at
>least get them. ie: Although I
>LIKE you, I don't need you,
>and you are replacable.
>5) Push her through more
>states: Just ignore the
>comment, and bust out some ASF
>stuff (patterns, stories, etc)
>to put her into the state you
>want her in.
>6) Utter sarcasm: Stick your
>tongue out at her, and go
>pppffftttt... and start
>tickling her.... etc
>7) NOT A GOOD WAY: Hit her. I
>would personally NEVER hit a
>chick for ANY reason, but I am
>posting this for TECHNICALITY,
>on the account that I am
>trying to push a certain
>point. (and unfortunately,
>yes, certain girls -often LSE-
>stay with guys who hit them,
>and it works to pass the shit
>test.. very sad phenomenon)
So basically don't take her bullshit/shit test seriously.
>Notice that all of these ways
>test directly.
>They just play on her
>DIRECTLY answering a shit test
>direct answer pisses her off
>MORE, whether she realizes it
>or not.
Exactly, it is ARGUING. It is LOGIC against CHICK LOGIC. And CHICK LOGIC is by N
ATURE done in order to stall and defeat guys. It is the very PURPOSE of chick lo
Only way to deal with chick logic is not to deal with it at all.
(Ever read The Wife of Bath's Tale by Chaucer. Very instructive reading. And che
ck when it was written)
>OK now to the meat of this
>When the chicks SHIT TEST you,
>you can only pass it by
>preventing them from breaking
>their own state.
See above.
>They do this shit to me ALL
>break their state, so that
>they can resist your advances.
No, they resist to losers and you are loser until proven alpha.
>They'll do shit like:
>-"are you a player?"
>-"I bet you've done this with
>hundreds of girls"
>-"where were you last night?"
>-"is that your pickupline???
>do you plan this???" -or- "did
>you bring that notepad just
>for this gimmick to PU
>-"you're funny" -or- "you're
>so confident" (tough to field
>cause you can't tell if
>they're serious or possibly
>questioning your intentions)
>-"We're going to have sex"
>(when chicks go GM on you, ANY
>variation.. "you're hot" etc)
>-"We're NOT going to have sex"
>-"I'm fat"
>-"What do you do for a
>-"How old are you?"
>-"You're too young"
>-"What's your sign?"
>-"What are you taking at
>-"Don't blame the
>-"blah blah blah" (chick talks
>TOO MUCH, and you are
>supplicating by listening
And "I love you" and "buy me ..." "wait for me" "I don't swallow" "I've got the
husband", silence, taking her friend, ignoring you and, and, and ...
Rule of thumb, everything YOU suspect to be a shit test is the shit test until p
roven contrary here on ASF.
>Alright, so let's break these
>down.. Some of these I
>remember learning from CPowles
>and others:
>ST: "are you a pleyer"
>WHY: She's trying to make you
>EXPLAIN yourself, which she
>KNOWS will aggrevate her - as
>ALL logical answers do - so
>she can put up more LMR.
>A1: "don't hate the player,
>hate the game"
>A2: "what is it about players
>that turn you on so much?"
>A3: "yeah, I play sport"
>A4: "players play with
>people's emotions and isn't
>genuine" (turn it around on
>her so that she's accusing you
>of faking your whole
>interaction, to make her feel
>EFFECT: A1 is funny, gets her
>laughing and breaks upset
>state. A2 is cocky and turns
>her on. A3 highlights the
>stupidity of the question. A4
>puts down the problems of the
>chick who is maybe really shy,
>and is seriously scared
>(librians archetypes, etc)
>ST: "I bet you've done this
>with hundreds of girls"
>WHY: Same reason as above.
>A: "I've done it with
>EFFECT: Shows cockiness, turns
>her on more. Shows her that
>you won't bend to her shit
>ST: "where were you last
>WHY: She is trying to work
>A1: "I stayed at home thinking
>about you.. But then I got
>bored and hired 10 strippers"
>A2: "chillin' with your
>of fielding shit tests. It
>plays her emotions, because
>what it does is gives her the
>answer she WANTS which calms
>her down, and a COCKY/FUNNY
>answer to make her get turned
>on and laughing BEFORE she can
>realize that what you were
>saying was bullshit. A2 shows
>her you won't take her shit,
>C&F, turns her on.
>ST: "is that your
>pickupline??? do you plan
>this???" -or- "did you bring
>that notepad just for this
>gimmick to PU girls??"
>WHY: She is trying to block
>you from picking her up,
>testing your wit.
>A: "yeah, and I even planned
>to meet a girl with (x-neg
>that was said EARLIER on in
>the sarge) (yeah, I even
>planned to meet a powerpuff
>girl tonight / yeah, I even
>planned to meet a girl with
>stuff in her teeth tonight /
>yeah I even planned to meet a
>girl with cute bunny rabbit
>teeth tonight / yeah I even
>planned to meet a girl with
>lint on her shirt tonight....
>etc etc etc WHICHEVER neg you
>EFFECT: Shows her that you're
>smarter than her, and makes
>her question look ridiculous.
>ST: "you're funny" -or-
>"you're so confident"
>WHY: This is TOUGH to field
>because you can't tell if its
>serious or not. Just field it
>as a shit test because it
>cracks her up either way with
>your C&Fness.
>A: "what is it about funny
>guys that turns you on so
>EFFECT: C&F, shows you're
>alpha.. funny line.. funny
>guys are smart.
>ST: "we're going to have sex"
>or "you're hot"
>WHY: When chicks go GM its
>because they are
>hyper-obnoxious attention
>A: "respect" (said slyly,
>CPowles classic)
>EFFECT: Show that you're not
>the type to get all desperate
>and takes the compliments
>seriously. ALSO, show that
>you don't get UPSET by the
>comments either. It shows
>complete disregard to her
>obnoxiousness, and is FUNNY
>(not insulting) at the same
>ST: "we're not going to have
>sex tonight"
>WHY: She may want it to "just
>happen" and is feeling too
>much like its an obvious
>pickup that would make her
>slutiness obvious. She is
>also testing to see your
>reaction, do you want her ONLY
>for sex, etc.. She's also
>trying to break her own state,
>as in ALL shit tests.
>A: "who said anything about
>sex? mmmmmmmmmm... guess
>you've got something on your
>mind ;)"
>EFFECT: Shows you're funny,
>and RELAXED... also cocky
>therefore masculine.
>ST: "I'm fat"
>WHY: Testing to see if you're
>a beta pacifier type lame-ass.
>A1: "You're enormous"
>A2: "mmmmmm... more cushion
>for the pushin'"
>A3: "J-Lo is in the house"
>(for "my ass is fat")
>A4: "You're cuddly like winnie
>the pooh... ooooooo" (grab
>her, tickle her)
>A5: "Look out Rosie!" (rosie
>EFFECT: Highlights the
>ridiculousness of her
>comments, shows that you don't
>supplicate, cocky therefore
>ST: "What do you do for a
>WHY: She is demonstrating that
>she can SCREEN or QUALIFY you.
>A1: "I clone humans"
>A2: "I produce (x-trait of
>hers) fetish porn.. I'm
>looking for new actresses"
>(break into Kooper C&F frames,
>and pretend that you're a pimp
>and she's your latest girl)
>A3: "Guess" (HOOP THEORY, make
>her jump through the hoop
>first before you tell her)
>EFFECT: Demonstrates to her
>that you will NOT be screened.
>Demonstrates alphaness,
>because it subtley says "I'm
>here to sex you, not support
>you, so it doesn't matter"
>ST: "How old are you?"
>WHY: She is qualifying you.
>A1: "Guess" (hoop theory, and
>my answer of choice because
>age is SOMEWHAT important
>A2: x-ridiculous age
>EFFECT: Shows her that you
>will not be qualified, or are
>so confident that even if you
>ignore her stupid
>qualifications, you're
>confident that you'll fuck her
>ST: "You're too young"
>WHY: Trying to qualify you,
>trying to push you back,
>trying to break her own state.
>A1: "yeah.. I know.. I crawled
>out of my crib, stole my big
>brother's ID, and snuck in
>here.. does anyone have any
>diapers??????" (look around
>A2: "don't worry.. like.. I
>won't hold it against you..
>I'm not like that" (said with
>EFFECT: Makes her laugh,
>prevents her from putting up
>resistant emotions.
>ST: "What's your sign"
>WHY: Qualifying you based on
>A1: "Guess" (HOOP THEORY)
>EFFECT: Shows her that you
>will play her game, but she
>has to play yours as well.
>You're still equals, and
>you'll screen her based on her
>GUESSING abilities, guessing
>an arbitrary thing. 'If you
>will screen me on something
>arbitrary, I'll do it to you'
>ST: "What are you taking at
>WHY: Possibly screening you
>for income
>A1: "Cotton blending.. mmm..
>this shirt looks like 85%
>cotton" (grabbing her shirt,
>stroking her playfully)
>A2: "human cloning"
>A3: "OK, seriously, you can't
>tell this to ANYONE..
>promise??? ok, seriously?? OK,
>I know this sounds weird, but
>I'm actually taking courses on
>how to shoot porn" .. wait for
>her to think you're serious,
>and start laughing at her..
>Good only for HB9+ usually.
>EFFECT: A1 is playful and
>fun.. A2&3 show her that you
>will not be qualified.
>ST: "Don't blame the
>dog/kid/whatever" (assuming
>you DID fuckup, and ACTUALLY
>said something mean.. I'm
>talking STICKY situations
>here, where you actually
>fucked up)
>WHY: She is trying to upset
>herself, because she has de
>A: That dog is STUPID!!
>hahha.. ok you're right" (then
>KISS her)
>EFFECT: Shows her "I am STILL
>the man, but will admit I
>fucked up".. At this point,
>you may have said something so
>stupid that you can't cover it
>with C&F, so PROTOCOL is to
>PUSH further by re-enforcing
>with alpha statements that are
>FUNNY, but then admitting
>she's right.. You kiss her as
>a REWARD for showing you.
>ST: "blah blah blah" (chick
>talks TOO MUCH, and you are
>supplicating by listening)
>WHY: If you listen, you are
>her girlfriend.
>A: Do you have an off switch..
>(mock hit her, then kiss her)
>EFFECT: Shows you won't be a
>drama queen, controls her
>emotions with first a mock-hit
>(bring her DOWN) and then a
>kiss (bring her UP).. Fucks
>with her emotions, makes you
>unpredictable, turns her on.
Basically you don't take her question seriously. Once here you can say whatever
you want.
You have to remind you that your choice is not between "to fuck or not to fuck"
but between "fuck this one or another one" then everything falls in right perspe
>Notice that ALL of these
>involve the chick
>But by pumping her with a
>DIFFERENT emotion (humour,
>C&F/alphaness/therfore turning
>her on, tickling her, kissing
>her/passion, etc) you PREVENT
>her from breaking her own
>You are DERAILING her
>screening process, therefore
>getting into the golden gates.
Actually, you are not even concerned by her screening.
They are doing standard procedure to everyone (well with small variation do to y
our looks, dress, social proof etc)
>They always try to prevent
>themselves from getting laid
>by you.
No, only by AFCs! And not always. When chick is horny and desperate, she will fu
ck AFC too.
REVEL in it. Because
>all shit tests are ACTUALLY
Exactly - it says - until now you were OK. Now I will test you and if you pass m
y tests we will fuck.
If you're
>being tested, its a good sign,
>because it SHOWS that you have
>ENGAGED her reproductive
>screening process.
>Do you think that HBs sit
>around shit testing RANDOM
>They only do it to guys just
>like YOU. So be HAPPY that
>they shit test you, because if
>they didn't, then you are in
>SERIOUS trouble! :)
>Remember, ANY logical answer
>shows beta-ness, and therefore
>will make her MORE upset.
Or bitchy, or uninterested, or whatever else :-)
>Have you ever seen a guy start
>explaining himself to a chick
>and have her LIKE it???????
>RARELY. Only if its a SERIOUS
>incident, and EVEN THEN chicks
>are so chick-ish that they
>often don't like it.
>Hope that's helpful. Try to
>keep it in mind.
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Topic: dissecting shit test passing measures (long) (6 of 19), Read 245 times Conf: >> Tactics / Techniques From: gunwitch Date: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 01:20 PM
The model i go by of shit tests is that its just her being "spineless". Her way
of not being able to say what she means (im bored with you, youre ugly, you stin
k ect)and so she instead develops and acts out forms of aggression, questioning
and flakes out.
It happens in much the same way a man being pursued by an ugly women he doesnt w
ant to offend (for any number of reasons one reason that women have to not offen
d men or hurt their feelings is fear of physcical violence or such).
Big bertha calls you for a date and youve got NO spine. What are you gonna do? Y
oull say "SURE big bertha see you saturday" then not bother to show up thats wha
t. When she calls going "whyd you stand me up?" you go "oh im so sorry this or t
hat or the other came up". Of course some of us would say "be off bertha" but th
ank god we dont have to deal with being pursued lol.
A shit test, flake out or otherwise chick mechanism as a way to test you as a ma
le or to gaurd her subconscious isnt clinically valid as a mechanism for lies an
d strange behavior.
How do I personally react to this type of mechanism? May be suprised to hear it
from me but i pull back. Simple, easy to remember model and a counter for it. Is
nt really a counter or way around, as i believe there is no way around or counte
r to deception only an ignoring of it. A girl says 5 rude things to me back to b
ack? What do i do? Ill get up and walk off. I assume she isnt attracted, and ya
know what she coulda just said so and then hey maybe we coulda ended up friendly
, but if shes gotta be that spineless she can fuck off.
Trying to maraude through the shit tests and flake outs is really a waste as the
re always some hotter chick thats acctually attracted to you around the next "ap
proach corner" who isnt gonna do this shit.
Of course there rude offputting chicks out there as well, even when they are att
racted, but YOU KNOW what it REALLY is when shes being rude or flakey, each and
everyone of you feel what it really is. When it comes to flakes and shit testers
, lack of attraction or a stupid bitch? that is the question. Stupid offputting
rude bitch yet shes attracted? Pull back and shell crawl back. Not attracted and
spineless? Move on, shes already said "no" the way she knows how.
"make the ho say no"
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Topic: dissecting shit test passing measures (long) (7 of 19), Read 236 times Conf: >> Tactics / Techniques From: afcpua Date: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 01:54 PM yup. gunwitch does it one of deangelo's ways. just ignore her stupid comment/act
ion completely. really alpha.
" the game don't wait but im so tight i can wait for the game. "
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Topic: Re: dissecting shit test passing measures (long) (8 of 19), Read 234 times Conf: >> Tactics / Techniques From: Vince Date: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 02:06 PM Okay, the title was a bit recondite, but the content was SOLID GOLD,
encrusted in DIAMONDS. Keep this up and my Seduction file is going to have a
TylerDurden folder, all by itself.
Here are some amazing facts:
First Login: Monday, August 19, 2002 03:36 AM
Top 10 Message Posters
User Posts
Commander Zap 1630
gunwitch 1111
TylerDurden 1042
Of course, TD was familiar with all this stuff before his first login.
Nevertheless, like him or not, he's a walking encyclopedia of seduction.
Now, if he could only get over that painful SHYNESS thing he has with pretty
No, really,
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Topic: dissecting shit test passing measures (long) (9 of 19), Read 232 times Conf: >> Tactics / Techniques From: mmasters Date: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 02:08 PM Good stuff TD, learned a thing or two there. :)
If you're ever in the DC area ... lemme know, I'll sport ya a drink.
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Topic: dissecting shit test passing measures (long) (10 of 19), Read 212 times Conf: >> Tactics / Techniques From: LowRider69 Date: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 04:25 PM What about the SHIT TEST where they REVERSE the statement on you??
Me: "Oh, I guess you're not very adventurous. I like girls who are spontaneous"
HB: "I am spontaneous!!! What about you?"
Me: "What about me?"
HB: "How are YOU spontaneous?"
Keep in mind its too early for a kiss close. Maybe a cheek kiss? Imitating them
or sarcasm seems like a cop-out.
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Topic: Re: dissecting shit test passing measures (long) (11 of 19), Read 204 times Conf: >> Tactics / Techniques From: throughfare Date: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 04:41 PM Some additional thoughts about a few items, TD,
On Tue, 31 Dec 2002 06:12:00 -0500, TylerDurden wrote:
>Options: How to pass a shit test
<snip 1 - 6>
>7) NOT A GOOD WAY: Hit her. I would personally NEVER hit a chick for ANY
>reason, but I am posting this for TECHNICALITY, on the account that I am trying
>to push a certain point. (and unfortunately, yes, certain girls -often LSE-
>stay with guys who hit them, and it works to pass the shit test.. very sad
Never, ever hit a woman. It will do more damage to you than to her.
There are girls who want to be abused, & my opinion is that these are
bad news & you should get them out of your life as fast as possible,
no matter how attractive they are.
OTOH- and this is a big one. Spanking can do wonders for a
relationship with a healthy woman.
Some of you guys may not have heard of this.
These links have been posted before, I can't claim any originality
here, but if you want to know more, look at:
There's a reason why spanking fetishes are so huge, the most common
one among women.
Which brings me to the subconscious aspect of shit testing.
Children shit test too. Any guy or gal on this group who has raised
children will confirm this.
The reason children shit test is because they need to see the parent's
strong response to feel secure. What they're really doing is
obtaining emotional reassurance by checking whether the parent will
'do the right thing' and in particular, will defend against
destructive things.
Giving in to children's shit tests is the worst thing you can do to
them. It results in severely insecure children who act out
(colloqially called 'brats') and strangely enough, in cases I've seen
with boys, leads to beta/loser personality.
Ans of course, in spite of what the PC crowd says, spanking is
sometimes the answer to a child's shit test.
Guys- be aware that, no matter what the PC crowd says, women have a
deep need for security, and to feel that they have a guy who is
superior to them and stronger than them.
The feelings are there just like they are in children, but can't be
expressed overtly in an adult woman. Please also be aware that I'm
not implying that this implies childishness on the part of the woman.
She's just addressing concerns that her emotional mind has.
>So be HAPPY that they shit test
>you, because if they didn't, then you are in SERIOUS trouble! :)
Bang on, Tyler. If a gal shit tests you, and is not LSE or psycho, it
means she is serious about you, and is taking steps to check you out.
OTOH- I've encountered a few shit tests that were so over-the-top that
I just nexted immediately. If the ST crosses over into psycho
territory, then it's not a good sign.
A final thought- never, ever shit test anyone yourself.
Shit testing is perceived by everyone as beta behavior, as it should
be. It's what children & women do.
This is one reason why I've always been wary of the "be intentionally
late" policy that DYD and Frank Shark espouse. If you have a valid
reason, fine, but doing things to your girl that you as an Alpha would
never tolerate her doing to you comes off as arrogant, not confident,
and arrogance is interpreted as insecurity by most people.
Happy New Year's, men & ladies of ASF!
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Topic: Re: dissecting shit test passing measures (long) (12 of 19), Read 176 times Conf: >> Tactics / Techniques From: Tiki Poki Date: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 09:29 PM On 12/31/02 4:41:49 PM, throughfare wrote:
>Never, ever hit a woman. It will do
>more damage to you than to her.
>There are girls who want to be abused, &
>my opinion is that these are
>bad news & you should get them out of
>your life as fast as possible,
>no matter how attractive they are.
hmm I disagreee.. of course, never hit a women with your full fist so that she d
rops and loses half her teeth, but I 'slap' women alot.. when they say something
I dont like I tell them: "hey, come closer"..
they will..
and then *pats* (a soft one) I slap them very soft (ABSOLUTELY not hurting) on t
heir cheek and tell them they are bad girls haha
I dont have bad results with this, chicks ARE surprised BUT take it, and DO foll
ow my commands better later on
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Topic: dissecting shit test passing measures (long) (13 of 19), Read 192 times Conf: >> Tactics / Techniques From: Manifestis3 Date: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 07:54 PM Tyler,
this is one of your best posts...u got to write a fuckin book man...seriously, i
would definitlely pay money for that shit...u got so much material and i would
love to see it outlined cohesively into one book since you have had experience w
ith many methods...can't wait till i meet u in person...i'm starting to collect
your bests posts into my computer...this shit is gold!
"I live my reality and you are my guests..."
"ANYTHING & EVERYTHING a chick does is an IOI to me..."
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Topic: dissecting shit test passing measures (long) (14 of 19), Read 184 times Conf: >> Tactics / Techniques From: afcpua Date: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 09:02 PM manifestis it is gold. it's just like formhandle says mrsex4unyc's individual po
sts are like pure nuggets of gold!
" the game don't wait but im so tight i can wait for the game. "
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Topic: dissecting shit test passing measures (long) (15 of 19), Read 105 times Conf: >> Tactics / Techniques From: Prime Alpha Date: Wednesday, January 01, 2003 03:24 PM >...i would definitlely pay money
>for that shit...
Don't give him any ideas!
We enjoy getting his nuggets of gold for free :-)
Prime Alpha
-"Teach what you know, learn what you don't, free of charge :)"
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Topic: dissecting shit test passing measures (long) (16 of 19), Read 164 times Conf: >> Tactics / Techniques From: Tommy227 Date: Wednesday, January 01, 2003 12:28 AM This is some great stuff that is repeated, but broken down.
There are different options in responding to the shit test, and a guy's got to b
e able to calibrate the best way to handle the shit by calibrating which is goin
g to be best according to the scenario.
A few things that have worked for me is to mirror her shit in a cocky and funny
way making her laugh at it and really see how ridiculous she was being but makin
g light of it so she doesnt take it to as an insult. In my experience sometimes w
orks to stop it.
Like I had a girl complaining about her weight and how depressed she was and she
was going to starve herself and stupid shit like that (her being model/dancer)
I know better than to do this stupid shit now, but disgustingly enough I told he
r you look fine what are you talking about. HEH supplication gag gag cough cough
: / But latter correcting it with what I call a TOSS BACK miring her annoying be
havior. I was all in a C& F way "dam I've been getting skinny lately (me having
a very nice build) I'm really afraid to be seen in public. Dam I look like shit
as I pinch my well defined biceps. I think I should just start doing steroids an
d other harmful body building drugs. I might kill me, but it's worth it in the s
tate I'm in. And while I'm doing all this she's trying to figure out if I'm sero
us or not and trying to comfort me LOL :> She would go on telling me how good I
looked and I would make her keep repeating herself and I said hm... Maybe if you
say it ten more times I'll feel better. Just keep going :) She start's to laugh
a bit and say hey youre making fun of me? And I said no never of course not :> S
he playfully hit's me on the shoulder and I start laughing and say ha ha DAM rig
ht I'm making fun of you :) We continue with the day and with a good fuck. I've
also tried just immediately fucking a girl and feeling her up on the part of her
body she's complaining about while telling her at least I can appreciate X and
then go to the fuck which they'll fuck and just bring the same shit up another t
ime so I like my c&f example better.
this C&F fixed it for quite a while and when I almost forgot about it she compla
ined about it one more time and I just stated "you know what that shit is really
annoying so go tell it to one of your girlfriends or something because it's a b
unch of shit and I don't like to take shit, and then I went to a happy state and
she knew I would go back to a state she would rather not have if she continued.
That's another thing that works for me she'll ask me a shit question in the midd
le of fun, and I'll immediately make her miserable for a few seconds by making h
er feel uncomfortable for asking that question, and then I switch back to happy
state and I'm really good at Kino and she's feeling soooooo good with my supreme
and I mean supreme Kino skills I have bragging rights on my Kino, and as soon a
s she even thinks or starts to go back to the undesired subject or whatever the
VERY NICE Kino stops and I go cold and then wait for her to stop which when she
dose I start the good state and Kino again and usually don't have to repeat much
more then twice. It's like dog training where you give the dog a bone for good
behavior and one of my bone's is my Kino and latter my big 8inch dick of curse w
hich you can frame sex as a reward if you play it right, and in doing this you'v
e got to be aware of the wanting it tax. When I don't act like a guy that is a d
og and just wants sex but I know how to turn her on through Kino sexual reflexol
ogy and kissing etc, and the next thing you know she's asking for sex. I think K
ino is very powerful I've never kissed a girl with Kino and stuff that didn't wa
nt to fuck. I know if I can get as far as that I can get sex. Being a massage th
erapist helps too :)
And yes good sex can make a girl forget whatever you where arguing about beforeh
and in allot of my experiences
Peace Tommy227
Ps. one thing I thought was funny by TOO $hort (a rapper) some people learn hoes
while we teach them, and also dont hat e that player hate the game is another th
eme song by TOO $hort
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Topic: dissecting shit test passing measures (long) (17 of 19), Read 127 times Conf: >> Tactics / Techniques From: invictus02 Date: Wednesday, January 01, 2003 11:11 AM Of course any question she asks is an open invitation to go into some "3 questio
ns" game, where you can move questions and convo to better topics.
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Topic: dissecting shit test passing measures (long) (18 of 19), Read 98 times Conf: >> Tactics / Techniques From: Tommy227 Date: Wednesday, January 01, 2003 04:54 PM On 1/1/03 11:11:00 AM, invictus02 wrote:
>Of course any question she
>asks is an open invitation to
>go into some "3 questions"
>game, where you can move
>questions and convo to better
Hm.... I'm not sure this would be something I would use, but I would be curious
to as how this may work and if you could give some of your own personal examples
, and if I did ask direct questions I don't answer questions at all really. So h
ow would I go about it with I can do it to you, but you can't do the same back t
o me type thing? (Double standard?
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Topic: This post should go in TFM (19 of 19), Read 114 times Conf: >> Tactics / Techniques From: Prime Alpha Date: Wednesday, January 01, 2003 03:20 PM This post by TylerDurden is one of those rare posts which should be incorporated
in TFM.
I know I'll put the info here to good use!

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