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ln Lwo conferences held by Lhe Crand MasLers of Lhe 8egular
Luropean Crand Lodges (Lhe flrsL one Look place ln London ln 2007
and Lhe lasL one ln Ceneva ln 2013), Lhe Lwo ro Crand MasLer of
Lhe unlLed Crand Lodge of Lngland, Lord norLhampLon and eLer
Lowndes, relLeraLed, aL a 6-year dlsLance, baslcally Lhe same
concepL: lteemosooty bos oo tole lo soclety".
1hls lmporLanL message almed especlally Lo dlspel all Lhe clouds
and shadows wrapplng lreemasonry noL only ln lLaly, glvlng a
dlsLorLed and dlsquleLlng represenLaLlon of lL. 1hls message was noL
fully shared by all presenL members. Some Crand MasLers and
Crand Cfflcers showed, even lf noL openly (Lhe rlsk of loslng Lhe
Lngllsh craved recognlLlon" lnduced prudence.) perplexlLy and
lmpaLlence abouL Lhe above menLloned concepL, conLlnulng Lo
Lhlnk LhaL, on Lhe conLrary, lreemasonry would have deserved a
role, noL only ln socleLy buL also ln pollLlcs, economlcs and more.
l compleLely share and supporL Lhe llne proposed by Lhe uolteJ
CtooJ loJqe of oqlooJ, ltelooJ ooJ 5cotlooJ as evldenced ln all my
speeches slnce Lhe beglnnlng of my flrsL Lerm as Crand MasLer
(Aprll 2002), unforLunaLely we musL say LhaL ln Lhe Lwo menLloned
conferences Lhe message, alLhough clear, had no followers, lL has
noL been deepened or faced ln a debaLe. ln Lhe menLloned
conferences and ln Lhose conferences held ln 2009 and 2011,
noLhlng has been added Lo Lhe lnlLlal assumpLlon lteemosooty bos
oo tole lo soclety, an lmporLanL poslLlon Lo clarlfy Lhe naLure of

lreemasonry and, above all, lLs fuLure, and, ln my oplnlon, Lhls
sLaLemenL deserved furLher sLudy and Lhe debaLe should have
focused on lL.
1haL leaves a gap LhaL we had Lo somehow Lry Lo brldge ln order Lo
respond Lo all Lhe 8roLhers who would llke Lo beLLer undersLand Lhe
naLure and purpose of lreemasonry.
1hen lL ls necessary Lo answer Lhe maln quesLlon orlglnaLed from
Lhe lnlLlal assumpLlon: lf lreemasonry does noL have a speclflc role
ln socleLy, whaL does lL represenL for lLs members and whaL does lL
promlse Lo Lhose ones who would be members? 8uL mosL
lmporLanLly, who ls Lhe lteemosoo ln Lhe modern world? uoes hls
presence make sense ln conLemporary socleLy, or may he now be
consldered only an orlglnal and folklorlsLlc represenLaLlon of an
anachronlsLlc club Lype?
As menLloned, desplLe Lhe offlclal poslLlon of Lhe uolteJ CtooJ
loJqe of oqlooJ ls clear, Lhe consLanL concern of many
lreemasons seems Lo be Lhe lncreaslng number" of Lhelr
Cbedlences, and, consequenLly, Lhelr expecLaLlons abouL flndlng for
Lhem an lmporLanL role and a sLraLeglc" (or raLher, powerful")
placemenL ln Lhe socleLy. 1hey lmaglne lreemasonry lnfluenclng
Lhe pollLlcal, economlc, soclal and even rellglous dynamlcs (some
people Lhlnk LhaL lreemasonry may even help Lhe dlalogue"
beLween Lhe varlous rellglous denomlnaLlons.) and no one asks, on
Lhe conLrary, whaL lL can do for Lhe loJlvlJool, how lreemasonry
can help hlm Lo lnLerpreL" hls own cooJltloo.
WhaL could lreemasonry do, noL for socleLy, buL for Lhe
lndlvldual"? ln order Lo answer Lhls quesLlon, however, we musL
necessarlly ask Lo ourselves: how ls lL posslble Lo Lhlnk abouL

changlng Lhe exLernal" reallLy flrsL lf you have noL worked on Lhe
lnner" one?

We could flnd an answer Lo Lhe quesLlon by readlng carefully our
rlLual, sLarLlng Lo conslder lL no more as a 8osary Lo be reclLed
durlng our ceremonles, approachlng Lhe rlLual as someLhlng allve"
LhaL leads Lo Lhe concreLe and fasclnaLlng [ourney of splrlLual
underesLlmaLlng Lhe esoLerlc knowledge of Lhose people who
creaLed Lhls rlLual would be a blg mlsLake, morLlfylng an anclenL
wlsdom LransmlLLed by Lhose ones who knew lL, lgnorlng Lhe
advanLages of Lhls wlsdom.
WhaL ls Lhe conLrlbuLlon LhaL lnlLlaLlc Schools llke lreemasonry,
desplLe noL havlng offlclal roles" ln socleLy, may lndlrecLly glve Lo
socleLy, Lo Lhe enLlre PumanlLy? As l sald, lf you lnLerpreL and
undersLand our rlLual, you wlll flnd LhaL lL always shows you Lhe
way, parLlcularly concernlng Lhls essay, ln Lhe ceremony of Lhe
Second uegree when you are expecLed Lo make Lhe Llberal ArLs and
Sclences your fuLure sLudy and, above all, Lo exteoJ yoot
teseotcbes to tbe blJJeo mystetles of Notote ooJ 5cleoce.
We musL Lherefore ask Lo ourselves, whaL are Lhese hldden"
mysLerles of Notote and 5cleoce? lf one of Lhe duLles of a
lreemason ls Lo know 5cleoce, we cannoL fall Lo noLe LhaL ln Lhe lasL
decades Sclence ls changlng lLs bases, approachlng lncredlbly Lo
some Lheorles LhaL unLll a few years ago were only parL of Lhe
esoLerlc -alchemlcal" world.
lf we aLLempL Lo deflne Lhls new sclenLlflc approach, we should
compare lL Lo Lhe neo-laLonlc and Splnozlan vlew based on Lhe

relaLlonshlp beLween man and naLure, Lhe search for a oolfleJ
knowledge derlved from a bollstlc cooceptloo of reallLy. Accordlng
Lo Lhls vlew, man and naLure are parLs of Lhe same harmonlous,
llvlng and senLlenL enLlLy, as expresslon of Lhe splrlL, raLher Lhan
separaLe and lndependenL parLs.
lrom Lhls polnL of vlew, Lhere ls an lncreaslngly dlsapproval of Lhe
LradlLlonal Sclence, derlved from Lhe LnllghLenmenL and CarLeslan
Lheorles, sLarLlng Lo gllmpse lLs llmlLs. 1he undenlable merlL of
LnllghLenmenL was Lo unLle Lhe researcher from Lhe prevalllng
Lheologlcal-rellglous commlLmenLs, buL cenLurles laLer
LnllghLenmenL has resulLed ln an arld maLerlallsm and mechanlsm,
lnsufflclenL, boLh ln meLhod and ln Lhe resulLs, Lo explaln many
aspecLs of exlsLence. 1here ls now a new fronLler of 5cleoce
represenLed by sclenLlsLs and scholars from all over Lhe world,
someLlmes ouLslde Lhe LeLragonal sclenLlflc communlLy (Lhe same
LhaL condemned Callleo and Copernlcus), whlch advocaLe a new
learnlng, no longer fragmenLed buL oolfleJ , supporLed by sclenLlflc
flndlngs LhaL undermlne Lhe cerLalnLles of Lhe offlclal" Sclence and
Lhe more orLhodox scholars.

lL ls a new phase of Lhe sclenLlflc exploraLlon, agalnsL Lhe
convenLlonal sclence, and lL leads us Lo a radlcal reflecLlon abouL
man's place ln Lhe scheme of Lhe unlverse and, Lherefore, lL
proposes a dlfferenL relaLlonshlp beLween 5cleoce and ulvlolty.
unforLunaLely Lhe name new Age" whlch has been aLLrlbuLed by
many scholars, crlLlcally and reducLlvely, Lo Lhese lnnovaLlve
sLudles, has conLrlbuLed Lo glve an aura of low rellablllLy Lo

lablo venzl, 5toJles oo ttoJltloool lteemosooty, ALanr, 8ome, 2012, pp. 271 - 272.

lmporLanL dlscoverles LhaL, albelL brlefly, l wlll Lry Lo brlng Lo your
aLLenLlon ln Lhls work.
1hey were Lhe same esoLerlc sLudenLs Lo deflne recurrenLly 5cleoce
as new Age" LogeLher wlLh Lhose lnnovaLlve flndlngs and cuLLlng-
edge sclenLlflc researches, wlLh evldences now accepLed even by
Lhe mosL scepLlcal crlLlcs
8eyond Lhe unllkely comparlsons or deflnlLlons of convenlence, we
wlll examlne whaL ls, ln my oplnlon, slmply 5cleoce".

l have already dlscussed some of Lhese Lhemes ln my book 5toJles
oo ttoJltloool lteemosooty. 1he ltloclple of complemeototlty,
concelved by Lhe uanlsh physlclsL nlls 8ohr, explalns how Lhe
elemenLary parLlcles of maLLer, Lhe Ooooto, can be seen boLh as
parLlcles and as waves, dependlng on Lhe way you look aL Lhe
phenomenon, a Lheory whlch brlngs us back Lo Alcbemy where Lhe
mercurlal femlnlne prlnclple explalned Lhe proLeomorflsmus of Lhe
naLural phenomena, Lhelr fluld changeablllLy. ln Lhls lnLerpreLaLlon
Lhe unlverse may noL be Lhe newLonlan maLerlallsLlc one made of

WouLer Panegraaff, new Age 8ellglon and WesLern CulLure, LsoLerlclsm ln Lhe Mlrror of Secular 1houghL, SLaLe
unlverslLy of new ?ork press, Albany, 1998, pp. 62-63. 1he uuLch scholar WouLer Panegraaff, for example, ln hls book
New Aqe kellqloo ooJ westeto coltote, ln descrlblng Lhe characLerlsLlcs of Lhe phenomenon of 'new Age', so places Lhe
lnnovaLlve sclenLlflc researches, glvlng a descrlpLlon of Lhe new meLhodologlcal approach presenL ln Lhem "1toJltloool
scleoce - ossocloteJ wltb tbe ocoJemlc estobllsbmeot - ls tbotooqbly cooJemoeJ os motetlollstlc ooJ cooJoclve to bomoo
olleootloo, bot tbe New Aqe bos JlscoveteJ tbe oew scleoce os o poteotlol olly oqolost lt. lollowloq 1bomos kobos
5ttoctote of 5cleotlflc kevolotloo, New Aqe bellevets clolm tbot estobllsbeJ scleoce teflects oo ootJote teJoctloolst
potoJlqm boooJ to be teploceJ by o oew potoJlqm boseJ oo o bollstlc petspectlve. 1be soqqestloo tbot tbe evolotloooty
tbtost of scleoce oow leoJs lt to teject tbe vety motetlollsm lt ooce felpe to cteote ls oo lospltloq to some people o slt ls
oottoqeoos to otbet. 1bot New Aqe 5cleoce Jlvetqes ftom molostteom scleoce ls tecoqolzeJ by ctltlcs ooJ sympotblzet
ollke, bot botb lotetptet tbls foct Jlffeteotly. ctltlcol ootslJets ptefet to speok of ftloqe scleoce, oo oppellotloo wblcb
teflects tbelt coovlctloo tbot tbese opptoocbes ote botJetlloe coses of qeooloe scleotlflc teseotcb, lf oot oooseoslcol
pseoJo-scleoce pote ooJ slmple. uefeoJets, oo tbe otbet booJ, toto tbe foct of tbelt motqlool posltloo loto oo oJvootoqe
by te-lobelloq tbelt petspectlve os leoJloq eJqe scleoce. 1bey see tbemselves os tbe ovoot-qotJe of scleotlflc ptoqtess.
plooeets of o toJlcol oew wotlJvlew.kotbet, New Aqe 5cleoce ls typlcolly coocetoeJ wltb Jeveloploq oolfleJ wotlJvlew.

speclflc, vlslble ob[ecLs LhaL move along deflnlLe Lra[ecLorles,
essenLlally a sLaLlc one, on Lhe conLrary lL ls a dynamlc unlverse,
made of "woves of posslblllty" or mere poLenLlallLles becomlng
acLuallLy and Lherefore maLLer, Lhe manlfesL world Lhrough Lhe
knowledge of Lhe observer", Lhe sclenLlsL ln Lhe laboraLory,
ourselves ln Lhe real llfe. ln Lhls new vlslon of Sclence, Lhe lndlvldual
would be Lhe ceotet and Lhe meanlng of Lhe unlverse, [usL as lco
della Mlrandola Lheorlzed ln hls work CraLlon on Lhe ulgnlLy of
1he Noo-locollty ptloclple Lheorlzed by Lhe AusLrlan nobel rlze
physlclsL Wolfgang aull revealed how Lhe elemenLary parLlcles ln
Lhe aLom are ln consLanL and lnsLanL communlcaLlon. Lach parLlcle
knows lLs poslLlon regardlng Lhe oLher one and Lhe global slLuaLlon
wlLhouL exchanglng any slgnals. 1hls shows, accordlng Lo Lhe
sclenLlsLs, LhaL every parLlcle ls connecLed wlLh Lhe whole sysLem
and Lherefore all parLs of Lhe unlverse are lnLerconnecLed by
elecLromagneLlc flelds as lf Lhey were llnked by a slngle lnLelllgenL
lor Lhe flrsL Llme, sclence had Lo Lheorlze Lhe exlsLence of such a
dlmenslon LhaL ttoosceoJs Lhe one ln whlch we acLually llve, Loday
lL ls necessary Lo resorL Lo Lhe ttoosceoJeot Lo explaln Lhe observed
phenomena, because Lhls LranscendenL dlmenslon, so far excluded
from Lhe scope of sclenLlflc research, seems Lo lnfluence Lhe
behavlour of maLLer.

1oday l wlll aLLempL Lo glve an answer Lo Lhe lnlLlal quesLlon
concernlng how can lreemasonry lnfluence socleLy wlLhouL havlng

lablo venzl, SLudles on LradlLlonal lreemasonry, ALanr, 8ome, 2012, pp. 274.

a 'role' ln socleLy, on Lhe basls of Lhe Lheory of Lhe Lngllsh blologlsL
8uperL Sheldrake on 'fotmotlve coosotloo' and 'motpblc flelJs'.
Sheldrake's Lheorles are based on a process called motpboqeoesls,
ln parLlcular wlLh Lhe Lerm 'fotmotlve coosotloo' Sheldrake refers Lo
Lhe mechanlsm by whlch Lhlngs Lake Lhelr shape, or Lhelr
organlzaLlon. 1hls dynamlcs covers a broad specLrum of
phenomena, Lhe formaLlon of galaxles, aLoms, crysLals, molecules,
planLs, anlmals, cells, socleLy, pracLlcally all Lhe phenomena havlng
shapes, sLrucLures or self-organlzaLlon properLles, Sheldrake
descrlbes hls hypoLhesls uslng Lhese words: 1be bypotbesls of
fotmotlve coosotloo ossomes tbot tbe motpboqeoetlc flelJs ote
pbyslcolly teol, lo tbe seose tbot tbey ote qtovltotloool,
electtomoqoetlc ooJ poootom flelJs. ocb type of cell, tlssoe, otqoo
ooJ otqoolsm bos lts speclflc flelJ type. 1bese flelJs fotm ooJ
otqoolze mlcto-otqoolsms, ploots ooJ oolmols lo tbe Jevelopmeot
pbose, ooJ stoblllze tbe sbopes of oJolt otqoolsms. 1bey Jo tbls oo
tbe bosls of tbelt owo spoce-tlme otqoolzotloo.

Accordlng Lo Sheldrake's Lheory, Lhe shape of socleLy, ldeas, crysLals
and molecules depend largely on bow Lhe prevlous evenLs of Lhe
same Lype have been organlzed. All of Lhls would be posslble Lhanks
Lo a klnd of looote memoty presenL ln Lhe motpblc flelJs of each
Lype of phenomenon, Lhe dlscovery LhaL would lead us Lo Lhe
concluslon LhaL Lhe regularlLles of naLure are more llke eLernal and
lmmuLable boblts Lhan phenomena governed by lmmuLable
maLhemaLlcal laws exlsLlng ouLslde Lhe naLure. Sheldrake wrlLes:
My bypotbesls ls tbot tbe cteotloo of boblts JepeoJs oo o ptocess
of motpblc tesooooce. 5lmllot octlvlty pottetos tesooote tbtooqb

8uperL Sheldrake, 1be lteseoce of tbe lost. Motpblc kesooooce ooJ tbe noblts of Notote, 1988.

tlme ooJ spoce, wltb lotet pottetos. 1bls ossomptloo opplles to oll
self-otqoolzloq systems, socb os otoms, molecoles, ctystols, cells,
ploots, oolmols ooJ oolmol socletles. All ote boseJ oo o collectlve
memoty ooJ lo toto tbey qlve tbelt coottlbote.

Motpblc tesooooce lndlcaLes Lhe ablllLy of sharlng "hablLs" LhaL
organlsms acqulre ln Lhe evoluLlonary process: Lhese hablLs seem Lo
resonaLe wlLhln Lhe specles by creaLlng Lhe posslblllty of new
acqulslLlons ranglng from Lhe ablllLy Lo reslsL a vlrus Lo new
collecLlve learnlng, everyLhlng happens lnvolvlng sub[ecLs locaLed ln
areas very dlsLanL from each oLher. Sheldrake ofLen polnLs ouL ln hls
sLudles LhaL accordlng Lo modern sclence, everyLhlng ln naLure ls
vlbraLlon, shape and acLlvlLy, so hls ldea of Lhe memory of naLure,
called morphogeneLlc resonance", ls based on slmllar forms of
vlbraLlons LhaL lnfluence each oLher. 1aklng Lhe example of Lhe
mandala creaLed by sand vlbraLlons, Sheldrake wanLs Lo show how
hls Lheory has someLhlng ln common wlLh many mysLlcal and
rellglous LradlLlons LhaL refer abouL prlmordlal vlbraLlons, orlglnal
sound. Accordlng Lo Lhem aL Lhe beglnnlng of creaLlon Lhere were
vlbraLlons from whlch everyLhlng Look shape.
Sheldrake's approach lles ln a new vlslon of sclence LhaL ls radlcally
opposed Lo Lhe mechanlsLlc lnLerpreLaLlon on whlch many
canonlcal paradlgms of sclenLlflc research are based. ln hls flrsL
book on Lhe Loplc, A New 5cleoce of llfe, 1981, as Sheldrake
descrlbes Lhls new approach Lo sclence: nowevet, tbe otqoolsm ot
bollstlc pbllosopby of ootote ptovlJes o cootext fot o mote toJlcol
tevlsloo of tbe mecboolstlc tbeoty. 1bls pbllosopby Jeoles tbot
evetytbloq lo tbe oolvetse coo be exploloeJ ftom tbe bottom op, os

8uperL Sheldrake, 1be 5cleoce uelosloo, London, 2012.

lt wete, lo tetms of tbe ptopettles of sobotomlc pottlcles, ot otoms,
ot eveo molecole. kotbet, lt tecoqolzes tbe exlsteoce of
bletotcblcolly otqoolzeJ systems wblcb, ot eocb level of complexlty,
possess ptopettles tbot coooot be folly ooJetstooJ lo tetms of tbe
ptopettles exblblteJ by tbelt potts lo lsolotloo ftom eocb otbet, ot
eocb level tbe wbole ls mote tboo tbe som of lts potts. 1bese wboles
coo be tbooqbt of os otqoolsms, osloq tbls tetm lo o Jellbetotely
wlJe seose to locloJe oot ooly oolmols ooJ ploots, otqoos, tlssoes
ooJ cells, bot olso ctystols, molecole, otoms ooJ sob-otomlc
pottlcles. lo effect tbls pbllosopby ptoposes o cbooqe ftom tbe
potoJlqm of tbe mocbloe to tbe potoJlqm of tbe otqoolsm lo tbe
bloloqlcol ooJ lo tbe pbyslcol scleoces.

8uL whaL ls Lhe naLure of Lhe motpblc flelJs? 1he motpblc flelJs,
Sheldrake argues, are 'physlcal', buL dlffer from Lhe oLher flelds
known ln conLemporary physlcs, ln facL, alLhough Lhey belong Lo
naLure, Lhey are noL made of maLLer. 1hey are nelLher
elecLromagneLlc nor quanLum flelds of posslblllLles and do noL
concern Lhe parLlcles' orlgln. 1hey are someLhlng more complex,
daLa flelds underlylng Lhe developmenL or growLh of all Lhlngs,
flelds LhaL underlle Lhe shape's reason and dlsposlLlon of Lhlngs, Lhe
reason of slmllar forms, alLhough never ldenLlcal, recurrlng ln
naLure such as ln crysLals or ln planLs.
So Sheldrake summarlzes Lhe general concepL of flelds": 1be
flelJs ote ooo-motetlol teqloos of lofloeoce. 1be ottb's
qtovltotloool flelJ, fot exomple, exteoJs otoooJ os. we coooot see
lt, lt ls oot sometbloq motetlol, ooJ lt ls oevettbeless teol. lt qlves

8uperL Sheldrake, A New 5cleoce of llfe, lcon 8ooks, London, 2009, (flrsL edlLlon 1981), p. 26.

welqbt to objects ooJ keeps tbem tleJ to tbe qtoooJ. At tbls vety
momeot we ote otttocteJ to tbe eottb. wltboot lt we woolJ be
sospeoJeJ lo tbe olt. 1be mooo moves otoooJ tbe eottb becoose of
tbe eottb's qtovltotloool flelJ ... 1be qtovltotloool flelJ petvoJes tbe
eotlte oolvetse, beoJloq spoce ooJ oll tbe mottet tbot ls cootoloeJ.
AccotJloq to lostelo, lt ls oot lo spoce ooJ tlme, lt ls tbe spoce -
tlme. 5poce-tlme ls oot o blooJ boslc obsttoctloo, lt bos o sttoctote
tbot locloJes ooJ moJels evetytbloq tbot exlsts ot boppeos lo tbe
pbyslcol oolvetse ... 1be electtomoqoetlc flelJs ote polte Jlffeteot lo
ootote ftom tbose qtovltotloool ooes ooJ pteseot votloos ospects.
1bey ote oo loteqtol pott of tbe otqoolzotloo of oll motetlol systems,
ftom otoms to qoloxles. 1bey ote tbe bosls of oot btolo ooJ boJy
fooctlooloq. 1bey ote esseotlol fot oll oot electtlcol Jevlces ... 1be
flelJs ote tbe meJlom of octloo ot o Jlstooce ooJ tbtooqb tbem,
tbe objects coo lofloeoce eocb otbet wltboot beloq lo Jltect pbyslcol
cootoct. lo oJJltloo to tbese flelJs tbot we ote fomlllot wltb, tbete
ote olso tbose ptovlJeJ by poootom pbyslcs. AccotJloq to tbls
tbeoty, eocb pottlcle - electtoo, oeottoo, etc. - ls ossocloteJ wltb lts
owo flelJ. 1bey ote mlctoscoplc flelJs lo wblcb tbe pottlcles of
mottet exlst lo tbe fotm of poooto of vlbtotloo eoetqy. Nooe of
tbese flelJs coo be otttlboteJ to tbe otbet. lbyslclsts bove looq
bopeJ to ooJetstooJ tbem os ospects of o sloqle oolfleJ flelJ, ooJ
tbe cootempototy tbeotetlcol pbyslcs bos moJe ottempts to Jetlve
tbem ftom oo otlqlool cosmlc oolfleJ flelJ tbot woolJ be
JlffeteotloteJ lo tbe koowo flelJs lo tbe vety eotly stoqes of
expoosloo of tbe oolvetse.

8uperL Sheldrake, 1be lteseoce of tbe lost. Motpblc kesooooce ooJ tbe noblts of Notote, 1988.

ln concluslon, accordlng Lo Lhe Lngllsh blologlsL: 1be ootote of tbe
flelJs ls loevltobly o mystety. AccotJloq to moJeto pbyslcs, lt
coocetos eveo mote fooJomeotol eotltles of mottet. 1be flelJs
coooot be exploloeJ lo tetms of mottet, oo tbe coottoty, lt ls tbe
mottet tbot ls exploloeJ lo tetms of tbe eoetqy cootoloeJ lo tbe
flelJs. wbot exoctly ote tbe motpboqeoetlc flelJs? now Jo tbey oct?
uesplte tbe wlJespteoJ ose of tbls tetm lo bloloqy, we Jo oot bove
cleot ooswets to tbese poestloos yet. lo foct, tbe ootote of tbese
flelJs ls o mystety os tbe motpboqeoesls ltself.

We can aLLempL Lo explaln morphogenesls wlLh examples. When a
new chemlcal compound ls creaLed for Lhe flrsL Llme ln Lhe
laboraLory, lL ls generally dlfflculL Lo crysLalllze, buL more ofLen lL ls
synLheslzed, more easlly lLs crysLals are formed ln laboraLorles all
over Lhe world. 8eferrlng Lo Lhe anlmal world, lL ls Lhe ldea LhaL
every specles, every member of every specles gleans lnformaLlon
from a specles' collectlve memoty, Lunlng ln wlLh Lhe pasL members
of Lhe specles, and ln Lurn he conLrlbuLes Lo Lhe furLher specles'
Jevelopmeot, everyLhlng Lhrough a resonance" beLween
lndlvlduals and groups of specles (e.g. sub-groups, races, eLhnlclLles,
gens, famllles, eLc. ln Lhe case of man).
1hese flelds would be subsLanLlally responslble for Lhe shape and
Lhe speclflc organlzaLlon of sysLems aL all levels of complexlLy, noL
only ln blology buL also ln chemlsLry, physlcs and soclal sysLems.
When a member of a specles learns a new behavlour or a new way
of 'Lhlnklng', Lhe motpboqeoetlc flelJ of LhaL specles sllghLly
changes, buL lf Lhe behavlour or Lhe new sLrucLure of LhoughL ls
repeaLed long enough, lLs 'motpblc tesooooce accumulaLes and

8uperL Sheldrake, 1be lteseoce of tbe lost. Motpblc kesooooce ooJ tbe noblts of Notote, 1988

beglns to offect Lhe enLlre specles. More lndlvlduals of Lhe same
specles learn Lo perform a new Lask , or Lo Lhlnk dlfferenLly , more
powerful becomes Lhe motpboqeoetlc flelJ of reference and oLher
lndlvlduals wlll easlly learn Lo perform LhaL Lask.
1he motpblc flelJs of each sysLem exerL Lhelr lnfluence on
consecuLlve" sysLems Lhrough a process LhaL Sheldrake calls, as
already seen, motpblc tesooooce. Powever Lhls does noL Lake place
only wlLhln a deflned sysLem, as may be a planL or an anlmal body.
Motpblc flelJs are ln facL llnked LogeLher ln a "Llme" ouLslde Lhe
llnear one, a Llme of presenL memory whlch has Lhe necessary
lnformaLlon for Lhe creaLlve plan of Lhlngs. lor every small and
lnslgnlflcanL mlneral, vegeLable or anlmal enLlLy, Lhere ls a
correspondlng fleld relaLed Lo Lhe resL of Lhe unlverse. ln order noL
Lo creaLe mlsundersLandlng, Sheldrake polnLs ouL LhaL: "My lJeo of
motpblc flelJs coocetos flelJs wblcb, oltbooqb exteoJeJ ooJ wltb
ooo-locol effects, tbey ote stlll pott of tbe collectlve ooJ loJlvlJool
mloJ, bot tbey coooot be compoteJ to tbe uolvetsol MloJ. Motpblc
flelJs ote oot CoJ ... ".

We sald LhaL Lhe motpblc tesooooce ls Lhe ablllLy of sharlng
'behavloural changes' lncludlng also Lhe acL of Lhlnklng", acqulred
by Lhe organlsms Lhrough Lhelr evoluLlonary process. 8ehavlours
LransmlLLed wlLhln Lhe same groups allow a developmenL" and an
evoluLlon of Lhe same members, even lf Lhe members of LhaL
specles are locaLed ln spaLlally dlsLanL polnLs.
Accordlng Lo Sheldrake, Lhere are Lles connecLlng Lhe members of
soclal groups wlLhln each fleld. 1hese connecLlons acL as channels
for Lhe lnformaLlon Lransfer among Lhe separaLe members of Lhe

group. We flnd an analogy Lo Lhls process ln Lhe fleld of quanLum
physlcs: lf Lwo parLlcles have been parL of Lhe same quanLum
sysLem and Lhey are spaLlally separaLed, Lhey reLaln a mysLerlous
connecLlon. So a change ln a separaLe parL of a sysLem can have an
effecL on Lhe oLher one lnsLanLly. 1hls phenomenon ls known as
ooo-locollty or poootom ooo-sepotoblllty.
As seen, Lhe Lheory of Sheldrake hypoLheslzes LhaL learnlng Lakes
place malnly aL Lhe specles level and noL [usL aL Lhe lndlvldual level,
so lf a cerLaln number of lndlvlduals develop some psychologlcal,
behavloural or organlc characLerlsLlcs, Lhey are auLomaLlcally
ocpolteJ by Lhe oLher members of Lhe same specles. ln Lhe human
case lL would lead Lhen, accordlng Lo Lhe Lngllsh blologlsL, Lo
LransmlL ln a synchronlsLlc" way Lo members of our own specles
even hlgher levels of spltltool owoteoess.
ConsequenLly, lf a good parL of humanlLy could achleve a cerLaln
level of spltltool owoteoess, Lhls same awareness would exLend,
Lhrough 'morphlc resonance', Lo oLher groups lnvolvlng Lhe enLlre
sysLem (Lhls number of people or lndlvlduals belonglng Lo any
oLher specles ln whlch Lhere would be an analogous phenomenon ls
called 'crlLlcal mass'), Lhereby advanclng Lhe level of plooetoty
So each loJlvlJool ttoosfotmotloo would lnvolve a sysLem
modlflcaLlon and Lhose lndlvlduals belonglng Lo Lhe sysLem are
lnvolved ln Lhls LransformaLlon.
1he lnlLlaLe, Lhe lreemason, Lhe sollLary splrlLual seeker, ls noL aL all
an lsolaLed member of Lhe specles, an enLlLy deLached from Lhe
sysLem, buL, ln Lhls vlew, he would be connecLed wlLh all presenL,

pasL and fuLure creaLures, Lhanks Lo a powerful physlcal llnk,
alLhough subLle and mysLerlous.
1he pollLlcal or soclal acLlvlsm ls noL Lhe only way Lo glve concreLe
conLrlbuLlons Lo a sysLem LhaL should be beLLer. Cn Lhe conLrary, lL
ls llkely Lo have no resulLs lf you lnLend Lo pursue an exLernal
change, wlLhouL flrsL changlng Lhe lnLerlor one, Lhrough Lhe mere
maLerlal acLlon.
1he real acLlon comes from Lhe conquesL of a new vlslon, a new
awareness galned wlLhln ourselves, buL aL Lhe same Llme lL wlll be
lndellble ln Lhe exLernal fleld" deLermlnlng lLs evoluLlon, an
evoluLlon LhaL can be sudden and unexpecLed.
Accordlng Lo Sheldrake, sysLems are organlzed as we see Lhem
manlfesLed, because slmllot sysLems were organlzed ln Lhe same
way ln Lhe pasL.
Speclflcally, Lhe characLerlsLlc forms and behavlour of all currenLly
exlsLlng chemlcal, physlcal, blologlcal and especlally soclal sysLems
are gulded and shaped by otqoolzotloool flelJs LhaL, llke an lnvlslble
hand, would acL Lhrough space and Llme. 1he enLlre soclal group
would be organlzed by a fleld, a sLrucLure deslgnaLed noL only Lo
organlze Lhe presenL Llme buL also Lo conLaln Lhe memoty of whaL
LhaL soclal group has been ln Lhe pasL, a memory of oLher slmllar
soclal groups exlsLed ln Lhe pasL.
Concernlng lreemasonry, Lhls would explaln why Lhe loltlotlc
5cbools (Lhe yLhagorean schools, Lhe 'MysLerles', Lhe hermeLlc,
8oslcruclan, neo-laLonlc, alchemlcal schools) have subsLanLlally
Lhe same form" and Lhe same archeLype", an ldeal Lype, Lhe

PlsLorlcally, Lhe lnlLlaLlc Schools, represenLlng Lhe varlous forms"
of 1radlLlon, have been creaLed Lo dlsLlngulsh Lhemselves from
8ellglons and offlclal CulLs, buL noL ln opposlLlon Lo Lhem. 1hey
orlglnaLed ln Llmes of crlses and soclal upheavals, when Lhe
lndlvldual began Lo manlfesL a pesslmlsm and dlssaLlsfacLlon for all
forms of llfe and LhoughL ln whlch he llved, a decllne of values LhaL
supporLed lLs exlsLence. lL ls ln Lhese slLuaLlons LhaL some
lndlvlduals, Lhe lnlLlaLes", begln Lo ask Lo Lhemselves new
quesLlons abouL exlsLence, Lo look for new posslblllLles, Lo Lry
alLernaLlve ways LhaL lead Lo a new vlslon and undersLandlng of
Lhlngs and aL Lhe same Llme Lhey help noL Lo lose Lhe otleototloo or
Lhe CenLer".
1he lnlLlaLlc Schools saw Lhe llghL Lhanks Lo Lhese men who felL Lhe
need Lo acceleraLe Lhelr splrlLual and evoluLlonary paLh, assumlng,
as foundaLlon, Lhe prlnclples of PermeLlc LhoughL and Lhe
meLaphyslcal goal of ldenLlLy beLween Mlcro and Macrocosm.
lteemosoo, as archeLypal flgure, represenLs an otlstoctocy of tbe
spltlt. 1he larger ls Lhe sLandardlzaLlon, Lhe greaLer ls Lhe value, Lhe
splrlLual sLrengLh of Lhe man who, able Lo escape from lL, Lry Lo
follow a lonely paLh of splrlLual evoluLlon and reflnemenL of whlch
Lhen oLhers wlll also beneflL.
1he morphlc resonance" lmplles LhaL every seL of complex and
organlzed acLlvlLles of an lndlvldual (hlgher anlmal or man), whlch
also lncludes dreams, mysLlcal experlences, alLered sLaLes of
consclousness, has lLs own sLrucLure: Lhese menLal sLaLes and Lhese
acLlvlLles can be Lransferred from one lndlvldual Lo anoLher, Lhanks
Lo Lhe mechanlsm of morphlc resonance".

ln Lhe lnlLlaLlc Schools, Lhe lnlLlaLlon ls Lhe vehlcle LhaL allows Lhe
adepL Lo be LransporLed wlLhln Lhe collecLlve memory" of Lhe
group, Lo connecL Lo Lhe 1radlLlon, enLerlng a klnd of communlon"
wlLh all Lhose ones who have already been member of Lhe group,
locaLed ln whaL we use Lo call Lhe LLernal LasL".
Applylng Lhe Sheldrake's Lheory Lo Lhe lnlLlaLlc Schools, wlLhln
whlch skllled" lndlvlduals work Lo reach hlgher stotes of
cooscloosoess, we can conclude LhaL Lhe greaLer ls Lhe number of
lndlvlduals ralslng Lhelr splrlLual awareness, Lhe easler wlll be for
oLhers lndlvlduals, elLher wlLhln or ouLslde Lhe same group, Lo move
ln LhaL dlrecLlon.
So lreemasonry, lnLerpreLed as lnlLlaLlc School and noL as club
servlce, oplnlon group, pollLlcal parLy or purely charlLable
assoclaLlon wlll acL noL only on Lhe socleLy ln whlch lL ls spaLlally
locaLed, buL on Lhe whole PumanlLy, faclllLaLlng lLs evoluLlon.

ln Lhe essay 1be lteseoce of tbe lost, Sheldrake suggesLs LhaL Lhe
memorles" are noL sLored ln Lhe braln, buL LhaL Lhere ls a range of
lnformaLlon whlch can be accessed tbtooqb Lhe braln. 1hls would
lead Lo Lhe concluslon LhaL human consclousness, our personal
memorles and our sense of self can survlve blologlcal deaLh. So our
mlnd, whlle belng locaLed ln Lhe body and ln Lhe braln ln parLlcular,
ls noL conflned Lo our bralns and exLends beyooJ lL Lhrough Lhe
flelds of Lhe mlnd, or menLal flelds, whlch exlsL elLher wlLhln or
beyond Lhe braln lLself. Cur mlnds are Lherefore noL Lrapped ln Lhe
llmlLed radlus of our skull, separaLed from each oLher, buL Lhey are
lnLerconnecLed wlLh each oLher, lndlvlduals are lotetcoooecteJ. All

Lhls would explaln phenomena such as LelepaLhy and slmllar
phenomena for whlch Lhere ls noL a sclenLlflc explanaLlon yeL.
lor cenLurles we have had, accordlng Lo Sheldrake, Lwo dlsLlncL
poslLlons: 1he maLerlallsm one, ln whlch Lhe mlnd was Lhe braln,
and Lhe poslLlon of Lhe CarLeslan duallsm, ln whlch Lhe mlnd was
seen as someLhlng non-physlcal, non-local, and LhaL ln some
mysLerlous way lnLeracLed wlLh Lhe body. Cn Lhe conLrary,
Sheldrake proposes: 1he mlnd ls composed of flelds LhaL peneLraLe
Lhe braln and exLend beyond lL, [usL llke magneLs, or slmllar Lo whaL
happens ln Lhe earLh. Sheldrake's hypoLhesls, Lhen, ls based on Lhe
ldea LhaL Lhe mlnd ls locallzed nelLher ln space nor ln Llme, and LhaL
cannoL be llmlLed aL presenL, buL, on Lhe conLrary, lL has an
lmmorLal and non-energlzlng connoLaLlon and above all noL
affecLed by Lhe spaLlal separaLlon. 1he mlnd ls noL only llmlLed Lo
Lhe braln buL lL ls noL ptoJoceJ by lL, alLhough lL can acL Lhrough lL.
1hls hlghllghLs Lhe ldea of a collectlve cooscloosoess, lL ls whaL Lhe
Swlss psychoanalysL C. C. !ung calls CollecLlve unconsclous", whlch
can be represenLed as one mlnd. 1he same Sheldrake conflrmed Lhe
analogy beLween Lhe !unglan ldea of Lhe collecLlve unconsclous and
hls ldea of a connecLlon beLween lndlvlduals due Lo a collecLlve
memory" caused by Lhe morphlc resonance" LhaL would allow us
noL only Lo be connecLed wlLh each oLher and wlLh Lhe resL of
creaLlon, buL also wlLh Lhe deceased, as conLrlbuLors Lo Lhe
collecLlve memory. So Sheldrake wrlLes: 1be collectlve oocooscloos
of Iooq bos mocb lo commoo wltb tbe coocept of qtoop mloJ, ooJ
tbose ooes tbot Iooq Jefloes os otcbetypes tesemble tbe collectlve
tepteseototloos of uotkbelm ... lf tbe Iooqloo lJeo of collectlve
oocooscloos boJ oo voloe lo tbe cootext of mecboolstlc tbeoty of llfe

ooJ tbetefote lt wos oot tokeo setloosly by tbe ottboJox scleoce, oo
tbe otbet booJ lt bos voloe lo tbe llqbt of tbe bypotbesls of
fotmotlve coosotloo. 1btooqb tbe ptocess of motpblc tesooooce,
sttoctotes of tbooqbt ooJ expetleoces tbot boJ beeo commoo to o
lotqe oombet of people lo tbe post coottlbote to tbe fotmotloo of
motpblc flelJs. 1bese flelJs cootolo tbe mlJJle fotms of tbe post
expetleoce, JefloeJ lo tetms of ptoboblllty. 1bls lJeo cottespooJs to
tbe Iooqloo coocept of otcbetypes os looote psycblc sttoctotes.

1he MyLh and Lhe myLhologlcal maLerlals", wlLhln Lhe broad fleld
of archeLypes, are golng Lo represenL a sorL of pre-exlsLlng,
lnherlLed, and accesslble Lhrough Lhe lmaglnaLlve sLrengLh
1radlLlon, a oolvetsol oocooscloos fotm. Pence, Lhese unlversal
maLrlxes, Lhe archeLypes, wlll represenL Lhe preclous maLerlal from
whlch man wlll draw hls MyLhs": ln Lhls collecLlve and unconsclous
lnherlLance of ancesLral memorles, we Lhlnk we can see an ldea of
Accordlng Lo !ung, Lhe orlgln of Lhe archeLypes can only be
explalned by supposlng LhaL Lhey are sedlmenLs of experlences
always repeaLed by humanlLy, whlle Lhe collecLlve unconsclous can
be ldenLlfled wlLh LhaL parL of Lhe psyche LhaL can be dlsLlngulshed
negaLlvely from Lhe personal unconsclous because dlfferenLly lL
does noL derlve from personal experlence and consequenLly lL ls noL
a personal acqulslLlon. So, whlle Lhe personal unconsclous ls made
up essenLlally of conLenLs whlch prevlously have been consclous,
buL laLer dlsappeared from consclousness because forgoLLen or
repressed, Lhe conLenLs of Lhe collecLlve unconsclous have never
been parL of Lhe consclousness and Lherefore Lhey have never been

8uperL Sheldrake, 1he resence of Lhe asL: Morphlc 8esonance and Lhe PablLs of naLure, 1988

lndlvldually acqulred, Lhelr exlsLence ls due solely Lo lnherlLance. lf
Lhe personal unconsclous conslsLs malnly of complexes, Lhe conLenL
of Lhe collecLlve, lnsLead, ls essenLlally formed by archeLypes.

ln concluslon !ung predlcLs Sheldrake's Lheory: 1be coocept of tbe
collectlve oocooscloos ls oeltbet specolotlve oot pbllosopblcol, bot
empltlcol. 1be ptoblem ls slmply tbls. Jo ot Jo oot oolvetsol
oocooscloos fotms of tbls kloJ exlst? lf yes, tbete ls o teqloo of tbe
psycbe tbot coo be colleJ tbe collectlve oocooscloos.
1hls reglon
of Lhe psyche" recalls Lhe concepLs of morphlc flelds" and Lhe
exLended mlnd" of Lhe Lngllsh blologlsL.
Lven !ung, such as Sheldrake, declares LhaL psyche and maLLer are
relaLed. !ung supporLed hls experlmenLs wlLh Lhe l Chlng, wlLh
observaLlons on hls paLlenLs' dreams, whlch ofLen conLalned lmages
correspondlng wlLh exLernal evenLs ln a unlque way, Lhey seemed
Lo have Lhe same meanlng of Lhe dream lmages. 1hls happens, lL
seems, when an archeLype ls acLlvaLed ln Lhe unconsclous of Lhe
sub[ecL who experlences lL, and Lhus lL produces a sLaLe of sLrong
emoLlonal Lenslon. ln such momenLs psyche and maLLer no longer
appear as separaLe reallLles, buL raLher coordlnaLed ln a slngle
slLuaLlon full of symbollc meanlng. lL ls as lf Lhe menLal and physlcal
world were sldes of Lhe same reallLy. !ung called lL unlLary" ooos
mooJos. ln hls oplnlon, Lhe synchronlsLlc evenLs were sporadlc and
lrregular parapsychologlcal phenomena, Lhey seem Lo lllusLraLe only
speclal cases wlLhln a general prlnclple, whlch he called acausal
coordlnaLlon. 1haL ls Lo say LhaL cerLaln naLural facLs seem Lo have
an order, wlLhouL lndlcaLlng a cause. 1he !unglan scholar Marle-

Carl CusLav !ung, Conferenza 1936, ln Cll Atcbetlpl Jelllocoosclo collettlvo, 8ollaLl 8orlnghlerl, 1orlno, 1993, p. 69.
Carl CusLav !ung, lblJem, p. 72.

Loulse von lranz remembers: 1be Iooqs Jlstloctloo betweeo
ooltoty wotlJ ooJ ooos mooJos ls boseJ oo tbe foct tbot tbe lottet
ooe locloJes tbe psycblc Jomolo, l.e. lt ttoosceoJs tbe Jlstloctloo
betweeo mloJ ooJ mottet. 1be teollty of tbe ooos mooJos ls
ttoosceoJeot, lt coooot be ooJetstooJ by oot cooscloosoess. 1be
syocbtoolstlc eveots ote sloqolotlty lo wblcb tbe ooloo of psycbe ooJ
mottet occots spotoJlcolly, tbe ooos mooJos.

1hen Lhe Lheorles of Lhe new Sclence refer Lo Lhe neo-laLonlc and
alchemlcal concepL of Soul of Lhe World", everyLhlng ls connecLed
wlLh everyLhlng because everyLhlng ls [usL a parL of a greaL
organlsm, Lhe unlverse and, mosL lmporLanLly, every slngle man ls
closely relaLed Lhe LoLallLy of Lhe Cosmos.
1he lLallan asLrophyslclsL Masslmo 1eodoranl, who has devoLed
lnLeresLlng sLudles Lo uavld 8ohm's Lheory and Lhe phenomenon of
SynchronlclLy", sLarLlng from [olnL sLudles of Lhe physlclsL aull and
!ung, wrlLes: So whaL we belleve Lo be our psyche ls noL our
psyche, buL our ablllLy Lo connecL Lo a wlde unlversal maLrlx LhaL
unlLes us all. 1he ego, Lhe separaLlon, Lhe dlsLlncLlon beLween
ob[ecLs and parLlcles are so many parLs of a slngle endless dance,
buL Laken separaLely as dls[olnL enLlLles Lhey are [usL an llluslon. An
llluslon ls our own ego. ln facL, some menLal healLh problems,
slmllar Lo Lhose ones LhaL aull had for so long, are a way Lo warn
us LhaL we are deLached from our Lrue "self." 1he key Lo happlness,
serenlLy and llfe lLself ls aware of belng parL of an lnflnlLe unlverse.
1he only way Lo access ls Lo connecL Lo Lhe realm of archeLypes, l.e.
a huge llbrary conLalnlng ln symbollc form all Lhe knowledge of Lhe

Marle-Loulse von lranz, slche e maLerla, 8ollaLl 8orlnghlerl, 1orlno, 1992, p. 83.

unlverse. AL Lhe boLLom, Lhls realm beyond Llme and space, and Lhe
mysLerlous and myLhlcal Akasha", handed down ln CrlenLal
LradlLlons, are exacLly Lhe same Lhlng. ln order Lo access Lhe laws of
Lhe unlverse ln lLs proper llghL, lL ls essenLlal for Lhe psyche Lo
connecL wlLh Lhls cosmlc web".

1hls so-called cosmlc web" refers Lo Lhe ldea of 1radlLlon as
unlLary basls of a knowledge LhaL lnforms Lhe whole unlverse: lo
otbet wotJs, oll of tbls ls temlolsceot of tbe mytblcol teolm of
Akosbo meotlooeJ by tbe Otleotol clvlllzotloos fot tboosooJs of
yeots. 5ome scleotlsts stotteJ ftom emptloess to floJ tbe coocept of
syocbtoooos lotetcoooectloo ooJ oolty of tbe wbole. Otbet
scleotlsts, socb os tbe poootom pbyslclst uovlJ 8obm, tbeotlzeJ tbe
lmpllcote otJet to Jesctlbe tbe obsttoct teolm tbot lles ot tbe
bosls of oll koowo mottet ooJ fotms tbe cooscleoce. 1be pbyslclst
Motco 1oJescblol te-eJlteJ oo olJ cottesloo cooceptloo of tbe
uolvetse ooJ colleJ tbls teolm os etbet, wblle tbe poootom
pbyslclst wolfqooq looll toqetbet wltb tbe psycboloqlst Iooq lolJ
tbe foooJotloos of tbe so-colleJ collectlve oocooscloos. 1bete ls o
qooJ teosoo to belleve tbot tbe collectlve oocooscloos , etbet,
emptloess, lmpllcote otJet ooJ Akosbo ote Jlffeteot woys of
tepteseotloq tbe some coocept tbot ls tbe mottlx of oolty ooJ
syocbtoolclty of tbe uolvetse.

llnally, Lhe hypoLheses of Sheldrake's morphogeneLlc fleld are noL
lsolaLed Lheorles, Lhey have ln facL sclenLlflc correspondence ln
oLher lnLeresLlng Lheorles such as Lhe !ung's collectlve oocooscloos,

Masslmo 1eodoranl, SlncronlclLa, ll leqome tto llslco e lslcbe Jo looll e Iooq o cbopto, Macro Ldlzlonl, Cesena, 2006,
Masslmo 1eodoranl, lbldem, p.103.

uavld 8ohm's lmpllcote otJet, enrose and Laszlo's sob-poootom
flelJ, ln rlbam's boloqtopblc mecboolsm, ln Lhe qlobol
cooscloosoess of 8adln and nelson.

ln concluslon, Lhe warnlng of Lhe Second uegree, Lo deepen tbe
blJJeo mystetles of Notote ooJ 5cleoce, ls a clear lndlcaLlon of a
paLh Lo follow LhaL can be seen full of exclLlng and someLlmes
unbellevable dlscoverles whlch seem Lo colnclde, surprlslngly, wlLh
an oocleot koowleJqe LhaL we call 1radlLlon" and LhaL Lhe lnlLlaLlc
Schools conLrlbuLed Lo keep allve and LransmlL.
We have seen how each new knowledge and dlscovery, each new
splrlLual conquesL, each new lndlvldual consclousness, does noL
concern only Lhe lndlvldual lnlLlaLe, buL Lhe enLlre communlLy and
how, Lherefore, Lhe lreemason, alLhough closed ln Lhe 1emple,
affecLs deeply Lhe surroundlng reallLy fulfllllng and l would say Lhe
only real acLlon" ln Lhe dlrecLlon of a progress of all humanlLy: hls
acLlon ls a real Cosmlc AcLlon".

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