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The Gateway Experience

Congratulations!! You are embarking on an exciting and rewarding adventure. You are about to discover your ability to
perceive, direct, and control your life in ways you never imagined possible. The Hemi-Sync process provides the tools.
You supply the action.

is a patented audio technology developed through ! years of researching the influence of sound on
human capabilities. "omplex blends of Hemi-Sync sound fre#uencies facilitate different states of consciousness as you
proceed through the $ateway %xperience. There are no subliminal messages. You are in control.
Cultivate openness - &pproach each exercise without expectations. 'pen yourself to the same childlike sense of
wonder that characteri(ed your first explorations of the physical world. )any people find it helpful to hold relaxation as
their only goal, allowing them to notice and value subtle shifts in consciousness. )aintain awareness of your experience
without *udging and remember that you may perceive in different ways. +ay attention to kinesthetic sensations such as
motion, tingling, or pulsing in your physical body. You may ,see, lifelike or symbolic images in your mind-s eye.
u!itory perceptions may manifest as verbal messages, sounds, tones, or even music. $ateway participants often
report intuitive perceptions of sudden comprehension, a knowing, a gestalt. There is no right or wrong way to
experience these exercises. &llow yourself to appreciate and value the uni#ueness of your own perceptions.
"ecommen!ations #or use - $% &%T '(STE& while !riving. .se any standard #uality stereo e#uipment with
headphones in a distractionfree, darkened room where you can remain undisturbed for about / minutes. 0f exterior
sounds penetrate, simply let them pass by. 1o not use 1o0byTm or other noise-reduction systems.
2ait an hour after eating and use the bathroom before getting comfortable. &void alcohol, drugs, or excessive caffeine.
3oosen tight clothing4 remove shoes and glasses or contact lenses. %xperiment with lying down or sitting with your head
supported, to find out which you prefer. &d*ust your position as needed5 scratch an itch, pull up or remove a blanket
when metabolic changes produce coolness or warmth.
3ower the volume so the words are barely within your hearing range. 'therwise the voice after a silent period may
startle you. You may experience variations in the volume of the Hemi-Sync fre#uencies. These are intentional4 do not
read*ust the volume.
)any people find that documenting their experiences in a *ournal is a fascinating method to reinforce learning and
review progress. Try it. You may find it helpful to review the ,fre#uently asked #uestions, 6see below7 from time to time
as you move along.
2ork with each exercise in se#uence after you feel comfortable with the one6s7 proceeding. The right pacing is different
for each of us4 there are no rules. You may listen to one exercise daily for a week or a month and then work at a slower
or faster pace with others. Trust your intuition to know when you are ready to move on.
$( SC%)E"*
+a v e ,
$iscovery -,. %rientation
Energy Conversion /ox becomes your mental container to hold concerns, distractions, or interferences for the
duration of the exercise. See it, feel it, hear it, think it, or simply imagine it. Your container may be simple or ornate, high-
tech or anti#ue, a wooden chest, a sphere of light, a vacuum cleaner or a nuclear particle collector.
0magine concrete symbols to place in the box, such as a wallet for financial worries, a photo or doll representing
someone who is on your mind. Yo u can place limiting words like ,can-t,, ,shouldn-t,, or ,must, in your container4 brick
walls to symboli(e your defenses4 a desk or computer to symboli(e work. %xperiment. 0t-s a tool for your use. &llow it to
change and return to it whenever you wish during an exercise to place inside any new distraction.
##irmation focuses your intention and attention. You may use the words as spoken in the exercise, modify them
to maximi(e personal relevance and significance, or substitute your own version. %xperiment. )ake it yours.
"esonant Tuning accelerates the gathering of your vibrational energy while reducing internal dialogue. 0t helps
vitali(e and charge your entire system and loosens blockages in natural energy channels. 8otice any physical
manifestations as you vocali(e aloud. The sounds on the exercise are only a guide. Set your own rhythm and pace,
move up and down the scale, experiment with different vowel sounds.
9reathe only slightly deeper than you normally would and, as you inhale, imagine pulling sparkling, vibrant energy
into all parts of your body. &llow it to move gently around in your head as you hold your breath. Try releasing tired, stale
energy though the soles of your feet with each exhalation.
The opening and closing of your eyes may at first feel awkward, but try doing it anyway. 0t-s valuable for learning that
you can control autonomic processes and habitual behavior.
You can return at any time to full waking consciousness by simply breathing normally, opening your eyes, or moving the
fingers of your right hand.
0ocus 1 is the first signpost along your *ourney, a Hemi-Sync state where your brain and mind are more coherent,
synchroni(ed and balanced.
"eturn to 0ull +aking Consciousness 2C-,7 at the end of this and every exercise is facilitated by a strong audio
signal. 1espite the temptation to take off your headphones early, listen to this signal until it is withdrawn. The more
completely you come ,back, from each exercise, the further you can go into the next.
$iscovery -3. (ntro!uction to 0ocus ,4
0ocus ,4 is a level in which your mind remains awake and alert while your body sleeps calmly and comfortably. :ollow
the instructions, focusing upon and then totally releasing each body part. Your body knows how to do this and to ,look
with your closed eyes, as you move towards profound relaxation.
'ne of the paradoxes of ,mind awake, body asleep, is the possibility of heightened sensitivity5 awareness that the
pores of your skin breathe, hearing the swish of blood flow behind your ears, feeling your heart beat. Spontaneous
remote sensing is also possible5 hearing sounds you would swear you are hearing this time but not the last time, or
perceiving faraway, delicate odors. +lace all expectations in your box, relax, and simply go with whatever you are
Health ##irmation at the end of each exercise helps you balance physical and nonphysical energies. ;now that it is
working for you without effort on your part.
$iscovery -1. !vance! 0ocus ,4
"esonant Energy /alloon 2"E/'5 is a valuable tool to create a high energy state within and around you. Your
<%9&3 acts as a magnet, attracting influences you desire and shielding you from undesired energy. The more you
build your <%9&3, the better you sustain higher energy levels. Your <%9&3 may spontaneously change form, develop
a delicate membrane, or become radiant like an intensified aura. &lthough you may not always perceive your <%9&3,
play with sensing it through feelings, and=or muscle sensations, and=or visually. 9uild and rebuild it, storing the energy as
in a charged battery.
You can turn it on and use it while in "-> or in any other state much as you would turn on a light. .se one resonant
energy breath as the switch. 0nhale vibrant energy and, as you hold it, think of a bright moving circle with the number >!
inside it. 3et the circle surround you as you exhale. %xperiment with ,popping, your <%9&3 while 0n a group of people
and see if its resonance attracts people who are in harmony with it. Try extending it around your car to note if you
negotiate traffic or find parking more easily.
$iscovery -6. "elease an! "echarge
"elease an! "echarge teaches you a method you can use daily, with or without the tape, to release and convert
self-imposed limits resulting from the encrustation of negative emotions. 3earned fear can be a useful warning signal,
but you no longer need it after you acknowledge the warning. 0n :ocus >! you can calmly identify and gently release
fears, blocks, limits - any interferences to your growth - and replace blocked energy with the pure energy that existed
before the limits were imposed.
:or purposes of this exercise, ,fear, denotes the primary emotional charge connected to the self-imposed limit, and
,emotion, denotes related feelings. Trust that your larger self knows what you are ready to uncover4 simply follow the
instructions and see what comes up for you. 0f nothing comes, bubble ,nothing, away and accept that the process may
be working on deeper levels of consciousness.
2hen you are directed to perceive ,the memory, the event,, you may connect with a specific occasion or with a
memory of your prior, unlimited experience. &lways pull in clean energy as a final step.
Here-s an example of how energy conversion works5 You may perceive a fear of speaking up in groups. 'nce you have
bubbled that away, you perceive the emotion of embarrassment associated with that fear. &fter releasing both, you
reconnect with the *oy and gratification you felt as a small child when sharing your experiences with other people. You
then reclaim your pleasure in communicating and sharing yourself with others.
'nce you are comfortable with the exercise as described, you can experiment with deliberately depositing and then
retrieving from your 9ox a symbol for anything you believe may be interfering with your progress. :ollow all the other
instructions4 the only difference is that you predetermine what to work with. :or example, if you suspect that
unconscious fear of separating from the physical body is blocking your progress, place a symbol for this fear 6a magic
carpet anchored to the ground?7 into the 9ox and follow the instructions to release it.
This exercise is not a #uick fix or one-shot panacea. )ost selfimposed limits have many layers and will re#uire repeated
efforts. 9ut if you truly desire to transcend your limitations, it can greatly facilitate your progress. Take heart from the
many people who report it to be among the most valuable exercises of the entire series and the many who use it daily to
clear out current frustrations or disappointments before they become encrusted.
$iscovery -7. Exploration8 Sleep
Exploration8 Sleep is based on the concept that sleep is a natural $ateway into other states of consciousness. 0t
may be that, whether or not we remember, our nonphysical consciousness passes through this $ateway every night.
The exercise helps you recall this common, natural process in "-> when you awake.
0t is important not to hold expectations. 3et them go. <elax. &pproach the exercise with a playful sense of curiosity
and interest. @ust as you opened to the wonders of the physical world when you were very young, be open now in the
same way to nonphysical experience. You may choose to add to the &ffirmation a statement such as, ,0 am wholly
without expectations, and open to all experience that awaits me., 1uring the exercise, #uestions such as, ,&m 0 starting
to separate?, or ,0s this what 0-m supposed to be feeling?, interfere with the process. There-s plenty of time to assess
your experiences after the exercise. Simply go with whatever happens and remember that you may perceive in many
different ways. The Hemi-Sync signals fade at the end of the exercise, leaving you in natural sleep.
$iscovery -9. 0ree 0low ,4
0ree 0low ,4 is an opportunity to create your own experience and pursue your own purpose with all the tools
learned thus far. Seek only what you really want to know, and be responsible for the knowing. 2hatever you receive
becomes a part of you. Your beliefs, energy, and attitude influence the intensity and the extent of your free flow
exploration. & sense of gratitude enhances communication and union with sources outside your conscious boundaries.
0f you have a particular purpose, write it down beforehand in a succinct, straightforward manner, hold it in mind as you
begin, but remain open to whatever you experience. %xpectations of when and how guidance should come may block
the very knowledge you seek. You need not know the way to guidance. "hoose only to be guided. You may or may not
,see, or ,hear., Tingles or twitches and intuitive cues can be e#ually enlightening. 'ne $ateway experiencer felt nothing
but a cramp in the leg. The valuable insight that the ob*ect of attention was ,cramping her style, came only later.
.se repetitions of this exercise to ,play, with a particular tool5 your &ffirmation, 9ox, <%9&3, etc. %ach time you work
with the exercise, explore from a fresh perspective. 1on-t expect your experience to resemble anyone else-s. Aalue your
uni#ueness. 0t-s all right to reexamine a previous experience, but do so with openness rather than trying to recreate an
identical situation.
0n summary, enter the free flow with awareness, serenity, openness, and en*oyB
'%%:(&G HE$
1iscovery is only the first step of your on-going adventure with personal growth. @ust as each 1iscovery exercise
builds upon what you have already learned, the entire $ateway %xperience course builds upon itself. &s you proceed
through the rest of the course, feel free to repeat any earlier exercise when you feel moved to do so. The results are
cumulative. Your continuing explorations can catapult you into higher levels of awareness.
2ave 00, TH<%SH'31, is awaiting you with six se#uential exercises, each taking you to new, exciting destinations
along your *ourney of selfdevelopment. You-ll learn powerful tools for controlling your nonphysical energy, and you-ll use
the high energy state of :ocus >C to make important differences in your life. "ontact your local 1ealer, or 0nterstate
0ndustries, 0nc. at >-D!!-/>-CDD or +.'. 9ox /!/, 3ovingston A& CCEE.
0"E;<E&T'* S:E$ ;<EST(%&S
>. +hat shoul! ( !o i# ( #eel not =uite awake an! alert a#ter listening to an exercise> There are many effective
methods for grounding. You can slowly count from >! to >4 drink cool water4 take a cold shower or splash cold
water on your face, neck and wrists. 2eather permitting, walk barefoot outdoors, taking deep breaths and
releasing excess energy through your feet4 place your back against a tree and imagine energy flowing from your
head to the branches above and from your feet to the tree-s roots and down into the very center of the earth-s
C. +ill Hemi-Sync become a crutch> &bsolutely not. The HemiSync exercises are like training wheels on a
bicycle5 wonderful for practice, but unnecessary as you learn to ride far and free without support.
F. How can Hem!-Sync in#luence me when (?m not listening to an exercise> &fter you become proficient,
you simply recall the sensations you experienced during what you consider to be your best, most effective response in
the desired state. You can trigger the change in consciousness simply by taking a deep breath and remembering those
sensations. The more you practice, the easier and more effective this becomes.
. +hat i# ( ten! to #all asleep while listening> Your subconscious experiences the exercise even without
conscious awareness but, of course, you want to know about it. You may choose to listen to an exercise the first time
while sitting in a straight chair without headphones, so you consciously hear all the instructions. Try putting a symbol for
sleep in your 9ox and use pillows to prop yourself in a semi-erect position during the exercise. "ontinued practice will
help you maintain the delicate balance between profound relaxation and sleep.
You may be ,clicking out., This is different from sleep and leaves you with the sensation when you return to awareness
that no time has passed. The memory of your experience will be stored, even though you have no immediate recall.
"licking out is a common experience which diminishes as you progress.
/@ +hat i# (?m notable or willing to !o "esonant Tuning out lou!> 0t-s in your interest to do it anyway. This is an
important preparation for perceiving nonphysical energy. Your discomfort about vocali(ing will eventually wane.
G@ (s it normal to experience buAAing or pressure or an accelerate! heartbeat> These phenomena are
common with shifts in energy levels and, for some people, indicate a response to the Hemi-Sync effect. &s you expand
your consciousness you may become more aware of physical sensations. 0f you experience discomfort, verify that the
volume is *ust barely loud enough for you to understand the words.
H@ +hat !o ( !o i# breathing or heartbeat !istracts me #rom the exercise> 9e aware and *ust let it be. 0t-s a normal
reaction. )any people find it a comforting link to physical reality that allows them to move more confidently into other
states of consciousness. 0f you continue to feel distracted, put the distraction into your 9ox. 'nce you reali(e that this
awareness is not a problem, it will disappear by itself.
D. How !o ( know i# (?m in 0ocus ,4 or ,3> %veryone perceives the :ocus levels in their own, uni#ue way. There-s
no absolute guideline. You may discover that :ocus >! or >C is associated with sensations of tingling or vibration4
or a total absence of sensory signals4 or particular visual patterns or specific sounds. You may *ust ,know.,
'bserve your own perceptions in a relaxed manner, without expectations, without *udging.
E. +hat shoul! ( !o i# the #eeling o# heightene! energy makes me uncom#ortable> %xpanding your awareness is
the goal, because you need to perceive nonphysical energy before you can direct and use it. Try moving the
energy through your body, speed it up or slow it down. &pproaching the experience in an experimental mode will
ease your discomfort.
>!. +hat i# ( can?t remain on my back without getting restless> 8o problem. +rop yourself up with pillows, or sit
in a comfortable chair, or use ear-buds so you can listen while on your side or stomach.
>>. +hat i# ( can?t visualiAe my "E/'> <emember that visuali(ing is only one way of perceiving. Some people
,feel, their <%9&3 by thinking of themselves surrounded by and filled with tingling bursts of energy. 'thers ,hear, the
energy-s crackle or *ust know intuitively that their <%9&3 is in place. :re#uent practice in ,popping, your <%9&3
strengthens it even without your awareness.
>C. How can ( tell i# (?m getting what (?m suppose! to> ,Supposed to, simply isn-t relevant in these kinds of
explorations. 8o two individuals have the same experience. 2hether cosmic or apparently meaningless, your
experiences are valuable. 1on-t *udge. &ccept what comes and continue to practice. Thinking about them after the
exercise - not during - may lead to insight into their significance. You may en*oy the challenge of determining meaning
for what appear to be small changes in perception, like a detective following clues until the larger picture becomes
evident. 3earn to appreciate the subtleties inherent in consciousness expansion.
>F@ (s Go! appearing when ( BseeB a #loo! o# light !uring an exercise> The perception of light suggests that
your potential for nonphysical awareness is developing, but it is up to you to decide on its meaning. Such light is
widely reported by explorers of higher consciousness and people who have had near-death experiences, often
accompanied by euphoria, a feeling of oneness with the universe, a sense of overwhelming love. & 9uddhist might
associate this with 9uddha, a "hristian with "hrist. The )onroe 0nstitute does not endorse any particular
interpretation and encourages you to find your own.
>. How many times shoul! ( !o an exercise be#ore going to the next> This varies from person to person.
9ecome familiar and comfortable with the exercise and allow your intuitive wisdom to know when you are ready to
move on. "omplete mastery of a particular techni#ue before progressing is not necessary. :eel free to go back again
later for further practice.
>/. Can my chil!ren listen to the Gateway Experience> 1epending on the maturity of the child, use your
own discretion with children who are >! or older. 2e encourage parents to monitor their children-s progress and work
along with them.
>G. +hy not combine min!-altering !rugs with Hem!-Sync> These exercises train you to take control over
your states of consciousness. 1rugs often interfere with that control. &lso, your interpretations and understanding of
your experiences will likely be more accurate without the unpredictable influences of drugs or other mind-altering
>H. How can ( convince a sceptic that the Gateway Experience (s worth trying> 2ithout interest and
desire, the openness that leads to success will be lacking. 0t will be more convincing to let your own personal growth
speak for you to someone who is resistant. &s you become calmer, more centered, more confident, more creative,
etc., etc., etc., people close to you will notice and will want to know why. 0t may be useful to emphasi(e what you
have learned, rather than the experiences themselves. 2hen it is appropriate to describe your experiences, try to
relate them to something the other may be able to identify with. &nother approach is introducing the sceptic to a more
,mainstream, HemiSync tape, such as "atnapper or "oncentration. %xperiencing and discussing the practical benefits
of Hemi-Sync in daily life can build a foundation for greater openness.
>D@ re Conroe (nstitute metho!s use#ul #or experience! me!itators or people who have long practice in
other !isciplines> The many such people who participate say, ,1efinitely yesB, They appreciate such benefits as the
speed and ease of attaining the expanded state4 the ability to sustain the state4 the tools and guidelines for exploration.
Hemi-Sync seems to meet people wherever they are in their development and assists them in moving forward into even
deeper levels of self-discovery.
>E. +hat i# ( can?t get out o# my bo!y with $iscovery -7> )any of us have hidden fears that hold us back.
'thers try so hard that the intense effort becomes the very block that holds them back. The best way to succeed is to
relax, let go of expectations, and become nonchalant about it. &fter all, the classic '9% is *ust a small part of learning to
expand consciousness. 2hen you feel thoroughly familiar with 1iscovery I/, go on to the next and periodically return to
the earlier exercise. You may find yourself separating from the physical body when you least expect it.
C!. How can ( control an %/E> 0f you set a goal before you begin, you won-t need to decide what to do once you
are out. 0f an '9% happens spontaneously, remember that thoughts are action. %xperiment with thinking of someone
and contacting his=her energy, rather than arriving at a geographic destination. &ny time you wish to return, think of
re*oining your body and=or move a finger or toe.
C>. +hen ( am out o# my bo!y8 can ( help someone else have an %/E> +articipants have reported developing the
ability to do this. %xperiment. You and another person might both try patterning for synchronicity in your '9%s.
CC. +hat !oes a nonphysical bo!y look like> +eople perceive it many different ways ranging from a ball of
energy, a misty form, or a human shape. 0t will usually appear as something you are comfortable with.
TECH&(C' ;<EST(%&S
>. +hat is Hem!-Sync> Hemi-Sync is a patented audio technology developed by The )onroe 0nstitute during more
than ! years of researching the influence of sound on human capabilities. "om plex blends of subtle Hemi-
Sync sound fre#uencies help focus your attention and stimulate particular states of consciousness. 'nce
learned, you can recreate these states from memory. Hemi-Sync is a tool for amplifying your ability to focus
your mind and direct your thoughts. The specific Hemi-Sync exercises in this series provide a means for laser-
like focusing of your consciousness.
C. $oes a hissing or swishing soun! mean a manu#acturing !e#ect> 8o. This Jpink soundK provides a bed for
the Hemi-Sync signals and helps your mind cooperate with the process. 1o not use any noise reduction
system, as this would interfere with the sophisticated Hemi-Sync mastering.
F. (s a BclickingB soun! normal> 8o. 0f you are hearing sounds other than the hissing or swishing referred to
above, first check to see if the sounds are coming from your e#uipment or if your e#uipment needs cleaning. 0f
it-s clear that the product is defective, return it to us for a replacement at no charge.
. (s it (mportant to have the earphones on the correct ear8 as instructe! on some o# the exercises> 8o. &s
long as you are using stereo e#uipment, the intended effect will be achieved.
/. +hat?s the !i##erence between hypnosis an! Hemi-Sync> Hypnosis is commonly described as a process of
being led into a state of high suggestibility and relin#uishing control to the hypnotist. 2ith Hemi-Sync you consciously
control and direct your wn state of awareness. 0n this regard, Hemi-Sync has more in common with self-hypnosis,
although Hemi-Sync helps you achieve the desired state more surely and more #uickly.
G. $o these exercises inclu!e subliminal suggestions> 8o. There are no verbal messages recorded below
audible levels. The occasional verbal message at very low volume during a ,sleep, period is simply a repetition of
previously heard information. The words are repeated very softly so as not to startle you.
H. +hat?s the !i##erence between Gateway Experience 2GE5 an! The Conroe (nstitute?s Gateway )oyage
resi!ential program 2G)5> $% is based on $A, and includes some of the same exercises. 2ith $A, you experience
the different :ocus levels of >/ and C>, which are not included in $%. &t home, you proceed at your own pace and can
repeat exercises as often as you wish. Skilled trainers and special facilities support your learning with $A, as well as the
highly rewarding interactions with other participants who have similar interests. $% is not a prere#uisite for $A, although
many people choose to work at home with $% before coming to $A. $A graduates who have done this report that they
were able to go ,farther, during the residential program because of the strong foundation provided by their prior home
D. Can ( visit the (nstitute> 2hile we en*oy meeting our many friends, there would not be a lot for you to see.
'ur administrative building is simply a very busy office. The <esidential Training "enter, research laboratory, sound
studio and "onference "enter are not open to the public while programs are in progress. The one thing a visitor can
experience, by appointment only, is a +ersonal <esource %xploration +rogram 6+<%+7. This is a private session in the
laboratory-s isolation booth with bio-monitoring e#uipment and a trained facilitator to guide your personali(ed exploration
with Hemi-Sync. +<%+ is a personal growth experience par excellence. "all the 0nstitute for more information.
E@ +ho can ( talk with about my Gateway Experiences> To communicate with others who are working with
these exercises, re#uest a <elease :orm and=or the names of such people. &lso, feel free to communicate with us
about your progress.
T H"ES H%' $
+a v e ( (
%ach 2ave and each exercise of $ateway %xperience builds directly on preceding techni#ues and information. .se
of Threshold exercises before having completed 1iscovery is not recommended. &s you work with this 2ave, you may find
it desirable to review the fre#uently asked #uestions in the 1iscovery )anual.
0ocus ,3 - 'verview - The high energy state and expanded awareness of this :ocus level enable you to become
more conscious of inner resources and guidance. &s you continue to use what you learned in :ocus >!, you may well find
entirely new experiences.
<arely is nonphysical energy perceived in the same way we perceive in our physical, waking state. 9e receptive to subtle
nuances of kinesthetic, auditory, or visual experiences. You may sense a ,knowing,,
a telepathic comprehension that can be later translated into words. 2ith trust, patience, and practice, you will learn to
perceive more clearly. Sometimes this happens slowly, step by step4 sometimes dramatically and suddenly, like water
breaking through a dam. 3et go of preconceived notions about how these exercises ,should, unfold for you. +lace them in
your 9ox at the beginning of an exercise or at any time they intrude. This opens you to a fuller and richer range of
possibilities in your exploration.
Threshol! -,. (ntro!uction to 0ocus ,3
Simply relax as you are guided from familiar :ocus >! to :ocus >C, and calmly observe any differences. %ffort
and analysis are counterproductive. 2ith repeated experience, the distinctions become more pronounced and you
come to appreciate :ocus >C as a powerful and empowering state which readily lends itself to a wide diversity of
Threshol! -3. Droblem Solvin
+roblem Solving begins your use of :ocus >C energy for its many practical applications. +lace your #uestion or
problem in the center of your consciousness, however you perceive this. Then direct it outwards to your total
awareness, release it, and wait for the response.
&nswers sometimes come during the exercise, and may come in many forms. &mong other possibilities you may
perceive symbols, abstract images, or colors4 ,hear, thoughts in your mind4 sense subtle changes in energy4 experience
chills, heat, or tingling4 notice shifts in your feelings or level of emotional arousal4 or suddenly have a clear ,knowing.,
0f answers do not come as you listen to the exercise, take it as an invitation to heighten your sensitivities as you
move through your daily activities. 'pen your perception, for instance, to the conversations of others, passages in
books,synch ronicities, and the multitude of wondrous ways in which guidance may reveal itself.
+roblem solving in :ocus >C is facilitated by the sincerity of your desire to receive a response, the intensity of your
emotion, and the clarity of your #uestion. %xpressing gratitude as you release your #uestion is also important. This
acknowledges your trust in the process and amplifies the entire exercise
Threshol! -1. %ne-Conth Datterning
'ne-)onth +atterning is very powerful for taking charge of your life. 9ased on the principle that we become
what we think, the energy of :ocus >C offers this process a speed and intensity in the manifesting of thought
not generally available in ordinary consciousness.
Think, feel, or imagine the physical, mental or emotional pattern you desire in your life. @ust as you did in the
previous exercise, place it in the center of your consciousness and then release it. & sense of ease and detachment
about the pattern lets you know that you have, indeed, released it.
9e clear about what you want. :or example, do you want a new house, or to be happy where you live? To lose >!
pounds or to feel better about yourself? +attern only in the present tense, for example, ,0 am now receiving ... , .se ,0, in
your patterning statement and perceive yourself as an active part of the pattern. +attern only for yourself.
9e specific4 the more detail in your pattern, the more likely you are to get what you want. &sk only for what you really
want, because you-ll probably get exactly what you ask for. +ut emotion and conviction into your practice to vitali(e and
strengthen your intention. Then ask that your pattern work only for the good of your total self and simply let go of
attachment to the result.
&lthough a pattern set in :ocus >C can be changed or cancelled in :ocus >C, don-t keep checking or changing it
because of fear or doubt. You wouldn-t dig up a seed to see how it-s growing, would you? Start with small, reasonable
patterns. 0f you pattern the first time for L>! million, part of you may well be sceptical.0f you pattern for L/! and prove to
yourself it works, later patterns will come more easily.
1on-t specify how your re#uest will be fulfilled. 3et your total self decide and direct the method. Though the exercise
refers to ,one-month patterning,, you can re#uest that patterns be fulfilled in any time frame5 a week, a year, by your
birthday, etc. 'r simply release the pattern to be fulfilled in its own time.
Threshol! -6. Color /reathing
"olor 9reathing uses the resonance of colors to develop your ability in directing physical and nonphysical energy.
Sound, vibration, and other sensations are as valid as visuali(ation for the mental perception of color. 'ne man, blind
since birth, experienced different colors as having uni#ue textures.
The exercise guides you through learning to use the following colors5 green for reducing excess or harmful emotional
energy4 red for increasing physical strength, speed, and coordination4 purple for restoring and normali(ing your physical
0t-s important to end this process each time you practice by perceiving your body as well, whole and perfect. You won-t
want to energi(e any condition less than the ideal. &s you become familiar with this techni#ue, feel free to experiment
with other colors and to develop other purposes for yourself.
Threshol! -7. Energy /ar Tool 2E/T5
%nergy 9ar Tool is an extremely valuable and highly versatile tool for gathering and directing nonphysical energies.
History and mythology abound with ,power sticks, that link human and spiritual energies, ranging from the staff that
)oses turned into a serpent to the sceptors that symboli(e the power of kings and #ueens to the sabers of light that link
the heros of Star 2ars to ,The :orce., 2hile moving through the exercise, focus on finding or creating your own very
personal %9T, one that shares your energy and holds significance for you.
However vague your %9T may seem at first, continue practicing and allow it to develop. Your hands may become your
%9T, rather than something external to you. You may sense the increasingly charged vibration throughout your body, or
as locali(ed, or as moving and spreading as intensity builds. Your %9T may become a roadway that leads you to further
explorations. 0t can be used as a beacon to attract guidance or other intelligence, a vehicle for space travel, or a
comforting symbol of safety and security. The forms and uses of your %9T are truly limitless. +ractice and experiment,
knowing that its power is reciprocal5 as you recharge it, it recharges you. ;eep your %9T where it is always available to
you and creatively use it in your daily life as well as in your Hemi-Sync exercises. &s with all the tools you learn in the
$ateway %xperience, it-s up to you to take it out of the tool box and use it.
Threshol! -9. 'iving /o!y Cap 2'/C
Since maps are an ob*ective representation of territory, the underlying concept of the 39) supports the perspective and
detachment useful in healing. You have doubtless recogni(ed how the progressive nature of $ateway %xperience uses
previous learning as your adventure proceeds. 0n this exercise for influencing physical body energy, you learn a new tool
while using your %9T.
You are first verbally guided to create a white mental outline around your physical body. This ,map, represents a
composite of your entire physical system. Then you change the outline-s color to red, representing blood circulation4
then blue for your nervous system4 yellow for the organs of your glandular system4 orange for your muscle and bone
structure. &s the exercise proceeds, you learn to use the 39) to identify where healing energy is needed. Then, with
your %9T, you are guided to direct purple healing energy to those parts of your physical body.
<emember that visuali(ing is not necessary for working with energy. To ,think, or feel or sense a color or image is to
create it. &s you follow the instructions, consider this as an opportunity to ,play, with the shape and form of your %9T.
The verbal guidance provides a structure, but you need not adhere to it in a rigid fashion. 2e encourage you to
experiment and be creative with all the tools, to make them yours, to be open to fresh insight about what works best for
:<%%1') - 2&A% 000 is awaiting you as soon as you feel ready to move on. The exercises of 2ave 000 give you a sense
of ease and security as you delve further into nonphysical experience. You are introduced to the "ontinuum of
"onsciousness and methods for practicing '9%s and remote viewing. Happy adventuresB
+ave ( ( (
bout %/Es - 9efore beginning these exercises, take a moment to conceptuali(e your experiences thus far in terms
of <obert )onroe-s "ontinuum of "onsciousness. This continuum can be easily understood by thinking of a radio dial5
as you turn it, one station phases out and signals from the next begin to emerge out of the static. 3et-s consider a state
of alert awareness, with your total consciousness paying attention to the present physical reality, as one ,station, on the
dial. 2hen you find yourself wondering if you turned off the stove before leaving the house, you-re momentarily ,tuning
in, another station. 1aydreaming is yet another, as is the hypnogogic state on the borderline between wakefulness and
sleep. "->, :ocus >! and :ocus >C are arbitrary labels for certain points along the continuum.
&s your daily life proves, you move back and forth along this continuum all the time5 you sleep, you wake, you
daydream, etc. HemiSync helps you shift your attention to a particular ,station, or state of consciousness. &nd even
when you are picking up a nonphysical consciousness ,station,, you may retain awareness of your physical body. 'ne
illustration of this is the classic out-of-body experience in which you ,see, your physical body from an outside position.
You may perceive your nonphysical consciousness as housed in a ,physical, body, as a sphere of light, as free-flowing
energy, or ... There are no rules, no norms, no standards against which you should measure your own experience. &s you
become more and more proficient in experiencing your consciousness as separate from the physical, the method of
perception becomes #uite unimportant and may change from '9% to '9%. 2hat remains important is5 &ny experience of
your consciousness separate from the physical body is an '9%, even though you may retain some awareness of your
body lying in bed, or your breathing, heart beat, etc.
bout 0ear- Some people have a strong desire to go out-of-body while at another level they are frightened at the prospect.
You-ve learned tools that can help deal with such fears. :or example, put them in your 9ox4 add a calming, reassuring
statement to your &ffirmation4 know that your <%9&3 comes with you and keeps you safe and comfortable4 let your %9T be
a two lane highway for carrying you away and returning you surely to your point of departure4 repeat 1iscovery I4 with
Threshold IC, ask for guidance on how best to ease your fears.
&bove all, let go of any expectation that you will have a particular kind of experience. Trust your greater self to know what is
right for you and reinforce that trust with a sense of gratitude for whatever experience is awaiting you. <emember that you
can always return safely to "-> by simply ,thinking, the number ,>, and moving your fingers.
Dractice - &s you experiment with the different separation techni#ues on these 2ave 000 exercises, you may discover
that one works better for you. 'r you may find energy building to sudden separation as you are simply relaxing, allowing
Hemi-Sync to move you along the continuum. Then comes practice, more practice, and still more practice.
0n the beginning stages of developing '9% proficiency, you may find that thought becomes action5 a passing thought
about a person or location may transport your nonphysical consciousness there. 2ith more experience, you will gain
greater control. &t that point, the adventure is totally up to you. You may choose to explore the solar system, map the
terrains between physical and nonphysical experience, develop friendships with nonphysical entities, or simply fly
over the nearest treetops. The possibilities are limited only by who you are and how you wish to grow.
0ree!om -,. 'i#to##
"enter yourself in the ,you, that is your nonphysical energy rather than in your physical body, and practice until you are
thoroughly familiar with the process, Surprisingly enough, you can help yourself rise by ,settling down., Think about how
it feels to go up in an elevator. <epeated practice gives you assurance that you can return safely and easily and, once
you know this, it is #uite easy to move farther than the exercise provides. Have funB
0ree!om -3. "emote )iewing
"emote )iewing guides you through three experiments using your %9T to reach distant people and places with your
awareness. 3isten to the exercise first while sitting up and without headphones to understand the re#uired involvement
of someone with whom to verify the results. 1istance is not a factor4 the person can be around the corner or thousands
of miles away. Select a mutually convenient, specific, hourlong time period so you can make notes before you contact
the other person.
:or the first experiment, have your associate write G numbers on a card, place it inside a white envelope, and lay the
envelope on a cleared surface that you are familiar with in his=her home. :or the second, have the person place a white
cotton ball in another location you are familiar with. %nsure that the envelope and cotton ball will be standing alone, and
that you are informed ahead of time where they will be located. 0n the third experiment you send a message to your
associate, noting where he=she is and what he=she is doing.
&s you perform the experiments, notice how your perceptions work. &re you more apt to sense shapes, colors, or
textures? 2hat leads you to describe the things you perceive in the way that you do? 2hat is your emotional
experience as you are remote viewing?
0ntegrate remote viewing into your daily life as you continue to practice these techni#ues. &llow your total self to ,play,
with and modify them. 'ver time, your capabilities will develop and strengthen. <emember, there is no failure in
developing psychic abilities. 3earning what does not work is as valuable in moving forward as a successful attempt.
0ree!om -1. )ectors
)ectors uses your <%9&3 to give you practice in going and returning with a sense of direction. 2hile perception
involving nonphysical energy is not limited to ordinary notions about space, using your physical body as a reference
point is a good way to learn to establish control over your movement.
You are asked to imagine a clock face, with >C always *ust above the top of your head. You first learn to extend your
perception around the face of the clock in a two-dimensional, vertical plane, with F being outside your left hip, E outside
the right, and G *ust below your feet. 0n the next part of the exercise, you rotate the clock face so that F is in front of your
hips and E is behind. The instructions lead you in exploring threedimensional space.
8otice the feelings associated with perceiving beyond your physical body. 1etect any interesting or unusual features of
a particular vector, or changes in awareness associated with changes of position on the clock. You may find one vector
especially stimulating, even a source of information. &s always, make these techni#ues your own4 experiment with them4
establish and practice with additional reference points.
The more you repeat this exercise, the more proficient you become in controlling movement. %ventually, you will be able
to use this learning in all your explorations.
0ree!om -6. 0ive ;uestions
0ive ;uestions leads you in asking5 2ho am 0? 2here and who was 0 before 0 entered this physical existence?
2hat is my purpose for this existence in physical matter reality? 2hat action can 0 now take to serve this purpose best?
2hat is the most important message 0 can receive and understand at this point in my existence?
1on-t anticipate verbal answers. ;eep in mind the various perceptual methods you have been experiencing
and open your awareness to kinesthetic sensations, emotions, a sense of ,knowing,, or images. 2hether the responses
come from your total self or from an external source, it-s up to you to translate this nonverbal communication into words
or visual representations that hold meaning for you.
These #uestions are only a beginning. &s you continue to practice this exercise you can substitute your own
and repeat any #uestion for clarification or fuller understanding. &sk what you really want to know, infuse your
#uestions with this desire, and express gratitude for the guidance you will receive.
0ree!om -7. Energy 0oo!
Energy 0oo! teaches you a method for restoring depleted energy in "->4 it is an encoding of the process rather
than actual application. To know whether the encoding is accomplished or whether to repeat the exercise, use the
method shortly after each time you listen to the exercise. 0f you feel more energi(ed, you have achieved proficiency with
another valuable tool for use in your daily life. Then move on to the next exercise.
0ree!om -9. 0irst Stage Separation
0irst Stage Separation builds on previous exercises to take you farther in consciously controlling your nonphysical
energy. +racticing five different methods of dissociation from your physical body provides the opportunity to discover that
one is more comfortable for you, or to experiment with combining two or more of these methods. 2ith each one, you
can return to the physical body by using the ,<eturn to "->, encoding.
'og-rolling- :ocus on rotating and rolling the nonphysical energy within your physical body as if an axis runs through
your body from your head to your feet. 2hen you sense a release of ,surface tension, between your physical and
nonphysical energies and you are rotating freely, stop the focus on rolling and allow it to continue. 'nce the ,out of
phase, condition is comfortably established, you simply turn over and move outward. <eorientation can be easily
accomplished by rotating until your nonphysical energy is in alignment with the physical. You may perceive something
akin to a little ,click,, and you are reintegrated.
Dole- .sing your feet as a pivotal point, you are directed to move your nonphysical energy slowly up and out, head first,
until you are in an upright position. 2hen your energy feet are the only point of contact, intent is sufficient to accomplish
complete separation.
/acking away - is simply that4 you slowly back out and away from your physical body. 'nce this is achieved, you can
turn away and practice directing your movement with the techni#ues from the Aectors exercise.
0lowing-- involves sending out your nonphysical energies through the top of your head in the form of a cloud or fog or
thin spray of gas. 'nce separated, this often reforms #uite naturally into a replica of your physical body. You can then
,*et, away on your %9T, float off inside your <%9&3, practice with your vectors, or use any of the other tools you have
0loating - involves an emotional association with the concept of floating or soaring. &s you contemplate how pleasant it
would be to float upward, like a cloud or a kite, your nonphysical energy responds to this emotional wish. 'nce separation
is achieved, you can gradually diminish the emotion so other parts of your total self can direct your experience.
<epeated practice in a relaxed state, without expectations, is the best way to achieve comfort and confidence in your ability
to separate and return easily and surely. Think. of learning to walk. 2hen your first attempt to stand erect as a
child ended with a plop to the floor, did you give up and decide to spend the rest of your life crawling? 'f course notB
+ave ()
.se of these exercises before completing all previous 2aves of $ateway %xperience is not recommended.
$iscovery helped you build a strong, comfortable foundation for nonphysical exploration in :ocus >!. Threshol! taught
you more tools for directing and controlling nonphysical energy in the energy state of :ocus >C. 0ree!om provided you
with practice in separating your nonphysical from your physical body. !venture offers you personal direction and
control of new experiences, new ideas, new capabilities, and new exciting explorations.
!venture -,. %ne-*ear Datterning
%ne-*ear Datterning re#uires your thoughtful prior consideration about exactly how and what you desire to be in one
year-s time. .se the same guidelines given for Threshold IF as you follow the same process. The differences are the
longer time frame and, more importantly, your increased knowledge of your ability to use the power of expanded
consciousness. 9e sure you really want what you pattern for, pattern strongly, and let it go with trust and confidence and
!venture -3. 0ive Cessages
0ive Cessages re#uires no prior action except, as usual, to approach the exercise with openness, gratitude, and a
sensitivity to your perceptions of any nature. 2ait until after to analy(e and interpret your messages. Such ,left brain,
functions interfere with your synchroni(ed :ocus >C state. <eview the guidelines for Threshold IC and :reedom I for
additional suggestions.
!venture -1. 0ree 0low ,3
0ree 0low ,3 - &fter introducing you to a ,beacon guidepost, as your personal reference point, this exercise
supports planned, systematic explorations wherever you desire. 1eciding on a purpose 6or destination7 before you begin
helps you avoid drifting into a sleep or dream state. Seek information or guidance you desire, and express gratitude for
what you receive. &s you repeat the exercise again and again, extend the scope of your *ourneys.
1uring these self-directed adventures, experiment creatively with any and all of the methods you have learned.
<emember5 these valuable tools cannot serve you unless you take them out of your mental tool box and use them.
<oam far and free in perfect comfort, knowing that you will safely and surely return to "->.
!venture -6. &)C (
&onverbal Communication 2&)C7 is not what we commonly understand as body language, but rather a primary
method of interaction in and among different realities and energy systems. 0t is total expression, occuring within the mind
and in mind-to-mind exchanges. You have encountered 8A" in previous $ateway %xperience exercises and in the
dream state5 vibrations, light, action, emotion are a few examples. 9egin to build your 8A" ,vocabulary, with these and
other nonphysical perceptions, together with new meanings for familiar perceptions. %xperiment with all your $ateway
%xperience tools and methods of perception and practice repeatedly to develop confidence in your 8A" ability.
!venture -7. &)C ((
:urther practice to develop your 8A" vocabulary leads to communicating your &ffirmation nonverbally. Then you use
your expanded awareness to receive 8A" from others. The more you strengthen your 8A" ability, the better you will
learn from your $ateway experiences. +ractice counts.
!venture -9. Compoint
Compoint8 an abbreviation for communications point, is a location you establish along the continuum of
consciousness. &ctively engage in creating an environment that invites communication. Some examples could be a high
tech computer station to receive input from the mainframe, a lush garden with comfortable benches overlooking a
tran#uil pond, or a co(y log cabin with overstuffed chairs for cherished conversation with dear friends. 3et it be
appropriate for you.
Your growing 8A" skills enable you to use the compoint to gather information, encounter other energy systems, or
simply observe. You develop more 8A" vocabulary for reaching out, greeting, saying goodbye and expressing
gratitude. 9ecause you can go to your compoint easily and surely whenever you wish, it can serve as a convenient
rende(vous with your nonphysical friends.
Wave V
3istening to these exercises before having completed all the previous 2aves is not recommended. You will want all your
tools and al l your 8A" capability for this unlimited %xploring without verbal guidance. Your experiences are facilitated by
Hemi-Sync signals that guide access to different points along the continuum of consciousness and by )eta)usic
composed specifically to support your further learning. Simply relax and sense your progression through the now-familiar
preparatory process4 use the methods you know to achieve :ocus >! or >C4 and know that you are now able to control the
process by your own mental direction. <emain sensitive to 8A" and new methods of perception. Here are a few
suggestions to stimulate thinking about the exploring you may wish to undertake.
Travel through time with #uestions such as, ,2ho or what was 0 before this life?, or ,2ho or what will 0 be during
my next human experience?, %xplore connections between past, present and future with ,1oes the future influence the
past?, and the reverse. +erceive yourself evolving in the direction you desire and notice if this affects who you are in the
Communicate with other li#e #orms by interacting with the energy of a cloud, with a flower, a rock, a mountain, a
forest, or a beloved pet.
Experience nature?s energy by allowing the vital forces of ocean surf to swirl around you and flow deeply within
you. 0magine yourself embracing a tree, strongly rooted in the earth and extending to the sky and feel the flow of
energies from below and above gathering within you. +erceive a gentle movement of air around you and sense the
weightless energy that is free to float, to fly, to soar.
/uil! your &)C by traveling to nonphysical energy systems. 2hat is the landscape? &re there inhabitants? 2hat
information can you glean?
Go !eeper within the earth by imagining yourself travelling to its very core. 'r go deep within yourself. 2hat do
you experience?
Exploring -,. Cission ,4
Cission ,4 is a totally self-directed free flow exercise in :ocus >!. 1ecide on a purpose and then, with no verbal
reminders of "->, en*oy a more powerful and effective :ocus >! exploration. <emember the contents of your tool box.
2hen you sense a change in the sound patterns, return to "-> by whatever method6s7 have proven most comfortable
for you.
Exploring -3. Cission ,3
'nce again, predetermine your purpose. This can be patterning, problem solving, asking #uestions, or exploring a new
concept or locale, to suggest *ust a few. Then simply relax, allowing the Hemi-Sync signals to carry you first to :ocus >!,
then on to :ocus >C, and return to "-> when it-s time.
Exploring -1. Cission $ay
Cission $ay provides support for a powerful >/-minute patterning process. .se it in the morning to set the tone for a
day of calm centeredness, success and accomplishment. &fter the preparatory process, go to :ocus >! or >C
6experiment with both7 and express your desires for the day in thought, imagination, emotion, or active mental pictures.
<efer to Threshold IF to review suggestions for effective patterning.
Exploring -6 Cission &ight
Cission &ight is for use when you are comfortably ready to drift into sleep, and will not awaken you at the conclusion of
the exercise. $o to your choice of :ocus >! or >C and pattern to direct your sleep experience. You may choose to solve
a problem, receive a message, remember your dreams, have an '9%, remote view, or en*oy any other experience you
desire. 3et your creativity be your guide for each night-s mission.
Exploring -7. HoriAons
HoriAons provides Hemi-Sync signals that evoke memories, feelings and events. There is no need for a purpose. &s
usual, perform your preparatory process, choose the desired Focus level, and simply relax and let it happen. You may
find that repeated experiences with this exercise stand alone, or that threads of continuity connect one with another.
)any people like to record their experiences for later examination and reflection.
Exploring-9. Dathways
Dathways leads you along forgotten paths or opens new paths for exploration. ,+lay, with moving between Focus
levels and note any shifts in awareness. The Hemi-Sync signals will let you know when to come back to "-> by your
chosen method.
Wave VI
0t is important to have completed all previous $ateway %xperience exercises before listening to these. &s in 2ave
A, there are no verbal instructions. )eta)usic and Hemi-Sync signals support your adventures as you dig for that
diamond of thought, that golden insight, or artifact of knowledge that will propel your personal growth.
2hile goals or purposes are suggested for some of these exercises, accept that your greater self may choose
another experience for you. <emain open and accepting, don-t *udge, relax, and trust that what is supposed to happen is
unfolding for you.
Drospecting -,. Cetamorphosite
Set a mental goal before seeking the gems of metamorphosis, or change. &fter completing the preparatory process and
going to :ocus >! or >C, use patterning to manifest the changes you desire in your life. 0t might be useful to review
previous suggestions about effective patterning in Threshold IC. Hemi-Sync signals assist your return to "->.
Drospecting -3. /io-/o!y
/io-/o!y is for exploring the richness of your physical body. &fter the preparatory process, go to the desired :ocus
level and use the appropriate tools to tune in to your body-s rhythms and functions. <eviewing the exercises that taught
you to create your 39) and %9T 6Threshold I/ and IG7 might be useful in helping you extract maximum value from 9io-
9ody. The more you practice this exercise, the better you will be able to maintain or restore optimum physical balance
and wellbeing.
Drospecting -1. &ull Doint
&ull Doint was unearthed as a result of our laboratory research. +hysiological measurements of research sub*ects
indicated that the body-s electrical polarity shifts into a neutral phase, which we named the ,null point., Sub*ects
consistently reported this to be a productive ,window, for taking off in any desired mental direction. &t the null point you
may purposefully and consciously decide exactly what you choose to explore. To reach the null point, complete the
preparatory process, go to :ocus >!, then to >C, and simply allow the Hemi-Sync signals to guide you to the null point.
Drospecting -6. Dlus Dolarity
Dlus Dolarity leads you through the null point to the opposite polarity from your starting place. Scientific studies
suggest that the body-s polarity routinely cycles between positive and negative. 0n our laboratory we repeatedly observe
that ob*ectively measured polarity shifts are correlated with sub*ectively reported changes in consciousness. &fter the
preparatory process and achieving your desired :ocus level, simply relax and allow the Hemi-Sync fre#uencies to
support a polarity shift. 9e aware of subtle changes in awareness such as a greater capability to recogni(e more
aspects of nonphysical energy. The signals will bring you back to "->.
Drospecting -7. &ear "eaches
&ear "eaches allows you to pass through the null point to discover the precious treasures available to you in
time=space reality.
Drospecting -9. 0ar "eaches
0ar "eaches supports your search beyond the vast expanses of the physical universe and into the infinite nonphysical
energy systems that extend beyond time and space. &ll that you have learned in $ateway %xperience has prepared you
for such *ourneys. 1ig deep. Soar high. You can now transcend all limitations and bring untold riches back to your
waking, physical consciousness.
The Gateway Experience Wave VII Odyssey A Journey to Focus 21
Voiced by Laurie Monroe
Forward to Wave VII Odyssey
The Gateway Experience In-Home Training Series evolved directly from the Monroe Institutes world-
renowned Gateway oyage! Thousands of people have "ourneyed from around the world to attend the
highly acclaimed oyage or another of the Institutes six-day residential programs! Given the popularity of
these life-enhancing programs# it is easy to understand why the Gateway Experience is widely considered
the preeminent in-home course for developing# exploring# and applying expanded states of awareness!
Indeed# li$e the oyage# the Gateway Experience has attracted loyal participants from all wal$s of li$e
from every corner of the glo%e!
&ave II is an odyssey of self-discovery and# as such# is aptly titled '(dyssey!) The name implies an
extended adventurous voyage# an intellectual or spiritual *uest! +ertainly# %y this definition# the entire GE
program may %e considered an odyssey! &ave II is also a milestone in this regard# as prior to its
release GE enthusiasts were not permitted an opportunity to wor$ with ,ocus -. /the %ridge to other
energy systems0! The extraordinary states of awareness made possi%le in ,ocus -. exercises had
previously %een reserved for the Institutes residential programs!
&hile actual experiences vary from person to person# most program participants have considered their
,ocus -. exercises to %e profoundly meaningful# if not life changing! 1ot surprisingly# re*uests for ,ocus
-. to %e included in a continuation of the GE in-home program have outnum%ered all other re*uests we
have received# without exception!
So why# after decades of receiving such re*uests# was a decision finally made to release ,ocus -.
exercises for use outside the Institutes residential programs2 In a word# timing! Much has changed in
the evolution of human consciousness since the Institutes program %eginnings!
(n an individual level# it may %e o%served that the universe wor$s with impecca%le timing in matters
related to personal growth and spiritual development! 3ntold num%ers of individuals# for example# have
%een guided to attend Institute programs at what may %e considered the most appropriate time! Similarly#
we were guided to release ,ocus -. exercises with &ave II to %e used for the first time outside the
Institute programs!
4o%ert Monroe endeavored to offer 'something of value) to our contemporary culture so as to
constructively change mans direction and destiny! &ave II of the Gateway Experience is offered in the
spirit of this vision! (dyssey is dedicated to 4o%ert 5! Monroe# to all who are committed to personal
growth# and to the evolution of humanity seven generations from you!
&e welcome your participation!
Wave VII Odyssey
In .678 4o%ert Monroe %egan having out-of-%ody experiences that altered his life forever! The first of his
(9Es initiated a long series of explorations into the limitlessness of human consciousness! The
documentation of these first experiences %ecame what is now $nown as the 'classic (9E#) in which a
person actually sees her:her %ody and perceives his:her consciousness as clearly separate from the
physical %ody!
5lthough 9o%s experiences were %oth dramatic and life changing# it soon %ecame apparent that the (9E
phenomenon was "ust the tip of the ice%erg! 5s he grew more comforta%le in exploring altered states of
consciousness# 9o% reali;ed that his experiences in what he referred to as <ocale . /the physical world
around us0 had served to trigger his innate curiosity! His $een sense of the rational and his curious nature
would su%se*uently give %irth to a more complete understanding of his (9E adventures!
In time# 9o%s explorations developed a level of maturity that re*uired the coining of a new term to more
accurately descri%e his experiences! He had come to understand that 'outer space) and 'inner space)
are one= therefore# the concept of going 'out of %ody) no longer applied! In practice# 9o% had learned that
he could pro"ect a portion of his consciousness 'there) while retaining a portion of consciousness within
the physical %ody! His discovery meant that consciousness transcended the physical %oundaries of time
and space! Thus# the term 'out of %ody) was simply too limiting! '>hasing) is the term he introduced to
encompass these new reali;ations!
5ll of us $now the meaning of phasing through personal experience! &e merely ta$e the phenomenon for
granted! ,or example# as you continue to read you might %ecome aware of the position of your physical
%ody! ?ou may simultaneously %e aware of your surroundings# including such varia%les as room
temperature sounds and smells# even the intensity of availa%le light! >erhaps you are even thin$ing
a%out what you will experience as you listen to &ave II exercises @ all while you are reading and
integrating the words on this page! ?our a%ility to do so is simply your consciousness phasing in and out
of multiple levels of awareness!
?our consciousness can and does operate simultaneously in multiple levels of awareness! It may %e
directed toward the past# the present# or the future! It may %e focused in this reality or others! ?ou alone
are responsi%le for how you choose to focus your conscious awareness! The concept of phasing ones
consciousness can explain all paranormal or psychic phenomena from <ucid Areaming or 4emote
iewing to 1ear Aeath Experiences! ?our a%ility to phase is so inherent that it may have escaped your
notice# yet the potential applications for this remar$a%le a%ility are far-reaching!
The purpose of &ave II is to assist you in applying this natural a%ility! The %eginning exercises ta$e
place in ,ocus .-# a state of expanded awareness in <ocale .! These exercises are designed and
scripted directly from 9o%s original explorations in what he then called the out-of-%ody state! In the
process of wor$ing with these exercises# you will %ecome familiar with the 'second %ody!) The second
%ody /also referred to as the energy %ody0 is actually the field of energy that surrounds the physical %ody!
&ith practice# you will learn how to expand your energy %ody# moving it progressively away from the
location of your physical %ody! ?ou will remem%er how to manipulate and control your energy %ody
through the pro"ection /or phasing0 of your consciousness! 5fter you %ecome familiar with the vi%rations
of your second %ody# you will have the opportunity to explore the far reaches of physical reality in <ocale
The Gateway 5ffirmation has long %een an integral component of the Monroe Institutes residential
programs! In &ave II# you will learn to as$ for help and assistance from those whose wisdom and
experience is e*ual to or greater than your own!
Trust that your experiences are exactly as they should be for you at the time. Your heart-felt appreciation is an
appropriate means to acknowledge any assistance given you. 0t is, therefore, recommended that you take time to
express your gratitude following each exercise.
The final exercises of &ave II are designed to guide you %eyond the %oundaries of physical reality! ?ou
will "ourney to <ocale -# which awaits %eyond the %ridge that connects physical time-space reality with
other dimensions and other levels of awareness! ,ocus -. is the %ridge to other states of expanded
awareness! 5t this point# you will %e a true explorer# moving into realms of awareness we will not attempt
to specify here! Indeed# such realms are often indescri%a%le! Those who have traveled this path
fre*uently return to physical reality with few# if any# words to recount their experiences! 5s 9o% would say#
'1ow that you have the tools# find out for yourself!)
9o% was also fond of saying '(nly you can change you!) It is the significance and meaning that you give
to your experiences that will help you achieve personal growth! Trust yourself throughout these exercises
and $now that a greater part of you is always there to help and assist you!
It is important that you experience each exercise in succession# %uilding directly on the tools and
techni*ues learned in the previous exercise! The goal is to practice what you learn so you can repeat the
experience effectively without listening to the exercise! The more you do this# the easier it will %ecome!
3se your intentions and willingness to explore to assist you in transcending limiting %eliefs! It is our hope
that you might come to $now you are more than your physical %ody!
&e appreciate your dedication to personal growth and than$ you for your continued support of the
Gateway Experience! 5s always# we urge you to $eep a "ournal of your explorations! &e invite you to
share your &ave II experiences and would %e delighted to hear from you!
+ontact InformationB
The Gateway Experience +oordinator
c:o Monroe >roducts
>!(! 9ox 7C7
<ovingston# 5 --6D6
>hone /ECD0 -FG-EF6-
E-MailB InterstateHHemi-Sync!com
Wave VII Exercises
Odyssey 1 ensin! "oca#e 1
Exercise . will reac*uaint you with ,ocus .-! &hile in ,ocus .-# you will %e introduced to your energy
%ody /second %ody0 as a field of energy surrounding your physical %ody! ?ou may e*uate this second
%ody to the life force that animates the physical %ody or you may choose to refer to it as your etheric
%ody# su%tle %ody# or light %ody! +all it what you will# this energy field is the same# vi%rating and alive @ an
extension of your physical %ody! Exercise . will assist you in learning to control your energy %ody!
Odyssey 2 Expansion in "oca#e 1
Exercise - will ena%le you to %egin a greater exploration of <ocale . through the expansion of your energy
%ody in ,ocus .-! This is accomplished %y speeding up the vi%rations in your energy %ody and
expanding it outward# li$e a large %u%%le surrounding your physical %ody! (nce fully expanded# you will
move your awareness toward the far reaches of your energy %ody= %ecoming lighter as you move farther
from the confines of your physical %ody!
Odyssey $ %oint o& 'eparture
&ith practice# you will have %ecome comforta%le and proficient in moving your consciousness within an
expanded energy %ody! 1ow you are ready for ta$e-off! (nce again you will %e led to ,ocus .-# where
you will move your consciousness into your energy %ody and rotate it .EC degrees! This techni*ue may
seem familiar from earlier exercises in the Gateway Experience! This exercise# however# has a very
different starting point @ your energy %ody @ which is vi%rating at a very high speed! The rotation may
also seem different! ,or some# the experience may appear to %e li$e a very slow movement in time and
space= for others# a shift in awareness# li$e having eyes in the %ac$ of your head! ?ou may actually see
your own %ody! It is %est to suspend expectations! &hatever your experience# your goal during Exercise
G is to pro"ect your consciousness out of phase with your physical %ody!
0f you have difficulty with this exercise, donMt despair. +lease know that not everyone will have a conscious out-of-
body experience. 0t takes a lot of practice for most, and many of us have hidden fears that hold us back. &lso, if you
try too hard for an '9%, the intense effort can become the very distraction that holds you back. Try to be nonchalant
about '9%s. They are *ust a small part of the process of self-exploration and personal growth.
Odyssey ( )onphysica# Friends
&e encourage all who participate in our residential and in-home programs to %e open to the idea of
as$ing for and receiving assistance! (ur enthusiasm for doing so originates from our early experiences
with the Explorer sessions conducted at The Monroe Institutes la%oratory facilities! Auring these
sessions# it %ecame apparent that our Explorers were not alone= rather# they had an a%undance of help!
'Helpers in energetic form) would typically position themselves two on each side of the Explorer! These
helpers might assist the Explorer in leaving his:her physical %ody or contri%ute to otherwise with purpose
of a session! The particulars of how these nonphysical friends were helping were not always o%vious# %ut
their %enevolent intentions were remar$a%ly clear! This much-appreciated cooperation gave rise to the
latter half of the Gateway 5ffirmation# which %ecame an essential component of our programs for
exploring states of consciousness! &ho are these non-physical friends2 &e prefer that you decide for
yourself! Exercise D is designed so you might esta%lish trust through direct personal contact!
Odyssey * +ove,ent to "oca#e 2-Intro Focus 21
Exercise 7 /Movement to <ocale -0 may %e your first conscious experience in ,ocus -. /the %ridge to
other energy systems0! 5s previously mentioned# ,ocus -. is an extraordinary state of awareness that
was previously reserved for the Institutes residential programs! 5s you relax into this exercise#
speciali;ed Hemi-Sync signals and ver%al guidance will lead you to ,ocus -.! +arefully o%serve the
su%tle changes in vi%rations or feelings of movement within your %ody as you are ver%ally guided from
,ocus .- to ,ocus -.# transitioning through the various states of consciousness as you choose!
Odyssey . Free F#ow Journey in Focus 21
This exercise is the culmination of all your previous wor$ and is %rand-new territory for your exploration!
5gain# staying focused and aware is important! ?ou will move to ,ocus -. directly from .- %y simply
pro"ecting your consciousness and guidance to the light of ,ocus -.! There# you will once again %e
encouraged to as$ for assistance and guidance from those whose wisdom# development# and experience
are e*ual or greater to than your own! 1o matter how many times you participate in this exercise# you will
never exhaust its limitless possi%ilities for rich and a%undantly rewarding far "ourneys!

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