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Wave III - Freedom

**********brought by ...joeyxspider.. share knowledge please... we should all be saved, let's help
each other************
Enjoy Focus 10 and Focus 12 exercises developed specifically to make the methods for
perceiving and controlling your nonphysical energy a comfortable and joyous experience.
About Out of Body Experiences OBEs - conceptualie your experiences !ith "ave #
and ## in terms of $obert %onroe&s 'ontinuum of 'onsciousness. '1( Focus 10 and
Focus 12 are arbitrary labels for certain point along the continuum. )emi *ync helps you
shift your attention to a particular state of consciousness. #n the classic out-of-body
experience you +see+ your physical body from an outside position. ,here are no rules( no
norms( no standards against !hich you should measure -./$ ."0 E12E$#E0'E. 3s
you become more proficient in experiencing your consciousness as separate from the
physical( the method of perception becomes 4uite unimportant and may change from
.5E to .5E. 30- experience of your consciousness separate from the physical body is
an .5E.
About Fear6 *ome people have a strong desire to go out-of-body !hile at another level
they are frightened at the prospect. "aves # and ## have given you the tools to deal !ith
fear by using your +5ox+( your affirmation and +$E56+ and E5,.
7et go of any expectation that you !ill have a particular kind of experience. $emember
that you can al!ays return safely to '-1.
Practice: 3s you experiment !ith the different separation techni4ues on "ave ###
exercises( you may discover that one !orks better for you.
5eginning stages of developing .5E proficiency6 -ou may find that thought becomes
action. 3 passing thought about a person or location may transport your nonphysical
consciousness there. ,he possibilities are limited only by !ho you are and ho! you !ish
to gro!.
'enter yourself in the +you+ that is your nonphysical energy rather than in your physical
body. $epeated practice gives you assurance that you can return safely and easily and( it
is 4uite easy to move farther than the exercise provides.
Wave III Learning:
Freedom !:
Lift Off - achieve ease !ith nonphysical experience
'enter yourself in the +you+ that is your nonphysical energy rather than in your physical
body. 7earn to return safely and easily to your body.
Freedom "
#emote $ie%ing - tools for distant perception.
#emote vie%ing guides you through three experiments using your E5, to reach distant
people and places !ith your a!areness. 8istance is not a factor.
#ntegrate remote vie!ing into your daily life as you continue to practice the techni4ues of
"ave ###.
$emote vie!ing is a perceptual skill that enables an individual to ac4uire and describe
information about people( objects( places or events. ,his information is perceived
physically and is seemingly separate from the +vie!er+ and his9her physical senses by
distance( shielding( or time. #n recent years( the disclosure that a secret /.*. government
remote-vie!ing surveillance program existed during the 'old "ar era has increase public
a!areness of remote vie!ing as an innate human ability.
#n the early 1:;0&s $obert %onroe&s patented )emi-sync audio guidance techni4ue !as
used by government remote vie!ers !ho found that this training process enhanced their
skills. "hen %onroe&s basic blueprint !as incorporated !ith five basic behaviors
common to successful remote vie!ers6 relaxing( connecting( listening( becoming a!are
and reporting - performance consistency improved. "ith practice( remote vie!ers could
learn to !illfully and reliably enter propitious levels of consciousness !ith the aid of
)emi-sync technology. .ver 20 years later( this uni4ue performance-boosting training is
no! available to the public.
Freedom &:
$ectors - reference points for easy movement.
7earn to use your +$E53+ to give you practice in going and returning !ith a sense of
direction. 7earn to recognie the feelings associated !ith perceiving beyond your
physical body. Experiment !ith different vectors. and %ake these techni4ues your o!n -
experiment !ith them< establish and practice !ith additional reference points. Eventually
you !ill be able to use this learning in all your explorations.
Freedom ': Five (uestions - ans!ers from your total self
"ho am #= "here and !ho !as # before # entered this physical existence= "hat is my
purpose for this existence in physical matter reality= "hat action can # no! take to serve
this purpose best= "hat is the most important message # can receive and understand at
this point in my existence=
8on&t anticipate verbal ans!ers. >eep in mind the various perceptual methods you have
been experiencing and open your a!areness to kinesthetic sensations( emotions( a sense
of +kno!ing+ or images.
,he 4uestions are only a beginning. 3s you continue to practice this exercise you can
substitute your o!n and repeat any 4uestion for clarification or fuller understanding.
Freedom ): Energy Food - absorb nonphysical energy
Energy Food teaches you a method for restoring depleted energy in '-1< it is an encoding
of the process rather than actual application.
Freedom *: First +tage +eparation - explore nonphysical consciousness
First *tage *eparation builds on previous exercises to take you farther in consciously
controlling your nonphysical energy. 2racticing five different methods of dissociation
from your physical body provides the opportunity to discover that one is more
comfortable for you( or to experiment !ith combining t!o or more of these methods. -ou
can return to the physical body by using the $eturn to '-1+ encoding.
Log-#o,,ing - Focus on rotating and rolling the nonphysical energy !ithin your physical
body as if an axis runs through your body from your head to your feet. $eorientation can
be easily accomplished by rotating until your nonphysical energy is in alignment !ith the
Po,e - /sing you feet as a pivotal point( you are directed to move your nonphysical
energy slo!ly up and out. "hen your energy feet are the only point of contact( intent is
sufficient to accomplish complete separation.
Bac-ing a%ay - you slo!ly back out and a!ay from your physical body. .nce this is
achieved( you can turn a!ay and practice directing your movement !ith the techni4ues
from the ?ectors exercise.
F,o%ing - involves sending out your nonphysical energies. .nce separated( this often
reforms 4uite naturally into a replica of your physical body. -ou can then +jet+ a!ay on
your E5,( float off inside your $E537( practice !ith your vectors( or use any of the
other tools you have learned.
F,oating - involves an emotional association !ith the concept of floating or soaring.
.nce separation is achieved( you can gradually diminish the emotion so other parts of
your total self can direct your experience.
$epeated practice in a relaxed state( !ithout expectations( is the best !ay to achieve
comfort and confidence in your ability to separate and return easily and surely.
**********brought by ...joeyxspider.. share knowledge please... we should all be saved, let's help
each other************

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