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l8CM: SlCMunu l8Luu
8esumed by: A8lSCn l8S?AM
Iceberg model
ConcepL: Wlsh fulllmenL, seek for graucauon, no concepL
of punlshmenL and no concepL of ume
MouvaLed by uual lnsuncL 1heory
a. Llfe lnsuncL -> Llbldo/Lros -> Lmphaslze on Sex ->
sychosexual uevelopmenL
b. ueaLh lnsuncL -> 1hanaLos -> Lmphaslze on Self 8elng ->
uepresslon (lnward) or Aggresslon (ouLward)
Memorles LhaL can be accessed easlly
Loglcal, maLure, ume-orlenLed, can delay graucauon
lu => LLASu8L 8lnClLL
resenL when born
no physlcal connecuon Lo ouLslde world, no ume concepL, no punlshmenL concepL
leasure prlnclple => drlve for lmmedlaLe graucauon, ouL of Louch wlLh reallLy
rlmary process => reex/auLomauc acuon and wlsh fulllmenL
SuL8 LCC => MC8AL 8lnClnLL
ConLrol expresslon of lu
Moral values, roduces feellngs of prlde, shame, and gullL
An lnLernal record of pasL punlshmenLs and rewards
Consclence (from pasL punlshmenLs)
Lgo ldeal (from pasL rewards)
LCC => 8LALl1? 8lnClLL
MedlaLes beLween lu and SuL8 LCC
ConLrols expresslon of lu Lo adapL Lo world (8LALl1? 1LS1lnC) vla uLlLnSL MLCPAnlSMS
enables ablllLy Lo susLaln sausfylng ln1L8L8SCnAL 8LLA1lCnSPlS
Consldered Lhe arm of Lhe ld raLher Lhan an enure enuLy.
1he ego calls on varlous defense mechanlsms ln order Lo regaln conLrol over LhreaLenlng ld lnsuncLs.
Secondary process:
ldenucauon => MaLchlng lds deslres Lo posslble ways of sausfylng lds deslres
8eallLy prlnclple => capaclLy Lo delay graucauon
1PL 4 l8Luu 8lnClLLS
1. Much of menLal llfe ls unconsclous.
2. MenLal processes can be ln conlcL.
3. 1he ego maLures durlng developmenL.
4. Chlldhood undersLandlng of self and
oLhers aecL laLer soclal relauonshlps.
8elauonshlps wlLh chlldhood careglvers
aecL adulL relauonshlps.
rlnclple 1: lreudlan unconsclous
All Lhe LhoughLs, feellngs, memorles you are aware of aL
any glven ume (Lhls sllde).
AbsenL buL can be qulckly reLrleved (your name).
SLorehouse of repressed memorles and wlshes (who
Iceberg model
rlnclple 2: sychodynamlcs
MenLal processes can be ln conlcL.
Cbsesslve-Compulslve ulsorder: people repeaL
behavlors LhaL Lhey would raLher noL (hand
lreud reasoned LhaL mouvauon ls complex.
Consclous ghung wlLh unconsclous.
Wlll ! " CounLerwlll
Lgo ! " ld
8ole of represslon
lreud vlewed unconsclous as
crowded aparLmenL.
1houghLs and feellngs wanL Lo geL
Consclous guards Lhe door.
May noL wanL Lo leL cerLaln
people ouL ln publlc.
8epresslon keeps unwanLed
LhoughLs ouL of Lhe consclous.
Selecuve forgemng.
lreud and phoblas
unconsclous mouvauon.
uangerous LhoughLs [usL under Lhe
surface (haLe/love parenL).
SLrong mouvauon Lo block LhoughL.
keep lL from publlc vlew.
Cover dangerous LhoughLs by obsesslng
abouL safer LhoughL (germs).
All LhoughLs cannoL be sLopped.
Some wlll geL by Lhe door keeper lnLo Lhe
consclous and need Lo be removed.
Suppresslon noL very successful.
ulmculL /.6 Lo Lhlnk of someLhlng once lL
reglsLers ln your consclous.
keep a secreL abouL a frlend (or enemy).
Can lead Lo obsesslon.
rlnclple 3: Lgo developmenL
1he LCC: lreuds greaLesL ldea.
Lgo means l ln Laun.
My Lgo ls who l am.
My concepL of self.
lreud LhoughL Lgo developed ouL of
lnLerplay beLween Lhe lu and Superego.
lu wanLs pleasure.
Superego wanLs Lhe ldea.
uevelops ouL Lhe baule.
8alance lu and Superego.
lmpulse versus rules.
LCC works Lhrough reallLy
LCC wages an endless
Llfe ls noL easy for Lhe LCC
uefense mechanlsms
LCC needs Lo be proLecLed ln dally
LCC develops defense mechanlsms Lo
buer consclousness from anxleLy.
uemands of Lhe lu and superego.
lmpulses and conlcLs of consclence.
1o name a few: pro[ecuon, denlal,
dlsplacemenL, ldenucauon, humor,
rauonallzauon, and subllmauon.
LCC uefense Mechanlsm
78 %5945002./ :; <.=>?65@ A.4B5C/B
We push unpleasant thoughts into unconscious so that we cant
access them.
Ex: a child who is molested, may suppress the traumatic event so
that he/she has no memory for the event.
D8 %?=./?E2F?=./ :;G30=HI 0.J56K2/B L?@ M5N>5 @./5
Lx: You steal and say, Well, I spend a lot of money at this store!
O8 %5B45002./ :; P5?E2/B 94.LE5J M26K B.2/B L?1QM?4@ 2/ 654J0 .H
Lx: Soldlers crylng for mommy
R8 P209E?15J5/6 :; !?Q5 .36 I.34 anger & frustration on a person
or object not the actual target of your anger in a negative way
Ex: After being grilled by your boss, you go home & yell at your
partner or the dog/cat.
LCC uefense Mechanlsm
S8 #4.G51=./ :; Attribute your negative characteristics to another
Ex: Your partner tells you how selfish you are, when they are in fact
T8 %5?1=./ A.4J?=./ :; &1=/B 6K5 .99.0265 .H K.M I.3 H55E
Ex: A person who doubts his faith may act like a religious zealot to defend
his religion.
U8 P5/2?E :; 45H305 6. L5E25>5 0.J56K2/B 3/9E5?0?/6 K?0 .113445@
Lx: you hear a frlend has dled & wonL belleve lLs Lrue
V8 *3LE2J?=./ :; <?Q2/B 0.J56K2/B L?@ ?L.36 I.3405EH 2/6. 0.J56K2/B
Ex: Aggressive impulses are transformed into the urge to engage in
competitive sports.
9. Compensation => do something well to make up (compensate) for other
deficits in our life.
Ex: We become a cop to compensate for getting picked on as a child.
rlnclple 4: 8elauons Lheory.
uevelopmenL of menLal represenLauons of
self Lhrough your relauonshlps wlLh oLhers.
We learn to satisfy id impulses while handling
societal pressures.
Freud argued that personality development- is
result of conflicts we resolve in childhood.
Who you are as an adulL depends a greaL deal
on your relauonshlps wlLh chlldhood
WJ9.46?/6 #0I1K.05X3?E *6?B5 !K5.4I Y.1?L3E?4I
"5@2930 1.J9E5X-a boys sexual deslres Loward hls moLher and feellngs
of [ealousy and haLred for Lhe rlval faLher
W@5/=Z1?=./-Lhe process by whlch, chlldren lncorporaLe Lhelr parenLs
values lnLo Lhelr developlng superegos
A2X?=./-a llngerlng focus of pleasure-seeklng energles aL an earller
psychosexual sLage, where conlcLs were unresolved.
Freuds 5 Stages of Psychosexual

(Cld AunL amela Loves Corlllas)
Cral SLage
(narclsslsuc - Self CenLered)
"4?E *6?B5 (8lrLh Lo 18 monLhs).

uurlng Lhe oral sLage, Lhe chlld ls focused on oral
pleasures (sucklng).
1oo much or Loo llule graucauon can resulL ln an Cral
llxauon or Cral ersonallLy whlch ls evldenced by a
preoccupauon wlLh oral acuvlues.
1hls Lype of personallLy may have a sLronger Lendency
Lo smoke, drlnk alcohol, over eaL, or blLe hls or her nalls.
ersonallLy wlse, Lhese lndlvlduals may become overly
dependenL upon oLhers, gulllble, and perpeLual
Cn Lhe oLher hand, Lhey may also ghL Lhese urges and
develop pesslmlsm and aggresslon Loward oLhers.

Cral 8ecepuve - lnLeresLed ln recelvlng
lnformauon, acqulrlng maLerlal goods, fond of
sweeLs, smoklng, and oral sex. CbeslLy sLems from
oral recepuveness.

Cral aggresslve - pleasures assoclaLed wlLh Lhe
mouLh wlLh emphasls on chewlng and blung. 1hey
may be puL down arusL and Lhe manner of speaklng
ls sarcasuc and argumenLauve.
Anal SLage
&/?E *6?B5 (18 monLhs Lo 3 years)

1he chllds focus of pleasure ln Lhls
sLage ls on ellmlnaung and reLalnlng
1hrough socleLys pressure, malnly vla
parenLs, Lhe chlld has Lo learn Lo conLrol
anal sumulauon.

- Anal compulslve/reLenuve: ln Lerms
of personallLy, aer eecLs of an
anal xauon durlng Lhls sLage can
resul L l n an obsessl on wl L h
cleanllness, perfecuon, and conLrol.

- Anal Lxpulslve: Cn Lhe opposlLe end
of Lhe specLrum, Lhey may become
messy and dlsorganlzed.
halllc SLage
#K?EE21 *6?B5 (ages 3-6 years).

1he pleasure zone swlLches Lo Lhe genlLals. lL ls Lhe
ume when chlld recognlze hls/her genlLal organs.

1he chlld sLruggles wlLh lndependence and lnferlorlLy

lreud belleved LhaL durlng Lhls sLage boys develop
unconsclous sexual deslres for Lhelr moLher.
8ecause of Lhls, he becomes rlvals wlLh hls faLher and
sees hlm as compeuuon for Lhe moLhers aecuon.
uurlng Lhls ume, boys also develop a fear LhaL Lhelr
faLher wlll punlsh Lhem for Lhese feellngs, such as by
casLraung Lhem.
lor 8oys: 1hls group of feellngs ls known as
"5@2930 ,.J9E5X ( aer Lhe Creek MyLhology
gure who accldenLally kllled hls faLher and
marrled hls moLher).
lor Clrls: -E5164? ,.J9E5X
- lor Clrls: blame and resenL Lhelr
moL her s f or L hel r anaL oml cal
declency, whlch called #5/20 -/>I
- lor 8oys: ,?064?=./ &/X256I
LaLency SLage
[?65/1I *6?B5 (age slx Lo puberLy/12 years).

LaLency - cooues sLage - sexuallLy ls hldden (laLency = hldden)
Chlldren ln same sex groups. 8oys hang wlLh faLher. Clrls wlLh

lLs durlng Lhls sLage LhaL sexual urges remaln repressed and
chlldren lnLeracL and play mosLly wlLh same sex peers.

lreud belleved LhaL ln Lhls phase Lhe Cedlpus complex was
dlssolved and seL free, resulung ln a relauvely conlcL-free perlod
of developmenL. 1hls phase ls Lypled by a solldlfylng of Lhe hablLs
LhaL Lhe chlld developed ln Lhe earller sLages.

Sexual energy ls channeled lnLo such acuvlues as golng Lo school
and maklng frlends.

Accordlng Lo lreud, laLency lnvolves masslve represslon of sexual,
as well as, anal lmpulses.
CenlLal SLage
$5/26?E *6?B5 (puberLy on).
1he nal sL age of psychosexual
developmenL beglns aL Lhe sLarL of
puberLy when sexual urges are once agaln

1hrough Lhe lessons learned durlng Lhe
prevlous sLages, adolescenLs dlrecL Lhelr
sexual urges onLo opposlLe sex peers,
wlLh Lhe prlmary focus of pleasure ls Lhe

llxauon ln earller sLages wlll hlnder Lhls

Criticisms of Freuds theory:
1. Freud had no scientific data to support his theories.

2. Freuds theories (unconscious, libido, etc.) cannot be

3. Theory explains behavior (post-hoc) after the fact.

4. Observations not representative of population (very sexist
and not multicultural).
5. Overly concerned with the role of the father as the key
figure in early childhood experience => studied further
by Melanie Klein in the impact of the relationship
between the child and its mothers breast in identifying
the links between the conscious and unconscious
(Beyond the pleasure principle)
Pros of Freuds theory
1. Argued that childhood experiences are
important in personality development.
2. Information outside of awareness does
influence us.
3. Defense mechanismsgood descriptions of
some of our behaviors.
8eadlng LlsL
1. Allen, 8.. (2003). ersonallLy 1heorles , 4
edluon. 8osLon: Allyn
and 8acon.
2. 8reger, L. (2000). lreud: ln Lhe MldsL of uarkness. new ?ork:!ohn
Wlley and Sons, lnc.
3. lodor, n. & Caynor, l. (1930). lreud: ulcuonary of sychoanalysls.
new ?ork: 1he hllosophlcal Llbrary, lnc.
4. lrledman, P.S. & SchusLack, M.W. (1999). ersonallLy: Classlc
1heorles and Modern 8esearch. 8osLon: Allyn and 8acon.
3. LleberL, 8.M. & Splegler, M.u. (1990). ersonallLy: SLraLegles and
lssues, 6
edluon. aclc Crove, CA: 8rooks/Cole
6. SLevens, A & SLorr A. (1998). lreud & !ung: A uual lnLroducuon.
new ?ork: 8arnes and noble 8ooks.
7. Myers, uavld, C. sychology. 2004. WorLh ubllshers.

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