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(CNPJ/MF): 03.378.521/0001-
P!"#$"%-&'"( C)*+,-% COMPANY RE.ISTRY (NIRE):
The Shareholders of Light S.A. (Company) are hereby invited to the Extraordinary
Shareholders !eeting to be held on "#tober $%& '%()& at ((*%% a.m. at the Companys head
offi#e lo#ated at Av. !are#hal +loriano& (,-& .arte& '/ andar& Corredor A& Centro& in the #ity and
state of 0io de 1aneiro& to resolve on the ele#tion of a sitting member of the 2oard of 3ire#tors
d4e to the resignation of member L4i5 Carlos da Silva Cant6dio 14nior& to #omplete the remaining
term of offi#e& 7hi#h is& 4ntil the Ann4al Shareholders !eeting that 7ill resolve on the finan#ial
statements relating to fis#al year '%(8.
9ith the p4rpose of streamlining the pro#ess to hold the Shareholders !eeting& in a##ordan#e
7ith Arti#le '(& paragraph ( of the Companys 2yla7s& Shareholders sho4ld deliver the
statements of their boo:;entry shares iss4ed by the #4stodian ban:& 2an#o 2rades#o S.A.& at Av.
!are#hal +loriano& (,-& A (& (/ andar& #orredor 3 (++0)& Centro& in the #ity and state of 0io de
1aneiro& 7ithin seventy;t7o (<') ho4rs prior to the !eeting& 7itho4t pre=4di#e of the provisions in
Arti#le 8& paragraph '& of C>! ?nstr4#tion )-(@'%%A& and& p4rs4ant to Arti#le '(& paragraph '& of
the 2yla7s& shareholders representatives m4st deliver their respe#tive proxies at the same
address& also 7ithin seventy;t7o (<') ho4rs prior to the !eeting.
Shareholders sho4ld also bring the follo7ing do#4ments*
?ndivid4al Shareholders
?dentifi#ation do#4ment 7ith photo B0C& foreigners identifi#ation #ard (0DE)& drivers li#ense
(CDE) or professional membership #ard offi#ially a##epted in 2ra5ilF& and in the #ase of
representation by proxy& a d4ly notari5ed po7er of attorney& in addition to the do#4ments
mentioned herein.
Corporate Shareholders
Certified #opy of the 2yla7s or Arti#les of ?n#orporation& as 7ell as #orporate do#4ments
#onfirming the po7ers of representation (ele#tion of administrators and@or po7er of attorney&
and in the #ase of representation by proxy& the notari5ed signat4re of the grantor)G and
?dentifi#ation do#4ment 7ith photo B0C& 0DE& drivers li#ense (CDE) or professional
membership #ard offi#ially a##epted in 2ra5ilF of the legal representative(s).
?nvestment +4nds
Certified #opy of the f4nds #onsolidated reg4lations and the 2yla7s or Arti#les of
?n#orporation of its administrator& as 7ell as the #orporate do#4ments #onfirming the po7ers of
representation (ele#tion of administrators and@or po7er of attorney& and in the #ase of
representation by proxy& the notari5ed signat4re of the grantor)G and
?dentifi#ation do#4ment 7ith photo B0C& 0DE& drivers li#ense (CDE) or professional
membership #ard offi#ially a##epted in 2ra5ilF of the legal representative(s).

.4rs4ant to Arti#le (% of C>! ?nstr4#tion )-(@'%%A& all the information ne#essary to 4nderstand
the matters to be dis#4ssed is available on the 7ebsites of the 2ra5ilian Se#4rities and Ex#hange
Commission ( and the Company (
0io de 1aneiro& "#tober (8& '%().
Sergio Alair 2arroso
Chairman of the 2oard of 3ire#tors

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