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Tutorial 1

!acobs & WesLon, Lnterpr|se resource p|ann|ng (Lk)A br|ef h|story, !ournal of
CperaLlons ManagemenL 23 (2007) 337-363

L8 - framework for organlzlng, deflnlng, and sLandardlzlng buslness processes Lo effecLlvely plan
and conLrol and org. so LhaL Lhe org. can use lnLernal knowledge for exLernal advanLage
L8 developmenL (beyond M8 = manufacLurlng resource plannlng) drlven by need for sLronger
lnLegraLlon beLween funcLlonal enLerprlse sllos (1970s-1980s)
1960s: early compuLers, reorder polnL (8C) sysLems and early maLerlal requlremenLs plannlng
CompeLlLlve focus = cosLs
roducL-focused manufacLurlng
Plgh-volume producLlon
MagneLlc Lape = only sLorage medlum
o Cne-dlmenslonal, buL manufacLurlng = Lwo-dlmenslonal
AvallablllLy of random access memory made M8 posslble
1970s: M8 and compuLer hardware and sofLware developmenLs
CompeLlLlve focus = (LargeL-) markeLlng, producLlon lnLegraLlon and plannlng
Lver fasLer and hlgher capaclLy dlsk (random access) sLorage
lnLegraLlon beLween forecasLlng, masLer schedullng, procuremenL and shop floor conLrol
M8 ll = manufacLurlng resource plannlng
Mld 70s: blrLh of ma[or sofLware vendors (laLer key L8 vendors)
o SA
o Cracle
o l8M
1973: l8M's manufacLurlng managemenL and accounL sysLems (MMAS) = precursor Lo L8
SynchronlzaLlon of new sofLware appllcaLlons wlLh release of new hardware sysLems
1980s: M8 ll
CompeLlLlve focus = quallLy ! need for process conLrol
ldea of lnLegraLed sofLware packages Lo replace several sLand-alone sysLems
unlx operaLlng sysLem offered posslblllLy of real-Llme capLure of LransacLlons ! beLLer
declslon supporL
Cracle: SCL daLabase sysLem ! sofLware could be run on compuLers from dlfferenL vendors
lnLegraLlon of lnformaLlon ln a conslsLenL, effecLlve manner across Lhe enLerprlse ! L8
1990s: M8 ll and early L8 sysLems
uramaLlc growLh of L8 sofLware and sysLems due Lo anLlclpaLed year 2000 (?2k) problem !
L8 as one way Lo address needed flxes Lo legacy sysLem sofLware LhaL was noL ?2k
1rend: lndusLry consolldaLlon
2000s: sofLware vendor consolldaLlon
2000-2002: pressure Lo downslze on sofLware companles
Cne buslness growLh opLlon = acqulslLlons and mergers
o L.g. eopleSofL/!.u. Ldwards merger
" ComplemenLary sofLware producLs
" LlLLle overlap ln sofLware offerlngs
" More compleLe sofLware porLfollo
# LefL lndusLry wlLh Lwo ma[ors players (Cracle and SA), buL wlLh sofLware
capablllLles of orlglnal 3 players
1he fuLure of L8
L8 sysLems = maLure
locus: easy conflguraLlon
o ShorL lmplemenLaLlon cycles
o Medlum and large pro[ecLs: sLlll pro[ecL managemenL lssues
o 1allored L8 sofLware packages
" nlche markeLs, nlche producLs & vendors
o ush" lnformaLlon based on user-deflned lnLeresL areas
o lnLelllgenL sysLems
" SlmulaLlons

klen & Llan, 8u||d|ng Lnterpr|se Integrat|on 1hrough Lnterpr|se kesource |ann|ng Systems,
lnLernaLlonal Conference on lnformaLlon SysLems, 2009

Lnterpr|se |ntegrat|on - ls process of achlevlng unlLy of efforL among Lhe varlous subsysLems ln Lhe
accompllshmenL of Lhe organlzaLlon's Lasks.
Lk has been developed as Lhe Lool Lo enable enLerprlse lnLegraLlon. ln facL, L8 sysLems have been
adverLlsed as Lhe comprehenslve packaged sofLware soluLlons LhaL seek Lo lnLegraLe Lhe compleLe
range of buslness' processes and funcLlons ln order Lo presenL a hollsLlc vlew of Lhe buslness from a
slngle lnformaLlon and l1 archlLecLure.
n|gh d|fferent|at|on and h|gh |ntegrat|on:
- As an organlzaLlon expands, groups of employees are dlfferenLlaLed along varlous dlmenslons
LhaL lnclude funcLlonal, producL and geographlcal speclallzaLlon.
- CrganlzaLlonal boundarles can creaLe dlsparaLe workflows and subculLures LhaL can hlnder Lhe
exchange of knowledge across dlfferenL deparLmenLs.
- Such organlzaLlonal fragmenLaLlon can lower Lhe vlslblllLy requlred Lo provlde one-sLep soluLlons
Lo cusLomers.
- ln addlLlon, envlronmenLal facLors such as globallzaLlon, lnLense compeLlLlon and heavy
regulaLlon are also demandlng such large organlzaLlon Lo work closely LogeLher ln order Lo enacL
changes qulckly LhroughouL Lhe whole organlzaLlon.
- lL ls Lherefore opLlmal for an organlzaLlon Lo have boLh a hlgh level of dlfferenLlaLlon as well as a
hlgh level of lnLegraLlon. 1he greaLer level of dlfferenLlaLlon, Lhe more dlfflculL lL ls Lo achleve a
hlgh level of lnLegraLlon.
- lnLegraLlon should be dynamlc, allowlng people Lo handle changes as well as Lo vary Lhelr
sLrengLh of lnLerdependencles beLween Lhe componenLs.

Understand|ng Lnterpr|se Integrat|on:
- ueflnlLlons of lnLegraLlon are ofLen brushed across lnLulLlvely as coordlnaLlon and cooperaLlon
- Coord|nat|on - ls deflned as managlng dependencles beLween acLlvlLles
- Cooperat|on - refers Lo mulLlple parLles worklng LogeLher
- Integrat|on - Lhe managemenL of dependencles beLween Lhe componenLs for comblned
beneflLs. ln Lhe auLhors vlew lL ls much more Lhan LhaL. lnLegraLlon should brlng LogeLher
componenLs LhaL are lndependenL Lo each oLher. lL lnLroduces opporLunlLles for Lhe dlvlslons Lo
coordlnaLe and collaboraLe ln Lhe fuLure.
- Lnterpr|se |ntegrat|on - one sLream of deflnlLlons emphaslzed Lhe deflnlLlon on buslness
componenLs of Lhe enLerprlse, coverlng aspecLs such as buslness funcLlons, knowledge and
process lnLegraLlon. L.g. lnLegraLlon makes mulLlple unlLs, funcLlons and slLes of large
organlzaLlons work LogeLher Lo lncrease capaclLy, lmprove performance, lower cosL sLrucLure
and dlscover opporLunlLles for lmprovemenL LhaL do noL appear unLll you look across funcLlons"
- Lnterpr|se |ntegrat|on - anoLher sLream deflnes Ll Lhrough Lhe lnLegraLlon of Lechnologlcal
sysLems. lL reflecLs Lhe capablllLy Lo lnLegraLe a varleLy of dlfferenL sysLem funcLlonallLles".
- Lnterpr|se |ntegrat|on - auLhors: whaL appears Lo be mlsslng ls Lhe dlscusslon of enLerprlse
lnLegraLlon aL a more sLraLeglc level. lnLegraLlon should resulL ln synerglsLlc ouLcomes such as
aLLalnlng beLLer revenues or Lhe ease Lo pursue
new opporLunlLles.
- 8us|ness |ntegrat|on - refers Lo Lhe creaLlon of
LlghLer coordlnaLlon among Lhe dlscreLe buslness
acLlvlLles conducLed by dlfferenL lndlvlduals, so
LhaL a unlfled buslness process ls formed.
- System |ntegrat|on - refers Lo Lhe creaLlon of LlghLer llnkages beLween dlfferenL compuLer-based
lnformaLlon sysLems and daLabases.

1he def|n|t|on of |ntegrat|on: btloqloq compooeots toqetbet ooto o commoo plotfotm, wblcb cteotes
tbe optloos fot compooeots to estobllsb, cbooqe ot voty tbelt stteoqtb of lotetJepeoJeoce omooq
ooe oootbet, fot o syoetqlstlc ootcome.

Lk sysLems are lnLended Lo enable seamless flow of lnformaLlon across Lhe whole organlzaLlon. ln
plannlng lLs L8-enabled enLerprlse lnLegraLlon sLraLegles, an organlzaLlon should Lake lnLo accounL
Lhe sLraLeglc, buslness and sysLem facLors LhaL may affecL Lhe effecLlveness of Lhe enLerprlse
! Cne buslness facLor LhaL can affecL Lhe effecLlveness of L8-enabled enLerprlse lnLegraLlon
sLraLegles ls Lhe level of slmllarlLy beLween buslness Lasks, buslness unlLs and buslness
! ComplexlLy and Lask lndependence affecL Lhe sulLablllLy of mechanlsms LhaL enable
! SLandardlzaLlon ls llkely Lo be more approprlaLe Lhan merely asklng Lhe affecLed unlLs Lo
manually ad[usL Lo each oLher
! 8ecause of daLa and process sLandardlzaLlon ln L8 sysLem, lnLegraLlon becomes more
dlfflculL and achlevemenL of beneflLs are less llkely lf Lhe unlLs belng lnLegraLed are hlghly
! Soclal sLrucLures play an lmporLanL role: e.g. globally dlspersed organlzaLlons LhaL seek Lo
achleve enLerprlse lnLegraLlon wlll have Lo manage culLural facLors such as Lhe power
dlsLance among peers, subordlnaLed and superlors as well as Lhe preference for collecLlve or
lndlvldual acLlvlLles

llndlngs of Lhe paper:
$ 1he enLerprlse lnLegraLlon sLraLegles were unclear and people aL dlfferenL
hlerarchlcal levels had dlfferenL lnLerpreLaLlon of Lhe enLerprlse lnLegraLlon
$ 1he noLlon of one enLerprlse" was noL spread clearly Lo Lhe sLaff ln Lhe lower
hlerarchlcal levels
Clven Lhe varlous lnLegraLlon posslblllLles, senlor managemenL musL declde on whaL one enLerprlse"
means Lo Lhem and communlcaLe Lhls dlrecLlon of lnLegraLlon wlLh clarlLy and commlLmenL down Lo
Lhe resL sLaff ln Lhe organlzaLlon.
$ Lack of clarlLy abouL Ll scope and prlorlLlzaLlon of ob[ecLlves encouraged many users
Lo Lhrow ln" as many requlremenLs as posslble durlng deslgn phase
$ 1he vlslon of enLerprlse lnLegraLlon was noL kepL consLanLly ln slghL
$ Cross-8u lnformaLlon vlslblllLy was noL glven much aLLenLlon
$ Large no. Cf sLakeholders made lL unclear where Lhe auLhorlLy Lo make declslons lay
$ LxLernal companles were relucLanL Lo allocaLe Llme Lo LesL Lhe lnLerface
$ lnformaLlon sharlng ls noL a common pracLlce - soclal barrler
lragmenLaLlon ln buslness ls reflecLed when some users are unable Lo undersLand how Lhelr acLlon
would affecL Lhe oLher deparLmenLs. ConLlnuous efforLs should be made Lo coordlnaLe across unlLs
Lo connecL separaLe sllos LogeLher.

uwlzeyemungu, L. 8aymond, L|nk|ng the Lffects of Lk to Crgan|zat|ona| erformance:
Deve|opment and In|t|a| Va||dat|on of an Lva|uat|on Method, lnformaLlon SysLems
ManagemenL, 27:23-41, 2010

aper presenLs a meLhod Lo evaluaLe Lhe conLrlbuLlon of an L8 sysLem Lo organlzaLlonal
performance. lLs orlglnallLy lles ln Lhe facL LhaL Lhe whole range of performance lndlcaLors acLually
used by managers are lnLegraLed ln Lhe evaluaLlon of Lhe sysLem.

% L8 lmplemenLaLlon remalns however one of Lhe mosL slgnlflcanL challenges for lS
pracLlLloners ln Lhe pasL decade".
% L8 lmplemenLaLlon pro[ecLs requlre large lnvesLmenLs and enLall conslderable rlsks LhaL
musL be mlLlgaLed ln an approprlaLe manner.
1hls paper alms Lo propose a new quallLaLlve meLhod for Lhe ex-posL evaluaLlon of L8 sysLems. 1hls
meLhod llnks Lhe L8 sysLem on one hand wlLh Lhe lndlcaLors of organlzaLlonal performance, Lhrough
Lhe auLomaLlon, lnformaLlonal and LransformaLlonal effecLs LhaL resulL from Lhe lmplemenLaLlon and
use of Lhe sysLem.

roblems ln evaluaLlng Lhe effecLs of l1 on performance:
$ lnLanglblllLy of numerous cosLs and beneflLs assoclaLed Lo l1
$ 1he manlfesLaLlon of l1 effecLs over Llme and aL varlous level
$ 1he dlfflculLy ln dlssoclaLlng l1 from Lhe work sysLems Lhey supporL.

LvaluaLlon Models of l1 LffecLs:
& Casual models - aLLempL Lo demonsLraLe a cause-effecL relaLlonshlp beLween l1 lnvesLmenLs
and organlzaLlonal performance
& rocess models - preoccupled wlLh Lhe chaln of evenLs by whlch l1 lnvesLmenLs provlde
value added Lo Lhe organlzaLlon.
& ConLlngency models - underllned by Lhe ldea LhaL Lhe effecLs of l1 on organlzaLlonal
performance are noL dlrecL, buL Lhey dlffer wlLh Lhe former ln LhaL Lhey propose LhaL Lhls
lmpacL depends upon Lhe allgnmenL or flL" of l1 wlLh oLher fundamenLal dlmenslons of Lhe
flrm's managemenL such as lLs sLraLegy, sLrucLure and envlronmenL.
& 8alanced scorecard (8SC) - used Lo evaluaLe lS/l1 performance ln general and L8 sysLems ln
parLlcular. ln case of L8 evaluaLlon, lL comblnes and lnLer-relaLes mulLlple perspecLlves.
1hanks Lo 8SC lL was recognlzed LhaL Lhe way ln whlch Lhe sysLem ls deslgned and Lhe
manner ln whlch lL ls used and managed are lmporLanL Lo achleve l1 lnvesLmenL ob[ecLlves.

I|nd|ngs - Lk effects:

L8 evaluaLlon meLhods ln seven sLeps:


Tutorial 2

LlghL, 1he ma|ntenance |mp||cat|ons of the custom|zat|on of Lk software, !ournal of
SofLware MalnLenance and LvoluLlon: research and pracLlce, 2001

1be totlooole fot kl softwote oJoptloo ooJ lts costomlzotloo
lmproved sofLware sLrucLure & ouLsourclng ablllLy of malnLenance
1ap lnLo avallable skllls base for sofLware
8educed levels of enLropy & lmproved documenLaLlon
8esoluLlon of year 2000 problem (L8 sofLware = year 2000 compllanL)
Common l1 and org. blueprlnL (useful ln Lhe conLexL of globallzaLlon, M&A, eLc.)
Chance Lo adopL besL pracLlce buslness models embedded wlLhln Lhe sofLware
costomlzotloo - cbooqes / oJJltloos to tbe ovolloble fooctlooollty lo tbe stooJotJ kl softwote
Cenerlc cusLomlzaLlon: wrlLLen once and used ln Lhe whole org.
Local cusLomlzaLlon: wrlLLen once, buL only used locally
undersLandlng Lhe malnLenance lmpllcaLlons of L8 sofLware cusLomlzaLlon

1. Change funcLlonallLy
Changlng Lhe sofLware
CusLomlzaLlon needs Lo be re-wrlLLen, re-LesLed and re-lmplemenLed
upgrades of Lhe L8 sysLem may requlre malnLenance of Lhe cusLomlzaLlons
2. Addlng funcLlonallLy
lncorporaLlng addlLlonal funcLlonallLy absenL from Lhe sLandard L8 sofLware
MalnLenance = upgrades & malnLenance of Lhe llnk beLween cusLom developmenL and
Lhe L8 sofLware
3. rocess auLomaLlon
Could requlre conslderable reworklng when upgrades arrlve
4. Amendlng reporLs / dlsplays
Lach change ln lLself = small, buL malnLalnlng all changes & assoclaLed documenLaLlon =
slgnlflcanL underLaklng
o Can be underLaken aL nexL upgrade of L8 sysLem ! uslng L8 sofLware Lo
reduce malnLenance efforL (= orlglnal drlver for Lhe declslon Lo lmplemenL)
3. new reporLs
no llkellhood of upgrades, unless new daLa needs Lo be enLered ln Lhe reporLs
MalnLenance efforL = creaLlon of reporLs
8lsk: sLaff creaLlng own reporLs
o 8educed Lhrough lmplemenLlng a reporL generaLor package
Level of accepLance of L8 sofLware: complex
L8 sofLware cannoL always accommodaLe organlzaLlonal demands
o CusLomlzaLlon vs. malnLenance
" upgrades (mlghL Lake a loL of efforL)
" Cngolng malnLenance ouLslde of any upgrade lmplemenLaLlon
" 8lsk managemenL
Culckness of malnLenance lssues
CosLs of malnLenance
CuLsourclng malnLenance Lo L8 vendor, where sLandard sofLware ls
noL cusLomlzed
" L8 sofLware llfecycle cosLs musL be consldered

Luo & SLrong, A Iramework for Lva|uat|ng Lk Imp|ementat|on Cho|ces, 2004

& Successful L8 lmplemenLaLlon requlres flL beLween L8 sysLem & supporLed org. processes
& AssumpLlons of L8 vendors don'L maLch processes ! sysLem or processes adapLed
& L8 lmplemenLaLlon = serles of lndependenL cusLomlzaLlon and lmplemenLaLlon pro[ecLs
& L8 characLerlsLlcs: packaged sofLware, complexlLy, sysLem adapLaLlon, CrganlzaLlon
& 8esource-based perspecLlve: L8 lmplemenLaLlon affecLed by organlzaLlon's l1-based
resources (+ how Lhey are assembled, coordlnaLed & deployed)
1.) 1anglble l1 resources (e.g. l1 lnfrasLrucLure)
2.) lnLanglble l1 resources (e.g. knowledge bases)
3.) Puman l1 resources (e.g. Lechnlcal and managerlal skllls)
1.) 1echnlcal cusLomlzaLlon
1.1) Module selecLlon (whlch modules Lo lmplemenL)
1.2) 1able conflguraLlon (selecL conflguraLlon opLlons ln Lhe Lables, very complex & Llme-
consumlng when lnLerdependencles among opLlons across varlous Lables & modules,
beneflLs: Lallor wlLhouL codlng, full vendor supporL, ease of fuLure upgradlng)
1.3) Code modlflcaLlon (some sysLems Lo supporL cusLomlzaLlon, hlghesL cosL & rlsk, posslble
lncompaLlblllLy wlLh newer verslons of sysLem, some lnLegraLlon beneflLs may be losL)
2.) rocess cusLomlzaLlon
2.1) no change (only changes ln Lasks & resources)
2.2) lncremenLal change (also changes ln relaLlonshlps among Lasks & relaLlonshlps among
Lasks & resources)
2.3) 8adlcal change (fundamenLal reLhlnklng & radlcal redeslgn of buslness processes, lncl.
performance measures)

CapablllLy requlremenLs for L8 cusLomlzaLlon:
1.) 1echnlcal change capablllLles
1.1) undersLandlng defaulL L8 sysLem processes, conflguraLlon & bullL-ln opLlons
1.2) AblllLy Lo develop & modlfy large-scale sofLware ln a neLworked daLabase envlronmenL
1.3) AblllLy Lo manage large-scale sysLems developmenL pro[ecLs
2.) rocess change capablllLles
2.1) undersLand exlsLlng buslness processes & buslness envlronmenL
2.2) AblllLy Lo deslgn new or changed buslness processes, as well as lmplemenL Lhese deslgns
2.3) Capable of managlng & coordlnaLlng large-scale buslness process changes

' CrganlzaLlon consldered Lo have hlgh capablllLy of elLher Lype, lf lL has broad scope and greaL
depLh ln all Lhree relevanL ablllLles

' 8eslsL
LempLaLlon Lo over
cusLomlze (e.g. over
cusLomlze sysLem as

' ulfferenL capablllLles needed for Lypes of L8 cusLomlzaLlon:

' 8oLh Lechnlcal
change & process change
capablllLles wlll change
over Llme as companles go
Lhrough L8
lmplemenLaLlon process !
perlodlcally evaluaLe
capablllLles ! plan paLh of
lmplemenLaLlon pro[ecLs
(more dlfflculL pro[ecLs
become feaslble Lhrough

Puq, Puq, CuLrlghL, 8k through Lk: Avo|d|ng change management p|tfa||s, !ournal of
Change ManagemenL, 2007.

! ConLrlbuLlon of L8 sysLems Lowards 88 lmplemenLaLlon can be slgnlflcanL ln Lerms of
scope, conflgurablllLy and lnLegraLlveness
! SLudy uses open-ended quesLlonnalre (3 companles: PosplLal, global consumer company,
global consulLlng company) uslng slx mgmL. dlmenslons
Change managemenL dlmenslons:
1.) Leadershlp - descrlbes Lop managemenL's ablllLy Lo dlrecL roles and responslblllLles based on
company mlsslon sLaLemenL
2.) 8arrlers Lo change - descrlbes how barrlers Lo reachlng consensus, barrlers Lo learnlng,
barrlers Lo moLlvaLlon and barrlers Lo operaLlonal success were ldenLlfled.
3.) CommunlcaLlons - descrlbes how employees, parLners and suppller are educaLed abouL Lhe
change, whaL was done Lo obLaln supporL from Lhem.
4.) lmplemenLaLlon of change and conLrol - descrlbes Lhe hlerarchy of declslons, dlssemlnaLlon
of Lhe change concepLs, Llme scales and ma[or checkpolnLs of Lhe pro[ecL, progress revlew
and needed lnLervenLlons Lo overcome obsLacles.
3.) eople culLure facLor - descrlbes how employees were empowered, wheLher leadershlp was
shared, whaL klnd of efforL were puL lnLo removlng culLural barrlers and whaL klnd of
problem-solvlng Lools were used Lo reach consensus.
6.) Change revlew - descrlbes how company measures Lhe aLLalnmenL of Lhe sLraLeglc, LacLlcal
and conLrol goals.
WhaL ls 88?
88 ls noL downslzlng or resLrucLurlng, lL's noL lndenLed Lo lmprove shorL-Lerm flnanclal
resulLs by geLLlng rld of people and [obs, 88 ls a culmlnaLlon of varlous managemenL
pracLlces & schools of LhoughL
As opposed Lo 1oLal CuallLy ManagemenL, 88 does noL focus on lncremenLal change or
gradual lmprovemenL of processes, raLher lL seeks radlcal redeslgn and drasLlc lmprovemenL
of Lhe processes
Lk |mp|ementat|on |ssues
1.) MaLchlng funcLlonallLy
2.) CrganlzaLlonal reslsLance
3.) 1echnlcal supporL & lnLegraLlon
Avo|d|ng the p|tfa||s (a|ong 6 management d|mens|ons):
1.) uevelop mlsslon sLaLemenL & shared values, deflne roles & responslblllLles, expecLed
( Why change ls needed, why 88 efforL useful, how mgmL. enable employees Lo
lmplemenL change
( 1op managemenL commlLmenL (!)
( Appralse employees of poLenLlal changes Lo deslgn & scope, waLch for unreallsLlc worker
expecLaLlons (employees hold mgmL. Lo lLs promlses)
2.) ollLlcs: lf change aLLempLs LhreaLen power & preferences of groups ! confllcL & sLruggles
( CeL supporL of well-known lndlvlduals & oplnlon leaders (1sL sLep!)
( Pelp employees say goodbye" Lo old Lechnology, help Lo spend some Llme ln Lhe neuLral
zone (l.e. 88 ldeas)(l.e. offer enough lead Llme Lo geL used Lo new processes), help Lhem
come Lo grlps wlLh new ldeas
3.) LffecLlve communlcaLlon can dlspel confuslon & employee reslsLance
( LducaLe employees
( Cffer slngle polnL of conLacL (preferably lnLraneL / corporaLe porLal)
( Clve opLlon Lo offer oplnlons, commenLs & suggesLlons
( CommunlcaLlon of change ldes Lhrough mulLlple channels
4.) arLnershlp lS & process Leams Lo lead re-englneerlng efforLs
( reparaLlon, Analysls (Lop mapplng of exlsLlng sysLems), deslgn (of new processes), fleld
LesLlng, acLual lmplemenLaLlon
( AL preparaLlon, mgmL. needs Lo play leadershlp & communlcaLlon role ln assesslng
buslness sLraLegy, deflnlng Lhe pro[ecL's scope & lnlLlaLlng Leam bulldlng
( lmplemenLaLlon & conLrol ! Leam bulldlng (!)
3.) CulLure seLs boLh llmlLs & dlrecLlon of movemenL of behavlor ln organlzaLlons
( CulLure can only be changed when employees learn new seLs of behavlor
( L8-moLlvaLed 88 requlres culLural reform (new culLure LhaL supporLs new work
( Lmployees should know whaL ls expecLed from Lhem & whaL Lo expecL from Lhe
( Clve employees Llme Lo accepL org. change efforL
6.) AssessmenL (! guaranLees process lnLegraLlon and rellablllLy!)
( ro[ecL progress ln comparlson Lo Lhe seL ouLllne
( AssessmenL of how Lhe L8 sysLem works across funcLlonal boundarles
( ConLlngency plans for any unforeseen obsLacles
( CuaranLee LhaL new re-englneered processes are foolproof (helps avoldlng surprlses &
evenLual fallure of pro[ecL)

Tutorial 3

llqbt, nollooJ & wllls, Lk and best of breed: a comparat|ve ana|ys|s, 8uslness rocess
ManagemenL !ournal, vol. 7 no. 3, 2001.

L8 crlLlclzed for lnflexlblllLy and noL meeLlng speclflc organlzaLlon and lndusLry requlremenLs. L8
sofLware funcLlonallLy ls lacklng, Lhe lmpllclL buslness model does noL represenL Lhelr own and
Lherefore reenglneerlng buslness processes ln llne wlLh Lhls presenLs ma[or dlfflculLles.
L8 sulLes Lend Lo only have one besL class appllcaLlon (eoplesofL for P8, Cracle for flnanclals eLc.)

8o8 (besL of breed) ls a sLraLegy LhaL lnLegraLes componenLs of sLandard package and/or cusLom
sofLware (comblnlng ln-house and Lhlrd parLy sofLware). uue Lo Lhe absence of besL ln class sLandard
sofLware some companles have developed cusLom componenLs Lhemselves.
o 1he ob[ecLlve of 8o8 ls Lo develop enLerprlse sysLems LhaL are more closely allgned wlLh Lhe
buslness process of an organlzaLlon. 1he alm for Lhe sLraLegy ls enLerprlse lnLegraLlon and
process orlenLaLlon.
o 1hls approach also provldes an lnfrasLrucLure LhaL accommodaLes Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of
new or lmproved appllcaLlon and buslness process, Lhereby provldlng companles wlLh a
consLanL sLaLe-of-arL capablllLy.
o Lach 8o8 componenL can be lmplemenLed as a sLand-alone appllcaLlon.

WlLh Lhe L8 sysLem one sulLs lLs buslness process Lo Lhe sysLem, whlle ln Lhe 8o8 you sulL Lhe
sysLem Lo flL your processes.

80/20 rule approach - Lo shorLen Lhe Llme consumlng dlscusslon leadlng Lo consensus, you only alm
Lo meeL 80 of deslred funcLlonallLy by your sofLware and Lhe remalnlng 20 would be lefL Lo
addlLlonal MlS developmenLs ouLslde of Lhe package.

C|ean s|ate approach - lmplemenL Lhe besL pracLlces Lo your buslness processes from Lhe vendor.
C|ean s|ate reeng|neer|ng - you redeslgn your processes yourself.

kettlq, c., 1he 1roub|e W|th Lnterpr|se Software, Ml1 Sloan ManagemenL 8evlew, lall 2007,
vol. 49, no. 1

& Increased comp|ex|ty - dlglLal Lechnology noL only deallng wlLh complexlLy buL also creaLlng
o lalse assumpLlon LhaL more compuLers ls beLLer
o lor every 23 lncrease ln complexlLy (as Lo Lolerance of amblgulLy, llloglcal quesLlons
or lnconslsLencles posed by users) Lhere ls an lncrease ln Lhe sofLware complexlLy by
o As Lhe complexlLy ls lncreased, people geL losL ln Lhe lnLerconnecLedness - no one
knows whaL wlll happen lf you change one parL of Lhe sysLem

& St||| the same |egacy systems - dlfferenL dlvlslons or faclllLles ofLen made lndependenL
purchases, many companles ended up havlng several lnsLances of Lhe same L8 sysLems
o ln Lhe end L8 sysLems became [usL anoLher subseL of Lhe legacy sysLems Lhey were
supposed Lo replace
& Cost of |mp|ementat|on - 73 of L8 lmplemenLaLlons were consldered fallures
o 1here ls llLLle sLaLlsLlcal evldence LhaL Lhe beneflLs of L8 lmplemenLaLlon ouL-welgh
Lhe cosLs and rlsks
o LnLerprlse sysLems noL only falled Lo dellver on Lhelr grand promlse, buL ofLen
slmply aggravaLed Lhe problems Lhey were supposed Lo solve"
& Custom|zat|on vs. p|a|n van|||a
o lmplemenLlng plaln-vanllla Lype of Lhe sysLem doesn'L glve you any comparaLlve
o CusLomlzlng Lhe already complex L8 sofLware creaLes even more complexlLy and
even larger rlsks
" WlLhouL lnLlmaLe knowledge of how Lhe lnLegraLed pleces of modules
acLually work leads Lo ln-house bugs LhaL are hard Lo foresee and expenslve
Lo flx
" SofLware conLalns unknown defecLs, lL's noL posslble Lo guaranLee LhaL Lhe
program as a whole has no flows
& Data rocess|ng
o 8ecause of Lhe dlfflculLy and complexlLy of Lhe new sofLware lLself, companles Lend
Lo forgeL abouL Lhe daLa, necesslLaLlng enormous reworklng Lo properly clean up Lo
lnLegraLe Lhe daLa.
o 8lg amounL of daLa conLalnlng myrlad hldden errors only adds Lhe complexlLy and
uncerLalnLy of Lechnologlcal soluLlons

& sycho|og|ca| barr|er
o 8uslness execuLlves wanL Lo conLlnue Lo belleve LhaL Lechnology wlll lower cosLs,
lmprove processes and reduce Lhe slze of workforce
o LxecuLlves don'L llke Lo hear abouL downsldes of Lechnology

$ SCA (Serv|ce Cr|ented Arch|tecture) - lL proposes Lo overcome Lhe problem lnvolved wlLh
updaLlng and changlng legacy sysLems by bulldlng modular cross-sysLem buslness processes.
1hese processes would connecL Lhe relevanL pleces of funcLlonallLy from varlous l1 sysLems,
Lhereby maklng lL easler Lo change processes Lo adapL Lo ne buslness goals.
o nowever many dlfflculL Lechnlcal problems musL be solved before SCA can become
Lhe backbone for a new sLraLeglc archlLecLure, lncludlng robusL proLocols for
accesslng Lhe appllcaLlons, hlgh-quallLy lnLegraLed daLa sLores and a sound
meLhodology for managlng Lhe over all processes.
o 1he ha||mark of SCA ls Lhe fundamenLal modularlLy of lLs sofLware buslness
processes. Companles can bulld (or purchase) buslness modules for Lhelr core
o SLlll Lhe comp|ex|ty ls carrled over wlLh Lhls Lechnology. SCAs become addlLlonal
layers of code superlmposed on Lhe exlsLlng layers. 1haL means lL ls posslble LhaL a
process wlll fall aL some polnL due Lo some faulL ln Lhe layers below and ln order Lo
undersLand and flx LhaL problem, sofLware englneers wlll need Lo deal wlLh Lhe
layers of enLerprlse appllcaLlons below Lhe modular buslness process.

lece of advlce?
- Closer and closer communlcaLlon and collaboraLlon beLween l1 and buslness sldes of Lhe

lostet ooJ 1oecke, Descr|b|ng the L|ephant: 1he D|fferent Iaces of I1 as Serv|ce, Cueue,
volume 3 lssue 6, !uly/AugusL 2003

uescrlpLlon of ma[or Lechnology Lrends LhaL are drlvlng many relaLed efforLs, namely Lhe
LransformaLlon from verLlcally lnLegraLed buslness unlLs Lo horlzonLally lnLegraLed, servlce-orlenLed

1he organlzarlon of l1 resources as a seL of more-or-less lndependenL sllos, each responslble for a
dlsLlncL enLerprlse funcLlon or appllcaLlon ls a commonplace. lL's noL uncommon for lndlvldual sllos
Lo be ldle 90 of Lhe Llme because of Lhe need Lo provlde excess capaclLy for occaslonal peak loads.

uecooplloq vettlcolly ooJ loteqtotloq botlzootolly of Lhe l1 sLrucLures allows for reuse of funcLlon
wlLhln appllcaLlons and economles of scale ln Lerms of resource usage.
verLlcal decoupllng - sLandardlzlng lnLerfaces among appllcaLlon componenLs
PorlzonLal lnLegraLlon - adopLlng unlform managemenL lnLerfaces so LhaL large number of resources,
dlsLrlbuLed over whaL used Lo be dlsLlncL sllos, can be allocaLed, used, monlLored and managed ln a
common and auLomaLed manner, lmprovlng uLlllzaLlon and reduclng operaLlons cosLs

CtlJ - a sysLem LhaL uses open, general purpose proLocols Lo federaLe dlsLrlbuLed resources and Lo
dellver beLLer-Lhan-besL-efforL quallLles of servlces. Crld Lechnologles allow:
1) Cn-demand access Lo compuLlng capablllLles,
2) 1he federaLlon of dlsLrlbuLed resources Lo meeL end-user requlremenLs.
CtlJ loftosttoctote - horlzonLal lnfrasLrucLure lnLegraLlon layer.

utlllty compotloq.
a) A separaLlon beLween servlce provlder and consumer,
b) 1he ablllLy Lo negoLlaLe a deslred quallLy of servlce from Lhe

Oo-JemooJ - broad Lerm used Lo denoLe Lechnologles and sysLems
LhaL allow users or appllcaLlons Lo acqulre addlLlonal resources Lo meeL changlng requlremenLs.

uoto ceotet ootomotloo - refer Lo producLs LhaL enable Lhe coordlnaLed managemenL of resources
wlLhln an enLerprlse, e.g. Lo keep large number of machlnes up Lo daLe wlLh Lhe laLesL paLches.

clostet - denoLes a non-shared-memory. 1he relaLlvely low cosL of clusLers makes Lhem excellenL
power planLs for grld/uLlllLy/on-demand compuLlng sysLems.

Ootsootcloq - a Lhlrd parLy offers Lo run all or parL of an enLerprlse's l1 operaLlons.

5oftwote os o setvlce - Lhe Web ls used Lo provlde many cusLomers wlLh access Lo funcLlons LhaL
have been speclflcally deslgned for Lhls mode of use. SaaS ls an approach Lo wrlLlng appllcaLlons and
exposlng lnLerfaces Lo users.

5etvlce-OtleoteJ Atcbltectote - an approach Lo deslgnlng sysLems LhaL faclllLaLes Lhe reallzaLlon of
Lhe l1-as-servlce and horlzonLal lnLegraLlon goals menLloned earller. An SCA ls a seL of servlces LhaL
seeks Lo achleve Lhe clean separaLlon of lnLerface and lmplemenLaLlon needed Lo reallze oLher
deslrable properLles such as locaLlon Lransparency and loos coupllng beLween servlce and cllenL.
web setvlces - seL of Lechnologles for reallzlng SCA.
5etvlce-OtleoteJ loftosttoctote - Lhe use of SCA approaches Lo Lhe problem of resource

PorlzonLal lnLegraLlon:
Appllcotloos use wotklooJ moooqets
Lo coordlnaLe Lhelr access Lo physlcal
resources. AppllcaLlon and lLs
workload manager are noL verLlcally
lnLegraLed. lnsLead Lhey blnd
dynamlcally Lo resources vla common
qtlJ loftosttoctote. 1he resources
Lhemselves may lmplemenL varlous
vlttoollzotloo approaches Lo enhance
Lhe flexlblllLy wlLh whlch Lhey serve
Lhelr users.

LnLerprlses LhaL wanL Lo supporL a range of appllcaLlons on shared resources face Lhe problem LhaL
dlfferenL appllcaLlons and Lhelr assoclaLed workload managers do noL lnLegraLe aL Lhe lnfrasLrucLure
SoluLlon: lnLroducLlon of common horlzonLal layer LhaL deflned and lmplemenLs a conslsLenL seL of
absLracLlons and lnLerfaces for access Lo and managemenL of shared resources. 1hls ls called qtlJ
A grld lnfrasLrucLure musL provlde a seL of Lechnlcal capablllLles as follows:
% 8esource modellng - descrlbes avallable resources, Lhelr capablllLles and Lhe relaLlonshlps
beLween Lhem Lo faclllLaLe dlscovery, provlslonlng and quallLy of servlce managemenL.
% MonlLorlng and noLlflcaLlon - provldes vlslblllLy lnLo Lhe sLaLe of resources
% AllocaLlon - assures quallLy of servlce across an enLlre seL of resources for Lhe llfeLlme of
Lhelr use by an appllcaLlon
% rovlslonlng, llfe-cycle managemenL and decommlsslonlng - enables allocaLed resource Lo be
conflgured auLomaLlcally for appllcaLlon use
% AccounLlng and audlLlng - Lracks Lhe usage of shared resources and provldes mechanlsms for
Lransferrlng cosL among users

vlttoollzotloo tecbooloqles - Lechnologles LhaL lmplemenL a layer on resources LhaL boLh provldes
flexlble conLrol of Lhe physlcal resource concepL (e.g. wlLh respecL Lo performance) and aL Lhe same
Llme supporLs mulLlple vlrLual lnsLances on Lhe same physlcal resource wlLh good lsolaLlon.

Tutori al 4

Lee, Slau and Pong, Lnterpr|se |ntegrat|on w|th Lk and LAI, CommunlcaLlons of Lhe ACM,
vol. 46, no. 2, 2003

Lnterpr|se App||cat|on Integrat|on (LAI) - auLomaLes Lhe lnLegraLlon process wlLh less efforL Lhan
LhaL requlred wlLh L8. 1o some degree, LAl can even lncorporaLe L8, Lhus servlng Lo connecL L8

1wo dlfferenL approaches: lotetoollzotloo represenLed by L8 and xtetoollzotloo Lhrough Lhe use of

( !"#$%"&'()&#(*" represented by Lk
" LnLerprlse lnLegraLlon - capablllLy Lo lnLegraLe a varleLy of dlfferenL sysLem funcLlonallLles
" ln early 1990s, Lwo dlsLlncL sysLem lnLegraLlon approaches: L8 addresslng operaLlonal
lnLegraLlon and daLa warehouslng focuslng on lnformaLlonal lnLegraLlon Lo supporL declslon-
" ln mld 1990 LlA emerged Lo make sysLem lnLegraLlon posslble wlLh lower cosLs and less
" 1echnlcal and 8ehavloral lnLegraLlon - Lo achleve aglllLy and flexlblllLy, lL ls necessary Lo have
boLh Lechnlcal and behavloral lnLegraLlon. 1he blggesL challenge may be Lhe behavloral
lnLegraLlon (e.g. redlsLrlbuLlon of roles and responslblllLles).

LnLerprlse 8esource lannlng - ploneer ln enLerprlse lnLegraLlon by offerlng a sysLem LhaL
accompllshed Lhe lnLegraLlon of dlfferenL operaLlonal and LransacLlon daLa.
' ln order Lo lmplemenL L8, mosL companles musL flrsL reenglneer Lhelr buslness
processes Lo adopL L8 sLandard buslness processes.
o lor some companles lL's advanLageous as Lhey can geL rld of old legacy
sysLems eLc., for oLhers lL's lmposslble
' Approaches Lo lmplemenLlng L8: comptebeoslve (lnvolvlng LoLal efforL Lo
lmplemenL all modules of Lhe L8 package wlLh buslness process reenglneerlng),
voolllo (less buslness process reenglneerlng and requlrlng L8 funcLlonallLles ln only
one slLe) ooJ mlJJle-tooJ (an approach LhaL falls beLween Lhe oLher Lwo exLremes).
' Maln dlsadvanLage of L8: lnLernal focus, now seen as an dlsadvanLage due Lo
lncreaslng focus on changes ln Lhe exLernal envlronmenL

( ,-#$%"&'()&#(*" through the use of LAI
' 8aslc concepL of LAl ls Lhe exLernallLy of enLerprlse lnLegraLlon wlLh lower cosLs and
less programmlng uslng exlsLlng appllcaLlons.
' LlA - buslness-compuLlng Lerm for ploos, metboJs ooJ tools almed aL moJetolzloq,
coosollJotloq ooJ cootJlootloq Lhe overall compuLer funcLlonallLy ln an enLerprlse.
' LAl may lnvolve developlng LoLally new ouLlook of an enLerprlse's buslness and lLs
appllcaLlons, deLermlnlng how exlsLlng appllcaLlons flLs lnLo Lhe new vlew and Lhen
devlslng ways Lo efflclenLly reuse whaL already exlsLs whlle addlng new appllcaLlons and
' LAl uses speclal mlddleware LhaL serves as a brldge beLween dlfferenL appllcaLlons
for sysLem lnLegraLlon. All appllcaLlons are freely communlcaLlng wlLh each oLher Lhrough
common lnLerface layer raLher Lhan Lhrough polnL-Lo-polnL lnLegraLlon. (LxLenslve
programmlng ellmlnaLed)
' LAl approach has been embraced by companles due Lo lLs ablllLy Lo reuse exlsLlng
compuLer appllcaLlons Lo sLreamllne processes and Lhe relaLlve convenlence of
( LAl lmplemenLaLlon lnvolved an exLenslve long-Lerm lnvesLmenL ln deslgn. (1lme consumlng)
( LAl lmplemenLaLlon requlres LhaL Lhere ls a sLrong communlcaLlon, coordlnaLlon and
cooperaLlon beLween lnformaLlon Lechnology and buslness personnel.
( LAl requlres buslness-mapplng processes, as a crlLlcal aspecL here ls Lo comblne separaLe
sysLems' buslness processes.

neverLheless Lhe ulLlmaLe goal of LAl ls Lhe flexlblllLy or
aglllLy LhaL carefully archlLecLed lnLegraLlon brlngs Lo
Lhe enLerprlse, permlLLlng rapld response Lo new
buslness opporLunlLles.

Lk or LAI?
Lk ls:
) ush-orlenLed as L8 forces an organlzaLlon Lo accepL sLandard lnLegraLed buslness
processes - Lhls can generaLe a slgnlflcanL reslsLance from members of an organlzaLlon.
) 8oLLom-up approach, as lndlvlduals wlLhln Lhe organlzaLlon cannoL selecL Lhelr own buslness
processes for use ln Lhe new sysLem.
) L8 supporLs cenLrallzed buslness sLraLegy
LAI ls:
) ull-orlenLed as Lhe exlsLlng appllcaLlons and buslness processes are used Lo map and
lnLegraLe separaLe
funcLlonallLles of an
enLerprlse lnLo a form
LhaL ls more
accepLable by Lhe
) LAl supporLs
buslness processes

Cerlcke eL al., Success lacLors of AppllcaLlon lnLegraLlon: An LxploraLory Analysls,
CommunlcaLlons of Lhe AssoclaLlon for lnformaLlon SysLems, 2010.

Mckeen, uevelopmenLs ln lS pracLlce: Lnterpr|se App||cat|on Integrat|on, Commun|cat|ons
of the AIS, vol. 8, 2002

Lnterpr|se App||cat|on Integrat|on (LAI) refers Lo Lhe plans, meLhods and Lools almed aL
modernlzlng, consolldaLlng, lnLegraLlng and coordlnaLlng Lhe compuLer appllcaLlons wlLhln an

CurrenL buslness needs:
- 24x7 avallablllLy,
- lnsLanLaneous scalablllLy,
- ersonallzed easy-Lo-use self-servlce sysLems
- 1he speed and absoluLe rellablllLy ln LransacLlon processlng LhaL Lhe cusLomer demands.

What LAI g|ves us?
! lL serves as Lhe connecLlon/broker/LranslaLor llnklng auLonomously deslgned appllcaLlons
lnLo a coheslve whole.
! lL embraces Lhe dlverslLy (heLerogenelLy) LhaL wlll always be parL of Lhe buslness
! lL conslders l1 an lnevlLable parL of large-scale sysLems deslgn and developmenL.


lour LargeLs of LAl:
1. Data-|eve| |ntegrat|on - daLa-level lnLegraLlon LhaL ls noL only llmlLed Lo daLa and daLabases
buL whlch also lncludes dlsLrlbuLed ob[ecLs (l.e. Lhe comblnaLlon of daLa, loglc and
communlcaLlons wlLhln a slngle enLlLy). 8y means of a dlsLrlbuLed archlLecLure, ob[ecLs can
be comblned Lo execuLe Lhe whole buslness funcLlons produclng an eleganL lnLegraLlon

2. App||cat|on-|eve| |ntegrat|on - llnklng dlverse appllcaLlons ln order Lo accompllsh speclflc
buslness processes. MosL popular ls Lhe messaglng-orlenLed mlddleware (MCM), where
message brokers LransporL lnformaLlon beLween appllcaLlons by ldenLlfylng, Lransformlng
and rouLlng messages Lo Lhe approprlaLe appllcaLlons on an evenL-drlven basls.

3. rocess-|eve| |ntegrat|on - lnLegraLlng Lhe flow of loglc among lnLegraLed appllcaLlons,
1ransacLlon rocesslng (1) as a Lool Lo effecL LransacLlon lnLegraLlon.

4. Inter-organ|zat|ona|-|eve| |ntegrat|on - process-level lnLegraLlon Lyplcally focuses on
brlnglng LogeLher processes wlLhln an organlzaLlon Lo obLaln maxlmum value whlle
supporLlng Lhe flow of lnformaLlon and loglc among Lhese processes. nexL sLep of Lhe
lnLegraLlon ls Lo llnk processes beyond Lhe organlzaLlon Lo lnclude Lradlng parLners - boLh
suppllers and cusLomers. 1he ulLlmaLe goal ls Lo blnd all Lradlng communlLy LogeLher.

LAI too|k|t:
o Asynchronous event]message transport - MCM (message-orlenLed mlddleware) - enables
asynchronous rouLlng of buslness evenLs beLween appllcaLlons. 1hey can also defer dellvery
of lnformaLlon unLll appllcaLlon ls avallable.
o 1ransformat|on eng|nes - Lools used Lo converLlng daLa and buslness evenLs from one
formaL Lo anoLher. (L.g. from cusLomer's Lo ours formaL).
o Integrat|on 8rokers - also known as message brokers, Lhey allow Lo rouLe and manlpulaLe
buslness evenLs lnLelllgenLly beLween mulLlple appllcaLlons and daLa sLores. (L.g. recelve an
order requesL from Web appllcaLlon and rouLe Lhese requesLs Lo one or more appllcaLlons,
bearlng Lhe formaL expecLed by Lhe desLlnaLlon appllcaLlons)
o 8us|ness process management frameworks - Lools LhaL enable buslness loglc Lo be
separaLed from process flow loglc, Lwo dlsLlncL caLegorles: ptocess ootomotloo (framework
LhaL allows mulLlple dlsparaLe sofLware componenLs Lo parLlclpaLe ln an lnLegraLed buslness
process flow) and wotkflow (focuses on process sLeps performed by human lnLeracLlon wlLh
Lhe sysLem).

Slx key sLraLegles for managlng LAl:

1. Create a Corporate Integrat|on Strategy
1) 1otqet sttoteqlc oppllcotloos - ldenLlfy Lhe appllcaLlons LhaL requlre
lnLegraLlon and declde whlch of Lhose are sLraLeglc
2) 8ecome oo Al xpett - ldenLlfy Lhe mosL approprlaLe levels Lo focus Lhe
lnLegraLlon efforL and LAl LoolklL needed
3) lJeotlfy tbe 5totos Ooo costs - conducL scenarlo plannlng Lo assess Lhe
cosLs of Lhe sLaLus quo", whlch should represenL Lhe rough esLlmaLes of
addlLlonal developmenL, malnLenance and Llme-Lo-markeL cosLs
4) 8ollJ tbe 8osloess cose fot Al - map Lhe advanLages of he planned LAl
3) stlmote kesootces - LAl lnlLlaLlve needs people, Lools, new skllls, educaLlon
and procedural and sLrucLural changes
6) cteote o lloo - ldenLlfy necessary Lasks Lo lnLegraLe sLraLeglc appllcaLlons
and comblne Lhose lnLo a workable plan speclfylng Lhe loglcal order of Lhe
7) 5ell tbe Al 5ttoteqy to Moooqemeot - LAl sLraLegy requlres senlor l1
managemenL's full endorsemenL

2. Assemb|e 1he LAI 1oo|k|t - ldenLlfy Lhe key polnLs of your LAl LoolklL based on your sLraLeglc
appllcaLlons LhaL are Lo be lnLegraLed.
useful checkllsL:
& lotetool ooJ/ot extetool loteqtotloo - are you lnLegraLlng lnLernally or exLernally wlLh
cusLomer or boLh?
& 8osloess ptocess moooqemeot - LAl musL supporL Lhls feaLure Lo manage changes Lo
buslness processes when Lhey happen
& 5ecotlty - daLa encrypLlon eLc., especlally lmporLanL when deallng wlLh enLlLles
ouLslde your own organlzaLlon
& ose of use - especlally lmporLanL lf your buslness users wlll be malnLalnlng buslness
process or workflow lnformaLlon
& 1ecbooloqy Moooqemeot looctlooollty - Lhe LAl LoolklL musL Lell ln deLall whaL lL ls
dolng wlLh Lhe lnfrasLrucLure and noLlfy when Lhere are problems

3. Dep|oy nub-And-Spoke Des|gn - Lhree organlzlng prlnclples wlLh Lhls deslgn:
1. uon'L connecL anyLhlng dlrecLly Lo anyLhlng,
2. ueslgn appllcaLlon Lo be auLonomous and don'L allow Lhem Lo share daLabases dlrecLly,
3. All knowledge of lnLerconnecLlons ls removed from Lhe source and placed wlLhln Lhe hub.

4. Create an Integrat|on Core Competency 1eam
Lach hub should have lLs own Leam Lo Lake responslblllLy for:
$ MalnLalnlng all lnLegraLlon documenLaLlon,
$ erformlng (and assumlng ownershlp for) Lhe deLalled deslgn of each lnLerface
$ ConsLrucLlng Lhe mlddle pleces of Lhe lnLerface
$ LsLabllshlng besL pracLlces
$ erformlng broker markeLplace evaluaLlons, and
$ AdmlnlsLerlng all mlddleware sofLware producLs.

S. ke|ntegrate Legacy App||cat|ons

SLraLegles for relnLegraLlon:
! kefac|ng - replaclng sLandard emulaLlon screens wlLh graphlcal user lnLerface (Cul),
lnLegraLlon ls faclllLaLed by Lhe use of common fronL-ends
! kepurpos|ng - llke refaclng, usage of Cul for Lhe presenLaLlon layer. 1he dlfference ls
LhaL repurposlng allows for bulldlng ln new buslness loglc (as updaLlng) even Lhough Lhe
legacy apps remaln unchanged
! kestructur|ng - separaLlng
presenLaLlon and buslness loglc
componenLs wlLhln an
appllcaLlon. Cnce separaLed,
Lhese componenLs are wrapped
ln new lnLerfaces and lnLegraLed
lnLo a number of new refaclng or
repurposlng appllcaLlons.
! ke-eng|neer|ng - rebulldlng Lhe
enLlre appllcaLlon
! 8eplaclng - replace appllcaLlon
wlLh off-Lhe-shelf soluLlon

6. "1he Co||aborat|ve Lnterpr|se" - lnLroduclng Lhe collaboraLlon beLween Lhe Lradlng parLners
and Lherefore creaLlng glanL Lhe collaboraLlve enLerprlses".

Tutori al 5

1urban, Sharda, De|en & k|ng, Chapter 2

Data warehouse - pool of daLa - Lype of daLabase, prlmarlly focused on declslon supporL and
provldes lmproved analyLlcal capablllLles.
Data warehous|ng - a dlsclpllne LhaL resulLs ln appllcaLlons LhaL provlde declslon supporL capablllLy,
allows ready access Lo buslness lnformaLlon and creaLes buslness lnslghL.

1he daLa warehouse lnLegraLes varlous daLabases LhroughouL Lhe organlzaLlon lnLo a slngle,
ln-house enLerprlse unlL Lo generaLe a slngle verslon of Lhe LruLh for Lhe company.

uaLa warehouse also allows maklng daLa avallable ln real Llme Lo Lhe declslon makers who
need lL (keol 1lme uoto woteboosloq jkuw]).

uaLa are usually sLrucLured Lo be avallable ln a form ready for analyLlcal processlng acLlvlLles,
such as: onllne analyLlcal processlng (CLA), daLa mlnlng, querylng, reporLlng).

CharacLerlsLlcs of daLa warehouslng (malnly abouL daLa access):
a) Sub[ecL orlenLed - daLa organlzed by deLalled sub[ecL, conLalnlng only lnformaLlon
relevanL for declslon supporL,
b) lnLegraLed - placlng daLa ln conslsLenL formaL,
c) 1lme varlanL - deLecLlng Lrends, devlaLlons and long-Lerm relaLlonshlps for
forecasLlng and comparlsons, leadlng Lo declslon maklng, Llme as Lhe only lmporLanL
dlmenslon LhaL daLa warehouse most supporL,
d) nonvolaLlle - afLer enLered lnLo a daLa warehouse, users cannoL change Lhe daLa.

AddlLlonal characLerlsLlcs:
l. Web based - Lyplcally deslgned Lo provlde an efflclenL compuLlng envlronmenL for
Web-based apps
ll. 8elaLlonal/mulLldlmenslonal - uses elLher relaLlonal sLrucLure or mulLldlmenslonal
lll. CllenL/server - uses archlLecLure LhaL provldes easy access for end users
lv. 8eal Llme - access Lo currenL daLa and analysls capablllLles
v. MeLadaLa - conLalnlng daLa abouL daLa, abouL how daLa ls organlzed and how Lo
efflclenLly use lL. 1hree Lypes of meLadaLa: 1. 5yotoctlc metoJoto (descrlblng
composlLlon of daLa), 2. 5ttoctotol metoJoto (descrlblng sLrucLure), 3. 5emootlc
metoJoto (descrlblng meanlng of daLa ln speclflc domaln).
1he prlmary purpose of meLadaLa should be Lo provlde conLexL Lo Lhe reporLed daLa,
LhaL ls, lL should provlde enrlchlng lnformaLlon LhaL leads Lo Lhe creaLlon of

Data mart - ls a subseL of daLa warehouse, usually focuslng on a parLlcular sub[ecL or deparLmenL.
- uepeoJeot Joto mott - ls a subseL LhaL ls creaLed dlrecLly from Lhe daLa warehouse, has an
advanLage of provldlng conslsLenL and quallLy daLa.
- loJepeoJeot Joto mott - ls a small warehouse deslgned for a sLraLeglc buslness unlL or a
deparLmenL, buL lLs source ls noL LuW (LnLerprlse uaLa Warehouse).

Cperat|ona| Data Stores (CDS) - Lype of daLabase used as a Lemporary sLaglng area for a daLa
warehouse, sLores only very teceot lofotmotloo. lL ls used for shorL-Lerm declslons lnvolvlng mlsslon-
crlLlcal apps, raLher Lhan long-Lerm declslon, whlch are more assoclaLed wlLh LuW (petmooeot
lofotmotloo). *Cper marLs - creaLed from CuS, when operaLlonal daLa needs Lo be analyzed

Ma[or componenLs of Lhe daLa warehouslng process:
1. uaLa sources - daLa are sources from mulLlple lndependenL operaLlonal sysLems and posslbly
from exLernal provlders. uaLa may also come from onllne LransacLlon processlng (CL1), L8
sysLems or Web daLa.
2. uaLa exLracLlon and LransformaLlon - daLa are exLracLed and properly Lransformed uslng L1L
(exLracL, Lransform, load).
3. uaLa loadlng - daLa are loaded lnLo sLaglng area, where Lhey are Lransformed and cleansed.
4. Comprehenslve daLabase - LuW supporLs all declslon analysls by provldlng relevanL
summarlzed and deLalled lnformaLlon orlglnaLlng from many dlfferenL sources.
3. MeLadaLa malnLenance
6. Mlddleware Lools - enable access Lo Lhe daLa warehouse, e.g. by creaLlng SCL querles. 1here
are many fronL-end appllcaLlons LhaL users can use Lo lnLeracL wlLh daLa, such as daLa mlnlng,
CLA, reporLlng Lools and daLa vlsuallzaLlon Lools.


khan & Cuadrl, 8USINLSS IN1LLLIGLNCL: AN IN1LGkA1LD AkCACn, 8uslness lnLelllgence
!ournal, 2012

aper aLLempLs Lo presenL a framework for bulldlng a 8l sysLem.

8uslness lnLelllgence sysLems comblne operaLlonal and hlsLorlcal daLa wlLh analyLlcal Lools Lo presenL
valuable and compeLlLlve lnformaLlon Lo buslness planners and declslon makers.
Cb[ecLlve of 8l:
( 1o lmprove Lhe Llmellness and quallLy of lnformaLlon,
( 1o enable managers Lo be able Lo beLLer compare Lhelr poslLlon Lo Lhe compeLlLlon,
( 1o analyze changlng Lrends ln markeL share,
( 1o analyze changes ln cusLomer behavlor and spendlng paLLerns, cusLomer preferences,
( 1o analyze company capablllLles and markeL condlLlons.

8l ls an area of ueclslon SupporL SysLem (uSS), whlch ls an lnformaLlon sysLem LhaL can
be used Lo supporL complex declslon-maklng, and solvlng complex, seml-sLrucLured or lll-
sLrucLured problems.
8l can be presenLed as an archlLecLure, Lool, Lechnology or sysLem LhaL gaLhers and
sLores daLa, analyzes lL uslng analyLlcal Lools, faclllLaLes reporLlng, querylng and dellvers
lnformaLlon or knowledge LhaL ulLlmaLely allows organlzaLlons Lo lmprove declslon
8l ls Lhe process LhaL Lransforms daLa lnLo lnformaLlon and Lhen lnLo knowledge.

8l Lools have evolved from belng LxecuLlve lnformaLlon sysLem (LlS) and ueclslon SupporL SysLem
(uSS) Lo provlde much more ablllLy ln lnformaLlon dellvery and ablllLy Lo supporL Lechnlques such as
query, reporLlng and ad hoc analysls and mulLldlmenslonal analysls, whlch are known as CLA.

Coals ln order Lo achleve daLa conslsLency:
" 1|me||ness - daLa wlLhln Lhe sysLem should be synchronlzed wlLh all oLher appllcaLlons
" Accuracy - Lhe daLa should encompass every daLa from any oLher appllcaLlon
" Acceptance - Lhe users convlnced of Llmellness and accuracy of daLa should be able Lo
acLlvely use Lhe sysLem as a supporL for declslon-maklng
1he concepL of 8l can be decomposed
lnLo Lhree parLs:
l) uaLa CapLure/AcqulslLlon
wlLh Lhe L1L process
ll) uaLa SLorage
lll) uaLa Access and Analysls

Data Capture]Acqu|s|t|on w|th the L1L
8efore daLa ls loaded from operaLlonal
daLabase and exLernal sources lnLo Lhe
daLa warehouse, lL needs Lo processed:
- LxLracLlon and Cleanse - selecLed
daLa ls consolldaLed and fllLered ouL
from varlous forms of polluLlon. uaLa
Cleanse valldaLes and cleans up Lhe
exLracLed daLa Lo correcL
lnconslsLenL, mlsslng or lnvalld values.
- 1ransform - daLa ls lnLegraLed lnLo sLandard formaLs and applles buslness rules LhaL map daLa Lo
Lhe warehouse schema.
- Load - cleansed daLa ls loaded lnLo Lhe daLa warehouse.

Data Storage
- uoto woteboose - daLa warehouse ls a copy of LransacLlon daLa speclflcally sLrucLured for query
and analysls and ls lnformaLlonal, analysls and declslon supporL orlenLed, noL operaLlonal or
LransacLlon processlng orlenLed. lLs speclflc purpose ls Lo supporL buslness declslons, noL
buslness operaLlons.
- uoto Motts - small slzed daLa warehouses, Lyplcally creaLed by lndlvldual deparLmenLs or
dlvlslons Lo faclllLaLe Lhelr own declslon supporL acLlvlLles.
- MetoJoto - daLa abouL daLa LhaL allows users Lo saLlsfy Lhelr lnformaLlon need abouL Lhe daLa
warehouslng sysLem and lLs conLenL.

Data Access and Ana|ys|s
- Access Lools (referred Lo as fronL-end), conslsLs of Lools and Lechnlques LhaL provlde a buslness
user wlLh dlrecL, lnLeracLlve access Lo daLa, whlle hldlng Lhe Lechnlcal complexlLy of daLa
- Some of Lhe Lools:
o CLA - provlde users wlLh Lhe means Lo explore and analyze large amounLs of daLa,
lnvolvlng complex compuLaLlons, Lhelr relaLlonshlps and vlsually presenL resulLs ln
dlfferenL prospecLlve.
1yplcal appllcaLlons performed on mulLldlmenslonal daLa:
l) koll-op - daLa ls summarlzed wlLh lncreaslng generallzaLlon
ll) utlll-Jowo - lncreaslng levels of deLall are revealed
urlll up & down:

lll) 5llce ooJ Jlce - performlng pro[ecLlon operaLlons on Lhe


lv) llvotloq - cross LabulaLlon

o Data m|n|ng - uslng a varleLy of Lechnlques Lo ldenLlfy nuggeLs of lnformaLlon or
declslon maklng knowledge ln bodles of daLa and exLracLlng Lhese ln such a way LhaL
Lhey can be puL Lo use ln Lhe areas such as declslon supporL, predlcLlon, forecasLlng and
esLlmaLlon, |t |s the search for re|at|onsh|ps and global paLLerns LhaL exlsL ln large
daLabases buL are hldden among Lhe vasL amounL of daLa.
o Mach|ne |earn|ng (ML) - parL of emerglng ArLlflclal lnLelllgence. ML ls a famlly of
meLhods LhaL aLLempL Lo allow machlnes Lo acqulre knowledge for problem solvlng by
showlng Lhem hlsLorlcal cases.

SharlaL & nwakanna, Lnterpr|se kesource |ann|ng And Its Iuture ke|at|onsh|p 1o Dec|s|on
Support System, !ournal of 8uslness & Lconomlcs 8esearch, volume 4, number 12, 2006

aper looks aL Lhe developmenL of L8 and uSS, wlLh a focus on Lhe dlfferences beLween Lhe Lwo
sysLems ln Lerms of Lhelr evoluLlon and appllcaLlon and Lhe poLenLlal for convergence ln Lhe fuLure.
) L8 and uSS have evolved ln parallel and as a resulL Lhose organlzaLlons, whlch have already
lmplemenLed L8 are now havlng problems lnLegraLlng uSS and daLa warehouslng lnLo Lhelr
) L8 vendors say lL's comparaLlvely slmple Lo as on uSS appllcaLlon, buL Lhls ls noL Lrue. MosL
L8 speclallsLs are noL experlenced wlLh uSS.

Dec|s|on Support System (DSS) ls a compuLer based lnformaLlon sysLem deslgned Lo supporL all
phases of seml-sLrucLured and unsLrucLured declslon maklng. lL ls composed of corporaLe daLa (daLa
warehouse, a seL of analyLlcal models and Lools, a knowledge base and an easy-Lo-use user lnLerface.

Lk ls an lndusLry Lerm for lnLegraLed, mulLl-module appllcaLlon sofLware packages LhaL are
deslgned Lo serve and supporL mulLlple buslness funcLlons".

AlLhough L8 and uSS have evolved separaLely, Lhere ls an lncreaslng Lrend Lowards lnLegraLlng Lhe
Lwo. 1hls lncreaslng lnLegraLlon of Lwo sysLems ls poLenLlally valuable ln a number of ways.
CrganlzaLlons LhaL succeed Lo do so are able Lo lncrease Lhelr lnLelllgence denslLy and lmprove boLh
quallLy and Lhe avallablllLy of declslon supporL lnformaLlon.

L8 has lLs orlglns ln operaLlonal 1ransacLlon rocesslng SysLems, whereas uSS ls concerned wlLh
declslon supporL and sLraLeglc plannlng.

1hree soluLlons Lo our problem:
1. Lk vendors fac|||tate |ncorporat|ng |n the|r Lk data warehouse the data from
app||cat|ons that are outs|de of the Lk. 8uL, Lhe L8 conLrol over Lhe daLa warehouse ls
conLrary Lo Lhe baslc ob[ecLlve of uSS. lf vendors creaLe and conLrol Lhe daLa warehouse for
an lndusLry, Lhere wlll be no compeLlLlve advanLage, because every organlzaLlon ln Lhe same
lndusLry wlll have Lhe same daLa warehouse and Lhe same uSS.
2. 1wo |ndependent data warehouses wou|d be bu||t: one for non-Lk app||cat|ons and one
for Lk app||cat|on. 1hls approach ls parLlcularly advanLageous for organlzaLlons LhaL already
have an efflclenL and esLabllshed uSS. AdvanLage: allows free access Lo Lhe daLa, buL does
noL allow Lo vlew an organlzaLlonal daLa as an lnLegraLed whole. ulsadvanLage: ln pracLlce lL
ls noL posslble Lo comblne Lhe daLa from one daLa warehouse Lo Lhe daLa ln anoLher daLa
warehouse unless a consolldaLed vlew of Lhe daLa ls creaLed aL a hlgher level as enLerprlse
daLa warehouse.
3. A standard organ|zat|ona| data warehouse |s bu||t to reference the data |n both Lk and
non-Lk app||cat|on and there |s no Lk data warehouse. AdvanLages: allows Lo lnLegraLe
all areas, glves greaLer freedom of access and cholces wlLh regards Lo Lhe daLa warehouslng
Lools and Lechnology and does noL Lle organlzaLlon Lo any parLlcular L8 appllcaLlon.

Any problems?
) 1here ls sLrong dlsagreemenL beLween Lhose wlLh Lechnlcal experLlse and Lhose who are
solely lnLeresLed ln Lhe buslness aspecL of L8 and uSS sysLems.
) 1he ma[or dlsLlncLlon beLween uSS and L8 ls Lhe facL LhaL Lhey are deslgned Lo perform Lwo
dlfferenL Lasks aLe Lwo dlfferenL level of Lhe organlzaLlon (sLraLeglc vs. operaLlon).

Tutori al 6

!uklc, Mode|||ng strateg|es and a|ternat|ves for data warehous|ng pro[ects,
CCMMunlCA1lCnS Cl 1PL ACM, vol. 49, no. 4, 2006

1here ls no consensus among researchers and pracLlLloners abouL Lhe mosL approprlaLe daLa
modellng sLraLegles for daLa warehouslng pro[ecLs.

1wo maln reasons for creaLlng a daLa warehouse as a separaLe analyLlcal daLa sLore:
1. 1he performance of operaLlonal querles can be severely dlmlnlshed lf Lhey musL compeLe for
compuLlng resources wlLh analyLlcal querles.
2. lL ls ofLen lmposslble Lo sLrucLure a daLabase LhaL can be used ln a sLralghLforward manner
for boLh operaLlonal and analyLlcal purpose.

Data mart - ls a daLa sLore based on Lhe same
prlnclples as a daLa warehouse, buL wlLh more
llmlLed scope. uaLa marL ls usually smaller and
focuses on a parLlcular deparLmenL or sub[ecL.
ulmenslonal modellng as a prlnclple daLa marL
modellng Lechnlque. lL uses Lwo Lypes of Lables:
facLs & dlmenslons. ulmenslonally modeled
daLa marL:

Data warehouse mode||ng opt|ons:
- Inmon's opt|on (Lk-mode|ed
data warehouse) - envlslons a
daLa warehouse as an
lnLegraLed daLabase modeled
by uslng Lhe LradlLlonal
daLabase modellng Lechnlque
(L8 modellng). AfLer a daLa
warehouse ls creaLed, lL serves as a source of daLa for dlmenslonally modeled daLa marLs and for
any oLher analyLlcally useful daLa seLs. 1he ldea ls Lo have physlcally sLored cenLral daLa
warehouse modeled as an LnLlLy-8elaLlonshlp model. All lnLegraLlon of Lhe daLa underlylng
operaLlonal daLa sources occurs wlLhln a cenLral daLa warehouse L8 model.

- k|mba||'s opt|on
(D|mens|ona||y mode|ed data
warehouse) - envlslons Lhe daLa
warehouse as a collecLlon of
dlmenslonally modeled daLa marLs.
1he approach ls analogous Lo Lhe
prevlous approach when lL comes Lo
Lhe uLlllzaLlon of operaLlonal daLa
sources and Lhe L1L process. 1he
dlfference ls Lhe modellng Lechnlque used for modellng Lhe daLa warehouse. ln Lhls approach
Lhe seL of commonly used dlmenslons ls deslgned flrsL. lacL Lables correspondlng Lo Lhe sub[ecLs
of analysls are Lhen added. A seL of dlmenslonal models ls creaLed where each facL Lable ls
connecLed Lo mulLlple dlmenslons and some of Lhe dlmenslons are shared by more Lhan one facL
Lable. ln addlLlon Lo Lhe orlglnally creaLed seL of conformed dlmenslons, addlLlonal dlmenslons
are lncluded as needed. 1he resulL ls a daLa warehouse LhaL ls a collecLlon of lnLerLwlned
dlmenslonally modeled daLa marLs.

Inmon's Lk mode|ed data warehouse
k|mba||'s d|mens|ona||y mode|ed data
8equlremenL Lo creaLe L8 model as Lhe flrsL
ulmenslonally modeled sLrucLures are creaLed
wlLhouL creaLlng an underlylng L8 model for Lhem
lf ln Lhe fuLure oLher Lypes of analyLlcal daLa
sLores wlll be needed ln addlLlon Lo
dlmenslonal sLrucLures Lhen here we have
more power
lf dlmenslonal sLrucLures are everyLhlng a
company wlll ever requlre Lhen lL's perfecL -
slmpler, qulcker, less cosLly
uaLa modellng phase requlres hlgh level of
experLlse and conslderable upfronL
lL lacks enLerplsewlde focus and concenLraLes
prlmarlly on Lhe lndlvldual buslness unlLs or
groups of users
CreaLed model ls usable ln a number of
dlfferenL ways

- Creat|on of |ndependent Data Marts - Lhere ls consensus abouL lnapproprlaLeness of uslng Lhls
soluLlon as a sLraLegy for deslgnlng a daLa warehouse. 1here ls an unnecessary repeLlLlon of Lhe
L1L efforL and Lhe lnablllLy for cross-deparLmenL analysls and communlcaLlon. SLlll, Lhls approach
ls presenL ln companles very ofLen. Why?
( Lack of lnlLlal enLerprlsewlde focus when daLa analysls ls concerned
( no cross-deparLmenL collaboraLlon
( 8udgeLlng sLrucLure as an obsLacle Lo common soluLlon
( SomeLlmes Lhere ls a cholce of creaLlng daLa marLs or dolng noLhlng.

Chaudhury, uayal, narasayya, An Cverv|ew of 8us|ness Inte|||gence 1echno|ogy,
CCMMunlCA1lCnS Cl 1PL ACM, vol. 34, no. 8, 2011

1he cosL of daLa acqulslLlon and daLa sLorage has decllned slgnlflcanLly. 1hls has lncreased
Lhe appeLlLe of buslness Lo acqulre very large volumes ln order Lo exLracL as much
compeLlLlve advanLage from lL as posslble.

1yplcal archlLecLure for supporLlng 8l wlLhln an enLerprlse:

Data sources: Lhe daLa comlng Lo 8l ofLen comes from dlfferenL sources (mulLlple operaLlonal
daLabases from mulLlple operaLlonal daLabases from dlfferenL deparLmenLs buL also from exLernal

Data movement: back-end Lechnologles for preparlng Lhe daLa for 8l are referred Lo as xttoct-
1toosfotm-looJ (1l) tools. ln order Lo supporL 8l Lasks ln Lhe oeot teol tlme Complex LvenL
rocesslng Lnglne ls used.

Data warehouse: daLa for 8l ls Lyplcally loaded lnLo Lhe Joto woteboose. 8elaLlonal uaLabase
ManagemenL SysLem (8u8MS) ls a popular cholce here. 1o Lackle Lhe 8lg uaLa problem, whlch
cannoL be handled by 8u8MS, englnes based on MopkeJoce paradlgm are belng LargeLed.
MopkeJoce - ls a programmlng model and an assoclaLed lmplemenLaLlon for processlng and
generaLlng large daLa seLs wlLh a parallel, dlsLrlbuLed algorlLhm on a clusLer.
A Map8educe program ls composed of a Map() procedure LhaL performs fllLerlng and sorLlng (such
as sorLlng sLudenLs by flrsL name lnLo queues, one queue for each name) and a keduce() procedure
LhaL performs a summary operaLlon (such as counLlng Lhe number of sLudenLs ln each queue,
yleldlng name frequencles).

M|d-1|er servers: complemenLary severs Lo daLa warehouse servers LhaL provlde speclallzed
funcLlonallLy for dlfferenL 8l scenarlos.
CLA servers (onllne analyLlc processlng) efflclenLly expose Lhe moltlJlmeosloool vlew of
daLa Lo appllcaLlons/users and enable Lhem for common 8l operaLlons, such as: llltetloq,
Aqqteqotloo, utlll-Jowo, llvotloq.
8eporLlng servers enable deflnlLlon, efflclenL execuLlon and renderlng of reporLs
LnLerprlse search englnes supporL Lhe keyword search paradlgm over LexL and sLrucLured
daLa ln Lhe warehouse.
uaLa mlnlng englnes enable ln-depLh analysls of daLa LhaL goes well beyond whaL ls offered
by CLA and provldes Lhe ablllLy Lo bulld predlcLlve models Lo help answer Lhe quesLlons
abouL fuLure predlcLlons
1exL analyLlc englnes can analyze large amounLs of LexL daLa and exLracL valuable
lnformaLlon LhaL would oLherwlse requlre slgnlflcanL manual efforL

Iront-end app||cat|ons: appllcaLlons Lhrough whlch users perform 8l Lasks, such as spreadsheeLs,
enLerprlse porLals, dashboards eLc.

web-ooolytlcs enables undersLandlng how vlslLors Lo a company's Web slLe lnLeracL wlLh Lhe pages.

Data storage:
Access structures - declslon supporL querles requlre operaLlons such as fllLerlng, [oln and
aggregaLlon. Speclal daLa sLrucLures Lo supporL Lhese operaLlons:
o loJex sttoctotes - enables assoclaLlve access based on Lhe values of a parLlcular
column. lndex scans and lndex lnLersecLlons (mulLlple query fllLerlng condlLlon
handllng) can slgnlflcanLly reduce and ln some cases ellmlnaLe Lhe need Lo access Lhe
base Lables.
o MotetlollzeJ vlews - maLerlallzlng summary daLa, much less general Lhan lndex
o lottltlooloq - dlvldlng Lables and lndexes lnLo smaller, more manageable unlLs
o colomo-otleoteJ stotoqe - all values of a parLlcular column are sLored alongslde.
1wo maln advanLages: greaLer daLa compresslon and only columns accessed ln Lhe
query need Lo be scanned. (8ead-only envlronmenL)

Data Compress|on - compresslon can reduce Lhe amounL of daLa LhaL needs Lo be scanned
and lL can lower sLorage and backup cosLs.

uery process|ng: 8l ls capable of
handllng Lhe querles on Lhe
mulLldlmenslonal level, l.e. lnvolvlng a
seL of numerlc measures LhaL are Lhe
ob[ecLs of analysls.
1he aLLrlbuLes of a dlmenslon may be
relaLed vla a bletotcby of relaLlonshlp.

CLA Servers - Cnllne AnalyLlc rocesslng, supporLs operaLlons such as fllLerlng,
aggregaLlon, plvoLlng, rollup and drlll-down on a mulLldlmenslonal vlew of Lhe daLa.

CLA servers are lmplemenLed uslng elLher
( MulLldlmenslonal sLorage englne (MCLA) - server dlrecLly supporL Lhe mulLldlmenslonal
vlew of daLa Lhrough a sLorage englne, fasL query response Llme, excellenL lndexlng
properLles buL relaLlvely poor sLorage uLlllzaLlon,
( A relaLlonal u8MS englne (8CLA) - Lhe mulLldlmenslonal model and lLs operaLlons have Lo
be mapped lnLo relaLlons and SCL querles. MosL 8CLA use
o Star schema Lo represenL Lhe mulLldlmenslonal daLa model. 1he daLabase conslsLs of
a slngle facL Lable and a slngle Lable for each dlmenslon. Lach row of Lhe facL Lable
conslsLs of a polnLer Lo each of Lhe dlmenslons LhaL provlde lLs mulLldlmenslonal
coordlnaLes and sLores Lhe numerlc measures for Lhose coordlnaLes. Lach dlmenslon
Lable conslsLs of columns LhaL correspond Lo aLLrlbuLes of Lhe dlmenslon. SLar
schemas do noL expllclLly provlde supporL for aLLrlbuLe hlerarchles.
o Snowf|ake schema - reflnemenL of Lhe sLar schema where Lhe dlmenslonal hlerarchy
ls expllclLly represenLed by normallzlng Lhe dlmenslon Lables.

( Cr a hybrld comblnaLlon (PCLA) - comblnlng 8CLA and MCLA by spllLLlng sLorage of Lhe
daLa ln MCLA and relaLlonal sLore.

Arlyachandra 1 and WaLson P , Wh|ch
Data Warehouse Arch|tecture Is Most
Successfu|?, 8uSlnLSS ln1LLLlCLnCL
!Cu8nAL , vCL. 11, nC. 1, 2006

Cngolng dlscusslon abouL Lhe besL daLa
warehouse archlLecLure. 1wo glanLs of Lhe
daLa-warehouslng fleld:
" Inmon - who advocaLes Lhe hub-and-
spoke archlLecLure
" k|mba|| - who advocaLes Lhe daLa
marL bus archlLecLure wlLh conformed

redomlnanL archlLecLure used ln companles:
1. Pub-and-spoke
2. 8us ArchlLecLure
3. CenLrallzed Arch.
4. lndependenL daLa marLs
3. lederaLed Arch.

lour measures used Lo assess Lhe success of Lhe archlLecLures: 1) lnformaLlon quallLy, 2) sysLem
quallLy, 3) lndlvldual lmpacLs and 4) organlzaLlonal lmpacL.

lndependenL daLa marLs archlLecLure scored Lhe lowesL on all measures, noL surprlslngly as lL
conflrms Lhe convenLlonal wlsdom LhaL lndependenL daLa marLs are a poor archlLecLural soluLlon.
llndlngs suggesL also LhaL Lhe federaLed archlLecLure ls noL an opLlmal long-Lerm soluLlon.

1he dlfferences ln resulLs of hub-and-spoke, bus and cenLrallzed archlLecLures are sufflclenLly small
LhaL no clalms can be made for a parLlcular archlLecLure's superlorlLy over Lhe oLhers. no slngle
archlLecLure ls domlnanL, each of Lhe archlLecLure ls equally successful for Lhelr lnLended purposes.
no surprlse abouL Lhe ouLcome, also because over Llme archlLecLures became slmllar Lo each oLher.

AuLhors found LhaL Lhe hub-and-spoke archlLecLure ls Lyplcally used wlLh more enLerprlsewlde
lmplemenLaLlons and larger warehouses. SLlll, lL's Lhe mosL expenslve and Llme-consumlng soluLlon.

Tutori al 7

WlnLer, 8lschoff & WorLmann, kevo|ut|on or Lvo|ut|on? kef|ect|ons on In-Memory
App||ances from an Lnterpr|se Informat|on Log|st|cs erspect|ve, ln: Lehner & lller (2011),
pp. 23-34.

1he paper quesLlons wheLher lMu8MS ls a revoluLlon or evoluLlon, Lhe flndlngs lndlcaLe LhaL Lhere
are slLuaLlons where ln-memory appllances are a useful exLenslon Lo exlsLlng l1 supporL concepLs,
whlle oLher slLuaLlons do noL requlre such supporL. AuLhors regard ln-memory appllances as an
evoluLlon, bot oot o tevolotloo of l1 supporL from an enLerprlse lnformaLlon loglsLlcs perspecLlve.

otetptlse lofotmotloo loqlstlcs (ll) - slmllar as 8uslness lnLelllgence, buL 8l focuses on Lhe 'local'
use of provlsloned daLa, whlle LlL has an enLerprlse-wlde daLa provlslonlng perspecLlve.
LlL lS ls based on Lhe daLa-warehouslng lnfrasLrucLure LhaL collecLs, sLores and lnLegraLed relevanL
daLa LhaL ls furLher modlfled and enhances wlLhln speclflc reporLlng processes. LlL archlLecLure
usually ls comprlsed of flve layers:
$ 1. Source sysLems, 2.daLa LransformaLlon (L1L), 3. uaLa warehouse, 4. uaLa marLs, 3.
8eporLlng sysLems.

ConcepLual LlL archlLecLure poses Lhree key challenges:
$ Speed - rlslng daLa volumes, lncreaslng needs for daLa lnLegraLlon and ever more dlverse
daLa analysls posslblllLles
$ lnLegraLlon - speclallzed lnfrasLrucLures wlLh hlgh degree of complexlLy rlses lssue of hlgh
operaLlng and developmenL cosLs
$ llexlblllLy - need Lo analyze any deslred buslness ob[ecL from any perspecLlve

ln-memory appllances - fundamenLals and poLenLlals:
% lnLroduclng new concepLs llke masslve parallel processlng LhaL lmproves processlng speed
even furLher
% 1he exponenLlal prlce drop of processlng power and maln memory fosLers break-Lhrough
% Columnar daLabases whlch are seL orlenLed raLher Lhan record orlenLed
remlses Lo address Lhree LlL challenges:
$ Speed - daLa updaLed and propagaLed lncremenLally and ln real-Llme lnLo Lhe analyLlcal
$ Integrat|on - LransacLlonal and declslon-relaLed daLa ls managed ln an lnLegraLlve manner.
$ I|ex|b|||ty - analysls paLhs are noL llmlLed by pre-fabrlcaLed aggregaLes, so LhaL daLa can be
lnLegraLed and analyzed from any perspecLlve.

ln conLrasL Lo Lhe old
approach (lnmon hub-
and-spoke approach)
deplcLed, ln Lhe new
landscape Lhere ls no
dupllcaLlon [ln-
memory daLabase
lnsLead of daLa marLs
ooJ L1L layer]. 1hls
also lncreases Lhe
speed as you don'L
sLore your daLa ln
marLs and you have
blgger posslblllLles for

lnLroducLlon of ln-memory appllances ls reasonable under cerLaln characLerlsLlcs of your buslness:
Low/moderaLe daLa volume/no
need for lnLegraLlon - Lhls paLLern ls
abouL operaLlonal analyLlcs. 1he
LransacLlonal sysLem aL hand has no
performance lssues. 1here ls no
slgnlflcanL need for an ln-memory
Plgh daLa volume/no need for
lnLegraLlon - also abouL operaLlonal
analyLlcs, hlgh amounLs of daLa can be
handled by lnLroduclng an ln-memory
Low/moderaLe daLa volume/need
for lnLegraLlon - Lhe need for lnLegraLlon
drlves Lhe appllcaLlon of 8l/uWP. 1here ls
no slgnlflcanL value added by an ln-memory appllance.
Plgh daLa volume/no need for lnLegraLlon - also abouL 8l/uWP. Plgh amounL of daLa can be
handled by lnLroduclng an ln-memory appllance.

ln-memory should be regarded noL Lo be dlsrupLlve or as Lhe end" of exlsLlng LlL archlLecLures and
approaches, buL raLher as an evoluLlon LhaL creaLed slgnlflcanL progress under cerLaln clrcumsLances.


lller & Pagedorn, 8us|ness 8enef|ts and App||cat|on Capab|||t|es Lnab|ed by In-Memory
Data Management, ln: Lehner & lller (2011), pp. 43-36.

aper presenLs posslble appllcaLlon use of ln-memory daLa managemenL, skeLch of how one can
ldenLlfy buslness domalns and processes where lMuM could add slgnlflcanL value. WhaL klnd of
analyses and declslon processes flL besL Lo Lhe capablllLles of ln-memory Lechnology?

CapablllLles of ln-memory daLa managemenL:
! Short response t|me - hlgh daLa volumes for analyses, slmulaLlons or plannlng runs can be
processed very qulckly due Lo shorL access Lo read Llmes and well as hlgh compuLaLlon raLes.
! Un|f|ed transact|ona| and ana|yt|c data process|ng - Lhe separaLlon of LransacLlonal and
analyLlc daLa processlng ln LradlLlonal appllcaLlon archlLecLures can be overcome wlLh lMuM.
Cruclal for Lhese lmprovemenLs ls Lhe huge, sLlll sLrongly lncreaslng capaclLy of maln memory
(2 LerabyLe used ln pracLlce now).
! Ana|ys|s of ||ne |tem data - aggregaLlon for Lhe acceleraLlon of response Llmes ls no longer
necessary. Analyses and plannlng runs can be based on Lhe orlglnal daLa records. CurrenL
resLrlcLlons due Lo pre-deflned aggregaLes are obsoleLe.

(wbot ls o lloe ltem? A llne lLem ls a group of daLa and lLs sLrucLure LhaL ls or can be repeaLed
mulLlple Llmes ln lLs documenL. lL holds Lhe daLa LhaL ls Lhe focus of Lhe documenL, and a parL of a
documenL or LransacLlon LhaL conLalns dlsLlncL parL LhaL can sLand alone. lor lnsLance, an order LhaL
has Lwo llne lLems could be spllL lnLo Lwo orders LhaL would be able Lo be fllled separaLely. lL does
noL necessarlly conLaln lnformaLlon LhaL can be applled Lo a group of lLems, alLhough someLlmes Lhls
lnformaLlon ls lncluded. 1hls feeds lnLo whaL Lype of daLa LhaL a llne lLem conLalns. wbot type of
Joto Joes o lloe ltem cootolo? ln a purchase order, or oLher commerce relaLed documenL Lhese
pleces of daLa wlll be found ln Lhe llne lLem: urpose of llne, roducL or Servlce lu, CuanLlLy, unlL of
Measure, rlce or lee, 1axes, Speclal Pandllng)

1yplcol Appllcotloo Ateos fot lMuM.
ctltetlo fot selectloo of bosloess ptocesses fot lo-memoty tecbooloqy ose.
( Data dynam|cs - Pow ofLen and predlcLably do daLa change?
( kange of var|at|on - 1o whaL exLend do key flgures Lyplcally change and how severe ls Lhe
correspondlng lnfluence on corporaLe success?
( Number of ana|ys|s opt|ons - Pow many alLernaLlves or worklng hypoLheses shall ldeally be
( Urgency of ana|ys|s resu|ts - 1o whaL exLend ls lL urgenL Lo obLaln analysls resulLs, e.g. Lo
meeL glven deadllnes, carry ouL subsequenL and dependenL process sLeps or Lo explolL
resulLs whlle sLlll meeLlng wlLh speclallsLs and managers?
( Comp|ex|ty of ana|ys|s - ls an analysls comparaLlvely complex due Lo underlylng algorlLhms
or daLa sLrucLures?
( Data vo|ume - are huge daLa volumes processed ln Lhe consldered buslness acLlvlLles?

ApparenLly, Lhe use of lMuM ls promlslng ln areas wlLh a h|gh |eve| of data dynam|cs and var|at|on,
many ana|ys|s opt|ons, urgent|y needed resu|ts, h|gh comp|ex|ty and huge data vo|umes.

lo ptloclple ooe coo ocbleve tbe followloq effects by osloq lMuM.
' Mass|ve |ncrease |n ana|ys|s frequency Lhrough a drasLlc reducLlon of response Llmes
' n|gher ana|ys|s f|ex|b|||ty as predeflned reporLlng hlerarchles become obsoleLe and a
mulLlLude of opLlons can be explored
' Lower data |atency, up Lo and lncludlng evaluaLlons ln real-Llme
' Lnhancement of data bandw|dth, e.g. hlsLorlc and currenL daLa can be analyzed LogeLher
' n|gher |eve| of deta|| Lhrough access Lo slngle documenLs and llne lLem daLa

8eal-llfe examples of lMu8 appllcaLlons:
1. MonlLorlng of sales and lnvenLory daLa ln reLall lndusLry Lo avold ouL-of-sLock slLuaLlons
2. CuallLy monlLorlng - durlng producLlon, large amounL of maLerlal daLa and equlpmenL
parameLers are capLured conLlnuously
3. ManagemenL of complalns - complalns abouL deflclencles are puL lnLo a sLaLlsLlc and hlsLorlc
conLexL. (cusLomer segmenLaLlon, based on Lhe complaln once recelved, you can
accommodaLe Lhls cusLomer)

LxploraLory analysls posslble:
a) rof|tab|||ty ana|ys|s - lMuM allows for lnvesLlgaLlon of conLrlbuLlon marglns wlLhouL any
predeflned level of aggregaLlon (noL resLrlcLlng yourself Lo predeflned producL or markeL)
b) Customer segmentat|on - huge amounLs of cusLomer and markeL daLa have Lo be explored
wlLh respecL Lo flexlblllLy chosen comblnaLlons of characLerlsLlc values.

Complex analysls:
a) Ava||ab|e-to-rom|se - provldes avallable quanLlLles of requesLed produces and
correspondlng dellvery daLes
b) "I|ex|b|e pr|c|ng |n sa|es" - ln negoLlaLlons wlLh cusLomer dlfferenL opLlons for prlces and
dlscounLs can be lnvesLlgaLed dlrecLly

lasL consolldaLlon:
a) Up-to-date sa|es f|gures - provldlng consolldaLed resulLs wlLh mosL currenL daLa as fasL as

AdapLlve plannlng:
a) roduct|on p|ann|ng - plannlng runs can be compleLed wlLh lMuM ln shorL Llme lnLervals
wlLh always up-Lo-daLe sLarLlng parameLers

Analysls of uaLa from Consumer uevlces:
a) ln-memory Lechnology enables processlng of exLreme volumes of hlghly dynamlc consumer daLa
from embedded sysLems, as Lhey appear e.g. ln domesLlc homes. (e.g. elecLrlclLy consumpLlon)

vom 8rocke, !an, ueborLoll, SLefan, Muller, Cllver, and 8euLer, nadlne (2014) "now In-
memory 1echno|ogy Can Create 8us|ness Va|ue: Ins|ghts from the n||t| Case,"
CommunlcaLlons of Lhe AssoclaLlon for lnformaLlon SysLems: vol. 34, ArLlcle 7.

WlLh |n-memory techno|ogy all daLa and appllcaLlons are kepL ln Lhe compuLer's maln memory Lo
avold expenslve mechanlcal hard-drlve, reduce laLency Llmes and lncrease Lhe ablllLy Lo process large
volumes of daLa or complex daLa. 1hls approach resulLs ln a slgnlflcanL lncrease of lnformaLlon
processlng capaclLy.

( 1here's a shorLage of Lhe klnd of experLlse LhaL ls requlred Lo reallze buslness value from ln-
memory Lechnology (purpose of Lhls arLlcle).

1echno|ogy push vs. techno|ogy pu||
$ 1echnology push - Lechnologlcal developmenLs are broughL abouL by sclence and new
Lechnologlcal advances are key drlvers of lnnovaLlon.
$ 1echnology pull - cusLomer need ls Lhe orlgln of Lechnologlcal developmenLs.

ln-memory Lechnology ls drlven by boLh Lechnology push and need pull. 1he need pull ls explalned by
Lhe emergence of 8lg uaLa" and Lhe deslre Lo collecL lnLelllgence from lL ln order Lo galn compeLlLlve
advanLage. New tecbooloqles ote oeeJeJ to collect vost omooot of complex Joto.

.&/**0 - one of Lhe mosL promlnenL plaLforms for 8lg uaLa processlng, whlch lmplemenLs Lhe
fundamenLal programmlng model MopkeJoce. Map8educe ls a baLch query processor LhaL ls
speclflcally deslgned for analyzlng whole daLa seLs ln ad hoc fashlon, buL noL for LransacLlon sysLems
and real-Llme processlng. ln conLrasL, ln-memory Lechnology addresses boLh of Lhese aspecLs of daLa
analysls ln addlLlon Lo provldlng hlgh-performance analyLlcal capablllLles.

In-memory techno|ogy and |ts f|ve pr|mary character|st|cs:
1. Data |s stored ent|re|y |n the computer's ma|n memory |nstead of on d|sk-based hard
dr|ves. 1haL enables dramaLlc decrease ln Lhe Llme requlred Lo access lL.
2. Mu|t|p|e CUs can process para||e| requests, Lhereby uslng Lhe avallable compuLlng
resources fully. Many operaLlons can be execuLed concurrenLly.
3. M|xed row- and co|umn-or|ented storage |s app||ed. lnsLead of row-based-only approach
LhaL ls lmplemenLed ln LradlLlonal relaLlonal daLabase managemenL sysLem, whlch allows
slngle Luples Lo be read qulckly buL lL's noL well sulLed Lo readlng a seL of resulLs from a slngle
column. Column-orlenLed daLabases on Lhe oLher hand are well sulLed Lo calculaLlons LhaL
are execuLed on a slngle or only few columns. 1hls lmproves daLa compresslon and allows for
masslve parallel processlng and efflclenL memory access.
4. IMD8MS offer compress|on techn|ques ||ke d|ct|onary encod|ng and run-|ength-encod|ng
that s|gn|f|cant|y reduce data s|ze.
S. IMD8MS |mp|ement an |nsert-on|y approach, so a database does not a||ow app||cat|ons to
perform updates or de|et|ons on phys|ca||y stored tup|es of data. uaLa changes are
recorded wlLhln Lhe same daLabase Lable, allowlng more efflclenL querles of hlsLorlcal daLa.

1he ob[ecLlve of hlgh-performance compuLlng ls Lo mlnlmlze Lhe average response Llme of a Lask ln a
real Llme", so Jotloq glven evenL.

*AppllcaLlons of ln-memory capablllLles:
1) ConLlnuous capLurlng of Lhe cusLomer daLa ln order Lo geL Lhe beLLer plcLure, gaLherlng Lhe
daLa ln order Lo ensure fasL reacLlon Lo lncldenLs (e.g. elevaLors' producer).
2) Crawl Lhe lnLerneL daLa Lo look for all lnformaLlon assoclaLed wlLh your company.
3) LnLerprlse search" - Lhe lostoot koowleJqe lloJet LhaL can analyze who has creaLed,
updaLed, downloaded and forwarded a documenL and dlsplay Lhese connecLlons ln order Lo
connecL lndlvlduals wlLh slmllar experLlse or lnLeresLs.
4) 1alk Lo me" - dlsplaylng daLa by verbal commands

llndlngs of Lhe paper:
l. 1be tecbolcol cbotoctetlstlcs of lo-memoty tecbooloqy ptovlJe fltst-otJet ooJ secooJ-
otJet effects.
order - we observe an lncrease ln Lhe lnformaLlon-processlng capablllLy provlded by ln-
memory Lechnology, such as lncreased speed of slngle calculaLlons or LransacLlons.

ll. 1be secooJ-otJet effects of lo-memoty tecbooloqy moolfest lo oJvooceJ bosloess
ooolytlcs ooJ tbe coovetqeoce of oolloe ttoosoctloo ptocessloq (Ol1l) ooJ oolloe
ooolytlcol ptocessloq (OlAl).
order - Lhe posslblllLles LhaL arlse from Lhe lncrease ln lnformaLlon processlng capaclLy. ln-
memory Lechnology allows CLA and CL1 sysLems Lo be converged by ellmlnaLlng Lhe
lnformaLlon laLency of convenLlonal L1L processes and enables analyses of hlsLorlcal" daLa aL
Lhe Llme a LransacLlon ls performed.

lll. 1be secooJ-otJet effects of lo-memoty tecbooloqy ote Jtlveo by teJoceJ loteocy tlmes
ooJ tbe oblllty to ptocess lotqe volomes of complex Joto.

1hree flrsL order effecLs as drlvers for second-order effecLs (reducLlon of laLency Llmes, Lhe ablllLy Lo
process large daLa volumes and Lhe ablllLy Lo process complex daLa).

lv. 1be voloe cteotloo tbtooqb lo-memoty tecbooloqy ls testtlcteJ by tbe copobllltles of tbe
ovetoll soclo-tecbolcol sttoctotes ooJ ptocesses.
1he reallzaLlon of beneflLs wlll be challenglng because roles and responslblllLles are noL clearly
deflned, processes are characLerlzed by lmprovlsaLlon and ad-hoc managemenL or human
[udgmenL and declslon-maklng are requlred. new governance sLrucLures musL be adapLed, e.g.
Lo allow for more auLonomous declslon maklng.

Tutori al 8

8aars and kermper, Management Support w|th Structured and Unstructured DataAn
Integrated 8us|ness Inte|||gence Iramework, lnformaLlon SysLems ManagemenL, vol. 23:
132-148, 2008

1hls paper presenLs Lhe lnLegraLlon of componenLs for handllng unsLrucLured daLa - Lhree
approaches glven.

1hree lnLeracLlng Lrends hlghllghL Lhe need for such soluLlons:
1. More LurbulenL, global buslness envlronmenL,
2. AddlLlonal pressures Lo unvell valld rlsk and performance lndlcaLors Lo sLakeholders
3. AggravaLed challenges of effecLlvely managlng more and more densely lnLerwoven processes

Structured data - Lhe daLa LhaL ls asslgned Lo dedlcaLed flelds and LhaL can Lhereby be dlrecLly
processes wlLh compuLlng equlpmenL. MosL sallenL Lools for analysls of such daLa: reporLlng, daLa
mlnlng and CLA.

1hree maln approaches Lo handle unsLrucLured daLa:
1. Integrated resentat|on - structured and
unstructured content are s|mu|taneous|y accessed v|a
|ntegrated user |nterface.
( AuLomaLlzed Lrlgger for a parallel search for flLLlng
conLenL ln a documenL reposlLory, sulLlng unsLrucLured Lo
sLrucLured daLa, CLA daLa and Lhe selecLed documenLs wlll be
presenLed slde by slde
( Maln beneflLs: funcLlons Lo access sLrucLured and
unsLrucLured daLa can be used LogeLher ln an efflclenL and
sLralghLforward manner and users have Lo geL accusLomed Lo
only one sysLem wlLh one user lnLerface only
( arallel screenlng can uncover and
vlsuallze oLherwlse neglecLed

2. Ana|ys|s of Content Co||ect|on - ana|ys|s
based on a structured descr|pt|on of
content |tems w|th metadata
( 8elevanL meLadaLa can elLher be enLered
manually by end users or could be
consLrucLed ouL of usage logs and search
( ldenLlflers of Lhe conLenL lLems are LreaLed as facLs LhaL are sub[ecL Lo analysls, whereas
meLadaLa flelds are used for classlflcaLlon purposes and serve as analysls dlmenslons,
( 1hree sLeps necessary for Lhls approach: exLracLlon of meLadaLa, lnLegraLlon lnLo sLrucLured
daLa reposlLory and lnLegraLed analysls
( Maln beneflLs: Lhls Lype of approach enables compleLely new Lypes of analyses and Lhereby
ln-depLhs lnslghL lnLo buslness lnLerrelaLlons

3. D|str|but|on of Ana|ys|s kesu|ts
and Ana|ys|s 1emp|ates - d|str|but|on of
8I know|edge that can be eff|c|ent|y
( 1hls approach presupposes LhaL
Lhere lndeed ls 8l knowledge LhaL can be
efflclenLly shared and LhaL ls of some
relevance for a sufflclenL number of
( 1hls analysls mlghL noL be
essenLlal for oLher segmenLs - buL Lhe
knowledge on how Lo achleve slgnlflcanL
resulLs and how Lo presenL Lhem
effecLlvely ls ln order Lo check for slmllar
( SLeps ln Lhls approach: daLa
exLracLlon, daLa analysls and reflnemenL,
Lransfer of analysls resulLs or analysls
LemplaLes Lo kM Lools for dlsLrlbuLlon
( Maln beneflL: faclllLaLed and more effecLlve and efflclenL appllcaLlon of analysls sysLems and
( Lspeclally more complex analysls (e.g. lnvolvlng callbraLlon or parameLerlzaLlon) are made
wldely accesslble

uavenporL , Compet|ng on ana|yt|cs, ueclslon Maklng, 2006

1hree key aLLrlbuLes among analyLlcs compeLlLors:
1. W|despread use of mode||ng and opt|m|zat|on
' AnalyLlcs compeLlLors look beyond baslc sLaLlsLlcs
' use of predlcLlve modellng Lo e.g. ldenLlfy mosL proflLable cusLomers
' oollng daLa generaLed ln-house and daLa from exLernal sources for comprehenslve
undersLandlng of cusLomers
2. An enterpr|se approach
' noL a slngle klller app" buL raLher mulLlple appllcaLlons supporLlng many parLs of
Lhe buslness
' AnalyLlcs gaLhered by cenLrallzed groups Lo ensure LhaL crlLlcal daLa and oLher
resources are well managed and LhaL dlfferenL parLs of Lhe organlzaLlon can share
daLa easlly, wlLhouL problems of lnconslsLenL formaL, deflnlLlons and sLandards
3. Sen|or execut|ve advocates
' Companywlde embrace of analyLlcs requlres leadershlp from execuLlves aL Lhe very
' Lower-level people lack Lhe perspecLlve and Lhe cross-funcLlonal scope Lo change Lhe
culLure ln any meanlngful way
' Lxperlence of Lop managemenL: knowlng when Lo run wlLh numbers and when Lo
run wlLh guLs

Sources of sLrengLh of analyLlcs compeLlLors:
1. 1he r|ght focus
) AnalyLlcs should encourage facL-based declslons, buL Lhere should be a dlrecLlon for
resource-lnLenslve efforLs, llke e.g. lncreaslng cusLomer loyalLy, cusLomer servlce and
relaLed areas such as prlclng and promoLlons
) lL's rlsky for your focus Lo become Loo dlffuse or Lo loose clear slghL of Lhe buslness
purpose behlnd each
2. 1he r|ght cu|ture
) lnsLllllng a companywlde respecL for measurlng, LesLlng and evaluaLlng quanLlLaLlve
) Lmployees should be urged Lo make declslons based on hard facLs
3. 1he r|ght peop|e
) AnalyLlcal flrms need analyLlcal people, good analysL besldes all analyLlcal skllls
should also have Lhe ablllLy Lo express complex ldeas ln slmple Lerms and have Lhe
relaLlonshlp skllls Lo lnLeracL well wlLh declslon makers (comblnaLlon of analyLlcal,
buslness and relaLlonshlp skllls)
4. 1he r|ght techno|ogy
) uoto sttoteqy - sysLems LhaL snaLch Lhe daLa from every concelvable source, daLa
handllng musL be able Lo presenL daLa ln sLandard formaLs, lnLegraLe lL, sLore lL ln a
daLa warehouse and make lL easlly accesslble Lo anyone and everyone
) 8osloess lotelllqeoce softwote - Lools LhaL allow people Lo exLracL, Lransform and
load (L1L) daLa for analysls for declslon-maklng purposes
) compotloq botJwote - Lhe volume of daLa processes ls a challenge for hardware,
many analyLlcs companles are converLlng Lhelr hardware Lo 64-blL processors LhaL
can cope wlLh large amounLs of daLa more qulckly

8oyd & Crawford, S|x rovocat|ons for 8|g Data, 2011

8|g data ls noLable noL because of lLs slze, buL because of lLs relaLlonallLy Lo oLher daLa. uue Lo
efforLs Lo mlne and aggregaLe Lhe daLa, 8lg uaLa ls fundamenLally neLworked. lLs value comes from
Lhe paLLerns LhaL can be derlved by maklng connecLlons beLween pleces of daLa, abouL an lndlvldual,
abouL lndlvlduals ln relaLlon Lo oLhers, abouL groups of people or slmply abouL Lhe sLrucLure of
lnformaLlon lLself.
Slx provocaLlons of 8lg uaLa, why lsn'L 8lg uaLa always a CreaL uaLa:
1. Automat|ng kesearch Changes the Def|n|t|on of know|edge
8lg uaLa creaLes radlcal shlfL ln how we Lhlnk abouL research. WlLh enough daLa numbers speak for
Lhemselves". uo Lhey? no. 1hls sLaLemenL reveals an arroganL undercurrenL ln many 8lg uaLa
debaLes where all oLher forms of analysls can be sldellned by producLlon llne of numbers, prlvlleged
as havlng a dlrecL llne Lo raw knowledge. 8lg uaLa ls abouL exacLly rlghL now, wlLh no hlsLorlcal
conLexL LhaL ls predlcLlve.

2. C|a|ms to Cb[ect|v|ty and Accuracy are M|s|ead|ng
Worklng wlLh 8lg uaLa ls sLlll sub[ecLlve and whaL lL quanLlfles does noL necessarlly have a closer
clalm on ob[ecLlve LruLh - parLlcularly when conslderlng messages from soclal medla slLes.
! All researchers are lnLerpreLers of daLa. uaLa needs Lo be lmaglned as daLa ln Lhe flrsL
lnsLance and Lhls process of Lhe lmaglnaLlon of daLa enLalls an lnLerpreLaLlve base.
! uaLa cleanlng" process - maklng declslons abouL whaL aLLrlbuLes and varlables wlll be
counLed and whlch wlll be lgnored. 1hls ls an lnherenLly sub[ecLlve process.
! Large daLa seLs from lnLerneL sources are ofLen unrellable, prone Lo ouLages and losses and
Lhese errors are even furLher magnlfled when mulLlple daLa seLs are used LogeLher.
! 1o make sLaLlsLlcal daLa clalms abouL a daLaseL, we need Lo know where daLa ls comlng from.

3. 8|gger Data are Not A|ways 8etter Data
1here ls a problemaLlc underlylng eLhos LhaL blgger ls beLLer, LhaL quanLlLy necessarlly means quallLy.
1wlLLer as a popular source for mlnlng 8lg uaLa, buL worklng wlLh 1wlLLer daLa has serlous
meLhodologlcal challenges LhaL are rarely addressed by Lhose who embrace lL.
(1wlLLer makes accesslble only 10 of daLa, whlch ls noL represenLaLlve for Lhe whole 1wlLLer
communlLy, whlch ls cerLalnly noL represenLaLlve for Lhe socleLy)
o 8esearchers comblne blg daLa seLs Lo obLaln even blgger daLa seLs. Whlle one of Lhe seLs
conLalns any errors, by connecLlng several such seLs we are drownlng ln errors.

4. Not A|| Data Are Lqu|va|ent
Some researchers presume LhaL daLa ls lnLerchangeable.
" uaLa Laken ouL of Lhe conLexL looses lLs meanlng and value. ConLexL maLLers.
" When Lwo daLaseLs can be modeled ln a slmllar way, Lhls does noL mean LhaL Lhey are
equlvalenL or can be analyzed ln Lhe same way.
" L.g neLworks produced Lhrough soclal medla and resulLlng from communlcaLlon Lraces are
noL necessarlly lnLerchangeable wlLh oLher soclal neLwork daLa.
" 1wo popular Lypes of soclal neLworks derlved from daLa Lraces:
o ArLlculaLed neLworks - neLworks resulLlng from people speclfylng Lhelr conLacLs
Lhrough a medlaLlng Lechnology (frlends, followers eLc.)
o 8ehavloral neLworks - neLworks derlved from communlcaLlon paLLerns, cell
coordlnaLes and soclal medla lnLeracLlons (people who are acLually
communlcaLlng, are Lagged LogeLher ln phoLos eLc.)
" 8oLh behavloral and arLlculaLed neLworks cannoL be equallzed Lo personal neLworks

3. Iust 8ecause |t |s Access|b|e Doesn't Make |t Lth|ca|
unanswered quesLlons of whaL ls Lhe sLaLus of so-called publlc" daLa on soclal medla slLes?
- Any daLa on human sub[ecLs lnevlLably ralse prlvacy lssues, and Lhe real rlsks of abuse of such
daLa re dlfflculL Lo quanLlfy
- lL's uneLhlcal Lo [usLlfy one's acLlons as eLhlcal slmply because Lhe daLa was accesslble. !usL
because conLenL ls publlcly accesslble lL doesn'L mean LhaL lL was meanL Lo be consumed by [usL
- Many eLhlcs boards do noL undersLand Lhe processes of mlnlng and anonymlzlng daLa, leL alone
errors can cause daLa Lo become personally ldenLlflable.
- ulfference beLween belng publlc and belng ln publlc

6. L|m|ted Access to 8|g Data Creates New D|g|ta| D|v|des
Cnly soclal medla companles have access Lo really large soclal daLa - especlally LransacLlonal
1op unlverslLles are llkely Lo buy large daLa, and Lhe sLudenLs of Lhese unlverslLles are more
llkely Lo geL a [ob aL Lhe daLa companles, lncreaslng Lhe gap beLween Lop unlverslLles
graduaLes and perlpheral unlverslLles' sLudenLs.
8lg uaLa researches wlLh access Lo proprleLary daLa seLs are less llkely Lo pose quesLlons LhaL
are conLenLlous Lo soclal medla company and LhaL could resulL ln Lhelr access Lo daLa belng
cuL (chllllng effecL on Lhe klnd of research quesLlons posed)
new dlglLal dlvlde: 8lg uaLa 8lch and 8lg uaLa oor
1hree classes of people ln Lhe realm of 8lg uaLa: Lhose who creaLe daLa, Lhose who collecL
Lhe daLa and Lhose who analyze Lhe daLa (lasL group ls Lhe smallesL and more prlvlleged)

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