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witnessed such a scenario, but they are con- gather some minor objects.

In assuming that
vinced that this is the case, thus ‘proving’ that stinginess motivated Yaakov, Paroh erred.
Paroh’s Error Jews do not observe Shabbos.
Rav Yeruchem Levovitz zt”l, the pre-
It was inconceivable to Paroh that Yaakov’s
honesty nudged him to go back.
World War II mashgiach of the Mirrer Yeshi- Yaakov’s real motive in returning was, as
By Rabbi Nachum Eisenstein va, enlightened us as to what was occurring: Rashi notes, to collect a few small items, be-
Lakewood, N.J. The non-Jewish world’s accusation follows cause the righteous treat their property with
their presumption. Because the non-Jew is care to prevent its theft. (Others explain that
“Ve’einchem al tachos al k’leichem ki tuv of thanking Rav Shimon for his honesty, he bound to his temptation, although in many their property is precious to them because
kol eretz Mitzrayim lochem hu - And let your praised Hashem. The question is, if he meant situations he can control himself, in this sce- they acquired it honestly.) The presence of
eyes not take pity on your belongings, for to thank Hashem, it was unnecessary to men- nario he would succumb. these items also serves as a reminder that we
the best of all the land of Egypt - it is yours” tion Rav Shimon, and if he meant to thank From that perspective, the non-Jewish have to practice being honest in all monetary
(Bereishis 45:20). Rav Shimon, mentioning Hashem only de- world is absolutely right. We know, however, dealings.
We will attempt to provide some insight tracted from Rav Shimon’s praise. that it is inaccurate, because Jews are indeed This being Yaakov’s motive, Paroh’s com-
into what prompted Paroh to make this an- The meforshim suggest that the owner was capable of controlling themselves even under ment was totally irrelevant. It was not Yaa-
nouncement. really thanking Rav Shimon, but he realized such circumstances. How? Because the Jews’ kov’s stinginess or paying attention to mun-
We are aware that Yaakov Avinu was con- that Rav Shimon’s display of honesty was a acceptance of the Torah transformed them dane details that the wealth of Mitzrayim
cerned about losing even small items. As direct result of having Hashem in his sight. from an ordinary nation into an am kadosh, a could satisfy; rather, the honesty with which
we know, from Parshas Vayishlach, when The average person could not muster up the holy people. Kedushah requires the defiance he acquired those items was what was irre-
he returned to gather some pachim ketanim, courage to overcome such temptation, espe- of temptation. Jews are thus imbued with the placeable.
at which time he encountered the Saro Shel In contrast, Paroh’s earlier trust in Yosef
Eisav and wrestled with him. Paroh as- was truly amazing. Recognizing rare honesty
sumed that this would repeat itself and that Jews are thus imbued with the ability and dedication, Paroh appointed Yosef as the
Yaakov would take meticulous care to col- second-in-command, bending the rules and
lect every item, thus prolonging his descent to withstand all types of pressures. elevating a slave to such a prestigious posi-
into Mitzrayim. Because Paroh felt that Yaa- tion. Although Yosef was a foreigner, Paroh
kov’s arrival was imperative and should not cially since the original owner would have ability to withstand all types of pressures. recognized Yosef’s integrity and overlooked
be delayed, he informed Yaakov that it was never been aware of the incident. The only A Jew can walk away from such a tempting all of the other details. It was in Egypt’s best
unnecessary to bother gathering his posses- way for this to occur was through Rav Shi- situation. interest to allow Yosef to supervise and over-
sions, because the best of Mitzrayim would mon’s fear of Hashem. Visualizing Hashem Rav Shimon Ben Shetach’s holiness see the storing of food for the seven famine
be his, and that was far better than anything was key in every move Rav Shimon made. caused him to return the diamond. Even the years. Yet Paroh could not fathom Yaakov’s
that he would leave behind. With that perception, Rav Shimon easily re- diamond’s non-Jewish owner recognized this honesty that caused him to return to collect
The Medrash relates that Rav Shimon Ben turned the diamond. In essence, the owner and, in his praise, mentioned Hashem, the some insignificant items.
Shetach purchased an animal from a non- thanked Rav Shimon for achieving such a Source of such strength, Who transformed We should recognize our inherent kedu-
Jew and found a precious jewel tucked un- high level of yiras Shomayim, which allowed the Jews from an ordinary people into a holy shah and seek to develop it so that our mo-
der its collar. His students said that Hashem him to be so honest. one. tives will be proper and all of our actions will
should be thanked for providing him with The Gemara mentions that the non-Jewish Paroh misinterpreted Yaakov’s return to result in a kiddush Hashem.
such riches. Rav Shimon replied, “I bought world suspects that religious Jews do not re-
an animal, not a diamond, and it should be ally observe Shabbos. They base that accusa-
returned to the animal’s owner.” The owner, tion on the notion that if a Jew were walking
upon receiving his diamond back, exclaimed, on Shabbos and stumbled upon a large sum The Eternal Flame
“Praised be, Hashem of Rav Shimon.” of money, if no one was watching him, he Extending the Light of Chanukah to the Rest of the Year
The owner’s comment is unusual. Instead would pick up the money. They have never
By Rav Moshe Shternbuch
represents the perpetuation of Torah for all
generations. No matter what, the light of
The following was Torah continues.
s"xc written by Rabbi Dan- The Reform and Conservative move-
iel Yaakov Travis based on a drasha given ments have attempted to extinguish the

Need Help with on leil Shabbos by Rav Moshe Shternbuch,

Rosh Av Beis Din of the Eidah Hachareidis
of Yerushalayim.
flame of the Jewish people. They decided
that Torah observance could not continue
in the modern world, and that they must

Gemorah? •••••
Chanukah is a special Yom Tov of Hallel
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After the destruction that took place in •••••
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shepnv erp vcurn erp • ihzjut ohba erp • Europe during World War II, many thought Rabbi Travis is a rosh kollel of Kol-
that the Jewish people had fallen. Sixty lel Toras Chaim in Yerushalayim, and is
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NETWORK Chanukah candles represent far more able from Feldheim Publishers. For more
1618 43RD STREET / BROOKLYN, NY 11204 / 718-436-4999 than the miracle that transpired during the information about his work, contact dytra-
time of the Chashmonaim. The menorah

Page 40 YATED NE’EMAN 8 Teves 5770 • December 25 2009

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