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Sumber :

Peggy J. Park. global warming. The lucent library of science and technology.1951.
Footnote :
Changes in from clouds ( hal. 5!
Clouds block much of the sun energy" reflecting it back into s#ace before it can be
absorbed by earth or atmos#here. $o" the thicker and more #lentiful bclouds are" the
cooler the earth %ill be. &f there %ere no clouds in the sky" the #lanet %ould be about
' degrees hotter that its today.
Change in from continental drift (hal. 19('!
The continental drift change the #lanet in the #ast %ith the constant mo)ing and
shifting of #late tectonics that continues to sha#e the oceans and lands. *s a result"
mountains form oceans shift direction and there are also changes in air circulation or
the ongoing motion of the atmos#here o)er the earth.
Changes in from earth+s orbit and tilt (hal. ,(5!
&f the #lanet+s tilt %ere to increase" the #oles %ould recei)e more sun in the summer"
and the ice co)er %ould likely begin to shrink. -o%e)er" the earth+s tilt %ere to
decrease" the #oles %ould be colder and the ice sheets and glaciers %ould #robably
Changes in form ocean acti)ity ( hal '(!
/ost of heats that esca#e from oceans come from %ater )a#or" %hen ocean %aters
become %armer than usual" such as %hen they absorb higehr than a)erage le)els of
sunlight" they emit more %ater )a#or into the atmos#here.
Changes in from )olcanoes ( hal. (,!
0hen )olcanoes eru#t" they send huge clouds of )olcanic materials. The )olcanic
materials forms a thick ha1e that #re)ents sunlight from reaching earth and cause
global cooling.
Climate and %eather ( hal 12(13!
0eather is tem#orary" fluctuating from month to month" day to day" or e)en hour to
hour. *nd" climate remains constant.
4lobal %arming ( hal. 15(19!
4lobal %arming refers to obser)ation that the atmos#here near the earth+s surface is
%arming %ithout any im#lication for cause or magnitude because" climate change that
earth has gone through in the #ast and %ill continue to go through the future.
-urricanes ( hal 25(22!
* )iolent kind of storm" are only formed o)er oceans because they dra% their energy
from %arm tro#ical %aters" normally abo)e 51 degrees fahrenheit.
/alaria " dengue fe)er" mos6uitoes ( hal. 5'(51!
-igher tem#erature can also sub7ect human beings to increased outbreaks of deadly
infectious disease. This is because a %armer climate can lead to and increase in
mos6uitoes %hich carry the disease.

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