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Topics for essays

source explanati
&' Narrati(e Writin)
a' Write a story startin) *it+ ,W+en I
entere- t+e room..'/
0' Write a story en-in) *it+ ,I ne(er sa*
+er a)ain after t+at/
c' T+e -ay I lost somet+in) important to
-' T+e time I *as left alone
1' $in)le Wor- essays
a' Forest
0' Pocket Money
c' 2o(e
-' 3ome*ork
4' Descripti(e Writin)
a. A frien- *+o ma-e a -i5erence in
my life x
b. My +appiest moment
c. A trip I en6oye-
d. My fa(ourite 0ook
7' Ar)umentati(e Writin)
a' T+e 6oy of )i(in)
0' "ein) a teena)er
c' W+y I lo(e my country8
-' T+e *orl- a +un-re- years from
9' Ar)umentati(e Writin)
a. A pass in t+e En)lis+ paper s+oul-
0e ma-e compulsory x
b. Plastic 0a)s s+oul- 0e 0anne-
c. We +a(e a 0etter life t+an our
d. Mo0ile p+ones s+oul- 0e allo*e- in
Tips for ontinuous Writin)
T+is :uestion re:uires t+e you to *rite an
essay 0ase- on t+eir experiences; t+ou)+ts;
or re<ections'
%ou +a(e a c+oice *+ere =(e topics are )i(en
an- you only nee- to select one' T+ese topics
can 0e classi=e- in follo*in) *ays>
&' narrati(e
1' -escripti(e
4' ar)umentati(e
7' expository?factual
9' one-*or- essays @For example> ,Water/A
Tips in writing continuous essay writing:
&' +oose t+e topic t+at you prefer most'
1' "rainstorm your i-eas @allocate &B-&9
4' Or)aniCe an- outline your essay'
7' $tart *ritin) t+e essay - intro-uction; 0o-y;
an- conclusion'
9' Proof rea- an- e-it your essay
D' Narrati(e Writin)
e' Write a story startin) *it+ ,Fat+er +a- suc+ an an)ry look on +is face t+at I..'
f' Write a story en-in) *it+ ,I kne* I +a- ma-e t+e ri)+t c+oice'/
)' T+e -ay I lost somet+in) important to me
+' E.................'
F' $in)le Wor- essays
e' Forest
f' Money
)' 2o(e
+' 3ome*ork
G' Descripti(e Writin)
e. A frien- *+o ma-e a -i5erence in my life
f. My +appiest moment
g. A trip I en6oye-
h. My fa(ourite 0ook
H' Ar)umentati(e Writin)
-' T+e 6oy of )i(in)
e' "ein) a teena)er
f' W+y I lo(e my country8
)' m
&B'Expository Writin)
e. A pass in t+e En)lis+ paper s+oul- 0e ma-e compulsory
f. Plastic 0a)s s+oul- 0e 0anne-
g. We +a(e a 0etter life t+an our )ran-parents
h. Our life is to +elp ot+ers'
i. 3an-p+ones s+oul- 0e allo*e- in sc+ools
Tips for ontinuous Writin)
T+is :uestion re:uires t+e you to *rite an essay 0ase- on t+eir experiences; t+ou)+ts; or
%ou +a(e a c+oice *+ere =(e topics are )i(en an- you only nee- to select one' T+ese topics can
0e classi=e- in follo*in) *ays>
&' narrati(e
1' -escripti(e
4' ar)umentati(e
7' expository?factual
9' one-*or- essays @For example> ,Water/A
Tips in writing continuous essay writing:
&' +oose t+e topic t+at you prefer most'
1' "rainstorm your i-eas @allocate &B-&9 minutesA'
4' Or)aniCe an- outline your essay'
7' $tart *ritin) t+e essay - intro-uction; 0o-y; an- conclusion'
9' Proof rea- an- e-it your essay

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