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Landing Page

Landing page should have [user Activity] [Group Activity] and [Forum Activity] as widgets.
In [ User Activity] the logged in user should be able to select two option {select}<All members><my
In Group Activity there should be a provision to filter [All Groups][My Recent Activity] Similarly in Forum
Add infinite scroller (load on scroll div) to Prospective student (being logged in as teacher1) / Suggested
Teachers (being logged in as student1)

On the homepage

Announcement on the homepage need to have load on scroll feature, by default show 5 rows, further
load on scroll. Entries to this section needs to be filled up from the admin portal. The manage
announcement should be a feature similar to Manage Course Figure 1
There should be a button [New announcement]. That will open up a Jquery popup dialogue window
form as below figure2. Which will have fields: {Description}, {Valid till} (jquery date picker)


Figure: 2
Notification needs to be renamed to Activity. Activity should be grouped by username, one row
showing one users entry. Ordered by time showing last 10 activity. I should be showing more on scroll,
like infinite scroller technique.
Eg: of below should be
rajibtchr has 5 activity in last 24 hours.
Student2 has 3 activity in the recent past (if time more than 24 hour)

On the profile page of rajibtcr a detailed list of activity should be shown similar to facebook timeline on
peoples profile

Being logged in as teacher1, one must see his course price. Add the column. (code change hint: Just to
remove the filter in list). Column already shown to students, remove filter.

In the let menu for Course {mycourse} and {manage} it is closed by default need to be opened when
active. When I am on Exam it works but not when either or above.

Being logged in as student1, I shall see all test. The test needs to be enhanced. There has to be a process
of creating a temporary table to make data retrieval fast. In current scenario test question for a given
test series is retrieved from the main table at the time of testing a candidate.
Propose me a plane before starting to work on this.
Being logged in as student
For all files that has a price need to show an intermediate page to purchase similar to paid course

eg: i am user A, I have groups : Ga, Gb, Gc, Gd. If my recent activity was in group Gc then it should be
recorded in the recent activity on the home page. Group page should have forum as shown in the image
of orkut below. Forums will run different topics. For each topic group members will be able to post
comments similar to a forum thread ( see second image below).

This is a dedicated forum similar to above as described. Difference is forum will be public. Like non-
dronapedia members can read the post publicly.
Check this for example:
Being logged in as Admin

New menu items must include
1) Announcements (as discussed above should have a list and form to add new announcement.
2) Form to add advertisement code.

Custom Message on course
Being Logged in As Student1, when a user clicks on a paid course without enrolling gets an error 403 like
image 2.

Image 2

I want this to be redirected to a page that will request user to enroll and payment page. If there is a
pending order then forward user to that.
Similar feature is needed in the file section or the Library

User Avatar edit page
It is not as expected. Need improvement in this, user should be able to upload image. Save the original
as it is. However an ability to adjust thumbnail is provided.
Also show a log if all profile pictures uploaded and give an option to chose current profile pic from the

Test section
This is where teachers create test papers that contain questions. Each test paper contains one or more
question. Each test paper must be related to at-least one course. Following it the ER diagram or the

Being logged in As teacher1, Go to Classroom> exam> Create test > Add Questions

For both subjective and Objective need to have the text editor changed to wysiwyg editor eg: CKeditor.
And need to have a paint canvas. CK editor should have all basic feature like bolt, italics, symbols(to
include math symbols) image upload, Table, bullet, [custom button] Draw diagram -> that will open up a
HTML5 canvas as below in image 3


For subjective the field [Maximum number of words] has to be set and used in future(explained in next
Request Assessment
Each teacher can see a button (invite students) that sends message. I want it to be more than just
sending message. Test request must be inserted to a table for corresponding students that the student
will see as a list under Available test list with priority set to High

Test As seen to Student
Being logged in as student1, he should see the list of test-paper available. Under the exam menu.
Available Test list is new and it should list all tests that are available from connected teachers as low
priority and List of test that are requested by the teacher as High priority. Students can only see the low
priority test but not take the test, An approval request must be sent to the testpaper author (teacher)
before he can take the test.

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